Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
can e n o y n NC" A . C . . m w a o r "N prog 798 thermwood First in CNC Routers Thermwood pioneered CNC routers. Now, Thermwood has pioneered a new programming system which solves the last, and greatest, problem of CNC routers, creating the program. The Thermwood Probe The Thermwood Probe The Thermwood Probe System is the single most significant improvement in CNC router programming since the Hand Held Programmer. It is a highly advanced technology that is so easy to use that virtually anyone can create fast efficient programs in minutes, even for complex shapes. Five axis, three dimensional curves, which required days of effort by highly trained programmers using expensive CAD/CAM systems, can now be programmed in a few minutes by almost anyone. In plastics, complex trim paths can be generated in minutes. In woodworking, complex curves, samples and even three dimensional wood carvings can be programmed using the Probe. In aerospace, programs can be quickly developed for existing parts and existing surfaces. To create a program using the Thermwood Probe System... "Just move the Probe over the part" The Probe can be used to program both three axis and five axis par ts. When mounted to the machine head, the Probe is used to move the machine axes. For example, when you pull down on the probe, regardless of the orientation of the head, the Z axis moves down. It is like power steering for your machine. You move the Probe, and thus the machine head, around the part you want to program. It moves slowly during programming, allowing ample time to generate an accurate, smooth path. The machine runs at normal cutting speed during program execution. The Probe can also be used to generate a series of paths needed to machine a smooth curved surface. Programming the surface is done automatically using the Probe. The outside edge of the part and the step over per pass is first 2 defined. Then, the probe moves automatically, back and forth over the surface creating the program. It is now easy to create patterns or molds, reproduce antique furniture or create almost any surface from a model. "programs are smooth and accurate" The resulting programs are similar to programs created by advanced CAD/CAM systems. Programs are accurate, since they were created directly from the part. This is not always the case with programs created from theoretical data using a CAD/CAM system. The Thermwood Probe can also be used to spot points on a part, and then upload these points to a CAD/CAM system for final program development. This insures that the resulting program actually matches the real part. "increase production, quality and profits" Since program development occurs very quickly, more machine time is available for production and less machine time is required for programming or debugging of off line created programs. Since the program matches an actual trimmed part, overall product quality improves. Complex program paths are as smooth as those created by advanced five axis CAD/ CAM systems and execute faster than most programs created using lines and arcs. This means faster cycle times and more production. How Does It Work? The Probe attaches to the router spindle. The Probe tool is in line with the router bit but offset about 4 inches in front of the router bit position. The Probe is mechanically clamped to the router and electronically connected using two plug connectors. Now we are ready to... Probe the part. The probe tool is used to move the three linear axes of the machine. The machine will move in whatever direction the probe is moved. This movement is very natural since the machine moves in the correct direction regardless of the orientation of the head. Pulling on the probe when it lies along the X axis will move the X Axis. Pulling on the probe when it lies along the Y Axis will move the Y Axis. Pulling on the probe when it is between the two will move each axis so that the head moves in the direction the probe is pointed. The two rotary head axes are controlled using a control button. With a little practice, moving the head along any desired path becomes easy and natural. Programs can be developed using the "Point Mode", the "Path Mode" or a combination of the two. In the "Point Mode", the machine is moved around freely until a desired position is reached and then that position is programmed by pressing the "Point Record Button". In the "Path Mode", the control records the entire path as it is generated and this path becomes part of the program. Thermwood's Hand Held Programmer works seamlessly with the probe providing even more power and capability. Once the program is complete, the final step is.. Adjust the offset. Since the probe tool was located in front of the location of the router bit during program development, we now use Thermwood's five axis cutter length compensation capability to shift the program the correct distance toward the part during program execution. Simply type the offset value in the compensation table and... How Does It Work? Plug it in... Run the part. Note that the program executes much faster than it was taught. Five axis program development has never been easier. 3 Frequently Asked Questions ? 4 What is the Thermwood Probe? The Thermwood Probe is an electronic sensor which attaches to the head of a Thermwood CNC Router. Pulling on the Probe causes the machine head to move in the direction that the Probe is pulled. It is like power steering for the machine head. Special software allows complex CNC programs to be created by simply moving the Probe over a trimmed part. Will the Probe work on a five axis machine? Yes. Sophisticated software allows the probe to move the machine in the direction you are pulling regardless of the orientation of the head. For example, if you pull on the Probe when it is orientated along the X axis, the X axis will move. If you pull on the Probe when it is orientated along the Y axis, the Y axis will move. If the Probe is between the X and Y axis, both axes will move so that the machine moves in the direction that you are pulling. The "feel" of this is very natural. It seems that the machine simply follows whatever direction you are pulling the Probe. How do you move axis 4 and 5, the rotary head axes? The Probe body contains a red flex button which controls the two rotary head axes. Pulling down or up moves Axis 5 and pulling sideways moves Axis 4. Again, it is natural and intuitive. Simply pull the button in the direction you want the head to rotate and it will rotate in that direction. ? Can I move the rotary axes and the linear axes at the same time? Yes. By guiding the Probe with one hand and the flex-button with the other, complex motions, including full five axis paths can be generated. There are several programming modes for the Probe. Trimming programs are created using the "Point Mode" and the "Path Mode". In the "Point Mode", the Probe is used to move the machine to a desired position and the position is entered. The program will execute a linear motion from the last position to the current position. In this mode, the Probe and the Hand Held Programmer can be used together. For example, the Hand Held Programmer could be used to achieve the approximate position and then the Probe used to achieve a final position. You can go back and forth between using the Probe and using the Hand Held Programmer. The motion can be entered either using the Hand Held Programmer or the Probe. A second programming mode for the Probe is the "Path Mode". While in this mode, the path that the Probe moves is recorded. This is ideal for programming curved trim paths and produces code that is similar to that produced by sophisticated five axis CAD/CAM systems. The "Point Mode", "Path Mode" and Hand Held Programmer input can all be combined in a single program. For example, the Hand Held Programmer and Probe can be used to locate the starting position. The "Path Mode" can then tions are endless and programming time has never been shorter. A third mode, called the "Scan Mode" is also available. This mode only works in three axes and is used to machine a three dimensional surface. Using the "Scan Mode" the outer perimeter of a model is defined and a parameter called " step over" is defined . The machine then automatically scans back and forth over the surface of the model, shifting the " step over" distance between each scan until the entire surface has been programmed. Frequently Asked Questions ? be used to define a curved trim path. The Probe, in the "Point Mode", can then be used to locate the starting point of a circular cut out and the circle can be programmed using the Hand Held Programmer. The combina- How do you create a program using the Probe? ? 5 Frequently Asked Questions How much faster is programming with the Probe? That depends on the part. It is not uncommon to cut programming time in half on relatively simple parts. For more complex parts with curved flowing trim lines, the Probe can create a program in few minutes that might take days of longer to develop using older methods. We believe that combining the Probe and the Hand Held Programmer offers the fastest programming system available and will require less overall machine time than even using off line CAD/CAM programming systems. ? 6 Does this mean I no longer need my CAD/CAM system? Not necessarily. If you have a CAD/CAM system, you already know that the only way to get reasonably accurate trim programs is to record points on the machine and then back load them into the CAD system and develop the trim path. Using the Probe and the "Point Mode", the needed points can be generated in a few minutes rather than a few hours. If you don't have a CAD system, however, the Probe may very well provide all the programming capabilities needed and eliminate the need to purchase a CAD system. The optimum system for each company will vary depending on the complexity of the parts and the number of new programs required. Will the Probe work on older Thermwood 5 axis routers? The Probe will work on any Thermwood router equipped with a 91000 SuperControl and software version 3.12 or higher. Older versions of the SuperControl will require an update to the newest operating system and SuperControls with the old SIO board design will need the newer high speed SIO board. The operating system update comes with a Probe purchase and the SIO board upgrade is reasonably priced. Older Thermwood AC or DC drive machines with 9100 or earlier controls will need to upgrade their control to the current 91000 SuperControl. The cost of this upgrade varies depending on the control and drives currently on the machine. Attractive packages are available for many of the older systems. You will need to contact Thermwood directly to determine the possibility and cost of a control upgrade on your machine. It is not cost effective to try and upgrade the very old stepping motor machines. In this case it will cost less to simply sell your old machine and purchase a new system. The overall performance improvements should more than pay for the increased investment. No. The high speed multiprocessing required to run the Probe is not currently available from commercial controls. Also, the systems software required for the probe is resident in the control, and Thermwood has applied for patents on the creation of 5 axis programs with a Probe and is not inclined to provide this capability to its competitors. The only way is to have your machine retrofitted to a Thermwood 91000 SuperControl. Thermwood Technical Services is willing to perform this type of retrofit at a substantially lower cost than purchasing a new machine. With the retrofit you also will receive a license to use the technology under any patents issued to Thermwood for the Probe. Again, contact Thermwood for more information. Will a Probe generated program run on a different type of 5 axis machine? Probably not. For the program to work properly, the mechanical configuration of the Thermwood head on which the program was generated and the head, on which it is to be run, must be the same. Also, program execution requires real time five axis tool length compensation which is a feature not normally available on lower cost commercial five axis controls. Does the Probe system replace the Thermwood Hand Held Programmer? Not normally. The Probe is designed to work seamlessly with the Hand Held Programmer. The Probe does some things extremely well, the Hand Held Programmer does others very well. Together, they offer what we think is the fastest, easiest and most efficient five axis programming system in the world. Frequently Asked Questions ? ? Can I run the Probe on other machines? How do I use the Probe with my existing Machine? 7 Specifications Specifications The Thermwood Probe System including Renishaw three axis probe, an integrated Thermwood two axis rotary head control, 6 probe tips, interface wiring, mounting hardware and probe software.............. $24,500 Profile Thermwood Corporation has been building CNC routers longer than anyone else. It was the first company to offer a CNC router to the industr y and much of today’s CNC router technology originated at Thermwood. Today Thermwood is one of the most successful companies in the history of this market. Thermwood's Corporate Headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Southern Indiana. When you deal with Thermwood you are dealing with the technology and business leader in this industry. To learn more about current happenings at Thermwood visit our Web Site at or e-mail; Thermwood Probe System No. of axes Controlled Probe Tip Head Control Programming Speed (Proportional to force applied to Probe inputs) Control Requirements Thermwood 91000 SuperControl (Software Version 3.12 or Higher) Head Compatibility • 3 Axis Mounts to side of spindle • Model 40 Carving Router Mounts to side of head • 5 Axis Columbo 8HP w/draw bar Columbo 7.5HP Dual End Perske 7HP Perske 7.5HP Dual End Programming Modes • Point Machine executes linear motions between entered points • Path Machine repeats exact path traced during programming • Surface Auto scanning of a surface in three axes Mode Indicator Mixed Mode Programming Point and Path Mode Hand Held Programmer Input Compensate for Probe Tip Weight Tip Weight Table Positions 8 3 2 Varies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LED on Probe Yes Point Mode Only Probe Tip Weight sequence Measures the effect of the Tip Weight on Probe and stores this in a Tip Weight Table. 7 thermwood First in CNC Routers Thermwood Corporation, PO Box 436, Dale, IN 47523, 800 533-6901, 812 937-4476, 812 937-2956 Fax