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Live Music, September Bluegrass is Full of Fun Festival and Eventsour for Winter Wonderland! Discover National Everyone Recording Star Fill Up Fall Check Us Out on Facebook and Twitter! THE THE jackson county JAUNTS I R E T T O IssueN5 VolumeS I18, R CE September/October 2015 V CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER (Cont.'d on Page 2) Bicentennial CelebrationsEContinue R V IS IT T IS V 4-6 Jackson County Watermelon Festival, courthouse square, Brownstown. Visit on Facebook. 5 Jackson 100 Tune Up at Brownstown Speedway, located on Highway 250, Brownstown. 812-358-5332 or visit 5 He is Risen Car Show, 10-5 p.m., Cornerstone Community Church, 1088 Sarasota Drive, Seymour. $10 registration fee. 812-525-8142. 6 Dedication ceremony for Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Plaza, Main Terminal Building, 1025 A. Avenue, Seymour, 1 p.m. Tim at 9 Nature Time for preschool-aged children, 9:30 -11 a.m., Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 12985 E. US Hwy. 50, Seymour. 812-522-4352. 11-12 Country Neighbors Reap the Harvest Open House, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call Denise at 812-834-5529, email or call 812-497-3057. 12 Gears for Girls Bike Ride. Ride options include 6.5, 17 or 30 miles. Contact Girls Inc. at 812-522-2798. 12 Fish Fry Fundraiser for Joe Jackson Hotel, held at the Whistle Stop Café, downtown Vallonia. 12 Battle of the Badges Basketball Tournament for Police, Fire and Sheriff ’s Department, Boys and Girls Club of Seymour, 950 N. O’Brien St. 812-528-1028 or email 12 A Night of HeART & Soul, 2015 Artful Affair, Pines Evergreen Room, 4289 N. U.S. Hwy. 31, Seymour, 6:30 p.m. Silent auction, Enos Road. 812-522-2278. 15 Equip2Empower conference and workshop, 8 a.m., Jackson County Learning Center, 323 Dupont Dr., Seymour. Call 812-525-5424. 17 Seymour CityJam with Old Salt Union, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., East Second Street. 812-522-2278. 18-19 36th Annual Jackson 100 at Brownstown Speedway. 812-358-5332 19 Guided Bird Walk, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 8 a.m. at Visitor Center. 812-522-4352. 18-19 Norman Station Conservation Club Camp Jamfest and Bluegrass Festival. 812-834-5184 or 812-498-3284. R SEPTEMBER IT OR CEN T E Letterhead size O you EanNimportant role in Indiana’s 200th birthday in 2016? Would R like to Cplay 2016 is not only Indiana’s bicentennial but also the 200th birthday of Jackson County and the county seat, Brownstown. One statewide event that is being planned for 2016 is the Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay. An Olympic style torch relay will be held in each of Indiana’s 92 counties. Jackson County’s portion of the relay event will begin at 9 a.m. on September 15, 2016. The relay will begin with a celebration at the courthouse in Brownstown and will move to the front lawn of Seymour High School. The torch will continue to Freeman Field, return to the Brownstown area and then continue to Medora Covered Bridge. About 25 local people are needed to help carry the torch. To be considered, a person must be nominated and be a current or former resident of the county. Visit to download the application and email to Torchbearers will be selected by a local committee, approved by April 2016 and announced in June 2016. Other events are planned to celebrate the Bicentennial, including The Bicentennial Ball, which will be held from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on December 31, at Celebrations Event Center in Seymour. Tickets go on sale in September. A buffet dinner, a well bar and live music from Sound of Dreams and Bad Medicine are included in the $100/couple ticket price. All proceeds benefit the Bicentennial Planning Committee. Gift items such as shirts, Jackson County puzzles, commemorative booklets and handmade Bicentennial crafts are available for purchase at the Jackson County Visitor Center. Keep up on Bicentennial happenings at SEPTEMBER (Cont.'d) 19 2nd Annual Jackson County Antique Farm Machinery Show, 8 -5 p.m., Highway 250 East. Swap meet. Visit on Facebook. 19 Seymour Main Street Sidewalk Saturdays, 9-1 p.m. held downtown. 812-498-8991. 19 Marvin Parish at Salt Creek Winery, 2-5 p.m., 7603 W. Co. Rd. 925N., Freetown. 812-497-0254 20 Kenny Wallace Driving Experience at Brownstown Speedway., 812-358-5332. 20 D.A.R.E. Annual Soap Box Derby, 1 p.m., West Second Street. 812-522-1234 or email 20 Emi Sunshine, Brooklyn Pizza Company, 753 W. Second Street, Seymour, 5 p.m. Tickets at Artistic Impressions and The Brooklyn Pizza Company. Call 812-524-8888. 25-26 Hens and Chicks Barn Market, 5602 E. Co. Rd. 100 N., Seymour. 812-528-2303/812-216-1449, www. 26 National Public Lands Day, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, Seymour, 8 a.m. 812-522-4352. 26 Racing at Brownstown Speedway, Highway 250. 812-3585332 or visit 26-27 Hoosier Heartland Alpacas Open House, 2500 N. Co. Rd. 1000W., Seymour. 812-445-7874 26 Archaeology Day held at Starve Hollow State Recreation Area, 4345 S. Co. Rd. 275W., Vallonia. Call 812-358-3464. 26 Aviation Awareness Day, Freeman Field, 1035 A. Ave., Seymour. Museum open. Aircraft displayed. 812-522-2031. OCTOBER 1-3Seymour Oktoberfest, downtown. Call 812-522-4020, visit 3 Racing at Brownstown Speedway, located on Highway 250. 812-358-5332 or visit 8-11 20th Annual Funfest at Brownstown Speedway. 812-3585332 or visit 10 Log Cabin Day Festival, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. Bean dinner, tours of closed area. 812-522-4352. 10 Houston Fall Festival, Co. Rd. 750, Buffalo Pike, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vendors, food, music, entertainment. 812-497-3874. 10 Medora Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, activities held in downtown Medora. 812-521-7701 or Facebook. 10 Fish Fry Fundraiser for Joe Jackson Hotel, held at Whistle Stop Café, downtown Vallonia. 11 Big Sit Bird Count, Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. 812-522-4352. 11-17 National Wildlife Refuge Week, celebrated at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. 812-522-4352. 14 Nature Time Preschool Program at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 9:30-11 a.m. 812-522-4352. 17 Guided Bird Walk at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 8 a.m. at the Refuge Visitor Center. Call 812-5224352. 17-18 Fort Vallonia Days. Celebrate Vallonia’s heritage with Indian lodges, pioneer crafts, parade, food and vendors. 17 Seymour Main Street Sidewalk Saturdays, 9 -1 p.m. Call 812-498-8991. 18 Norman Station Conservation Club Bluegrass Jamboree, 1 p.m., 12157 W. Co. Rd. 450N., Norman. 812-834-5184. 24 Scarecrow Building at Starve Hollow State Recreation Area, 4345 S. Co. Rd. 275W., Vallonia. 812-358-3464. 26 Downtown Trick or Treat, Chestnut and Second Streets, Seymour, 4-6 p.m., followed by Halloween parade. 31 Christmas Craft Bazaar, First United Methodist Church, 201 E. 3rd St., Seymour, 9-3 p.m. 812-522-5264. 31 Halloween Festivities, Starve Hollow State Recreation Area, 4345 S. Co. Rd. 275W., Vallonia. Call 812-358-3464. 31 Jackson County United Way Masquerade Ball, 6-11 p.m., Pewter Hall, Brownstown. Dinner, cash bar. www.jacsy. org, 812-522-5450. Family Festivals Fill Fall's Calendar Jackson County Watermelon Festival The 48th Jackson County Watermelon Festival will be held around the courthouse square in Brownstown September 4-6. Just a few of the activities planned include: * Baby contest, seed spitting contest, watermelon sack race and watermelon eating contest * Karaoke, cake walk, music, dancing, bike race, tricycle obstacle course and food. * Parade at 1 p.m. Saturday, raffles, car show and 5K Run/Walk, free watermelon throughout the event. Visit Jackson County Watermelon Festival on Facebook. Houston Fall Festival Enjoy fall during the Houston Fall Festival from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. October 10. Events take place in and around the Houston School. Seymour Oktoberfest The Seymour Oktoberfest will celebrate its 43rd year when the festival kicks off October 1. Festivities will continue through October 3, in downtown Seymour. Check out: * Great food, entertainment and crafts, a biergarten and talent show. * Try your luck at the brat-eating contest or baking contest. * Enjoy the parade or take part in the 5K Run/Walk. Visit or visit Facebook. Call 812-966-2754 or visit Medora Goes Pink on Facebook. Fort Vallonia Days Fort Vallonia Days will be held October 17 and 18 in downtown Vallonia. Events include: * Indian lodges on display, a tomahawk throw, muzzleloader and bow shoots. * Authentic blacksmith shop, a parade, exhibits, food, flea market area AND persimmon-pudding eating contest. Visitors can enjoy wagon rides, live music, good country food, amusements and vendors. There is even a greased pig contest. Medora Goes Pink HOPE Medora Goes Pink will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. October 10, in downtown Medora. * 5K Run/Walk and amusements, volleyball tournament, cruise in, prince and princess contest. * Wagon rides to the Medora Covered Bridge, vendors, face painting and carnival games. The Fort Vallonia Museum will be open during the festival. Visit www. Outdoors+Beautiful Fall Weather=FUN! Starve Hollow State Recreation Area Archaeology Day will be Saturday, September 26 at Starve Hollow. Guests can learn about Jackson County's natural history. The Shire of Cuil Choluim will be on hand. The group represents 11th century Wales and will demonstrate weaving, pewter making, spinning and trades/crafts of the time. Halloween Celebrations begin with scarecrow building activities on October 24. Halloween weekend, campers are encouraged to decorate their campsites, dress up and participate in the property-wide Halloween parade. Camp at Starve Hollow and receive a discount through November 4. Those who book a campsite or family cabin for one or more consecutive week nights will receive 20 percent off. Reserve at camp. or by calling 866-622-6746. Use promo code INFALL15. Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge National Public Lands Day will be Saturday, September 26, at the Refuge. This work day begins at 9 a.m. for volunteers of all ages and abilities to help improve the Refuge. Log Cabin Day Festival is October 10, at Myers Cabin, with visits to the closed area of the Refuge, a bean supper and a chance to step back in time with pioneer crafts and fun for the kids. The Big Sit Bird Count will be held Sunday, October 11 and features volunteers counting birds nesting at the Refuge. Call 812-522-4352 or National Wildlife Refuge Week will be October 11-17 at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, 12985 E. U.S. Highway 50, Seymour. To celebrate the Refuge "Closed Area" will be open to walk-in visitors and a variety of events will be held. Wonderful Events Fill September Calendar He is Risen Car Show will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 5, at Cornerstone Community Church, 1088 Sarasota Drive, Seymour. A variety of categories are offered with prizes. Registration is $10. call 812-5258142. Country Neighbors Reap the Harvest Open House will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on September 11-12, at various home-based businesses in the Seymour, Norman, Brownstown, Freetown and Bedford areas. Call 812-497-3057. A Night of HeART and Soul Artful Affair will be held on September 12, at the Pines Evergreen Room, Seymour. This annual fundraising event for the Southern Indiana Center for the Arts begins at 6:30 p.m. with a silent auction and appetizers. Music and dancing begins at 8:30 p.m. with Enos Road. Tickets are $50 per person. Call 812-522-2278 or visit www. Battle of Badges Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 12, at the Boys and Girls Club of Seymour. This basketball tournament is for the Seymour Police and Seymour Fire Departments as well as the Indiana State Police and Jackson County Sheriff 's Department. Call 812-528-1028 or email rmeyer52@ Gears for Girls Bike Ride, sponsored by Girls Inc., will be held on Saturday, September 12. Ride options include 6.5, 17 or 30 miles. The ride is open to everyone and begins from Girls Inc., 956 N. O'Brient St., Seymour. Call 812-5222798 or visit Fall Jackson County Antique Farm Machinery Show and Swap Meet will be held on Saturday, September 19, near Highway 250 East Brownstown, across from the Jackson County Fairgrounds. A swap meet with vendors from across the state will be held and food will be available. Visit Jackson County Antique Machinery Association on Facebook. D.A.R.E. Soap Box Derby begins at 1 p.m. on Sunday, September 20, on West Second Street, Seymour. Entry fee is $20 per driver for one race. This event serves as a fundraiser for the Jackson County D.A.R.E. program. Email seymourdare@ Rain date is September 27. Hen and Chicks Barn Market will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 25-26, at 5602 East County Road 100 North, Seymour. The event offers shabby chic, vintage and antique items. Food will be available and speakers will be on hand discussing quilts, antiques and painting. Entertainment and a wine tasting will also be held. Call 812528-2303/812-216-1449 or visit www. Aviation Awareness Day will be held on Saturday, September 26, at Seymour's Freeman Field. Various aircraft will be on display. Airplane rides are offered and the Freeman Army Airfield Museum will be open for tours. Call 812-522-2031 and visit Freeman Army Airfield Museum on Facebook. National Alpaca Farm Days at Hoosier Heartland Alpacas is planned for Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27, at 2500 North County Road 1000W., Seymour. Guests can meet the alpaca herd, tour the farm, experience live demonstrations, learn about raising and breeding alpacas and shop for alpaca products in the country store. Call 812-445-7874 or visit www. Speedway Readies for Jackson 100 One of Brownstown Speedway's premier racing events will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept 18-19. The 36th Annual Jackson 100 draws racers from the tri-state area and is sure to entertain. The Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series offers $20,000 to win. A Jackson 100 Tune Up will be held on Saturday, September 5. Friday, September 18 is the 3rd Bowman 50 for Indiana Pro Late Models with $2000 to win plus Pure Stocks, Hornets and MMSA Mini Sprints. Saturday, September 19 will bring Lucas Oil Late Models for the main event, the 36th running of the Jackson 100 plus Modifieds and Super Stocks. Other Speedway happenings include: September 20 - Kenny Wallace Driving Experience, September 26 - Late Models, Indiana Pro Late Models, Modifieds, Pure Stocks, Hornets. October 3 - Season Championship with Late Models, Modifieds, Super Stocks, Pure Stocks, Hornets. October 8-11 - 20th Annual Brownstown Speedway FUNFEST. The Brownstown Speedway is located one mile southeast of Brownstown on Highway 250. For information, call the Speedway at 812-358-5332 or visit www. around jackson county Fall Air Filled With Music Seymour CityJam September 17 marks the last Seymour CityJam concert of the season, held in downtown Seymour. Events begin at 5:30 p.m. and Old Salt Union takes the stage around 6 p.m. Food and drinks will be available. CityJam is held on East Second Street. Call 812-5222278. Norman Station Bluegrass Festival Bluegrass music is on the agenda during the Norman Station Jamfest and Bluegrass Festival September 18-19 in Norman Station. Great music, camping, food and fun will be had by all. The club is located at 12157 West County Road 450 North in Norman Station. Call 812-498-3284. Parish at Salt Creek Marvin Parish will perform at Salt Creek Winery from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 19. The Winery is located at 7603 West County Road 925 in Freetown. call 812-497-0254 or visit Emi Sunshine at Harmony Park National recording artist Emi Sunshine will perform on Sunday, September 20, at Harmony Park near Brooklyn Pizza Company, 753 West Second Street, Seymour. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. with music at 5 p.m. Tickets are $8 and are available at Artistic Impressions and the Brooklyn Pizza Company. Call 812-524-8888. Monthly Bluegrass Jams Monthly bluegrass jamborees are held the third Sunday of each month at Norman Station Conservation Club. October's event is Sunday, October 18, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Event is held at 12157 West County Road 450 North, in Norman. Call 812834-5184. A free “Intro to Modern Western Square Dancing” event will be held at the first lesson. Free ice cream sundaes will be available and guests can see square dancing calls and learn more. The Star Promenaders Square Dance Club dances on the second and fourth Saturdays of all months except for June, July, August, and December at 333 S. Chestnut Street, in Seymour. In June, August, and December, dances are held on the second Saturday. For information, call Marvin or Linda Rumph at 812-445-3610 or Julie Branham at 812-346-6164. MISSION STATEMENT The Jackson County Visitor Center is the official tourism destination marketing and management organization for Jackson County, Indiana. As a strong advocate of sustainable tourism and economic development, the Jackson County Visitor Center markets the county’s natural and developed environmental, historical, cultural and industrial attractions to vacation travelers and meeting groups. Allstate Inn, 2603 Outlet Boulevard, Seymour, 812-522-2666 Berry Branch Cottages, 10402 N. Co. Rd. 800W., Norman, 812-528-2367 Days Inn, 302 Commerce Drive, Seymour, 812-522-3678 Econo Lodge, 220 Commerce Drive, Seymour, 812-522-8000 Economy Inn, 401 Outlet Boulevard, Seymour, 812-524-2000 Fairfield Inn, 327 North Sandy Creek Drive, Seymour, 812-524-3800 Hampton Inn, 247 North Sandy Creek Drive, Seymour, 812-523-2409 Holiday Inn Express, 249 North Sandy Creek Drive, Seymour, 812-522-1200 Knights Inn, 207 North Sandy Creek Drive, Seymour, 812-522-3523 Motel 6, 365 Tanger Boulevard, Seymour, 812-524-7443 Quality Inn, 2075 East Tipton Street, Seymour, 812-519-2959 Starve Hollow SRA Cabins, 4345 South Co. Rd. 275 West, Vallonia, (812) 358-3464 Travelodge, 306 South Commerce Drive, Seymour, 812-519-2578 Wild Gourd B&B LLC, 5525 N. Co. Rd. 1275 W., Norman Station, 812-995-2400 How to reach us: Call 1-855-524-1914 or fax us at 812-524-1915. Email or visit us at To unsubscribe to the Jaunts or to receive e-version, call or email Jane Hays. Staff: Arann Banks, Executive Director Jane Hays, PR Manager Becky Hill, Office Manager John Burkhart, Office Specialist 2015 Jackson County Visitor Promotion Commission Board Members Bill Klaes, President Kendra Zumhingst, Vice-President Brad Schneck, Treasurer Joyce Burbrink, Secretary Warren Forgey Cindi Lucas Greg Prange Bryan Stahl Tricia Stuart Jackson County Visitor Center The Star Promenaders Square Dance Club will offer square dance lessons from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. beginning Monday, September 14, at the Seymour Community Center, 107 S. Chestnut Street. Lessons will continue through December. Jackson County Lodging Properties: P.O. Box 607 Seymour, IN 47274 Star Promenaders Offer Lessons PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Seymour, IN Permit No.198
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