first church network january 2015
first church network january 2015
First Church Network 8:45 AM 9:50 AM 10:55 AM January 2015 Early Light Sunday School Traditional Worship Page 12 FIRST CHURCH NETWORK JANUARY 2015 Family Life Center Various Sanctuary First United Methodist Church NON=PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE 310 N. Main St. | Mocksville, NC 27028 PAID 336.751.2503 Fax: 336.751.1120 Permit No. 46 Mocksville, NC STAFF Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Senior Pastor May God make your year a happy one! John Huneycutt Christian Education / Youth Barbara Basham Director of Music Preschool Director Allison Lambert Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn Teresa Lakey Shane Butcher IN THIS ISSUE Organist/Technology Financial Administrator MAIL TO: From the Pastor 2 Mission Opportunities 3 News 4 UMW, UMM 5 Birthdays 6 Financial Assistant Memorials 7 Natalie Sanders Custodial Staff Taylor Slye Custodial Staff Prayer List 8 Preschool Office 336.753.1900 Focus 9 Music 10 Worship Assistants 11 Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain, but by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes; not by making your path easy, but by making you sturdy to travel any path; not by taking hardships from you, but by taking fear from your heart; not by granting you unbroken sunshine, but by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows; not by making your life always pleasant, but by showing you when people and their causes need you most, and making you anxious to be there to help. God’s love, peace, joy and hope to you for the year ahead. First Church Network January 2015 Page 2 What a wonderful Advent and Christmas season we experienced this year at First Church. Many worked to decorate and prepare our buildings to announce the Christmas Good News. Music filled the air proclaiming the Messiah’s birth by the Handbell Choir, the Chancel Choir, the Praise Band and the Children’s Choir. Overflow crowds thronged the three Christmas Candle Light Concerts. Shirley Cottle began the month telling about “The Greatest Miracle” and Jacob Lambert reminded us on College Student Sunday the importance of spending time in the presence of Jesus Christ. We baptized Finn Wogatzke and welcomed him into our church family. Small groups and classes had special gatherings to celebrate. People in need were ministered to with help with presents and other special needs. Through Stop Hunger Now we packed 13,000 meals to help people suffering overseas. We give thanks for 2014 as we turn our focus to 2015. May this be for you a year of spiritual growth and focus on Jesus Christ. May you better discern your talents and spiritual gifts and use them effectively for the Lord. May you find a place of service and a small group for support on your spiritual journey. May you grow in your trust in the Lord. May your relationships bring you joy and satisfaction. May you experience the peace of Christ that passes all understanding. May you prosper and be in good health. Pastor Glenn January 2015 Page 11 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ~ JANUARY 2015 From the Pastor HAPPY NEW YEAR! First Church Network Date/Time Ushers 1/4 8:45 Carl Lambert Glenn Miller Greeters Refreshments Prayer Karen Lutz Doris Miller Lynne Byerly Patsy Brewer 10:55 Mike Hinshaw Carroll Foster Jimmy Kelly Dave Salmon Tommy & Jenny Turner Clayton Peele Carl Wicker Mary Anne Peele Shirley Wicker Mike Hinshaw Carroll Foster Jimmy Kelly Dave Salmon Tommy & Jenny Turner Chris Hanes Charlie Howell Alice Hanes Sandi Howell Mike Hinshaw Carroll Foster Jimmy Kelly Dave Salmon Dave Salmon Walter Wilson Shane Butcher George Snyder Terri Butcher Doris Snyder Mike Hinshaw Carroll Foster Jimmy Kelly Dave Salmon Dave Salmon Walter Wilson 1/11 8:45 10:55 1/18 8:45 10:55 1/25 8:45 10:55 Jerry Banks Martha Bowers Carolyn Keister Children’s Moment Kaitlyn Foil Allison Lambert Tiffany Evans John Huneycutt London Dirks Sydney Dirks Megan Seaford Sandy Sheek Dirk Robertson Andrew Brown Megan Seaford Christy Cowden Megan Markland Burke Rosenbaum Christy Anderson Paulette Hendrix Lynne Byerly Mike Harrison Nancy & Frank Payne Nursery Carl Lambert Patsy Brewer Doris & Glenn Miller Acolyte John Huneycutt Tim Trudgeon Inclement Weather Policy During the winter months we want to urge everyone to be safe when the weather gets bad. If we need to cancel services we will do our best to get the word out through WXII, our website and email. Katherine Bradley Anderson First Church Network January 2015 Page 4 NURSERY POLICY January Fellowship Meals During Sunday School, children ages 0 to 3 are welcomed to stay in the nursery. For both morning worship services, children ages 0 to 4 are welcomed. The person responsible for the nursery on his or her given Sunday may keep their own children in the nursery under their direct supervision. Thank you for your cooperation in being watchful of our little ones. 5:30 PM—Family Life Center Wednesday, 1/21 CCC Honduras Mission Trip Meal Wednesday, 1/28 Chicken Stew Honduras Medical Missions Beginning in January, Allison Lambert will no longer be available for nursery duty on Sunday mornings. Megan Seaford will continue every other week. Wink Hendricks COVENANT BIBLE STUDY will be in Early Light nursery every Sunday but we have Will resume on Tuesday, January 13th to have another person with her on the Sundays that Megan doesn’t work. This will be two Sunday's per month. 7:00 PM - Fellowship Hall There are already volunteers for the 11:00 service but more people are needed. This could be a way a family could serve together. All also a way our youth{16 and older)could serve. In order to conform to Safe Sanctuary CONGRATULATIONS laws we have to have two volunteers at each service. Please contact Patsy Brewer or the church office if you are Congratulations to Brian Harris being chosen as Fireman willing to serve. of the Year for 2014. Brian has been a volunteer fireman The Pacesetters Sunday School Class will begin a study of for 10 years. He is married to Amanda Slye Harris. "The Will of God" by Leslie Weatherhead on Sunday, January 4, 2015. The study will be led by Joeff Williams and will incorporate the Book of Job as well. The PacesetUMYF ters meet on the top floor of the Education Building, first room on the left. Middle School Summer Mission Trip Ministry 22:6- After School and Summer Day Camp Ministries will be launching summer camp 2015 on June 10,2015. Summer camp will be for rising Kindergarten through rising 6th grades. Expect a summer full of faith, fun and friends! For more information, contact Allison at allison@firstumcmocksville.orgor call 336-753-1900. $50 Deposit is due January 11 Lake Junaluska Winter Retreat 2/20-22/15 $50 Deposit Due 1/18/15 Thursday, 1/22/15 11:30 AM Young at Heart Soup Luncheon Family Life Center First Church Network January 2015 Page 9 Megan and Isaac Markland will be traveling to Wilmington, NC soon for Isaac to receive therapy in a feeding program. Megan was asked for information about the program. The following is the information provided by Megan Markland. Please be in prayer for the Markland family as they go to Wilmington for an extended stay. There is a doctor that worked with the feeding clinic at Kennedy Kreiger in Baltimore, MD. She is in the psychology department at UNCW now and is leading an intensive feeding program that (for now) is pro bono, but they will be using their data for research. We will work for about 4 hours each day on feeding strategies. Right now, Isaac will "eat"a few foods, but not a significant amount or variety. Their goal will be to increase his quantity of foods and the volume he intakes so that we can decrease his tube feedings throughout the day. We will be staying at the SECU family house, which is about 15 minutes from campus but close by the hospital. With me being farther along in my pregnancy, this was important. The family house has just opened a new facility in December, and we stayed there two nights while Isaac was being evaluated. The cost is $35 a night, which is much cheaper than a hotel room, so we are lucky to be able to stay there. They have a community kitchen where I can keep snacks and also prepare meals, which will help offset the cost of living, and I am sure fast food will get old after a while. We are leaving January 19 and his therapy will be from January 20 through March 5. This is an amazing opportunity for Isaac, as there aren't any feeding programs in NC currently. Back in September, we were told that this is what he needed but that we would have to go out of state to do it. Financially that would not have been an option due to the fact that these types of programs would not accept his insurance (out of network). So, we are very excited but also very nervous. This program is very intensive and they have warned me that lots of tears will be shed, on both mine and Isaac's part. They are basically breaking him from anything he has learned and retraining the brain on how to properly eat. It will be just Isaac and me in Wilmington, so there is a lot of pressure placed on me, so we are praying that baby #2 stays put till we make it home and that I can maintain my sanity and stress level. It is going to be a lonely 7 weeks for everyone in our family, so we pray for comfort and peace in knowing that we are making these sacrifices for the good of Isaac. Daniel & Megan Markland First Church Network January 2015 Page 10 First Church Network January 2015 THANK YOU! PLATINUM PATRON Anonymous Anonymous Lester & Jerrie Cozart Evelyn Daniel Ruth Davis Carol Dyson & Chris Dyson Family Brent & Lucia Ellis Nathan & Erin Foil Betty Frost David & Claudia Hunter Thomas & Ann Stayer David Vaughan Carl & Shirley Wicker Anonymous GOLD Anonymous Mike & Jean Hinshaw SILVER Anonymous Charles & Jean Evans Marvin & Lillian Sharpe Bill & Marie Steed BRONZE FRIEND Billie Bean Anonymous Kathleen Cartner Marilyn Cook Chris & Alice Hanes Tilthia Hanes Sharon James Donnie & Teresa Lakey Buddy & Tara Lowery John & Kristen Paterson Thomas & Ann Stayer Betty Foster Carol Dyson & Family Mike Hendrix Kip Miller & Family Dirk Robertson Harold & Carolyn Vickers Bob & Teresa West Wednesday, 1/21 5:30 PM Family Life Center CCC Honduras Mission Trip Fellowship Meal Wednesday, 1/28 5:30 PM Family Life Center Honduras Medical Missions Fellowship Meal Chicken Stew / Vegetable Soup Page 3 First Church Network January 2015 Page 6 February 2015 Birthdays 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Liam Shaw Bob Bromley David Hatley Elizabeth Burchette Samantha Wood Robert Helms Jim Latham Millie Miller Lucas Taylor Carroll Foster Jessica Council Charlotte Anderson Carl Lambert Chinera Latham Sara Seaford Terri Butcher Cindy Helm Johnny Miller Taylor McMahan Dorothy Corriher Mary E. Johnson Jack Pennington Joe Butzbach Kenny Jordan, Sr. Eric Dwiggins Wendy Shaw Jean Evans 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mary Hendricks Bailey Marrs Beth Brown Wayne Russell Perce Musselman Stuart Shore Chris Dwiggins Emily Woods Meg Brewer Davin Brown Bill Seabrook Vicki Balsley Barbara Berry Corbin Dirks Dessie Vogler Emily Smith Vickie Bernhardt Tommy Dunn Rachel Howell Sandy Sheek Tiffany Evans Lib Seabrook First Church Network Honorariums & Memorials January 2015 Page 7 First Church Network January 2015 Janet Baucom Emma Eckhart Charles Hendricks Velma Daniel Molly Jo McClamrock Somerset Mocksville, NC Autumn Care 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Margeret Foster Bermuda Commons Room # 403 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 Bailey Brewer Diane Crotts’ Granddaughter Janice Hayes 2150 Homestead Hills Dr. Winston Salem NC 27103 Ann Stayer PO Box 333 256 North Carolina Circle Mocksville, NC 27028 Fred Roth 276 Park Avenue Mocksville , NC 27028 Helen Hendricks c/o Brookstone Terrace Room # 7 4430 Clinard Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Von & Madeline Shelton 153 Woodhaven Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 248 East Lake Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Marie Steed 298 Dogwood Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 162 R Shore Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 Tilthia Hanes Elmer Stoneman Jean Shelton 144 N. Wentworth Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 John Coil Regency Care Room 235 3905 Clemmons Road Clemmons , NC 27012 Anne & Leon Jones 288 Southwood Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Katie Bernhardt Lane 223 Sweetpine Circle Pittsboro, NC 27312 Jackson Hendricks 134 Applegate Court Mocksville, NC 27028 872 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 PROMISES TO KEEP PRAYERS Please let us know of any additional names to be added or any names which should be removed. We wish for our Prayer List to be current and correct. To contact the Prayer Chain with a prayer request or to become a part of the Prayer Chain, please contact: Lillian Sharpe (336.936.9014, or Judy Bailey (336.978.7763, Page 5 Nancy Triplett c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road # 302 Clemmons, NC 27012 Jack Corriher January 2015 1351 Suzanna Wesley Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27104 Charles Smith Clemmons Village #1 425 Avon Street 6401 Holder Road, Room 4 Mocksville, NC 27028 Clemmons, NC 27012 First Church Network Cole & Elva Grace Tomlinson Missy Foster 105 Sycamore Commons Ln. Isaac Markland Adcance, NC 27006 Page 8 401 N. Main Street Apt. 1-C Mocksville, NC 27028 Karen Sykes 161 Deacons Way Mocksville, NC 27028 ARMED FORCES FN Russell, Collin W. 101 NNPTC Circle Goose Creek, SC 29445 From the Bookcase December 2014 What a moving true story of the friendship that grew between a 35-year-old business woman and an 11-year- old panhandler is found in the pages of an Invisible Thread. Surprising because, although far apart in age and economic level, the two lived just two blocks apart in Manhattan. Laura Schroff went about her busy job in the publishing industry, and Maurice Maczyk begged on the streets to earn what he needed for food and to play video games. We see the two drawn together, discover both how different they are, but also how similar as they spend time together. Weekly shared meals build a mutual trust and allow Schroff to hear about parts of the boy’s chaotic life. We also learn about her turbulent childhood and see her come to an acceptance of that past. Laura gives Maurice life experiences we take for granted. Spending time with Schroff’s family at holiday meals, a birthday supper with gifts, eating at a table, owning and using a clock, all bring hope to Maurice that he can be more than the boy on the street. Take this one home for a read. You will love its simple message of unexpected blessings that come when we give ourselves. For UMW readers, this is a Social Action selection. MARY CIRCLE — 1/19/15 2:00 PM Conference Room BREAKFAST MEETING Sunday, 1/11/2015 7:30 AM Fellowship Hall MEN’S BIBLE STUDY A new men's study will begin on January 10th at 7:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. It is by Familylife and is called "Stepping Up" - A call to courageous manhood. It is a 10 week DVD study and the cost of the workbook is $15.00. Breakfast will be provided. Dean Hendrix (336) 909-1329 ( and Bob West (336) 9369098 ( are the contacts for anyone who is interested.
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