First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 FIRST CHURCH NETWORK Ash Wednesday Service 8:45 AM 9:50 AM 10:55 AM Early Light Sunday School Traditional Worship Family Life Center Various Sanctuary First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE 310 N. Main St. | Mocksville, NC 27028 PAID 336.751.2503 Fax: 336.751.1120 February 10, 2016 7:00 pm FAMILY MINISTRIES TEAM presents LUNCH AND LEARN....ABOUT LENT for families of preschoolers thru middle school. Join us to learn more about the 40 days of Lent, and make a prayer chain to use during the Lenten season. When: Sunday, February 7 12:15 PM Where: Family Life Center Permit No. 46 Mocksville, NC Preschool/Afterschool 336.753.1900 STAFF Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Senior Pastor John Huneycutt Christian Education / Youth Barbara Basham Director of Music Preschool Director Allison Lambert Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn Organist/Technology Teresa Lakey Financial Administrator Shane Butcher Financial Assistant Natalie Sanders Custodial Staff Taylor Slye Custodial Staff February 2016 MAIL TO: A Lenten Bible study entitled “Forgiveness” is being offered during the Sunday School hour on Sundays beginning February 14. The study will be held in the Family Life Center and is open to the entire church. Study books are available in the church office. First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 THOSE WHO SERVE ~ DECEMBER 2015 FROM THE PASTOR What a snow/sleet storm we had this past weekend! Hopefully, you survived without any problems other than “cabin fever.” Thankfully, we had no major power outages. We appreciate Donnie Lakey for snow removal from our parking lots and the parsonage driveway. Thanks also to those who shoveled our sidewalks to get us ready to re-open on Monday. Anticipating you will receive the newsletter before Sunday, January 31, I want to remind you we are having a Fifth Sunday Brunch sponsored by our worship team to bring together participants from both worship services. The brunch will be provided, so “y’all come.” Try to have your food and be prepared to start our program at 10am. There will be a presentation from our Study Committee on future building expansion designed to make our facilities on the sanctuary side of Main St. handicapped accessible and to improve and expand our children’s ministry and other ministries. The Administrative Board wants to get a reading from you regarding whether to move forward with this project. I hope you will join us in the Family Life Center. Be in prayer for the Honduras Medical Mission team under the direction of Dr. Joel Edwards Jan. 29 – Feb. 7. Our Ash Wednesday Service to begin Lent will be at 7pm on February 10. The Choir will minister in music and there will be no Wednesday night meal. On Sunday, February 14 we will celebrate Valentine’s Day. The United Methodist Men will host their wives and widows of deceased former members for breakfast at 7:30am. At worship we will recognize long-term marriages, have a message to strengthen marriages and offer a renewal of marriages vows at the conclusion of the worship services. On Sunday, Feb. 21 our Hand Bell Choir accompanied by Frank Voltz, harpist, will share special music at the 10:55 am service. On Sunday Feb. 28 the Children’s Choir and Puppets will share their talents at both services. I hope to see you each Sunday and often in between as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and our community. GREETERS FOR 8:45 AM 2/7 Karen Lutz, Mary Anne Peele 2/14 Vicki Hendricks, Sandi Howell 2/21 Alice Hanes, Kathy Curry 2/28 Nancy Payne, Doris Snyder Blessings, CIRCLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR FEBRUARY Pastor Glenn USHERS FOR 8:45 AM 2/7 Clayton Peele, 2/14 Jerry Hendricks, Charlie Howell 2/21 Chris Hanes, Shane Butcher 2/28 Frank Payne, George Snyder MORNING PRAYER 8:45 AM 2/7 Pastor Glenn Myers 2/14 Lynne Byerly 2/21 Joeff Williams 2/28 TBD CHILDREN’S MOMENT 8:45 AM 2/7 Communion 2/14 TBD 2/21 TBD 2/28 TBD REFRESHMENTS 8:45 AM 2/7 Debra & Glen Stanley 2/14 Amy & Harold Wood 2/21 Sarah & Don Wood 2/28 Doris & George Snyder LYDIA CIRCLE GREETERS FOR FEBRUARY 10:55 AM Dick & Betty Ward USHERS FOR DECEMBER 10:55 AM John Cottle, Marla Johnson Davin Brown, Matt Evans OPENING PRAYER 10:55 AM 2/7 Pastor Glenn Myers 2/14 Jayne Walker 2/21 Mike Harrison 2/28 TBD CHILDREN’S MOMENT 10:55 AM 2/7 Communion 2/14 John Huneycutt 2/21 Paulette Hendrix 2/28 Tami Walker ACOLYTE 10:55 AM 2/7 Lauren O’Connor 2/14 Nevan Ellis 2/21 Patrick Foil 2/28 Burke Rosenbaum First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 February 7 – 12:15pm – Both Groups – Lunch provided in the FLC + Devotional + Service Project – Build raised beds at Storehouse (Chaperones needed). 14 – 12:15-3:30pm – Middle School – Out to Lunch + Games/Fellowship in FLC + Service Project - Build raised beds at Storehouse (Chaperones needed). 21 – (John – Vacation – Asking for parent volunteers to organize taking the youth to the Hillsdale Youth Revival Event from 6:30-9pm). 21 – 22 – Hillsdale youth Revival (7-8:30pm every night). 27 – Winter Jam, leave at 1pm. Cost is $10, and will return home around 11:45pm. Bring food for dinner. 28 – 12:15 – Out to Lunch + Visit to Jewish Temple (Confirmation Students) (Activity open to both middle & high school; we might need additional drivers and chaperones depending on how many youth want to come). SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS There are several different scholarships that FUMC Mocksville offers to our graduating seniors. Applications for Blanche Eaton, Letty Smith, & Call Scholarship may be picked up in the church office. The Shane Fleming and Mary Rodwell Scholarships are offered through Davie Community Foundation. The deadline to apply for each scholarship is Monday, March 7, 2016. It is winter, but we are thinking SUMMER DAY CAMP 2016!!! We have a full summer of faith, friends and fun planned and we would love your child or grandchild to be a part. Register for one week, or for the whole summer. For more information, please contact Allison at 336753-1900 for more information!!! First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 Charles Hendricks Velma Daniel Molly Jo McClamrock Autumn Care 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road #601 Clemmons, NC 27012 Bermuda Commons Room # 403 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 Bailey Brewer Diane Crotts’ Granddaughter Ann Stayer PO Box 333 256 North Carolina Circle Mocksville, NC 27028 Margeret Foster c/o Brookstone Terrace Room # 7 4430 Clinard Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Tilthia Hanes Von & Madeline Shelton 153 Woodhaven Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Elmer Stoneman 425 Avon Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Clemmons Village #1 6401 Holder Road, Room 4 Clemmons, NC 27012 Anne Jones 288 Southwood Drive Isaac & Eli Markland Mocksville, NC 27028 Clyde Hendricks 825 N. Main Street 2229 Bermuda Village Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Jackson Hendricks Advance, NC 27006 134 Applegate Court Jack Corriher Mocksville, NC 27028 D.C. Blakley 313 Aubrey Merrell Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 Jim Anderson 2966 US Hwy 64 W Mocksville NC 27028 144 N. Wentworth Dr. Mocksville, NC 27028 Sara Campbell 142 Greenwood Ave. Mocksville NC 27028 Karen Sykes 161 Deacons Way Mocksville, NC 27028 Cole & Elva Grace Tomlinson 1351 Suzanna Wesley Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27104 Nancy Triplett 248 East Lake Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Marie Steed c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road # 302 Clemmons, NC 27012 Jean Shelton Bermuda Commons Room # 508 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 Marty Roberts Bermuda Commons Advance, NC 27006 ARMED FORCES FN Collin Russell PV2 Connor Carpenter PROMISES TO KEEP PRAYERS Please let us know of any additional names to be added or any names which should be removed. We wish for our Prayer List to be current and correct. To contact the Prayer Chain with a prayer request or to become a part of the Prayer Chain, please contact Lillian Sharpe (336.936.9014, Judy Bailey (336.978.7763, First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 DEEP ROOTS COMMUNITY GARDENS ~ MIRACLES GROW Our minister, Rev. Glenn Myers asked us if we would be interested in writing an article for the church bulletin called "Miracles Grow" because there have been so many wonderful miracles that have happened since we began "Deep Roots". So here we go! When forming Deep Roots of course, the first item was where do we locate our garden? Almost immediately two individuals, Marie Collins and Joe Harris stepped forward and gave us permission to use their land for our garden. With two choices, it was difficult to make a decision. We finally went with both! "Start small!" was the strong advice we were given; however, we listened for God's direction and realized that God does not do anything small! The roller coaster ride these last two years has been just amazing! Two young boy scouts, Warren Foster and Joseph Cartner working for Eagle Scout badges, built raised beds, a lean-to for our Clement Garden shed, picnic tables and a beautiful sign. Our church community and the entire Mocksville Community donated tools, hay, fertilizer, hoses, loads of mulch and now seeds! This ride has been beyond our dreams and imaginations! Tom Brown from Southern States has given us, time and time again, discounts on items needed for our gardens and last week Lowes Home Improvement store donated enough seeds to keep us going for years to come! Miracle upon miracle has abounded for us. Whenever an issue arose. It seemed that God would provide an answer- sometimes instantly! When we were wondering who we could get to build our raised beds, the phone rang the very second I was praying about it, and Warren Foster's mom asked if Warren would be allowed to build our raised beds for his Eagle Scout project. It has been that way right along. If we trusted in Him, he would answer! Our amazing young youth group has constructed shelving in our Storehouse garden shed and are now planning to build us additional raised beds starting in February. You all have also supported us beyond our wildest dreams with our dinners and other functions. We have tried to keep God as our main focus here to see what it is that HE wants us to do! Sometimes we are on the mark and sometimes we miss by a lot, but our desire to follow his direction has never wavered. God is good, God is kind, God is gracious, God is generous, God is fair, God is Love! We humbly thank all of you for this amazing opportunity! Administrative Board Meeting PRAYER TIME Thursdays at Noon The Board will meet on Sunday, February 21 at 6:00 pm. New members of the Board will be welcomed. Copies of the 2016 Officer Roster are available in the Narthex or Church Office and on the church website. Family Life Center Middle School Classroom FAMILY PROMISE A new cooperative ministry to help homeless families with children in Davie County has begun. Further information will be coming or you may check their website First Church Network Feb. 01 Feb. 02 Feb. 03 Feb. 05 Feb. 06 Feb. 07 Feb. 09 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Evan Hendrix Feb. 12 Taylor McMahan Liam Shaw Dorothy Corriher Bob Bromley Feb. 13 Mary E. Johnson David Hatley Jack Pennington Elizabeth Burchette Feb. 14 Joe Butzbach Samantha Wood Kathy Curry Robert Helms Kenny Jordan, Sr. Jim Latham Feb. 15 Eric Dwiggins Millie Miller Wendy Shaw Lucas Taylor Feb. 16 Jean Evans Carroll Foster Feb. 17 Mary Hendricks Jessica Council Bailey Marrs Charlotte Anderson Beth Brown Carl Lambert Feb. 18 Wayne Russell Chinera Latham Feb. 19 Stuart Shore Sara Seaford Feb. 20 Chris Dwiggins Terri Butcher Emily Woods Cindy Helm Please call the church office to update Johnny Miller Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Meg Brewer Davin Brown Ellie Prillaman Bill Seabrook Vicki Balsley Barbara Berry Corbin Dirks Beth Edwards Dessie Vogler Emily Smith Vickie Bernhardt Tommy Dunn Rachel Howell Sandy Sheek Tiffany Evans Lib Seabrook Don Routh the birthday list. 751.2503 A special birthday wish to Millie Miller who will turn 95 on February 7. Millie’s address is 891 Yadkinville Road, # 206, Mocksville. Happy Birthday, Millie! A WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Great marriages don’t happen by accident! A Weekend to Remember is a two and one-half day getaway weekend to be together as a couple to invest in and strengthen the foundation of your marriage, no matter how strong or fragile it is. A Weekend to Remember is not a counseling session, and you are not asked to participate in small groups. You receive Biblically centered marriage principles with interactive activities that you can take home and apply to your daily lives in order to strengthen your marriage. This event is sponsored by the organization, Family Life, and you can find additional information by accessing the website 2015/about. The Family Ministries Committee has been encouraging attendance for the upcoming Weekend to Remember event being held 2/19/16 through 2/21/16 at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel in Asheville, NC. You may register and make hotel reservations via the website. We are also happy and excited to inform you that there is another local opportunity on 6/10/16 through 6/12/16 at the Embassy Suites on 5400 John Q. Hammons Drive, Concord, NC if you are unable to attend the one in February. You may get further information on this event at the above website also. In Memory In Memory HELEN HENDRICKS Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Glenn & Doris Miller PERCE MUSSELMAN General Fund Joan Backer General Fund The Boardwine Family Bill & Marie Steed Ann McGuire Joe & Yvonne Butzbach Rick & Vicky Goforth Phillip Cartner Andy Bowles Gina, Raymund & Molly Boutwell Bobby & Peggy Shelton Garland & Margaret Hutchins Bill & Margaret Overcash Vance & Karen Riddle Margaret & Brown Walker Samantha Pfaff CC CRAVEN General Fund Joe & Yvonne Butzbach Chancel Choir Fund Karleen & John Thompson HELEN CRENSHAW Blanche Eaton Scholarship Phillip Cartner Andy Bowles Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Charles & Patsy Crenshaw M.C.& MARY ELLEN DEADMON General Fund Mack & Martha Deadmon CHARLES WOODRUFF General Fund Joe & Yvonne Butzbach MISSY FOSTER General Fund Joe & Yvonne Butzback In Memory ELMA SELL Chancel Choir Fund Karleen & John Thompson TOM COWDEN Youth Fund The Cowden Family LARRY TUTTEROW General Fund The Boardwine Family Bill & Marie Steed In Honor General Fund Clyde Hendricks Scharlene & Elmer Stoneman Glenn & Susan Myers By Joe & Yvonne Butzback Backpack Buddies Chris & Alice Hanes By Joe & Yvonne Butzbach Joe & Judy Bailey By The Boardwine Family Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Mike Hendrix By Charles & Patsy Crenshaw Bill & Martha Bowers By The Boardwine Family Blanche Eaton Scholarship Taylor & Kathy Slye By The Boardwine Family First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 First Church Network FEBRUARY 2016 EVANGELISM COMMITTEE The WHEN ministry has taken off! Members of this team have already prepared hot meals for the residents of the Scottish Inn and Lakewood Motel on Thursday evenings since January 14th. That is an incredible accomplishment since members just met that Monday, January 11th and three days later were delivering hot meals to hungry, needy folks. Many thanks go to Dave and Diane Salmon for taking on three empty Wednesday night meals in a row that no other group was hosting. Extra food was prepared at these meals and the reserve food was warmed the following day and packed in to-go boxes along with desserts, fresh fruit, water (milk items for the children) then delivered to both locations. Two generous donations of warm knitted toboggans and mittens and coloring books and crayons were made to give to these children just in time for them to put to good use during the past winter storm. Pastor Glenn went with the team to deliver meals and witnessed first hand the joy and appreciation the recipients of these meals demonstrated. The goal of the When ministry is to provide food, hygiene items, fellowship and prayer for families who are facing difficult living conditions. The Thursday meal is an additional meal these families receive. Krystal Dumas with JUST HOPE has other churches and groups provide a meal for them on Tuesday evenings. Plans are being updated with each meeting and will be shared with congregation members. Many thanks go to all of the WHEN team members who happily give of their time and talents for this new ministry. For more information please contact Jerry Banks, 336.998.8898. WHEN meets Monday, February 1st at 6:30 PM in the Conference Room followed by an Evangelism Committee Meeting in the Conference Room at 7:00 PM. Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Women Scholarship Program The Scholarship Program assists members of the United Methodist Church who live within the bounds of the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church pursue an academic course leading to a church-related vocation other than ordained ministry. Scholarships have been helping deserving students called to be spiritual leaders in the United Methodist Church since the 1940s. Recipients must attend on of these five colleges or universities: Bennett College Greensboro College Pfeiffer University Brevard College Application deadline: March 1 2016 MARY CIRCLE meets Monday, 2/15 at 2:00 PM in the Conference Room. Please bring toiletry items for the WHEN team to deliver to residents of Lakewood Motel and the Scottish Inn. Exciting UMW News FUMC-Mocksville UMW is hosting a Yadkin Valley District Mission Study on Latin America in our Family Life Center on Saturday, March 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is one of the studies, which has been offered at Mission U. In addition to supplying the meeting place, we have been asked to provide a light continental breakfast for an expected 200-plus members from all over our district. Attendees are asked to bring a bag lunch and we will supply tea, coffee and water for lunch. PH: 336.880.2663 email: 2/3 Davie Girls LaCrosse 2/10 - No Meal—Ash Wednesday 2/17 Deep Roots Community Gardens “Flirt with Dessert” Soups/Salads/Sandwiches/Dessert 2/24 Missions Committee for Central Davie A LOOK AHEAD Chili Cook-off is March 16 2016 Proceeds will go to A Storehouse for Jesus 9:00 – 9:25 Registration & Breakfast 9:30 – 2:00 Meeting (including break for lunch) Hands On Project will be supplies for UMCOR School Kits. A list of needs for the kits will be provided soon. We want YOU to be there and will be asking for your help in providing and serving food. Let’s plan to show other UMW members in our district how warm and welcoming a group we are! Please be in prayer that this meeting will be uplifting and inspiring for all who attend. Sunday, 2/14/16 7:30 AM Fellowship Hall Sweetheart’s Breakfast Look ahead to Saturday, May 21 Teresa West, UMW President 2016 For applications, please contact: Sherry Sink 210 Craven Road High Point, NC 27262 High Point University WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS UMM NEW RIVER BIKE RIDE FRIDAY 2/12 6:00 PM Movie War Room Location: TBD Leave church at 9:00 AM Bikes are available to rent.
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