Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2407 W. 56th St., Kearney NE 68845 Page 2 General Information May 3, 2015 Mass/Service Schedule and Intentions Day/Date Time Intention Mon., May 4 7:30am Deceased Brothers & Sisters of Fr. Andrew Augustyn † Tue., May 5 7:30am John Lyons † Wed., May 6 8:10am 5:30pm Kearney Catholic Seniors Souls of the Faithful Departed † Thu., May 7 7:30am Janelle Ver Maas Intention Fri., May 8 7:30am Deb Allibone † 12:00 Noon (at Good Samaritan Hospital) John & Mary Kathryn Augustyn † Sat., May 9 5:00pm Bernard Hagedorn † Sun., May 10 8:00am 10:30am 5:00pm Rosanne Gall † Prince of Peace Catholic Church Intention from St. James PARISH STAFF Fr. Paul Colling — Pastor Fr. Vidya Sagar Arikotla—Associate Pastor Ron Ridder — Permanent Deacon Sr. Jan Ludvik — Parish Minister Jo Ann Hoffman — Business Manager CONTACT INFORMATION Office hours: 9:00am—5:00pm Monday - Thursday 9:00am—4:00pm Friday Church phone: 308-236-9171 Fax: 308-237-4198 Rectory phone: 308-224-3843 Website: SACRAMENTS Lynn Cooper — Director of Religious Education RECONCILIATION: 4:00-4:45pm on Saturday before Mass . Other times may be arranged by contacting Fr. Paul or Fr. Sagar at 236-9171. DeAnn Nickel — Part-time Secretary/Bulletin Editor MARRIAGES: See Fr. Paul about marriage and allow at least six months to a year for preparation. Cecilia Lauby Fick — Part-time Secretary Kathy Niedbalski — Part-time Music Coordinator Stephen Friesell — Lay Minister Secretary BAPTISMS: Baptism Preparation Class is offered at 10:00am on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Please call the church office to register. PASTORAL VISITS: Contact the church office for pastoral visits at home or in the hospital. ______________________________ PARISH REGISTRATION Mission Statement Prince of Peace Catholic Church Welcome Packets are available at each church entrance. To register, please fill out the green form inside the packet and return it to the office, located in the lower level of the church. You may also sign up for ministries on the Stewardship form that can be found in the packet. United in the sacraments as the Body of Christ, we the members of Prince of Peace Catholic Parish extend the welcoming arms of Jesus, opening the world to God’s presence through works of love, hospitality, mercy and prayer. Welcome to Prince of Peace! May 3, 2015 Page 3 The Lord’s Portion Weekly Budget $ 15,896.00 Sunday, April 26th Collection Under Budget $ 11,637.79 $ 4,258.21 Fiscal Year to Date Budget Income $ 651,736.00 Fiscal Year to Date Income Received Fiscal Year to Date Under Budget $ 605,632.02 $ 46,103.98 Fiscal Year to Date Weekly Income is down 7.1% of Budget Income 2015 Diocesan Stewardship Appeal Received to Date (46.4% of our Appeal) Balance Due $ 82,650.00 $ 38,373.00 $ 44,277.00 Thank you for your continued support of Prince of Peace Parish! Prayer Concerns: Teresa Methe, Marge Gardner, Chuck Dummer, LaVern Fullner, Detta Shanahan, Scott Honeychurch (Sabina Frank’s brother), Valerie Fredericksen, Mary Colling (Fr. Paul’s mother), Shelley Koerner, Robert Messbarger, Helen Evans (Nancy Polk’s aunt), Norma Holenda, Marianna Winberley, Donna Richards, Clarence Davis, Linsay Kotrous-Jackson, Zella Shelton, Richard Verbeck, Catherine Bals, Mark Mellinger (Dave & Paula Mellinger’s son), Bailey Redwine, Rose Marie & Clem Kogl , Sr. Lois Jean Carlson, Kevin Wardyn, Michelle Curran Neville, Kevin Reinke, Brian Vinton, Mary Ann Gerten, Julie Madden, Kata K., all others in need of prayer. ____________________________ BULLETIN DEADLINE: Information for the May 10 bulletin must be submitted before 10am on Monday, May 4. Information can be mailed/dropped off to the church office or emailed to: ________________________________ Welcome Thanks to all who donate to Catholic ChariƟes here at Prince of Peace. The pantry is in need of the following items: All kinds of canned fruits Soup (all kinds) Peanut butter Stewed tomatoes Spaghetti sauce Beans (all kinds) Laundry soap Toilet paper Shampoo & conditioner Deodorant Tuna Juice Jelly & jam Pasta Kid’s snacks Meat frozen/canned Tooth brushes Dish soap Body Wash Toothpaste Monetary donations may be placed in an envelope, addressed to Catholic Charities and dropped into the collection basket during Mass. Thank you for your support of Catholic Charities! Sadie Mae Freeze child of Cody & Meghan Freeze and Jaxson Michael Killion child of Shane & Linda Killion who were baptized at Prince of Peace ________________________________ Special Collection for the Earthquake Victims in Nepal They have many needs. Catholic Relief is one of the first organizations that respond to the needs of people who experience such disasters. Bishop Hanefeldt asks that the parishes in the Diocese of Grand Island take up a special collection for CRS’s work in this area. Prince of Peace will take up this special collection the weekend of May 16th and 17th. You may give anytime by placing your donation (a check written to Prince of Peace) in an envelope marked "Nepal" . Prince of Peace will then send a check to CRS. You may also go on line to give directly at: Dnaion2;jsessionid=7500E16E32BFEB0919DFEA200EC104 53.app260b?df_id=8400&8400.donation=form1 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 4-10, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 Pictures courtesy of Carolyn Menke May 3, 2015 Look What’s Happening! The Kearney Jubilee Dinner will be provided by Prince of Peace parishioners on Thursday, May 7. If you signed up to provide food and/or work, please go to the Kearney Church of Christ (302 E. 25th St.) at 5:00pm and use the west entrance. Page 5 MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES Wed., May 6 May Crowning 5:30pm (all grades attend) Jubilee Dinner: 5pm bring food to the Church of Christ (302 E 25th St.) Thu., May 7 Sat., May 9 Baptism Preparation 10am Mon., May 11 Rosary 10am/UNK Newman Center KCHS Board 7pm at KCHS Ultreya 7pm Tue., May 12 Stewardship 6:30pm Wed., May 13 Ascension Vigil Mass 6pm Seminar: Planning for Your Future 7pm Thu., May 14 Ascension Masses 7:30am, 12:05 & 6pm Fri., May 15 Tom Martin’s Deaconate Ordination 5pm Mon., May 18 Knights of Columbus 6:30pm/KC Hall Catholic Daughters Mother/Daughter Banquet 6pm at Prince of Peace It is never too early or too late to start planning for retirement. Tue., May 19 Charities Council 6:30pm May 13, 2015 7:00pm Prince of Peace Catholic Church Free and open to the public Wed., May 20 Pastoral Council 7pm Mon., May 25 Rosary 10am/UNK Newman Center Wed., May 27 Keenagers 11:30am _________________________ Baptism Preparation is offered on the second Saturday of each month. The next session will be next Saturday, May 9 at 10:00am in the lower level of the church. Please call the church office to register, 236-9171. _________________________________ “Planning for Your Future: Spiritual, Financial, Medical” A panel of professionals will discuss planning for one’s future. The panel will include an attorney, a financial advisor, a funeral home director, an insurance agent and Father Paul Colling, pastor of Prince of Peace. The panel will discuss ways of saving for retirement, how inflation and taxes can affect one’s retirement plan, and the importance of having a will and an estate plan. Other topics will include life insurance and long-term care insurance, paying for final expenses and transferring wealth to future generations. Father Paul will address the importance of preparing spiritually for the future. He will discuss the church’s position on end-oflife issues, living wills, traditional burial vs. cremation, and programs available through the church to continue growing in one’s faith. The program will be held in the downstairs social hall, which is accessible through the east entrance of the building. For more information, contact the church at or 308-236-9171. STUDY GROUPS • The Study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Sundays at 9:15 am Contact Tom Martin 236-6728 or email • The Thursday Evening Bible Study Group is now studying “Hebrews: Beyond the Veil.” Thursday, May 14, 2015 will be the last meeting before summer break. All are welcome to a simple meal at 6:30 PM with study from 7:00 to 8:30PM. Contact Marlene Rasmussen. 575-574-8183 Women’s Bible Study meets weekly at Pr ince of Peace at 9:15am. • Dr. Tom Martin Permanent Deacon Ordination Friday, May 15 5:00pm Prince of Peace Catholic Church Reception to follow All are invited to attend _______________________ The Mount Carmel Sisters need help with a garage sale on May 16. Please call Janey Dubas if you can help, 308-293-8837. _____________________ “Changes” Grief Support Group Wednesday, May 6 6:00-7:00pm O’Brien-Straatmann-Redinger Funeral Home 4115 Avenue N 308-234-3500 _______________________________ Small Tasks Each small task of everyday life is a part of the total harmony of the universe. —St. Therese of Liseux Page 66 Page Lay Minister Schedule for August 2411, &2015 25, 2013 2013 LayMinister MinisterSchedule Schedulefor May 10 &24 Lay August & 25, Mass Time Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:30am___ Jason Pierzina family Kevin & Launa Donohue Brad Greisen family Bill & Linda Vosik Amy Johnson family Dick & Laura Wardyn Ray & Mary Panowicz Mike & Dawn Chavanu ? Opportunity to Serve Servers Addie Pierzina Gracie Pierzina Regan Kunze Brady Prochaska Marcus Benesch ? Opportunity to Serve Kelsey Cooper Ben Homan Kenny Vyvlecka Lectors Monica Boyken Mitch O’Neill Bryce Riessland Deena Sughroue Claire Homan Steve Homan Eucharistic Ministers Deacon Ron Ridder Jen Pierzina Launa Donohue Ed Rief ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve Andrew Prochaska Mike Labun Cathy Labun Brad Greisen Sue Riessland Kent Sughroue Jane Foutch ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve ? Opportunity to Serve Marijean Methe Jean Ross Kim Buschkoetter Randy Buschkoetter Lynn Cooper Jenny Homan Kim Meister Deb Stocker Keith Wagner Mary Wagner Gift Bearers Ryan Burg family Mike & Cathy Labun Dick & Laura Wardyn Sound Rodd Boyken Ed Foley Jeff Cooper Coordinator Marlene Rasmussen Kathy White Mary Wagner Sacristan Robert Schulte Kathy White Keith Wagner Greeters LL Homebound Ministers PARKER, GROSSART, BAHENSKY & BEUCKE, L.L.P. 1516 FIRST AVENUE P.O. BOX 1600 KEARNEY, NE 68848 1. Kent & Deena Sughroue 2. Jim & Lisa Kennedy 4. Jane Foutch 5. Ray & Sandra Hanson State Farm® CORY KRUSE, AGENT 3320 2nd Ave., Kearney, NE 68847 Bus. 308-234-2740 “A Proud Past. A Promising Future.” Toll Free - 888-461-1043 20 E. 21st St. • Kearney, NE 68847 (308) 236-6903 E-mail: 308-237-2114 FAX 308-234-4989 104 E. 11th St., Kearney, NE HVAC EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES 4115 Ave. N. Kearney, NE 68847 308-234-3500 004440 Prince of Peace Church (B) 204 East 25th Street, Suite 3 Kearny, NE 68847 308.236.6535 • • Tax Planning & Preparation • Accounting • Auditing • Bookkeeping • Payroll Furnaces Air Conditioners Geothermal InfraRed Heat Infloor Heat Humidifiers Air Cleaners UV-Light Air-Exchange Central-Vac (308) 234-2141 24 Hour Emergency Service For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 2905 E 39th St. Kearney NE 68847 308-338-8339 For a Healthy Home that’s clean and fresh, Yellow Van does it best! Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. FURNITURE, BOOKS, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, COFFEE FUNSHINE SHOP 1925 CENTRAL AVE., KEARNEY PHONE 308 224-6288 For further information, please call the Parish Office. † CATHOLIC HEALTH INITIATIVES Mercantile Good Samaritan Hospital Kearney, Nebraska 10 East 31st Street, Kearney, NE The medical center, centered on you. Kearney Floral Co. 7310 2nd Ave. Kearney, NE 68847 (308) 236-7418 Dave & Mary Classen • Owners #1 In Termite Control Michael J. Heeney, D.D.S. 308-234-1987 210 West 21st Street Kearney, Nebraska 68845 T.J. Clinch, M.D. - Ophthalmologist Todd Thalken • Lois Thalken - Owners Office: 308-865-2760 Phone Fax Diseases and Surgery of the Eye Mount Carmel Home Ants • Spiders • Roaches • Clover Mites Keens Memorial Fleas • Rodents • Termites • Boxelder Bugs 412 West 18th Street 308-237-2287 Kearney, NE 68845-5998 308-237-7264 3810 Avenue A, Suite D 308-234-4415 Kearney, Nebraska 68847 2421 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 7 West 25th Street MARKET YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE Employee Owned (308) 234-9037 Quality Family Dentistry Kearney, NE 68847 Phone: 308-237-2259 Phone: (308) 236-5041 Email: Web: Water Well Drilling & Pump Service “A Tradition of Excellence” Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Lexington,NE 68850 • 308-324-2303 Alliance,NE 69301• 308-762-1170 Jerry Jensen, PharmD Lisa Jensen, RN 2706 2nd Ave., Suite A, Kearney, NE 68845 Store Hours M-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9:00-1:30 Ph. 308-234-8056 Ronald R. Hendrickson, D.D.S., P.C. Shane A. Jensen, D.D.S. JIM KRASON J.E. KRASON AGENCY, INC. 124 W. 46th St. Ste. 102 • Kearney, NE 68847 Bus: (308) 236-6868 Alt: (800) 310-6868 Email: an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Access Anytime 1-800-MYAMFAM (800-692-6326) Camera Problems? MICHAEL SCHOLZ, FIC 308-991-6157 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INSURANCE Investing in line with our Catholic doctrine Whole Life - Term - Disability Long-Term Care - Annunities ROTH, IRA’s, SEP, 401k Rollovers, etc. P.O. Box 3048, 4114 4th Ave Kearney, NE. 68848 Phone: 308-237-5166 E: We are the solution! The Camera Doctor is the largest and most complete photographic service facility in Central Nebraska Alan Mais - Owner Call 237-2521 · The Camera Doctor · “No One Serves You Better Than Family” Kenneth Vyvlecka, CO SAM G. REINKE Prosthetics ¶ Orthotics • Pedorthics ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CUSTOM SHEET METAL WORK • AIR CONDITIONING • HEATING 4005 7th Ave. Kearney, NE 68845 308-338-3550 OFC 308-234-3003 TF 888-966-7558 4120 AIRPORT ROAD, KEARNEY, NE 68847 Mastectomy Services also available DAVE WAGGONER PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Commercial & Residential Work Phone: 236-6850 2617 1/2 West 24th St., Kearney, NE 004440 Prince of Peace Church (A) 18 E. 21st St. Window Tinting 308-237-1558 Darby Runge 2008 1st Ave. (308) 234-4124 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 May 3, 2015 Page 8 May Crowning for all Faith Formation Classes Wednesday, May 6 5:30pm (One Mass for everyone) Faith Formation Celebration to follow Light meal provided Everyone is welcome! Please RSVP to the office by May 1st: _______________________________ TOTUS TUUS Please note the date change!! High School Sunday-Thursday, June 14-18 7:30-9:30pm Graduations: Many, many people have or will be graduating from Universities, Colleges, Trade Schools, and High Schools. It is a very special time in these people’s lives. It is a time of celebration of a great achievement and a time of saying good-bye to a period of life. We wish God’s choicest blessings on all the graduates, especially members of Prince of Peace parish! May is the month dedicated to Mary. Mary is the mother of Jesus and we remember her with honor and love. Many other denominations believe that we worship Mary or the Blessed Virgin Mary, but that is incorrect. We honor her and respect her with great esteem for saying “yes” to God when He asked her to give birth to His son, Jesus. May 6th we will honor Holy Mary with a 5:30 pm mass and a May Crowning. The Prince of Peace Knights of Columbus Council will host the meal afterward. Thank you Knights. Grades 1-8 Monday-Friday, June 15-19 9am-3pm Bring a sack lunch A special welcome to the St. James parish family as they are in transition while their church is being remodeled. We welcome you with open arms and hope you feel at home as you use the sacred space of Prince of Peace. Parish Potluck Supper Wednesday, June 17 6:00pm Bring your favorite dish to share! Although many people know joy and happiness in the springtime each year, there are many people who are stressed by the economy, family problems or life in general. As you know, I am a big promoter of taking time for personal prayer and quiet time with the Lord. During this time I invite you to make a list of all that you can be grateful for. An attitude of gratitude gets us out of thinking about what we don’t have and allows us to realize that we have so much to more to be thankful for. _____________________________ Ascension of the Lord Vigil Mass Wed., May 13 6:00pm Holy Day Masses Thu., May 14 7:30am & 12:05pm 6:00pm St. James Mass at Prince of Peace _________________________ Little P.O.P.ers! Little P.O.P.ers provides child supervision for children ages 6 months through 6 years so parents can attend the 10:30am Mass. We will be starting back up on Sunday, May 3rd. Little P.O.P.ers is located in the downstairs classrooms. Additional volunteers are still needed for this to be a successful ministry. If you are interested in serving please call Krista Gutchewsky at 308-293-3641. So from a book I read called One Day at A Time, I invite you to reflect on the following: “I take a period of meditation every day for my spiritual development. I focus these “thinking times” on what is good in my life. I have found that doing this helps me let go of self-pity and resentment over what I lack and what is hurting me. And then I realize that God will help me manage my life in order and serenity.” Then I realize I have a lot to be grateful for. May you have a blessed May!!! ___________________________ Holiest Flower Mary is the lily in God’s Garden —St. Bridget of Sweden
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