PDF - Asbury United Methodist Church


PDF - Asbury United Methodist Church
May 3, 2015
The Vows of the UMC: Prayer
Our Mission
To bring others into Asbury UMC
to experience a difference,
so they make a difference
for Jesus Christ and others.
Our Invitation
To all who need Comfort,
Friendship and the Love of God
through our Savior Jesus Christ.
This church opens wide its doors
in the name of our Lord and says,
A United Methodist Church
1700 Napa Valley Drive · Little Rock, AR 72212
225-9231 · www.asbury-lr.org
Asbury UMC Little Rock
Welcome to Asbury.
We are glad you are here at Asbury today, and hope you will feel God’s
love in your worship experience. We invite you to note the Asbury
Calendar on the back page of the bulletin, and print your information
on the pads and return them to the end of the pew. If you desire to join
Asbury UMC, come forward during the last song, and our pastors will
greet you.
Please take a few moments to silence your phone.
For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery available
for infants through 2 years old.
Divine Worship
May 3, 2015
8:30 & 10:45 A.M.
Gathering in God’s Presence
† Welcome and Announcements
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Chancel Choir
Arr. William Farley Smith
*Hymn of Praise
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Preparing Our Hearts
Children’s Moments
Laura Stinnett
(Kid’s Club available for 3 and 4 year olds.)
Lifting Our Lives and Prayers to God
† Pastoral Prayer
The Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings
Thy Will Be Done
Joyce Elaine Eilers
Chancel Choir
Richard Hunter, solo
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power up lifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
*Hymn of Meditation
Be Thou My Vision
Hearing God’s Word
Scripture Lesson
The Message
2 Chronicles 7:14-15
Matthew 6:5-15
“The Vows of the UMC: Prayer”
(NLT, Pew Bible)
Rev. Mary Hilliard
Responding to God With Our Lives
Invitation to Holy Communion (Page 12)
If you would prefer a gluten free wafer for communion please notify the pastor or
communion steward as you come forward. The offering plate located at the front of
the main aisle is for love offerings that fund our Community Ministries. This ministry
provides charitable assistance to people in need.
Communion Anthem
In Remembrance of Me
Buryl Red
*Please stand as you are able.
Chancel Choir
*Hymn of Commitment
Let Us Break Bread Together
*Blessing of God’s People
*Choral Benediction
The Lord Bless You and Keep You
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord lift His countenance upon you;
And give you peace, the Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you. Amen
You are encouraged to go serve Christ after the singing of the Benediction.
† Assisting in Worship: Rev. David Moore
Acolytes: 8:30 - Ryan and Erin McNamer / 10:45 - Jackson South
Sound/Video Operator: 8:30 - Austin Pittman, Jason Stumhofer /10:45 - Mazhil, Sharath
Message Notes
Message outline for Rev. Hilliard
“The Vows of the UMC: Prayer” 2 Chronicles 7:14-15; Matthew 6:5-15
I. A Matter of Prayer
A. Make Time for Daily Prayer.
B. Jesus Taught Essential Components of Prayer
1. Referral to God as ‘Our Father’.
2. Reverence: ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’.
3. Reverence to God’s Purposes Fulfilled: ‘Your Kingdom Come’.
4. Personal Appeal for Daily Needs: ‘Give Us Our Daily Bread’.
5. Acknowledge need to receive and offer forgiveness.
‘Forgive Us our Sins...’
6. Appeal to be saved from trial and temptation.
‘Lead Us Not....’
II. II. Prayer Changes Things In People
A. Praise, Confession, Thanksgiving, Intercession, Petition
B. Prayer Is Just a Conversation with Jesus-Your Heart to His!
Celebration Worship
Wilson Activity Center
May 3, 2015
10:45 A.M.
Please take a few moments to silence your phone.
For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery
available for infants through 2 years old.
Please complete the information requested in the friendship pads and return to the end of the row.
Fields of Grace
† Welcome and Announcements
Holiness (Take My Life)
Open the Eyes of My Heart
Children’s Moments
Sheri Dawson
(Kid’s Club available for 3 and 4 year olds.)
Pastoral Prayer
Sharing of Our Gifts
The Message
“The Vows of the UMC: Prayer”
2 Chronicles 7:14-15;Matthew 6:5-15
Rev. Chase Green
Holy Communion—If you would prefer a gluten free wafer for communion please
notify the pastor or communion steward as you come forward. Love offerings placed in
the small wicker baskets support our Community Ministries. This ministry provides
charitable assistance to people in need.
The Invitation and Blessing
Your Grace is Enough
† Assisting in Worship: Mike DuPas
Sound Operator: Randy Dennis
Video Operator: David Marano
Celebration Band
Celebration Singers
Wayne Bradley Linda Southern
Mary Ross
Terry South
Dusty Jones
Scott Southern
Asbury Staff
Rev. Mary Hilliard, Senior Pastor
Rev. Chase Green, Pastor of Discipleship
Rev. David Moore, Pastor of Congregational Care
Rev. Tom Weir, Pastor Emeritus
Stephen Edds, Minister of Music
Anguel Kehayov, Organist
Mike DuPas, Interim Part-Time Praise & Worship Leader
Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children
Amy Bennett, Minister of Youth
Barbara Mills, Church Administration
Cheryl Cate, Finance Manager
Laura Burns, Child Development Ctr., Director
Jamie Holstead, Child Development Ctr., Asst. Director
Special Events
Sunday, May 3rd………………………………….……….Pastors’ Coffee 10 am (Room 116)
Sunday, May 3rd…………………….....Liturgist Lunch/Training 12 pm (Room 123/Sanctuary)
Sunday, May 3rd……………………………....VBS Informational Meeting 12 pm (Room 227)
Sunday, May 3rd................................................................Youth Parent Meeting 5 pm (Warehouse)
Tuesday, May 5th……………………………...………….…....Keenagers 12 pm (Warehouse)
Sunday, May 17th......................................Liturgist Lunch/Training 12 pm (Warehouse/Sanctuary)
SUNDAY, April 26th, 2015-UMW Sunday Prayers
Hilda Parr
Betty McLendon
Sunday School:
Lou Teeter
8:30 (D):
26 including
Patty Shoemaker
10:45 (D):
4 first time
Janet Brandt
10:45 (C):
Total Worship Attendance: 307
Daily devotionals from Pastor Mary are available on the website, www.asbury-lr.org. Click on “Blogs”.
Librarian/Archivist We would like to welcome Colleen Caldwell as our new librarian and
archivist. We thank her for the work she has already done and invite everyone to come to
the library and see what books are available to check out.
Videos of the Celebration service are now online! On the website, go to “Events/Media”
and click on “Sermon-Audio/Visual”. Click on “Launch Player” under the sermon. It’s that
easy! Enjoy!
Thanks to the congregation of Asbury UMC, and community donors, the youth raised
$965 for World Vision at the 30 Hour Famine last weekend! That’s enough to feed,
educate, and provide healthcare for 27 children for a month! Thanks for helping our youth
help others!
Special Children’s Ministry Dates: Questions? Contact Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children.
VBS Informational Meeting, TODAY: VBS Informational meeting at noon in the Robert Moore
room. Wednesday, May 5: Wild Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and The Edge at 5:45 pm. Friday,
May 8: Parents’ Night Out, 6 pm - 10 pm, RSVP by May 6 at noon. Sunday, May10: JOY
and JUNIOR Choirs singing in the late worship services.
Mark your calendars!!
Vacation Bible School: June 22-25, 6 pm to 8:30 pm, age 4 - 6th grade. Register at
www.asbury-lr.org starting on May 1st.
Destination Mission: Beebe, July 8-11, 3rd - 6th grades, look for info in your mailbox!
YOUTH NEWS: May 3rd: TONIGHT is our MANDATORY meeting for all parents and their
students who are attending a trip with us this summer! 5 pm in the Warehouse! Please bring
insurance cards. We are shifting gears in our relationship series tonight as we move on to your
relationship with Christ! Rev. David Moore will be sharing on “How to Strengthen Your
Relationship with Christ!” 5:30 - 7:30 in the Warehouse - we’ll have a great dinner and some
fun games. May 6th: Special emphasis night for May! Maeghan Arnold will be leading a class
on Wellness! 6 - 7:30 in the Warehouse - she’s even teaching us how to make a healthy snack!
Please note that Senior Journals are out in the WAC! All members of the Asbury Family are
encouraged to take time to share your favorite memory, scripture, or a note of
encouragement to our seniors who are preparing to graduate! Thanks!
SCHOLARSHIPS Did you know that if you have been a member in regular, active
attendance at Asbury for the previous two years, have a high school diploma or GED, and
have been accepted into an accredited school that you can apply for financial assistance
through the Wright/Martin Scholarship Fund? Applications are available in the church
office. Deadline is June 1. Students must re-apply each year.
Applications have been mailed to all current scholarship recipients and high school
Today’s flowers:
In Appreciation of Diane Gardner by Van and Herchel Gardner.
Open dates for Flowers: May 10, 31, June 7, 14
Today’s Coffee & Donuts are provided by: Horizons Sunday School Class
Please contact the church office, 225-9231, if you could sponsor a week or a month.
Open dates: June 7, 14, 21 & 28.
Pastor on Call:
May 2 & 3
Preaching Schedule
8:30 Divine Worship
10:45 Divine Worship
10:45 Celebration Worship
May Drivers
Rev. Chase Green
May 3rd
Rev. Mary Hilliard
Rev. Mary Hilliard
Rev. Chase Green
May 10th-Mother’s Day
Rev. Mary Hilliard
Rev. Chase Green
Rev. Mary Hilliard
Jim Britt
George Cirks
Asbury Weekly Calendar
Opportunities to Grow in Faith and Share Christ.
Sunday, May 3rd
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:00 am
10:40 am
10:45 am
10:45 am
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:40 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
5:30 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200)
Coffee & Donuts (WAC)
Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC)
Divine Worship (Sanctuary)
Children’s Choir Room 204 for 3rd-6th grades
Children’s Choir Room 215 for 3 years to 2nd grade
Sunday School
Pastors’ Coffee (Room 116)
Praise Band Pre-Service Music
Divine Worship (Sanctuary)
Celebration Worship (WAC)
VBS Informational Meeting (Room 227)
Liturgist Training-Lunch (Room 123)
Liturgist Training (Sanctuary)
Youth Parent Meeting (Warehouse)
Sunday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse)
Women’s Bible Study (Room 123)
Monday, May 4th
7:30 am ACCDC 2014-2015 Classes
7:00 pm AA Meeting (Room 103)
Tuesday, May 5th
7:30 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
ACCDC 2014-2015 Classes
Keenagers (Warehouse)
ACCDC Board Meeting (Room 123)
Prison Band Rehearsal
Cub Scouts (Room 101)
Boy Scouts (Room 105)
Wednesday, May 6th
7:30 am
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
ACCDC 2014-2015 Classes
The Edge (Room 206)
Wednesday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200)
Wild Wednesdays (Room 215)
Wally Gee Men’s Bible Study (Room 226)
Thursday, May 7th
7:30 am ACCDC 2014-2015 Classes
6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC)
Friday, May 8th
7:30 am ACCDC 2014-2015 Classes
6:00 pm Parents’ Night Out (Room 222)
Saturday, May 9th
9:00 am Scout Merit Cooking Badge (Kitchen)
12:00 pm Scout Outing (offsite)
Sunday, May 10th - MOTHER’S DAY
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:40 am
10:45 am
10:45 am
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200)
Coffee & Donuts (WAC)
Praise Team Rehearsal (WAC)
Divine Worship (Sanctuary)
Children’s Choir Room 204 for 3rd-6th grades
Children’s Choir Room 215 for 3 years to 2nd grade
Sunday School
Praise Band Pre-Service Music
Divine Worship (Sanctuary)
Celebration Worship (WAC)
* WAC - Wilson Activity Center