Contemporary Service - Community United Methodist Church
Contemporary Service - Community United Methodist Church
Contemporary Service Traditional Service 9:30 am 8:00 am and 11:00 am Prelude Rhosymedre Vaughan Williams Welcome and Announcements Rev. Chris Jones The Passing of the Peace Hymn of Praise #568 The Community of Faith Christ for the World We Sing ITALIAN HYMN Prayer Concerns and Pastoral Prayer Offertory Hymn #156 Offertory Rev. Chris Jones I Love to Tell the Story Prayer of Thanksgiving: 8:00 - Merle Rodkey HANKEY 11:00 - Dore Dumas Shout to God Chancel Choir Martin Doxology Scripture Lesson Luke 9:1-6 New Testament “Out of the Box” Rev. Michael F. Fordham Sacrament of Holy Communion Pages 12 & 14 Today, our church family will participate in an observance of the Lord’s Supper during each Worship Service. Gluten free elements are available upon request. Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. We invite you to participate with us. Closing Hymn #569 We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations MESSAGE Stanzas 1, 3 & 4 If you make a decision to accept Christ as Savior, to recommit your life to Christ, or would like prayer, please indicate this on a green Decision Card. If you would like, there is someone in the Prayer Chapel to pray with you. Benediction Postlude Worshiping through Song Worship Band Worshiping through Prayer Welcome and Announcements Rev. Chris Jones Coffee & Donuts……...9 & 10:30 am Sunday School……9:30 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship…8 & 11:00 am Contemporary Worship..…9:30 am VBS Crew Leader Training…….2:00 pm Sunday Night Youth “Black Hole”………..7:00 pm The Giving of Ourselves and Our Gifts Opportunities for the Week Worshiping through Song Scripture Message Luke 9:1-6 “Out of the Box” New Testament Monday, June 8 Busy Bee Seamstresses…………………………....9:00 am Esther Circle (Wolfys Restaurant)……………..9:00 am Women Journeying Through the Bible……..6:30 pm Girl Scouts…………………………………..……………6:30 pm Boy Scouts…………………………..……..……………7:00 pm Tuesday, June 9 Men’s Prayer Breakfast...............................7:00 am Rebekah Circle (Perkins Restaurant)…………9:00 am Christian Support Group...........................10:00 am CUMC Food Pantry.....................................1:00 pm Threads of Love………………………………………..1:00 pm Rev. Michael Fordham Sacrament of Holy Communion Closing Song and Prayer OLD 100th Lay Readers: 8:00 - Robert Girou 11:00 - Carol Wilt Reader: The Word of God for the People of God. People: Thanks Be to God! Message Schedule for the Lord’s Day...June 7, 2015 Promotion Sunday Rev. Chris Jones He Who Would Valiant Be Worship has ended. Let the service begin. All who are able, please stand. Today’s altar flowers are placed by Ralph and Katie Dupler in celebration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary on June 6th. Near Community UMC Mission Statement Our Mission is to fulfill Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples....” This will include Reaching out to all people, Calling them to a personal commitment to Christ and His Church, Nurturing them along their faith journey, Training them in discipleship, and Sending them out in ministry within and beyond the local congregation. Wednesday, June 10 VBS Decorating UMC Annual Conference……………….Daytona Beach Spark People Support Group…………….……10:00 am VBS Crew Leader Training………………………..6:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal………………………..…6:00 pm Contemporary Worship Band Practice….….7:00 pm Thursday, June 11 VBS Decorating UMC Annual Conference……………….Daytona Beach CUMC Food Pantry……….………………….……...1:00 pm Friday, June 12 VBS Decorating UMC Annual Conference……………….Daytona Beach and Pastor Chris’ Ordination Service (7:30 pm) Bulletin Folding………………………..………………8:30 am Prime Time Senior Singles……………………..…6:00 pm Saturday, June 13 VBS Decorating UMC Annual Conference……………….Daytona Beach Prayer Time - June 7, 2015 You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers. Jeremiah 29:12 (Contemporary English Version) PRAY FOR missionaries: Delbert & Sandy Groves (Zambia), Lorraine Enright (Zambia), Amanda Howe (Florida), and Pastor Javier Sotolongo (Cuba). PRAY FOR Vaughn Baer, Ruth Baeyen, Paul Bigley, Margaret Blakemore, Joyce Bowman, Don Brown, Sheryl Brown, Marge Brown, Barb Burgess, Penny Campbell, Arvin Clapper, Harry and Lorraine Conklin, Clyde and Joyce Crosby, Don Dandurand, Erie Davis, Wayne Dodge, Rich and Kay Dulniak, Bob Duncan, Len Fletcher, Dale Flick, Herb and Loretta Gibson, Bill Gipson, Judy Hahn, Pat Hassig, Esther Hoevenair, Ruth Horan, Ron Howard, BJ Hughes, Leslie Hunt, Budd Jones, Tim and Jean Kaffenberger, Jackie Kemak, Shirley Krauss, Emma Laird, Judy Mears, Mary Merlone, Kevin Milhorn, Charles Morgan, Lloyd Myers, Paul Petty, Charley and Inez Pryor, David Robertson, Donna Ross, Marie Smith, Bob Stevenson, Linda Taranto, Jean Teeling, Sue Thurman, Jeanette Valentino, Carrie Warren, Sharon Watson, Pete and Doris Weddle, Phyllis Wickham, Len Wisniewski, Bill Wockenfuss, Barb Wood and Ron Woodling During our Worship Services … Please silence your cell phone during the Worship Service. Large print hymnals and hearing devices are available. An Usher will be glad to assist you. Childcare, for babies & preschoolers through 3 years of age, is provided in the Education Building during all three services. ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING EVENTS Promotion Sunday - Today our students move up to their new classes for Children’s Sunday School and Youth Bible Study. It’s an exciting day for our students and their teachers! Children’s Home Donations - Thank you for your generous gifts to the UMC Children’s Home. Please remember to make your check payable to Community UMC, designated for the Children’s Home. Please do not make your check payable to the Children’s Home. Today, our Community UMC family will participate in an observance of the Lord’s Supper during each service. Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. We invite you to participate with us. Gluten free elements are available upon request. Esther Circle - Esther Circle will have their June 8th meeting at 9:00 am at Wolfy’s Restaurant, Leesburg. Call Carole Madison (352-787-1043) to RSVP so that she can make a reservation at the restaurant. Greeters (8:00 am): Bob and Faye Fountain Ushers (8:00 am): Joe Bonvincini, Head Usher; Bob and Rita Girou, Bill Hopkins, Lorraine Osley, and Dawn Patalak Rebekah Circle - The Rebekah Circle will meet at 9:00 am, on Tuesday, June 9th, at Perkins Restaurant on Hwy 441 in the Villages. We will enjoy fellowship and breakfast. Please plan to join us. For information please call Sharon Watson (352-750-2211). Greeters and Ushers (9:30 am): Bill Guenther, Head Usher; Barb Guenther, George Morrison, and Pam Schau Ordination Ceremony - You can still get a seat on the bus traveling to Pastor Chris’ Ordination Ceremony this Friday, June 12th in Daytona Beach during Annual Conference. Each ticket is $25. Contact the church office, tomorrow, to hear all the details and to make your reservation. “On the Road Again!” - Wacky World Day Camp begins on June 15th for children ages 2-12. Each day, Monday-Friday, we will travel across the USA meeting heroes from the Bible! Snack supplies are needed. If you are able to make a donation, stop by the VBS table and pick up a list. Clothing Donations - Donations to The Haven House (via our church) are greatly appreciated. However, please do not put any clothes or other items in a bag bigger than a kitchen garbage bag. Please do not use the large, black garbage bags. The bags of clothing items are being lifted by women and have been especially heavy lately. Thanks. Can You Hear Me Now? - Volunteers are needed to work in the sound booth during the 8:00 am Worship Service. Our team serves on a rotating basis. Previous experience is not required because you will be given training on our equipment. Contact Dave (352-787-4589) to learn more. Membership Audit 2015 - The following members, who have not attended our church in the last five years, are on our 2015 audit list. Each has been sent a letter, but we have not received a response. If you have contact with any of these members and can provide updated information on them, we would appreciate your calling the church office. Robert E. Byrd John Parfumorse Debra Mindedahl Gardner Cynthia Shank Jami & Kennard R. Skaggs ATTENDANCE: May 31, 2015 8:00 am = 271 9:30 am = 200 Kimberly O’Donell Linda Smith (Tim) Sunday School = 145 11:00 am = 382 Total = 853 COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH June 7, 2015 Greeters (11:00 am): Grace LaHart and Pat Taylor Ushers (11:00 am): Rod Wiseman, Head Usher; Don and Marge Brown, Jack Kendall, Mary Powell, Bob Rossbach, Lorraine Walter, Bob and Susan Whitney, Dick Wiegand, Janet Wiseman, and Dave Withers Golf Cart Driver: Craig Compton SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY OPPORTUNITIES 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes & Small Groups CHILDREN - Children ages three through 5th grade. PreK-1st: Room 2120, 2nd-3rd Grade: Room 2114, and 4th-5th Grade: Room 2123. Children are dismissed during Worship and are picked up in their classrooms. FRIENDSHIP CLASS - For the period of June through August, the central theme of each lesson will be “God’s Prophets Demand Justice.” Join us in Room 3106 as we discuss justice and injustice from the perspective of seven Old Testament prophets. We use the International Bible Study Series. Everyone is welcome. We would love to have you join us in class. GENESIS CLASS - Studying various books of the Bible with discussion. We meet in Room 2121 and we would enjoy having you join our class! LIVING THE WORD CLASS - We are discussing news headlines and studying what Scriptures say concerning these topics. Plan to join us in Room 3108. OPEN DOOR CLASS - Join us as we study Paul's letter to the Ephesians. We meet in Room 3103. The class Facilitator is Rev. Ralph Donohue. VOYAGER CLASS - Join us in Room 3104 as we use the International Bible Lesson Series for our study. Each class includes a time of discussion. Senior Pastor: Rev. Michael F. Fordham Associate Pastor: Rev. Chris Jones Visitation Minister: Rev. Ralph Donohue Assistant Visitation Minister: Rev. Charlotte Lewis Music Minister: Robbie Milam Youth Minister: Brandon Bishop Contemporary Worship Leader: Brandon Bishop Children’s Minister: Faye Umble Lay Leader: Mike Hanna Organist: Dave Flanigan Pianist: Mary Ann Rockenbach 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes & Small Groups CHILDREN’S CHURCH (ages 4 years through 5th grade) - Children may be dropped off in the Family Life Center and picked up outside the Sanctuary. MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH - Middle School small group meets in Room 3106 & High School in Room 3108. We look forward to seeing you! CONTEMPORARY ADULT CLASS - Join us in Room 3104 with Class Leader, Mike Hanna, as we study “Renegade Gospel” by Mike Slaughter. Jesus didn’t come to start a religion but a revolution. 309 College Avenue Fruitland Park, FL 34731-3103 Church Phone: (352) 787-1829 Website: Email Address: