6889 4566 F: 6889 4451 E: narromine


6889 4566 F: 6889 4451 E: narromine
Narromine Public School
Meryula Street Narromine NSW 2821
T: 6889 4566
Term 2 Week 6
F: 6889 4451
Mrs Denise King
E: narromine-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Quality education in a caring environment
Principal’s Report
P&C (Parents and Citizens Association)
Last night we hosted our monthly P&C meeting. Thank you to those who attended. During this meeting the
P&C revisited just how many amazing projects their fundraising events have contributed our children and our
school. Over the past two years our families have purchased:
 Hall Projector – this projector has enhanced our weekly and special assemblies, our presentation
days and our school social events such as discos and movie nights.
 Glenno’s Garden – This space is a beautiful asset to our grounds, it is a quite reflective place for
parents, students and community.
 Sporting Uniforms - Our sporting teams are well attired in their new uniforms taking the field, court
and pitch with an even greater sense of pride in themselves and their school.
 Kindergarten Reading Books - Sharing the love of reading and literacy.
 Vegetable Patch – This wonderful environmental resource is much appreciated by the students,
especially those in K-6 JO who have been using its produce to create healthy meals as part of their
PDHPE lessons. Very Yummy 
 The End of Year 6 gifts: As a final gesture of appreciation, love and support our P&C buy the
students graduating in year 6 a gift to remind them of our little family and to share with the students
how much they mean to our school community.
Other long term funding projects that have had significant impact on our school are: Springboard programs,
watering systems, RATS Readers, Circus equipment and Gymnastic equipment – This is a substantial list of
achievements by our parents. The P&C is a group of interested parents and community who meet and advise,
share ideas and vision for the continual development of Narromine Public School. It is a friendly and
supportive group – please consider joining this team by coming to meetings or acting as an event volunteer.
To find out more information please contact our school office or attend the next meeting on Monday the 20 th
July at 6pm in the staff room.
Great things can be achieved by belonging and contributing to our P&C.
Kiss and Drop:
The Kiss and Drop Zone is currently under construction along with a new disabled parking area. This is an
RTA initiative in consultation with Narromine Council and Narromine Public School. Over the past few weeks
Police and RTA have been watching and recording traffic infringements in our School Zone areas. It has been
noted that we are very casual in the way our parents consider student safety when dropping off to start the
day. A number of our families have been caught doing U turns, double parking, parking in bus zones and
speeding in school zones. This is a safety concern. Please consider the safety of not only your own children
but their school mates when driving in our vicinity. Our new Kiss and Drop Zone will assist and elevate the
temptation to double park at the front gate and to do U turns on Meryula Street. The Kiss and Drop provides a
designated area for drivers to pull into, whereby enabling students to vacate the car on the left side and move
directly onto the footpath. A much safer option for dropping off in the mornings. More details will be home
shortly once the area is up and operational.
Did you know that?
 Stopping on/near children’s crossing (school zone) = $415 fine with a loss of 2 points
 Stopping in a bus zone (school zone) = $311 fine with a loss of 2 points
 Approaching a children’s crossing too quickly to stop safely (school zone) = $519 fine with a loss of 4
Please drive carefully around schools; we value your decision to put children first.
Denise King Principal
K6-JO Garden Project
K6-JO has decided to revamp a part of the school garden which is located on
the north side of the school, near our classroom. We have had many
discussions on what we should plant and the students have decided that they
would like to make it look pretty but low maintenance. Last week we all went
on a mini excursion to Edgerton Nursery. The students prepared a list of
questions to ask Anna about our garden and Anna did a fantastic job at
answering them all. We received some important tips and tricks and she was
very kind in giving us some seedlings to take back to school. The students
have planted the seeds and are now waiting for them to sprout. Once they
have sprouted we will be able to plant them, which will make our special
garden one to remember. Watch this space…. Mrs Shibble (O’Brien) Classroom Teacher
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
Peer Support
Lesson 5
The number of children directly involved in bullying behaviours is usually quite low, however the number of
children who know that bullying is occurring is significantly higher. For the next 2 weeks in Peer support,
children will have the opportunity to discuss the ways they can speak up against bullying behaviours in our
school and make a difference. This week they examine their role as bystanders and how to seek help for
someone who is being bullied.
Lesson 6
This is the second week that we have focused on the behaviour of bystanders during Peer Support. This
week, children will practise ways of responding to bullying whether they are directly involved or not, by talking
to the child doing the bullying, the child being bullied or a responsible adult. We use a turn, talk or tell model to
support children to develop strategies for dealing with bullying behaviours. This is not easy for many young
people so your child man need encouragement to persevere.
G Thakur
Peer Support Coordinator
Kinder Gym and Story Time at Narromine Public School
Do you have active toddlers and preschool aged children who are
looking for a fun, energetic, engaging and interactive experience?
Well Kinder Gym and Story Time at Narromine Public School is
calling you to join in our morning filled with fun activities. The Kinder
Gym experience encourages many developmental skills in areas of
coordination, socialisation, flexibility and general fitness. Story Time
encourages children to build a creative mind and challenge their
imagination as we take them on a journey through different texts.
Kinder Gym and Story Time runs every Thursday and Friday morning
from 9:30am-10:30am during the school term. No need to book
simply turn up with an enthusiastic smile and let the children enjoy a
fun filled morning.
We look forward to seeing all our Kinder Gym and Story Time
parents and friends at our school expo in Dundas Park, Narromine
from 10:00am-1:00pm Thursday 28th May 2015.
8:55 AM - 9:55 AM Yrs 5-6
PBL Awards Week 4 Term 2
Class of the Week
Super Val
That’s Super (3-6)
Assembly class
1 Rainbow Fish
2 Hammerheads
9:55 AM -10:55 AM Yrs 3-4
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM K-Yr 2
Notes home…………………...
Rugby League 27 May
Head Lice 4SG
Questacon $5
Choir/Band Timbrebongie visit
Courtney Kennedy, Jock Chapman, Jaylin Dwyer-Walsh
Library Awards – Paige Blackhall, Lucy Dawson, Kyrra Hyde, Racardo Stanford
K-2 Awards - Aidan Kelly, Zac Harding, Blake Edwards, Teminya Walsh, Mia Barnes, Kayeisha Davison
Knight, Nicholas Brassington, Indiana Curtis, Janayah Edwards, Mariah Kelly, Sean Colville, Tyrone Bender,
Makailah Murphy, Cameron Sharpe, Lauren Turnbull, Takylah Kelly, Baeli Tyrrell
3-6 Awards – Brayden Godfrey, Chloe Coffee, Eliza Davison, Blake Tonkin, Erica Wells, Daniel O’Rourke,
Jasmyn Chapman, Kyriesha McKellar, Dane Burns, Kuber Thakur, Emily Hunt, Jacob Townsend, Shanay
Coupe, Ruben Gill, Jesse Fee, Haleigh McCarney, Elias Kennedy
Yr 6 gold stars – Joann Fidock, Fergus Tuck, Jen Corderoy, Ellie Richardson, Caitlin Bligh, Maisy O’Neill,
Danneka Dinsdale, Charlotte Green
Super Scientists – Amity Gordon, Zeke Heterick, Blake Harding
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
A huge congratulation to all students who competed in the school cross country/fun run it was a very
successful day. But an extra congratulation goes to all the students who collected sponsors for the fun run.
This was very successful with Narromine Public School receiving just under $2000 from this sponsorship.
Prizes were ordered at the beginning of last week and should arrive shortly.
Last Friday 41 students travelled to Tullamore for the Gobondery/Narraf cross country. It was fantastic to see
the high level of parent support for the students who were participating. Thank You! Narromine did
exceptionally well with 23 students advancing to the Western cross country carnival in Geurie on Wednesday
10 June. Congratulations to the following students:
Ruben Gill
Amy Smith
Kobey Quigg
Clancy Wilson
Maisy O’Neill
Brendan Nean
Samuel Brien
Molly Wilson
Kate Turnbull
Lachlan Woods
Jeremy Rush
Blake Harding
Darby Gordon
Thomas Fidock
Haleigh McCarney
Hunter Gillespie
Sam Hunt
Joann Fidock
Abigail Ballhausen
Kuber Thakur
Tyeler Quigg
Ella Hutchison
Charlie Dennis
We have had another exciting week in team sport. The girls’ soccer team travelled to Tottenham and came
home with a very tight win. The boys’ soccer team had a great win over Yeoval, both teams have now
advanced to the next round of the PSSA knockout draw. Good luck to the boys’ rugby league team, off to
Nyngan on Wednesday for their next round of the knockout.
Shot put
Long jump
High jump
Wk 6 Fri
Jnr Girls
Jnr Boys
Snr Girls
Snr Boys
11yr Girls
11yr Boys
Wk 7 Fri
11yr Boys
Jnr Girls
Jnr Boys
Snr Girls
Snr Boys
11yr Girls
Wk 8 Thurs
11yr Girls
11yr Boys
Jnr Girls
Jnr Boys
Snr Girls
Snr Boys
Wk 9 Fri
Snr Boys
11yr Girls
11yr Boys
Jnr Girls
Jnr Boys
Snr Girls
Wk 10 Thurs
Snr Girls
Snr Boys
11yr Girls
11yr Boys
Jnr Girls
Jnr Boys
Tm 3 Wk 1
Catch Up
This timetable can be changed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather but we will try our best to give students
notice of changes.
Lacy Sampson
Sports Coordinator
K-6 Assembly 2pm
Hosts Yrs 3/4 SRC
Item K/1K
Sorry Day
PSSA rugby league
At Nyngan
Peer Support 12-1
Rugby Union Dubbo
3 ICAS Science
Peer Support 12-1
K-2 Assembly 2pm
Hosts 2W Item 2H
Queens Birthday
Public Holiday
Dubbo Dance
WSSA X Country
Gob/Nar Netball
Touch Warren
ICAS writing test
ICAS spelling test
performance at
Peer Support 12-1
K-6 Assembly 2pm
Hosts Yrs 1/2 SRC
Item 4 SG
3-6 Social
Questacon Science
Club closed
Peer Support 12-1
K-2 Assembly 2pm
Hosts 2H Item 1R
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
Tastebuds Roster
25 May
L Dennis
26 May
S Tuck
27 May
S Doherty
Cheesy Meat Pies
28 May
K Wilson
Cheesy Meat Pies
29 May
C Bender
1 June
L Dennis
2 June
3 June
4 June
C Gill
5 June
J Davison
sausage rolls
sausage rolls
Wednesday/Thursday Special - $4
Cheesy Meat Pies Wk 6
Homemade sausage rolls Wk 7
Claire Mears
Canteen Supervisor (68894566)
Hand balls
for sale
at the
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
to our Round 1
Stage 1
Fraser Gill
Lauren Turnbull
Kyerin Murphy
Rory Collins
Addison Mackay
Abby Corderoy
Heidi McLauchlan
Lukas McLauchlan
Stage 2
Hannah Gill
Chloe Corderoy
Lucy Shepherd
Eliza Davison
Kate Turnbull
Problem for Stage 1 Students:
Mrs King had 14 lollipops on Monday. She ate 8 on
Tuesday. How many did she have left
Stage 3
Bianca Jarmain
Joann Fidock
Hunter Shepherd
Joshua Healey
Georgia O’Rourke
Jack Bender
Ekaterina Fidock
Verena Wright
Amanda Shepherd
Claire Gill
Scott Turnbull
Problem for Stage 2 Students:
A farmer has three different hen houses. One
hen house contains red hens, the second black
hens and the third white hens. Every day the
red hens lay five eggs, the black hens lay eight
on Wednesday?
eggs and the white hens lay three
eggs. How many days will it take
(Show all working)
for the hens to lay a total of 80
(Show all working)
Problem for Stage 3 Students:
Problem for Parents:
Jonno’s back garden is 10 metres by 14 metres.
A school has 90 children. During the day, each
Each day Jonno rides his tricycle down the three
child attends 4 classes. Each class has 15
metre long path leading from the back door of his
children and 1 teacher. During the day, each
house to the garden and around the very edge of
teacher teaches 3 classes. What is the
the garden four times. Then he rides back up the
smallest number of teachers the school can
path where he leaves his tricycle. How far does he
(Show all working)
ride each day?
(Show all working)
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!
The P&C committee would appreciate donations of slices and biscuits for the festival of schools at Dundas
Park Thursday 28th May. Your donation can be left at the Canteen with Clair or to the park on the day.
Take Home A Big Brother Or Big Sister
Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by hosting one of
our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July 2015 for their 3, 5 or 10 month programs.
Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and
Finland will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and
comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at
www.scce.com.au, email scceaust@scce.com.au or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our
international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship!
Respect, Honesty, Responsibility – RHR – That’s Who We Are!