spring – summer 2012 - Peterson`s Publishing
spring – summer 2012 - Peterson`s Publishing
SPRING – SUMMER 2012 April – August Peterson’s Publishing provides the accurate, dependable, high-quality education content and guidance you need to succeed. No matter where you are on your academic or professional path, you can rely on Peterson’s print and digital publications for the most up-to-date education exploration data, expert test-prep tools, and top-notch career success resources—everything you need to achieve your goals. Peterson’s trusted guides offer readers indispensable links to websites that provide additional resources and subject help. From links to multimedia tutoring for math or science, to campus video tours, or social media connections, Peterson’s Publishing combines the comfort of the printed page with the cutting-edge digital world. Look for these supplemental interactive tools noted throughout our guides: Facebook® Find us on Facebook® at www.facebook.com/petersonspublishing! 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YOUniversityTV.com YOUniversityTV.com assists students with the college-selection process by providing access to videos and educational resources for colleges across the United States. YOUniversityTV.com is free-of-charge and does not receive compensation from any of the universities it features. Table of contents TEST PREP CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . 2 NEW TITLES & EDITIONS May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 August . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 backlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ORDERING INFORMATION . . . . . . . . 21 All front list cover art presented in this catalog is not final and is subject to change. TEST PREP CALENDAR 2011 Tests included: Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr AP* Exams ACT 22 ® SAT* & SAT Subject Tests* PSAT/NMSQT* SSAT 1 The GRE computer-based test is available year round. Dates reflect the paper-based test only. ® 5 3 28 12 10 7 LSAT 22 19 1&4 ® PCAT 4 11 3&5 11 & 13 10 & 11 ® NCLEX-PN ® 2 | TEST PREP CALENDAR 14 10 Computer-Adaptive Test given year round by appointment only. ® GRE 11 12 & 15 15 GMAT 10 Test given by appointment only. 3 21 2012 May ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. June July Aug Sept Oct *AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. 7-11, 14-18 9 5 ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., in the U.S.A. and other countries. 2 8 27 6 10 & 13 GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This book does not contain actual GMAT test items, nor is it endorsed or approved by GMAC. GRE® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This book is not endorsed or approved by ETS. ISEE is a registered trademark of the Educational Records Bureau, which does not endorse this book. LSAT® is a registered trademark of the Law School Admission Council, which does not endorse this book. NCLEX-PN® is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. 9 NYSTCE® is a trademark of the New York State Education Department and National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES®), neither of which endorses or approves this publication. PCAT® is a registered trademark of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., which does not endorse this book. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product. 24 6 & 10 *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. *SAT Subject Tests is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. SSAT is a registered trademark of the Secondary School Admission Test Board, which does not endorse this book. Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com TEST PREP CALENDAR | 3 GED MASTER THE ™ ® ctice tests, 6 full-length pra to 3 online including access via CD With CD Without CD Peterson’s Study Aids/GED 8.5 x 11, 888 pp., 27th ed. ctn qty: 8 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3604-9 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3603-2 $29.95 Soft cover $35.99 Canada $18.95 Soft cover $22.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3292-8 prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3291-1 NEW EDITION Master the GED® 2013 In-depth review of all five GED-tested subjects— available with or without CD ant! D Score You W Need for the GE as: are t jec sub Test Prep You • Review of ALL • ON SALE DATE: May 1, 2012 Math, Social Writing, Reading, ence Studies, and Sci Interactive links inside. CD INSIDE! See inside back cover for details. This comprehensive GED study guide offers full-length practice tests that help students prepare for the GED exam series with its valuable blend of hands-on exercises, subject reviews, and test-taking strategies. Readers will learn about GED scoring and passing requirements as well as how to prepare for the exam and what to expect on test day. • 3 full-length practice tests—all with detailed answer explanations • E xpert test-taking strategies and review of Writing, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science • E asy-to-follow Facebook® and Facebook logos are registered trademarks of Facebook, Inc. Twitter™ and Twitter logos are registered trademarks of Twitter, Inc. Neither Facebook, Inc. nor Twitter, Inc. were involved in the production of this book and make no endorsement of this product. • H elpful Available in eBook July 2012 4 | MAY Final Covers to Come • C D links to extra help in algebra, history, and science at HippoCampus.org word list to improve your GED vocabulary version includes access to 3 additional practice tests ISBN: 978-0-7689-3617-9 Peterson’s Medical/Nursing/General 8.5 x 11, 600 pp., 18th ed. ctn qty: 12 $28.95 Soft cover $34.99 Canada NEW TITLE Nursing Programs 2013 NURSING PROGRAMS ing es of Nurs of Colleg ociation ss A n a c Ameri Find the right nursing program for you the tion with Coopera in d e h lis Pub According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), enrollment in nursing programs is on the rise. In fact, doctoral nursing program enrollment was up by more than 20% last year. Advance Your Nursing Career Featuring profiles of more than 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral programs at hundreds of institutions in the United States and Canada, this comprehensive guide is published in cooperation with the prestigious AACN—the only U.S. organization dedicated exclusively to advancing baccalaureate and graduate nursing education. 113 20 ON SALE DATE: May 15, 2012 Evaluate the latest information on entrance requirements, costs, degrees offered, and distance learning options at more than 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral programs in the United States and Canada. Gain expert advice on today’s undergraduate and graduate nursing programs and recent changes in the nursing profession. • L atest data on entrance requirements, costs, degrees offered, distance learning options, and contact information • I nsightful articles and expert advice from nursing school deans and professors • T horough analysis of the nursing profession today—and what to expect in the future • Q uick-Reference Available in eBook July 2012 Final Covers to Come Chart for at-a-glance school comparisons Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com MAY | 5 MASTER THE ™ 19th Edition NURSING SCHOOL & ALLIED HEALTH ON SALE DATE: May 29, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3618-6 Peterson’s Medical/Nursing/Test Prep & Review 8.5 x 11, 496, 19th ed. ctn qty: 16 $24.95 Soft cover $29.99 Canada ENTRANCE EXAMS NEW TITLE Master the Nursing School & Allied Health Entrance Exams Expert test prep to score higher on your entrance exam Peterson’s Master the Nursing School & Allied Health Entrance Exams offers the essential test prep needed for the RN, PN, and allied health entrance exams. This easy-to-use guide provides in-depth review of the basic facts, principles, and concepts of all nursing entrance exam subject areas. In addition, there are several tests for each subject area to help test-takers become familiar with exam questions and improve their test-taking skills. Score Higher on Your Entrance Exam • Essential preparation for the RN, PN, and • M ore • Hundreds of practice questions on all exam • E xploration allied health entrance exams subjects with detailed answer explanations Available in eBook July 2012 6 | MAY Final Covers to Come than 1,300 practice questions with detailed answer explanations of the essentials of math, English, the physical sciences, chemistry, and health • V aluable advice on selecting a nursing career and how to finance your education • E ssential glossaries list definitions of key terms MASTER THE ON SALE DATE: June 5, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3605-6 Peterson’s Study Aids/Military 8.5 x 11, 384 pp., 8th ed. ctn qty: 20 $24.95 Soft cover $29.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-2793-1 8th edition ™ MILITARY FLIghT ApTITude TeSTS > 3 full-length practice tests, including exams for the AFOQT, AFAST, and ASTB > Expert subject reviews of ALL question types, with top-notch strategies to help you ace your exam NEW EDITION Master Military Flight Aptitude Tests Take flight and leave the competition behind Admission to U.S. military flight training programs is highly competitive—to qualify, each candidate must earn top scores on a specific test for his or her chosen military branch. This book provides exactly what a candidate needs to prepare for each of the military flight aptitude tests, including in-depth reviews of each subject area and question type. • 3 full-length practice tests, including the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT), Army Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test (AFAST), and the Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) • H elpful subject reviews of Instrument Comprehension, Cyclic Orientation, Scale Reading, Complex Movements, and other exam topics • E xpert test-taking strategies and tips, plus essential info on test structure, scoring, and passing requirements Score higher. guaranteed. See inside for details. Available in eBook August 2012 Final Covers to Come • C omplete descriptions of training programs for each branch of the U.S. military, including an inside look at the latest in career opportunities, pay grades, and benefits Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com JUNE | 7 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT NATIONAL RECERTIFYING EXAM (PANRE) Test Prep You Need to Help You Recertify! ON SALE DATE: June 12, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3616-2 Peterson’s Study Aids/Professional 8 x 10, 320 pp., 1st ed. ctn qty: 20 $18.95 Soft cover $22.95 Canada NEW TITLE Master the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam (PANRE) The essentials for physician assistant recertification Peterson’s brand new guide offers crucial test-prep strategies and exam review for physician assistants looking to maintain or regain their certification by taking the PANRE. This essential guide features hundreds of practice questions—with detailed answer explanations—covering anatomy/physiology, bleeding disorders, CDC prevention isolation guidelines, dementia, HIV and AIDS, immune system, liver function, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, multiple sclerosis, obstetrics/gynecology, pharmacology, and surgical terminology. • 3 complete practice tests with valuable test-taking tips • E xploration of PANRE’s new Practice-Focused Component with explanations of the three specialized areas: Adult Medicine, Primary Care, and Surgery • E ssential Available in eBook August 2012 8 | JUNE Final Covers to Come information on Certification Programs and Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours • T horough description of PANRE structure and format, including details on exam eligibility and the application process ON SALE DATE: July 3, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3606-3 Peterson’s Education/Reference 8.5 x 11, 2,000 pp., 43rd ed. ctn qty: 6 $32.95 Soft Cover $39.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3279-9 FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES 2013 NEW EDITION Four-Year Colleges 2013 How more than a million students have found the right college The perfect resource for anyone seeking undergraduate education, this detailed field guide includes information on accredited four-year institutions in the U.S. and Canada (and many international schools)—more than 2,500 institutions in all. It also includes detailed two-page descriptions written by admissions personnel at more than 400 colleges. • C ollege profiles that offer the latest facts and figures on majors, expenses, application requirements, contact info, and more • E nlightening articles on college visits, surviving standardized tests, the early decision dilemma, financial aid basics, college applications, and other helpful topics Find the Right Four-Year College for You The trusted guide of high school guidance counselors, parents, and students like you! Data on more than 2,500 Four-Year Colleges in the United States and abroad—with details on academic programs, financial aid, admission requirements, and MORE • H undreds of in-depth college descriptions, offering valuable details on academic programs & facilities, majors & degrees, athletics, campus life, admission requirements, and more • Q uick Reference Chart for easy comparisons of majors, entrance difficulty, and costs Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Available in eBook September 2012 Final Covers to Come JULY | 9 2013 SAT MASTER THE ™ Score Higher. Guaranteed. See inside for details. * Test Prep You Need for the Score You Want > 9 full-length practice tests, with access to 3 online via CD—all with detailed answer explanations > Skill-building review of ALL SAT areas: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing ON SALE DATE: July 17, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3607-0 Peterson’s Study Aids/SAT 8.5 x 11, 848 pp., 13th ed. ctn qty: 12 $29.95 Soft cover $35.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3294-2 > Access to over 400 in-depth four-year college descriptions via CD CD INSIDE! See inside back cover for details. NEW EDITION Master the SAT® 2013 (with CD) The trusted guide for scoring high on the SAT This comprehensive guide provides a wealth of test-taking strategies and exercises, plus full-length practice tests (access to 3 online via CD) that help students score high on the SAT. Students can benefit greatly from expert tips and advice and the extensive review of the Critical Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the SAT. • 9 full-length practice tests (access to 3 online via CD), with detailed answer explanations • E xpert strategies and tips to strengthen Critical Reading, Writing, and Math Skills to score high on the SAT • E asy-to-follow *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. Available in eBook September 2012 10 | JULY Final Covers to Come links to HippoCampus.org for multimedia math help • B onus section, “Parents’ Guide to College Admission Testing,” offers advice to help parents keep their children on track and survive this most stressful time • C D features more than 400 in-depth college and university descriptions PLUS a free copy of Peterson’s Ultimate Word Success eBook ISBN: 978-0-7689-3608-7 Peterson’s Study Aids/Financial Aid 8.5 x 11, 1,024 pp., 17th ed. ctn qty: 8 $33.95 Soft Cover $39.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3293-5 ScholarShipS, GraNTS & prizeS NEW EDITION Scholarships, Grants & Prizes 2013 The biggest and best scholarship guide available This unparalleled guide to privately funded scholarships is jam-packed with millions of awards worth billions of dollars. Each award profile contains essential information on award amounts, eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and contact information. • E xclusive Quick-Reference Chart lists awards providing more than $2,000 • E xpert advice on obtaining a scholarship with a winning essay • P roven strategies for searching and finding awards s Worth of award Millions 113 20 ON SALE DATE: July 24, 2012 f Dollars Billions o Find the Money You Need for School Up-to-date scholarship, grant, and award requirements based on academic interest, career goals, talent, religious affiliation, ethnicity, and more Enlightening articles about strategies for finding awards, scholarship management organizations, and scholarship scams • D etailed profiles of private awards based on ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, military service, and other helpful categories Available in eBook October 2012 Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Final Covers to Come JULY | 11 2013 GRE MASTER THE ™ ® NEW GRE test design and question types! Score Higher. Guaranteed. See inside for details. ON SALE DATE: August 7, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3609-4 Peterson’s Study Aids/GRE 8 x 11, 672 pp., 20th ed. ctn qty: 12 $35.95 Soft cover $44.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3290-4 NEW EDITION Master the GRE® 2013 Get the GRE scores you need for business or grad school 3 ess Acc NEW e nlin . ts O r details TesSee inside fo Get the Test Scores You Need for Your Future Business or Graduate Degree > > 7 full-length practice tests, including access to 3 online Peterson’s Master the GRE® 2013 has everything test-takers need to know to score high on the NEW GRE revised General Test. This comprehensive guide offers expert test-prep tips and strategies on exam questions and answers PLUS access to additional test-prep content online. • 7 full-length GRE practice tests including access to 3 online tests • T horough exam review of Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing sections Essential review of ALL GRE revised General Test subject areas: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning • D etailed information on the NEW test design, including explanations of answer formats and the on-screen calculator GRE® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Services (ETS). This book is not endorsed or approved by ETS. • A nalysis Available in eBook October 2012 12 | AUGUST Final Covers to Come of NEW score scale and score reporting ISBN: 978-0-7689-3610-0 Peterson’s Education/Reference 8.5 x 11, 512 pp., 43rd ed. ctn qty: 10 $29.95 Soft cover $35.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3278-2 TWO-YEAR COLLEGES 113 20 ON SALE DATE: August 21, 2012 NEW EDITION Two-Year Colleges 2013 Essential guide for choosing a two-year college Featuring more than 1,800 accredited two-year colleges as well as some international schools, Peterson’s comprehensive guide presents a more complete picture of student options in two-year schools. Two-Year Colleges 2013 provides detailed profiles with valuable information on a college’s costs, majors, student body, application deadlines, contact info, and more. • U p-to-date facts and figures on student life, standardized tests, financial aid, degree programs, and more Find the Right Two-Year College for You Trusted guide of high school guidance counselors, parents, and students like you! Data on more than 1,800 Two-Year Colleges in the United States and abroad—with details on majors, costs, financial aid, student life, faculty, application information, and MORE • H elpful articles on admission, transferring, and returning to school and exciting new “green” programs at community colleges • E asy-to-use chart to pinpoint those two-year schools that meet a student’s criteria • I nformative two-page, in-depth descriptions with details on degree programs, facilities, student activities, and much more Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Available in eBook November 2012 Final Covers to Come AUGUST | 13 113 20 How to GEt MonEy for collEGE ON SALE DATE: August 28, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3611-7 Peterson’s Study Aids/Financial Aid 8.5 x 11, 880 pp., 30th ed. ctn qty: 8 $33.95 Soft cover $39.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3295-9 fInAncInG yoUr fUtUrE BEyonD fEDErAl AID NEW EDITION How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2013 Everything you need to know about making college more affordable find the Money you need for college The perfect resource to help you pay for your college education Data on more than 2,400 colleges and universities—with details on costs and financial aid possibilities This guide contains information on billions of dollars in financial opportunities for college including federal grants, work-study programs, need-based and non-need-based gift aid, and athletic awards from more than 2,400 four-year colleges. • E asy-to-use charts for quick comparisons of costs, aid packages, average indebtedness at graduation, and more • C omprehensive profiles of four-year schools showing need- and non-need-based aid, loans, work-study, and athletic awards • S tate-by-state • U ser-friendly Available in eBook November 2012 14 | AUGUST Final Covers to Come listing of state-funded scholarship and grant programs indexes to help simplify your search ON SALE: August 28, 2012 ON SALE: August 28, 2012 ON SALE: August 28, 2012 Peterson’s ctn qty: 1 Set Peterson’s ctn qty: 1 Set Peterson’s ctn qty: 1 Set ISBN: 978-0-7689-3613-1 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3612-4 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3614-8 $130.80 Soft cover $155.96 Canada $62.90 Soft cover $75.98 Canada $67.90 Soft cover $79.98 Canada prev. ed. 978-0-7689-3288-1 prev. ed. 978-0-7689-3287-4 prev. ed. 978-0-7689-3289-8 NEW EDITION Basic Guidance Set 2013 NEW EDITION Undergraduate Guidance Set 2013 NEW EDITION Financial Aid Guidance Set 2013 Set includes: • • • • Four-Year Colleges 2013 How to Get Money for College 2013 Scholarships, Grants & Prizes 2013 Two-Year Colleges 2013 Set includes: • • Four-Year Colleges 2013 Two-Year Colleges 2013 Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Set includes: • • How to Get Money for College 2013 Scholarships, Grants & Prizes 2013 AUGUST | 15 440 Great Colleges for Top Students College Guide for Visual Arts Majors ISBN: 978-0-7689-2686-6 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2699-6 Getting a Government Job: The Civil Service Handbook $19.95 US/$23.50 CAN, 9/8/2009 $24.95 US/$32.99 CAN, 10/13/2009 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2796-2 Peterson’s, 29th ed., ctn: 14 Peterson’s, 15th ed., ctn: 12 $21.95 US/$28.99 CAN, 12/15/2009 Associated Press Guide to Newswriting ISBN: 978-0-7689-1979-0 CompetitiveEdge: A Guide to Graduate Business Programs $15.95 US/$18.99 CAN, 10/11/2005 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3438-0 Graduate & Professional Programs: An Overview 2011 Cappon, René, 3rd ed., ctn: 60 $39.95 US/$48.99 CAN, 12/7/2011 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2852-5 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 18 $54.95 US/$71.99 CAN, 12/21/2010 ARCO, 1st ed., ctn: 32 Basic Guidance Set 2012 (see new . pg. 15) Peterson’s, 45th ed., ctn: 8 Cool Colleges 101 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3397-0 $130.80 U.S./$155.96 CAN, 8/30/2011 $21.95 U.S. / $26.99 CAN, 10/26/2010 Peterson’s, ctn: 1 set Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 18 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3280-5 The Best Scholarships for the Best Students Domine el GED Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 8 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3260-7 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2515-9 $24.95 U.S. / $32.99 CAN, 12/14/2010 $18.00 US/$21.99 CAN, 10/9/2007 Asher, Donald, Jason Morris, and Nichole ARCO, 2nd ed., ctn: 8 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2868-6 Financial Aid Guidance Set 2012 Peterson’s, 45th ed., ctn: 1 set Fazio-Veigel, 1st ed., ctn: 22 FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES $32.95 US $39.99 CAN LEGE visits, e early basics, mparisons d costs , helping ploration, nce you need 2012 FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES -notch career 2012 blishing.com Find the Right Four-year College for you The trusted guide of high school guidance counselors, parents, and students like you! Data on more than 2,500 Four-year Colleges in the United States and abroad—with details on academic programs, financial aid, admission requirements, and moRE EAN 79-9 s DE IN AMERICA facebook.com/find.colleges twitter.com/find_colleges For additional content, look for us on these social media sites. For quicker access, scan the QR code. Facebook® and Facebook logos are registered trademarks of Facebook, Inc. Twitter™ and Twitter logos are registered trademarks of Twitter, Inc. Neither Facebook, Inc. nor Twitter, Inc. were involved in the production of this book and make no endorsement of this product. 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Knowing what to expect on the real test is the first step to overcoming anxiety, so you can do your best on your test day. Peterson’s expert test prep can help you calm your nerves, develop a study plan, learn the test format, get the practice you need, and score high on your exam. Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 32 Peterson’s Publishing provides the accurate, dependable, high-quality education content and guidance you need to succeed. No matter where you are on your academic or professional path, you can rely on Peterson’s print and digital publications for the most up-to-date education exploration data, expert test-prep tools, and top-notch career 7th Edition GRE /GMAT ® ® MATH REVIEW Score Higher. Guaranteed. 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