fall – winter 2012 - Peterson`s Publishing
fall – winter 2012 - Peterson`s Publishing
FALL – WINTER 2012 September 2012 – March 2013 Peterson’s Publishing provides the accurate, dependable, high-quality education content and guidance people need to succeed. No matter where individuals are on their academic or professional journey, they can rely on Peterson’s trusted print and digital publications for the most up-to-date education exploration data, expert test-prep tools, latest financial aid information, and top-notch career success resources to help them to achieve their goals. Peterson’s Publishing is breaking new ground with exciting new titles that are guaranteed to catch readers’ attention! These titles include Don’t Break the Bank: A Student’s Guide to Managing Money (pg. 5), The “C” Students Guide to Scholarships (pgs. 6–7), and Egg Head’s Guide to Vocabulary and Egg Head’s Guide to Geometry (pgs. 12–13). Joining the family of Peterson’s well-known and trusted guides, these new books offer indispensable resources, including links to websites for additional subject help and information, expert tips and advice, multimedia tools, and much more. Peterson’s Publishing continues to combine the comfort of the printed page with the cutting-edge technology of the digital world. Like us at facebook.com/petersonspublishing. Learn about our newest product releases and gain access to a wide variety of valuable content—from test prep to college search to career advancement, and more! Facebook and Facebook logos are registered trademarks of Facebook, Inc. Facebook, Inc. was not involved in the production of Peterson’s books and makes no endorsement of Peterson’s products. Table of contents TEST PREP CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . 2 NEW TITLES & EDITIONS September . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 January . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Previously Announced . . . . . . . . 15 backlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ORDERING INFORMATION . . . . . . . . 21 All front list cover art presented in this catalog is not final and is subject to change. TEST PREP CALENDAR 2012 Tests included: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. AP* Exams ACT May June July 7-11, 14-18 11 ® SAT* & SAT Subject Tests* 28 14 10 9 5 2 PSAT/NMSQT* SSAT 7 GMAT 4 3 21 9 Computer-Adaptive Test given year-round by appointment only. ® Computer-Based Test GRE ® Computer-Based Test given year-round. 11 Paper-Based Test LSAT 11 & 13 ® PCAT 10 & 11 ® NCLEX-PN ® 2 | TEST PREP CALENDAR Test given by appointment only. 11 & 24 18 & 19 ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., in the U.S.A. and other countries. *AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. 8 27 8 GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This book does not contain actual GMAT test items, nor is it endorsed or approved by GMAC. GRE® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This book is not endorsed or approved by ETS. ISEE is a registered trademark of the Educational Records Bureau, which does not endorse this book. LSAT® is a registered trademark of the Law School Admission Council, which does not endorse this book. NCLEX-PN® is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. 17 & 20 PCAT® is a registered trademark of Harcourt Assessment, Inc., which does not endorse this book. *PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product. *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. *SAT Subject Tests is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. SSAT is a registered trademark of the Secondary School Admission Test Board, which does not endorse this book. 6 & 10 1&3 18, 19, 24-26 Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com TEST PREP CALENDAR | 3 ON SALE DATE: September 11, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3439-7 Peterson’s Education/Reference 7.375 x 9.25, 600 pp., 2nd ed. ctn qty: 18 $21.95 Soft Cover $26.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3397-0 NEW EDITION Cool Colleges 101 Stunning campus photos and college profiles from across the United States This newly revised undergraduate guide features colorful, easy-to-read profiles of dozens of colleges and universities from the East to the West Coast of the United States (and several international schools). Designed for the ultimate decision maker—the student—Peterson’s Cool Colleges 101, 2nd Edition contains info on what life’s like on campus, from sports to dining facilities and more. • D istinctive school descriptions written by college administrators exclusively for Peterson’s • Vibrant school photos that provide a visual preview of campus and student life • Enlightening articles that provide info on getting into college and planning your education • I nformative fast-fact sidebars of dozens of institutions—with data on enrollment, selectivity (entrance difficulty), minimum ACT and SAT test scores, expenses, application deadlines, and contact information • A ccess Available in eBook September 2012 4 | SEPTEMBER Final Covers to Come to YOUniversityTV.com videos and information on numerous colleges and universities ON SALE DATE: October 2, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3647-6 Peterson’s Education/Finance 8.5 x 11, 216 pp., 1st ed. ctn qty: 36 $14.95 Soft Cover $17.99 Canada NEW TITLE Don’t Break the Bank: A Student’s Guide to Managing Money The must-have book to become a financially savvy student Financial independence is an on-going challenge for high school and college students as they struggle with the responsibility of managing their own money. Peterson’s Don’t Break the Bank: A Student’s Guide to Managing Money is just what today’s students need to master the basics of earning, saving, budgeting, and investing their money. Presented in a light, easy-to-read manner, Don’t Break the Bank covers the essentials: what money is, how to earn it, why it’s important to save it, how to invest it, and how to act responsibly when using it. • F un, accessible design, with quick-reading chapters—perfect for the busy student who’s on the go • V aluable tips on creating and sticking to a budget—tips that can benefit the whole family! • M oney U: Expert advice on managing money while in college • Real-life advice from students and financial experts • Helpful glossary to boost a student’s financial literacy Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Available in eBook October 2012 Final Covers to Come OCTOBER | 5 ON SALE DATE: October 9, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3615-5 Peterson’s Study Aids/Financial Aid 6 x 9, 288 pp., 2nd ed. ctn qty: 30 $16.95 Soft Cover $19.99 Canada NEW TITLE The “C” Students Guide to Scholarships The essential guide to finding scholarships when your grades suck! According to a recent U.S. Department of Education report, the average high school student receives grades ranging from high Bs to low Cs. These students make up the majority of high school graduates, yet most scholarship guides are aimed only at the straight-A student. Not this guide! Peterson’s The “C” Students Guide to Scholarships shows that it is possible for average or even below-average students to win some of the millions of dollars in available scholarship awards. Readers will find: • S ecrets and techniques needed to apply for hundreds and thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants to compete with straight “A” students • I nsightful, resourceful information to help students achieve college and scholarship success • S tep-by-step • P ersonal • A dvice A vailable in eBook October 2012 6 | OCTOBER Final Covers to Come guidance to turn hidden talents and unique strengths into cash for college testimonials from “C” students who found their way to success on requesting letters of recommendation and working with recommenders about the author Felecia Hatcher Author Felecia Hatcher, named one of the “Top 10 Superstar Entrepreneurs Under 30” by Allbusiness.com, has dedicated her life to motivating young people to look past their circumstances and get creative! As a “C” student herself in high school, Hatcher beat the odds and won over $100,000 in scholarships to attend college. In addition, at age 19, Hatcher started her first college coaching business called Urban Excellence. Since then, she has traveled around the country conducting workshops and building successful college-prep programs for Texas A&M, DeVry, the Urban League, the YMCA, the TED Center, and AMPS Institute. Hatcher has also spearheaded a number of successful experiential marketing campaigns while working for Nintendo, Sony, and the WNBA. In 2008, she embraced her “inner foodie” and took to the Miami streets with her now very successful Feverish Ice Cream Truck and boutique ice cream catering company. In her free time, Felecia Hatcher works with the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), consults with start-ups, and lends her expertise and charisma to the Sweet Success Youth Empowerment Speaking tour. Felecia Hatcher’s experience and advice shows that even if you’re an average or a below-average student, you can win some of the millions in scholarship funds, too! Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com OCTOBER | 7 ON sale DATE: October 30, 2012 ON sale DATE: November 13, 2012 ON sale DATE: November 20, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3623-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3624-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3621-6 $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada 8.5 x 11, 480 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 10 8.5 x 11, 624 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 8 8.5 x 11, 1,392 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 6 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3283-6 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3284-3 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3281-2 ON sale DATE: November 27, 2012 ON sale DATE: December 11, 2012 ON sale DATE: December 18, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3625-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3622-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3620-9 $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada $54.95 Hard Cover $68.00 Canada 8.5 x 11, 2,144 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 4 8.5 x 11, 512 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 8 8.5 x 11, 1,056 pp., 47th ed. ctn qty: 8 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3285-0 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3282-9 prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3280-5 8 | OCTOBER–DECEMBER ON SALE DATE: December 24, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3619-3 Peterson’s Study Aids/Graduate School Guides 8.5 x 11, 47th ed. ctn qty: 1 $329.70 Hard Cover $408.00 Canada prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3286-7 NEW EDITIONS Graduate and Professional Programs 2013 (6-volume Set) The most comprehensive guides to help find the right graduate program The standard in graduate education guides, this six-volume set presents complete details on nearly 38,000 degree programs, conveniently organized by field of study. Set includes: • Graduate & Professional Programs: An Overview 2013 • Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences 2013 • G raduate Programs in the Biological/Biomedical Sciences & Health-Related/Medical Professions 2013 • G raduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment & Natural Resources 2013 • G raduate Programs in Engineering & Applied Sciences 2013 • G raduate Programs in Business, Education, Information Studies, Law & Social Work 2013 Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com DECEMBER | 9 ON SALE DATE: December 11, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3626-1 Peterson’s Study Aids/Graduate School Guides 8.5 x 11, 656 pp., 2nd ed. ctn qty: 10 $39.95 Soft Cover $48.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3438-0 NEW EDITION CompetitiveEdge: A Guide to Graduate Business Programs Find informative profiles of exciting graduate business programs Whether still in college or part of the workforce, the decision to get a graduate business degree is often a difficult one to make. Peterson’s CompetitiveEdge: A Guide to Graduate Business Programs, 2nd Edition is the user-friendly guide that makes the business degree decision that much easier, with hundreds of graduate business programs in the United States, Canada, and abroad. Easy-to-read descriptions focus on the essential information that defines each business school or program, with photos offering a look at the faces of students, faculty, and important campus locales. • E nlightening articles on today’s MBA degree, the admissions and application process, new business programs, writing effective application essays and resumes, and more • H elpful overview of each of the 21 different graduate business sections, with details on what a particular field entails, what courses may be required, what the job outlook appears to be, and a potential position in that field • Available in eBook December 2012 Final Covers to Come Real-life advice from individuals who owe their career to their graduate business degree • I n-depth descriptions with valuable information on specific graduate business programs and schools • S ample GMAT® practice test to help boost preparation efforts for this important entrance exam 10 | DECEMBER ON SALE DATE: January 8, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3627-8 Peterson’s Education/Secondary 8.5 x 11, 1,032 pp., 34th ed. ctn qty: 8 $39.95 Soft Cover $48.99 Canada prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3437-3 NEW EDITION Private Secondary Schools 2013-14 The information parents need to find the right private school for their child Peterson’s Private Secondary Schools 2013–14 is the trusted guide for families searching for the right private school for their child. Listings of more than 1,200 schools include independent day, military, special needs, and boarding schools. Families will be able to find the perfect fit with up-to-date information on tuition, academic programs, student life, athletics, faculty, admissions, and more. • L atest facts and figures on tuition and aid, accreditation, subjects offered, special academic programs, college admission counseling, and more • Q uick-Reference Chart for easy school comparisons and specialized directories to help families hone in on the right private school • I nformative articles on special needs schools, traditional day and boarding schools, the application process, standardized tests, financial aid, and other helpful topics • T wo-page descriptions offering essential details on many private schools throughout the United States and abroad • S ummer Programs section, with details on fascinating summer opportunities at private secondary schools Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Available in eBook January 2013 Final Covers to Come January | 11 NEW TITLES The Egg Head Guides The ideal guides for visual learners Peterson’s NEW Egg Head series has arrived! We are introducing two new titles for students who benefit from visual learning: Egg Head’s Guide to Vocabulary and Egg Head’s Guide to Geometry. Peterson’s brainy new character “Egg Head” is here to assist students with creative “visual” explanations and helpful subject advice—no matter what the topic. The Egg Head Guides’ numerous exercises, illustrated explanations, and expert study tips make them the perfect guides for students seeking a fun, new way to improve their geometry and vocabulary knowledge for standardized tests. • E gg • Head’s tips and advice for improving geometry and vocabulary skills Ideal subject review for students taking the SAT, ACT, and GED exams • F oundational learning for students who need basic and remedial instruction • D ozens of sample exercises and solutions with helpful tips and strategies • E asy-to-read lessons with fun graphics that provide essential information to help those students who learn visually 12 | january Egg Head’s Guide to Vocabulary ON SALE DATE: January 1, 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3661-2 Peterson’s Study Aids/Study Guides 8 x 10, 216 pp., 1st ed. ctn qty: 30 $14.95 Soft Cover $17.99 Canada Egg Head’s Guide to Geometry ON SALE DATE: January 8, 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3662-9 Peterson’s Study Aids/Study Guides 8 x 10, 216 pp., 1st ed. ctn qty: 30 $14.95 Soft Cover $17.99 Canada Both Titles Available in eBook January 2013 Final Covers to Come Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com JANUARY | 13 ON SALE DATE: March 12, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-0-7689-3660-5 Peterson’s Study Aids/High School Entrance 8.5 x 11, 656 pp., 19th ed. ctn qty: 14 $19.95 Soft Cover $24.99 Canada prev. ed.: 978-0-7689-3476-2 NEW EDITION Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams 2014 Best-selling test prep guide on the most popular Catholic school placement tests Peterson’s Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams 2014 is the comprehensive test-prep book for scoring high on Catholic high school entrance exams. Students entering parochial school will get the information they need to boost their scores on the COOP, HSPT, and New York City TACHS with this best-selling guide. With its easy-to-use instructional style and organization, this guide also offers details and practice for the SSAT and ISEE, two popular private school exams. • E ight full-length practice tests—two each for the COOP, HSPT, and TACHS and one each for the SSAT and ISEE exams • S tep-by-step coaching for each type of question on the exams and plenty of test-taking tips • G uidance • I n-depth Available in eBook March 2013 14 | march Final Covers to Come on all test formats, including timetables and scoring subject review covering the verbal, math, and quantitative sections of the exam • E asy-to-use self-evaluation tools to track progress on sale DATE: September 25, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3477-9 Peterson’s Study Aids/GMAT 8.5 x 11, 720 pp., 19th ed. ctn qty: 10 $36.95 Soft cover $44.99 Canada prev. ed. 13: 978-0-7689-3143-3 previously announced new edition Master the GMAT® 2013 No-nonsense test prep for MBA applicants The GMAT® is changing in June 2012, and Peterson’s Master the GMAT 2013 has the complete information that test-takers need, including comprehensive review and practice questions for the GMAT’s new Integrated Reasoning section. Readers will also find expert tips on essay writing, a thorough analysis of the types of verbal and quantitative questions on the exam, and additional practice and preparation for this computer-adaptive test. • N ine full-length practice tests (access to three on CD), with detailed answer explanations for each question • R eview of the new Integrated Reasoning section, including practice questions and detailed answer explanations, plus info on changes to the Essay section • E xpert Top 10 Test-Prep Tips to help students score high on the GMAT • I n-depth review of all subject areas on the exam, including reading comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, problem solving, data sufficiency, and the NEW Integrated Reasoning section Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com Available in eBook October 2012 Final Covers to Come PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED | 15 440 Great Colleges for Top Students College Guide for Visual Arts Majors Four-Year Colleges 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2686-6 $19.95 US/$23.50 CAN, 9/8/2009 Peterson’s, 29th ed., ctn: 14 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2699-6 $24.95 US/$32.99 CAN, 10/13/2009 Peterson’s, 15th ed., ctn: 12 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3606-3 $32.95 US/$39.99 CAN, 7/13/2012 Peterson’s, 43rd ed., ctn: 6 Associated Press Guide to Newswriting CompetitiveEdge: A Guide to Graduate Business Programs GED Basics ISBN: 978-0-7689-1979-0 $15.95 US/$18.99 CAN, 10/11/2005 Cappon, René, 3rd ed., ctn: 60 Basic Guidance Set 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3288-1 $130.80 US/$155.96 CAN, 8/30/2011 Peterson’s, ctn: 1 set Basic Guidance Set 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3613-1 $130.80 US/$155.96 CAN, 8/28/2012 Peterson’s, ctn: 1 set The Best Scholarships for the Best Students ISBN: 978-0-7689-3260-7 $24.95 US/$32.99 CAN, 12/14/2010 Asher, Donald, Jason Morris, and Nichole Fazio-Veigel, 1st ed., ctn: 22 Civil Service Arithmetic & Vocabulary Review ISBN: 978-0-7689-1697-3 $16.95 US/$19.99 CAN, 12/22/2004 ARCO, 15th ed., ctn: 20 CLEP Success ISBN: 978-0-7689-2479-4 $21.95 US/$24.99 CAN, 6/26/2007 Peterson’s, 9th ed., ctn: 20 16 | backlist (see new ed. pg. 10) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3438-0 $39.95 US/$48.99 CAN, 12/7/2011 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 18 Cool Colleges 101 (see new ed. pg. 4) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3397-0 $21.95 US/$26.99 CAN, 10/26/2010 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 18 Domine el GED ISBN: 978-0-7689-2883-9 $15.95 US/$21.00 CAN, 8/24/2010 Peterson’s, 4th ed., ctn: 28 Getting a Government Job: The Civil Service Handbook ISBN: 978-0-7689-2796-2 $21.95 US/$28.99 CAN, 12/15/2009 ARCO, 1st ed., ctn: 32 Graduate & Professional Programs: An Overview 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2515-9 $18.00 US/$21.99 CAN, 10/9/2007 ARCO, 2nd ed., ctn: 8 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3280-5 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 12/20/11 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 8 Financial Aid Guidance Set 2012 Graduate & Professional Program Set 2012 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3289-8 $67.90 US/$79.98 CAN, 8/30/2011 Peterson’s, ctn: 1 set (see new ed. pg. 9) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3286-7 $329.70 US/$408.00 CAN, 12/27/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 1 set Financial Aid Guidance Set 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3614-8 $67.90 US/$79.98 CAN, 8/28/2012 Peterson’s, ctn: 1 set Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Health, Information Studies, Law & Social Work 2012 Four-Year Colleges 2012 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3285-0 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 11/29/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 4 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3279-9 $32.95 US/$39.99 CAN, 7/12/2011 Peterson’s, 42nd ed., ctn: 6 Graduate Programs in Engineering & Applied Sciences 2012 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3284-3 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 11/8/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 8 Graduate Programs in the Biological Sciences 2012 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3282-9 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 12/13/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 6 Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences 2012 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3281-2 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 11/15/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 6 Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment & Natural Resources 2012 (see new ed. pg. 8) ISBN: 978-0-7689-3283-6 $54.95 US/$68.00 CAN, 11/1/2011 Peterson’s, 46th ed., ctn: 10 Graduate Schools in the U.S. 2011 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2861-7 $26.95 US/$34.99 CAN, 4/27/2010 Peterson’s, 11 ed, ctn: 12 Green Careers in Building and Landscaping How to Master Online Learning ISBN: 978-0-7689-2911-9 $21.95 US/$28.99 CAN, 9/21/2010 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 20 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3308-6 $18.95 US/$24.99 CAN, 10/5/2010 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 50 Green Careers in Energy How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement ISBN: 978-0-7689-2860-0 $21.95 US/$28.99 CAN, 8/17/2010 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 20 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2816-7 $14.95 US/$17.50 CAN, 9/1/2009 Stewart, Mark A., 4th ed., ctn: 40 Green Jobs for a New Economy: The Career Guide to Emerging Opportunities Master Math for the SAT ISBN: 978-0-7689-2815-0 $21.95 US/$28.99 CAN, 1/12/2010 Peterson’s, ctn: 20 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2723-8 $16.95 US/$19.99 CAN, 11/25/2008 Peterson’s, 2nd ed., ctn: 16 GRE®/GMAT® Math Review Master the ASVAB ISBN: 978-0-7689-3431-1 $24.95 US/$29.99 CAN, 9/13/2011 Peterson’s, 7th ed., ctn: 16 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2603-3 $18.95 US/$24.99 CAN, 5/13/2008 Ostrow, Scott, 21st ed., ctn: 12 How to Become a U.S. Citizen Master the ASVAB (w/CD) ISBN: 978-0-7689-2905-8 $18.95 US/$24.99 CAN, 11/9/2010 Peterson’s, 1st ed., ctn: 32 ISBN: 978-0-7689-2602-6 $26.95 US/$34.99 CAN, 5/13/2008 Ostrow, Scott, 4th ed., ctn: 12 How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2012 Master the ASVAB Basics ISBN: 978-0-7689-3295-9 $33.95 US/$39.99 CAN, 8/30/2011 Peterson’s, 29th ed., ctn: 8 How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2013 ISBN: 978-0-7689-3611-7 $33.95 US/$39.99 CAN, 8/28/2012 Peterson’s, 30th ed., ctn: 8 Booksellers & Wholesalers: p 1.800.759.0190 f 1.800.286.9471 WEBSITE: www.petersonspublishing.com ISBN: 978-0-7689-2829-7 $15.95 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