October 3 - Congregation Beth Shalom


October 3 - Congregation Beth Shalom
Welcome to Beth Shalom! Great to have you with us.
Please join us during Kiddush after services. B’ruchim Habaim (Welcome!)
A Beth Shalom Weekly
6800 35th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
“Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself ” ~ Golda Meir
Tishri 9 - 14, 5775
October 3 - 8, 2014
Board Members & Staff
Andrew Cohen
Past President
Mark Stiefel
Congregation Beth Shalom • Voted in JT News
Best Congregation 4 years in a row!
Michael Madwed
Susan Morgensztern
Craig Lawson
School Committee Chair
Wendy Friedman
Rochelle Roseman
Members at Large:
Polly Amkraut
Jennifer Cohen
Suzie Dadoun
Joani Diskin Saran
Mark Igra
Debra Jeffs-Grad
Julie Klein
Marsha Malkin
Philip Nurick
Norbert Sorg
Scott Starr
David Tarshes
Rabbi Jill Borodin
Rabbi Adam Rubin
Carol Benedick
Executive Director
Liat Levit
Education & Youth Director
Leah Lemchen
Early Childhood Center
Louis Friedkin
Julie Hayon
Director of Livnot Chai
Naomi Kramer
Program Director
Marci Greenberg
B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator
Kol Nidrei
Friday, October 3
from 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Candle lighting for October 3 is 6:26pm
Yom Kippur
Shabbat, October 4
Yom Tov services & Yizkor
Leviticus 16:1-34
Maftir: Numbers 29:7-11
Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14-58:14
Leviticus 18:1-30
Haftarah: Jonah 1:1-4:11;
Micah 7:18-20
Shabbat Babysitting at 9:30am in Room 4/5
Marjie Cogan
Front Office Coordinator
Emma Shusterman
Heidi Piel
Lifecycle Coordinator
Felix Shoihat
Edu & Developm Associate
Carlos Del Cid
Rimma Lobas
Morena Prado
Transliterations of services are
available; speak to an usher
to get a copy.
Hearing Devices:
There are hearing devices for
all services. Please speak to
an usher.
Weekday Minyanim in the Beit Midrash
Monday - Friday: 7:00AM • Monday Evening: 7:30 PM
• Sunday Morning: 9:30-10:15 AM
To honor the sanctity of Shabbat and High Holidays, we do not permit smoking, photography,
writing, use of beepers, cell phones or other wireless equipment.
When congregants are standing in prayer please do not disturb their concentration by moving around the shul.
In consideration of other members, please minimize the use of scented body products. Thank you.
*** Reminder ***
Marjie will be at the Kitchen to give out Lulav/Etrog sets
from 9:00am-Noon on Sunday, October 5.
Childcare Hours for High Holidays
Erev Yom Kippur (Programs begin at conclusion of Kol Nidrei
6:15 - 9:15 PM
Yom Kippur Day - Ages 1-5 Morning Programs
9:00 AM - 1:15 PM
Pre-registration required for childcare
Volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed on Sunday morning October 5th at about
10am to help set up scaffolding so that artist, Rainer Adkins, can
do some more work on the lobby mural. We also need a couple
of volunteers on Wednesday, October 8th at 9:30am to help take
down the scaffolding. Please contact Rainer Adkins if you’re able
to assist. (rainer@onemain.com, (206) 725-2892, (206) 437-8392
Yom Tov Candlelighting
Candlelighting on Kol Nidre (Friday) is at 6:26pm. Light a long
burning candle on Friday before the holiday begins. Use this long
-burning candle to transfer the flame to your havdallah candle at
the end of Yom Kippur services on Saturday night at 7:40pm.
Sukkot Community Dinner and Ushpizin Costume Party
October 8th, 7:00 PM
Details and Registration online or to
Pre-registration required
JFS Community Food Drive
The JFS Food Drive is well under way. Many people brought home
grocery bags to fill with food for the JFS food warehouse after
Rosh Hashanah services. Now it’s time to bring them back! Donations are being accepted in the Beth Shalom lobby through Erev
Yom Kippur. Don’t forget to bring back your filled grocery bag if
you have one – and if you didn’t pick one up, any grocery bag will
do. Or, purchase low denomination grocery story scrip from
Marjie and that can be your donation! Very handy.
For those who were hoping to help out on Sunday morning at the
JFS warehouse, the “Big Sort” is full. They have enough volunteers already. What a great community.
Donations of gift cards to local grocery stores are also welcome.
Please contact Marjie Cogan or Kevin Coskey to arrange for the
purchase of gift cards, with checks made payable to CBS.
Calling all 9th-12th grade students!
Want to be a part of something
dynamic, engaging and has an
impact on our local Jewish community? Join us as we learn about how
to address the most pressing local
and global issues facing the Jewish
people. This year we will have the chance to travel to Los Angeles,
Washington DC and possibly overseas as we participate in social
justice projects and Jewish learning.
Simchat Torah Community Dinner and Dancing
October 16th, 6:45 PM (Simchat Torah Katan begins at 6:15 PM)
Details and Registration online or to
Saturday, 10/25 from 6:30pm at the home of Bev & Peter Blum
Lynn Gottlieb will help with the program. This will be a very interesting subject concerning the migration of Jews from Israel into
Europe during the first millennium CE. Major population centers
and learning centers plus the formulation of Yiddish evolved.
More information to come. We need a host for November.
Food alphabet: A-F salad G-J main K-R appetizer
S-Z fruit dessert bread
Shmita Themed Edible Walking Tour
October 26th, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Meeting Point: Graham Visitors Center at Washington Park
Arboretum $10/person (Registration required in advance)
Jewish Perspectives on Talking with Your Children and
Friends about Guns
Sunday, October 19, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.Temple Beth Am.
Sunday, October 26, 10:00 - 11:30a.m.Temple De Hirsch Sinai.
What should your child know about guns? When a shooting occurs, what do you tell them? How can you integrate gun safety
into your child's playdates and other visits? What is Jewish guidance on gun issues, and why is this topic important to our community?
We invite you to hear community leaders speak on this topic and
be part of an interactive discussion, including the opportunity to
learn developmentally appropriate information and engage
in practicescenarios.
CBS Gift Card / Scrip Program
Satisfy your gift card needs and support the synagogue at the
same time. What a deal! If you have any questions about
purchasing gift cards, please contact Kevin Coskey at
scrip@bethshalomseattle.org or Marjie in the CBS office.
Chinook books and the Entertainment books for sale
Chinook Book $20 / Chinook book App (which works with Iphones
and Androids) $15, and the combo-book/app $30.
Entertainment Books $35 – It automatically comes with an app.
 Mazel Tov to Naomi & David Spinak, on the birth of their
new daughter, and Jacob and Mirit Spinak, on the birth of
their new sister, Lilah Claire Spinak, born on Erev Rosh
Toddah Rabah
 Joanna Gerber, for her help in our office
 To our amazing High Holiday Choir: Carl Sayres, Michele
Yanow, Yonah Karp, Judy Rosenfeld, Michaela Yancey,
Cheryl McDonald, Julie Shusterman, Liat Levit, Martin
Wahl, Nicolas Bell, Brian Rapalee, Stewart Shusterman,
Norbert Sorg, and to Carl Sayres for creating and leading
the Choir
For Adult Education and community events, please contact NaomiKramer@bethshalomseattle.org.
Yom Kippur, October 4th, 4:00 PM
Yom Kippur, October 4th, 9:00 – 9:45 AM
Join Carl Sayres and the YK Chorus for a uniquely
Rabbi Adam Rubin will offer a special learner’s musical Yom Kippur Mincha service! Our singers
service in the Beit Midrash to help us tackle some of will be creating beautiful sounds to enhance the serthe complexity of repenting on Yom Kippur.
vice, teach us new melodies, and get us all singing!
Adult Education Courses
Hebrew Courses
 Hebrew I: Aleph Bet (Tuesdays or Shabbat)
 Modern Hebrew: Beginner (Tuesdays)
 Biblical Hebrew II (Tuesdays)
 Siddur Hebrew (Shabbat)
 Modern Hebrew: Early Intermediate (Tuesdays)
Jewish Text and Culture
 Living Judaism 5775 with Ron DeChene (Tuesday evenings)
 Contemporary Questions Viewed Through Jewish Texts with Beth Huppin (Tuesday mornings or Tuesday evenings)
 Spiritual Ecology with Deirdre Gabbay (Tuesday evenings)
 It's About Time with Jeremy Alk (Tuesday evenings)
 Prayer - Does it Matter in this Broken World? with Beth Huppin (Wednesday mornings)
 The Genesis of Creativity: Using Visual Midrash to Capture the Jewish Imagination with Jeremy Alk & Nancy
 Current (Wednesday evenings)
 Eat, Pray, Love (God): The Rabbis of the Talmud on Prayer, Gratitude, and Suffering with Rabbi Adam
Rubin (Thursday evenings)
 Learner's Minyan with Robert Hovden (Shabbat, once a month)
 Mini-Courses with Various teachers (Sundays)
 Partners in Parshah: Bringing the Text Alive Across Generations with Rabbis and more! (Shabbat)
For registration please visit - http://www.bethshalomseattle.org/adult_education.php
Join us on Wednesday, October 8th for a Community Dinner in our
community Sukkah. Dress up as a character from Jewish History!
RSVP and pre-payment required:
$18/member, $22/non-member, $10/children, free for kids 3 and under.
Contact NaomiKramer@BethShalomSeattle.org.
Simchat Torah Katan:
6:15 pm—6:45 pm
6:45pm—7:30 pm
Social Hall & CBS Sukkah
7:00 pm-7:30 pm
7:30 pm +
Pre-registration required: $18/member, $22/non-member, $10/children, free for kids 3 and under.
 Karen McGonigle, for her mother, Florence Erb, z"l, who passed away Saturday, September 27 (3 Tishrei)
 Brad Goldberg, for his sister, Sarah Goldberg, z"l, who passed away Saturday, September 27 (3 Tishrei)
The funeral and shiva are in Chicago
Yacov Paley, for his father, Shawn Paley z”l (25 Elul)
Lara Lavi, for her mother, Eleanor Heit, z”l (23 Tevet)
Glenn Leichman, for his wife, Rolande Chesebro z”l (15 Elul)
Michael Lubow, for his sister Debra Zeid, z"l (11 Elul)
Hazel Judelman, for her mother, Ellen Breitz, z”l (10 Elul)
Dorothy Becker, for her husband, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av)
Arlene Azose, for her father, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av)
Beth Shalom, for our long time member, Marilyn Bierman, z”l (10 Av)
Barbara Grashin, for her husband, George Grashin, z”l (1 Av)
Ed and Sylvia Stern, for their daughter, Shari Stern, z”l
(4 Tammuz )
Asher Kipersztok, for his father, Jacob Kipersztok, z”l (17 Sivan)
Dan Bernhard, for his mother, Jeanette S. Bernhard, z”l (15 Sivan)
Cindy Hirsch, for her father, David Hirsch, z”l (12 Sivan)
Beth Shalom, for our friend, Tony Moore, z”l (25 Iyar)
James Packman, for his father, Howard B. Packman, z”l (24 Iyar)
Gene Huppin, for his sister, and Beth Huppin, Lisa Low, and Amee Sherer, for their
aunt, Betty Rose Williams, z”l (22 Iyar)
Howard Miller, for his father, Stanley Miller, z”l (17 Iyar)
Betsy Maurer, for her mother, Illene K. Maurer, z”l (9 Iyar)
David Marks, for his father, Stuart Marks, z”l (13 Nissan)
Arthur Warmoth, for his father, L. Arthur Warmoth, z”l (4 Nissan)
Alan Rodan, for his father, Kurt Rodan, z”l (27 Adar II)
Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her father, William Jacob Greenberg (9 Adar II)
Betsy Deutsch, for her mother, Grace Rubin, z”l (12 Adar I)
Freya Brier, for her father, Sam Brier, z”l (6 Adar I)
Polly Amkraut, for her father, Leslie Mackoff, z”l (23 Shevat)
Chava Monastersky, for her mother, Elaine Monastersky, z”l (17 Shevat)
Carol Reynolds, for her step-father, Charles Jassen, z”l (26 Tevet)
Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her mother, Eunice Greenberg, z”l
(25 Tevet)
If your loved one’s name is not listed, you may announce them during the prayer for the
sick, after the reading of the Torah.
CBS Members
Yonah Deuel bat Leah v’Aryeh (Yonah Karp)
Grant Norwitz, for his mother, Valda Franklin Norwitz, z”l
(17 Heshvan)
Pat Hurshell-Reinert, for her husband, Otto Reinert, z”l (15 Heshvan)
Robert Jacobs, for his mother, Phyllis Tapper Jacobs, z”l (5 Heshvan)
Paul Azous, for his father, Albert Azous, z”l (3 Heshvan)
Karin Madwed, for her father, Bernie Feldman, z”l (29 Tishrei)
Alan Rodan, for his mother, Susan Rodan, z”l
Lisa Fein, for her grandmother, Phreda Warnick, z”l
Allen Safer, for his niece, Sarah Lilly, z”l
Rina Redrup, for her grandmother, Trude Michelson Akau, z”l
Gerald Pollack, for his father, Max Pollack, z”l
David Tarshes, for his aunt, Bess Brenner, z”l
Suzie Dadoun, for her mother, Risha Dadoun, z”l
Carrie Horwitch, for her mother, Elaine Horwitch, z”l
Mark Nagel, for his aunt, Galina Nagel, z”l
Rochelle Wynne, for her brother, Martin Harris, z”l
Judy Soferman, for her mother, Sylvia Soferman, z”l
Alan Baumgarten, for his uncle, Marty Zuckerman, z”l
Lane Gerber, for her mother, Evelyn Gerber, z”l
Polly Amkraut, for her sister, Amy Mackoff, z”l
Mick Ostroff, for his father, Herb Ostroff, z”l
Louis Friedkin, for his grandmother, Genevieve Tateel, z”l
Flora Ostrow, for her uncle, Phillip Barbanell, z”l
Inna Lacker, for her father-in-law, Willy Lacker, z”l
Refuah Shlemah
The Refuah Shlemah list is for the seriously ill and names need to be
re-submitted monthly.
Each entry is dated. The listing expires one month from the listing date.
To renew names on the list call Felix at 206-524-0075.
Thank you for understanding our policy
to make room for names in the future.
Rachel Masha bat Mindle v’Ruvain (Rhona Feldman)
Rivkah bat Eliana v’Minachem Lav ( Rebecca Phelps)
Avraham Ben Chaya Rachel v’Yakov (Edward Stern)
Chaya bat Sarah Atarah (Chaya Appelbaum)
Eleazar Aharon ben Miriam
Malka Belah bat Corrine v’Aaron Yakov ha’Cohen (Margot Kravette)
Baruch ben Liba Fraidel v’Shmuel (Michael Ralph)
Aharon Natan ben Pesi Chana v'Menacham (Aaron Mesnick-Greene)
Lorraine Satterfield
Ilana bat Sarah v’Ari
Akiva ben Rachel v’Aharon
Chana bat Chava v'Aharon
Shirah Efrona bat Rivka
Freydl Miryl bat Pesha v'Sima Masha
Aviella Bara bat Shlomo v'Nechama Raisel (Susan Aylesworth)
Ahuva bat Motla (Amanda Taylor)
Miriam bat Tailbela (Mimi Schorr)
Chaya Tzipporah bat Malka Hinde (Michele Yanow)
Samuel ben Adam (Sam Kuten)
Orli bat Sofia
David Henached shel Goldja (Elric Wolfsbruder McCurdy)
Yachna Maryam ha’Cohen bat Masha Leah
Chizkiyahu Yitzchok Yehoshuah ben Rachel v’Eliezer
Yitzchak ben Miriam v’Benjamin (Ira Kalet)
Ita bat Taube (Inna Lacker)
RELATIVES of Members
Ezra Zimmerman, nephew of Henry Zimmerman (re-listed 9/12)
Ira Weiner, cousin of Kayla Weiner (re-listed 9/12)
Michael Burke, husband of Svetlana Burke (re-listed 9/12)
Joan Siewart, aunt of Carrie Horwitch (re-listed 9/12)
Baruch ben Avram (Burt Horwitch), uncle of Carrie Horwitch (re- listed 9/12)
Yacov ben Chana (Gerald Slatkin), father of Laurie Pritchard (re-listed 9/12)
Annette Peizer, for her mother, Ruth Peizer, z”l (19 Heshvan)
Chava Monastersky, for her sister, Paula Monastersky, z”l (16 Sivan)
Emanuel Jacobowitz, for his father, Benjamin Jacobowitz, z”l (25
Philip Nurick, for his father, Ivan Nurick, z”l (27 Kislev)
RELATIVES of Members - continued
Shraga Faivel ben Sarah, father of Marci Greenberg (re-listed 9/12)
Battyah bat Fegeleh v’Menashe (Bea Goldberg), mother of Jacquie Bayley (re-listed
Alyce Ayn Stippek Houten Carmick, mother-in-law of E. Camins Bretts (re-listed 9/12)
‫( משה בן יולה‬Moshe Calamaro), uncle of Allan Moss (listed 9/5)
Bev Lemchen, mother of Matt and Aaron Lemchen (listed 9/9)
Tovah Ahuva bat Tzipporah (Gabriela Cohen), sister-in-law of Carolyn Cohen (listed
Thea Glazer, mother of Doug Glazer (listed 9/30)
Yael Ben Bayla (Joel Kaufman), cousin of Robin Moss (re-listed 9/30)
Leah Tzivia bat Tulsa, cousin of Rabbi Jill Borodin (listed 10/03)
FRIENDS of Members
Yehuda Dov Ha'Cohen ben Malkah, (Ernest Cohen), friend of Sharon Greenberg (re-
listed 9/12)
Larry Zolton, friend of Patti Kieval (re-listed 9/12)
Rachel bat Gavriela v’Yehuda (Andrea Stern), friend of Patti Kieval (re-listed 9/12)
Gaby Bell, friend of Carolyn Cohen (re-listed 9/12)
Shulamit bat Nechama (Sabina Burd), friends of the Davis/Jacobs family (re-listed
Jace Evans, friend of Michael De Haan (re-listed 9/12)
Boruch ben Emma v’Yosef (Boris Vilkevitch), friend of Emma Shusterman, Marina
Kiselev, Svetlana Burke and Marina Nagel (re-listed 9/12)
Patricia Gallaher, friend of Jacquie Bayley (listed 9/9)
Steve Andrews, friend of Jacquie Bayley (listed 9/9)
Aryeh Chaim ben Meyer HaKohen, friend of Jacquie Bayley (listed 9/9)
Nancy Batt, friend of Debi Vans Evers (listed 9/16)
Evan Michael Addess, friend of Cohen/Spiro family (listed 9/29)