Jan 9 - Congregation Beth Shalom
Jan 9 - Congregation Beth Shalom
Welcome to Beth Shalom! Great to have you with us. Please join us during Kiddush after services. B’ruchim Habaim (Welcome!) Shavuon A Beth Shalom Weekly 6800 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 206.524.0075 "Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.” ~ Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel 18 - 25 Tevet 5775 January 9-16, 2015 Board Members & Staff President Andrew Cohen Past President Mark Stiefel President-Elect Michael Madwed Vice-President Susan Morgensztern Treasurer Craig Lawson School Committee Chair Wendy Friedman Secretary Rochelle Roseman Members at Large: Polly Amkraut Jennifer Cohen Suzie Dadoun Joani Diskin Saran Mark Igra Debra Jeffs-Grad Julie Klein Marsha Malkin Philip Nurick Norbert Sorg Scott Starr David Tarshes Rabbi Jill Borodin Rabbi Adam Rubin Carol Benedick Executive Director Liat Levit Education & Youth Director Leah Lemchen Early Childhood Center Director Julie Hayon Director of Livnot Chai Naomi Kramer Program Director Marci Greenberg B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator Congregation Beth Shalom • Voted in JT News Best Congregation 4 years in a row! Kabbalat Shabbat Services in the Sanctuary Candlelighting for January 9 is at 4:19pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services from 5:00-6:00pm Shabbat Morning Services in the Sanctuary at 9:30am Shemot Exodus 3:1-4:17 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23 Bat Mitzvah of Talia Chriqui The Kiddush is Hosted by Ellice Ellenhorn & Michel Chriqui, in honor of Talia becoming Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Babysitting at 9:30am in Room 4/5 FDI for ages 3-6 from 10:45am in Room 1 Kids Kehilla for ages 7-11 from 10:45am in Room 6 Partners in Parasha open to all from 11:30am in Room This Saturday, 1:15pm, Israel Committee hosts Marina Pevzner Hennessy from TAG on Bringing Israeli Expertise to International Development work in the Beit Midrash Marjie Cogan Front Office Coordinator Louis Friedkin Comptroller Emma Shusterman Bookkeeper Sunday Morning Learning: Prayer Part II, 10am with Ron DeChene. Heidi Piel Lifecycle Coordinator Felix Shoihat Edu & Developm Associate Carlos Del Cid Jan Dawson Morena Prado Custodians Rimma Lobas Service Assistant Transliterations of services are available; speak to an usher to get a copy. Hearing Devices: There are hearing devices for all services. Please speak to an usher. Weekday Minyanim in the Beit Midrash Monday - Friday: 7:00AM • Monday Evening: 7:30 PM • Sunday Morning: 9:30-10:15 AM To honor the sanctity of Shabbat and High Holidays, we do not permit smoking, photography, writing, use of beepers, cell phones or other wireless equipment. When congregants are standing in prayer please do not disturb their concentration by moving around the shul. In consideration of other members, please minimize the use of scented body products. Thank you. ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING PROGRAMS Empty Nester Potluck January 24th from 6:00pm at the home of Marty Schnitzer & Marsha Malkin. RSVP to Stan Zeitz at sjzeitz@comcast.net We’ll be reading a short story called l'shana tova, by one of our most beloved and talented Yiddish writers, Salomon Rabinovitch, better known under his pen name, Sholem Aleichem. We'll learn how our Russian Jewish ancestors lived when the Czars were in charge of Russia. The food alphabet: A-F appetizer G-J fruit dessert beverage K-R salad S-Z main Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz - Birkenau January 27th, 2015 at 5:00PM at Seattle's Benaroya Hall Music of Remembrance presenting a community-wide free concert to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau. For more information go to: http://www.musicofremembrance.org USY hosts Clothes for the Cause fundraising event March 4-15! Start saving your unwanted clothes, shoes, and any other textiles (bedding, towels, linens, etc) for our major fundraiser of the year! You’ll get a tax deduction from Beth Shalom and everyone wins: you get a clean house for Passover, and the Beth Shalom youth program gets paid (by the pound) for keeping things out of the landfills! Just pack your things into plastic bags - items can be new, gently used, torn, ripped, or stained - and bring them to Beth Shalom anytime between March 4 (Purim!) and the morning of Sunday, March 15. We are hoping to collect at least 300 bags to meet our scholarship fundraising goal for this year. Visit the website www.clothesforthecausefundraising.com or e-mail Amee Sherer at alsherer@comcast.net with any questions. CBS Purim 5775 Save the Date: Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, March 5 Milestones Mazal Tov to Talia Chriqui, and her family on becoming bat mitzvah Mazel Tov to Batya & Shachar Shamay, on the birth of their daughter, born late Tuesday night, December 30 Mazel Tov to Cindy Hirsch & David Kowalsky on becoming engaged on New Year’s Day Toddah Rabah Ellice Ellenhorn & Michel Chriqui, for Hosting this week’s Kiddush in honor of Talia Rob Snyder, for miraculously fixing one of the sinks in Room 4/5 Joanna Gerber, for helping in our office Marina Pevzner Hennessy, for her talk Adult Education Program Sunday Morning Learning during Religious School Sundays, 10:00 AM We are excited to be offering educational opportunities for religious school parents and others on Sunday mornings during Religious School. Here are the upcoming topics: January 11: January 25: Prayer Part II with Ron DeChene Prayer Part III with Ron DeChene Shabbat Learning After Kiddush Lunch Saturdays, 1:15 PM Throughout the year, we offer many opportunities to learn from visiting speakers, engage with local community leaders, academics, and activists, and participate in community dialogues. Here are some upcoming opportunities to learn: THIS SHABBAT, January 10: Israel Committee hosts Marina Pevzner Hennessy on bringing Israeli Expertise to International Development work. January 17: January 24: January 31: Feminist Religious Education—How Should we do it? with Renana Ravitzky Pilzer from the Shalom Hartman Institute Keeping Kosher with Rabbi Adam Rubin Shabbat Shirah Sing-A-Long New Winter Courses beginning in January Last chance to sign up before classes begin: www.bethshalomseattle.org/adult_education.php Contemporary Questions Viewed Through Jewish Texts with Beth Huppin Tuesdays, January 13-April 21, 9:30-10:45 AM OR Tuesdays, January 13-April 21, 7:00-8:15 PM $160/members, $240/non-members (Register Online) Prayer—Does it Matter in this Broken World? with Beth Huppin Tuesdays, January 13-February 3, 11:00 AM-12:15 PM $50/members, $75/non-members (Register Online) Learning about Leyning: The Story Behind How we Tell Stories with Deb Arnold Thursdays, February 12-26, 7:00-8:00 PM $36/person (Register Online) Life and Death in the Beit Midrash: The Sages of the Talmud on Torah Study, Rabbinic Authority, and the Culture of Debate with Rabbi Adam Rubin Thursdays, January 8-March 26, 8:00-9:00 PM $120/members, $180/non-members (Register Online) UPCOMING PROGRAMS For Adult Education and community events, please contact NaomiKramer@bethshalomseattle.org. EDWIN L. BIERMAN SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE February 27-28, 2015 DAVID N. MYERS “A Shining Shtetl on a Hill”: Isolation and Regeneration in American Jewry in the 21st Century February 27 February 28 6:00 pm —7:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Professor Myers’ D’var Torah 9:30 am —12:30 pm Shabbat Service and Professor Myers’ D’var Torah 7:00 pm —8:00 pm 12:30—1:15 pm Shabbat Dinner (advance Registration and Payment Required - Kiddush Lunch ($16 for members / $25 for non-members, children 3 and under for 1:15—2:30 pm free) Please note price change. A Hasidic Shtetl in Suburbun New York: Kiryas Joel 8:00 pm —9:30 pm 7:00—9:00 pm From Hungary to Williamsburg: The Rise of Haredi Judaism Havdallah, Dessert and From “Frum” to “None”: The Shifting Landscape of American Jewry in the 21st Century in a Private Home (RSVP required) David N. Myers is a Professor of Jewish history and the chair of the UCLA History Department. HAMAKOM YINACHEM ETCHEM: “May God Comfort You” Mark Igra, for his father, Jacob Igra, z”l (11 Tevet) Mark is sitting shiva in California this week with his mother, and his siblings. We will be having a minyan, in memory of Mark's father, Jacob Igra, this Sunday, January 11, from 7:00 pm at the home of Mark Igra and Nancy Simon, 355 W Kinnear Place, Seattle - on Queen Anne Hill. MEMBERS IN SHLOSHIM OR YUD BET HODESH Mark Igra, for his father, Jacob Igra, z”l (11 Tevet) Deborah Wahl, for her mother, Carol Kiehl, z”l (7 Tevet) Kim Goldov, for his mother, Lori Goldschmidt, z”l (3 Tevet) Leslie Goldfarb, for her son-in-law, Brad Applegate, z”l (24 Kislev) Lois Ralph, for her mother, Ruth Goodman, z”l (22 Kislev) Yonah Karp, for her father, Ira Karp, z”l (20 Kislev) Jaime Friedman, for his father, Jesse Friedman, z”l (19 Heshvan) Flora Ostrow, for her mother, Ida Ostrow, z"l, (26 Tishrei) Dave Rapp, for his father, Howard Rapp, Jr, z"l, (24 Tishrei) CBS, for our member, Lorraine Satterfield, z"l, (19 Tishrei) Karen McGonigle, for her mother, Florence Erb, z"l, (3 Tishrei) Yacov Paley, for his father, Shimon Paley z”l (25 Elul) Glenn Leichman, for his wife, Rolande Chesebro z”l (15 Elul) Hazel Judelman, for her mother, Ellen Breitz, z”l (10 Elul) Dorothy Becker, for her husband, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av) Arlene Azose, for her father, Jerry Becker, z”l (24 Av) Beth Shalom, for our friend and long time member, Marilyn Bierman, z”l (10 Av) Barbara Grashin, for her husband, George Grashin, z”l (1 Av) Ed and Sylvia Stern, for their daughter, and Hilary Stern for her sister, Shari Stern, z”l (4 Tammuz ) Asher Kipersztok, for his father, Jacob Kipersztok, z”l (17 Sivan) Dan Bernhard, for his mother, Jeanette S. Bernhard, z”l (15 Sivan) Cindy Hirsch, for her father, David Hirsch, z”l (12 Sivan) Beth Shalom, for our friend, Tony Moore, z”l (25 Iyar) James Packman, for his father, Howard B. Packman, z”l (24 Iyar) Howard Miller, for his father, Stanley Miller, z”l (17 Iyar) Betsy Maurer, for her mother, Illene K. Maurer, z”l (9 Iyar) David Marks, for his father, Stuart Marks, z”l (13 Nissan) Arthur Warmoth, for his father, L. Arthur Warmoth, z”l (4 Nissan) Alan Rodan, for his father, Kurt Rodan, z”l (27 Adar II) REFUAH SHLEMAH If your loved one’s name is not listed, you may announce them during the prayer for the sick, after the reading of the Torah. CBS Members Sharona Ilana bat Reuven David (Sharona Gordon) Laya bat Tova (Lynn Katz) Yerusha bat Jonah ha'Cohen (Joanna Gerber) Etai bat Reuven ha'Levi v'Esther ha'Levi (E. Camins Bretts) Schloma ben Yisroal v’Chana (Sidney Cohen) Rachel Masha bat Mindle v’Ruvain (Rhona Feldman) Avraham Ben Chaya Rachel v’Yakov (Edward Stern) Chaya bat Sarah Atarah (Chaya Appelbaum) Eleazar Aharon ben Miriam Ilana bat Sarah v’Ari Akiva ben Rachel v’Aharon Chana bat Chava v'Aharon Shirah Efrona bat Rivka Freydl Miryl bat Pesha v'Sima Masha Aviella Bara bat Shlomo v'Nechama Raisel (Susan Aylesworth) Ahuva bat Motla (Amanda Taylor) Miriam bat Tailbela (Mimi Schorr) Samuel ben Adam (Sam Kuten) Orli bat Sofia David Henached shel Goldja (Elric Wolfsbruder McCurdy) Yachna Maryam ha’Cohen bat Masha Leah Chizkiyahu Yitzchok Yehoshuah ben Rachel v’Eliezer Yitzchak ben Miriam v’Benjamin (Ira Kalet) Ita bat Taube (Inna Lacker) RELATIVES of Members Ezra Zimmerman, nephew of Henry Zimmerman (re-listed 12/12) Ira Weiner, cousin of Kayla Weiner (re-listed 12/12) Joan Siewart, aunt of Carrie Horwitch (re-listed 12/12) Baruch ben Avram (Burt Horwitch), uncle of Carrie Horwitch (re- listed 12/12) Yacov ben Chana (Gerald Slatkin), father of Laurie Pritchard (re-listed 12/12) Shraga Faivel ben Sarah, father of Marci Greenberg (re-listed 12/12) Mariam bat Yetta (Marion Blumberg), mother of Gail Coskey (listed 12/1) MEMBERS IN SHLOSHIM OR YUD BET HODESH—CONTINUED Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her father, William Jacob Greenberg (9 Adar II) Betsy Deutsch, for her mother, Grace Rubin, z”l (12 Adar I) Freya Brier, for her father, Sam Brier, z”l (6 Adar I) Emanuel Jacobowitz, for his father, Benjamin Jacobowitz, z”l (25 Shevat) Polly Amkraut, for her father, Leslie Mackoff, z”l (23 Shevat) Chava Monastersky, for her mother, Elaine Monastersky, z”l (17 Shevat) Carol Reynolds, for her step-father, Charles Jassen, z”l (26 Tevet) MEMBERS OBSERVING YAHRZEITS Ellen Spear, for her grandfather, Eli Berman, z”l Mark Benjamin, for his father and Mara Benjamin, for her grandfather, Arthur Benjamin, z”l Stewart Shusterman, for his mother, Frances Shusterman, z”l Rimma Lobas, for her uncle, Simeon Itin, z”l Norman Chapman, for his brother and Amy Fulton, for her uncle, Harold Chapman, z”l Peggy Mesnik, for her father, Morris Mesnik, z”l Carolyn Cohen, for her grandmother, Minnie Sherman, z”l Lara Lavi, for her mother, Eleanor Heit, z”l Fern Rogow, for her father and Rachel Gall and Emily Groman, for their grandfather, Robert Rogow, z”l Henry Zimmerman, for his father, Leon Zimmerman, z”l Susan Aylesworth, for her brother, Steven Langston, z”l Lori Safer, for her father, Barney Cohn, z”l Gregory Korshin, for his grandfather, Vladimir Krikunov, z”l Sidney Cohen, for his mother, Anne Cohen, z”l Alvan Diamond, for his mother, Ida Diamond, z”l Linda-Jo Greenberg, for her mother, Eunice Greenberg, z”l Robin Moss, for her mother, Jeanette Moss, z”l Dorothy Becker, for her mother-in-law, Josephine Becker, z”l Refuah Shlemah The Refuah Shlemah list is for the seriously ill and names need to be re-submitted monthly. Each entry is dated. The listing expires one month from the listing date. To renew names on the list call Felix at 206-524-0075. Thank you for understanding our policy to make room for names in the future. RELATIVES of Members - continued Lois Tarshes, mother of David Tarshes (listed 12/1) Shira bat Shulamit v’Baruch (Shira Engel), niece of Susan & Isaac Morgensztern (listed 12/3) Shimon ben Esther v'David, father of Suzie Dadoun (listed 12/16) Janice Portney, cousin of Linda Portnoy (re-listed 12/19) Sara bat Yafa (Sara Blumenzweig), mother of Joe Blumenzweig (listed 12/8) Davida bat Bioha (Dorothy Vinegar), grandmother of Rachael Moss (listed 12/8) Avraham ben Isaac (Abe Orlick), father of Lisa Orlick (listed 1/7) FRIENDS of Members Yehuda Dov Ha'Cohen ben Malkah, (Ernest Cohen), friend of Sharon Greenberg (re-listed 12/19) Larry Zolton, friend of Patti Kieval (re-listed 12/19) Rachel bat Gavriela v’Yehuda (Andrea Stern), friend of Patti Kieval (relisted 12/19) Gaby Bell, friend of Carolyn Cohen (re-listed 12/19) Shulamit bat Nechama (Sabina Burd), friends of the Davis/Jacobs family (re-listed 12/19) Boruch ben Emma v’Yosef (Boris Vilkevitch), friend of Emma Shusterman, Marina Kiselev, Svetlana Burke and Marina Nagel (re-listed 12/19) Raisa bat Elka (Raisa Vilkevitch), friend of Emma Shusterman, Marina Kiselev, Svetlana Burke, and Marina Nagel (re-listed 1/09) Daniel Parker, friend of Linda Portnoy (re-listed 12/19) Erica Harris, friend of Jacquie Bayley (listed 12/9) Debbie Sabel, friend of Carrie Horwitch (listed 12/15) Susan Riley, friend of Michal Stern (listed 12/24) Yaffa Rut Genya bat Avraham v'Sara, friend of Patti Kieval (listed 12/26) David Avram, friend of Harvey Niebulski (listed 1/5)
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