Shabbat 6-27-15 - Beth El Synagogue


Shabbat 6-27-15 - Beth El Synagogue
“Home of the International USY Chapter of the Year 2012-2013”
We welcome family and friends
as we celebrate the
Bar Mitzvah of
‫אלי בן מרדכי לב ושרה‬
Son of Leonard & Missy Blum.
In honor of Anderson as he
becomes bar mitzvah, his parents
are sponsoring the Kiddush and
Congregational Shabbat Lunch.
All are invited to attend in the
Leonard & Fay Ribnick Kiddush
Hall and the Gruman Social Hall.
Hakol · June 26 & 27 2015 · 10 Tammuz 5775
Welcome to Beth El Synagogue! If you are new to Beth El, we’d love to meet you! Please introduce yourself to the
greeters, clergy or officer sitting on the bimah. To learn more about Beth El, contact Linda Goldberg at or 952.873.7302 or Abbe Payton at or 952.873.7303.
Todah (thank you) to our Torah readers
Parashat Hukkat - ‫חקת‬
Numbers 19:1-22:1 (p. 880)
1: Anderson Blum
2: Cantor Audrey Abrams
Marilyn Weisberg
3: Brianna Johnson
(anniversary of her bat mitzvah)
4: Stephanie Blum
5: Howard Koolick
Cindy Witkin
6: Leonard Blum
7: Eleanor Blum
M: Anderson Blum
Haftarah Judges 11:1-33 (p. 909)
Anderson Blum
In Honor of Shabbat, please refrain
from the following activities:
photography or writing
using cell phones or other
electronic devices
wearing perfume or cologne
(the person sitting next to you
may be allergic)
At the conclusion of services, please
pick up papers from the pews and
discard appropriately.
Thank you!
Service Times
Erev Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
5:45 pm
8:46 pm
Yom Shabbat
Shaharit 9:00 am | Minha
5:45 pm
Shaharit 9:00 am | Minha
5:45 pm
Daily Minyan
Shaharit 7:00 am | Minha
5:45 pm
Solidarity Shabbat
A Prayer for Tolerance by Naomi Levy
Teach us, God, to treasure the differences that
distinguish one person from another. Fill us with the
strength to overcome senseless fear and hatred.
Open our hearts to the radiance that shines forth
from every human soul. Inspire us to shed our
apathy; remind us that it is our obligation to be
responsible for one another.
Open our ears to the cries of all who are in need of
our assistance. Give us the courage to combat
prejudice and intolerance wherever they exist.
Teach us to see each other through Your eyes, God.
In Your eyes all people are equally loved, equally
Bless us all, God, with compassion, with kindness,
Shabbat Morning Greeter - Todah Rabbah: and with peace. Amen.
Karen Rubin, Women’s League
Shabbat Morning Schedule
9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services
9:00 am Childcare begins (ages 2-10)
(at 10:00 am older children move to classroom 2)
Fiterman Chapel
Classroom 3
‫לה‬-‫לד‬:‫במדבר כא‬
‫ַארצ ֹּו וְ עָ ִּשיתָ ּל ֹּו כַ א ֶשר‬
ְ -‫ירא אֹּת ֹּו כִּ י בְ י ְָדָך נָתַ ִּתי אֹּת ֹּו וְ אֶ ת־כָ ל־עַ ּמ ֹּו וְ אֶ ת‬
ָ ‫ ִּת‬-‫מ ֶֹּשה ַאל‬-‫(לד) וַ יֹּאמֶ ר ה' אֶ ל‬
‫בִּ לְ ִּתי‬-‫עַ ּמ ֹּו עַ ד‬-‫כָ ל‬-‫בָ נָיו וְ אֶ ת‬-‫ (לה) וַ יַכּו אֹּת ֹּו וְ אֶ ת‬:‫עָ ִּשיתָ לְ ִּסיחֹּן מֶ לְֶך הָ אֱ מ ִֹּּרי א ֶשר יו ֵֹּׁשב בְ חֶ ְשבוֹּן‬
ְ -‫ל ֹּו ָש ִּריד וַ יִּ ְירשּו אֶ ת‬-‫ִּה ְש ִּאיר‬
Numbers 21:34-35 “And Adonai said to Moses, Fear him not; for I have delivered him (Og) into
your hand, and all his people, and his land; and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of the
Amorites, who lived in Heshbon. So they struck him, and his sons, and all his people, until none
was left alive; and they possessed his land.”
Rashi paints a much more fanciful picture of this Divine delivery of the enemy. As reported in
Babylonian Talmud Tractate Berakhot 54b, Og uprooted a mountain three parsaot long—the size
of the Israelite camp—and lifted it onto his head, intending to hurl it at them and crush them to
death. Termites ate away the mountain’s inner section, whereupon it fell onto his neck. Moses,
who was ten amot tall, leaped ten amot into the air, and, with a weapon ten amot long, killed him
by stabbing his leg. The Gur Aryeh teaches additionally that Og’s attack was “stopped by Israel’s
superior spiritual merit, represented by the insects, which, despite their tiny physical presence,
devoured the enormous material mass concentrated in the core of the mountain by using their
mouths.” Winning the battle was never enough to demonstrate God’s might and commitment to
the Israelites; the miraculous nature of the victory is what would attract service from the people.
Rabbi Alexander Davis ● Rabbi Avi Olitzky ● Cantor Audrey Abrams ● Rabbi Kassel Abelson (Emeritus) ● Cantor Neil Newman (Emeritus)
For more information on these programs and events, call the
Beth El office at 952.873.7300, or visit
The Hevrah breakfast on Sunday, June 28 will be Hevrah Lite!
Please join us for bagels, juice, coffee, sweets and good conversation!
Please consider becoming a sponsor for an upcoming Sunday.
What better way to honor a loved one or observe a special occasion?
Please contact Lou Jurisz at 612.396.9270 or David Jurisz at 612.987.7644.
Beth El Women’s League
Calendar Now Accepting
Member Ads!
A great way to reach your
congregational family!
Contact Jodi Rankin at or
952.641.7100 ext 101 today!
Deadline Friday, July 10
Summer Darshanit:
Sloan Friedman
Sloan Friedman is a 2015
graduate of the University of
Colorado – Boulder and
received a B.A. in International
Affairs with a minor in Hebrew
Language and Israel Studies. While in
college, Sloan chaired the University’s proIsrael group, BIPAC, last summer interned in
the AIPAC Political Department in
Washington, DC and in the previous
summer interned for Senator Al Franken in
his Washington, DC office. During her
senior year in college, Sloan taught Hebrew
to students in grades 1-4 at Temple Har
Sloan is a graduate of the
Minneapolis Jewish Day School and
Wayzata High School. She was a camper and
counselor at Herzl Camp, is a Past President
of Beth El USY and taught in the TARBUT
program. Sloan is moving to New York City
in August and will begin working at AIPAC as
an AIPAC Fellow, a two year program
designed to develop and encourage growth
and development for AIPAC through
Torah Study with Rabbi Kassel
The Beginning of Judaism: The Story of
Abraham and Sarah
Join us for a bi-weekly
Torah study with Rabbi
Kassel Abelson.
Thursdays beginning July 2
7:00-8:00 pm | Knollwood
Please Join Us!
Saturday, July 11, 2015 | 24 Tammuz 5775
Shabbat Services 9:00 am | Congregational Lunch to Follow
Installation of Officers and Board Members
Recognition of Staff Milestones
Bonnie Bongard Goldish
President Elect
Dan Mosow
Steve Sanderson
Steve Klane
Vice Presidents
Allen Bernard
Leslie Hahn
Barbara Levin Krupp
Sonia Ungerman
Michael Walstien
Immediate Past President
John Orenstein
Executive Appointees
Deb Mallin
Board Members Nominated for a
First 3-Year Term:
Adam Klarfeld
Marc Meirovitz
Seth Meisler
Stan Smith
Board Members Nominated for a
Second 3-Year Term:
Bonnie Bongard Goldish
Jenny Hage
Leslie Hahn
Deb Mallin
Dan Mosow
Paul Tuchman
Michael Walstien
Board Members Continuing in Office
Mike Blehert
Mickey Greenberg
Steve Klane
Barbara Levin Krupp
Susan Melnick
Stephanie Snyder
Stacey Spencer
Steve Rosen
Jim Rudin
Steve Sanderson
Amy Shapiro
Mort Silverman
Board Member Appointees
Allen Bernard
Sonia Ungerman
Affiliate Standing Seats
Julia Birnberg, USY
Estee Warsett, Youth
Allen Oleisky, Men’s Club
Debby Deutsch, Women’s
Joey Abramson, Young Adults
Staff Milestones
Marcia Oleisky, Librarian - 30 years
Laurie Goldfarb, Aleph Preschool
Teacher - 25 years
Cantor Audrey Abrams - 20 years
Janie Rosenzweig, Aleph Preschool
Teacher - 15 years
Karen Burton, Aleph Preschool
Director - 5 years
Shiva, Shloshim, and Yahrzeits
Friday, June 26 - Friday, July 3, 2015
9 Tammuz - 16 Tammuz 5775
Our community continues to mourn the passing of our loved ones.
Shabbat, June 27, 2015 | 10 Tammuz 5775
Our community calls to mind and heart the following who are in need of healing.
‫ל נא רפא נא לה‬-‫א‬
el na r’fa na la Please God, send healing.
Nancy Olkon
David Forstein
Laura Sheinbein
Skip Shapiro
Roni Sippy
Loni Stillerman
Arielle Kaufman
Harriet Benowitz
Steve Trockman
Jan Meyers
Scott VanGundy
Lisa Heilicher
Ruth Spar
Michael Volk
Mary Louise Clary
Kayla Goldstein
Reuben Phoenix Schostak
Debbie Forkinf
Ron Mandel
Rachel Klein
HaRav Tzvi Hayim ben Leah Ettel
Hana bat Sarah v’ Avraham
Hayim ben Miryam u-Meir
David ben Hai Feige v’ Leibel
Tzivah Adina Rachel bat Devorah v’ Yitzhak
Rachel bat Dina
Miryam bat Rachel Leah
Eliyahu ben P’nina u-Varuch
Haya Raheil bat Bracha v’ Emanuel
Pessie bat Rhoda v’ Shmuel
Haya bat Nehama
Devorah Hana Miryam bat Sh’loma Haya u-Moishe
Naomi Yakir bat Zvia v’ Daniel
Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdaliah
Ariella Dina bat P’nina v’ Roni
Liora Shana bat D’vorah v’ Adam
Avraham ben Etta v’ Hayim
Hana Freidel bat Eitel v’ Aron Ya’akov Yehudah
Shmuel Ya’akov ben Raheil u-Mordechai David
Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdalya
Gita Haya bat Racheil
Moshe Hillel ben Masha Gittel and Yosef Hayim
Brina bat Hinda Haya
Aliza bat Tzila v’ Amos
Rut bat Sarah
Moshe ben Masha
Yehudit bat Reizel v’ David
Batziona bat Natiah v’ Hayim
Reuvein Yehiel ben Raheil b’ Hayim Eliezer
Reuvein ben Miryam v’ Yitzhak
Raheil bat Esther v’ Ya’akov
Devorah Beila bat Ita u-Moshe
Steve Litt
Quinn Lucille Thompson
Mel Burstein
Justyn Rubenstein O’Neill
Morsa bat Miryam v’ Yidel
Meir ben Esther
Moshe Leib ben Shaindel
Minnetonka Blvd. Bridge Over Hwy 100 and All Ramps
Closed Until Fall
To plan ahead for alternate routes to and from the
synagogue call 511 or 651.296.3000 or visit
To accommodate those who cannot attend,
Beth El is proud to offer live, online streaming
of this and other services, as well as certain
lifecycle events, classes and lectures.
Ya’akov (Jack) Nemerov
Ahuva (Libby) Rothman
Blance Birkeland Swanson
Tzipporah (Penny) Glassman
9 Tammuz / Friday, June 26
Frima (Frida) Fahndrich
Razel (Rose) Goldetsky
Avram (Abe) Rosenzweig
10 Tammuz / Saturday, June 27
Shimon (Sam) Bright
Zvi Hirsh (Harry) Coplin
Aharon (Alfred) Garelick
Barbara Katz
Martha Levinsohn
Etta Miryam (Evelyn) Platt
Harry Smith
11 Tammuz / Sunday, June 28
Yosef (Joseph) Cohen
Binyamin (Benjamin) Landy
12 Tammuz / Monday, June 29
Avraham (Al) Gleekel
Devorah (Dora) Goldman
Shoshanah (Rose) Grossman
Avrohom Zuskind (Cecil) Krelitz
Nissan (Ned) Reich (pronounced
Rivka (Ruby) Rubenstein
Yehuda (Julius) Segal
Brina (Beatrice) Yerys
Sorah Kuna (Sarah) Yonesowitz
(pronounced yaneh sow itz)
13 Tammuz / Tuesday, June 30
Shaul (Sol) Glassman
Helen B. Hebzynski
Yisrael Shimshon (Sam) Levy
14 Tammuz / Wednesday, July 1
Feivesh (Phillip) Feldman
Rifka (Roberta) Halper
Zvi (Harry) Heifetz
Ecka D'vorah Lemish
Hanan Leib (Leslie) Levine
Alexander (Alex) Meirovitz
Sarah Muscoplat
15 Tammuz / Thursday, July 2
Raheil (Rachel) Anwar
David (Dr. David) Bloom
Nahama (Natalie Rosenholtz)
Yitzhak (George) Gall
Avraham Azar (Roger) Koolick
Zev (William) Levy
Sheindel (Shirley) Novich
Laib (Louis) Rosen
Miriam (Mary) Silverman
Zivel (Sam) Steinman
Yisrael (Israel) Weinberg
16 Tammuz /Friday, July 3
Yehuda (Larry) Abramovitz
Herbert Brody
Hannah Ettedgui
Gittle (Edith) Friedman
Tziviah (Sophie) Gall
Shlomo (Stephen “Zaidie”) Goldfarb
Dovid (Edward) Kantor
Dovid (David) Posnick
Sarah Freida (Sara Joy) Prost
Rivka (Margaret) Rifkind
William Silverman
Leiba Rivkeh (Libby) Singer
Charna Etta (Joan) Soskin
We thank God that there are no military casualties to
report this week.
For details contact Raquel Swanson at 952.873.7305 or
B’nai Mitzvah Israel Bond Program: Beth El and Israel Bonds continue to offer our B’nai
Mitzvah an opportunity to invest in Israel Bonds. Through the generosity of our congregant, Fern
Badzin, Beth El is able to match the amount of the investment. Please call the synagogue office for
more information.
Gifts Presented to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah A bar/bat mitzvah is a celebration not just for an
individual family but for the entire Jewish community, indeed the entire Jewish people. Beth El
Synagogue and the Minneapolis Jewish community generously give the following gifts in celebration of
b’nai mitzvah: A personalized kiddush cup by Beth El’s Sisterhood & Men’s Club for Shabbat and Festivals;
A matching contribution for those who invest in Israel Bonds through the generosity of Beth El congregant,
Fern Badzin, to solidify the bond between b’nai mitzvah and Medinat Yisrael; A free year’s membership to
the Sabes Jewish Community Center including use of fitness and teen centers; A partial scholarship toward
an Israel trip for young adults who continue their Jewish education from the Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund, an endowment of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation; The
Etz Hayim Humash for students of the Talmud Torah to encourage ongoing Torah study; Text Messages: A
Torah Commentary for Teens from Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School.
We honor these members of our congregational family who bravely serve our
country. May God watch over them, bringing them safely home.
Joshua Amberger, U.S. Navy
Mitchell Bennett, U.S. Marines
Alex Greenstein, U.S. Navy
Adam Magy, U.S. Army
Edward Peilen, U.S. Marines
Isaac Reich, U.S. Marines
Alec Stoess, U.S. Coast Guard
Emily Rose Leon , U.S. Coast Guard
Christopher Leon, U.S. Coast Guard
Rabbi Joshua Sherwin, U.S. Navy / Marine Corps
Mary Elizabeth Kerska, Army National Guard
The New Educational Platform for Jewish Teens
Through a unique communitywide, pluralistic collaboration,
Yachad changes the way Jewish
education is viewed and offered
through a radical reformation,
including choice, authentic
learning and mentoring.
Wednesday (includes dinner), Sunday, and Monday.
Teens select from four types of Yachad experiences:
College-Credit Courses meet two times a week.
Elective– Style Classes meet once a week.
Seminars meet twice a month for 3-4 hours.
Workshops meet once a month for 4-5 hours.
Cook it! Eat it! Live it! #Jewishfoodie
The Inner Voice of the Jewish Artist
Shal-Om: Jewish Spirituality
Run away with the Mitzvah Clowns!
Life Guard Training
CIS: Hebrew
CIS: History
Israel Leadership Fellows
HaZamir: International Jewish H.S. Choir
Register Now:
Yachad is a collaborative partnership between synagogues (Beth El, Temple Israel, Darchei Noam,
Bet Shalom, Adath Jeshurun, Shir Tikvah, & Shaarei Chesed), Educational Institutions (Talmud
Torah of Minneapolis & the Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School), and Community
Organizations (Minneapolis Jewish Federation & Sabes Jewish Community Center).
Yachad brings Jewish Learning to Life!