Shabbat Parah Shabbat Mevarkhim שושנה לילה בת יפה ויפה DROPS


Shabbat Parah Shabbat Mevarkhim שושנה לילה בת יפה ויפה DROPS
“Home of the International USY Chapter of the Year 2012-2013”
Shabbat Parah
Shabbat Mevarkhim
We welcome family and friends
as we celebrate the
Bat Mitzvah of
Hakol · March 13 & 14 2015 · 23 Adar 5775
Welcome to Beth El Synagogue! If you are new to Beth El, we’d love to meet you! Please introduce yourself to the
greeters, clergy or officer sitting on the bimah. To learn more about Beth El, contact Linda Goldberg at or 952.873.7302 or Abbe Payton at or 952.873.7303.
Todah (thank you) to our Torah readers
Parashat Vayakheil/Pekudei - ‫ויקהל פקודי‬
Exodus 35:1-40:38 (p. 552)
1: Sophia Ye Seon-Livon Rein
Danny Levey
2: Cole Rein
‫שושנה לילה בת יפה ויפה‬
Aaron Rein
Daughter of
Danny Levey
Jason Rein & Jodi Livon Rein. Honoring
Mike Blehert
Sophia as she becomes bat mitzvah, 3: Shayan Gilbert Burke
her grandparents, Marv & Lois Rein and 4: Shayan Gilbert Burke
Barbara Livon, are sponsoring the
Deb Deutsch
Kiddush and her parents are
5: Josh Livon
sponsoring the Congregational Shabbat
Ruth Weisberg
6: Leo Schlaifer
All are invited to attend in the
Joe Rine
Leonard & Fay Ribnick Kiddush
7: Ari Weinstein
Hall and the Gruman Social Hall.
Dori Weinstein
Gary Weinstein (hazak, hazak…) 40:24-38
Help Us Keep the
M: Brianna Johnson (Numbers) 19:1-22
Spirit of Shabbat
Haftarah Ezekiel 36:16-38 (p. 1287) - Sophia Rein
In Honor of Shabbat, please refrain
from the following activities:
photography or writing
using cell phones or other
electronic devices
wearing perfume or cologne
(the person sitting next to you
may be allergic)
At the conclusion of services, please
pick up papers from the pews and
discard appropriately.
Thank you!
Service Times
Erev Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
5:45 pm
6:58 pm
Yom Shabbat
Shaharit 9:00 am | Minha
5:45 pm
8:00 pm
Shaharit 9:00 am | Maariv
5:45 pm
Daily Minyan
Shaharit 7:00 am | Maariv
5:45 pm
Yom Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Greeters - Todah Rabbah:
Arlene Kase, Women’s League
Mike Blehert, Board Member
Explore with Rabbi Davis the permissibility of
using electricity on Shabbat.
12:30 pm following Shabbat Lunch.
Shabbat Morning Schedule
9:00 am
9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services
Childcare begins for 2-10 year olds
(at 10:00 am older kids move to classroom 2)
9:30 am Shorashim
9:30 am TaRBuT
11:15 am Junior Congregation
Spiegel Sanctuary
Classroom 3
12:00 pm Congregational Shabbat Luncheon
Gruman Social Hall
Classroom 6
Locations Vary
Fiterman Chapel
‫כו‬-‫כה‬:‫ׁשמות לה‬
-‫ַארגָמָ ן אֶ ת‬
ְ ָ‫ה‬-‫הַ ְתכֵ לֶת וְ אֶ ת‬-‫לֵב בְ י ֶָדיהָ טָ וּו וַ יָבִ יאּו מַ ְטוֶ ה אֶ ת‬-‫ ִא ָשה חַ כְ מַ ת‬-‫(כה) וְ כָ ל‬
-‫הַ נ ִָׁשים אֲ ֶׁשר נ ָָשא לִ בָ ן אֹתָ נָה בְ חָ כְ מָ ה טָ וּו אֶ ת‬-‫ (כו) וְ כָ ל‬:‫הַ ֵשׁש‬-‫ת ֹולַעַ ת הַ ָשנִי וְ אֶ ת‬
:‫הָ עִ זִ ים‬
Exodus 35:25-26 “And every wise-hearted woman spun with her hands; and they brought the
spun yarn of greenish-blue wool, dark red wool, crimson wool and fine linen. And all the women
whose hearts inspired them with wisdom, spun the goat’s hair.”
This might not seem like a terribly difficult or skilled task; however, the phrasing of the end of the
verse (although we translate it as “spun the goat’s hair”) indicates otherwise. As we know from
Babylonian Talmud Tractate Shabbat 74b (and as Rashi and Sforno remind us), the women
actually spun the wool directly off the back of the goats. The Hebrew suggests that the women
spun the goats, but we understand this to mean that they spun directly from the goats. This, as
opposed to normal spinning of wool, is something that takes great power and great skill. The text
of the Talmud suggests that this was not the only wisdom that the women possessed (the wiseheartiness) and that it came completely and uninterrupted from God. The women served God
not only with their craft but with their intellect as well. -AO
Rabbi Alexander Davis ● Rabbi Avi Olitzky ● Cantor Audrey Abrams ● Rabbi Kassel Abelson (Emeritus) ● Cantor Neil Newman (Emeritus)
For more information on these programs and events, call the
Beth El office at 952.873.7300, or visit
The Hevrah breakfast on Sunday, March 15 will be sponsored by
Nancy & Richard Grobovsky
in loving memory of Nancy’s mother Joyce Malmon.
Please consider becoming a sponsor for an upcoming Sunday.
What better way to honor a loved one or observe a special occasion?
Please contact Lou Jurisz at 612.396.9270 or David Jurisz at 612.987.7644.
Pesah Is Approaching Quickly
April 3-11
It’s time to sell your hametz!
By selling your hametz in preparation for Pesah, we rid ourselves of the
“puffiness” (arrogance and pride) that keep ourselves enslaved in Egypt. It
is also an opportunity to give tzedaka (maot hittim) to ensure that others
can celebrate the holiday. Fill out the the shtar harsha'ah, or document of
permission for Rabbi Davis to be your agent in the sale.
Beth El Military Support
We will be packing donations for
our units THIS Sunday, March 15
at 10:00 am in the Reading Nook.
Come and join us!
Join the Bethelders
Jackpot Junction Casino
Sunday, March 22 | 10:30 am Departure | $25
Package includes round trip luxury motor coach
transportation, complimentary soft drinks, water and snacks,
and 2 tickets to a Timberwolves game.
Bus leaves Beth El Parking lot at 10:30 am and returns about
5:45 pm. Call Jerry Bronstien at 763.544.4908 to reserve
your spot!
Ruach Ramah!
July 13-16 | Ramah Wisconsin
An awesome 4-day adventure at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
for campers who will be in 3rd grade in Fall 2015.
Adorn Your Table
$125 for members of Conservative Synagogues. $175 for
If the gorgeous, new, hammered stainless steel Judaic pieces in the Ring For more information, contact Robin Rubenstein at
Lobby showcases have not yet caught your eye, please make a point to 312.265.6653 or
take a peek! These ritual objects and serving pieces - available through
our Beth El Women’s League Gift Shop - are great as gifts or to enhance Ready, Set, Write!
your own table. The designer is Classic Touch and their items reflect Minneapolis
exceptional functionality and quality at surprisingly reasonable prices!
multigenerational writing workshop with local authors Dori
The Gift Shop is open Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am, or you can Weinstein and Niza Schear.
call Linda at 763.545.4301 or Sara at 763.529.1285 to make an Sunday, April 12 | Beth El Synagogue | 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Questions? Call Juliana Sellers at 612.810.1820.
Be the Hero. Fight Hunger.
March 2015 Minnesota Food Share Campaign
Free Young Adults Birthright Trip to Israel
June 1-11, 2015 | All travel costs are covered by the MJF and
STEP is in need of kosher foods, tuna, cereal, pastas, box dinner mixes,
Taglit-Birthright Israel.
jelly and toilet paper. (Remember, outdated or damaged food items will
Age group: 22-26
be discarded!) Collection bins are available at the front entrance and by
For more information contact Ariel Biel at
the Welcome Desk.
or 952.417.2319.
Volunteers are needed to help transport the food to STEP. For more
information, please call Robin Estrin at 952.500.9200 or Len Zeff at
MJF Camp Scholarships Now Open
The Minneapolis Jewish Federation is now accepting
applications for summer camp scholarships. For more
Jewish Refugees in Shanghai (1933-1941)
information and to download the camp scholarship form go
March 19 - May 7 | Sabes JCC
Jewish Refugees in Shanghai (1933-1941) is a collaborative community
effort to share information about the unique experiences of Jewish
refugees in Shanghai during World War II. The cornerstone of the project
is a historical exhibit curated by the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum
and is enhanced with additional stories from four “Shanghailanders” with
deep Minnesota connections.
All application materials for summer 2015, including the first
two pages of the family's tax returns from either 2013 or
2014, must be received by March 30, 2015. The child must be
registered for camp at the time that the scholarship
application is submitted in order to be considered.
Shabbat, March 14, 2015 | 23 Adar 5775
Our community calls to mind and heart the following who are in need of healing.
‫ל נא רפא נא לה‬-‫א‬
el na r’fa na la Please God, send healing.
Nancy Olkon
David Forstein
Laura Sheinbein
Penny Glassman
Roni Sippy
Harriet Phillips
Loni Stillerman
Arielle Kaufman
David Goldman
Harriet Benowitz
Steve Trockman
Beth Glassman
Jan Meyers
Stanley Kutler
Scott VanGundy
Lisa Heilicher
Sheldon Resig
Jody Moreimi
Ruth Spar
Michael Volk
HaRav Tzvi Hayim ben Leah Ettel
Hana bat Sarah v’ Avraham
Hayim ben Miryam u-Meir
David ben Hai Feige v’ Leibel
Tzivah Adina Rachel bat Devorah v’ Yitzhak
Rachel bat Dina
Miryam bat Rachel Leah
Tzipporah bat Toba v’ Yosef
Eliyahu ben P’nina u-Varuch
Haya Raheil bat Bracha v’ Emanuel
Yehudit bat Shaynsa u- Reuvein
Pessie bat Rhoda v’ Shmuel
Haya bat Nehama
Devorah Hana Miryam bat Sh’loma Haya u-Moishe
Naomi Yakir bat Zvia v’ Daniel
Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdaliah
Orit Haya Hodaya bat Raheil
Ariella Dina bat P’nina v’ Roni
Liora Shana bat D’vorah v’ Adam
Avraham ben Etta v’ Hayim
Hana Freidel bat Eitel v’ Aron Ya’akov Yehudah
Shmuel Ya’akov ben Raheil u-Mordechai David
Avraham Yitzhak ben Shoshana u-Gdalya
Bracha bat Sheindel v’ Lazer
Gita Haya bat Racheil
Moshe Hillel ben Masha Gittel and Yosef Hayim
Brina bat Hinda Haya
Aliza bat Tzila v’ Amos
Yehoshua ben Freida v’ Lippa
Yehudit Aliza bat Rivka
Rut bat Sarah
Moshe ben Masha
The Lost and Found benches outside of the Learning Center
are filling up fast. Please check for your missing items
before we clean them out before Pesah!
Shiva, Shloshim, and Yahrzeits
Friday, March 13 - Friday, March 20, 2015
22 Adar – 29 Adar 5775
Our community continues to mourn the passing of our loved ones.
Daniel Burstein
Binyamin (Benjamin Carl) Freidson
Itta Rachel (Ruth E.) Leiderman
Aharon (Arnold) Savitt
Shifra (Sylvia) Field
Rasha Ruti (Ruth) Lebowitz
Tzvi Hirsch (Harvey) Ansel
Ruchel (Roberta Ann) Schwartz Marx
Shirley Blehert
22 Adar / Friday, March 13
Liba (Libby) Berman
Shana Sarah (Jeanne) Chasen
Leah Cohen
Yosef (Julius) Kaiser
Sophie Kasdan
Sidney Siegel
Malka Hinka (Marcia) Silberfarb
Sandra Thomas
Genia Yankel Kushner
Chana (Ann E.) Weinberg
27 Adar / Wednesday, March 18
Joseph Fine
Moshe Laib (Leonard) Goldman
Shmuel (Sam) Knight
Baruch (Berek) Latarus
Moshe (Marshall) Livon
Hirsch Baruch (Harry Bernard) Raver
Gedalya Leib (Gary) Wyles
Alvin Goldstein
Mottle (Max) Novich
Mordecai (Morton Russell) Sobol
23 Adar / Saturday, March 14
Ann Cohn
Ruth Farber
Chana (Helen) Friedman
Fruma Sora (Nancy) Saturn
Zev (William) Shragg
Bila (Bela) Kowalski
28 Adar / Thursday, March 19
Katriel (Ken) Appelbaum
Miriam (Myra) Fein
Bertha Katzman
Chaim (Hyman) Shinder
Mayer (Myer) Lichterman
Martha Weiner
24 Adar / Sunday, March 15
29 Adar / Friday, March 20
Abba Avraham (Albert) Friss
Avraham (Albert) Akerib
Adele Mandelbaum
Hannah (Annette) Davidson
Moishe Tevya (Marc) Polikoff
Harav Shlomo (Samuel) Feldman
Tzvi Yitzhak (Harold Isadore) Posnick
Libbe Zissa (Lillian) Frisch
Rachel (Ruth) Wernick
Rahmiel Hayim (Hymie) Gutterman
Hayim (Hy) Kivens
25 Adar / Monday, March 16
Hershey Laib (Louis) Shapiro
Bracha (Bertha) Aronson
Rivkah (Ruth) Silk
Shrol Hersch (Irvin) Berkowitz
Rose Zimbel
Simcha (Steven) Davidson
Joseph King
Rochel (Rachel) Fine
Naomi Salloway
Tziviah (Joyce) Gold
Avraham (Vrem) Levens
Ronald Ungerman Sr.
Moshe (Marvin) Weiner
Tzvia (Sylvia) Koplow Zell
Hayim (Hyman) Sedransky
Zlotta Channa Rochail (Jessie) Simkins
B’nai Mitzvah Israel Bond Program: Beth El and Israel Bonds continue to offer our B’nai
Mitzvah an opportunity to invest in Israel Bonds. Through the generosity of our congregant, Fern
Badzin, Beth El is able to match the amount of the investment. Please call the synagogue office for
more information.
Gifts Presented to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah A bar/bat mitzvah is a celebration not just for an
individual family but for the entire Jewish community, indeed the entire Jewish people. Beth El
Synagogue and the Minneapolis Jewish community generously give the following gifts in celebration of
b’nai mitzvah: A personalized kiddush cup by Beth El’s Sisterhood & Men’s Club for Shabbat and Festivals;
A matching contribution for those who invest in Israel Bonds through the generosity of Beth El congregant,
Fern Badzin, to solidify the bond between b’nai mitzvah and Medinat Yisrael; A free year’s membership to
the Sabes Jewish Community Center including use of fitness and teen centers; A partial scholarship toward
an Israel trip for young adults who continue their Jewish education from the Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund, an endowment of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation; The
Etz Hayim Humash for students of the Talmud Torah to encourage ongoing Torah study; Text Messages: A
26 Adar / Tuesday, March 17
Torah Commentary for Teens from Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School.
Penina (Pearl) Cook
Yitzhak (Ivan) Gimble
We honor these members of our congregational family who bravely serve our
Ya'akov (Jacob) Jaffe
country. May God watch over them, bringing them safely home.
Esther Rubenstein
Tevya (Theodore) Kawer
Joshua Amberger, U.S. Navy
Mitchell Bennett, U.S. Marines
Alex Greenstein, U.S. Navy
Adam Magy, U.S. Army
Edward Peilen, U.S. Marines
Isaac Reich, U.S. Marines
Alec Stoess, U.S. Coast Guard
Emily Rose Leon , U.S. Coast Guard
Christopher Leon, U.S. Coast Guard
Rabbi Joshua Sherwin, U.S. Navy / Marine Corps
Mary Elizabeth Kerska, Army National Guard
We thank God that there have been no military causalities to
report since December, 2014
Family Volunteer Activity for 8 Years+ with Parent(s) or Grandparents(s)
Second Harvest Heartland WEST
6325 Sandburg Rd. Suite 1700, Golden Valley, MN 55427
Thursday, March 26 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Activities may include:
Repackage bulk foods such as pasta or cereal into consumer size packages
Sort and salvage damaged products
Sort food from food drives and donations
Label cans
Second Harvest works with nearly 1,000 partner agencies, including food shelves and feeding programs
that serve our hungry neighbors!
For more info. or to sign up for this Gemilat Hesed (Acts of Loving Kindness) opportunity, contact
Norma Kaplan at or 763.242.1016.

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