B`nai Mitzvah Parent Handbook.pub


B`nai Mitzvah Parent Handbook.pub
B’nai Mitzvah
Revised April, 2013
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program Fees
The current Bar/Bat Mitzvah program fee is currently
$900. $300 of the program fee is paid when the
Bar/Bat Mitzvah date is reserved.
A Kiddush deposit of $300 is also required when
the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date is reserved, and is paid
separately to Temple Aliyah Sisterhood.
The second payment of $300 is due two years prior to the
B’nai Mitzvah date with the remaining $300 due one year
prior to B’nai Mitzvah date. All fees must be
current prior to training.
Membership Fees
All synagogue membership fees must be
paid in full before Bar/Bat Mitzvah
training can begin.
The fiscal membership year begins July 1.
Families choosing to pay dues on a
payment plan must be current at the
8-month beginning of training.
The program fee includes 8 months of private sessions once
per week. Students receive Bar/Bat Mitzvah
training materials, including CDs, Mp3s,
Kiddush Fee
prayers, Haftarah and Torah portions.
The Kiddush fee is currently $1,400, and is subject to
change up to one year before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.
Early Start/Extra Help
The Early Start Program is currently
A deposit of $300 is due to Temple Aliyah Sisterhood when
the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date is selected. The remaining balance is due in full 5 months before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Welcome to the B’nai Mitzvah program at Temple Aliyah. We hope this booklet will be
useful as you near your exciting event. This is the beginning of your wonderful
journey………...enjoy every step of the way!
The Date
Members with children approaching Bar/Bat Mitzvah age will receive a Date
Selection Packet 3 Years before their child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Typically, the B’nai Mitzvah services at Temple Aliyah take place on Shabbat morning.
Most Bar/Bat Mitzvah children participate with a partner in a shared Shabbat service.
A number of factors are utilized to pair Bar/Bat Mitzvah students including Hebrew ability.
While the majority of our students request and are assigned a date 3 years
advance, students may change or select a date up to 8 months prior to the
If a child has a partner preference for his/her date,
he/she can indicate the preference on the B’nai Mitzvah Registration Form.
Here is the timeline and procedure for assigning B’nai Mitzvah dates:
$100/month (in addition to the regular 10
month tutoring), based upon an evaluaThe Kiddush fee includes sponsoring the Friday Night Oneg
tion by our clergy.
Shabbat and Saturday morning Kiddush luncheon for up to
125 guests. Families expecting more than 125 guests pay
The program fee includes 25 minutes of
supplemental fees. The Sisterhood Kiddush fee is reduced
tutoring once a week for number of
for families choosing to hold a private Starlite-catered
months to be determined by clergy.
luncheon directly after the Saturday morning service.
Extra Help is also available if necessary
for the same fee per month based on
Flowers for the bima are available for an additional fee.
Lunch menus are available from the Temple Aliyah
Sisterhood Catering Vice President.
In order to provide enough food for all those attending the
Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, families are asked to provide
an accurate count of guests, including children attending
Saturday morning.
Questions about
Fees ?
Accounts Receivable
818-346-3545, ext. 112
Sisterhood Catering
Vice President
818-346-3545, ext 100
*Kiddush fees subject to change.
Date Selection Packets Mailed
Date Request Deadline
(first come first served basis)
B’nai Mitzvah Dates Mailed
5 years of Religious School preceding the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Currently enrolled in either Religious School, Our Space, post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah
programs, Los Angeles Hebrew High, or Jewish Day School
Attendance at 2 Friday night and 4 Saturday Shabbat services with a parent
during the eight months prior to Bar/Bat Mitzvah
All students receive 8 months of tutoring in preparation for their
Shabbat morning service. Tutoring sessions are 25 minutes per week.
Each student works with 2 or 3 tutors throughout the training process—a Peer
Tutor, Hazzan Mimi or a Professional Tutor, and Hazzan Stein. Peer Tutors
are high school students who are specially trained for Bar/Bat Mitzvah
All Peer Tutors have experience with Haftarah, Torah chanting and prayer
preparation. Bar/Bat Mitzvah students see their Peer Tutor for four weeks
and then begin with Hazzan Mimi or a Professional Tutor for 6 months,
followed by Hazzan Stein for the final month. All students are overseen by
Hazzan Mimi.
Tikkun Olam Project
All Bar/Bat Mitzvah students are expected to complete a social action
project as part of their B’nai Mitzvah preparation.
Approximately 6 months prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah students make a 6 hour
commitment to a community service project with an organization of their choice.
Students often choose projects that coincide with personal
interests and may involve either Jewish or secular organizations.
B’nai Mitzvah families sponsor the Oneg Shabbat following Friday evening services and
the congregational Kiddush luncheon following the Saturday morning service.
Temple Aliyah Sisterhood coordinates food arrangements for Friday and Saturday.
Menus and Kiddush contracts are sent out one year before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.
In lieu of flowers, a SOVA basket is placed on the bima, representing Sisterhood’s
weekly donation to SOVA. SOVA fights hunger and poverty in our community by providing free groceries and supportive services for over 10,000 people each month.
Flowers for the bima are available for an additional fee.
(See Fees page for info on Kiddush fees)
Alternatively, students can participate in 6 hours of temple-sponsored
Social Action programs or create a project of their own.
Students who successfully complete a Tikkun Olam project will be
acknowledged on the bimah during the service and with a gold seal on their
Bar/Bat Mitzvah certificate.
For information on the Tikkun Olam Project, contact Jeff Bernhardt at ext. 239,
Early Start or Extra Help Tutoring
Questions about
Education ?
Contact: Hazzan Mimi’s
818-346-3545, ext. 108
An expanded tutoring schedule is available for
students who need or wish for more time to prepare.
Students are evaluated one year prior to the Bar/Bat
Mitzvah and may be recommended for Early Start to
begin prior to the normal 8 months training period for an
additional $100/month. A curriculum is devised for each
Early Start child.
For students desiring an additional session per week,
Extra Help tutoring can also be provided on an
individual basis, as needed for $100/month.
Temple Aliyah has an exclusive in-house caterer, Starlite Catering.
Starlite is available for B’nai Mitzvah parties at Temple Aliyah,
Friday Evening Shabbat Dinner
Evening Affairs
Private Kiddushes
Luncheons held immediately after a Shabbat morning service are held
in Tidus or Lubin Hall, separate from the congregational Kiddush.
Please note that in order to preserve the sanctity of Shabbat, Temple
Aliyah prohibits the use of the following items on Shabbat during
luncheon parties:
Candle lighting ceremonies
Entertainment vendors such as tattoo artists, name painting, etc.
Temple Aliyah does permit music, photography and videography in a
private party if it is contained solely in Tidus or Lubin Hall.
Photographers are not permitted in public spaces such as the sanctuary,
foyer, or facility hallways during a private luncheon.
Questions about
Catering ?
Starlite Caterers
818-346-3545, ext 117
The Sunday before each Bar/Bat Mitzvah, students attend a morning minyan—an
informal service held in the Kurland Family Chapel.
Students lead prayers during the service and have an opportunity to put on tefillin
(phylacteries), a meaningful ritual in adult Jewish life. Sunday morning minyan
begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Families are welcome to use the sanctuary and
synagogue facilities for family photographs
taken during the week of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Questions about
Contact: Receptionist
818-346-3545 ext. 100
All photograph sessions in the sanctuary must
be reserved with the receptionist in the
synagogue office.
The Service
Saturday Honors
Parent Participation
• Friday Night candle lighting by mothers
(check calendar for Friday night service time)
3 Aliyot (1 Aliyah for parents, each
Aliyah may have up to 2 people)
1 Ark Opening (up to 4 people)
1 Torah Carrier
1 Torah lifter/dresser
An Honors Form is sent to all families, 2 months
before the Bar/Bat mitzvah.
Temple Aliyah will send letters to all honorees,
indicating that they have been selected for a
particular honor.
If you have a non-Jewish family member please
discuss service participation with Hazzan Mimi.
Student Service Material
Friday Night Kiddush
Saturday Speech/Tallit Presentation
(one page, double-spaced per parent)
Saturday Aliyah (recitation of Torah Blessings)
Torah reading opportunities for family members are
also available
A special Torah is designated for photography
use. We ask that special care is taken in
utilizing ritual objects and facilities.
DVD/Video recording
To maintain the sanctity of Shabbat, Temple Aliyah does not
permit the use of private videography during
However, Temple Aliyah does employ the use of a hidden
automated camera, which records Shabbat services,
and which captures a stationary view of the bima.
A DVD or video recording of the Shabbat morning service is
available for purchase.
All DVD/video recordings must be RESERVED ahead of time
with the synagogue office. There is a $150 donation for the
DVD/Video recording.
Tallit Blessing
Torah Blessings
Torah Portion (Maftir)
Haftarah Blessings
Haftarah Portion (from Prophets)
Saturday Kiddush
2 minute speech about the Torah or
Haftarah portion
Non-Jewish Parent Participation
Mothers’ Friday Night candle lighting
• Speech/Tallit Presentation
• Sitting on bima with spouse during
Torah Service
At Temple Aliyah, we welcome the participation of our
Non-Jewish parents. We recognize the
significance of the Bar/Bat mitzvah
in the lives of the entire family.
Student Speech
Each Bar/Bat Mitzvah child is responsible
for preparing a “D’var Torah” or a speech
focusing on the Torah portion or Haftarah
Younger Sibling
Speech preparation is part of the Bar/Bat
Mitzvah training process and each student
(participation is optional)
will have a speech meeting with Rabbi Oren
at 2 months prior his or her date.
• Kiddush and Motzi on
Shabbat morning
Each speech is roughly one and a quarter
pages, and should be designed to instruct
the congregation, and draw personal
meaning from our sacred texts.
Questions about
Anna Williman
818-346-3545 ext 115
Opening the Ark
The Service
Dress Code
Kippot (yarmulkes) and tallitot (prayer shawls) for men
Kippot or head coverings for men and women on bima
Shoulders covered and modest length skirts for women.
Shabbat Service Times
Saturday Morning: 9:15 a.m.
Friday Evening:
First Shabbat of Month * Family Shabbat — 7:30 p.m.
Second Shabbat * Shabbat Fusion — 6:45 p.m.
Third Shabbat * Every Third Shabbat — 8:15 p.m.
Fourth Shabbat * Klezmer & Choir or New Shabbat
Service— 8:15 p.m.
Fifth Shabbat * Shabbat with sermon — 8:15 p.m.
*Friday Night Shabbat Services are subject to change,
please double check with the synagogue office.
Family Meetings
Meetings that take place before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date include:
⇒ One Year Prior with Rabbi Gary Oren
To discuss your family’s needs and the special significance of
Bar/Bar Mitzvah for your child, including brief educational assessment.
Children receive study materials.
Ten Months Prior with Hazzan Mimi Haselkorn
Overview of the tutoring process and administrative information session.
Two Months Prior with Rabbi Gary Oren
Student speech review
One Month Prior with Rabbi Stewart Vogel
Parent and child speech review and overview of the
Shabbat service and family honors.
Final Rehearsal
All families participate in a final rehearsal on the bima during the
week of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Ritual Philosophy
Ritual Etiquette
It is our goal to provide a spiritual and uplifting
Temple Aliyah is a Conservative egalitarian
congregation. Men and women participate equally Shabbat experience for all our congregants and
visitors. In observance of Shabbat, we prohibit
in all aspects of synagogue life.
the use of the following items on synagogue
Parent Speeches
Each parent may deliver a speech to his/her child as •
part of the tallit presentation during the Shabbat
morning service.
Cell phones
Electronic Games
Video equipment
Parent speeches must meet the following
(For each parent):
1 page, double-spaced
1 1/2 inch margins (standard)
12 point font
In order to maintain the safety of service
participants we ask that no candy be thrown
during Shabbat services.
*Some electronic equipment is permitted
during private party celebrations on Shabbat.
Please see catering section for guidelines.
The rehearsal is for parents and students only. Extended
family and young siblings are discouraged from attending.
Students and parents will have a chance to practice all service
Contact Information
Temple Aliyah 818-346-3545
Rabbi Stewart Vogel, ext. 115, rabbivogel@templealiyah.org
Rabbi Gary Oren, ext. 130, rabbioren@templealiyah.org
Hazzan Mike Stein, ext. 105, hazzanstein@templealiyah.org
Hazzan Mimi Haselkorn, ext. 108, hazzanmimi@templealiyah.org
Executive Director, David Brook, ext. 106,
Religious School Director, Rabbi Adam Schaffer, ext. 110
Educational Curriculum Director, Betty Brasky Tochner, ext. 135
Ritual Secretary, Anna Williman ext. 115,
Administrative Assistant, Ivee Horland, ext. 143
Accounts Receivable, ext 112, lmichaud@templealiyah.org
The Voice Article
Each student submits a
short paragraph and
picture for publication in
The Voice Newsletter 10
weeks before his/her
Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Students generally introduce
themselves to the congregation
and mention why this day is
special in their lives.
Pictures and paragraphs must
be submitted via e-mail by 10
weeks before his/her
Bar/Bat Mitzvah to