Rates and Products - The Business Journals
Rates and Products - The Business Journals
Albuquerque Business First file photo 2016 Rates and Products Advertising options, section descriptions, display/classified rates and terms for 2016 Editorial calendar���������������������������������������������������2-4 Digital advertising rates............................................ 18 Display advertising rates (color)..................................5 Morning Edition........................................................ 19 Display advertising rates (franchise positions)......... 6-9 Afternoon Edition......................................................20 Print ad file requirements.......................................... 10 Breaking news sponsorship....................................... 21 Special section.......................................................... 11 Homepage takeover.................................................. 22 Giving Guide� ����������������������������������������������������������� 12 Bottom line & slider ads.............................................23 Meeting Guide supplement........................................ 13 People on the Move sponsorship................................24 Customized advertorial package................................ 14 Business Pulse sponsorship...................................... 25 Book of Lists............................................................. 15 Online dimensions, specs and deadlines....................26 Corporate anniversaries advertorial........................... 16 Terms and conditions........................................... 27-29 Deadlines and cancellations.......................................17 Questions? Contact cbeeke@bizjournals.com updated 7/18/16 2016 EditorialCalendar Calendar 2016 Editorial BUSINESS LISTS AD BUILD DEADLINE EVENT PUBLICATIONS & SPECIAL REPORTS EVENT DATE 1/14 JANUARY 1 Albuquerque Hotels / Santa Fe Hotels 12/18 8 Physician Groups 12/25 15 Economic Development Agencies 1/1 Economic Outlook Event & Special Report 22 Law Firms 1/8 Law Special Report 29 Residential Real Estate Firms 1/15 Book of Lists Party 1/22 Guide to Wealth Management 1/28 FEBRUARY 5 Financial Planners 12 Charter Schools 1/29 19 CPA Firms / Largest Taxpayers 2/5 26 2/12 Commercial Real Estate Firms / Engineers Reinventing Our City 3.0 Event & Accounting Special Report 2/17—2/19 Energy Special Report & Meet the Newsroom 3/3 Women of Influence Event 3/17 Mentoring Monday Event & Golf Special Report 4/4 Health Care Special Report 4/21 MARCH 4 Utility Companies and Cooperatives 2/19 11 American Indian-Owned Businesses 2/26 18 Web Design Firms 3/4 25 Credit Unions 3/11 APRIL 1 Golf Courses (50) 3/18 8 Staffing Agencies 3/25 15 Health Plans 4/1 22 Venture Capital Firms / Largest VC Deals 4/8 29 Government Contractors / Largest Defense Contracts 4/15 Meet the Newsroom 4/28 General Contractors / Subcontractors 4/22 Construction Special Report & Winners Circle Celebration 5/5 13 Insurance Brokerages 4/29 20 Albuquerque Public Schools MAY 6 27 Casinos / Meeting Spaces 5/6 Education Special Report 5/13 Innovation New Mexico Event 5/26 6/3 40 Under Forty Event 6/16 6/10 New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) JUNE 3 10 Architects 5/20 Family-Owned Businesses (new) 5/27 Updated 6, 2016. Editorial Calendar is subject to change. 17 June LGBT-Owned Businesses 24 Public Companies / Biggest Water Users 2 2/26 11 American Indian-Owned Businesses 18 Web Design Firms 3/4 25 Credit Unions 3/11 Women of Influence Event 3/17 Mentoring Monday Event & Golf Special Report 4/4 Health Care Special Report 4/21 2016 Editorial Calendar APRIL 1 Golf Courses (50) 3/18 8 Staffing Agencies 3/25 15 22 29 Health Plans Venture Capital Firms / Largest VC Deals BUSINESS LISTS Government Contractors / Largest Defense Contracts 4/1 4/8 AD BUILD DEADLINE 4/15 EVENT PUBLICATIONS & SPECIAL REPORTS EVENT Date Meet the Newsroom 4/28 Construction Special Report & Winners Circle Celebration 5/5 MAY General Contractors / Subcontractors 4/22 13 Insurance Brokerages 4/29 20 Albuquerque Public Schools 6 27 Casinos / Meeting Spaces 5/6 Education Special Report 5/13 Innovation New Mexico Event 5/26 6/16 JUNE 3 10 Architects 5/20 Family-Owned Businesses (new) 5/27 17 LGBT-Owned Businesses 6/3 40 Under Forty Event 24 Public Companies / Biggest Water Users 6/10 New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) JULY 1 Top Restaurants (new) 6/17 8 Film and Video Production Companies 6/24 15 Largest Private Companies Meet the Newsroom 7/7 7/21 7/1 22 Chambers of Commerce 7/8 Small Business Health Care Summit & Expo Event 29 LEED-Certified Buildings / Solar & Renewable Energy Cos. 7/15 New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) & Construction Special Report AUGUST Retirement Communities 7/22 12 Lobbyists 7/29 19 Advertising Agencies / PR Firms 8/5 Meeting Guide (Advertorial) 8/12 New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) 40 Under Forty Yearbook & Cybersecurity Summit 8/25 40 Under Forty Yearbook Party 9/8 5 26 Wealthiest Zip Codes Fastest Growing Companies Event 8/11 SEPTEMBER 2 Women-Owned Businesses (50) 8/19 9 United Way Allocations / Grant-Making Orgs./Nonprofits 8/26 16 Annual Festivals / Largest Conventions 9/2 Balloon Fiesta Special Report 23 Hispanic-Owned Businesses 9/9 ABQ Diversity Special Report & Diverse Business Leader Awards Event 9/22 30 Homebuilders 9/16 OCTOBER Manufacturers 9/23 Meet the Newsroom 10/6 14 NM Breweries / NM Wineries 9/30 C–Suite Event 10/13 21 Aerospace and Aviation Companies 10/7 7 Updated June 6, 2016. Editorial Calendar is subject to change. 3 12 Lobbyists 19 Advertising Agencies / PR Firms 7/29 Fastest Growing Companies Event 8/5 Meeting Guide (Advertorial) 8/11 New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) 40 Under Forty Yearbook & Cybersecurity Summit 8/25 40 Under Forty Yearbook Party 9/8 2016 Editorial Calendar 26 8/12 Wealthiest Zip Codes SEPTEMBER 2 Women-Owned Businesses (50) 8/19 9 United Way Allocations / Grant-Making Orgs./Nonprofits 8/26 16 Annual Festivals / Largest Conventions LISTS Businesses 23 BUSINESS Hispanic-Owned 30 9/2 AD BUILD DEADLINE 9/9 Balloon Fiesta Special Report PUBLICATIONS REPORTSLeader Awards Event ABQEVENT Diversity Special Report&&SPECIAL Diverse Business EVENT Date 9/22 9/16 Homebuilders OCTOBER Manufacturers 9/23 Meet the Newsroom 10/6 14 NM Breweries / NM Wineries 9/30 C–Suite Event 10/13 21 Aerospace and Aviation Companies 10/7 28 Biggest Real Estate Leases / Office Buildings 10/14 Construction Special Report & Partners in Philanthropy New Mexico Energy Outlook Event & Special Report 11/ 3 11/4 Best Places To Work Event & Construction Special Report 11/17 11/11 Health Care Special Report 7 NOVEMBER 4 Oil Producers / Gas Producers 10/21 11 Title Companies / Residential Mortgage Lenders 10/28 18 Colleges & Universities/ Private Schools 25 Hospitals DECEMBER 2 Banks / SBA Lenders 11/18 Banking Special Report 9 MBA Programs / Alumni Associations 11/25 Deals of the Year Event & Higher Education Special Report New Mexico Luxury Living (Advertorial) 16 Veteran-Owned Businesses 12/2 23 Book of Lists 12/9 12/8 Updated June 6, Ad 2016. Editorial is subject to change. BUILD/DESIGN Deadlines —Calendar TWO WEEkS BEFORE THE WEDNESDAy THE PAPER GOES TO PRESS. PRODUCTION READY Ads—ONE WEEk BEFORE THE WEDNESDAy THE PAPER GOES TO PRESS. UPDATED JUNE 6, 2016 Editorial Calendar is subject to change. 4 Display advertising rates Full Color ad size open rate $10K $20K $40K $60K full page $5,286 $3,753 $2,813 $2,605 $2,118 3/4 page $4,598 $3,273 $2,452 $2,270 $1,845 island $4,114 $2,934 $2,198 $2,034 $1,654 1/2 page $3,740 $2,672 $2,001 $1,852 $1,505 1/4 page $2,615 $1,886 $1,410 $1,305 $1,058 1/8 page $1,865 $1,362 $1,016 $940 $761 list strip ad $2006 $1601 $1496 $1403 $1307 Full Page 10" x 12.25" 3/4 Page 7.4375" x 12.25" Island 7.4375" x 9.25" 1/4 Page (V) 2.375" x 12.25" 1/2 Page (H) 10" x 5.875" 1/8 Page (V) 2.375" x 5.875" 1/2 Page (V) 4.9375" x 12.25" * charges are non-commissionable ** all rates must include 4C NET charge Guaranteed Position fee 20% for back cover (full page only) 15% for inside pages (1/4 page minimum ad size) FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS Frequency discounts are determined by combining the total number of insertions in the Albuquerque Business First, the Book of Lists or any other special publication within the contract period. Contract begins with date of first insertion and must be fulfilled within a twelve-month period. Pre-printed inserts and bizjournals online ads may also be included as part of your frequency contract. Contracts guarantee the frequency rate earned and ad sizes may vary during contract period. Refer to the column under the frequency for rate of desired size. Rates are subject to change during contract period. Rate increases are effective January 1, and all advertisers’ rates change on that date. Frequency discounts may also apply to each insertion in any additional City Business Journals Network publications. For multimarket options, contact your advertising account executive for more information regarding the City Business Journals Network. AGENCY COMMISSION 15% paid to accredited advertising agencies, accepting billing responsibility. Color, positioning fees, sponsorships and inserts are non-commissionable. FEES Ads that require modification by the production department (size adjustment, photo/logo m odification, type corrections, etc.) will not receive a 15% agency discount. Notification of ad cancellation or a change in its schedule must be received in w riting before space reservation deadline. Insertion canceled after reservation deadline will be billed at 100%. Book of Lists ads are non-cancellable. All advertising transactions with Albuquerque Business First are subject to the Business First’s advertising terms and conditions, a copy of which are available on our web-site. TAX The current New Mexico Gross Receipts tax is 7.1875%. All advertisers will be charged the current rate unless proper documentation of non-taxable status is supplied before ad runs. 1/8 Page (H) 4.9375" x 2.8125" 1/4 Page (S) 4.9375” x 5.875" Strip 10" x 1.5" 1/4 Page (H) 10" x 2.8125" 5 Display advertising rates Franchise Positions ad size Open $10K rate silent cover ad package* $20K rate $40K rate 750 $60K rate 550 centerpiece tower $3,008 $2,252 $1,852 $1,802 $1,561 centerpiece “U” shape $3,890 $3,289 $2,910 $2,720 $2,608 belt ad $2,593 $1,888 $1,728 $1,580 $1,420 “L” or reverse “L” shape $2,107 $1,679 $1,570 $1,473 $1,412 wave $2,075 $1,651 $1,557 $1,447 $1,347 isosceles (bizleads section only) $1,640 $1,336 $1,230 $1,096 $985 triangle (bizleads section only) $1,640 $1,336 $1,230 $1,096 $985 full page spread $7,262 $4,880 $3,813 $3,431 $2,669 island spread $6,095 $4,096 $3,200 $2,880 $2,240 1/2 page spread $5,154 *Cover Ad Position requires 13x consecutive commitment ** All rates must include 4C NET charge Guaranteed Position fee FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS $3,464 $2,706 $2,435 $1,894 Centerpiece Tower 1.875" x 12.25" on each side Belt 21" x 2.8125" center of pages Centerpiece Strip 21" x 1.5" center of pages 1/4 page Isosceles 10”base x 5 7/8”peak 1/4 page Triangle 6 1/4"base x 8 15/16" peak Centerpiece "U" 1.875" x 12.25" on each side, plus 1.5" strip on bottom "L" 1.875" x 12.25" plus 1.5" strip on bottom Wave 10" x 2.8125" sloping top Full-Page Spread 21" x 12.25" Island Spread 15.9375" x 9.25" AGENCY COMMISSION FEES TAX 1/2 Page Spread 21" x 5.875" 1/4 Page Spread 21" x 2.8125" 6 Display advertising rates Franchise Positions (continued) ad size 1 2 3 $60K $40K $20K silent cover ad package2 1,225 1,750 front page logo only3 550 750 reporter page sponosorship1 805 1,248 Requires 13X minimum Requires 13X and includes island ad Requires 26x or 52x commitment front page logo bundle (logo plus an island ad) $15K Guaranteed Position fee 20% for back cover (full page only) 15% for inside pages (1/4 page minimum ad size) $10K 2,240 1,422 $5K open rate 3,500 FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS Frequency discounts are determined by combining the total number of insertions in the Albuquerque Business First, the Book of Lists or any other special publication within the contract period. Contract begins with date of first insertion and must be fulfilled within a twelve-month period. Pre-printed inserts and bizjournals online ads may also be included as part of your frequency contract. Contracts guarantee the frequency rate earned and ad sizes may vary during contract period. Refer to the column under the frequency for rate of desired size. Rates are subject to change during contract period. Rate increases are effective January 1, and all advertisers’ rates change on that date. Frequency discounts may also apply to each insertion in any additional City Business Journals Network publications. For multi-market options, contact your advertising account executive for more information regarding the City Business Journals Network. AGENCY COMMISSION 15% paid to accredited advertising agencies, accepting billing responsibility. Color, positioning fees, sponsorships and inserts are noncommissionable. FEES Ads that require modification by the production department (size adjustment, photo/logo modification, type corrections, etc.) will not receive a 15% agency discount. Notification of ad cancellation or a change in its schedule must be received in writing before space reservation deadline. Insertion canceled after reservation deadline will be billed at 100%. Book of Lists ads are non-cancellable. All advertising transactions with Albuquerque Business First are subject to the Business First’s advertising terms and conditions, a copy of which are available on our web-site. TAX The current New Mexico Gross Receipts tax is 7%. All advertisers will be charged the current rate unless proper documentation of non-taxable status is supplied before ad runs. reporter page sponsorship (logo plus a 1/4 page ad) 7 centerpiece tower centerpiece or goalpost "U" shape 1/2 page spread belt 8 "L" full page spread wave isosceles 1/4 page triangle island spread 9 Print ad file requirements programs & formats: Digital files are accepted in the following programs & formats: Exported .PDF InDesign .INDD How to submit Unless other submission arrangements are made with your sales representative, please upload your files and materials at: Use [PDF/X-1a:2001] in your design program export or distiller options. http://filetransfer.amcity.com Package all fonts & images. See: File Menu-Package or Illustrator .AI Or email to: smccarthy@bizjournals.com. Please CC your sales representative when emailing. Thank you. .PDF or .AI, fonts turned into outlines Photoshop .PSD .PSD files should be 300 dpi, layered or rasterized. All incoming files are checked for our printing specs and for printing optimization. Full Page 10" x 12.25" 3/4 Page 7.4375" x 12.25" Island 7.4375" x 9.25" Centerpiece Tower 1.875" x 12.25" on each side Belt 21" x 2.8125" center of pages Centerpiece Strip 21" x 1.5" center of pages 1/8 Page (V) 2.375" x 5.875" 1/2 Page (V) 4.9375" x 12.25" 1/8 Page (H) 4.9375" x 2.8125" Helpful Tips and Information: • LOGOS for ad builds PLEASE SEND VECTOR (.ai, .eps) (Low-resolution 72 dpi .jpg’s or any downloaded low-resolution art from the internet is not accepted for ad builds.) If low-res 1/4 Page (V) 2.375" x 12.25" 1/2 Page (H) 10" x 5.875" 1/4 Page (S) 4.9375” x 5.875" Centerpiece "U" 1.875" x 12.25" on each side, plus 1.5" strip on bottom Need Help? If you have any questions or concerns about preparing your ad, please contact our graphic designer, Stephen McCarthy, at 505.348.8311, or email smccarthy@bizjournals.com. 1/4 page Isosceles 10”base x 5 7/8”peak 1/4 page Triangle 6 1/4"base x 8 15/16" peak 1/2 Page Spread 21" x 5.875" "L" 1.875" x 12.25" plus 1.5" strip on bottom Wave 10" x 2.8125" sloping top Full-Page Spread 21" x 12.25" Island Spread 15.9375" x 9.25" 1/4 Page Spread 21" x 2.8125" art is provided for ad builds, we can not guarantee print quality or being able to use it. • Please convert all spot or rgb colors to process (cmyk) in your color design program color palette. Note: If working in Illustrator or Photoshop, make sure your color mode is set to cmyk. • Due to the nature of web press printing, please convert all 4 color blacks in your art and text to 100% black. (100% Black = c0% m0% y0% k100%.) We suggest that if you must use a rich black, please use: (c10% m10% y10% k90%.) • Be aware that small or thin text against a 4/color background may become illegible, due to the not-always-consistent nature of color registration on a web press. Strip 10" x 1.5" • For best results, send high-resolution/300dpi digital images. 1/4 Page (H) 10" x 2.8125" • We cannot accept ads provided in the following file formats: Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, Powerpoint, Corel Draw Page Maker, and Quark XPress. 10 Unlock the power of Business First special sections. With an online Special Section sponsorship, you unlock one on of our premium, subscriber-only special publications for all digital readers. Special Sections launch on Fridays, in coordination with the weekly edition. Unlocking a section gives it a unique home on our website, with 100% share of voice for you. We also notify all email subscribers — more than 12,000 readers — that you have unlocked the special section. The section is also promoted on our homepage. Special Sections include award publications, editorial focuses and expanded List packages. This opportunity is only available to Presenting Sponsors of events. FEATURES BENEFITS • The Special Section Sponsorship is exclusive. • “Own” a section of content on the Business Journal website • 100% share of voice in the section • Align your brand and message with designated content • Guaranteed impressions – in section and ROS (Ads that appear in the Special section are counted toward the guaranteed impressions. Impression amounts vary depending on Tier). • Use space to position your company as an authority or thought leader on a critical business topic COST $1,000 in addition to Presenting Sponsorship cost STEVEN J. PERICH Pre Dekker/ sident, Perich/ Sabatin i JAMIE SILVA-S Preside TEELE nt and CEO, Regiona l Medical UNM Sandov al Center Inc. Execut RUSSELL BAK ive Dire ER Institut ctor, Nationa e of New l Dance Mexico OC TO PRES ENTIN G SPO N BER 2329, SEP TEM BER 1824, 201 5 VIV SIS NEROS JR. Pre ISHC/G sident, 90 Mfg /BIMCo 20 15 PRES SOR EVEN T PA R TNE R PROD UCTIO ENTIN PRESENTI G SPO N SORS NG SPON SORS: EVENT N PA R T NER PRES ENTI NG S PON EVEN SOR PROD UCTI O N PA RTNE R T PA R T NERS PARTNER: PRODUCTI ON PART NER: COMMUN EVEN T PA RT ITY PART NER: NER 11 Advertising Supplement | 2016 Partners in Philanthropy Please contact your advertising account executive for details formerly the Giving Guide Our annual Partners in Philanthropy special supplement helps business leaders make informed decisions about philanthropic opportunities. Whether New Mexico nonprofits need help increasing donor relationships, thanking corporate sponsors, building their volunteer base or promoting their fundraising event, your ads in Albuquerque Business First Partners in Philanthropy supplement support and promote the needs of these vital groups that work so hard for New Mexico. Sponsorships available. Please contact your advertising account executive for details 2016 Cost One full-page ad, one sponsor letter and four non-profit sponsor pages to give to other nonprofits of your choice, full color: $5,500 Two-page spread, full color: $2,862 12 Advertising Supplement | 2016 Meeting Guide Please contact your advertising account executive for details Meetings Mean Business! To encourage local companies to take advantage of local services and amenities, we are presenting “How to Have a Meeting in New Mexico.” This special guide lists some of our state’s top destinations and facilities. It’s a great resource for local companies and event planners. Why advertise? Businesses hosting corporate functions in New Mexico use this valuable guide to make informed decisions on vendors. Special Distribution • Meeting Professionals International (MPI) • Human Resources Management Association (HRMA) • Tourism Association of New Mexico (TANM) Plus, it is inserted in the August 5th issue of the Albuquerque Business First. Sponsorships available. Please contact your advertising account executive for details Featured Lists: • Casinos & Meeting Spaces • Annual Festivals & Largest Conventions • Albuquerque-Area Largest Hotels • Santa Fe-Area Largest Hotels • Film & Video Production Companies 2016 Cost Full page (7"w x 9.75"h) no bleed: $2,865 Half page (7"w x 4.8125"h) no bleed: $1,894 13 Customized advertorial package Please contact your advertising account executive for details A customized editorial package offers you the unique opportunity to tell your story — your way — in the pages of the Albuquerque Business First, through a paid advertising section. Printed on bright white paper and in the center of the Business First as part of the weekly edition, it allows you to put your message in front of key business readers and decision makers. Because this is a paid advertising project, you are the editor. You decide which stories are included, which photos to submit and how the headlines should read. You retain control of the editing process (subject to the publisher’s final approval). The total production package includes layout and editing provided by the advertising department of the Business First with your supervision. JAN UA RY 2-8 , 201 5 EmploymE nt & UnEm nEw marKmEtExIco r E p o rt Total non agricult 2014, to ural emp 814,500 loyment quarter . The une in NM incr of dropped 2013 to 6.8 percmployment rate eased 0.7 perc from 7.1 in New ent in the percent. percent Mexico ent from third to 6.9 perc third quarter decreas quarter ed 2013 to of 2014 ent, whi . 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University Solutions, 5: Santa Fe Coun nally adjusted. Econ 2: Berna ty. of New Mexico. omic Research Note: Detai lillo, l may and Analy sis Burea not add u. Table total pe 80K rSoN Mexico Pr Judge Stev e Herrera Bradbury Judicial Stamm Const al iNc ome nt Elem ($ milli Career s Complex Crownpoi 1 ojects & ruction, Inc. IncomE NdS) entary Scho Murphy oNS)* Builders ol Inc. 78K % cha nge 2013 Q32014 Q3 2014 Q3 yed, famil this table c schoo New Mexi ls and y work are Economicco Dept. of Work tribal enterprise quarterly avera ers, house force ges of mont hold workers Research, s, such as casin University Solutions, Econ hly omic Resea os. Note: Detai figures. 2: of New Mexico. l may not rch and rateS Analysis MeTRo Bureau. (%) 1 pol u of Busin pErsonal g New 1 ploymEnt 815.8 804.3 812.6 Goods 622.5 814.5 produc ing 620.1 0.7 Service 611.5 98.7 s providi 621.1 98.0 ng 628.5 Mining, 93.9 710.2 1.0 94.8 constru logging & 717.8 ction 97.7 710.4 69.2 -1.1 717. 8 69.2 Mining 716.8 & logging 66.9 0.9 67.7 constru 26.4 70.4 ction 26.4 1.8 Manufac 26.8 42.8 turing 27.4 42.7 wholes 27.9 40.1 29.6 ale Trad 5.7 40.3 e 28.8 Retail Trad 42.5 27.0 21.7 e -0.6 27.1 21.3 Transpo 27.3 21.1 91.6 -7.8 21.3 wareho rtation, 93.7 using & 21.5 91.3 23.3 Utilities -1.1 92.4 informa 23.8 92.9 tion 23.5 1.4 23.4 Financia 12.8 23.7 l Activiti 12.5 es 1.9 profess 12.6 33.4 13.2 Service ional & Busines 34.3 s 13.1 s 34.6 99.2 2.6 35.0 educati 97.7 35.4 96.7 Service onal & Health 6.2 97.5 s 121.9 97.4 leisure 124.2 -1.8 & Hospita 124.2 lity 125.6 other Service 90.7 127.0 s 86.9 4.2 Govern 86.2 29.3 ment 2 89.5 27.7 90.6 1: Inclu 27.4 186.4 des full0.0 and mem 28.4 and part195.7 29.2 Includes bers of the Arme time wage and 192.8 salar empl d Force -0.3 191.5 add to total oyees of state s are exclu y workers by place of ded. 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BaNkiN g 201 zz Ten ban Mexico ks control 70 Federal bank deposit percent of New the stra s, Fargo Deposit insu according into a tegy was to grad Ban to rance mer corp. wel the Mexico k increased Greg Mar ger and nam ually transitio New Mex ico State base by over the yea its presence ls n of First rs, presiden e change,” Universit r, said t, Am y - Arts share by $926.3 milliongrowing its in New McCarthy and staff erican Ban ceo and cha deposit Complex Building k. “Th irman remain grew to 2.24 percent. and its mar Companies ket the sam e manage $7.78 billi wells’ NM, Inc. eNergy ment from $6.8 e.” deposit on as The New deposit 6 billion the of June 30, s Departm Mexico env percent market share previous yea up ironmen r. its increas ent has from 25.2 of tal ed ene fine New 8 perc to 27.5 rgy d 2 hazmat more than the U.S. Dep increas Mexico’s cred ent. artment $54 mill ed laborat violations at but that their small it unions hav ion for los e busines has trig plant. inory and the was Alamos Nat some trad s lending, gered Bank of total, mor a reaction te isolatio ional itional viol the banks. ations anta e than n pilot from - Old Town Rio Grande cre three were foun were cited. percent dit unions gonists: com Albuquer munity have see Thirteen dozen Yearout Mech d at wip que Bran million over the growth rate n a 21 anical, Inc. violatio ch p, prompt in in violatio fines; lANl ing $17. ns presiden past year. 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School Arts ration CNM Wes tside Jaynes Corpo ration U E R Q U E B U S I N E S S F I R S T New Mexi co. 14 Book of Lists one ad - one whole year of exposure Advertising New Mexico’s most valuable business reference guide and the one publication readers turn to throughout the year. It’s a compilation of the Business First’s Lists and is full of important information about New Mexico businesses that is unavailable anywhere else. Sold year-round. Guaranteed positions for full page only. Full-page price includes premium for positions adjacent to particular List or content pages. Color is included. Sorry, Book of Lists ads are noncancellable. All rates are net. ad size $40K-60K $20K-39K $10K-19K open rate full page $3,199 $4,176 $5,428 $6,710 1/2 page 2,031 2,617 3,350 4,112 1/4 page 1,428 1,813 2,278 2,772 List strip ad NA NA NA 1,650 chapter sponsorship NA NA NA 6,000 Sponsorships available. Please contact your advertising account executive for details. Ad Deadline: The BOL goes to press November 18. Ad build material deadline is October 18. 70% of readers say Book of Lists advertisers are more top of mind when thinking about a specific product or service that is needed. 79% of readers view Book of Lists advertisers as leaders in their industry. 71% of subscribers say seeing your ad in the Book of Lists improves their overall impression of your company. 15 Corporate Anniversaries Advertorial Albuquerque Business First wants to help you spread the word about your company’s birthday! Considering nearly 95 percent of companies go out of business within the first five years of opening up shop, we feel it’s important to celebrate companies that have reached 5th, 10th, 20th, 100th and other milestones. Perhaps even reaching one year is a milestone for you! Take advantage of this unique opportunity to launch your company’s year-long celebration in this special advertising section. Tell your story to our readers and grow your customer base. 2016 Cost CELEBRATING 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS Full Page ( 10” x 12.25” ) full color included, no bleed: $2,865 » F ull page is broken down into a 1/2 page write-up and 1/2 page branding advertisement. Both the write-up and the ad information are provided by the advertiser, but can be designed by our graphic designer if needed. Star Paving Company “Large or Small We Do All” Contact your Advertising Executive today for more information Star Paving Company, founded in 1956 and a division of the Cruz Corporation is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. STAR PAVING CO. INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATE ITS 60TH ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY, APRIL 23 10AM TO 5PM STAR PAVING HEADQUARTERS 3109 Love Rd. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 Located in the heart of Albuquerque’s South Valley, the Hispanic family owned company has been recognized throughout the years as a Top 500 Largest Hispanic Owned Companies; Top Hispanic Owned Business; Top 100 Contractors in Industry; 500 Largest US Hispanic-Owned Company; and the Blue Chip Enterprise Award. They provide competitive pricing on asphalt from patchwork to major road paving, commercial and industrial building. Services include preventative maintenance on existing parking lots, seal coats, excavation, asphalt paving, patching, sealing, crack repair, concrete paving, curb and gutters, sidewalks, driveways, ADA ramps, and any other concrete work associated with parking lot, roads and streets, throughout the State of New Mexico. Their customers include residential, commercial and government. Star Paving Company is committed to providing superior service and quality work for every project “Large or Small We Do It All”. They set our customer satisfaction goals high and work hard to achieve them. Join us for live entertainment by Actor and Comedian Steven Michael Quezada, The Riddims Burque Sol, and Picoso Pin-Up/Rockabilly Style Contest, kiddie land, raffle, food & fun for the family. In addition, Star Paving Co. is having a raffle to benefit the YDI Foundation who supports YDI’s mission of “Helping Children Youth and Families Achieve Their Full Potential’. For more information about Star Paving Companies 60th Anniversary Event contact Joe Cruz, monica@starpaving.com 505 . 877 . 0380 To learn more about Star Paving Co. visit us at starpaving.com 16 Deadlines and cancellations Weekly newspaper Albuquerque Business First publishes weekly, 52 times a year, on Fridays. Premium positions are sold on a first-come basis. section/advertising type deadline general display advertising position Thursday, 3pm, 8 days prior to publication ad build Friday, two weeks prior to publication cancellation Wednesday, 9 days prior to publication camera-ready artwork due Friday, one week prior to publication Free-standing inserts Inserts for the weekly newspaper deadline reservation 10 days prior to publication delivery 7 days prior to publication Book of Lists The Book of Lists is published once a year. Postions are sold on a first-come basis. section/advertising type deadline general display advertising position October 18, 2016 cancellation cannot be canceled camera-ready artwork due November 11, 2026 Cancellation policy Notification of ad cancellation or a change in its schedule must be received in writing before space reservation deadline. Insertion canceled after reservation deadline will be billed at 100%. Book of Lists ads are noncancellable. All advertising transactions with Albuquerque Business First are subject to the Business First’s advertising terms and conditions, a copy of which are available on our website. PROOFS Limit of two proofs per ad. $25 standard charge for any change thereafter. 17 Digital advertising rates homepage Run of site (www.AlbuquerqueBusinessFirst.com) digital volume rate $80k $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate pkg 130,000 impressions $2,660 $2,755 $2,857 $3,207 $3,576 $4,147 30 days 80,000 impressions 1,774 1,837 1,909 2,131 2,391 2,764 2 wks business pulse* 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 130 K special section* 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 130 K people on the move* A article page A B 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 130 K G SponsorshipAd positions 130,000 impressions Delivered over 30 days. Includes mobile. 80,000 impressions Delivered over 15 days. Includes mobile. Business Pulse Upper and lower 300x250, top and bottom728x90. Must be purchased in conjunction with a 130k ROS package or higher Special Section Upper and lower 300x250, top and bottom728x90. Must be purchased in conjunction with a 130k ROS package or higher People on the Move Upper and lower 300x250, top and bottom728x90. Must be purchased in conjunction with a 130k ROS package or higher. D H Packages include 3 different ad sizes that run across our platforms: 728 x 90, 300 x 250 and 320 x 50 (mobile unit). E A. article & homepage page top leaderboard 728 x 90 B. article page upper island 300 x 250 C C. mobile ad 320 x 50 D. article page business pulse logo sponsorship 88 x 31 E. article page lower island 300 x 250 F. article page bottom leaderboard 728 x 90 G. homepage lower island 300 x 250 F H. homepage people on the move logo sponsorship 88 x 31 18 Morning Edition A A Every morning at 8 a.m., Business First delivers the most urgent local business news to make sure subscribers start the day well-informed. The double opt-in subscription reaches nearly 8,000 inboxes every day. B Monthly Sponsorships top banner + logo $3,100 *category exclusive at top banner sponsorship, six-month minimum middle banner 2,350 bottom banner 1,600 Morning Edition weekly rates $80k $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate Top banner + logo $931 $1,008 $1,164 $1,357 $1,551 $1,745 Middle 468x60 $621 $737 $892 $1,047 $1,202 $1,357 Bottom 468x60 310 388 465 543 621 698 Ad Sizes A. sponsor logo C D B. top banner 468 x 60 C. middle banner 468 x 60 D. bottom banner 468 x 60 Sign up for the Morning Edition at www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/promo/ albuquerque-ampm 19 Afternoon Edition A The Afternoon Edition delivers Albuquerque Business First's top stories and news alerts to some 10,000 email inboxes every day. Executives keep tabs on the pulse of the local business scene with a snapshot of each day's news. digital volume rate $80k $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate top banner 1,113 $1,205 $1,391 $1,622 $1,854 $2,086 skybox upper 973 1,066 1,113 1,298 1,391 1,622 skybox lower 519 556 593 742 834 927 upper logo and text 519 556 593 742 834 927 middle logo and text 389 417 473 556 626 695 B Notes: All rates are net. Costs quoted are "per week" (six drops per week: Monday-Friday with a Saturday bonus Weekend Edition) Ad Sizes D A. top banner 728 x 90 B. upper skybox 200 x 200 C. lower skybox 200 x 200 D. 120x60 logo and 160 characters of text (including spaces) E. 120x60 logo and 160 characters of text (including spaces) Sign up for the Daily Update at www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/promo/albuquerque-ampm E C 20 Breaking News Sponsorship Reach executives anywhere they do business. Continuous brand exposure in highly visible area on smart phones. Features Albuquerque Business First delivers timely, unique content to a highly influential and engaged audience of business leaders and influencers and they are seldom far from their mobile devices. Breaking news is what we do best and what our readers have come to expect. We are pleased to announce an exclusive opportunity for one of our premium clients. Quarterly sponsorship $9,300 Six month sponsorship $17,000 Annual sponsorship $31,000 Package includes •nearly 13,000 opt-in subscribers •728x90 ad unit on the Breaking News email •logo placement with “sponsored by” text Benefits • exclusivity • client logo and ad positioned around the latest breaking news •open rates that are double that of industry standards •minimum of seven breaking news emails each month Details •The pushdown unit (970 x 418) appears for 5 seconds the first time a user comes to the homepage during a 7-day period, and after 5 seconds, the leave-behind ad (970 x 66) appears. Each additional time a user comes back to the homepage within the same 7-day period, the leave behind ad appears. •The leave-behind ad has premium placement below the navigation bar and can be expanded if a user engages with the ad unit by hovering the cursor over it. 13,000 How many people subscribe to Albuquerque Business First's Breaking News emails. 21 Homepage Takeover Reach more than 150,000 people with a high-impact Homepage Takeover package. •reach users at the "front door" of our site; a highly valuable audience •utilize high-impact rich media units and traditional banners A B •create a revenue opportunity in addition to the homepage pushdown $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate $3,362 $3,760 $4,099 $4,455 $5,007 Features The Homepage Takeover includes three ad units (the only ads on the homepage): A. skin 1600 x 660 C B. pushdown unit 970 x 418, and leave behind 970 x 66 C. upper island 300 x 250 Package includes •130,000 run of site impressions •Runs for 5 business days Benefits • exclusive, fixed high-profile positioning that captivates the business reader. • large format ad offers creative flexibility • exciting graphics • extended text • embed video • flash animation • interactive feature included in slider that allows the customer to design a full page of creative 22 Bottom Line & Slider Ads Own all pages of the website (with the exception of the homepage) with our Bottom Line Sponsorship. Cost: $1,490 per month First come. First serve. Features •appears on all pages of the website except for the homepage •appears on all article and blog pages •the unit will limit serving to a unique user once per day •37,163 per month A. Slider reminder 950x90 B. Slider expanded 950x460 (appears after user initiates the ad by clicking on it) C. Bottom line reminder 1034x30 D. Bottom line expanded 1034x90 (appears after user initiates the ad by clicking on it) Benefits •exclusive, fixed high-profile positioning that captivates the business reader. •leave behind brands client's message on page •interactive feature included in slider that allows the customer to design a full page of creative B • exciting graphic capability •embedded video capability Details • the Bottom Line and Slider ads appear on all pages of the website with the exception of the home page and sponsored pages (People on the Move, Business Pulse, Special Sections, How To, etc.) •the expanded Bottom Line ad appears when the user initiates the ad by clicking on the "reminder" ad •the expanded Slider ad appears when the user initiates the ad by clicking on the "reminder" ad. The entire ABF web page moves over and your ad appears. It can be a still ad or a video. • this does NOT have to be sold with a run of site package •the package is a certain amount of impressions, not share of voice 23 People on the Move Sponsorship people on the move page Place your brand and message alongside respected, credible local business news. A People on the Move is a signature section that highlights the changes and advancements of professionals in the local business community. $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate $3,662 $3,760 $4,099 $4,455 $5,007 F homepage B Features The People on the Move Sponsorship includes: •logo on promotional module on the home page, throughout the website, on article pages and on the Afternoon Edition E •100% share of voice in the section •logo exposure wherever People on the Move is promoted A. top leaderboard 728 x 90 B. upper island 300 x 250 C. lower island 300 x 250 D. bottom leaderboard 728 x 90 weekly edition E. homepage article page logo sponsorship 88 x 31 F. article page logo sponsorship 88 x 31 Mobile 320x50 Benefits •exclusive opportunity to "own" a Business First signature section •present a platform that celebrates the upward movement and success of local business professionals •place your brand message in front of an engaged audience F C •reach decision makers during their work day •ROS gives you the creative flexibiliy to run up to four ads at a time •opportunity to promote your key staff in print and online D 24 Business Pulse Sponsorship business pulse article page Take the pulse of the New Mexico business community. D homepage The Business Pulse is an interactive survey hosted on our website in which users have the opportunity to vote on a poll question, comment and read what others have to say about key business topics. $60k $40k $20k $10k open rate $3,662 $3,760 $4,099 $4,455 $5,007 E H Features The Business Pulse Sponsorship includes: •logo on promotional module on the home page and on the Afternoon Edition business pulse homepage article page F •exclusive title sponsorship •100% share of voice in the section* •logo exposure wherever Business Pulse is promoted, including in the weekly edition A. business pulse homepage logo sponsorship 88x31 A B. business pulse homepage bottom leaderboard 728 x 90 C. business pulse home page top leaderboard 728 x 90 I D. business pulse article page top leaderboard 728 x 90 E. business pulse article page logo sonsorship 88x31 weekly edition F. business pulse article page island 300x250 G. business pulse article page bottom island 300x250 H. business pulse article page bottom leaderboard 728 x 90 B I. homepage logo sponsorship 88 x 31 J. Weekly edition logo sponsorship Mobile 320x50 F Benefits •150,000 run of site impressions •exclusive opportunity to "own" a Business First signature section I •present a platform that celebrates the upward movement and success of local business professionals •place your brand message in front of an engaged audience •reach decision makers during their work day G •ROS gives you the creative flexibiliy to run up to four ads at a time Not available until February 2016 *6-month commitment required 25 Online Dimensions, Specs and Submission Deadlines Run of Site Homepage Island — 300x250 – 200k or less – JGIF/JPG/Flash:15 animation Homepage Leaderboard — 728x90 – 200k or less – JGIF/JPG/Flash:15 animation Mobile Ad — 320x50 – 20k or less – JGIF/JPG (Optional mobile banner to support Retina display devices 640x100, this version helps their ad look great on screens with Retina displays.) Morning Edition Banner — 468x60ppi – 40k or less – JGIF/JPG/Flash:15 animation Morning Edition Blog Logo — 120x60ppi – 80k or less – JGIF/JPG Afternoon Edition Leaderboard — 728x90ppi – 200k or less – JGIF/JPG/Flash:15 animation Sky Box — 200x200 – 40k or less – JGIF/JPG :15 animation Text plus Logo — 120x60 – 80k or less – GIF/JPG + 160 characters of text (spaces included). (The clickable call to action may be 120 characters max. Any clickable call to action must be at the end of the text and counts towards the 160 character total.) Homepage Takeover Background Skin — 1600x660 – 100k or less – JPG - No Flash (ACBJ site is 1034x wide, creative will need to be built around) Pushdown Reminder — 970x66 – 120k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash, “close” button in upper right corner, :15 animation Pushdown Expanded — 970x418 – 120k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash, “close” button in upper right corner, :15 animation Island — 300x250 – 200k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash, :15 animation Mobile — 320x50 – 20k or less – JGIF/JPG Homepage Template: Please contact our Graphic Designer, smccarthy@bizjournals.com All ads must created to the specs to the left. Especially memory size limits. Or they will not be run until they have been corrected and resubmitted. Digital Packages– Creative Due: 3 Business Days • Website Placements • Mobile Placement Newsletter Banners – Creative Due: 3 Business Days • Afternoon Edition • Morning Edition • Industry Watch Business Pulse – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Business Pulse 3+ Months – Creative Due: 5 Business Days People on the Move – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Homepage Takeover – Creative Due: 5 Business Days The Bottom Line – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Slider – Creative Due: 10 Business Days Expanding Ads – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Business Pulse Leaderboard — 728x90ppi – 200k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash, :15 animation Island — 300x250 – 200k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash, :15 animation Logo — 88x31 – 80k or less – GIF/JPG Mobile — 320x50 – 20k or less, GIF/JPG Editorial Special Sections – Creative Due: 1-2 Week (the Friday prior to the Friday of launch) The Bottom Line Reminder — 1034x30 Expanded – 50k or less – GIF/JPG “close” button in far right upper corner, no animation Expanded — 1034x90 Expanded – 50k or less – GIF/JPG “close” button in far right upper corner, no animation Slider Footer — 950x90 – 50k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash AS3, Flash Player 9+ “Slide to learn more” on the right side, no animation. Full Page — 950x460 – 100k or less – GIF/JPG/Flash AS3, Flash Player 9+, “close” button in top right corner, :15 max animation. In-Banner Video – Video can be delivered in banners via website 300x250, 728x90, 970x250 and pushdown positions. Video in expanding ads is also acceptable. Video cannot be delivered via our email products. Both Audio and Video must be user initiated (on-click) with clearly labeled on-off buttons for each. Two options for delivering video in banner, either Third Party Served or served by The Business Journals. Business webpage video link or Youtube video link is preferred** (as long as client has permission to use**). Business Journals can edit and resize Youtube embeds. 1. The Business Journals accepts third party in-banner video tags in iFrame format. 2. Bizjournals Served - Turnkey solutions only (we do not build video ads) 3. Flash FLV video format, 2Mb max file size, :30 animation 4. Flash SWF Loader file with play, pause and mute controls, 40k or less. Helpful Tips and Information: 5. GIF/JPG backup, 40k or less. 6. Click URL 7. Flash must use clickTag and be accompanied by a backup GIF, FLA files and fonts for republishing. • Client creative • Editorial creative • Homepage promotion In-Banner Video – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Pre-roll Video – Creative Due: 5 Business Days Need Help? If you have any questions or concerns about preparing your ad, please contact our graphic designer, Stephen McCarthy, at 505.348.8311, or email smccarthy@bizjournals.com. 26 Terms and conditions A. Publisher’s Right To Reject, Cancel or Terminate Orders: Publisher reserves the right at its absolute discretion, and at any time, to cancel any advertising order or reject any advertising copy, whether or not the same has already been acknowledged and/or previously published, displayed, performed or transmitted (collectively referred to herein as “Published” or “Publish”), including, but not limited to, for reasons relating to the content of the advertisement or any technology associated with the advertisement. In the event of such cancellation or rejection by Publisher, advertising already run shall be paid for at the rate that would apply if the entire order were Published and no short rate will apply. In addition, Publisher reserves the right to (i) remove from selected copies of its Business Journal and App advertisements containing matter that subscribers have deemed objectionable; and (ii) implement blocking technology (including geo-blocking technology) in connection with its Websites and Apps. Publisher, at its absolute discretion, may terminate its relationship with Advertiser and/or Agency for the breach of any of the terms hereof, including without limitation a breach based on the failure on the part of either Advertiser or Agency to pay each bill by its due date. Should Publisher terminate its relationship with Advertiser and/or Agency, a short-rate may apply and all charges incurred together with short-rate charges shall be immediately due and payable. Furthermore, in the event Advertiser or Agency breaches, Publisher may, in addition to its other remedies, (a) cancel its recognition of Agency, thereby causing Agency to lose claim to any commission for any further advertising placed with Publisher on behalf of Advertiser or any other client, and/or (b) refuse to Publish any or all of Advertiser’s advertising. B. Advertiser’s Failure to Run Advertising/ Short-Rate: All agreements for advertising frequency discounts require that the specified number of advertisements be Published within a specified period and be promptly paid for. In the event of Advertiser’s or its Agency’s cancellation of any portion of any advertising order/contract or failure to have Published and paid for the specified number of advertisements, or if at any time Publisher in its reasonable judgment determines that Advertiser is not likely to Publish and pay for the total amount of advertising specified during the term of the agreement, any rate discount will be retroactively nullified, including for previously Published advertisements, and may result in a short-rate. In such event, Advertiser and/or Agency must reimburse Publisher for the short-rate (which is the difference between the rate charged on the contracted frequency and the higher rate based on the reduced frequency of advertisements actually Published and paid for) within 30 days of invoice therefor and Advertiser will thereafter pay for advertising at the open rate or at the earned rate(s) as applicable. Any merchandising program executed by Publisher in reliance on advertising that is cancelled will be paid for by Advertiser at the fair market rate for such program. Rebates (for any earned advertising frequency discount adjustments for advertising run in excess of specified schedule) will only be earned if all advertising is paid for by the due date. Rebates must be used by the Advertiser within six months after the end of the period in which they were earned. Unused rebates will expire six months after the end of the period in which they were earned. C. Restrictions on Advertiser’s Cancellation of Advertising Orders: No changes in orders or cancellations are accepted unless received before the specified closing dates, which vary by product and are set forth in Publisher’s rate card and web site. No changes in orders or cancellations may be considered executed unless acknowledged in writing by Publisher. Orders not cancelled as of these closing dates will be billed, even though Advertiser fails to furnish copy, digital files or film. When change of copy or artwork is not received by the closing date, copy run in previous issues will be published. Should Publisher agree to cancel an existing work order, Advertiser will be responsible for the cost of any work performed or materials purchased on behalf of Advertiser, including the cost of services, paper and/or printing. D. Advertising Positioning at Publisher’s Discretion: Orders for advertising containing restrictions or specifying positions, facings, editorial adjacencies or other requirements may be accepted and Published but such restrictions or specifications are at Publisher’s sole discretion. E. 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Advertiser acknowledges that third parties other than Publisher may generate automated, fraudulent or otherwise invalid/improper impressions, conversions, inquiries, clicks or other actions on Advertiser’s advertisements displayed on Publisher’s Websites or Apps. As between Advertiser and Publisher, Advertiser accepts the risk of any such improper actions. Advertiser’s exclusive remedy for such suspected improper actions is for Advertiser to request a refund relating to its impacted advertisements in the form of advertising credits on the applicable Website or App within thirty (30) days from the end of the calendar month in which such advertisement is initially displayed on the applicable Website or App. Any advertising credit refunds in connection with the Advertiser’s aforementioned requests are within the sole discretion of Publisher. robust notice of, and the end-user’s prior affirmation (i.e., “opt-in”) consent to, that merger. X. 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For Cause: Either Media Company or Agency may terminate an IO at any time if the other party is in material breach of its obligations hereunder, which breach is not cured within 10 days after receipt of written notice thereof from the non-breaching party, except as otherwise stated in these Terms with regard to specific breaches. Additionally, if Agency or Advertiser breaches its obligations by violating the same Policy three times (and such Policy was provided to Agency or Advertiser) and receives timely notice of each such breach, even if Agency or Advertiser cures such breaches, then Media Company may terminate the IO or placements associated with such breach upon written notice. If Agency or Advertiser does not cure a violation of a Y. CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION OF DIGITAL ADVERTISING Policy within the applicable 10-day cure period after written notice, where such Policy had been provided by Media Company to Agency, then Media Company may terminate the IO and/or placements associated with such breach upon written notice. a. Without Cause: Unless designated on the IO as noncancelable, Advertiser may cancel the entire IO, or any portion thereof, as follows: c. Short Rates: Short rates will apply to canceled buys to the degree stated on the IO. i. With 14 days’ prior written notice to Media Company, without penalty, for any guaranteed Deliverable, including, but not limited to, CPM Deliverables. For clarity and by way of example, if Advertiser cancels the guaranteed portions of the IO eight (8) days prior to serving of the first impression, Advertiser will only be responsible for the first six (6) days of those Deliverables. Copyright © 2014 American City Business Journals. All Rights Reserved. ii. With seven (7) days’ prior written notice to Media Company, without penalty, for any non-guaranteed Deliverable, including, but not limited to, CPC Deliverables, CPL Deliverables, or CPA Deliverables, as well as some non-guaranteed CPM Deliverables. iii. With 30 days’ prior written notice to Media Company, without penalty, for any flat fee-based or fixed-placement Deliverable, including, but not limited to, roadblocks, time-based or share-of-voice buys, and some types of cancelable sponsorships. iv. Advertiser will remain liable to Media Company for amounts due for any custom content or development (“Custom Material”) provided to Advertiser or completed by Media Company or its third-party vendor prior to the effective date of termination. For IOs that contemplate the provision or creation of Custom Material, Media Company will specify the amounts due for such Custom Material as a separate line item. Advertiser will pay for such Custom Material within 30 days from receiving an invoice therefore. 29