APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional
APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional
2007 Look inside for information about the APICS CSCP program. APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional ® The Supply Chain Is Advancing at an Incredible Pace. Are You Keeping Up? CELEBRATING Become a Supply Chain Leader Customers in today’s marketplace expect high quality, low prices, fast turnaround, and on-time delivery. To compete successfully, organizations must improve supply chain management performance. As a result, well-trained, well-educated supply chain professionals play an increasingly important role in their organizations. Become an APICS CSCP The APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) program is the first comprehensive educational program designed for operations and supply chain management professionals. n Develop or enhance your skills n Create and execute a supply chain strategy that meets customer needs, reduces cost, and increases profits. n Increase your value to employers who know that a well-run supply chain is a key component of a forward-looking and competitive enterprise. Getting Started Visit the APICS Web site at www.apics.org/cscp to try a free demo of the APICS CSCP Learning System. n Explore exam preparation options (see pages 3-8). In addition to self-study with the APICS Learning System, preparation courses are offered by n APICS chapters n Local colleges and universities n Apply to take the next exam. View the 2007 exam schedule on page 2. The APICS CSCP program takes a broad view of operations, extending beyond internal operations to encompass the entire supply chain—from supplier, through the company, to the end consumer. The program provides professionals with the knowledge necessary to understand and manage the integration and coordination of end-to-end supply chain activities. “I work in distribution and I thought I knew a lot about my industry, but I was very surprised at the depth encompassed by the supply chain. This program has opened my eyes to my surroundings and inspired me to take future certification courses for personal knowledge and career advancement.” Gary Jones, Distribution Supervisor, Cardinal Brands Earning Your APICS CSCP To earn the APICS CSCP designation, candidates must pass one comprehensive four-hour exam with 175 questions taken from more than 150 references. For a complete list of references used to develop the APICS CSCP Eligibility Requirements Because the APICS CSCP covers advanced topics, a candidate must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible: APICS CSCP exam, visit www.apics.org/cscp. n 2007 Exam Dates n paper-and-pencil format on the following dates: June 23, 2007 n December 8, 2007 APICS CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, or C.P.M. designation plus two years of related business experience The APICS CSCP exam will be administered in n Bachelor’s degree or equivalent* plus two years of related business experience n Five years of related business experience* * F or complete definitions of these terms, please visit www.apics.org/Certification/cscp/guidelines. Testing procedures, application, and registration deadlines vary for North American and international test takers. Visit www.apics.org/cscp to find policies and procedures specific to your location, or e-mail APICS Customer Support at service@apics.org or telephone at (800) 444-2742 or (703) 354-8851. The Power of Membership Join the APICS community to access exclusive resources such as APICS magazine and the APICS Illustrated Dictionary, network locally and internationally, and receive cost savings. To learn more about the exciting resources available to APICS members, or to join, visit www.apics.org/join or call APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or (703) 354-8851, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday. Prepare for the APICS CSCP Exam The APICS CSCP Learning System The 2007 APICS CSCP Learning System is a comprehensive professional development and exam preparation program. It organizes information from more than 150 references into four modules that combine print materials with interactive online tools to deliver a customized learning experience. Online Information Center n n Interactive Online Components Access the latest supply chain management n weaknesses and help you create a customized study Keep current on changes to the content in plan based on your individual needs n n Timed module-specific tests with immediate feedback, Increase your chance for success on the answer rationales, and reference to the relevant APICS CSCP exam with test-taking tips sections in the text so you can review problem areas Test your knowledge of the material by printing n Timed posttest to determine your progress and readiness for the exam out e-flashcards for mobile use n Pretest to determine your initial strengths and information and additional study resources the APICS CSCP Learning System n n Evaluate the APICS CSCP Learning System and n Online progress report revealing what you’ve provide feedback and suggestions for future completed to date and how well you have mastered product enhancements the material Access a bibliography that covers all the n e-Flashcards with relevant terms and definitions modules and a list of the acronyms n Online glossary for quick reference found in the materials n Practice test bank of more than 600 multiple-choice questions Comprehensive Print Materials n Four well-designed booklets with more than 800 pages of content n Progress check questions at the end of each section Try a free demo of the APICS CSCP Learning System at www.apics.org/cscp. APICS CSCP Modules The APICS CSCP Learning System breaks the APICS CSCP body of knowledge into four modules. Supply Chain Management Fundamentals Explore how successful supply chain n ModulE 1 management adds value to your organization n Understand the supply chain management processes n Develop a supply chain strategy that aligns with corporate strategy n Assess and measure the effectiveness of supply chains n Establish a continuous improvement process ModulE 3 n Managing Customer and Supplier Relationships for supply chains n profiles and needs n of a customer n Establish measures of customer satisfaction n Understand the strategic importance of purchasing and supplier relationships n Establish a supplier rating system n Effectively use customer data to improve service performance and increase value to design and its continually evolving capabilities suppliers and customers Using Information Technology to Enable Supply Chain Management Understand natural dynamics within the supply chain n Assess the value of demands and reduce complexity in demand planning n Establish collaborations to replace or improve demand estimates n Include supply chain factors in product designs n Align distribution and transportation options with supply chain strategy n n n Understand the importance of reverse logistics Learn how technology-enabled supply chains contribute to business strategies and operating plans n Demystify the IT infrastructure as it relates to the comprehensive set of supply chain management systems n Understand the innovative technologies enabling collaborative commerce and global visibility Develop and implement plans for using 3PL and 4PL service providers Understand the role of data and information technology in support of the supply chain Module 4 Module 2 to optimize performance and increase profitability n Understand customer loyalty and lifetime value Understand the importance of supply chain Building Competitive Operations, Planning, and Logistics n Categorize customers based on their n Apply technology to enhance distribution, reverse logistics, and global supply chain communications “The APICS CSCP Learning System is not only a very effective exam preparation tool, but a comprehensive guide for ongoing supply chain implementations and continuous improvement initiatives. I would strongly recommend this system to anyone involved in supply chain management.” Senthil Muniappan, CSCP, PMP, President & CEO, BM Associates, Inc. Customize Your Study Method The APICS Learning System is comprehensive and user friendly as a self-directed learning option, but it can be combined with curriculum delivered through live instruction for those who prefer a classroom approach to learning. Self-Directed Learning Instructor-Led Learning Corporate Group Learning This format gives you the freedom to Gain the leadership of a qualified If you need to train a group of two or study where and when it’s convenient instructor, collaboration with your peers, more individuals in a consistent manner, for you—at home, at work, or on and a set schedule to keep you on track. you can save training dollars with the business trips. To order, complete Visit www.apics.org/cscp to find corporate/group volume purchase the form attached to this brochure, a local class or see the listings on option. A group implementation visit www.apics.org/cscp, or call pages 6-8. provides a common language across APICS CSCP Customer Support at (888) 266-9079 or (651) 905-2664. n Study at your own pace n Study when and where it’s the organization and access to group n n convenient for you n Develop individualized study plan n Eliminate travel expenses. n n Combines the print and online reporting to manage your organization’s components with the expertise of training needs. The program can an instructor be offered in a self-directed or Experience valuable interaction instructor-led format at your facility. with instructors and peers For more information, call Stay on track to earn your certification APICS CSCP corporate specialist with a disciplined schedule Beth Fasching at (651) 905-2608 or Network with other professionals e-mail bethf@holmescorp.com. who want to enhance their supply chain management knowledge n Minimize travel and maximize employer tuition assistance Certification Pays Off FACT: Individuals with certifications receive higher pay. The average compensation for people with APICS certification is 17 percent higher than for those with no certification. Purchasing Magazine Online, 2006 Salary Survey, December 2006 To find out more or to try a free demo, visit www.apics.org/cscp. Local APICS CSCP Classes To find local APICS CSCP instruction, contact the chapter or education center nearest you. UNITED STATES ALABAMA APICS Birmingham Chapter (205) 934-8891 www.apics-bama.org ARIZONA APICS Phoenix Chapter (623) 877-2773 www.apicsphoenix.org CALIFORNIA APICS Inland Empire Chapter (951) 303-6751 www.apics-ie.org APICS Orange County Chapter (949) 498-2514 www.apics-oc.org APICS San Diego Chapter (619) 687-5515 www.apics-sd.org APICS Santa Clara Valley Chapter (408) 945-4210 www.apics-west.org APICS Ventura Chapter (805) 893-5872 www.apics-vc.org California State University Channel Islands (805) 437-3269 COLORADO APICS Colorado Chapter (303) 334-6075 www.apicscolorado.org APICS Northern Colorado (720) 565-9549 www.apicsnoco.org APICS Pike's Peak Chapter (719) 668-8035 www.apicspikespeak.org CONNECTICUT APICS Danbury Chapter (203) 268-9229 www.apics-danbury.org APICS Fairfield County Chapter (877) 892-3161 www.apics-fairfield.org DELAWARE APICS Southern Delaware Valley Chapter (302) 999-6083 www.apics-sdelv.org DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APICS DC Metro Chapter (571) 233-6858 www.apics-dc-metro.org FLORIDA APICS Mid Florida Chapter (407) 644-2156 www.apicsorlando.com GEORGIA APICS Atlanta Chapter (770) 662-3695 www.apicsatlanta.org HAWAII University of Hawaii (808) 956-2040 www.hawaii.edu ILLINOIS APICS Chicago Chapter (847) 480-7341 www.apics-chicago.org APICS Fox River Chapter (630) 232-7396 www.apics-foxriver.org INDIANA APICS Central Indiana Chapter (317) 715-5351 www.apics-cind.org IOWA APICS Cedar Valley Chapter (319) 295-9664 www.cedarvalleyapics.org KENTUCKY APICS Blue Grass Chapter (859) 232-1559 www.bluegrassapics.org MARYLAND APICS Baltimore Chapter (410) 472-3722 www.apicsbaltimore.org MASSACHUSETTS APICS Worcester County Chapter (978) 355-6696 www.worcester-apics.org Northeastern University (781) 238-8472 www.spcs.neu.edu MINNESOTA APICS Twin Cities Chapter (952) 941-7305 www.apicstc.org MISSOURI APICS St. Louis Chapter (314) 781-2110, ext. 2239 www.apics-stlouis.com NEVADA APICS Northern Sierra Chapter (775) 448-0473 www.apics-nors.org NEW JERSEY APICS Northern New Jersey Chapter (973) 838-5946 www.apicsnonj.org APICS Princeton (609) 860-5856 www.apics-ptmo.org APICS West Jersey Chapter (908) 369-5405 www.apics-westjersey.org Fairleigh Dickinson University (973) 443-8669 www.fdu.edu NEW YORK APICS Ithaca Cortland Chapter (315) 676-3035 APICS Long Island Chapter (516) 414-3741 www.li-apics.org APICS Rochester Chapter (585) 383-1070, ext. 250 www.apicsr.org NORTH CAROLINA APICS Piedmont Triad Chapter (336) 854-0908 www.triadapics.org APICS Triangle Chapter (919) 762-1021 www.apics-triangle.org Visit www.apics.org/cscp to find the most up-to-date list of courses offered. Local APICS CSCP Classes OHIO APICS Akron Chapter (330) 668-6084 www.akronapics.org TENNESSEE APICS East Tennessee Chapter (865) 453-7177 www.apics-knoxville.org VIRGINIA APICS National Offices (703) 354-8851 www.apics.org/workshops APICS Cincinnati Chapter (513) 612-2101 www.apics-cincy.org APICS Mid Tennessee Chapter (615) 325-8522 www.apicsnashville.org George Mason University (703) 993-4800 www.ocpe.gmu.edu APICS Dayton Chapter (937) 434-3201 www.apicsdayton.org APICS Tri-State Chapter (770) 222-8740 www.tri-stateapics.org Lord Fairfax Community College (540) 868-7285 www.lfcc.edu OREGON APICS Portland Chapter (503) 222-7427 www.apics-pdx.org TEXAS APICS Austin Chapter (512) 506-8832 www.apicsaustin.org PENNSYLVANIA APICS Lancaster York Chapter (717) 581-1135 www.apics-lork.org APICS Philadelphia Area Network Chapter (215) 912-3000, ext. 4772 www.pan-apics.org APICS Pittsburgh Chapter (866) 692-7427, ext. 107 www.apics-pgh.org APICS Schuylkill Valley Chapter (610) 404-8271 apicssv.org/ Villanova University (610) 519-4310 www.constudies.villanova.edu PUERTO RICO APICS Puerto Rico Chapter (787) 594-5694 www.apicspr.org APICS El Paso/Juarez Chapter (915) 856-2832 www.apicselpaso.org APICS Houston Chapter (713) 579-1961 www.apics-houston.org APICS North Texas Chapter (972) 724-1734 www.ntxapics.org WASHINGTON APICS Puget Sound Chapter (253) 988-0878 www.apics-nw.org WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia State Community and Technical College (304) 766-5112 www.wvsctc.edu/ContEd.htm WISCONSIN Fox Valley Technical College (920) 996-2897 www.fvtc.edu/cpim UTAH APICS Salt Lake City Chapter www.apicsutah.org International Weber State University (801) 626-8564 www.weber.edu/ce/pd/apics AUSTRALIA APICS Australia - Sydney 61-2-9891-1411 VERMONT APICS Champlain Valley Chapter (802) 871-7593 pwp.surfglobal.net/apics BELGIUM CIM_CIL - Gent (329) 264-5504 www.cimcil.be CANADA APICS London & District Chapter - Strathroy www.apicslondon.org APICS Ontario Grand Valley Chapter (519) 894-1709 www.apicsogv.org APICS Ottawa Chapter (519) 622-2300 www.apicsottawa.on.ca APICS Toronto Chapter (416) 944-1655 www.apics.ca APICS Windsor Chapter (519) 736-5468, ext. 324 www.apicswindsor.org University of Calgary, Continuing Education (403) 220-4401 conted.ucalgary.ca COSTA RICA APICS Costa Rica (506) 233-6771 APICS Australia – Melbourne 9328-4477 DENMARK APICS Denmark Copenhagen (457) 022-0004 AUSTRIA PMI Production Management Institute Vienna 49-89-857-6146 FRANCE MGCM APICS France – Paris, Nanterre 33 1-49-670606 Visit www.apics.org/cscp to find the most up-to-date list of courses offered. GERMANY PMI Production Management Institute - Munich 49-89-857-6146 INDIA Institute of Manufacturing Resource Management of India - Mumbai 91 22-2854-3291 www.imrmi.com ITALY AIGI APICS Associate Italy Milano 39-024-870-1706 www.aigi.net MEXICO APICS Capítulo Monterrey AC Chapter - Monterrey, N.L. Mexico 52 818020 2975 www.apics-mty.org APICS Capítulo México AC Mexico www.apics.org.mx APICS Tijuana Calafia AC Chapter 52 664 6474591 www.apicstijuanacalafia.org No Courses in Your Country? If courses in your country or region aren’t listed, visit the APICS Web site to locate an APICS International Associate in your area. New APICS CSCP classes are being added all the time, so to be sure you have the most up-to-date information, go to www.apics.org/Membership/Associates. NETHERLANDS APICS Netherlands 31-33-45-45969 NEW ZEALAND NZPICS 649-525-1525 SWEDEN APICS Sweden - Stockholm 46 8 241-290 Remember—there are only two more APICS CSCP exam dates in 2007. Submit your application today to test on June 23 or December 8 at www.apics.org/cscp. APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional® LEARNING SYSTEM Method of Payment: ❍ Check ❍ Money Order How to Order: ❍ Purchase Order ❍ Credit Card Check # PO # (Checks and money orders must be made payable to APICS drawn on a U.S. bank. Purchase terms net 30 days.) ❍ VISA ❍ MasterCard ❍ American Express ❍ Discover Acct. #: Exp. Date: Mo. APICS CSCP Learning System Customer Support (888) 266-9079 or (651) 905-2664 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT, M-F Please have credit card number ready. Fax: 24 hours a day to (651) 905-2669 Mail: APICS CSCP Learning System Distribution Center 2975 Lone Oak Drive, Suite 180 Eagan, MN 55121-1254 Yr. I authorize APICS to charge $ to my credit card. Billing or Cardholder Address Signature Online: www.apics.org/cscp Member Orders: To receive member pricing, include your APICS membership number (or chapter billing number for chapter orders). Membership status must be active to receive member rates; otherwise, nonmember prices apply. Prices subject to change without notice. Name as it appears on credit card bill Ship to: Phone: (please print) ❍ Business ❍ Home ❍ Note: This is a change to my membership information Last Name First Name Company Name Job Title M.I. APICS Member Number Not a Member? Join APICS at www.apics.org/join Street Address Shipping and Handling Schedule: City State/Province Country Zip+4/Postal Code (Country Code) (City Code) (Area Code) Phone Number Domestic: Fax Number E-mail (required) Your e-mail address is required for notification of product updates International: Join APICS today and receive member pricing. Primary Industry: (check one) ❍ Manufacturing ❍ Academic APICS CSCP Learning System Number of Programs Member Price Nonmember Price ❍ Government Single Purchase $895.00 $1,195.00 2-25 $845.00 $1,145.00 26-50 $795.00 $1,095.00 Quantity ❍ Consulting ❍ Service How did you learn about the APICS CSCP Program? ❍ Mailing ❍ E-mail ❍ Annual Conference Subtotal $ Sales Tax: VA 5%, MN 6.5%, Can GST 7%, Maritime HST 15% Membership: U.S., Canada, or Mexico $110, International $130 Shipping Charges: ❍ Web Site UPS Ground Domestic (see chart) ❍ Employer Recommendation 2-day FedEx ❍ Brochure International shipping ❍ Local Chapter ❍ Referral ❍ Other (specify) _______________________ Campaign Code: 7CSB6A1 Total (in U.S. dollars) For additional volume discount pricing beyond 50 units, call APICS CSCP Customer Support at (888) 266-9079. Total UPS Ground 1st system $15, each additional $5 FedEx 2-day $30 $60 Shipping will be provided via UPS ground service or FedEx/International unless otherwise specified. APICS reserves the right to use alternate shippers when necessary. Orders outside the continental US will be shipped via airfreight. Orders shipped via UPS ground will normally arrive within 5-7 business days of processing the order. Return Policy: If you are not completely satisfied with your order, you may return materials to our CSCP Learning System Distribution Center, at the address listed above, within 30 days and in good resale condition for a refund. Please enclose a copy of the packing slip to ensure your refund is processed in a timely fashion. Questions? Call (888) 266-9079 or (651) 905-2664 or e-mail: CSCPLearningSystem@holmescorp.com. Which APICS Certification Is Right for You? Choosing to pursue an APICS certification is a good decision, but determining which one suits you best is more difficult. If you want end-to-end expertise in the supply chain, then the APICS CSCP is made for you. If you are deeply involved with your company’s production and inventory management processes, then the APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) may be the best fit. Whatever path your career takes, APICS will support your professional development with world-renowned certification programs. Take a look at the information below and decide which APICS certification is the right one for you and your career. APICS CSCP APICS CPIM The APICS CSCP takes a broad view of the supply chain extending beyond internal operations to encompass the entire supply chain from the supplier to the end consumer, examining how to effectively manage the integration of these activities to maximize a company’s value chain. The APICS CPIM provides an in-depth look at the production and inventory activities within the internal operations of a company. Individuals will learn to increase profitability by maximizing the inventory investments of their organizations. Benefits of the APICS CSCP Program Benefits of the APICS CPIM Program n Positively affect lead times, inventory, productivity, and bottom-line profitability n Manage the integration and coordination of activities to achieve reduced costs and increase efficiencies and customer service n Effectively and efficiently manage worldwide supply chain activities n Increase your functional knowledge of production and inventory management n Streamline operations through accurate forecasting n Predict outcomes more accurately n Maximize customer satisfaction by delivering products and services Just-in-Time Already Certified? Not only do you qualify for APICS CSCP eligibility, upon successful completion of the APICS CSCP exam, you will earn 20 certification maintenance points toward maintaining your APICS CPIM or APICS CFPIM credentials. You also receive 30 certification maintenance points for completing the APICS CSCP Learning System. Need More Information? Contact an APICS Customer Support Associate at (800) 444-2472 or (703) 354-8851, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday or visit www.apics.org/certification. Discuss the advantages of APICS certifications on the APICS main community at www.apics.org/communities. 10 Find out more about the APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional . ® Visit www.apics.org/cscp. Join APICS Today APICS The Association for Operations Management is the global leader and premier source of leading-edge knowledge in operations management. APICS certification programs are recognized worldwide as the standard of professional competence in production and inventory management, integrated resource management, and supply chain management. Join APICS for the latest industry resources, networking, and savings Tel 703.354.8851 Toll Free 800.444.2742 Fax703.354.8106 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday www.apics.org on educational materials, including the APICS CSCP Learning System, at www.apics.org/join. Campaign Code: 7CSB6A1 5301 Shawnee Road Alexandria, VA 22312-2317 USA Stock # 04036 © 2007 APICS
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