Bulletin 2015 09 13.pub


Bulletin 2015 09 13.pub
This Week’s Calendar Events
Sunday, September 13
8:15 am - Praise Team - Sanctuary
9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School
10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School
1:30 pm - Morning Pointe Bible Study
4:30 pm - Financial Peace Class - 118
4:45 pm - Deacons’ Meeting - 119
5:00 pm - Conversational Spanish - Choir
5:15 pm - Praise Team - Sanctuary
6:00 pm - Children & Preschool Choirs
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
Monday, September 14
9:15 pm - S.S. Council Meeting - FH
2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
6:00 pm - Moonlight Missionaries - FH
6:00 pm - Men’s 3-on-3 - Gym
Tuesday, September 15
9:30 am - 1:00 pm - Red House Home
School - Gym, FH, Youth Room, 1 and 3
yr old, 2nd grade, FLC 120
1:00 - 5:30 pm - MCA - Gym
5:00 pm - REFIT - Aerobics Rm
7:00 - 9:00 pm - BBall Scrimmage - Gym
7:00 pm - Tates Creek Executive Meeting
- Unity Baptist, 1290 Barnes Mill Rd.
Wednesday, September 16
9:30 - Women’s Bible Study - 118
2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
5:15 pm - Family Meals - Gym
6:00 pm - Nominating Committee Mtg.
6:20 pm - Sanctuary Choir - Choir Room
6:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study - 118
6:30 pm - Youth Worship - Youth Rm
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study - FH
6:30 pm - MOPS AM Mtg. - Ed. Bldg
6:30 pm - RAs, GAs, Mission Friends
6:30 pm - Worship Kid Style Meeting Worship Kid Style Room
September 20th ~ 7:15 pm
Bi-monthly business meeting
July and August financial reports
will be presented.
Wednesday Night Meals
September 16
Chicken Casserole
Garden Salad/Corn/Biscuits
Kids Meal: Chicken Nuggets
Thursday, September 17
• 9:00 am - DIY Moms Group - FH
• 9:30 am - Senior Adult trip to Bread of
Life Café & Amish Stores
• 1:00 - 5:30 pm - MCA - Gym
• 4:45 pm - Meal and Devotion Madison
Central Football team - Madison Central
• 5:00 pm - REFIT - Aerobics Rm
• 7:00 - 9:00 - Praise Team - Sanctuary
• 7:00 - 9:00 pm - BBall Scrimmage - Gym
Friday, September 18
• 9:00 am - MOPS AM - Gym, FH,
preschool rooms
• 1:00 - 8:00 pm - MCA Practices and
Volleyball Game - Gym
• 2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
Saturday, September 19
• 8:30 am - Sewing Class - FH
• 10:00 am -Southwinds Golf Scramble Winchester, KY
Sunday, September 20
• 8:15 am - Praise Team - Sanctuary
• 9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School
• 10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School
• 12:00 pm - Quarterly Discovery
Luncheon - FH
• 4:30 pm - Financial Peace Class
• 5:00 pm - Conversational Spanish
• 5:15 pm - Praise Team - Sanctuary
• 6:00 pm - Children & Preschool Choirs
• 6:00 pm - Evening Worship
• 7:15 pm - Bi-monthly Business Meeting
Sun. 9/13/15 Sunday Morning
Speaker: Dr. Deron S. Cobb
Imagine a World without Christianity
Message: #1—”Christianity’s impact on the Value of Human Life”
Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7; 5:1-2; 9:6; Psalm 139:13-16
I. The ____________________ of Human Life (Psalm 8:5 ESV)
September 13, 2015
A. Countering the Depravity of ___________________
B. Countering the Depravity of _______________ Infants
C. Countering the Depravity of __________________
D. Countering the Depravity of ___________________
II. The ___________________of Those Who Devalue Human Life
(Rom. 1:18-25)
Morning Worship
Opening Prayer……..………………………..Mr. Bryan Wilson/Mr. Mike Conley
Song of Hope:
“Sweet Beulah Land (arr. Kirkland) ~ Sanctuary Choir
Welcome/Greeting………..............................................................Dr. Deron Cobb
Songs of Assurance:
“In The Sweet By and By” ~ Hymn 515
“Great is Your Faithfulness”
“Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me ~ Hymn 342
Message……………………………………………………...……Dr. Deron Cobb
Offertory Prayer………………….....................Mr. Pete Bailey/Mr. Bob Stephens
Worship Through Giving:
“O, Bride of Christ”
Announcements……………….…Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson/Rev. Gary Maynard
Closing Song
Evening Worship
S.S. Attendance: 290
AM Worship: 323 PM Worship: 132
III. The _______________________of Human Life (Genesis 1:26)
Financial Stewardship Update
(As of 9/6/15)
General Fund
Building Fund
FLC Loan Balance:
Ministerial Staff
Deron Cobb - Senior Pastor
Gary Maynard - Minister of Education/Senior Adults
Dwayne Abrahamson - Minister of Students/Recreation
Linda Coulter - Director of Childhood Ministries
Jordan Nickell - Minister of Music
Please fill out a
reservation form and place
Support Staff
Dawn Burns - Church/Financial Secretary
it in the basket at the
Becky Hereford - Administrative Assistant
Welcome Center.
“Nearly all that we call human history…[is] the long terrible story of
man trying to find something other than God which will make him
happy.” —C. S. Lewis
Song of Thanksgiving:
“The Compassion Hymn”
Welcome/Opening Prayer……………………………..Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson
Project 29 Testimonies
Offertory Prayer……………………………………………………………...Usher
Worship Through Giving……………………………….……... Mary Lois Kearns
Closing Prayer
Ministry Opportunity
Win Time Meal
for the Madison Central Football Team
Thursday, September 17
We have a great opportunity to feed the team at Central’s cafeteria and give a devotion.
We need monetary donations for pizza. (Our goal is $200). We need a few more people
to provide brownies (a pan of 24). And we need people to help serve – 4:45 pm at
Central’s cafeteria. If you can provide brownies or help serve, sign-up in the FLC. If you
would like to make a donation, you can give it to Dwayne Abrahamson or Glenna Baker.
(Checks need to be made out to Red House). Any questions, see Glenna Baker.
Sewing Class ~ September 19th
8:30 am - 12:00 pm ~ Fellowship Hall
We will be making an apron from recycled jeans. Bring an old pair of jeans. Also
bring about a yard of fabric to do a ruffle and straps. Bring you own sewing
machine if possible. We will have one machine available if you don’t have one.
Our classes are for all age groups and sewing levels from beginner to
experienced. Come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Contact Debbie
Holbrook at 859-582-2911 or e-mail her at hlbrk@bellsouth.net if you have any
questions or suggestions.
Moonlight Missionaries September Meeting
Monday, September 14 ~ 6:00 pm
We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a snack or appetizer to share.
Our project for the month is the Erica Bear Ministry. As always, we welcome all
ladies to join us for a time of fellowship, meeting, missions & prayer. For more
information about the Moonlight Missionary Baptist Women’s Group, you may
contact Norma Conley at 623-9533.
Taking Bids
We will be taking sealed bids from church members for the following items. If
you are interested in bidding, please submit a sealed bid to the church office by Monday,
September 28th.
1. 60 blue padded wood frame chairs
2. Sony DVD Player, Model DVD-NS45P
3. Alesis MIDI to Floppy Data Storage Unit
4. Denon 5-Disc CD Player, Model DCM-260
5. JVC VCR, Model HR-S3900U
Senior Adults
Overflow, Sundays at 5:00 pm, FLC Basement 122
†HRIVE Worship: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Middle School: Converge, Break-Out Lexington, Saturday night, September 19. Meet at
the church at 5:45 pm. Cost: $22. Deadline (with payment), Wednesday, September 2. NO
LATE SIGN-UPS. Bring additional money ($5) for ice cream.
See You at the Pole, Wednesday, September 23. Opportunity for students, teachers,
administrators, and parents to pray for our nation, schools, and each other. Check with your
student’s school for an official start time. It is usually 30 or 45 minutes before school starts.
†HRIVE T-Shirts: Cost: $8. Deadline to sign-up: Wednesday, October 7. Every youth
and youth leader needs to have one. This is a way for you to take a stand for Christ and for
us to be identified as one on youth trips.
Gatti-town Lock-in, Friday, October 23. Cost: $25. Deadline: (w/payment) Wednesday,
October 7. Meet at church at 9:30 pm. Return by 6:30 am. Must have a notarized medical
release form on file. Sign-ups begin today.
Fall Retreat: November 13 - 15. Wonder Valley Christian Camp in Salem, IN. Approx
Cost: $89. Register from September 13 to October 25. (Cost includes lodging, meals,
curriculum, giant swing and zip line).
High School Seniors: Passion Conference, January 2-4, 2016, Atlanta, GA. See details
under “College”.
†HRIVE Twitter Acct: @RedHouse_Youth - Follow for updates, reminders, etc.
Mi$$ion Po$$ible:
• Grace Now: Monday, September 28, 5:30 pm
• Sunrise Children’s Home: October 17 (Tentative)
Volleyball: If you would like to play on the Red House co-ed
volleyball team, sign up in the FLC. Games will be at Red House
on Thursday nights, beginning October 8 through November 19.
Break-Out Lexington, Friday, October 9. Meet at the church at 8:30 pm. Cost: $22
plus $ for Ice Cream. Deadline: Sunday, September 27 (w/payment)
Lunch-Out, Sunday, October 18
Passion Conference, January 2-4, 2016, Atlanta, GA. Cost: $239 thru September
23 ($139 for conference plus Hotel). Only $50 deposit due at this time. Remaining
balance due in November.
BCM Events at EKU:
September 18-20 - Fall Retreat - $25
Other BCM Events:
Tuesdays, Amplify, 7:30 pm
Thursdays, The Well, 5:00 pm (Free Food)