The Tidings le Worship At Tabernac
The Tidings le Worship At Tabernac
DARE TO IMAGINE! Tabernacle Baptist Church Volume 58, Number 41 The Tidings Worship At Tabernacle October 19, 2014 8:15 a.m. KAINOS Contemporary Worship In the Gym Preacher Dr. Ron Grizzle The Reality of a Savior I John 4:14 October 15, 2014 Called Church Conference Sunday, October 19 Following KAINOS and the 10:30 a.m. Worship Gathering To hear a motion from the Committee on Committees and the Deacon Officers to elect the following persons to serve on the Senior Pastor Search Committee: Lori Blackmon Emily Goss Worship led by Stuart Morris, The KAINOS Worship Band Daniel Jackson - Chairperson 10:30 a.m. in The Worship Center Phil McGukin Preacher Dr. Ron Grizzle The Reality of a Savior I John 4:14 Joe Murrah Steve Jennings Joyce Smith Alan Schantz, Associate Pastor for Music and Worship The Tabernacle Choir Adult Ensemble Recreation News North Georgia Corn Maze Cleveland, GA Saturday, October 18 Open to All Ages Cost: $10 per person Leave the church at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, October 26 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tabernacle Life Center and Parking Lot Transportation is available on a limited basis on the church buses. There is a sign up sheet on the TLC desk to reserve your spot to ride the bus. Rides Music Games Prizes Food Fun & More Lots of candy is needed for the Fall Festival! There are donation boxes around the church for your donations. We have sign ups for all the various ways you can participate in our Fall Festival. A God-Sized Savior By Ron Grizzle The man read the morning newspaper as he sat in an airport restaurant. Scanning the upsetting headlines, the man suddenly stood up and slapped the paper back down onto the table and said loudly, “Anyone who can straighten out the mess we’re in, we’ll elect ‘em God!” That is not the way it works, of course. We don’t elect God. However, the man made a good point: we need a Savior. We need the unique One given to us by God who can cleanse us from our sin. We need the Savior who is as big as God Himself to come to us and to come to all the world to save, to help! On Sunday, October 19, I plan to preach a sermon entitled The Reality of a Savior, based on I John 4. I hope you will be present for this message and for the ideas I plan to offer. I believe with all of my heart that our world needs to have a transformative, saving experience, and I also believe that such an experience is available only through the love of Jesus Christ. Frankly, that is the message our world needs to hear and the message the church needs to offer. Sometimes we forget that the sharing of the good news of Jesus is the most important task of the church. Student Ministry News Purchase the Finally Here album recorded by several TAB musicians. Vocals Keely Jones, Chandler Lipham, McKena Lipham, Stuart Morris Instruments Hannah Beam, Will Herndon, David Milford, Chad Sipes, Russell Smith, David Warren. Cost of CD is $5 To order a CD, contact Chad or Stephanie in the church office. Children’s Ministry News Sunday Morning Adventure and Epic Adventure Wednesdays Fright Fest at Six Flags Over Georgia Saturday, October 25 Cost: $20 plus spending money Students in Grades 6-12 Eat lunch before you come. Buses will leave from the TLC at noon. Deadline to sign up is October 1. Limited seating available on a first come, first served basis. Sign up sheet to ride the bus is located on the TLC desk. Mothers Matter @ TAB Meeting Monday, October 20 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Café in the TLC Lunch is provided. Childcare by reservation. Contact the Children’s Ministry office to reserve childcare or email Extended Teaching Care Sunday, October 19, 2014 Team Leader: Meagan Anderson Babies/Creepers (Room 107): Joyce Smith Toddlers (Room 101): Jenny Sambuco 2 Year Old (Room 106): Janice Cooke 3 Year Old (Room 120): Cheryl McDonald DARE TO IMAGINE! Senior Adult News Apple Trip is rescheduled for Thursday, October 23. SENIOR ADULTS TO ROCKRIDGE Tabernacle Senior Adults will be taking a bus to the Associational Senior Adult Picnic at Rockridge Baptist Assembly in Franklin, GA on Thursday, November 6. The bus will leave Tabernacle at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. The menu is: Chicken and Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Creamed Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, Rolls, Peach Cobbler and Tea, Coffee and Water. There will be entertainment. Sign up begins Sunday, October 19. The cost is $8.00 per person and must be paid by Monday, October 27 in order for Rockridge to know how to prepare. Senior Adult Fall Party Last year was such a success when we wore costumes for Trick or Treat. We will be doing it again on Friday, October 31. We have a wonderful chance to interact with our Weekday Preschool Children. The WPS has its costume parade at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Seniors are to dress up in “fall” costumes for this event. We will visit and watch the WPS costume parade (and let the children see our costumes), then provide an “Early Trick or Treat” for the children (church will provide the candy). Bring a basket/container to use to give out candy. Needs for October Peanut Butter Canned Beef Stews Jelly Soups (no water to add) Vienna Sausages Beefaroni type foods Pork and Beans Canned Fruits Canned Chili, etc. Cereal Pop tops are best, or please bring a can opener or two with your donations. This is a great need, and Open Hands relies on donations for these types of food. Opportunities This Week Sunday, October 19 8:00 am Children’s Worship for KAINOS (First Floor, Room 301) 8:15 am KAINOS Contemporary Worship (Gym) 8:30 am Instrumental/Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center) 8:45 am Deacons’ Prayer Gathering (Chapel) 9:15 am Bible Study for All Ages 10:15 am Children’s Worship (Rooms 252, 254, 301, 317) 10:30 am Worship Gathering (Worship Center) 1:30 pm Student Praise Band Practice (Rooms 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, Gym) 2:00 pm Cooking Matters Class (Café, Rooms 256, 258) 4:30 pm Youth Ultimate Frisbee (Soccer Field) 5:00 pm Quarterly Church Conference (Chapel) 5:30 pm Sunday Evening Handbells (Room 235) Monday, October 20 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 9:30 am Staff Meeting (Room 206) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 12:30 pm Mothers Matter (Café, Rooms 256, 258) 5:00 pm West Georgia Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) 6:30 pm Cub Scouts (Rooms 301, 304, 308, 310A) 6:30 pm Boy Scouts (Pavilion) Tuesday, October 21 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 12:00 pm Tuesday Handbells (Room 235) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 3:00 pm Youth Basketball (Gym) 6:00 pm West Georgia Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) Wednesday, October 22 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 9:45 am Senior Adult Council Meeting (Room 206) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 10:30 am PraiSingers Rehearsal (Choir Room) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 4:00 pm Student Wednesday Basketball (Gym) 4:45 pm Wednesday Night Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:00 pm Student Praise Band Practice (Rooms 312, 314, 316) 5:30 pm Acteens (Room 234) 5:30 pm Preschool Choir–Ages 4 and 5 (Room 128) 5:30 pm Graded Music and Missions (Rooms 301, 315, 317, 319, 321, 323) 6:15 pm Mission Friends (Rooms 120, 124, 126) 6:15 pm Praise Team/Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center) 6:30 pm Connect (Gym) 7:00 pm Tabernacle Choir Rehearsal (Room 222) 8:30 pm KAINOS Worship Band Practice (Gym) Thursday, October 23 Wednesday Night Supper Adults - $6 Children - $4 Menu for October 22 Adults: Breakfast Children: Same as Adult Meal * Make reservations by noon on Tuesday. 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 8:00 am Senior Adults depart for Apple Trip 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 5:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) 5:30 pm Get Healthy/Live Well Pre-Diabetes Class (Rooms 260, 262) Friday, October 24 6:00 am Friday Morning Bible Study Group Departs 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 10:00 am Open Gym (Closes 12:00 pm) 1:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) Saturday, October 25 9:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 10:30 am) 10:30 am Open Gym Basketball (Closes 12:00 pm) 11:30 am Cooking Matters Lunch (Café) 12:00 pm Students Depart for Six Flags Fright Fest 1:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) DARE TO IMAGINE! Periodicals Postage Paid At Carrollton, GA 30117 TABERNACLE Baptist Church 150 Tabernacle Drive, Carrollton, GA 30117-6216 Phone: 770.832.7063 Fax: 770.834.2777 Website: Sunday Broadcast: WBTR-FM 92.1 at 11:00 a.m. Pastoral Team Janet Cleland, Associate for Children Ron Grizzle, Supply Preacher Alan Schantz, Associate for Music and Worship Chad Sipes, Associate for Students DARE TO IMAGINE! The Tidings is published weekly by Tabernacle Baptist Church. Periodicals postage paid at Carrollton, Georgia 30117. POSTMASTER: Send changes to The Tidings, 150 Tabernacle Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117-6216. USPS 532-140. Sunday’s Report - October 12, 2014 Worship Gatherings KAINOS Worship Center ETC Children’s Worship Total Worship 58 271 8 16 353 Sunday Bible Study 353 On Campus 13 Cottage Landing Total Bible Study 363 S.S. Active Enrollment (September) 581 Stewardship Report YTD (Fiscal Year: October-September) 10/12/14 YTD Budget $16,717.75 Budget Year to Date $60,632.66 Contributions Year to Date $55,584.90 Expenditures Year to Date $57,262.38 Journey in Faith $ 705.00 Journey in Faith Year to Date $ 1,821.00 World Missions $ 255.00 $ 644.00 World Missions Year to Date Memorials and Honorariums October 12, 2014 General Church Budget in Memory of: Mr. Talmadge Ayers Mr. Richard Haney Mr. Jeffrey Haney Christmas Store in Memory of: Mrs. Novie Wilkes Music Ministry in Memory of: Mrs. Sandra Bayles (Vernon Kaylor’s Daughter) A Thank You Note has been received from: Bob Powell Online Giving Scan the QR Code. Deacons of the Week October 19 - 26 Steve Busby Mike Dunn Bill Fuqua Pastoral Team Member on Call October 20 - 26 Alan Schantz 770.990.9716 With Sympathy To Elaine Smith on the death of her mother, Thelma Dean, who died October 8. To Ray “Bub” Brock on the death of his brother, Hugh Brock, who died October 9. To the family of Dallas Young, our member, who died October 14.
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