DARE TO IMAGINE! - Tabernacle Baptist Church


DARE TO IMAGINE! - Tabernacle Baptist Church
Volume 59, Number 1
The Tidings
January 7, 2015
Worship At Tabernacle
January 11, 2015
8:15 a.m. KAINOS Contemporary Worship
In the Gym
Rev. Glenn Dyer, Pastor for the Interim
The Scent of the Savior
2 Corinthians 2:14-17
Worship led by
Stuart Morris
The KAINOS Worship Band
10:30 a.m. in The Worship Center
Rev. Glenn Dyer, Pastor for the Interim
The Scent of the Savior
2 Corinthians 2:14-17
Don Hall, Guest Music Leader
Tabernacle Choir
Solo by Carol Jackson
Rev. Glenn Dyer
to begin his ministry as
Pastor for the Interim
this Sunday, January 11.
Dear Family of Faith at Tabernacle,
As I write these thoughts to you, my new church family, it is New Year's Eve. I am waiting on family members
to arrive for our annual Christmas get-together. Normally, we meet to exchange gifts before Christmas. This year, we
made plans to meet after Christmas and travel to our daughter's home in Fishers, Indiana. Our son, Clint, who was born
in Carrollton while we were at Tab in the 1970's, will be arriving soon with his family from Hendersonville,
Tennessee. We don't get to visit with our two children and four grandchildren very often now that we all live in different
states. Clint's two boys (12 and 3) and Deanna's son (6) and daughter (8) are growing up so quickly.
There is lots of excitement, anticipation, renewal, and catching up from our last times together; and that is exactly
how I feel about coming back home to Tabernacle.
Thank you for the tremendous vote of confidence! WOW, a unanimous vote, was what we asked the Father
for. This gives us hope that we are willing to allow our Lord to lead us into a new year unified.
Divine perspective, wisdom, illumination, insight, and vision are some of the things that we will seek together in this
coming year. James 1:5 says that he who lacks wisdom, let him ask of God. In Ephesians 1:15-19, Paul leads us to
pray for illumination. As a family of faith, we need illumination from His Word and the wisdom found in walking
closely with Him.
We are going on a Spiritual Adventure together as we learn to daily get on our minds what God has on His
mind. Jerimiah 29:11 states, "I know the plans I have for you...plans to give you hope and a future." My hope is that
Tabernacle's future is one that will glorify the Lord.
I want to get to know ALL of you in the days ahead; so don't hesitate to introduce yourself to me (maybe more than
once until I learn your name). My sermon on Sunday, January 11, 2015 will be from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17. I encourage
you to read this passage of scripture before Sunday as you prepare to hear what God would have you to personally learn
from His Word. Please pray for me as I will be praying for you.
See you Sunday,
Glenn Dyer, Pastor during the Interim
Annual Chili/Soup Luncheon and
Game Afternoon
Tuesday, January 13
11:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Bring a pot of chili or soup and dessert.
Also, bring your favorite game to play.
A Note from
The Pastor Search Committee
The Pastor Search Committee would like to
thank all those in the Tabernacle family who
completed the church/pastor profile survey. We
received over 200+ surveys from youth to senior
adults and felt encouraged by the participation and
responses. This information will be a valuable tool
for the Pastor Search Committee as we continue
our work.
We thank you for your support and words of
encouragement and ask that you continue to lift up
Tabernacle and the Pastor Search Committee in
your prayers.
Student Ministry News
Student Super Bowl Party
In the TLC
Sunday, February 1
5:30 pm to end of game
Wings are on us…Please bring
a 2-Liter drink & a snack
Wednesday Night
Adults $6
Children $4
Menu for January 14
Turkey, Mashed
Potatoes, Gravy,
English Peas, Dessert
Chicken Strips, Chips,
Pudding Cup, Dessert
* Make reservations by
noon on Tuesday.
Children’s Ministry News
Preschool Choir and
Graded Music and Missions Schedule
will resume this Wednesday, January 7
New Arrival
Wren Lorelei Mathis
“Doulos Days”
Adults who need work done at
their homes or businesses may
call Stephanie in the Student
Ministry office. We will send
students to work for donations.
Proceeds will support mission
trips, camps, conferences, etc.
Recreation News
If you or your child signed up to go to
Snow Mountain through the Recreation Ministry
you need to have your payment in no later
than Saturday, January 10.
Born January 4, 2015
Jamie Harrison
David Mathis
Wes & Laura Harrison of Dawsonville, Georgia
Dwain and Debbie Mathis of Carrollton, Georgia
Extended Teaching Care
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Team Leader:
Tara Ferguson
Babies/Creepers (Room 107):
Diane Temblador, Joyce Smith
Toddlers & 2 Year Olds (Room 101):
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kauffman
3 Year Old (Room 120):
Lori Blackmon, Carol Crews
Memorials and Honorariums
December 31 and January 4, 2015
General Church Budget in Memory of:
Mr. Talmadge Ayers
Mrs. Agnes Burson
Dr. J. Howard Cobble
Mr. Everett Patrick
Mr. Richard Haney
Mr. Smith Wilkins
Mr. Raymond Hughes
Hugh and Sara Johnson
Henry and Jewell Burson
Harvey and Ruby Haney
Clay and Mozelle Chappell (Linda Haney’s Parents)
Ms. Elizabeth Worthy
Mr. Mike Chappell (Linda Haney’s Brother)
General Church Budget in Honor of:
Dr. Ron Grizzle
Dr. Jimmy Gentry
Dr. Bruce Minett
Rev. Janet Cleland
Rev. Charles Cox
Rev. Chad Sipes
Rev. Alan Schantz
Opportunities This Week
Sunday, January 11
8:00 am Children’s Worship for KAINOS (First Floor, Room 301)
8:15 am KAINOS Contemporary Worship (Chapel)
8:30 am Instrumental/Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)
8:45 am Deacons’ Prayer Gathering (Chapel)
9:15 am Bible Study for All Ages
10:15 am Children’s Worship (Rooms 252, 254, 301, 317)
10:30 am Worship Gathering (Worship Center)
1:30 pm Student Praise Band Practice (Gym, Rooms 311, 312,
313, 314, 316)
4:00 pm Pastor Search Committee Meeting (Room 206)
Monday, January 12
8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B)
9:30 am Staff Meeting (Room 206)
10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm)
1:00 pm Rapha Clinic Board Meeting (Room 206)
5:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym)
6:30 pm Cub Scouts (Third Floor)
6:30 pm Boy Scouts (Café)
Tuesday, January 13
Journey in Faith in Memory of:
Mr. Smith Wilkins
Mr. Raymond Hughes
Journey in Faith in Honor of:
Rev. Janet Cleland’s 3rd Anniversary at Tabernacle
CBF Global Missions in Memory of:
Mrs. Agnes Burson
Carole Burson Crisis Care Ministry in Memory of:
Mrs. Agnes Burson
Open Hands in Honor of:
Mr. Kelvin Graham
World Missions in Memory of:
Mrs. Agnes Burson
8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B)
10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm)
10:00 am Holy-Walk-a-Molie (Gym)
11:45 am Senior Adult Luncheon/Game Afternoon (Fellowship Hall)
12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm)
3:00 pm Student Basketball (Gym)
6:00 pm Deacon Administrative Committee Meeting (Room 206)
6:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym)
7:00 pm Deacons’ Meeting (Fellowship Hall)
Wednesday, January 14
8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B)
10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm)
12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm)
4:45 pm Wednesday Night Supper (Fellowship Hall)
5:30 pm Preschool Choir-Ages 4 & 5 (Rooms 127, 128)
5:30 pm Acteens (Room 234)
5:30 pm Graded Music and Missions (Rooms 301, 315, 317, 319,
321, 323)
6:00 pm Connect (Gym)
6:15 pm Mission Friends (Rooms 107, 120, 124, 126)
6:15 pm Wednesday Prayer Service (Chapel)
7:00 pm TAB Choir Rehearsal (Room 222)
8:30 pm KAINOS Band Practice (Gym)
Thursday, January 15
Beginning Saturday, February 8, Open Hands will be
open the second Saturday every month. The hours will
be 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. We need greeters,
interviewers, kitchen help, data entry, etc. You can
work once a month or every few months. Please call or
email Sue McGukin if interested at 770.757.9557 or
8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B)
10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm)
10:00 am Holy-Walk-a-Molie (Gym)
12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm)
5:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym)
Friday, January 16
8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B)
9:30 am Friday Bible Study (Room 206)
10:00 am Open Gym (closes 12:00 pm)
1:00 pm West Georgia Tech Basketball Practice (Gym)
Saturday, January 17
9:00 am Open Gym Walking (closes 10:30 am)
10:30 am Open Gym Basketball (closes 12:00 pm)
PraiSingers Rehearsals
will resume
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
at 10:30 a.m.
in the Choir Room
Deacons of the Week
January 11 - January 17
Joey Collins
Mike Dunn
Bill Fuqua
Postage Paid
150 Tabernacle Drive, Carrollton, GA 30117-6216
Phone: 770.832.7063 Fax: 770.834.2777
Website: www.tabernacle.org
Sunday Broadcast: WBTR-FM 92.1 at 11:00 a.m.
Pastoral Team
Janet Cleland, Associate for Children
Glenn Dyer, Pastor for the Interim
Chad Sipes, Associate for Students
The Tidings is published weekly by
Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Periodicals postage paid at
Carrollton, Georgia 30117.
POSTMASTER: Send changes to
The Tidings, 150 Tabernacle Dr.,
Carrollton, GA 30117-6216.
USPS 532-140.
Sunday’s Report - January 4, 2015
Worship Gatherings
Worship Center
Children’s Worship
Total Worship
Sunday Bible Study
On Campus
Cottage Landing
Total Bible Study
S.S. Active Enrollment
(December) 518
Stewardship Report
YTD (Fiscal Year: October-September)
$ 25,184.00
$ 424,428.62
Budget Year to Date
Contributions Year to Date
$ 467,608.96
Expenditures Year to Date
$ 379,746.37
Journey in Faith
$ 1,001.00
Journey in Faith Year to Date
$ 50,591.00
World Missions
$ 289.00
World Missions Year to Date
$ 4,331.00
Scan the
Stewardship Year End Report
December 31, 2014
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00 a.m. in the Gym
(Beginning January 6)
Put on your walking shoes and join
us for a short devotion, prayer and
exercise (as much or as little as you
can muster) designed to help us get
a little healthier physically and
spiritually in this new year. Invite
anyone else who needs encouragement
and accountability to join us!
Budget Year to Date
Contributions Year to Date
Expenditures Year to Date
Journey in Faith
Journey in Faith Year to Date
World Missions
World Missions Year to Date
$ 73,804.00
$ 394,112.29
$ 442,424.96
$ 379,746.37
$ 26,675.00
$ 1,100.00
Needs for January
Diapers (Size 6)
Pull up Diapers