Bulletin 6-5


Bulletin 6-5
Sermon Notes
June 5, 2016
Pastor Mark Van Gilst
“Seeking Mercy”
Psalm 123 (ESV) A Song of Ascents.
(Refer to sermon notes flyer inserted in this bulletin)
Ministry Opportunities
This Week
MISSIONARY OF THE MONTH: ISAAC SHAW - Isaac Shaw leads Delhi Bible
Institute (DBI) and thankfully reports the provision of God for a new center
in Punjab and the completion of buildings at Lucknow (paraphrasing his
reporting). There have been hard and difficult times, but the goodness of
the Lord is evident in all 7 of our centers and the 70 related church plants.
A record 7500 have been impacted by our training programs. People
have received new hope and direction in their lives after meeting Jesus.
Our program is simple; to equip believers through our 1 week, 1 month
and 1 year programs and backing all our programs with books of which
we now have 42 titles. People intentionally love others through our centers
and special programs and remember the poor continually in all we do asking the Lord to take us to other capitals in the North. All this is possible
because of the partnership with people like you and your sacrificially
Sunday, June 5
8:20 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
6:30 PM
Worship (Sanctuary)
Sunday School
Worship (Sanctuary)
Member Private Event (FH, Gym)
Revolution Senior Send Off (Youth Room, Gym)
Monday, June 6
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Community Group LHPA Soccer (Softball Field)
Open Basketball (Gym)
Tuesday, June 7
Giving Financial Update:
Weekly general fund giving receipts: (5/29/16)
$ 9,032
Weekly general fund giving requirement:
$ 18,096
----------------------------------------------------YTD general fund budget requirement:
YTD general fund giving receipts:
YTD : Deficit
$ 23,434
---------------------------------------------------YTD A Place to Grow Mortgage Receipts:
6:00 AM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Men’s Breakfast (Perkins Restaurant - Avondale)
Chess Club (103)
Elder’s Meeting (203)
Wednesday, June 8
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Community Group LHPA Soccer (Softball Field)
Pastoral Transition Advisory Team (203)
$ 6,221
Thursday, June 9
6:30 PM
Praise Team (Gym)
Nursery Supervisor: Laura Hubbard
Children’s Church 3 Year Olds - K: 8:20 am Linda Comyns
11:00 am Yvonne DiCiccio
Children’s Church 1st - 3rd
Friday June 10
5:00 PM
8:20 am Andy Webber & Helper
11:00 am Amy Spangler & Bryan Vasecka
Saturday, June 11
1:00 PM
Aug. 21 - Pastor Mark will give his Farewell Sermon & Communion
Deacon of the Week:
This week: Seth Watts
Aug. 28 - Pastor Billy Haines’ Installation
Next Week: Joe Irwin
Mark Your Calendar:
Community Group LHPA Soccer (Softball Field)
UTX Mission Team Service Day
Also, see calendar of events on the web site:
Join us on
us on
us on
Help Wanted: Eternity Investors needed—14 years old and up. Do you
love Jesus? Do you want to help others with their direction in Eternity?
Do you have an hour once a week to invest eternally in our children and
youth? Then this opportunity is perfect for you! WATCH FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION COMING NEXT WEEK!
From the Missions Committee - Prayer support for CJ Neale, now a
junior at NC State, who is participating in a missions experience with 60
other college students in Clearwater, FL. They are seeking summer jobs
and are doing intentional evangelism. His experience started May 23 and
continues August 5.
VBS July 18th - 22nd - Run the Race of Faith with Olympion!
Registration and volunteer forms are now available on the VBS bulletin
board in the lobby hallway! Pick one up today!
We are each to be wise stewards of the funds that God has given to
us. This short note is a tip for anyone who is over 70 1/2 years old and
also has a traditional IRA account. Everyone in that situation is getting
required minimum distributions or RMD's from their IRA. The RMD
distribution amounts are usually included in your income on your tax
return and you pay taxes on these RMD amounts. If you also give funds
to Cornerstone, then you are a candidate to do a Qualified Charitable
Distribution (QCD). A QCD gift directly from your IRA account to Cornerstone will enable you to avoid having to pay taxes on the portion of your
RMD you give to Cornerstone. Essentially, it can make your Cornerstone
contribution "deductible". The bottom line is that by doing a QCD to
Cornerstone, you can save 15%, 25% or more of your donation. If you
have questions on this, you may contact:
David Wilson, atoztaxes@hotmail.com or
Craig Wellman, craig.m.wellman@gmail.com.
Chess Club - Every Tuesday evening in Room 103. If you like to play
chess, or just want to learn, here is your chance! Our group is growing!
Sign up on the information desk and join in. Questions, call Bob
Chrzanowski at 610-255-5540.
Please Welcome our Summer Interns: Rachel Neale, Dan (Smitty) Smith
and Kristen Davis. They call themselves the “Triple Threat”.
Beginning June 19th through September 4th there will be
only one worship service at 9:30 am.
* Lois Baker Family - Lois went home to be with the Lord this
past Wednesday, June 1. Please pray for Hal and the whole
family as they grieve her loss. Pray for peace and comfort.
Funeral services will be at Pagano Funeral Home in Garnet
Valley, PA on Monday, June 6th at 11:00 am; visitation tonight,
Sunday evening 6-8:00pm and again on Monday from 10:00 11:00am. In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be
made to Cornerstone.
* Jan Keen - Jan had knee surgery on Friday, June 3. Please pray that the
surgery be successful. Pray for quick healing and comfort from pain.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO LIFT UP PRAYERS FOR - Our country and leaders, our
Pastoral transition, Coleen Coar, Suzie Santucci, Priscilla Graham, Cornerstone
Missionary and Teaching Elder-Len Stewart’s family, Elaine Hoffman, Margie
Foraker’s dad, Ron & Dot Elliott’s son-Rick, Dot Elliott, Paula Rusinko, Mimi
Eastman, Karlyn Morgan, Laura Spencer-Stringer, Karen Fenster’s dad-Bill Kuhn,
Barb & Jan Strawley, Marilyn Desroches granddaughter-Danielle, Rolland Berth,
Daniel Strumbeck and Madeleine Chick.
* Indicates new prayer request
- If you have a request, please call the church office
June 5, 2016
Church Staff
Mark Van Gilst, Senior Pastor
Billy Haines, Associate Pastor / Senior Pastor Elect
Tim Malone, Director of Family Ministries
Danica Jarrell, Administrative Assistant, Monday & Thursday
Joy Evans, Administrative Assistant, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday
Bob Merritt, Facilities Manager
Roberta Watts, Music Director
Laura Hubbard, Nursery Coordinator
Bruce Boone
Billy Haines
Ralph Jarrell
Tim Malone
George Pauley
Jules Paoli
Bob Rowan
Dan Smith
Kevin Smith
Dave Spangler
Mark Van Gilst
Mark Whiteman
Marsh Williams
Ryan Byers
Orval Foraker
Joe Irwin
Tom MacAulay
109 Gypsy Hill Road
Landenberg, PA 19350
Phone: 610-255-5512
Fax: 610-255-5515
E-mail: cpcofficepa@aol.com
Alex Mull
Jeff Scheidt
Seth Watts
Craig Wellman
~ Order of Service ~
Welcome, Opening Song
Greet, Prepare, and Call to Worship
Worship in Song
Missions Moment - Jr. High Missions Team
Congregational Prayer
Worship in Generosity
Worship in Submission to God’s Word