First News - First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lexington


First News - First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lexington
First News
F i r st N e w s
September 2016
Volume 22 Issue 9
MISSION STATEMENT: To connect ourselves and others to Christ through acts of faith and love.
VISION STATEMENT: First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lexington shall be a Christ-centered community participating in
Spirit-led worship, challenging learning and loving outreach; willing to be transformed by the Gospel and eagerly using our gifts to
transform the world around us.
Walking Devotions
The Rev. Matthew L. Miller
I am excited to tell you of a
marvelous new opportunity for
wellness! Please take a moment to
read the following article from the
Health and Wellness Team.
God’s peace,
Pastor Matt
First Lutheran is a wonderful place to enrich
your mind and nourish your soul! Now, we want it to be
a place for you to strengthen your body as well! The
Health and Wellness Team is excited to launch a new
program called “Walking Devotions”.
Devotions” will meet every Tuesday at 6 pm beginning
on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. Walkers will meet in
the Fellowship Hall at 6 pm. We’ll have a brief
devotional (we are starting with the Gospel of Luke) and
then we’ll set off on our walk. If the weather is nice we
can walk outdoors. If the weather isn’t conducive to
outside walking, we’ve got lots of ground we can cover
within our facility. While we walk we can be thinking
about our devotional and sharing our ideas on the
devotion with fellow walkers. At 7 pm everyone will
reconvene in the Fellowship Hall to revisit the evening’s
devotional and share their thoughts and ideas.
This program isn’t just for First Lutheran
members, anyone can participate. And, all ages can walk
so bring the whole family! Everyone walks at their own
pace and walks as far as they feel comfortable. The
Health and Wellness Committee has measured specific
walking routes within the church and outside of the
church so that mileage can be tracked by walkers if they
so desire.
The simple act of walking provides so many
health benefits. It can strengthen your bones and
muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your
blood pressure, boost your immune system and reduce
stress. It also gives you time to think and time to mediate
and time to share with you brothers and sisters in
Christ. Come and be a part of this special journey!
Have a peace filled day,
Laura Conrad Turlington
Prayer Requests
2 FLC Seniors/Thrivent News
3 Hymn of the Month/Notes
12 Joys and Cares
Council News
4 Thoughts from the Heart
13 Walking Devotions
Notice of Congregational
Meetings/Rehearsal Schedules
5 Outreach News
Lutheran Men in
Mission/Beer and Bible
6 Youth News/Lost and Found
Learning Team News
7-9 Inreach News
Blood Drive/Directory
10 Disaster Response
Prayer Requests
Mary Harken (Carol Leonard’s mother)
Angie Shaw (friend of April Thompson)
Julia Harkey
Gracie Shepherd
Jane Harris (Friend of Kelly Newsome and
Jim Lovelace)
Susan Sidden (friend of Dan and Lynn
Doris Haywood (Friend of Sabrina
Johnny Siler (father of Karen Riggs’
Doris Helms
Louise Sink
James Hewett (Friend of Bill and Christy
Lynette Skeen (friend of Susan Shell)
Albert Hill (friend of April and Danny
Forest Adderhold (friend of Bleasha
John Hilton (Father of April Thompson’s
Donald Akers (father of Bing’s co-worker)
Jeff Hutcherson (Husband of Karen
Rigg’s coworker, Jill)
Barbara Allred (friend of FLC)
James Anderson (Sabrina Conrad’s uncle)
Anna (friend of Ross Kearns and Susan
Ariel ( 2 yr. old friend of April Thompson)
Howard Askwith (Father-in-law of Sarah
Pless Askwith)
Caleb Hutcherson (Son of Karen Rigg’s
coworker, Jill)
Dewey Jordan (friend of Greg and Laura
Justin (friend of April Thompson)
Mary Kestler
Leandra Staley (FLC Seminarian at
Marilee Strasser (friend of Bill and Patsie
Dan Swaim (Carole Gasque’s son-in-law)
Pegge Swicegood (Pauletta Conrad’s
Sue Tanley (Grandmother of Jordan and
Gavin Tanley)
Terry Triplett (Debbie Triplett’s husband)
Betty Trivette (Friend of Beth and Katie
Marvin Trivette (Friend of Beth and Katie
Susan Avery and Family (Friends of
Christy Nebrich)
John Kleine (Nancy Carlson’s brother-inlaw)
Charles Baker (Bill Baker’s father)
Jack Kunz (Nancy Carlson’s father)
Alice and Mike Barnette (Sabrina
Conrad’s parents)
Michael Landerberger
Kitzman’s nephew)
Willie Bowers
Clint LeGette
Pamela Boyd (Friend of Sabrina Conrad)
Beth and Katie Lemly
Anthony Westmoreland (friend of Susan
Herbie Branson (former FLC member)
Logan (April Thompson’s young friend)
Mary Louise Wilkerson (Friend of FLC)
Bobby Buie (friend of Christi Nebrich)
Clifford Lopp (Pauletta Conrad’s nephew)
Jan Willette
Anne Burkhart (friend of Pam Mabry)
Hazel Lovelace (Jim Lovelace’s mother)
Adam Cheely (Michelle Eppinga’s son)
Mandy Marshall (Debbie Triplett’s
Martha Lemly Williamson (sister-in law
of Katie and Beth Lemly)
Noruida Cisco (Susan Cisco’s mother)
Martha Clodelter (Ken Clodfelter’s
June Conrad (friend of Pam Mabry)
Mark Mathis (friend of Peggy Everhart)
Nancie McMillan (Friend of Sabrina
Shelby Von Canon
Nell & Terry Ward (Lori Conrad’s
Pearl Way (Sylvia Sink’s mother)
Devone Wohl (Dalane Kitzman’s sister)
Nathan Wohl (Dalane Kitzman’s nephew)
The families of those who have passed to
life eternal:
Judy Cottrell
Jennifer Meehan (friend of Melanie
Don and Jackie Craft (Rebecca Moretz’
Mary Miller (Susan Cisco’s sister-in-law)
George Randall Dunn
Rev. Eric Murray (Messiah Lutheran
Robert Tabor
Judy Dowell (Tracy Miller’s aunt)
Nick Nelson (Nephew of Corrie and Crystal
Expectant Parents:
Marina Dunaway (friend of Karen Riggs)
Richard Payne (Friend of FLC)
Barrett and Danielle Leonard Long
Delores Farrel (Dalane Kitzman’s sister)
Linda Pless
Dyllan and Anna Deyton Rankin
Debbie Gallimore (Friend of Sabrina
Willie Ruth Pless
Laura MacCloud
Susie Cumbo (friend of Jim Lovelace)
Kristie Davis (friend of Bleasha Carroll)
Bill Gasque (Carole Gasque’s son)
Myra Powell (Friend of John and Sabrina
Carole Gasque
Blake Ragsdale (former FLC member)
Rick Gransee
Dwight Rhodes (Deborah Wertman’s
Becky Greening (Friend of Kelly Newsome
and Jim Lovelace)
Jessica Robbins (cousin of Lynn Smith)
Doris Gordon (Jacob Gordon’s
Gladys Rodriguez (friend of Jim Lovelace)
Sarah Hamby (Debbie Triplett’s aunt)
Betty Saunders (friend of Martha Davis)
Craig and Lisa Royal (friends of FLC)
William Remissong
FLC Announcements
Beer and Bible
Beer and Bible will meet on Tuesday,
9/13/2016, at 7:00 PM, at Bull City
Lutheran Men in Mission
Agape Circle
The Agape Circle will meet on Monday, The Lutheran Men will meet on Monday,
9/26/2016 at 6:30 PM.
9/12/2016, at 6:30 PM.
Endowment Team Meeting
Mary Circle
The Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, The Endowment Team will not meet.
9/6/2016, at 10:30 AM.
Movie Night
Movie Night will be held on Friday,
Outreach Team
The Outreach Team usually meets on the 9/23/2016 at 7:00 PM.
second Thursday of each month. Our next
Harris Team
meeting; will be 9/8/2016 at 6:30 PM.
The Harris Team will not meet.
Prayer Shawls
The Prayer Shawl group usually meets on the Monday Bible Study
second and fourth Thursdays of each The Monday Bible Study will meet each
month. We will meet again on Thursday, Monday at 2:00 PM in the Family Life Center
on the lower level first classroom.
9/8/2016 and 9/22/2016 at 7:00 PM.
Inreach Team
The Inreach Team will meet on Monday, Come join us each Tuesday at 8:00 AM for
our Weekly Pericope at Southern Lunch.
October 10, 2016, at 6:30 PM
Property Team
The Property Team will meet on Monday,
9/12/2016 at 7:00 PM in the first floor
conference room of the main church
Newsletter Deadline
If you have something to be included in the
next Edition of First News, please have your
articles or announcements to Kelly or Celie
by the 20th of each month. You may e-mail
y o u r
i n f o r m a t i o n
t o Thanks!
FLC Publicity/The Dispatch
Thanks to Pam Mabry for serving as our Dispatch contact for all news
pertaining to FLC. Just a reminder: project chairs and team leaders
who would like for her to do this for you, please e-mail her with the
details as soon as possible. Items need to be in to the paper on
Wednesday morning of the week before the week the event is to be
published. (In other words, we need it about two weeks before it is to
run in the paper.)
Council News
First Lutheran Church is switching to Time Warner Cable Business Class to save approximately
$700 a year.
The September Council meeting has been
moved to September 18th beginning at 8:00.
First Lutheran Church Council Meeting
August 14, 2016
Pastor’s Report: First Lutheran Church will
have a joint confirmation class with Becks
Lutheran and Holly Grove Lutheran this year.
There will be four students in the class.
Present: Joe Carroll, Danny Leonard, Joanna
Deyton, Tawn Bizzell, Bill Farris, Pastor Matt
Miller, Teena Walker, Greg Turlington, Scott
Team Reports
Inreach: The Inreach Team has helped with
eight funeral meals so far this year. They also
helped with food for Vacation Bible School.
The meeting began with devotions by Greg
Turlington. Danny Leonard made a motion to
approve the minutes of the July Council meeting,
seconded by Scott Wertman. The minutes were
approved unanimously.
Outreach: The team made cookies on August
13th and will bake again on August 27th. Cookies
will be delivered on September 11th to First
Responders. First Responders will also be invited to the service on the 11th.
Property: On Saturday August 13th the Property
Old Business/New Business
Wellness Ministry:
The Wellness walking team held a workday. Among the projects that
were done: hand railing was put up, stepping
program will begin in September.
stones made by the children were placed in the
Building Use: The Lexington Youth Theater columbarium garden, robe racks were put up in
the handbell room, and work was done on the
has been approved to use the Fellowship Hall.
An Irish Dance troupe has also been approved to
Support: Budget requests by the ministry teams
use the Youth Room, starting in September.
are due to the Support Team by August 28th for
Nominating Team: On Tuesday August 16 the the 2017 church spending plan.
Nominating Team will meet to discuss nominaMutual Ministry: The Mutual Ministry Team is
tions for Church Council.
asking for a full-time person to fill the Director of
Congregational Meetings: On October 2nd and Youth and Family position.
October 16th there will be Congregational
meetings to discuss and vote on the 2017 Financial Report: Bill Farris shared the finanspending plan and the election of church council cial report for June and July.
The meeting ended with a prayer by Pastor
Rebecca Moretz was recognized for the wonder- Matt.
ful work she did on Vacation Bible School to
make it a huge success for both young and old. Respectfully submitted,
Tawn Bizzell, Church Council Secretary
Kim and Berry Odum were recognized for the
long hours and work they have performed for our
Youth Group.
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October 2, 2016
There will be a called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 2, immediately following
worship for:
 Presentation of the proposed 2017 Spending Plan
 List of nominees for Church Council
Names of the 2017 Nominating Team
October 16, 2016
On October 16, 2016, the Annual Congregational Meeting will be held for the purpose of:
 Voting on the 2017 Spending Plan
 Election of Council Members
Approval of 2017 Nominating Team
Rehearsal Schedules
Handbell Choir
September 7
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM
Calling all “ding-a-lings”! Come have fun making music with us as
we resume weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals on September 7
in the upstairs rehearsal room behind the sanctuary
If you
would like to join us, please contact Jacob Gordon at, or call the church and leave a message on
my voicemail for more information.
Chancel Choir
September 7
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday,
September 7 at 7:30 PM! If you would like to join the
choir or have any questions, feel free to email Jacob at or call the church and leave a
message on my voicemail. Also, if you would like to sit
in on a rehearsal or two, that would be completely fine!
Lutheran Men in Mission
Don’t forget: Lutheran Men (all FLC men and President:
friends of the congregation!) meet every month Vice-President:
on the fourth Monday at 6:30 PM. All are
Allen Mabry
Dalane Kitzman
Denny Whalen
David Apple
Meal (6:30 pm) & Program
September 26
John Leonard
October 24
Berry Odum
November 28
John Conrad and Bob Sink – Oysters and Elections
Everyone – Christmas Banquet
Beer and Bible
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Bull City Ciderhouse
7:00 PM
Please note: the group will meet the second Tuesday in
September due to the Labor Day holiday weekend.
If you are between 20 and 50 (or so) years of age, please join
us in our new opportunity for ministry with this particular
age group in mind.
The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
Come join us!
Child care is provided in the church nursery.
Questions? — Call Pastor Matt
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Learning Team News
Sunday School Class Outlines
Classes begin on September 11 at 9:30.
Please remember that you do not have to be
a “member” to attend Sunday school. We
would love to have you, so please come
and join us!
Sunday, September 11
8:00 AM for those “God’s Work. Our Hands”
folks who will be delivering the cookies.
8:30 for the rest of the congregation
9:30 Sunday School begins!
“Denny and Earl’s Class” – Denny and Earl
will combine their classes and will co-teach this
class. They will meet in the second room on
the left on the second floor above the Family
Life Center. Curriculum consists of scripturebased studies (continuing with Augsburg
“Young Adult Class” - Anyone is welcome to
join this class; there are no age requirements!
It will be held in the second classroom on your
left as you enter the Family Life Center.
Rebecca Moretz is your fearless leader.
The Middle/Senior High School class will be
led by Rick Grubb and will be held in the Youth
Melissa’s class (pre-school) is located in the
Nursery next to the Narthex. We would love to
get this class started again! Please encourage
your little ones to come participate in this awesome learning experience!
Learning Team News
Amy’s class (Kindergarten through 5th grade) is
in the newest addition; first classroom on the
Mondays - A weekly Bible study is held on Mondays at 2:00 PM. in
the Family Life Center conference room. There are great exchanges of ideas and experiences. We normally meet all year round, but
have been known to take a week off here or there. If you stop in for
a visit, you won't feel lost. We usually look at where we have been
and where we are going in the section of scripture we
are "studying".
Tuesdays - Every Tuesday morning, the pericope Bible study group
meets at 8:00 AM at Southern Lunch for breakfast, and to study the
appointed readings for each Sunday’s worship service. Come join
us for good food, fun, study and fellowship!!
Vacation Bible School
July 31 – August 4
Our theme was “Egypt”.
Lutheran Church joined us this
year. Thanks to Rebecca Moretz for
her planning and implementation,
and to all the volunteers involved to
make this program so successful!
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Learning Team News
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VBS Photos
Give the Gift of Life
Becks Lutheran Church
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
2:00 – 6:30 PM
Please contact
Becky Hoppensteadt at
336-859-4810 to schedule your
Directory Updates
Leandra Staley
Lutheran Theological Seminary
61 Seminary Ridge — Box 203
Gettysburg, PA 17325
College Addresses
Ciara Carlson
UNCW Station 24542
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28407-4543
Cody Carlson
508 Mill Creek Ct. Apt. B
Wilmington, NC 28403
Wyatt Whitley
1300 Varsity Lane, Apt. 1034
Charlotte, NC 28262
Copies of the Church Directory are now available in the Narthex. They were also sent electronically through e-mails. You will find information about our staff, pictures, birthday lists, and address
Please review your listing to make sure it is complete and accurate. Let us know of any
corrections needed. Thanks!
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FLC Seniors/Thrivent News
Wednesday, September 21
Seniors will meet at FLC and go out to eat
lunch somewhere locally.
Hymn of the Month
Brannon Gilliam
provided beautiful vocal and
guitar ministry
during worship
on August 21.
His prelude was
entitled, “Rank
Strangers,” and
we thought you
might want to
read the lyrics below. Gary Combs comments,
the older you get, the more you realize that author Thomas Wolfe got it right when he said,
‘you can’t go home again.’ That’s what the old
song ‘Rank Strangers’ written by Albert E.
Brumley of Powell, Missouri, in 1942, was about.
The lyrics describe a man’s visit to his childhood
home where he could no longer find anyone that
he recognized. Everywhere he looked around his
old home place, the people he met seemed to be
‘rank’ (‘complete’) strangers to him, ‘no mother
or dad, not a friend’ did he see.
“Rank Strangers”
Author: Albert E. Brumley
I wandered again to my home in the mountain
Where in youths early dawn I was happy and
I looked for my friends but I never could find
I found they were all rank strangers to me
Everybody I met seemed to be a rank stranger
No mother no dad not a friend I could see
They knew not my name and I knew not their
I found they were all rank strangers to me
They've moved all away said the voice of a
To a beautiful home by the bright crystal sea
Some beautiful day I'll meet them in heaven
Where no one will be a stranger to me
Notes of Appreciation
Dear Church Family,
Jan Willette is home
and we want to thank
Lutheran for all the
wonderful cards,
letters, calls, visits,
and prayers over the past six months - exceptional love!
A special thanks to the six individuals who
visited Jan almost daily for the past six
months…you know who you are. I’m blown
away by your loving care and kindness something I will always treasure.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Earl Willette
Dear First Lutheran
I just wanted to send a
note to tell you good folks
at First Lutheran thank you
for the lovely birthday cards you sent to my dad,
Jerry Kearns (Skye Ledbetter Crook’s grandfather),
at Pruitt Healthcare. I know his birthday was in
April, but I just discovered them the other day! He
keeps them in a cabinet by his bed, and the CNA
told me he re-reads them very day! This gesture of
Christian outreach brought joy to an otherwise
lonely soul and I hope the blessing will be returned
to you all tenfold!
Thanks again,
Holli Smith
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Thoughts from the Heart
This is a page for our readers to share their thoughts. It can be
anything you would like to write about through poetry, prose, or
just simple “ponderings.” Please share with us!
Danny Leonard served as our worship leader while Pastor Matt was away on vacation,
August 7. During his moving sermon, Danny read the “Legend of the Fork”. We thought you
might want to read it again:
“Legend of the Fork”
A woman was diagnosed with a terminal illness and
given three months to live. She asked her pastor to
come to her home to discuss her final wishes. She
told him which songs she wanted sung at her
funeral, what scriptures she wanted read and which
outfit she wanted to be buried wearing.
Then she said, "One more thing... I want to be buried with a fork in my hand."
The pastor was surprised and she must have noticed the puzzled look on his face.
She explained to him, "In all my years attending church socials and potluck dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably say to
everyone, 'Keep your fork.' It was my favorite time of the dinner, because I knew something better
was coming, like velvety chocolate cake or deep dish apple pie --- something wonderful. So, I want
people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and wonder, 'What's with the fork?' Then,
I want you to tell them, 'Keep your fork because the best is yet to come.'"
The Pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he told the woman goodbye. He realized she had a
better grasp of Heaven than he did because she knew something better was coming.
At the funeral, when people asked him why she was holding a fork, the pastor told them of the conversation he had with the woman before she died. He said he could not stop thinking about the fork and
knew they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either. He was right.
"Keep the fork. The best is yet to come."
Teena Walker
Next Team Meeting: September 8, 6:30 PM
We would like to extend an invitation to join our group to anyone
who is interested; we are always looking for new ideas for outreach
projects. Please contact Teena Walker at 787-3211; or e-mail her
at if you are interested in being part of this
exciting group, or have any questions or ideas!
September 18
Positive Wellness Alliance
On the third Sunday of each month, members are invited to
contribute their change (we also accept bills and checks!) as
the children take up our “Noisy Offering” during worship
service. Different agencies and programs receive these
contributions throughout our church year.
Clothes Closet Work Nights
September 1 and September 15
6:30 PM
Really important need: we need volunteers to help sort and
stock shelves monthly on the first and third Thursday
evenings, 6:30 – 8:00.
Davidson County Senior Services is looking
for volunteers to deliver meals in the several
areas. If you can spare just one to two hours a
month to help eliminate senior hunger, promote healthy aging, and reduce the feeling of
isolation that many seniors experience, please
contact the agency. Current area needs:
Cotton Grove, Hasty, Noahtown, Pilgrim,
Pilot, Silver Valley, Southmont, Tyro, West
Lexington and Wallburg. Interested volunteers may contact Jacob Gordon, Volunteer
Services Coordinator, by phone at 336-5964059 or by email at
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Teena Walker
September 17
9:00 AM - Noon
The Closet will be open the third Saturday of
each month.
It would be nice if donated items were sorted by
clothing if possible, with bags or boxes marked
before donating. This would help us keep up
with the sorting, but it is NOT required. Please
bring clothing donations to the Closet when it is
open (3rd Saturday), or during work evenings (1st
& 3rd Thursdays, monthly).
During the Closet hours on August 20,
1778 items were distributed to 208
Please note: We need men’s clothing: work pants and jeans, underwear and socks, as well as casual
shirts and tee shirts. We are really desperate! Please clean out your closets and consider making donations. Thank you!
Please note: We have an additional drop-off location, now at FLC. You can leave donations in the
first classroom to the right on the lower floor of the original building (directly under Kelly’s office).
“Friday Night at the Movies” is a regular
event! This is a community event, free of
charge on the fourth Friday of every month.
September 22, 2016
Cracker Ministry
Churches throughout the county are assigned
specific grocery items to keep the food pantry
stocked at Crisis Ministry.
First Lutheran is
responsible for keeping a supply of crackers
stocked. We continue to need your contributions
of crackers for this ministry. Please bring them to
church and place them in the Chapel hallway.
Thanks to Phil Lohr for coordinating this ministry.
Teena Walker
Genesis House Ministry
September 25
Music and Worship Team
The fourth Sunday of each month FLC
provides a meal to serve those individuals
staying at the Genesis House (our local
shelter for homeless women and children).
September - assorted canned
October – oatmeal (individual serving-size
Please be generous with your November – soups
donations; the Pantry now distributes December – macaroni & cheese
to all in need, not just to older adults.
Bins for donations to the Pastor’s Pantry
and other causes are on a rack located right
outside the chapel, to the right of the
sanctuary doors in the Narthex. If anyone
is collecting for a particular purpose, please
let Teena know and she will label bins for
that purpose.
Don't forget to share your "joys and cares" with us! Please call Celie Lough at 249-6038,
so that we may "double your joys and halve your cares!" In order to meet printing deadlines, please have all items submitted by the 18th of each month. Thanks! Please note:
articles may also be submitted via e-mail to
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Teena Walker
Cookie Workdays
Cookie baking: September 9 and September 10
We will be making nearly 300 dozen cookies for our “God’s Work.
Our Hands.” service project. Plan to join the fun baking cookie
dough. We will be delivering cookies on Sunday September 11.
Since “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday will be on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 this year, we will be inviting first responders
to attend our service that day.
“Tent City” needs
Currently several “tent city” sites are located
around Davidson County!
We will be assembling hygiene packs and other items for these folks; please bring your contributions to the church. Please note that we
currently have toothpaste; we may add items
to the list as we see specific needs.
Toilet paper
Baby wipes
Hand sanitizer
Small jars of peanut butter and packaged crackers (to supplement meals)
First Lutheran Church is scheduled to help
feed those who are hungry at Grace Episcopal
Church the five Sundays in October. We will
need 3 or 4 people each Sunday.
The meal will have been prepared—we are only
asked to assist in serving the guests.
A sign-up list will be on the bulletin board
beside the Nursery.
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Youth News/Lost and Found
September 11
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Pool and Pizza Party at YMCA!
For Youth, Lambs and Families!!
September 11 – 4:00 - 5:00 PM
September 18 – 4:00 – 5:00 PM
September 25 – 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Classes this season will be offered at First Lutheran
and we will welcome confirmands from both Becks
Lutheran and Holly Grove Lutheran Churches!
September 18 – 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Pastor Matt, program/ A meal will be
September 25 – 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Karen Riggs, program and meal
A lovely white girls’/ ladies’
scarf with little silver “O” rings
has been found at the church
hanging in the acolyte/crucifer
robing room.
Please come by the robing room
to retrieve this or call the
church office. Thanks!
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Inreach News
Please let Team members or Sabrina Conrad
know of your ideas!
Next Team meeting will be Monday, October 10, 6:30 PM
Thursday, September 8, 7:00 PM
Thursday, September 22, 7:00 PM
The prayer shawl ministry meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays each month at 7:00 PM in
the Family Life Center. Everyone is invited to
attend, from beginners to experienced knitters
or crocheters. There will be some experienced
people there to help teach the beginners or
show new stitches to those who already know
how to knit/crochet. Please bring your own
knitting needles/crochet hook to the meeting.
Thanks to everyone who has donated funds or
yarn for our prayer shawl ministry; as a result,
we have two closets full of yarn! At this time,
we do not any more yarn donations.
If you are unable to come to our sessions (or
simply prefer to work on your own), the shawls
can be made at home.
If you have any
questions, please contact Lynn Smith at (336)
249-9704 or e-mail
If anyone has a need for a shawl, please
contact someone in the prayer shawl ministry
or Pastor Matt.
Plastic Bag Drive for Plastic Bag Mat Project
The Agape and Mary Circles are sponsoring a
plastic bag drive. There is a black can in the hallway near the Chapel for your donations. These
bags will be used to make mats for folks who are
homeless. We are also receiving donations of
shower curtain liners to be used as a moisture barrier between the ground and the mat. Sturdy bags
are needed for folks to carry their mat. Reusable
grocery bags such as sold at Aldi’s are ideal.
Please neatly fold bags before putting them in the
receptacle; it makes it easier for us. Thanks!
(Refer to our Inreach page of our FLC February
newsletter to see pictures of a finished mat.)
If anyone would like to help cut bags,
come to the church at 6:30 PM on
September 12; the Agape Circle will do
this prior to their meeting.
Inreach News
Agape Circle will meet on September 12
(due to Labor Day) at 6:30 PM (normally
meets monthly on the first Monday
Mary Circle will meet on September 6 at 10:30
AM (normally meets monthly on the first
Tuesday morning)
Bulletin Board
Please note that our bulletin board has been
moved to the wall across from the Chapel to the
right of the Sanctuary. Patti Grant is responsible
for our bulletin board. If you have items to share
on this board, please give them directly to Patti.
“Building Community”
Please join us in the Narthex for coffee prior to
and after Sunday School! Bags of coffee are
available for purchase: “Proud Mama” and
“Organic Breakfast Blend Decaf” - $10, each
variety. Our new coffee shipment will be
arriving soon. Remember, coffee makes a
great gift!! WE NOW HAVE K-CUPS!
Thanks to Frank Mills for providing us with a
snack each Sunday! Note: We would love to
have help with setting up each Sunday, and with
making the coffee. If you can help, please sign up
on the bulletin board outside the Nursery. Thanks
so much!
Sermon bags have been made for our children
and have been updated.
The bag contains
crayons to use during worship to color their
bulletins. A basket is located at the rear of the
sanctuary. Please remember to return the bags
to the basket in the Narthex each Sunday.
Several meals were prepared for those who are homebound
or are in need of meals during illness. They are in the freezer
in the room where the washer and dryer are located. If you
know of someone who could benefit from this ministry, please
contact Pastor Matt or Sabrina Conrad. Thanks!
Inreach News
Mambo Grill & Tapas
Downtown Salisbury
122 East Fisher Street
September 17
6:30 PM
Meet at 6:00 PM to carpool.
Watch for sign-up sheet on bulletin board!
Family recipes make Mambo Grill & Tapas about
as authentic as you can get. From pork, beef,
chicken or seafood there is something to delight
everyone's taste buds. Starting off in a small
shopping center as a small buffet style restaurant,
Specialties: Craft Beer, Cocktails, Cuban
Mambo has grown to full sit down restaurant with
Cuisine, Spanish Tapas
over 160 seats. With our move to Downtown
Salisbury, Mambo merged together with its lounge
to offer a large array of craft beer and cocktails.
Menu: We are proud to now serve 20 craft beers on tap
from our custom designed beer cooler and draft
Disaster Response News
Response Team is
collecting metals
for recycling-tocash to equip the
trailer and fund
mission trips. As
you clean out the
basement or the garage, remember the recycling
program to help fund the Disaster Recovery Ministry.
For those heavy items, call Denny Whalen (336-7874295) or e-mail him ( and he’ll
arrange for pick up. Thanks to all who continue to call
for pick-up of their recyclables!
Just a reminder: Vegetable/fruit/juice cans may be recycled. However, please remember that
the labels have to be removed and the cans rinsed, otherwise the recycling centers will not take
PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: The recycling container is located at the back of the picnic
shelter. Thanks!
Bleasha Carroll
Lee Conrad
The Moretz Family
John Conrad
Sabrina Conrad
Bob Sink
Altar Flowers
Sound System
Nursery Attendants
Debra Kitzman
Amy Whalen, Carol Leonard
Walt Lindsey
Roy Shepherd, Joanna Deyton, Jack Deyton, John Leonard
Communion Stewards
Communion Preparation
Debra Kitzman
John Conrad
Emma Apple
Dalane Kitzman
Jennifer SchoonmakerDasch
Mattias Miller
Eric Wertman
Jarrett Whitley
Isaac Moretz
Jeff Schmitt
17th after Pentecost
Walt Lindsey
16th after Pentecost
Lectionary Calendar
September 11, 2016
Assisting Minister
September 4, 2016
Ministry Schedule
Jim Lovelace
Rick Grubb
Dottie Sigmon
Teena Walker
Ashley Barr
Dalane Kitzman
Susan Bizzell
Pat Mills
Eric Wertman
Kara Conrad
Jeff Schmitt
19th after Pentecost
September 25, 2016
Carol Leonard
Dalane Kitzman
Frank Mills
Alex Nebrich
Abbi Thompson
Jeff Schmitt
18th after Pentecost
September 18, 2016
Joys and Cares
Tracy Miller and family upon the death of her uncle, Robert Tabor on July 27 in Grand Haven, Michigan. “Tony,”
84, had battled Alzheimer’s for the last few years. Over his career, Tony worked as a traffic manager for United
States Gypsum (Atlanta, GA and Chicago, IL) and Samsonite (Murfreesboro, TN). Tony was a devoted husband,
father, and grandfather; he loved to read, to play bridge and to discuss religion and politics, turning many a family
gathering into a spirited discussion; he enjoyed working in his yard and was an avid walker, walking many miles a
day until the last few years. He loved giving wild horsey rides to young grandchildren and was always willing to
participate in whatever crazy activities they wanted to do. There will be a graveside memorial service October 29
at Holston View Cemetery in Weber City, VA.
Jim Lovelace upon the death of his friend, George Randall Dunn, on August 1 in Anderson, South Carolina.
“Randy,” 60, graduated with a degree in Fashion Merchandising and Interior Design. He worked 20 years as Visual Director in over 30 Belk stores; after a serious illness in 1995, Randy was forced into early retirement in 1999.
His funeral service was held on August 6.
Mark Remissong (husband of Laura Remissong, daughter of Frank and Pat Mills) upon the death of his father, William Remissong, on August 10 in Oswego, Illinois. “Bill,” 91, spent his working years as a tool and die maker before retiring in 1988. Bill had a mind for mechanics and enjoyed learning “what made things work.” He had a
droll sense of humor and a quick wit, and liked to make people laugh. His mindset was always positive and looking at the bright side of life. He was an active member of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Aurora, Illinois where he
served as a trustee and as an usher for more than 40 years. His service was held at the church on August 16. He is
survived by Mark’s mother, Carol Remissong.
Jenny Schroeder (mother of Rebecca Moretz’ sister-in-law) has bone cancer.
Historic floodwaters have required tens of thousands of people to be rescued and even more have been evacuated
as rain sweeps across southern Louisiana. Floodwaters have affected communication, overwhelmed streets and
highways, and damaged or destroyed more than 40,000 homes. This flood comes on the heels of several other
floods that have hit the Gulf Coast region, starting earlier this spring. Entire neighborhoods and communities still
remain under water, and the full extent of the damage has yet to be realized. We know that it will be a long road to
recovery, and Lutheran Disaster Response will be there to assist through every phase of this disaster recovery process. If you would like to contribute to this appeal, please contribute to Lutheran Disaster Response and designate
“Gulf Coast Flooding.” Bishop Tim Smith comments, "ELCA Lutherans aren't always the first ones responding on
the scene of disasters, but almost always we're among those there the longest helping to rebuild lives. Your contributions help us to be the Church together: God's work. Our hands. (and our stored servanthood of monetary gifts
that can be released and exchanged for God's work)."
During a random shooting spree on August 19, three people and two Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dogs
were shot and injured as they were traveling in a church van to an activity in St. Louis, Missouri. One dog handler
was shot through the lung and is lucky to be alive; fortunately, he seems to be recovering. Both of the dogs are
recovering also. May we extend our prayers for the handlers, the Comfort Dogs and this congregation (Immanuel
Lutheran Church in Joplin, MO). (Coincidentally, Earl Willette’s sister is a member of that very congregation!)
Worship Leader – Thanks to our very own lay leader Danny Leonard for serving as our worship presider on August
7 while Pastor Matt took a vacation Sunday; Pastor Matt joined his family at his father’s vacation cabin in Canada.
 Children’s Sermon – Carol Leonard asked the children, “What is faith?” Her answer was that faith is knowing
that you are taken care of and believing in things you cannot see. She assured the children that God wants us
to believe and trust in Him. “You don’t ever have to be afraid because God is with you.”
Sermon – “The Best Is Yet to Come” – Danny opened his message with a scripture about faith: “the assurance
of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen” (from our second reading from Hebrews). When asked
what kind of faith we should have, he responded that it should be a “childlike faith.” Then he referred to our
Gospel reading from Luke: “It is our father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Danny challenged us
Joys and Cares
to love each other, pray for each other and see that justice is done. Faith is a gift from our Father and can guide
our thoughts, words and deeds. God gave us Jesus so that we might attain eternal life. God has shown His
faithfulness throughout our Bible stories: parting the Red Sea, the prodigal son, Jesus walking on water, feeding of thousands, casting out demons – God’s will prevailed. Danny referenced our own travails; God has been
there with us. We know “the best is yet to come.” He then read the “Legend of the Fork” (printed elsewhere in
this bulletin). (Prior to worship, Danny gave each worshiper a fork to remind us of this story.) “The next time
you reach for your fork, remember ‘the best is yet to come.’ What a friend we have in Jesus!”
Vacation Bible School – Prior to worship on August 14, Joanna Deyton expressed appreciation to Rebecca Moretz
and her “team” (those who provided food, made costumes, built props, helped with crafts, etc.) - everyone who
made this year’s Vacation Bible School a tremendous success (see pictures elsewhere in this newsletter). Joanna
then recognized Rebecca and thanked her for her leadership; she presented her with a card of appreciation, as well
as a gift card. The flowers at the Altar on August 7 were given by Jack and Joanna Deyton to the glory of Almighty
God and” in honor of Rebecca Moretz and the many talented volunteers who made VBS a marvelous success.”
Clothes Closet – Thanks to our “Clothes Closet Crew” who
faithfully serve in our ministry, giving out clothes monthly to
needy families every third Saturday; and also work to fold,
sort and re-stock all our items. Pictured are some of the folks
who work in this ministry (from August 20).
Work Day – Thanks to our Property Team and all those who worked at the church on August 20. They tackled
such chores as putting up hand railing, placing stepping stones made by the children in the columbarium garden,
installing robe racks in the handbell room, and working on the lighting.
Nuestros Ninos – Thanks to those who supported our Nuestros Ninos
ministry by purchasing beautifully handcrafted items set up at FLC on
August 20 and August 21. Prior to worship, Angela Grussig spoke
about the program. Profits are not only helping people to make a living in Guatemala, but also helping some to attend college and others
to improve their standard of living.
Fir st Ne ws
Joys and Cares
Special Music
July 31 – Offertory - Kelly Newsome, pianist – “My Tribute” (A. Crouch)
August 7 – Offertory - Jasmine Minkley (daughter of Trixie Minkley and Rich Minkley, granddaughter of Judy
Cottrell) – “On Eagle’s Wings” (Michael Joncas)
August 14 – Offertory – Jacob Gordon, tenor – “I Want to be Ready” (Phillip McIntyre)
August 21 – Brannon Gilliam, soloist and guitarist – member of First Baptist Church
 Prelude – “Rank Strangers” (Albert Brumley) – see lyrics printed elsewhere in this newsletter
 Offertory – “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (Joseph Scriven, Charles Converse)
Noisy Offering –Thanks to you, the Noisy Offering collected on August 21 for the Hattie Burgess House Domestic Violence Shelter came to a total of $117.55, to be matched by our FLC Endowment Fund (up to $100) for a
total of $217.55.
Genesis House – Thanks to the Mutual Ministry and Support Teams for providing the meal for the Genesis House
on August 28.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – Thanks to those who lead and participate in the Prayer Shawl Ministry. On July 31,
prayer shawl number 314 was blessed! Lynn Smith announced this milestone and thanked all those involved in all areas of this ministry (donating yarn, making the shawls, blessing the shawls, etc.). An additional “thanks” goes to our “friend of the congregation” who makes special shawls for those suffering with cancer
and has a readily available supply. (See “thoughts and prayers” section preceding or in prior newsletters that list
individual’s concerns).
 July 31 – Jenny Schroeder (by “friend”)
 August 21 – Carol Remissong (by Leila Hosley)
Anniversary – On July 30, Allen and Pam Mabry celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! The flowers at the
Altar on July 31 were given by Allen and Pam to the glory of Almighty God and in in celebration of their anniversary.
Engaged – On August 8, Matthew Jackson (son of Angie Jackson and Tom Jackson) proposed “to my best friend
and love of my life,” Hannah Stirewalt (and she said “yes”)!
Spirit Award – Jordan Tanley (daughter of Laura Tanley) plays the flute in
the North Davidson High School Band. On August 12, during Band Camp,
Jordan and her friend Whitni Duffey were each presented with a“Spirit
Award.” With that smile, she surely is a winner! Way to go, Jordan!
Fir st Ne ws
Joys and Cares
Real Estate Broker – Kelly Streetman Mavropoulos (daughter of Nancy Beck, granddaughter of Willie Bowers,
niece of Patti Grant) passed her real estate test and is now a licensed real estate broker. She will continue her full
-time job as Dropout Prevention Specialist at Northwest Cabarrus High School; her long-range goals are to retire
in five years, and her new license will allow her to continue working in that area upon retirement. Kelly will be
working for Exit Elite Realty in Concord. She lives with her family in Kannapolis, NC. Mom Nancy beams,
“she will finish anything she has her mind on!”
Wedding – On August 13, Robin Lockwood
(daughter of Bob and Eve Lockwood) married Kyle Young at Lyonns Farmett outside
of Boulder, Colorado. Officiating was Pastor
Liliana Stahlburg; Pastor Liliana is the pastor
of Highlands Lutheran Church in Denver
where Robin worships.
Sister Kathleen Lockwood was Robin's Maid of Honor, and Robin's other attendant was Amanda Vaughn (Robin's best
friend and roommate at UNC-Chapel Hill).
Kyle's best man was Justin Neely, his best
friend from Dallas, Texas; and his groomsman was Henry Nguyen, a fraternity brother.
Robin is a Project Scientist at Eagle Environmental Consulting in Denver. Kyle is from
Dallas, Texas; and works for AT&T, where
he is a Senior Business Manager.
Robin and Kyle live in Denver, Colorado.
Youth Council Appointment – Eric Wertman (son of Scott and Deborah Wertman) was personally asked by Linwood Bunce to serve on the Lexington Youth Council! He was sworn in around mid-August. Eric will be working with the City Council and Mayor on youth issues and activities in Lexington.
Milestone Ministry – During worship on August 21, we celebrated those children who were entering new levels
of education. Each was recognized with a gift (Nuestros Ninos handcrafted item – except for the Bible), followed
by a prayer of blessing by folks laying hands upon them:
 Kindergarten – Ben Barr (son of Aaron and Ashley Barr, grandchild of Joe and Bleasha Carroll, greatgrandchild of Anne Fisher Williams and Carolyn Scott), and Mason and Gracelynn Hedrick (twins of Jason
and Abbey Hedrick, grandchildren of Janie Galko, great-grandchildren of Alyce Galko) – each received a
beaded sheep (“to remind you that you are sheep and Jesus is your shepherd”)
 Third Grade – James Schoonmaker ( son of Keith and Jennifer-Schoonmaker Dasch, grandson of Cindy
Schoonmaker and Stan Schoonmaker) and Abbi Thompson (daughter of Danny and April Thompson) – a
 Sixth Grade – Kara Conrad (daughter of Lee and Lori Conrad, granddaughter of Pauletta Conrad), Jocelyn
Laehn (daughter of Cory and Crystal Laehn) and Caroline Dasch (daughter of Keith and JenniferSchoonmaker Dasch, granddaughter of Cindy Schoonmaker and Stan Schoonmaker) – beaded bookmark and
key chain
 Freshmen – Nathan Morris (son of Aaron and Melissa Morris, grandson of Denny and Amy Whalen) and
Alex Nebrich (son of Bill and Christy Nebrich, grandson of Teena Walker) – beaded bookmark with cross
Fir st Ne ws
Joys and Cares
Moving – On September 1, Luke Conrad (son
of John and Sabrina Conrad will be moving to
Paris with his girlfriend, Bonnie Smith; they
will live there for two years. We lift up prayers
for traveling mercies for Luke and Bonnie, as
well as prayers of peace for John and Sabrina.
College Transfer – Hannah Jackson (daughter of Angie Farmer and Tom Jackson) has transferred college and will
enter Appalachian University this year.
School begins again! – Many of our congregation are employed, or have been employed, in a school system; and
we are thankful for their influence in our children’s lives! At the All About Education’s eighth annual Back to
School Luau on August 3, teachers Megan Carlson (daughter of Tom and Lorraine Carlson) and Katie Foster
(daughter of Chris and Susan Foster, niece of Teena Walker, niece of Denny and Amy Whalen) were first in line as
the doors opened. Each was rewarded with a gift certificate to the store (they had arrived at 6:30 AM!). The store
holds this event to show their appreciation for customers and to kick off the back-to-school season.
Guest Column – Dalane Kitzman wrote a guest column for The Dispatch on August 4, “Mother sends an unusual
care package.” He fondly recalled the memory of his mother sending two freshly killed chickens from North Dakota to him while he was attending medical school in Baltimore, Maryland. “Sometimes love comes in unusual packages.” Dr. Dalane W. Kitzman is a professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine. His writing aims to highlight how
the world becomes a better place when we realize how we’ve benefited from the kindness of others, and choose to
do the same.
Family Cruise – This family sure does know how to have fun!
Ron and Sylvia Sink take all their children and grandchildren
on a vacation together each year. This year it was a cruise. As
you can see by the smiling faces, everyone had a good time!
Backpack Blessings – On August 14, children brought their backpacks to lay against the altar; they were blessed
during our worship service. Please continue to keep our children and teachers in your prayers as they begin their
new journey this season.
Fir st Ne ws
Joys and Cares
Canine Caregivers – Bob Redwine
writes: In July, Canine Caregivers
(the therapy dog group Champ and I
are affiliated with) had the privilege
to be invited to interact with a day
camp at North Rowan High School
for mentally challenged youth of Rowan county. There were approximately 30 youth from first grade to
high school age at the day camp and
we had eight therapy teams present.
We had a wonderful time with the
connection between the dogs and
Teams from our group regularly visit: Trinity Oaks in Salisbury (many
know it as the Lutheran Home), the
VA Hospital in Salisbury, the VA
Nursing Facility, Novant Health
Hospital, Lexington Health Care,
and Brian Center. We are available
to visit anywhere we are asked or
needed. We are completely trained,
certified and
A picture at the day camp and posters that the youth made
for us. From left to right are Jared Rowland and Doodle,
Cheryl Peevy and Reba, Mary Shinn and Etta, Amy Carlton and Lacey, Joseph Hall and Chester, Amy Ritchie and
Murphy, Magnum & Nina Dix (our trainer and Fearless
Leader) and Champ. (Bob took the picture.)
For information and pictures of our therapy dogs and handlers please visit our website at:
Don't forget to share your "joys and cares" with us! Please call Celie Lough at 249-6038, so that
we may "double your joys and halve your cares!" In order to meet printing deadlines, please have
all items submitted by the 18th of each month. Thanks! Please note: articles may also be submitted via e-mail to
Walking Devotions
Begins on Tuesday, September 13, and continues weekly!
Walkers will meet in the Fellowship Hall of First Lutheran Church
at 6:00 PM for a brief devotional and then we’ll set off on our
walk. If the weather is nice, we can walk outdoors. If the weather
isn’t conducive to outside walking, we’ve much ground inside the
facility. While we walk, we can think about our devotional and
share our ideas on the devotion with fellow walkers. At 7:00 PM,
everyone will reconvene in the Fellowship Hall to revisit the
evening’s devotional and share their thoughts and ideas.
“Walking Devotions” is open to everyone!
walks at their own pace and walks only as far as they feel
comfortable. Join us! Invite your friends and neighbors!
Come and be a part of this special journey!
Return Service Requested
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
320 S. State Street
PO BOX 308
Lexington, NC 27293
Phone: 336-248-6018
Office Hours:
9 AM till 1 PM Monday ~ Friday
Sunday School ................. 9:15 AM
Morning Worship ......... 10:30 AM
God’s Work. Our Hands.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Lexington is a Congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America. The congregation was formed
in 1905, and built its original structure
in 1906.
The current facility was
completed and occupied in 1959, and
was the first public building in
Lexington of a contemporary design.
Yet, the people of First Church
recognize that the church is the people,
and not the building. So stated Martin
Luther: “The church is not wood and
stone, but it is the company of God’s
We’re on the Web:
Church Staff & Volunteers
The Rev. Matthew L. Miller ~ Pastor
Joe Carroll ~ Council President
Bill Farris ~ Controller
(Vacant position) ~ Youth and Family Ministries
Kelly Newsome ~ Organist / Parish Associate
Jacob Gordon ~ Director of Music Ministries
Kelly Newsome/Celie Lough ~ Newsletter Editors
Sudarmono (Bing) FNU ~ Sexton
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday of the month.