2016 - January / February - Fort Worth Scottish Rite
2016 - January / February - Fort Worth Scottish Rite
"SPES MEA IN DEO EST"--MY HOPE IS IN GOD Fort Worth Scottish Rite Double Eagle Digest Issue Date: February 2016 2015 FALL Reunion Fall 2015 Class 14th D. Team Members Hon. Jim Rogerson 32ᵒ & Hon. Corey Harris,32ᵒ Fort Worth Scottish Rite welcomed 20 members at the Fall Reunion. Production Director Ill. Joe Sherwin 33ᵒ and Class Director Hon. Mark Paris, 32ᵒ KCCH did fantastic jobs. There were many great moments experienced by all that attended. We perfected the use of some of our new equipment and made quite an impression on many as to how well this new stuff improved our degrees and support systems. All of the respective production departments deserve a very well done for their interaction in making this Reunion so successful. A great big Thank You needs to be expressed to all of those that participated in this reunion and contributing to our endeavors striving for continued excellence in our future productions. Annual Christmas Party for Children The Annual Fort Worth Scottish Rite Christmas Party for children and grand children of Masons was held at the Fort Worth Masonic Temple on December 6, 2015. Santa Claus, Hon. Hobie Henderson, 32ᵒ KCCH, and, true to the best tradition of Saint Nick, granted each child all of their wishes. The Ladies’ auxillary provided the decorations and Christmas treats. Entertainment was provided by Hon. Michael Cote, 32ᵒ KCCH, and Hon. Dave Conte, 32ᵒ. Arts and crafts for the children was provided by Darla Hardy, Mother Advisor, Fort Worth Assembly #15, the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. Guests were requested to bring a toy for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. December 4, 2016 is the next celebration. Bring your kids!! Santa’s Elves Ill. John and Lena Merk Some of the children present FOURTH DEGREE FOURTEENTH DEGREE “Light and truth are within the reach of every man who lives, would he but open his eyes and see.” “Soldier of Justice, Right and Truth.” THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE THE FOURTH DEGREE - You now take your first step into our sanctuary in search of truth and knowledge, the most genuine and real of human treasures. You are reminded that your progress depends upon your secrecy, obedience and fidelity; secrecy for the security of obligations, duties, oaths, communications; obedience for the laws that reflect the will and judgment and benefit of the people, not the edicts of the tyrant or those that are contrary to God and nature; fidelity for the faith and to promises plighted family, friends, country and Masonry. Thereby you will avoid the diverting allurements of pleasure and indolence and permit the mandates of your obligations to be fulfilled. You must seek, read, study, reflect, digest and discriminate. The light of knowledge develops the soul of man and assures the reward of his aspirations for continuance after death. In the faithful pursuit of these ideals you will serve yourself, your fellow members, country and mankind. THE FOURTEENTH DEGREE - We now reach the point of reflection, of consideration, and of analysis. Each must discover for himself the Secrets contained in our symbols and in what has been said and done in the work. We press on toward the unattainable, yet more nearly approaching perfect truth. God has given each of us work to do and duties to perform in the progress of the great plan for enlightenment and growth. In this plan there are sorrows and trials that are designed to purify and strengthen our souls. It cannot be true that these are visited upon us for sadistic or cruel purposes. Ultimate good in accordance with merciful and wise divine guidance must result. Our future well-being depends upon how we perform in this life. Hence, we should so live that death will hold no terror for us. Instead, there will be a release from our earthly trials into spiritual realms above. THE THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE - This Degree presents the crowning power of designs we have drawn upon the Scottish Rite trestle-board. Those of the Lodge of Perfection traced for us how our spiritual nature is enabled to assert itself. In the Philosophical, the values of the virtues encourage us to subdue our animal passions and appetites. In the Chivalric, we learn how the spiritual and divine in man are superior. Life, we learn, is a battle. To fight that battle heroically and well is the overriding purpose of man's existence. Genuine Brotherhood requires mutual regard, opinion, esteem and charity. Brethren in the true sense of the word look for the good in others and expect and allow for evil, making generous allowance for the human faults and failings of God's imperfect children. As we progress toward the end of this Degree and seek seriously the Royal Secret which is concealed like the occult science of the ancients, we remember, "Faith begins where reason sinks exhausted." Magic, after all, is but the absolute science of nature and its laws. So the Star of Hope shines for us as truly as when, like a magnet, it drew the wise men to Bethlehem. Today, as at the time of the initial creation of the entire universe, the Balance of Equilibrium is the ultra activating force in the eternal plan of the Omnipotent. Thus, vacuum and matter, matter and antimatter, positive and negative, light and darkness, male and female, attraction and repulsion, evil and good, justice and mercy, are examples of what the Magic of Balance can create under the law of Universal Equilibrium. You will seek the Holy Doctrine-the Blazing Star of Truth, the Royal Secret-of creation. So do we slowly climb toward the final goal, the state of perfection. 2 2016 Heads of Bodies Hon. Kevin M. Caraway 32ᵒ KCCH Hon. Michael L. Haverland 32ᵒ KCCH Hon. Ernest L. Runyon 32ᵒKCCH Hon. Amar S. Murthy 32ᵒ At the November stated meeting the 2015 Officers of Fort Worth Scottish Rite were elected by acclamation. The officers were installed at the January stated meeting. The operations of the Valley is vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of the top two officers in each body together with the Chairman, General Secretary, and at large appointees named by the Chairman. The officers installed are as follows. COUNCIL OF KADOSH-2016 LODGE OF PERFECTION-2016 VENERABLE MASTER SENIOR WARDEN JUNIOR WARDEN ORATOR CHAPLAIN MASTER OF CEREMONIES EXPERT ASSISTANT EXPERT CAPTAIN OF THE HOST JR. PAST MASTER KEVIN M. CARAWAY, 32º KCCH HAL R. RAY, JR., 32º KCCH JEFFREY C. BILLINGTON, 32º KCCH BRADLEY S. BILLINGS, 32º KCCH JERRY C. NEELEY, 32º KCCH D. MICHAEL KRUGER, 32º GARY L. MORRISON, 32º WILLIAM D. MARKS, 32º GARLAND W. KNIPSTEIN, 33º JAMES D. KIRKPATRICK, 33ᵒ CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX-2016 WISE MASTER MICHAEL L. HAVERLAND, 32º KCCH SENIOR WARDEN ROBERT L. GOODE, JR., 32º KCCH JUNIOR WARDEN O. EARL SADBERRY, JR., 32º KCCH ORATOR JAMES A. ROGERSON, 32º CHAPLAIN JERRY L. OLSEN, 32º KCCH MASTER OF CEREMONIES WILLIAM G. (BILL) CROW, 32º EXPERT C. J. (CHUCK) THOMPSON, 32º ASSISTANT EXPERT ROBERT L. HOLT, 32º STANDARD BEARER MARK S. PARIS, 32º KCCH GUARDIAN OF THE TEMPLE MICKEY G. BOND, 32º JR. PAST WISE MASTER JOHN G. MERK, 33ᵒ OFFICERS COMMON TO ALL BODIES TREASURER ASSISTANT TREASURERS 3 JOHN A. HUGHES, 33ᵒ DOUGLAS AUSTIN-WEEKS, 32ᵒ GEORGE D. COON, 32ᵒ, KCCH MELVIN T. HAGOOD, 33ᵒ ARTHUR W. NORTON, 32ᵒ KCCH COMMANDER ERNEST L. RUNYON, 32ºKCCH 1ST LT. COMMANDER ROBERT R. NURSEY, 32º KCCH 2ND LT. COMMANDER CHARLES H. FARMER, 32º KCCH CHANCELLOR ARTHUR W. NORTON, 32º KCCH ORATOR C. STEPHEN BENNETT, 32ᵒ CHAPLAIN LEONARD H. NEWMAN, JR. 32º MARSHAL OF CEREMONIES BILL J. CASTER, 32º KCCH TURCOPILIER RICKY W. CLIATT, 32º DRAPER C.D. (CHUCK) BOGGESS, 32º 1ST DEACON HERBERT L. TAYLOR, 32º 2ND DEACON ANDRE G. LYNCH, 32º BEARER OF BEAUCEANT DOUGLAS C. BRANCH , 32º BEARER OF WHITE STANDARD MICHAEL T. MALEY, 32º BEARER OF BLACK STANDARD JOHN V. STARNES, 32º LIEUTENANT OF THE GUARD J. ALLAN LEDER, 32º JR. PAST COMMANDER HOWARD R. HUBBARD, 32ᵒ KCCH CONSISTORY-2016 MASTER OF KADOSH AMARNATH S. MURTHY, 32º PRIOR JAMES T. MENDENHALL, 32º KCCH PRECEPTOR PAUL A. SOLOMON, 32º KCCH CHANCELLOR JOSEPH SPENCER, 32º KCCH MINISTER OF STATE CURTIS E. WALDROP, 32ᵒ KCCH PRELATE TIPTON C. KINDEL, III, 32º MASTER OF CEREMONIES DANNY L. ORINGDERFF, 32º EXPERT RAYMOND B. HENDERSON, 32º KCCH ASSISTANT EXPERT C. MICHAEL TAYLOR, 32º CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS CORY M. HARRIS, 32ᵒ JR. PAST MASTER GARY L. ALEXANDER, 32ᵒKCCH OFFICERS COMMON TO ALL BODIES ALMONER ASSISTANT ALMONERS JOHN G. MERK, 33ᵒ JOHN HUFFMAN, 33ᵒ CRAFT LARGENT, 32ᵒ KCCH C. STEPHEN BENNETT, 32ᵒ PAGE 4 FUTURE EVENTS OF FORT WORTH SCOTTISH RITE Masonic Study Group A Masonic Study Group sponsored by the Valley meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm on the Floor 4M of the Temple. Topics will rotate monthly and the group is open to all Masters, FCs and EAs. The last meeting was on January 28, 2016 and the topic was Lost Symbols in Texas Lodge rooms. The group discussion was led by Hon. Thomas Spencer, 32 ᵒKCCH. The study group will not meet on those nights that the Education Committee is presenting a program. The topic for March will be Symbolism of the EA and will be presented by Hon. Lewis Marchbanks, 32ᵒ. Come join the discussion. Robert Burns Silent Auction and Dinner On February 6, 2016 the Knights of Saint Andrew of Fort Worth hosted the Fourth Annual Robert Burns Dinner. Along with Dinner there was a Silent Auction, Live entertainment, a guest speaker, Robert Burns, presenting selections from Brother Burns' works. It was a fun filled evening hosted by the Fort Worth Chapter of the Knights of Saint Andrew. Proceeds from the Silent Auction benefitted the Scottish Rite Foundation. We hope to see you at the 2017 Burns Dinner and Auction. Barbeque Club The Fort Worth Scottish Rite Barbeque club meets the second Wednesday of each month. Next meeting is on February 10, 2016 at 12:15 pm at Smokey’s Barbeque, 5300 East Lancaster Ave Fort Worth, TX 76112 . No dues accepted, no dress code and no meeting. Open to all Masons and their ladies.. Come join us. Valentines Dinner Fort Worth Valley will host a Valentine Dinner for its members on February 13, 2016 . The dinner will be at Reata Restaurant , 310 Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas. The cost for the dinner is $54 per person and includes tax and gratuity. Social Hour beginning at 5:30 pm with a cash bar and dinner from 6 pm to 8 pm. Seats are limited, and there is a set menu for the evening. For reservations call the Valley office. Education Program The Valley’s Education Committee will present “History of Texas Masonry, 1850-1900” on February 25, 2016 in the Ballroom of the Temple. The program will begin with a meal for a donation followed by the presentation and an open discussion period. The presenter is the Hon. Gary L. Alexander, 32ᵒKCCH. The program is open to all Masters, FCs and EAs. The program will be presented at a later time in Stephenville and Gainesville. Supreme Council Scottish Rite Workshop The Supreme Council biennial workshop will be in Houston Texas on March 18 and 19, 2016. As we look forward to this year’s regional Scottish Rite Workshops, 2016 looks to be a building year—Masonic pun intended. During the 2014 workshops, members from across the Southern Jurisdiction came together and produced what we now know as VMAP, or the Valley Membership Achievement Project, one of the most exciting and productive membership engagement and retention efforts ever undertaken by both Valleys and the Supreme Council, 33°. Once again, Lt. Grand Commander Jim Cole, 33°, will lead the workshops, which are open to ALL Scottish Rite members. At each meeting, we will seek to build on our previous achievements from 2014 by reassembling the Craft in order to evaluate, share stories of success, and seek consensus on improving VMAP going forward for Valleys of all sizes and participation levels. Information and registration is available at the website of the Supreme Council. https://scottishrite.org/ Orient of Texas Convocation The annual Texas Scottish Rite Convocation will be in San Antonio Texas on April 8 and 9, 2016. The Valley of San Antonio is hosting the event. Friday night will feature a banquet while Saturday will be devoted to Scottish Rite speakers and breakout sessions. Saturday night will feature entertainment. Information will be forthcoming on the Orient’s website: http://2015.texasscottishrite.org/ 4 KNIGHTS OF SAINT ANDREW PAGE Other than being a service oriented group composed of 32nd Degree Masons, Black Hats, within the Fort Worth Valley of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Knights of Saint Andrew are a resource from which its members are placed into several roles to assist the leadership of our Valley. Whether it be in the capacity of serving on assorted committees, degree teams, Reunions, or any other capacity where they maybe needed, the Knights of Saint Andrew are always there to be utilized. We have many opportunities available where you can serve your Valley. We are a group based on the teachings and principles of the 29th Degree where the Knights Templar stationed in Scotland were utilized as part of King Robert the Bruce's forces during the Battle of Banockburn. As a result of their help, they were allowed to stay in Scotland, and their name was changed to the Knights of Saint Andrew to give them safety from their enemies, namely, the French and English kings and the Ecclesiastical authorities that held sway in Europe at that time. As a member of the Knights of Saint Andrew, if you choose to take an active role as an officer, you receive valuable experiences which help in your Masonic development in all aspects of your endeavors. So if you are interested in obtaining information about the Knights of Saint Andrew, also known as the Order of the Thistle, or want to become a member, please contact Hon. Cory Harris, 32ᵒ Venerable Knight, through the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Office. MEAL TICKETS For 2016 individual monthly dinner meeting tickets are $12. All fifty year Scottish Rite Masons receive one free ticket for the dinner. Tickets may be purchased for cash, check or by credit or debit card and will be collected as members pass through the serving line. If the cost of a meal ticket imposes an undue hardship please contact Ill. Sonny Tull, 33ᵒ or the Almoner of the Valley, Ill. John Merk, 33ᵒ. Elegant Traditions and Modern Amenities Scottish Rite Dormitory, known affectionately as SRD since 1922, is situated on seven expansive and gorgeous acres just one block north of The University of Texas at Austin. Close to the hustle and bustle of UT, SRD has maintained the elegant traditions of the past and blends them with modern amenities to provide a special place where the whole person is considered and supported. SRD’s friendly staff is available to help with every need, from the routine maintenance repair to emotional support in times of stress or joy. SRD offers a unique living environment that goes beyond the scope of any other dormitory. SRD invites all Masons and their guests to come by for a tour! SRD is a gift of Scottish Rite Masons in tribute to, and in interest of, aspiring young women. SRD has housed thousands of young women attending The University of Texas. Further information regarding SRD may be obtained by visiting its website, http://www.srd.org/ or by calling 512.476.9131. Valley of Fort Worth Officers - 2016 Ill.. Ken Curry 33°, Personal Representative Ill. Sonny Tull, 33° , General Secretary Hon. Kevin M. Caraway, 32° KCCH, Venerable Master, The Lodge of Perfection Hon. Michael L. Haverland, 32° KCCH, Wise Master, Chapter of Rose Croix Hon. Ernest L. Runyon, 32° KCCH, Commander Council Of Kadosh, Hon. Amarnath S. Murthy, 32° Master of Kadosh, Consistory 5 To submit articles/pictures for the Double Eagle, please contact the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Office or submit them to fwsroffice@sbcglobal.net Visit our website: www.fortworthscottishrite.org Published by: The Valley of Fort Worth, Orient of Texas, A. & A. S. R., S. J., USA, P.O. Box 1320, Fort Worth, Texas 76101-1320 817-335-6004 Editors: Hon. Jeff Baldwin, 32° & Hon. Steve Maxwell, 32° KCCH Office Administrators: Ms. Linda Allen, Ms. Laura Reed 5 7 November Meeting Masonic Education Programs The November 2016 Dinner Meeting was highlighted by the introduction of our special guest, Addie Bryan. She was born with a rare bone disorder that contorted her legs and made her knees unable to bend. A long time patient of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, she developed from a child not expected to walk to a child who runs with abandon. In the summer of 2015, Addie stood on a street corner with a sign seeking donations for the Hospital as her birthday gift. Addie originally sought $8,000 but raised $19,500. An anonymous donor added $50,000 to that sum. Addie interviewed for the WFAA news, said that her drive was not about her but that it was about the Hospital she calls her second home and the children treated there. Addie told WFAA "I think all the kids are going to be happy, and they can get out of the hospital faster." Brethren, if you are interested in gaining more light in Masonry, the Fort Worth Scottish Rite has a prime opportunity for you. On the fourth Thursday of each month, except December, we will host an educational programs. These programs will be conducted in two formats; informal discussions and quarterly educational talks, all sponsored by the Education Committee of the Fort Worth Scottish Rite. A Study Group began January 28, 2016 to conduct informal structured discussions on varying Masonic topics, this is in addition to our quarterly Educational Talks, and Festive Board held annually in May. The informal Discussion Club meetings will begin at 6:30 PM on floor 4M at the Fort Worth Masonic Temple, followed by refreshments. The Quarterly Educational Talks begin at 6:30 PM in the Grand Ballroom, across from the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Office, at the Fort Worth Masonic Temple. The first of these talks will be on February 25, 2016. The topic will be "The History of Masonry in Texas; 1850 to 1900," presented by Hon. Gary Alexander 32ᵒKCCH. Ms. Addie Bryan Ms. Bryan and father SPRING 2016 REUNION The Spring 2016 Spring Reunion will be February 27, March 5 and March 12, 2016 at the Fort Worth Masonic Temple. All 29 degrees will be presented during the Reunion. Dallas Scottish Rite is providing the 15th and 24th Degrees. Opening ceremonies will be at 8 am on each day of the Reunion. This will be a three day Reunion. Candidates have the option of attending all three days or just the last day. Those attending the last day will receive only the terminal degrees plus two others. The DeMolays will be presenting the DeMolay Degree on the last day of the Reunion. The Rainbow girls will provide breakfast starting at 7am on the first and last day of the Reunion. The cost to become 32° Scottish Rite Mason is $500 unless the candidate is under the age of 32, then the cost is $250. These fees may be paid at the time of initiation or prepaid in installments. Some scholarship and matching funds are available for payment of fees. Candidates living over 60 miles from the Temple will be reimbursed up to $80 per Reunion day attended for lodging. Master Mason Degree Team The Valley’s Master Mason Degree Team announces that Hon. Joe Lipe 32ᵒ KCCH, Ill. Wil Pimentel, 33ᵒ and the Worshipful Sam Holden, 32ᵒ are team coordinators. Ill. Charley Blair, 33ᵒ is Chairman Emeritus. The team meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Temple for practice. All Scottish Rite Masons are invited to join or practice with the team. Call the office (817/335-6004) for details. 6 Eternal Knights of the Rosy Cross “There are stars that go out in the darkness … But whose silvery light shineth on … There are roses whose perfume still lingers… When the blossoms are faded and gone.” “There are hearts full of light and sweetness … When no longer their life current flows … Still their goodness lives on with the living … Like the souls of the star and the rose.” “Their toils are past, their work is done … And they are fullest blest … They fought the fight, the victory won … And entered into rest.” Our Departed Brothers James L. Adcock , Jr. 32º - September 9, 2015 Le Roy Bratcher 32º - DATE UNKNOWN Robert L. Bryant 32º - March 18, 2015 James W. Burwell 32º - November 23, 2015 Ledrew G. Bush 32º - May 11, 2015 Bernard Byrne 32º - June 10, 2015 Charles G. Carpenter 32º - October 15, 2014 Jack C. Clayton 32º - September 17, 2015 Darwin O. Daniel 32º - June 21, 2015 Jessie E. Ellis 32º - September 22, 2015 James W. Fish 32º - November 24, 2015 William D. Followill 32º - January 3, 2016 Billy M. Ford 32º - September 2, 2015 J. Grant Foster 32º - July 19, 2015 Daniel B. French 32º - July 2015 Alton G. Gardner 32º - October 28, 2014 David A. Green 32º - August 2, 2015 O. Richard Griffith 32º - DATE UNKNOWN Garland F. Ham 32º - DATE UNKNOWN James E. Harris , Jr. 32º KCCH - December 31, 2015 James W. Harvey , Jr. 32º - June 24, 2015 Perry A. Johnson 32º - August 10, 2015 Reuben W. Jones 32º - December 4, 2015 R. T. Koonce , Jr. 32º - December 12, 2015 Robert S. McClure 32º - December 3, 2015 James E. McKelva 32º - October 19, 2015 Bobby G. Moore 32º - October 3, 2015 Thurman O. Morrow 32º - March 3, 2015 Jack B. Morton 32º - August 29, 2015 Coy E. Mosley 32º - February 20, 2015 Travis W. Nicks 32º - December 30, 2015 Thomas R. Nissen 32º DATE UNKNOWN Guy B. O'Steen 32º - July 29, 2015 Johnny B. Rater 32º - October 6, 2015 J. Dexter Sammons 32º KCCH - September 18, 2015 Royce A. Sanders 32º - August 11, 2015 H. Houston Satterwhite , Jr. 32º September 13, 2015 Freddy J. Smith 32º - May 20, 2015 Daniel L. Soloman 32º - November 12, 2015 Billy R. Thomas 32º - December 1, 2015 James J. Thomas , Jr. 32º - February 5, 2015 Warren C. Trull 32º - July 21, 2015 Joe N. Vaughan 32º - September 24, 2015 John W. Waldie 32º - July 27, 2015 Warren S. White 32º - October 5, 2015 Billy J. Wilson 32º - September 11, 2015 Ronald D. Wright 32º - June 1, 2015 “Once again death hath summoned a member of our Fraternity, and the golden gateway to the Eternal City has opened with a welcome to home. The work of ministering to the wants of the afflicted, in shedding light into darkened souls and in bringing joy into the places of misery is completed, and as a reward has received the plaudit, “well done” from the Supreme Master. Please contact the Scottish Rite Office at 817-335-6004, to report death, sickness or distress of any Scottish Rite Mason or family member. 7 Change of Address? If you are planning to move, or have not received your newsletter, please contact Fort Worth Scottish Rite Bodies Ft. Worth Scottish Rite Bodies P.O. Box 1320 Ft. Worth, TX. 76101-1320 Return Service Requested P.O. Box 1320 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Fort Worth, TX. Permit No. 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76101-1320 817-335-6004 __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________ New Phone Number __________________________________ Email Address A forwarding order does not include bulk mail March 12 - Third Day of Spring 2016 Reunion and One Day February 17 - Fort Worth Scottish Rite Master Mason Degree Reunion - Opening Ceremonies at 8 am - Breakfast at 7 am Team Practice - Temple - 6:30 pm - open to all Scottish Rite Registration at 7 am Masons March 16 - Fort Worth Scottish Rite Master Mason Degree Team Practice - Temple - 6:30 pm - open to all Scottish Rite February 18 - Fort Worth Scottish Rite monthly meetings Stated at 6 pm and Dinner at 7 pm - Ladies invited - Regalia Masons February 25 - Fort Worth Scottish Rite Education Program 6:30pm - Temple Ballroom - Open to all Masters EAs and FCs - No regalia March 17 - Fort Worth Scottish Rite monthly meetings Stated at 6 pm and Dinner at 7 pm - Ladies invited - Regalia March 18 - 19 Scottish Rite Leadership Conference - Houston - Call office for details February 27 - First Day of Spring 2016 Reunion - Opening Ceremonies at 8 am - Breakfast at 7 am - Registration at 7 am March 24 - Masonic Study Group - 6:30 pm - Temple Floor March 5 - Second Day of Spring 2016 Reunion - Opening 4M - Open to all Masters, EAs and FCs Ceremonies at 8 am 8
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