MH NEWSLETTER Summer 2016 Web


MH NEWSLETTER Summer 2016 Web
On The Move
Malta House, Inc.
5 Prowitt Street
Norwalk, CT 06855
the newsletter of
norwalk, ct
summer 2016
Kimberley Petrone, Chairman
Thomas G. Kolenberg, Vice Chairman
Brian Tremblay, Treasurer
Heather P. Ribellino, Secretary
Want to Know How You’re
Helping With Our
“Five Year Plan”?
Christopher Bell
Michael T. Clear
Rudy Costello
Sharon Feighery
Mary Fox
Bernard Garra
Gregory Hardiman
Thomas Heckel
Reverend Reginald Norman
Michael J. O’Rourke
Barbara Ripp
Reverend Monsignor William Scheyd
Reverend Miroslaw Stachurski
Priscilla Toumey
A year ago, 5-year-old Raphael B.
entered All Saints Catholic
School in Norwalk as a kindergarten student. lmmacula, a
former resident and current
Partnering Success program client, was uncertain how she
would financially support her son’s education. But her
dream of enrolling him in a Catholic school became a
reality with the help of donors like yourself that support
the Malta House Education Program and the Bishop’s
Scholarship Fund.
John L. Altieri, Jr.
W. Mele Orendorf
Directors Emeriti
Lucy Freeman
Malta House Executive Director
malta house
On The Move
Our Wish List
For the Mothers & Babies of Malta House
Gift Cards:
Stop & Shop
Clothing Items:
Socks (mothers & babies)
Slippers (mothers & bablies)
Diaper bags
Sizes newborn to 6
Baby Wipes
Diaper (ointment) creams
Join us on Mon., Sept. 26, 2016, for our
Malta House Annual Golf Marathon
Bedding & Bath:
Towels and wash cloths
Twin size sheets/ blankets
plastic mattress covers
Shower curtain liners and
Baby towels and washcloths
Crib bedding
Receiving blankets
Bus Tokens
At All Saints, Raphael not only receives a quality education and
spiritual guidance, but the support of his peers through
extra-curricular activities. The class sizes are small, which
affords Raphael individualized support when needed.
Raphael praises both his principal, Mrs. Dunn, and his
grade school teacher as wonderful contributors to his
Each morning, he prepares enthusiastically for school in
anticipation of his day of learning. Raphael is involved
in various activities including the Pea Program, the After
School Program, and the Youth Wipkin Baseball League.
Raphael is currently attending the All Saints Summer
Camp with the gracious support of the staff and administrators at All Saints.
Please consider playing in our 17th Annual Malta
House Golf Marathon to be held on Monday,
September 26, 2016, at Innis Arden Golf Club in
Old Greenwich. Details at
Malta House is a 501(c) 3 Corporation and any donations made,
monetary or product, are tax-deductible. The new and expectant
mothers of Malta House and their babies are very thankful for
all the support our community offers. We also invite you
to volunteer your time at Malta House.
malta house, inc.
Newsletter design by Audrey Cozzarin, Norwalk, CT
5 prowitt street
norwalk, ct 06855
lmmacula is grateful to Malta House’s individual donors,
foundations, and the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund for making
this possible, and for helping to provide her son with the
best educational opportunity. Raphael is now thriving in
the classroom and well on his way to success.
For more information about how you can help Raphael
and other Malta House children, please contact Lucy
Freeman, Executive Director, 203-857-0088.
Your gifts do much more
than pay the bills
To those of you who have given to this ministry during the
past fiscal year, I want to offer a heart-felt “thank you” as the
new fiscal year begins. You may not know it, but you’ve done
so much more than pay a light bill – or even a salary. What
you may not realize is that when you give a gift to Malta House
you have offered all of us a healthy dose of encouragement.
While the names of those who give are kept confidential, we
are all uplifted to know that gifts are coming in and that there
are more and more families supporting this work.
A gift is received here with an unwritten message that says,
“We’re with you, and we’re in this together.” That speaks volumes when the days get difficult, when we’re tired and when
we wonder how to reach a client whose heart is broken.
We’re told that ministries are not about money and ours
certainly is not. Ours is about hearts – hearts being touched
and hearts being changed. Yet financial gifts are a tangible
way to say, “This is where my heart is”. Jesus had some
words on that subject in Luke 12:34 and the many of you
who give to this ministry are acting on His words. As we
begin fiscal year 2016-17 I want to let all of you who have
chosen to sacrifice financially on behalf of this ministry to
know that you are appreciated. You are changing the lives of
those who come through our doors, and encouraging us here
at Malta House to serve.
If you have not had the opportunity to give, now is the
perfect time. Your gift will assist this ministry to begin on a
strong note and jump-start us into this new fiscal year. But
more important, yours will be one more voice saying “I’m
with you.” “Keep on keeping on.”
And those words – even though
they are unseen, can make all
the difference in the world.
Have a wonderful summer and be
sure to spend time with your loved
ones just because you can. As God
gave us Jesus, a gift that we can
truly celebrate every day and this
time of year is a wonderful reminder
to pass it on.
May God Bless You,
Lucy Freeman, M.S., Executive Director
Malta House, Inc.
malta house
On The Move
Our Annual Gala
Malta House’s Most Important Fundraiser
On Saturday, May 14, 2016, more than 200 guests
attended Malta House’s Annual Gala. Held at the
Woodway Country Club in Darien, co-chairs, Laure
C. Aubuchon, Anne Celeste O’Rourke and Heather
Ribellino along with the committee worked extremely
hard to plan a wonderful and special evening.
After the cocktail reception, guests were welcomed
into the ballroom for dinner and the evening program.
During the program Malta House had the privilege
of recognizing and honoring Barbara M. Ripp with
the John Swanhaus Award. Barbara is not only a generous benefactor and an active member of the Board
of Directors, but she also has been personally active
in serving the women and babies of Malta House in
many ways over the years.
the Anne Celeste O’Rourke
malta house volunteer award
Presented to Janet Eick, May 1, 2016
“My life passion has been
working with children and
their parents. Malta House
is founded on the principle
that all children deserve the
same opportunity to succeed
regardless of demographic,
geographic, or economic
I greatly encourage you to volunteer at Malta House, if you
share a passion for the rewards
of making a difference in the
lives of children.”
Malta House is a good option for your bequest
We Welcomed
Three New
Babies So Far
This Year!
Are You “Willing” to do
Elias Mary 17, 2016
of the most effective and simplest ways you can
ensure that all the things you care about, including that
Malta House last long after you have gone, is by leaving
a bequest in your will. While oftentimes thought of as a
“planned gift” it is much more than that. It is a way for you
to leave a lasting legacy and to help us continue our great
work long into the future.
Anne Celeste O’Rourke (left) and
Janet Eick (right) during award
Arianne March 24, 2016
If you are “willing” to do good, it is important that you spell
out your intent and wishes in your will. While you have often
thought about doing so, thinking without action will not
make it happen. The most important thing is that you take
the steps today to ensure a lasting legacy to the organizations that you care the most about.
New! “Earn While You Learn” Program Comes to Malta House
We ask you to consider including Malta House on your list
of those organizations you want to see continue to reach
out and show the love of Christ to those in a difficult
situation; touching hearts and lives, one at a time with
compassionate mercy.
Malta House relies on volunteers and is blessed to have “angels”
such as Janet. Please contact Joan Howard, Malta House
Volunteer Coordinator at 203-857-0088 today!
Darrell April 16, 2016
Volunteers Needed!
Join us in this exciting new program for the residents of Malta
The Annual Gala is an important fundraiser and the
money raised enables Malta House to promote the
dignity of God-given life by providing a nurturing
home environment, support services and independent
living skills to pregnant and parenting mothers of all
faiths and their children.
It’s quite an easy thing to do. Talk with your family, talk
with your financial advisors, and then talk with us.
House, “Earn While You Learn,” a curriculum program designed to give hope and help to those who need it most. This
program has increased visits and inquiries for maternity homes
and pregnancy centers across the country addressing the needs
of abortion-vulnerable women. It has helped these same women chose life for their babies. There are 45 modules and 225
life lessons for volunteers to share with our young mothers. We
need your help to make this program a success!
Please contact Lucy Freeman, Malta House Executive
Director, at 203-857-0088,
Malta House is pleased to present this new empowerment
tool and needs your help! For info about volunteering to help
Malta House present the “Earn While You Learn” program
to its residents, contact Joan Howard, Volunteer Coordinator
today: 203-857-0088.
Photo of Michael O’Rourke and Barbara Ripp by Michelle Babyak.