
GRENOBLE IAE_Academic year 2015-2016
To contact the International Relations Office, you may send an email and we’ll try to answer you promptly.
Our telephone number is +33 4 76 82 83 23 or +33 4 76 82 54 70 and the school’s fax
number is + 33 4 76 82 59 99
Grenoble IAE
525, Avenue Centrale
38400 Saint Martin d’Hères
The Grenoble IAE is located in a brand new building on the Saint Martin d’Hères campus
(Get off at the Gabriel Fauré tram stop).
The International Relations Office is in the ground floor of the building. Office n° 25
All exchange students attending l’IAE will be welcomed by the International Relations Team
on September 7th for help with settling down. Please note that the school will be closed for
summer holidays from 22/07/2015 to 18/08/2015. You will therefore not get any answer to
your emails or phone calls if you try to reach us in this period!!!
On arrival, exchange students will receive the University Pierre Mendès France Student
Certificate which can be used in lieu of a student card before their formal registration.
Early September (date
to be confirmed)
Welcome day and integration seminar
University registration – More information to be sent in early July
Information on courses for the Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree will
be given by Masters degree coordinators
Mid of September
Courses beginning
All exchange students are expected to attend the meetings above to receive important
information and do the necessary paperwork. Students arriving after those dates might not
be able to register for the courses they selected.
IAE Academic Calendar
Semester 1 Start Date: 07/09/2015
Semester 2 Start Date: 30/01/2016
Warning : The exam dates and end of semester courses depend on each programme.
IAE Academic Holidays
Toussaint (All Saints) from 25/10/2015 to 01/11/2015
Noël (Xmas) from 24/12/2015 to 03/01/2016
Hiver (Winter) from 21/02/2016 to 28/02/2016
Pâques (Easter) from 17/04/2016 to 24/04/2016
As an admitted exchange student, you will receive an email message from the student
housing office – part of the International Students and Scholars Office at the Université
Grenoble Alpes– with a log-in and password so that you can request housing online.
You must complete your housing form before July 1, 2015 if you are planning on full-year
or first semester exchange, or November 15, 2015 if you will be at the IAE for the second
semester only.
If you are looking for private accommodation, here are a few starting points for your search.
The Office de Services Étudiants (OSE) gives information on student accommodation which
can be found on (subscription to the site is required)
Privately managed accommodation can also be found from la Société Dauphinoise pour
l'Habitat Residences Etudiants – SDH at or le Centre pour le Logement des
Etudiants de France – Clef at
A good starting point to look for private accommodation is and if you are
looking for flats you can share with other students (free subscription
to the site is required),, or
Housing Benefit
All foreign students are eligible to apply for a housing subsidy (Allocation Sociale au
Logement – ASL or Allocation Personnalisée au Logement - APL) from the CAF (Caisse
d’Allocation Familiale) which is conditional on the student's financial situation.
In order to apply, you must fulfil certain conditions including:
you must rent accommodation comprising of at least 9m² of living space per person
or 16m² for two people
you must pay the rent yourself and the lease must be in your name and not your
parent’s name
you must not be in receipt of any other housing benefit
You must have a valid French residence permit (except for EU students who only
need their ID card)
For the APL, you must rent an “officially agreed apartment”. Check for the APL sign
on the ad or with the owner
Further information on housing subsidies can be found on the website of CAF:
Quickly fill in the forms after moving in since it will take the CAF some time to process your
request and you may wait up to 2 months for the subsidy to be transferred onto your
As soon as you have an address in France, you can open a French bank account.
To open a bank account, you have to show your Student Card or your Student Certificate,
your ID card or passport and a proof of accommodation (electricity or phone bill). As soon as
your account is open, you can deposit your cash or traveller cheques and ask for your grant
money to be transferred to your account. Some banks offer special packages to students, so
ask around.
As soon as your account is open, ask for a check book and a RIB
Checks are frequently used in France as a convenient method of payment (you write the
exact amount to be paid on the check). It is very easy to pay your rent with a check for
Check books for non-resident's accounts are marked "Etranger" (foreigner). Checks drawn
on these accounts are universally accepted in France and Monaco and there is no limit to
the amount of money that can be drawn on the account. When you write a check in France,
you should always have proof of identity with you as you may be requested to show it. It is
illegal to stop a check in France unless it has been lost or stolen or the company to which it
is made out has gone bankrupt; it is also illegal to have an unauthorized overdraft in
A RIB or "Relevé d’Identité Bancaire" is a slip containing account information including your
branch code and location and your personal account number. You will need this number in
order to receive electronic money transfers from your bank in your home country and to
receive other automated electronic deposits to your account. This should be provided by
your bank several days after opening your account or can be obtained directly at the
branch, simply by asking for your "RIB".
You should begin the visa process as soon as possible; The attestation you will need for your
visa was sent with your acceptance letter. If you have requested housing with the CROUS,
your attestation de lodgement should be available about one month before your arrival
date.See the Université Grenoble Alpes website for details and first steps:
Whatever your country of origin, you MUST have Health, Hospital care and Third person
liability insurance to register at the university. Make sure that those three categories are
mentioned on your proof of insurance.
Exchange student
Students from the European Union must provide a photocopy of the Health Insurance
European card (students must ask for it at their home social security services). It must be
valid for the whole academic year up to 30/09/2016.
Students from outside the European Union must provide a proof of international medical
and social insurance cover taken out in their home country (and translated into French) or
taken out from a private insurance company in France. It must be valid for the whole
academic year up to 30/09/2016
Degree-seeking students
Students from the European Economic Area must provide a photocopy of the Health
Insurance European card (students must ask for it at their home social security services). It
must be valid for the whole academic year up to 30/09/15
Students from Quebec and Sweden must provide the form given by their home institution.
For all other students as well as students unable to provide the forms identified above,
subscription to the French Social Security regime will be compulsory. The fee is around
213€ (2014-2015).
So that students can make the most of their stay at IAE Grenoble, a French course will be
offered to interested foreign students during the first semester. The course is set at an
intermediate level and is composed of grammar revision as well as training in listening and
All students
- An official University certificate will be delivered to each student International Office at
IAE Grenoble pending formal registration .This certificate
may be used for
accommodation, visa, transportation just like your student card which will only be
available at the end of September, after official registration
Exchange students
- The registration form will be given upon your arrival on September 7th and will have to
be filled ideally on the same day; please make sure to have with you the requested
documents (see above)
Degree-seeking students
Registration will take place at the same time as other French degree seeking students
and information on dates will be given by Licence or Master’s degree coordinators and
secretarial offices.
Exchange students
- 2 recent passport size photographs
- a photocopy of your birth certificate or identity card (translated into French) or else of
your passport
- a photocopy of your social security form / card (E111 E128 for European students)
or a certificate testifying private insurance cover for non-Europeans; N.B. this
certificate must be translated and the dates must cover the full academic year from
September 1st 2015 to September 30th 2016.
Otherwise, the student can subscribe to private insurance on arrival such as Assistance
Etudiant (Fee around 213 € including certificate)
Degree-Seeking Graduate Students
2 recent passport size photographs
a photocopy of your birth certificate or identity card (translated into French or English)
or else of your passport.
- a photocopy of your most recent degree diploma (with an official translation)
- insurance policy covering risks incurred as a tenant
- A cheque or French postal money order for the amount required for subscription to
French Social Security (mandatory)
- Tuition fees: amount depends on the nature of the agreement between l’IAE and the
partner University
More information available on The Université Grenoble Alpes guides.