Le Book des Universités Partenaires


Le Book des Universités Partenaires
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Le Book des Universités
Institut d'Administration des Entreprises
Pôle d'Économie et de Gestion
2 Boulevard Gabriel - BP 26611 - 21066 DIJON Cedex
Tél : 03 80 39 57 48 - Fax : 03 80 39 54 88
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Chers étudiants,
Pour répondre aux défis de la
management doivent s’adapter au
contexte multiculturel dans lequel
évoluent les entreprises. Aujourd’hui, les
interculturelles constituent des atouts
majeurs sur le marché de l’emploi
européen et international. Pour permettre à ses étudiants de tirer pleinement parti de la
mondialisation, l’IAE de Dijon inscrit l’international au cœur de sa stratégie de
Plusieurs accords d’échange sont conclus avec des universités étrangères (Allemagne,
Chine, Espagne, Norvège, Pologne, Suisse, Taiwan…) et différentes formules d’accès à la
mobilité sont proposées aux étudiants : semestres d’études, stages en entreprise, année
internationale. La période d’études et/ou de stage effectuée à l’étranger est pleinement
reconnue par l’IAE qui valide les crédits obtenus par les étudiants (30 crédits ETCS pour un
semestre et 60 crédits ECTS pour une année complète).
Le Book des Universités Partenaires a pour objectif d’aider les étudiants à préparer leur
projet de mobilité. Ce document présente la liste des établissements universitaires
partenaires de l’IAE à l’international et communique des informations clés sur les
différentes destinations. De plus, le Service des Relations Internationales de l’IAE de Dijon
reste à votre disposition pour tout complément d’information.
Bonne lecture !
Maître de Conférences en Sciences de Gestion
Responsable des Relations Internationales
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Tous les étudiants inscrits à l’IAE de Dijon, désireux de partir à l’étranger, ont la possibilité
de postuler auprès du Service des Relations Internationales de l’IAE. Sont pris en compte
lors de la sélection, le niveau dans la langue du pays de destination (par exemple le TOIEC
est exigé pour certaines destinations), le niveau académique et la motivation de l’étudiant.
Pour faciliter leur séjour à l’étranger, les étudiants peuvent bénéficier d’aides financières :
gratuité des droits d’inscription dans l’université d’accueil, bourses Erasmus, bourses du
Conseil régional cumulables avec l’aide à la mobilité internationale du Ministère de
l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
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Université Johannes-Gutenberg (Mayence - Allemagne) .......................................................................... 5
Université Ludwig-Maximilians (Munich - Allemagne) .............................................................................. 7
Université Friedrich-Alexander (Nuremberg - Allemagne) ........................................................................ 9
Université Johannes-Gutenberg (Trêve - Allemagne) .............................................................................. 11
Université de Granada (Grenade – Espagne) ........................................................................................... 13
Université de Santiago de Compostela (Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle – Espagne)............................... 15
Université de Macerata (Macerata – Italie) ............................................................................................. 17
Université de Hedmark (Elverum – Norvège) .......................................................................................... 19
Université de Poznan (Poznan – Pologne) ............................................................................................... 20
Université de Lisboa (Lisbonne – Portugal) ............................................................................................. 21
Université Masarykova (Masaryk - République tchèque / Tchéquie)...................................................... 23
Université Jana Evangelisty Purkyne (Usti Nad Labem - République tchèque / Tchéquie) ..................... 25
Université de Craiova (Craiova - Roumanie) ............................................................................................ 27
Université Lucian Blaga (Sibiu - Roumanie ) ............................................................................................ 29
Université de Mariboru (Maribor – Slovénie) .......................................................................................... 30
Université de Fribourg (Fribourg - Suisse) ............................................................................................... 31
Université della Svizzera italiana (Lugano - Suisse) ................................................................................. 33
Université Normale de Shanghai SHNU (Shanghai - Chine) ..................................................................... 36
Université du Sichuan SCU (Chengdu - Chine) ......................................................................................... 38
Université Nationale de Chengchi NCCU (Taipei - Taiwan)...................................................................... 40
Universités québécoises (Programme CREPUQ)...................................................................................... 45
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Université de Konkuk (Séoul - Corée du Sud) .......................................................................................... 42
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Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Partez en Europe…
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Université Johannes-Gutenberg
(Mayence - Allemagne)
 General information
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29716
Erasmus Code: D MAINZ01
 Brief description
With about 35,000 students currently enrolled, 15% of whom are international, Johannes
Gutenberg-University (JGU) is one of the largest and most diverse universities in Germany.
JGU offers a broad scope of subjects and degree programmes, and its departments have a
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long tradition of international co-operations, including over 100 partner universities and
350 ERASMUS associates.
The campus of JGU is one of the largest in all of Germany and comprises most of its
departments. It is conveniently located ten minutes from downtown and easily accessible
via the public transportation system. Students at JGU can enjoy the comfort of a student
ticket which allows them to not only use the local bus and tram system, but also to ride
trains to several adjacent cities including Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, and Marburg.
The unlimited use of regional public transportation and the proximity to Frankfurt
International Airport and Frankfurt Hahn Airport (Ryan Air) place JGU students at the heart
of Germany and make it increasingly easy to travel.
The city of Mainz is part of the greater Rhine-Main area, a cultural hub with a plethora of
international business and commerce. The possibilities for career-furthering internships
and networking are endless, and the cultural diversity of our city welcomes people from all
walks of life.
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Université Ludwig-Maximilians
(Munich - Allemagne)
 General information
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29853
Erasmus Code: D MUNCHEN01
 Brief description
LMU Munich is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500year-long tradition. We build upon our success in the Excellence Initiative, a Germany-wide
competition promoting top-level university research, to enhance our research profile over
the next years and strengthen our position at an international level.
The know-how and creative intelligence of our academics form the foundation not only of
our success in the Excellence competition, but also of LMU’s outstanding research balance
as recognized by many national and international university rankings. The provision of
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equal opportunities for men and women is a key factor in increasing research and teaching
quality over the long term; by implementing targeted equal opportunity measures, we are
able to guarantee that the potential of its existing talent is utilized to the full.
Some 700 professors and 3,600 academic staff members conduct research and teach in the
university’s 18 faculties, offering a wide and well-differentiated spectrum that covers all
areas of knowledge, whether humanities and cultural sciences, law, economics and social
sciences, or medicine and the natural sciences. As a genuine “universitas” LMU Munich has
the unique opportunity and a deep obligation to deal with the ever more complex
questions facing humankind, society, culture, the environment and technology by creating
interdisciplinary solutions.
With degree programs available in 150 subjects in numerous combinations, the array of
courses we have to offer is extremely wide. Some 48,000 students, 14 percent of whom
come to us from abroad, are currently taking advantage of these opportunities. They view
their studies as an investment in the future, a launching pad for their later careers.
LMU Munich takes the education of young people very seriously. When we speak of
academic diversity, we also mean a comprehensive education that encompasses social
skills alongside a critical awareness of values and history. This includes the Munich legacy
of the Weisse Rose, the student-based resistance group that opposed Nazism.
We put our faith in open minds, imagination and promising ideas – that’s why I invite you
to join us to learn, teach and conduct research at LMU Munich!
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Source : http://www.en.uni-muenchen.de/about_lmu/index.html
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Université Friedrich-Alexander
(Nuremberg - Allemagne)
 General information
Erlangen / Nürnberg
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 28318
Erasmus Code: D ERLANGE01
 Brief description
The University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, founded in 1743, is one of the oldest in the country
and is particularly rich in tradition. It has 5 faculties with 22 Departments, educating more
than 26,000 students to the highest of standards. We excel not only in teaching, but also as
a centre for high-class research of international renown.
Our university offers one of the broadest spectrums of courses available at any German
university, at all levels from undergraduate to postgraduate. Students also enjoy excellent
teaching in a vibrant, stimulating and friendly student town.
We are always particularly pleased to receive applications from students from all parts of
the world, either to take all or part of their degree here or to participate in any one of a
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number of exchange programmes. Academic staff also come to the University of ErlangenNuremberg from all corners of the globe to teach and conduct research in an innovative,
dynamic and future-oriented environment.
We look forward to welcoming you.
The hallmark of the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg today, 260
years after its foundation is our commitment to both tradition and innovation. Our
university offers a wide spectrum of subjects, the diversity and interdisciplinary integration
of which is unique in Germany. We see this "integrated diversity" as the key feature that
enables us to enhance our profile in research and teaching while at the same time
promoting the process of internationalisation more intensively.
Today, new knowledge is increasingly the result of interdisciplinary research which is no
longer neatly compartmentalised within the traditional limits of academic subjects. Thanks
to the breadth of our subject range, our university offers an ideal environment in which to
generate this type of innovative research. This has enabled the university to secure a
leading place among the German universities in the German Research Foundation (DFG)
rankings and to attract a large number of Humboldt scholars, who have chosen our
university as the place to pursue their research. We are committed to the constant
improvement of our infrastructure, our study and research conditions and our serviceoriented administration, all of which are essential as the university forges ahead on its way
to becoming a first-class university of international renown.
Source :
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
In addition to giving guidance in the pursuit of academic study, excellence in academic
teaching requires us to develop new and innovative courses of study with an international
orientation which will qualify our students to face the professional challenges of the future.
Our career-focussed orientation is based on close co-operation with influential partners in
industry, finance and politics providing a network of steadfast support through
international exchange and individual contributions. A further priority in this respect is our
commitment to maintaining ties with our alumni.
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Université Johannes-Gutenberg
(Trêve - Allemagne)
 General information
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29829
Erasmus Code: D TRIER02
 Brief description
About 6,100 students are enrolled at our three campuses in Trier, Idar-Oberstein and
Birkenfeld making Trier University of Applied Sciences the largest in Rhineland-Palatinate.
Thanks to our international location in the region of southwestern Germany where three
countries meet, conditions here are ideal for preparing students for careers not just in
Germany, but also in Luxemburg, France or Belgium. Regarding this international
employment market on our doorstep, we offer a wide range of courses of study in
technology, business, law, design and computer science, while the Environmental Campus
of the FH Trier is concentrating on topics related to environmental issues.
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A course of study at Trier University of Applied Sciences means an education with a strong
practical focus combined with a solid theoretical foundation, and includes supervised
projects, a practical semester or a study semester abroad.
Through our excellent business contacts we can offer our students plenty of opportunities
for applied research and works, thus ensuring our courses remain up-to-date and meet the
demands of potential employers.
Cooperation agreements with many universities and third-level institutions worldwide,
double degrees and semester exchange programmes at all levels complete our
international profile. Our degrees have already been converted into the internationally
accredited bachelor and master degrees.
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Source : http://www.hochschule-trier.de
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Université de Granada
(Grenade – Espagne)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 28575
Erasmus Code: E GRANADA01
 Brief description
The University of Granada (UGR) was founded in 1531. As a classical university with around
78,656 students, 3,641 lecturers, 1,900 administrative and support staff, the UGR offers a
wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Every year over 4,800
international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study
programmes or via the approximately 800 network and bilateral exchange agreements in
which the UGR is involved. The UGR is the leading European university in number of
Erasmus students received, and in 2007, received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in
recognition of its contribution to the programme.
Due to its long-standing tradition, geographical location and high standards, both in
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 General information
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teaching and research, the Universidad de Granada (UGR) regards internationalisation as
one of its strategic aims. The UGR takes part in a wide number of mobility programmes and
co-operation projects with the European Union and Third Countries. The UGR has a longstanding involvement in a vast number of international projects financed through different
EU programmes such as the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Lifelong Learning
Programme (LLP), Tempus, Alfa, LLP, Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, etc…
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Université de Santiago de Compostela
(Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle – Espagne)
Santiago de Compostela
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29576
Erasmus Code: E SANTIAG01
 Brief description
The University of Granada (UGR) was founded in 1531. As a classical university with around
78,656 students, 3,641 lecturers, 1,900 administrative and support staff, the UGR offers a
wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Every year over 4,800
international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study
programmes or via the approximately 800 network and bilateral exchange agreements in
which the UGR is involved. The UGR is the leading European university in number of
Erasmus students received, and in 2007, received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in
recognition of its contribution to the programme.
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 General information
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Due to its long-standing tradition, geographical location and high standards, both in
teaching and research, the Universidad de Granada (UGR) regards internationalisation as
one of its strategic aims. The UGR takes part in a wide number of mobility programmes and
co-operation projects with the European Union and Third Countries. The UGR has a longstanding involvement in a vast number of international projects financed through different
EU programmes such as the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Lifelong Learning
Programme (LLP), Tempus, Alfa, LLP, Interreg, Erasmus Mundus, etc…
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Université de Macerata
(Macerata – Italie)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29217
Erasmus Code: I MACERAT01
 Brief description
The University of Macerata was founded in 1290. It includes 7 faculties (Cultural Heritage,
Economics, Law, Humanities & Literature, Communication, Education/Tourism, Political
Sciences) which enroll over 13.000 students. Macerata is a medieval town with an excellent
quality of life. It stands in the Province of Macerata which lies in the centre of the Marche
region, between the sea and the mountains, surrounded by soft rolling hills.
The University hosts an average of 150 exchange students per academic year. This allows
to guarantee a high standard of didactic and administrative services. About eight centuries
of social and personal history have rolled by, and through this time thousands of girls and
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boys became ruling class members, professionals, entrepreneurs, educators. We can surely
say that a bit of Italian, European and international history was built thanks to the all-times
graduates from the University of Macerata.
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Université de Hedmark
(Elverum – Norvège)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 29682
Erasmus Code: N ELVERUM01
 Brief description
Hedmark University College is located in the south-eastern part of Norway, approximately
2 hours drive north of Oslo. With more than 5000 students it is one of the largest university
colleges in Norway. The college provides high standards and modern research-based
The movement of students and staff across national borders is a central component in the
internationalisation process. Hedmark University College is internationally oriented and
emphasises student and staff exchanges through European and national cooperation
programmes and bilateral agreements.
Source :
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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Université de Poznan
(Poznan – Pologne)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 59287
Erasmus Code: PL POZNAN03
 Brief description
Established in 1926, the Poznań University of Economics is one of the leading business
schools in Poland. It is a state University currently attended by over 16.000 students. It has
five faculties - the Faculty of Commodity Science, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of
Informatics and Electronic Economy, the Faculty of International Business and Economics
and the Faculty of Management - which offer programmes at three academic levels
(Bachelor, Master and PhD) as well professional post graduate studies and MBA courses.
Source :
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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Université de Lisboa
(Lisbonne – Portugal)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
http://iscte-iul.pt >internacional
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 28701
Erasmus Code: P LISBOA07
 Brief description
The ISCTE Business School has the appropriate expertise to boost executives, organizations
and entrepreneurial skills in a progressively globalized world. We are reference in the
teaching of Management both in Portugal and in the Portuguese-speaking world, and we
aspire to similar recognition in Europe.
In terms of teaching and training, we have 1,500 bachelor students, 350 masters and
doctoral students, and over 800 students enrolled in the Executive Masters offered by
“INDEG-IUL – Executive Education”.
Our research unit, BRU-IUL, counts on with more than one hundred researchers, both
national and foreign, who produce cutting-edge research in the fields of accounting,
economics, finance, management, marketing, quantitative methods, and human resources
and organizational behavior. The breadth and scope of our research allows the transfer of
knowledge to organizations and society as a whole. The unit has its own dynamics with an
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International Scientific Board comprised of renowned foreign academics and an Audit
Committee comprised of national chartered accountants.
Our international presence is becoming increasingly relevant. We offer several masters and
Ph.D. programs in English that welcome a number of foreign students, dual degrees in
partnership with premier international schools, and master and Ph.D. programs that are
offered in Brazil, China, Cape Verde and Mozambique in association with reputed local
The ISCTE Business School has the largest student exchange program in Portugal, receiving
more than 200 students per year from all over the globe and sending an equal number of
students in the framework of partnerships with over 50 universities from every continent.
On an annual basis, IBS also organizes several overseas summer schools.
The School is internationally accredited by AMBA and is member of AACSB, EABIS and
EFMD. It is also the only national member of the AIBE – Alliance for International Business
Education, a network of schools that unites some of the most prestigious schools in Latin
America, U.S., Europe and Asia.
The School has a long tradition of links to the corporate world and offers, besides more
generic programs, specialized programs in the different areas of management at all levels
of teaching (bachelor, master and Ph.D.), unparalleled in the Portuguese university context.
The faculty comprises doctorates, national and foreign, and other prestigious professionals
like invited lecturers who are the first contact our students have with the corporate world.
We are most certainly at a level of development that allows us to face the challenges of the
future with optimism. I am counting on the support of all in our efforts to offer excellence
in education and an unmatched academic experience, and to achieve recognition at an
international level that we have consolidated at the national level.
Source : http://ibs.iscte.pt/en/discover-isctebusiness-school/about-iscte-businessschool
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Our graduates, postgraduates and doctorates are sought by the best national and
international corporates to occupy the most demanding positions, which give us a clear
signal of the reputation we have achieved.
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Université Masarykova
(Masaryk - République tchèque / Tchéquie)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 51225
Erasmus Code: CZ BRNO05
 Brief description
Masaryk University, located in Brno, is the second-largest public university in the Czech
Republic and the leading higher education institution in Moravia. At present it comprises
nine faculties with more than 200 departments, institutes and clinics. Recognized as one of
the most important teaching and research institutions in the Czech Republic and a highlyregarded Central European university, it has been marked by a strong democratic spirit ever
since its establishment in 1919. The university also plays a major role in the social and
cultural life of the South Moravia Region.
One of the top priorities for Masaryk University is scientific research. It has attained a
leading position in competitions for research grants, is making considerable financial
investments at its new university campus to enhance its research and teaching capacity and
is developing tools for the transfer of knowledge and improved support for research and
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 General information
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Masaryk University offers degrees in a wide spectrum of traditional as well as newlyemerging disciplines and is one of the fastest growing higher education institutions in
Europe. In recent years it has consistently attracted the largest number of applicants for
studies of any Czech university, which allows it to remain highly selective when admitting
students. Masaryk University was one of the first to introduce a three-tier structure of
studies based on the ECTS system for the transfer and accumulation of credits.
The university is heavily involved in the mobility activities and research programmes of the
European Union and other countries, thanks to which graduates of Bachelor’s or Master’s
studies at other institutions may continue at the Master’s or doctoral levels at Masaryk
University. The same principle applies to Masaryk University students, who may study
abroad and then return to their alma mater.
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Université Jana Evangelisty Purkyne
(Usti Nad Labem - République tchèque
/ Tchéquie)
Usti Nad Labem
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 47071
Erasmus Code: CZ USTINAD01
 Brief description
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem is the Czech Republic's first university
that has successfully passed the institutional assessment of the Accreditation commission of
the Government of CR, thus acquiring the right to run instruction in all study programmes
within the period of the forthcoming 6 years.
We have adopted the name of the renowned North-Bohemian native of Libochovice (17871869), the one of the founders of sciences such as biology, embryology, histology, modern
pharmacology, comparative anatomy, and anthropology. Besides, Purkyně ranks among the
world´s most outstanding physiologists.
Just as well-rounded a personality Purkyně in his time was, we too, in these days, offer a
wide variety of study programmes and specialisations (55 programmes and 173
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 General information
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specialisations) focusing on the most varied areas of human activities. Not only because of
that are we - with our assorted offer – attractive for the current young people.
We are a state-of-the-art scientific, pedagogic, and cultural & educational center of the Ústí
nad Labem region. We educate a number of students exceeding 10 000 and employ a staff of
about 900.
We proudly take credit for the municipality of Ústí nad Labem, and contribute in a significant
way to the development of the region.
UJEP University dates back to 1991, and is currently known as the umbrella term for 7
faculties and 1 institute. These are the Faculty of Social and Economic Studie, the Faculty of
Art and Design, the Faculty of Production Technology and Management, the Faculty of the
Environment, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Science, and
the Institute of Health Studies.
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Université de Craiova
(Craiova - Roumanie)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 56020
Erasmus Code: RO CRAIOVA01
 Brief description
The University of Craiova was founded pursuant to Law 138/25 April 1947. According
to University Web Ranking 2012, the University of Craiova ranks 10th in Romanian
universities and the 1707th internationally.
A university with an international vocation
The University of Craiova is integrated to the academic European community, sharing
its cultural, moral, scientific and educational values.
The University of Craiova is affiliated with EUA (European University Association),
CER - Conference of European Rectors; IAU - International Association of Universities;
IAUP -International Association of University Presidents; AUF - Agence Universitaire
de la Francophonie; BSUN - Black Sea Universities Network; AEUA - Association of
Arab and European Universities etc.
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 General information
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The University of Craiova has 122 ERASMUS partners and other 25 partners from
Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and South America.
A student-centred university
The University of Craiova will assist you in preparing for a successful career.
The University of Craiova is proud of its students’ and graduates’ achievements.
The University of Craiova has become a recruitment pool for multinational
companies, SMEs, institutions, etc. from Romania and Europe.
The University of Craiova provides students with accommodation in modern
residential halls, cafeterias, state-of-the-art libraries, sports and cultural facilities,
scholarships, mobilities, assistance in personal growth, etc.
The University of Craiova supports the public and entrepreneurial spirit and
promotes students involvement in voluntary work as added values for enhancing
their CVs.
A University in the service of community
The University of Craiova undertakes public accountability with respect to the quality
of the study programmes, scientific research and services to community.
The University of Craiova carries out strategic and operational partnerships with
representatives of the socio-economic and cultural environment (SMEs, multinational
companies, banks, public institutions, museums, theatres, etc.),meant to ensure a
solid practical training of students.
The University of Craiova lends special attention to meeting the market demands,
contributing to the enhancement of social cohesion and employability.
Source : http://www.ucv.ro/en/despre/
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Université Lucian Blaga
(Sibiu - Roumanie )
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 50428
Erasmus Code: RO SIBIU01
 Brief description
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu represents an important stage in the life of 20 000 students
that every year join a great family, a young one.
The Study program classification of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu counts more that 100
graduate programs and 120 master degrees accredited
Source : http://international.ulbsibiu.ro/
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Université de Mariboru
(Maribor – Slovénie)
Website of the city
Website International
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 60869
Erasmus Code: SI MARIBOR01
 Brief description
Established in 1975, the University of Maribor is a public university located in Maribor,
Slovenia. It comprises a total of 16 faculties and has a combined enrollment of roughly
25,000 students in its 192 study programmes, ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate
and professional education levels.
Source :
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 General information
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Université de Fribourg
(Fribourg - Suisse)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 258890
Erasmus Code: CH FRIBOUR01
 Brief description
At the University of Fribourg, we are committed to excellence in research and teaching and
we take pride in our truly interdisciplinary spirit. We continue to further develop our
international focus and above all we put humanity at the centre of our endeavours.
The University is Switzerland’s only bilingual one offering a full academic curriculum both in
French and German. A number of Master programmes are taught in English. The University
of Fribourg places scientific research that is closely linked to academic teaching at the heart
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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of its activities. The University has a noticeably international atmosphere. Its students and
professors hail from 110 countries. Studying in Fribourg offers a unique opportunity for
students to get intercultural insights, to improve language skills and therefore be ready for
today’s global job market.
The University is part of strategic networks of professionals and has developed strategic
partnerships worldwide that has special benefits for study, teaching and research. It
cooperates with universities worldwide in teaching and research. Students and teachers
have many options for study and work on international projects. A permanent quality
control is applied by internal and external evaluation.
Ultra-modern infrastructure is available for all students at all times – numerous libraries,
reading rooms, computer rooms and a foreign-language media centre on campus.
Institutions for social advice, grants, study and career guidance, housing, psychological
counselling, a nursery and spiritual guidance support students in their day-to-day life.
Fribourg is a very young town and an ancient city: young because well over 10 000 of the 70
000 inhabitants are students, and ancient because of its medieval heritage. It is one of
Europe’s most beautiful and best-preserved medieval ensembles. The University students
add vibrant rhythm and atmosphere to the town. A fantastic starting point for excursions
Fribourg and the region are a paradise for sports enthusiasts.
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Source :
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Université della Svizzera italiana
(Lugano - Suisse)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International
Erasmus programme
EUC Number (Charta): 259340
Erasmus Code: CH LUGANO01
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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 Brief description
Founded in 1996, the Università della Svizzera italiana, USI, is a member of the Swiss
university system, together with the nine other cantonal universities and the Federal
Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne. It is the only Italian-speaking university
Italy and comprises four Faculties: Architecture on the Mendrisio campus and
Communication Sciences, Economics and Informatics, on the Lugano campus. All the
Faculties follow the European study plan which awards a Bachelor degree after the first
three years of study and a Master Degree after the following two years.
Its geographical, political and cultural background has enabled USI to grow into a
multilingual academic institution with great international openness. More than half of the
students and professors come from abroad and the majority of the Master programmes
offered are taught in English, thus creating a cosmopolitan and multicultural environment.
USI is active in many innovative fields of research and participates in numerous national and
international networks of research.
Thanks to the collaboration of USI and its Alumni in the working world, students have great
opportunities to discover future job possibilities. A period of work experience with a
company or institution in Switzerland or abroad is either recommended or integrated in the
study curriculum. The USI Career Service assists students in their choice of internship and in
their job search.
For more information contact the Study Advisory Service for an individual meeting
Source :
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Its small size, close relationships between students and professors, the integration of
different disciplines, the generous space and the top-quality technical infrastructure allows
USI to offer ideal conditions for study and research.
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Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Partez en Asie…
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Université Normale de Shanghai SHNU
(Shanghai - Chine)
Website of the city
Website of the university
The School of Finance and
Business of Shanghai
Normal University
Website International
International Student
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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 Brief description
The School of Finance and Business (SFB) was freshly founded in May 2012. It grows out of
the College of Business and the College of Finance (formally the Institute of European
Culture and Commerce of Chinese-French cooperation in education merged with SinoAmerican Utah Institute of Science and Technology in November 2006).
Among the nearly 3,700 students in SFB, over 200 students are in the graduate programs,
and over 3,300 students are in the undergraduate programs. Up to 2012, School of Finance
and Business has received 623 international students, coming from 10 different countries
and over 20 partner universities.
The faculty and staff of SFB is comprised of over 130 full-time employees. Among the 86
professional teachers, 57 have doctoral degrees. 10 of them are professors and 37 associate
professors. In addition, the school has invited over 40 scholars, experts and the company
senior management personnel from home and abroad to teach as honorary professors or
guest professors. Over 70 scholars and experts from Europe and America come to teach or
conduct research at School of Finance and Business every year.
Students in SFB will take courses taught in English by our experienced faculty team covering
various Chinese business subjects. Students will have one of the most professional and
efficient training of Chinese language. In addition to classroom instruction, the School of
Finance and Business arranges also visits to historic scenic spots and industrial parks or
corporations in Shanghai during the semesters.
Students will establish new friendship and gain valuable experience that will benefit them
personally and later in their professional lives. Upon the successful completion of the
program study, students will be awarded education certificates from Shanghai Normal
Source : http://fb.shnu.edu.cn/
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
School of Finance and Business welcomes students from all over the world, and offers
international high grade undergraduate and graduate students a great opportunity to
explore the Chinese culture and business environment, experience the enthusiasm and
diversification of city of Shanghai. It will provide all the conveniences for their life, study,
work and social communication. With the program giving an excellent chance for
international students to gain valuable, first-hand experiences, it prepares each international
student for a better career development.
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Université du Sichuan SCU
(Chengdu - Chine)
Website of the city
Website of the university
The School of Economics
of Sichuan
Website International
International Student
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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 Brief description
Sichuan University is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry
of Education. Located in West China, it is identified as a key high-level comprehensive
research university under Project 985 and Project 211. The CPC Committee Secretary of the
University is Professor Yang Quanming, and the President is Professor Xie Heping.
Sichuan University is located in downtown Chengdu, a famous historic and cultural city
known as “the land of abundance”. It consists of three campuses of Wangjiang, Huaxi and
Jiangan, and covers an area of 7050 mu (470 hectares) with a floor area of 308 hectares. The
University, with its favorable environment and beautiful scenery, is a wonderful place for
learning and doing research.
Sichuan University has established contacts and cooperative relationships with over 150
renowned colleges and universities as well as research institutes from 42 countries and
regions. It has established all-dimensional, multi-layer and multi-form joint education
programs with 33 famous universities from over 10 countries including United States and
Australia and some European countries. The University has set up Jiuzhaigou International
Study Center for Ecology, Environment and Sustainability together with University of
California and University of Washington, Sino-US Institute for University Design with Arizona
State University, Sino-German Joint Center for Energy Research with Clausthal University of
Technology, Western China Poverty-Reduction Research Center with the State Council
Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, State Council Leading Group
Office of Western China Development, UNDP and the World Bank, Sichuan Post-Disaster
Reconstruction Support and Research Center with Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Source : http://www.scu.edu.cn/en/about/H6401index_1.htm
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
There are over 40,000 undergraduate students, over 20,000 master and PhD candidatesand
more than 1000 foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Since
2003, the University has been honored with 19 National Teaching Achievement Awards and
28 National Excellent Courses. 13 doctor students’ dissertations have been selected amongst
the top 100 Excellent Doctor Students Dissertations.
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Université Nationale de Chengchi NCCU
(Taipei - Taiwan)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International
International Student
 Brief description
National Chengchi University (NCCU) was founded in 1927. Over the past 8 decades through
re-formation and development, we have been upholding our motto, “Harmony,
Independence, Balance and Preeminence”, and have continued to refine our teaching
methods and research in order to nurture talent for our country and society.
We currently have 9 colleges excelling in the College of Liberal Arts, Law, Commerce,
Science, Foreign Languages and Literature, Social Sciences, Communication, International
Affairs, and Education, which comprise 34 departments and 45 graduate institutes (MA
programs). There are also 27 of the graduate institutes offering doctoral programs. In
addition, in acting upon the school policy of implementing our back-flow education, we have
founded 16 on-the-job MA programs.
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 General information
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NCCU also provides a series of public facilities including the Center for Public and Business
Administration Education, Social Science Information Center, Computer Center, Institute of
International Relations, Election Study Center, Center for the Third Sector, Center for
Creativity and Innovation Studies, Center for China Studies and Taiwan Studies Center to
support instructors and students’ educational needs. In addition, NCCU also has an affiliated
high school, an experimental elementary school and kindergarten, by which NCCU forms a
consistent and articulated education system from pre-school level to the Ph. D program.
Total Students: 15,993+
International Degree-Seeking Students: 525+
International Exchange Students: 441+
Outgoing Exchange Student: 445+
Chinese Learning Center Students: 386+
Total Faculty Members: 771+
Source : http://www.nccu.edu.tw/about
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Université de Konkuk
(Séoul - Corée du Sud)
Website of the city
Website of the university
Website International Office
International Student
 Brief description
Founded in 1931, one of the top 10 among the country's 370 universities offering a wide
range of courses for 120 undergraduate degrees, 74 graduate and 64 doctoral degrees.
A National Merit Institution
Three Campuses;
1. Main Campus at Seoul
2. Glocal Campus at Chungju
3. Pacific State University at LA, USA
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
 General information
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Students : 30,650 (International students : 2,578)
- Undergraduate : 25,780, Graduate : 4,878
Faculties and staffs
- Full-time faculties : 1,062, Lecturers : 1,538, Staffs : 564
Colleges : 19
Graduate Schools : 13
Research Centres : 70
- Junior High School
- Senior High School
- University Hospitals
- Konkuk Dairy & Ham
- The Classic 500(Senior Residence)
- KU Golf Pavilion
- Konkuk Star City
International partnership
333 Universities & Institutes in 51 countries
Partner Universities and Institutions List Download
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Source :
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Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Partez en Amérique
du Nord…
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Universités québécoises
(Programme CREPUQ)
La Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec (CREPUQ) est un
organisme privé qui regroupe, sur une base volontaire, 18 établissements universitaires
québécois. Afin d’encourager les relations entre peuples et cultures de pays différents, les
établissements universitaires du Québec, dans le cadre de la CREPUQ, ont établi des
programmes d’échanges d’étudiants (PEE) avec des établissements universitaires à
l’extérieur du Canada.
Une convention unit les conférences des présidents d’universités françaises et québécoises
pour faciliter les échanges d’étudiants. Cette convention permet aux étudiants inscrits dans
une université française de partir étudier au Québec dans une quinzaine d’universités
francophones ou anglophones pendant un trimestre ou une année universitaire.
programme :
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Consultez la liste des universités
Source :http://echanges-etudiants.crepuq.qc.ca/,
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Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Et bientôt dans le
reste du monde !
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Équipe RI de l’IAE
Angèle Renaud, Responsable des Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Email : angele.renaud@u-bourgogne.fr,
Bureau : 404 PEG (uniquement sur rendez-vous)
Viviane Meunier, Secrétaire des Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Email : viviane.meunier@u-bourgogne.fr,
Tél. 03 80 39 55 04, Bureau : 516 PEG (tous les jeudis)
Relations Internationales de l’IAE
Amélie Guittet, Responsable de la communication de l’IAE
(y compris du site Internet des RI),
Email : amelie.guittet@u-bourgogne.fr, Bureau : 106 PEG
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