Firbank. Aspire. Achieve.


Firbank. Aspire. Achieve.
Over the last weekend the Anglican Schools Australia (ASA) Conference was held in Melbourne.
This is an annual conference which brings together all of the Anglican Schools from across
Australia. The last time it was hosted by the Melbourne Schools was in 2008, so we enjoyed the
opportunity to play host again. The highlight was the Conference Opening on Friday 9 August
with a magnificent service in St Paul’s Cathedral. The 30 Anglican Schools representing their
communities gathered on the steps of St Paul’s each with the School Captain, Deputy Captain,
Chaplain and Principal walking proudly behind the raised school banners. It was an impressive
sight which stopped the traffic as the bells pealed out across the city.
The archbishop and regional bishops as well as a very special guest, Bishop Alexis
Bilindabagabo, Bishop of Gahini, Rwanda were part of the procession. The service, titled
“Celebrating Anglican Schools, Where Faith Meets Learning” was a very clear demonstration of
the strength of our schools – and the connection we have with one another.
All schools had a particular part to play in the service and I was very proud of the Firbank girls.
Bel Canto sang the anthem “Enter, O Lord, this House” and was superb. Ms Philippa Jones who
directs them is to be congratulated on the excellent standard of their performance.
The conference provided challenging speakers who discussed Christianity in the modern world
and the difficulties posed by our materialistic, western expectations and attitudes that have
shaped the present and potentially threaten the future. Principals, Chaplains and teachers
gained much from this conference, the keynote address and the practical workshops.
From the Principal
16 August 2013
Recently, Firbank hosted the Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) ‘Roundtable Conference’ which
united Principals, Business Managers and Board Chairs from local independent schools to meet
the candidates for Goldstein. The Liberal Party sitting Member, Andrew Robb, the Labor Party
candidate, Daniel Guttmann and the Australian Greens candidiate, Rose Read were happy to
share their party’s intentions for education. We were most interested in what each was proposing
for our sector, specifically.
The Coalition has given an undertaking to provide certainty of Funding for the school year 2014,
to match Commonwealth Funding for schools committed by Labor over the forward estimates
and to amend the Australian Education Act to return authority to schools.
The Labor Party has determined that the states sign up to their education ‘package’ governed
by the ‘Gonski’ recommendations. Exactly where our schools sits with this is uncertain, as the
Gonski model has had several iterations.
The Greens have little interest in the independent sector of Education in our country. Their
focus is on the Government school sector with the commitment that ‘the Greens will continue
to advocate passionately for public schools’. They discount parental choice in education and
the idea that all the taxpayers have a right to receiving funding from the government for their
With the Federal election scheduled to Sept 7, I urge all parents to take particular note of the
education policies of the major parties and in particular to be clear about each party’s intention
towards the independent school sector. Their policies will be critical for our future as a sector.
Dr Anne Sarros
From the Head of Campus
I am sure the many parents and teachers who were in attendance will agree with me when I say
that last week’s Assembly was truly inspirational. With a wide variety of items on display, it was
the Prep students who attracted the large, supportive audience and who amazed us. During
our weekly Assembly, each class has a turn to showcase their learning and we were treated to
items from the Music and Chinese lessons as well as given a clear overview of what has been
happening in their learning. However, the outstanding feature for me was how each and every
child spoke with confidence, with a smile and without notes. The girls clearly demonstrated that,
not only were they learning in an interesting way, but that they connected to their learning and
loved what they were doing. The confidence the students showed was a result of this passion
for what they were sharing. It was fantastic to see this in such young students. Assembly also
featured aerobics teams, 3W and Prep students presenting a music piece, our Jazz Combo
accompanying the National Anthem and our School Captains leading this all with the quiet
confidence for which they are so well respected.
We have had many noteworthy events since our last newsletter some of which will be shared
with the girls over the next few Assemblies.
Junior School
Brighton Campus
16 August 2013
Last Saturday, I had the privilege of attending the Regional Robocup Competition to support
the three teams we fielded from Firbank. Over the past few years, girls have been introduced
to robotics in Years 3 and 4. This year, we decided to select teams to train and present at this
competition. The girls have been working hard on creating and programing robots, creating
backdrops and costumes and planning a dance routine for the presentations. Competitors
have a choice and can enter a robot programed to perform a rescue, play a game of soccer
or, the Firbank choice, to perform a theatrical dance that tells a story. At the competition, the
dedication and knowledge of Paul Mears was evident as the girls took first, second and third
places! Congratulations to the girls involved, thanks to Paul Mears, for his ongoing dedication,
to Juliet Wegdam for her support of the girls in creating the backdrops and decorating the robots
and to Kim Mears for choreographing the steps the girls performed. I congratulate the girls on
their effort and success, but also on their behaviour and representation of Firbank on the day.
Girls supported all performances, Firbank’s and other schools and cheered and encouraged
all participants. We are proud to have them represent the school. I look forward to next Friday
when the girls compete in the State Championships at Scienceworks and expect them to have
as much fun as they did last week.
On Monday night, our girls performed at the Melbourne Recital Centre as part of a combined
school concert with Brighton Grammar School. Girls performed in a combined choir, band and
orchestra and enjoyed the opportunity of working with students from the Sandringham Campus
and Brighton Grammar School as well as sharing a concert with the Senior Schools. Thank
you to Anna Pilcher for her dedication in preparing the girls and to all the staff who assisted with
crowd control and organisation on the night.
Over the past two weeks we have opened our doors to teachers from other PYP schools in
Melbourne as part of the Open Schools Fortnight. We have welcomed over 60 teachers to our
school and have enjoyed the feedback we received as a result of the visits. We are always
proud to show off our school and programs and teachers enjoy the positive feedback they
receive as well as talking to and learning from colleagues in the program. Most of our teachers
also had the opportunity of visiting PYP schools and have come back with many ideas. This
fantastic opportunity is available to us as a member of a very active network and certainly valued
by the staff.
The next few weeks will be busy and exciting and will include a dress up day to celebrate Book
Week with the theme “Read Across the Universe”. Aerobic teams will be competing at the State
Championships and we look forward to hearing the results. The Year 6 students continue with
rehearsals for the musical “The Wizard of Oz” and the Art department is preparing .for the
Turner House Art Show to be held at Brighton Town Hall during the last week of term.
Michelle Phillips
Term 3 Week 6
Monday, 19 August
Tuesday, 20 August
8:00 – 8:45
1:30 – 2:15
3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30 AROUND THE SCHOOL
Chess Club
ELC School Photographs
Aerobics teams of 4
String Orchestra Rehearsal
After School Sport (Year 6)
Year 4 RoboCup Training @ FLIC Senior School (Paul Mears)
Wednesday, 21 August
Fun & Fitness
ELC School Photographs
Aerobics teams of 2 and 3
Maths Olympiad #4
Snow Camp Meeting, SH Learning Hub
Thursday, 22 August
11:00 2:00 – 5:00 3:30 – 4:30 5:00
Swimming Squad Training
ELC School Photographs
Aerobics Training for all teams
Year 6 Musical Rehearsal at BGS (full company) – pick up from BGS
After School Sport (Years 4 & 5)
Chamber Concert @CCA
Friday, 23 August
8:00 – 8:45
9:00 – 9:45
4:30 approx
‘DRESS UP DAY’ – ‘Read Across the Universe’ for Book Week
TH Choir Rehearsal @ Music Room
Bus for RoboCup Final at Scienceworks
ELC School Photographs
ASSEMBLY - please note change of time.
Bus returns from Scienceworks to Turner House
PLEASE NOTE: PATH Disco on Friday, 30 August begins at 6.00 p.m. not 6.30 p.m.
News from ELC
In the Early Learning Centre we are guided in our curriculum development by the PYP and the
Early Years Learning Framework- EYLF. One of the outcomes from the EYLF is “children are
connected with and contribute to their world.”
As educators, we believe it is really important that children develop a close connection to the
natural world. Many of the issues that will face us in the future will be connected with how we
manage and interact with nature. It’s important that they understand its relevance to their lives
and the many ways in which they are connected to it. They must create a bond and see the
relevance and meaning within their own lives. Many years ago, when I first started teaching, I
had prepared a series of what I thought were interesting and stimulating activities. At one point,
I turned around to see my group of 4 years olds gathered around the vase of poppies that I had
placed on a table. They were beginning to release the green pods that hold the petals together
and the petals had begun to unfurl. They were fascinated and curious about why this was
happening. They marvelled in the simplicity and beauty of these flowers. At this point, I realised
that this was the important teaching moment for these children not the series of table activities I
had prepared. Here was an opportunity for children to connect with nature.
Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods –Saving our children from nature-deficit
disorder, talks about the importance of the bond between children and nature. He talks about
the growing body of research that “links our mental, physical and spiritual health directly to our
association with nature”. He continues to remind us that ,“Today, kids are aware of the global
threats to the environment – but their physical contact, their intimacy with nature is fading”.
In the Early Learning Centre, we have spent time talking about rubbish and the children now sort
their rubbish into compost, mixed recyclables and landfill. We have set up a digging patch with
the help of Milton from the grounds department. The children have planted vegetables and bulbs
and are excited about the imminent arrival of the guinea pigs. Our Units of Inquiry encourage
discussions and questioning. Curiosity is promoted. We hope that we can instil in the children a
lifelong interest in the natural environment.
Mary Grummet
Director – Early Learning
On Thursday last week the Preps celebrated their 100th Day of School. All students brought to
school a variety of objects, all in groups of 100 and students also made a collage of themselves
titled ‘When I am 100, I will be…’ We were treated to explanations including:
‘When I am 100, I will be taking my grandchildren to the park’ by Meg
‘When I am 100, I will be knitting’ by Maya
‘When I am 100, I will be wearing floral tops’ by Isabella
Gillian McIlroy and Lauren Mirabella
Year 1
In Year 1 we are focusing on interdependence within ecosystems.
To help support this understanding we made terrariums or ‘mini’
ecosystems. The girls followed a procedure and collected the
materials they needed. They discussed the living and non-living
items that went into the ecosystem. One of the questions that came
up was, ‘Is the sun living?’ Discussions followed regarding how
all the items were necessary to keep the plant alive. To test the
interdependence of the living and non-living items some students
volunteered to leave out one of the necessary materials. Some
left out pebbles, sand, soil, water and even the sun. Of course we
needed girls to have all the elements to compare the growth with.
An interesting question came up, ‘Do we take the lid off to water it?’
The next day that questions was answered through the girls’ observations. This is what they
discovered, ‘The terrarium made fog, the fog will melt and that will water the plant!’ 1C and 1S
look forward to more observations and questions being answered.
Kathy Chapman and Nicole Spence
Book Week
Every year the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) holds “book week” in August. This
year’s Book Week will run from 17 August to 23 August 2013. Book Week is Australia’s longest
running children’s festival and is a celebration of books and Australian authors and illustrators.
This year’s theme is “Read across the Universe. Next time you’re in school, drop by the library
to look at some of this year’s CBCA shortlisted books.
The Library Committee will hold a number of events during Book Week, which will culminate
in a dress up day on Friday 23 August. Students and teachers are invited to dress up as their
favourite book character or in dress related to the theme “Read across the Universe”. Assembly
will be held at 9:00am on Friday, 23 August to allow for a parade of costumes. Use items that
you already have at home to create a costume and please note that students will need to remove
any item that they can’t work safely in after the parade.
Premiers’ Reading Challenge
There aren’t many weeks left in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Reading records must be
completed online in order to be eligible for the Challenge. The deadline for completing reading
records is 5 September 2013. After this date, the Challenge is closed and I will verify all reading
records between 5 September and 11 September 2013.
Once again, please ensure that your daughter is recording the books she is reading online. All
registered entrants have received a username and a password to access their accounts. Go
to and click “student login” to enter the username and
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the library on Tuesday,
Wednesday or Friday. I can also be contacted via email at (
Beth Dressler
Teacher Librarian/Information Literacy specialist
Cool Australia’s Enviroweek - 25 - 31 August
As part of Enviroweek Turner House has planned to have a week of:-
Nude lunches –send your daughter to school each day without any packaging in her l
Wednesday 28 August - Toy Swap or Donate – Old toys in the toy basket? Need to make
room for new things? Send your old toys to school to either be placed in the ELC or Prep
classrooms or exchanged with other girls. Toys must be clean and in good working order to
be included in the TOY Exchange. Girls can start bringing their old toys on Wednesday 21
August. They will be collected from the classrooms. The girls will get a ticket for every toy
they donate. They can redeem their tickets at the Toy Exchange.
Friday 30 August – Turner House Walk Safely to School day. Girls can walk, skate, scoot
and ride to school to help the environment.
I hope you can think of things to do at home that will celebrate looking after our planet.
Kerrie Maddern
Sustainability Coordinator, Turner House
Ski Camp
Last week, students from Years 5 and 6 attended the Turner House Ski Camp. Students
participated in 12 hours of lessons conducted by Mt Buller Ski School. They were also fortunate
to have parents from Turner House assist with supervision during free skiing periods in the
afternoon. I would sincerely like to thank Scott McElroy, Andrew Cox, Samantha McLean, Julia
and Craig Hosie and Brendan Dow for their assistance during the camp.
Lauren Mirabella
School Captains’ Report
WOW! What a fabulous term it has been so far! We have had a very busy week and we have a
very exciting week ahead.
Our House Athletics Carnival was a great day and congratulations to all the houses and their
captains and all the girls that competed, everyone was fantastic ! A big thank you to Miss Mills
for organising the day.
Ski camp was a very exciting couple of days for all the girls who went up to Mt Buller with Miss
Mirabella and Mr Bird. Everyone had a fabulous time and enjoyed the snow and we all had a fun
time skiing, for some of the girls it was their very first time seeing snow!
The MRC concert was a big success for the girls in the Orchestra,Choir and band . They all
played and sang beautifully and congratulations on an amazing concert.
The girls who competed in the Robotics Competition should be congratulated for their fantastic
achievement 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd. Thankyou to Mr and Mrs Mears and to Mrs Wegdam
for all their help.
This Friday the Aerobics teams will be competing at the State Championships. Good luck to
everyone. We know you will all do a fantastic job. Go Firbank Go!
The Year Sixes will be visiting the city on Wednesday to go to China Town and the Hollywood
Costume Exhibition at the ACMI, it is sure to be a fabulous day.
It’s nearly Fathers Day which mean the Fathers Day Stall and Father Daughter Disco are coming
up ! The theme for the disco is Bop till you Drop with a touch of Bling ! It promises to be a great
night for all the girls and dads at Turner House and we are looking forward to seeing you all
Aisha Dalal and Annabel Cox
School Captains 2013
A huge thank you to the following mums who helped wrap gifts so beautifully for our upcoming
Fathers Day Stall - Michelle Riordan, Katie McNamara, Nicki Fischer, Lyndall Dugdale, Karen
Grooby, Bronwyn Roberts, Tara Stewart, Petrina Miller, Marsha Tamplin and Bec Casey. The
stall will be held on Wednesday, 28 August at recess and lunchtime in the old Prep Classroom
so remember to bring your money as no credit will be given on the day.
Bop ‘til you drop with a touch of bling! Preparations for the Father Daughter Disco to be held on
Friday, 30 August, from 6pm, are now well and truly underway with the night shaping up to be a
fantastic event for all the girls and dads with plenty of dancing, food and entertainment. Tickets
are available at Please let us know if you would like to help
with set up on the day or during the night via the path email as all help
is greatly welcomed and much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing all of the girls and dads
on the night.
A reminder that the Turner House Art Show will be held at the Brighton Town Hall on Monday, 16
and Tuesday, 17 September with invitations to all families to arrive shortly.
Sarah Cox and Rosie Gordon
Firbank Association Meeting
The next Firbank Association meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 August at 6.30 p.m. in the
Turner House SMAART Meeting Room. All members of the Firbank Community are invited to
attend. The remaining date for the Firbank Association meetings is:
19 November AGM followed by Ordinary Meeting
Firbank Tennis Club
A big congratulations to Claudia Cox who won the Best Training Record for the Firbank Tennis
Club for the Summer 2013 Season. This was a terrific effort from Claudia.
Good Luck to the Turner House students who are representing Firbank in the Moorabbin and
District Junior Tennis Competition this season in Section 9 - Claire Schafter-Jacoby, Roosa
Rautee, Amelia Jones, Claudia Cox, Ella Brown and Grace Larkan. We look forward to a great
season of tennis and to more Turner House students becoming involved in the Firbank Tennis
Club next season.
Hewitt Tennis Team
(Before and After School Care)
At OSHClub we are all about ‘Happy Children Learning’!
I would like to share with all the families that children in OSHClub are settling well. Last week we
had ‘Kids meeting’ at OSHClub; our students provided us with great ideas of activities which we
will be looking forward to include in our program.
We would like to meet all the children and the families of Firbank; therefore OSHClub has come
up with great offer. We are now providing one FREE!! session of either Before or After Care
(**New families only those who have never attended our program), you simply need to enroll
and book at then complete and present the flyer to the Coordinator at the
program when you attend.
Flyers are available at OSHClub program running in ELC Butteries room.
**Offer is valid until the end of Term 4, 2013. Book now so that you don’t miss out!
We will keep you updated about OSHClub program. If you have any questions related to the
program please feel free to call on 0402 673 289.
Puja Tuli
Are the kids asking for something to do after school? Are they wanting to go on another play date? Why not organise a big play date
in an after school program?
There are lots of programs to choose from in the attached flyer or consider one of our new programs:
Starting on Wednesday 7 August in GBR Hall we are offering fencing classes (with modified plastic equipment) with Australian Fencer
and Victorian Coach Chris Jones and Former GB Team member and Australian National Champion Steve Glaister. Practical skills in an
easy to understand, hands on environment where children learn tactical planning and grow their imaginations. Learn the art of fencing
just like the heroes of the movies! Come and try a free introductory class to see what it’s all about at 5.30pm. For any secondary
students, we also have an older student class at 6.30pm. Contact Chris 0409 013 171,
Hip Hop
Two of Australia’s most acclaimed performers have developed a hip hop program that offers life long skill development: teamwork,
endurance, creativity, fitness and many other character traits will be learnt! If your child wants to be the Timomatic of the future, why
not consider enrolling them in a Dance Oz hip hop program. Wednesdays in Sandringham
For additional information about these or other programs please see the Sh@re Community Campus website at