available here - Pro-Life Union of Delaware County


available here - Pro-Life Union of Delaware County
Crisis Pregnancy Hotline
February 2016
As the calendar turns to February, Christians
begin their Lenten penance, and their preparation
for Easter. For pro-life people, another 40 Days for
Life campaign begins on Ash Wednesday, and
extends through this penitential season. Those who
volunteer will face cold, and perhaps icy rain, snow,
and sleet. Some of those who filled the one hour
vigils in the fall will not be able to take on the same
challenge during the winter. Therefore, keeping the
pro-life presence will either require more
participation from those who are strong enough, or
the recruitment of more of our friends and family.
For Delaware County pro-lifers, there are two campaigns nearby. Dr. Monique Ruberu
(roobearoo@hotmail.com), and Pat Stanton are the two leaders of this effort at the Planned
Parenthood abortion center at 12th & Locust in Philadelphia. This is the darkest place in Pennsylvania,
and it is here that about one of every four Pennsylvania abortions takes place each year. While it is a
challenge to get in and out, there is no place where your presence can do more good. It is an enormous
task to fill 12 one hour slots for 40 days.
Also, Paulette Mathews (PauletteMatthews@hotmail.com) coordinates a 40 Days campaign outside
of the Westchester Planned Parenthood in Chester County.
We all can lighten the load for these good people by volunteering in advance. Perhaps you could
recruit some of the pro-life members of your parish, and volunteer to cover 1 full day, or part of a day.
You can also sign up individually at: https://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/philadelphia/, and
select the time that works best for you. You can sign up alone, or fill an hour with a friend, or two, or
more. But, it is important to keep a presence in front of those who need to see our witness for Life.
‘Say No to Planned Parenthood’ in Upper Darby
on Saturday, February 6th
Join us for 8:30 a.m. Mass
St. Laurence, Upper Darby
followed by a prayerful vigil
at 9:30 a.m. at PP
7200 Chestnut Street, Upper Darby
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"The Gates of Hell will not prevail against you."
Many think of this phrase, as a protection against
an attack by the forces of evil, and an assurance that they will not be overcome.
But, that is backward. In ancient times,
the Gate was the fortified entrance to a city, or town.
Therefore, the Gates of Hell describes the barriers that surround and protect Evil.
From whom?
From us!
But we cannot overcome the Gates of Hell unless we confront them.
Victory requires confronting the Evil.
And, we are promised that - when we do, the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against us!
The Gates of Hell consist of Ignorance and Apathy.
Evil hides behind these two doors.
It glories in misinformation, lies, and distortion.
These cannot be defeated unless they are confronted.
Apathy is overcome by our commitment to act.
Ignorance is overcome by our witness.
Starting on Ash Wednesday - February 10, your presence
is needed at the Gates of Hell.
It is the start of 40 Days for Life.
Thousands of people will be out, all over our nation - serving as a Light against the Darkness of
Will you be there too?
Your presence is the key to victory.
It is against your faithful presence that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail.
It is time for those who love Life to allow their joyful love to triumph over the dark evil of Planned
Please come and be counted.
You can find a place by visiting either the 40 Days for Life website.
Your presence will be a beacon of hope to desperate mothers,
a witness to the human dignity of each unborn child,
and a peaceful, prayerful outreach to those poor, damaged souls who work inside these awful
places and YOUR witness may eventually help to heal them, and lead them home.
Please answer the call. Make a difference. You will be abundantly blessed, as will those who
encounter your witness for Life.
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Pennsylvania’s Official Abortion Statistics
Report: Abortion Rise Slightly in PA
HARRISBURG, Pa. – Abortions increased slightly statewide in Pennsylvania in 2014, according to figures
released by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
“Even a slight increase in the abortion totals is troubling,” said Maria Gallagher, legislative director for the
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, the state affiliate of National Right to Life. “Eighteen more preborn children
lost their lives to abortion in 2014, compared with the previous year. That’s nearly the equivalent of one
kindergarten class,” said Gallagher.
The DOH statistics show 32,126 abortions occurred in the Keystone State in 2014. The vast majority of the
abortions occurred in four counties: Allegheny, Dauphin, Northampton, and Philadelphia.
Still, the 2014 total represents a 51.2 percent decrease from the record high number of 65,777 in 1980. The
dramatic decrease in abortions over the past few decades can be attributed to a number of factors, including
protective laws such as the Abortion Control Act, which provides for informed consent, parental consent, and
24-hour waiting periods for abortion.
The closing of abortion centers, the advent of 4D ultrasound technology, and the rise of social media have
also had an effect in lowering abortion totals over the last decade.
“The abortion rate in Pennsylvania would also be much higher were it not for the state’s Alternatives to
Abortion program, which is administered by Real Alternatives, Inc. (www.realalternatives.org ),” Gallagher added.
“This ground-breaking program provides women with comprehensive counseling and material aid so that
women are fully supported during their pregnancies. Real Alternatives centers, along with other pro-life
pregnancy help centers throughout the Commonwealth, are offering a much-needed lifeline to women and their
families. Women can receive everything from diapers to day care referrals, and from mentoring to maternity
clothes, thanks to these incredible centers,” Gallagher said.
Note: The full report can be downloaded here: http://www.paprolife.org/pa-abortion-statistics/
Delaware County
Abortions performed on mothers from Delaware County amounted to 1,611. Abortions performed in our
county totaled 139. (Most of these were chemical abortions.) Of the 12 Pennsylvania counties where abortions
are committed, Delaware was the second lowest. Approximately HALF of all Pennsylvania abortions are
committed in Philadelphia.
************Legislative Alert! Please Act Today*************
Subject Line: Put "Priorities" Language into the Fiscal Code
Pennsylvanians have been electing pro-life legislators for many years, but no action ever seems to
takes place to advance the Cause of Life. At a very minimum, we should be able to prioritize funding
for "Women's Healthcare Services" toward the non-controversial providers of those services - rather
than to Planned Parenthood.
PA Senate Rules Committee: This Committee has 17 members, of which 10 are pro-life Republicans.
Please Contact these Pro-Life Republican Members:
Jake Corman
John Gordner
Joe Scarnati
Richard Alloway
Michele Brooks
Mike Folmer
Gene Yaw
Pat Stefano
Tommy Tomlinson
Don White
(717) 787-1377
(717) 787-4651
(717) 787-1322
717) 787-5708
(717) 787-3280
717) 787-7175
(717) 787-5072
(717) 787-8724
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Pro-Life Summit focuses on “Adoption the Loving Option”
On January 16, at the Archdiocese Pastoral Center, prolifers gathered to learn more about the loving option of
adoption. Below is the article from Lou Baldwin.
The Pro-Life Summit meeting “Celebrating Family” was
sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Life and Family at
the adjoining Archdiocesan Pastoral Center. A number of the
participants got an earlier start through a pro-life witness at
the Planned Parenthood Center at 12th and Locust Streets,
“I think it is great talking about adoption,” said Patrick
Stanton, a pro-life advocate who is continuing a family
tradition begun by his late father, abortion foe John Stanton.
Maria Malone and Jenny Galiani, co-founders of
“We saw 30 little girls going into an abortion clinic this
Adoption is a Loving Option, speak on the process
morning,” Stanton said. “If we could only connect to the
of adoption at the ProLife Summit in Philadelphia.
families wanting to adopt, it would be a home run.”
Stanton doesn’t just talk, he acts. He and his wife already were parents of seven children when they two adopted
more, then 15 and 9 years of age; now they are 21 and 25. The younger child was adopted from Mexico because local
agencies would not give a child to so large a family. “We were happy to have the extra children,” Stanton said.
The Mass was celebrated by Father Kenneth Brabazon, who stressed the gravity that the church places on the sin
of abortion, but nonetheless offers healing. He noted that in church law forgiveness after the confession of abortion
is normally reserved to bishops.
But in many dioceses, including Philadelphia, the faculty to forgive after abortion is extended to all of their
priests. Pope Francis during this Jubilee Year of Mercy has given the faculty to all priests worldwide.
Because of the pope’s action, “many have approached the confessional,” Father Brabazon said. “Much is
accomplished through prayer and God’s mercy.”
Noticeable at the Mass was a group of 15 young teens, all students at Mercy Vocational School who will be part
of their school’s contingent at the Friday, Jan. 22 March for Life in Washington. “I’m against abortion. I think it is
wrong for any child to be aborted,” said Mercy student Gabrielle Edwards who will be travelling to Washington for
her second time at the march.
Jenny Galiani and Maria Malone, the co-founders of Adoption as a Loving Option, were the presenters at the
program that followed.
Maria and Mike Malone have three adopted children, Nick, Alex and Michaela. Jenny and David have four
adopted children, Sophia, Rocco, Thomas and Grace. All were adopted as infants through agencies directly from the
mothers; some are open adoptions where the mothers still maintain contact. In these cases the adopting family pays
the expenses, and although all of the children were American-born, they come from around the country.
Galiani and Malone both speak to various schools including high school classes explaining the different types of
adoption and the distinction between foster care and adoption.
Only about two percent of the children conceived in an unwanted pregnancy are adopted, according to Malone, and
many of the rest are aborted. “We want to give a voice to unborn children through educating people about
adoption,” she said.
One advocate for life at the conference, Loretta Graham, who previously had a pro-life radio program, was an
unadopted baby who was born at St. Vincent Hospital. “My mother left me there and I was a ward of Catholic
Charities my whole childhood,” she said. “I was at St. Vincent’s Home and in foster care. I had a wonderful foster
mother. When I was at West Catholic High School I volunteered at St. Vincent’s. I was in Our Mother of Sorrows
Parish where Father (James) Daly was a saint and a real father to us. I got married in 1972 and am still married.”
Graham, who is African American, feels it a special mission to involve other African Americans into the pro-life
You might say all lives matter, especially babies.
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Flame of Love Celebration and Mass at:
St. Charles Seminary Wynnewood, PA
Tuesday February 2, 2016
“A Very Special Event”
6:00 PM
Music, Rosary, Testimonies
Special Presenter
Rev.Carl Pieber, CM,
Executive Director of the Miraculous Medal Shrine
7:30 PM
Holy Mass
Main Celebrant: Msgr. Ralph Chieffo
Concelebrants: Rev. Stephen DeLacy
Rev. James Otto
Rev. Carl Pieber, CM
Music provided by
“Spreading the Flame”
Ample Parking
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As many of you know, Crozer - the largest hospital system in Delaware County is back in the
abortion business - both at the main hospital and at Taylor. Crozer is opening a new facility at the old
Pathmark in Broomall. Now is the time to act!
Send an email or a letter to Crozer telling them you will not use any of their services until they stop
the killing of innocent babies – by abortion. This effort can succeed if many people write these letters
and send these emails. Kindly notify John Williamson after sending your correspondence (his email is
jpw0077@gmail.com) . Below is a sample email and letter to be sent:
email: katrina.stier@crozer.org
Crozer Keystone Health Systems
Corporate Headquarters
100 West Sproul Road
Springfield, PA 19064
Attn. Kate Stier
Dear Miss Stier:
I understand that you continue to do abortions and continue to rent space to abortion
providers. I will never use the Crozer system until this travesty ends. Please let me know
when you agree to stop doing Abortions on Crozer property.
Very truly yours,
(your name here)
Mothers Home
Mothers' Home provides a safe haven for vulnerable, pregnant women in
a crisis who choose life as a sacred gift. Mothers' Home was founded in 1991
and is located in Darby, Pennsylvania. As a program Mothers Home provides
hope and support for young adult women who choose life for their unborn
child despite rejection and abandonment. Mothers' Home provides shelter
for up to 28 women at a time. The program promotes empowerment and
self-sufficiency through supportive parenting, personal, and professional
training. It is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and a United
Way donor agency (ID #7357). Find out more at mothershome.org
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From the desk of… John Williamson, Esq.
Heroic Media - Reach
Pennsylvania Program
Heroic Media is an international, faith-based,
non-profit organization that utilizes media to
connect women with hopeful alternatives to
abortion and build a culture of Life. They have
been conducting advertising campaigns in our
area to bring Mother's into Pro Life pregnancy
Through this advertising and the money they
have received they have helped to save well over
100 children. Please consider donating monies
made out to Reach Pennsylvania and send to my
office at 720 N. Eagle Road, Havertown,
Pennsylvania 19083.
Pro-Life Advocate
Please consider supporting a Pro Life
advocate. An advocate would be a leader, a
fund raiser, a lit drop organizer, a newsletter
writer, an abortion clinic protestor, a Pro Life
lobbyist and an advocate in any other way to
save the lives of the unborn.
Thus far several Pro-lifers have pledged
monies for a Pro Life Advocate. They have
pledged from one dollar to seven dollars a day.
Please add your support by making a pledge.
Please call me to discuss a way to reduce your
assets and fund a Pro Life Advocate. (610-4465600) Donations can be made payable to the
Pro Life Union and mailed c/o 720 N. Eagle
Road, Havertown, PA 19083
A Request to Support the Work of Pro-Life Delco by Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Delco now has a 501(c)3 designation, making your donations tax deductible. So, I am asking for your
generous help and support, to help support our work. I also ask for any monthly pledges that you might give to the
Cause. For this work to continue, Pro-Life Delco needs your financial support.
Thank you for all the generosity and support you have already given to Pro-Life Delco in the past. I want to
assure you that your donation has been used to advance the Cause of Life. As we write this, we are seeking to
defund Planned Parenthood at both the state and federal level. We are hoping to find a way to bring back the real
definition of Marriage – and will have some news on a possible method soon. We will also be seeking to overturn the
so-called Johnson amendment which undermines Religious Liberty.
Finally, we have some enormously important elections coming up – in which the right to Life will be at stake.
Please circle your calendars for November 3, as Pennsylvania will be electing three Supreme Court Judges THIS
YEAR! It is imperative that every pro-life voter steps forward to support the pro-life candidates for this high office.
God bless you for whatever you are able to contribute to the Cause!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)
Pro-Life Delco is NOW a United Way Donor Option!
Checks can be sent to: “Pro-Life Delco” at 720 N. Eagle Rd., Havertown, PA 19083
of $25, $50, or $100 allows us to continue our work on behalf of the
* Pro-LifeYour
a United Way
Donor Option
Cause of Life. Your donation gives you a stake in each effort and each task that we undertake. We understand
that everyone cannot be lobbying in Harrisburg and Washington, or organizing vigils, or sending out newsletters.
But, we can only continue if you support our work. Please make it a habit to send a contribution each month to
support this ongoing work.
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Church Bulletin LifeLines
To the Parish Bulletin Editor:
Please include this information in your weekly Parish Bulletin. For additional
information contact Ted Meehan, Pro-Life Union of Delaware County at
tedmeehan3@gmail.com or 610-804-3285.
In seeking to protect every life, we list
the following important contact information
for Delaware County.
Crisis Pregnancy Hotline
A Baby's Breath
121 N. Wayne Ave Suite 102
Wayne, PA 19087
24 Hour Hotline 484-571-5540
Delaware County Pregnancy Center
2508 Edgemont Ave.
Chester, PA 19013
Mother's Home
51 N. MacDade Blvd.
Darby, PA 19023
Post-Abortion Counseling
Rachel's Vineard Ministries
808 N. Henderson Rd. 2nd Floor
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County
720 N. Eagle Road
Havertown, PA 19083
Monthly Prayer Vigils
 1st Saturday – 8:30 am Mass – St. Laurence (PP Upper Darby)
 2nd Friday – 9 am Mass – St. John Chrysostom, 615 S. Providence Rd.
 2nd Saturday–8:30 am Mass–Newman Chapel, U of P, 38th & Chest
(Penn Family Center)
 3rd Saturday – 7 am Mass – St. John, 13th & Market (PP 12th & Locust)
 4th Saturday – 6:30-8:45 am – Phila. Women’s Ctr., 8th & Cherry
 4th Saturday – 10:00 am – Bryn Mawr Hospital
Weekly Prayer Vigils
 Wednesdays – 1 pm PP Upper Darby
 Wednesdays - 8:30 am to 10:30 pm – PP 12th & Lancaster
 Wednesdays (1st & 3rd) - 4pm to 5 pm – PP Norristown
 Wednesdays – 10:00 am Bryn Mawr Hospital
 Fridays 6:30-8:30 am – Philadelphia Women’s Center, 8th & Cherry
 Fridays 8 am to noon – PP West Chester
 Saturdays 6:30 to 8:30 am – Philadelphia Womens Center – 8th & Cherry
 Saturdays noon to 1 pm – PP Media
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What Can You Do to Help?
Calling all Parish Contacts
We have been collecting the names and e-mail addresses for all the Pro-Life Parish Contacts so we can
communicate with the entire county more effectively on life issues.
We have the majority of parishes and are just looking for a few more, such as the following:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Morton)
St. Francis de Sales (Lenni)
St. Gabriel (Norwood)
St. John Fisher (Boothwyn)
St. Margaret Mary (Essington)
If you know of the Pro-Life parish contact, please send to Barbara Murray, murrayb378@gmail.com.
Pro-Life Prayer of the Faithful
Perhaps everyone is not able to attend a vigil, or visit elected officials, or counsel women in crisis. But, we
call can pray. If we truly seek to bring in a Culture of Life, we must ask for God’s help. In Delaware County,
our goal is for each parish to offer a simple Pro-Life Prayer of the Faithful at each mass, each day. Parish
Respect Life Committees can update these each week, or receive them from the Archdiocese Family Life
Office. In the absence of these, suggest simply this: “That God’s gift of Life be welcomed by all, and
protected in law from conception through natural death, we pray to the Lord….”. Please let us know if
your parish is participating. Contact Ted Meehan at tedmeehan3@gmail.com.
Please Support our Sponsors
John Williamson, Attorney
720 N. Eagle Road
Havertown PA 19083
Barbara DiLossi, Realtor
Wagner Real Estate
Havertown PA 19083
Sponsors help us to send out our newsletter, and support our work. Please support those who support
Life. If your business, parish organization, or other group would like to become a sponsor, please send
your contact information to: tedmeehan3@gmail.com and we will assist you in coming onboard.
Updating our Lists
We want to maintain a comprehensive list for every Pro-Life organization on our County. If your church has a ProLife organization, please send the name of a contact person to Barbara Murray, murrayb378@gmail.com.
If you do not have an organization, but would like to have one, please let us know about that as well. We will
either assist in forming one, or refer you to join another group near to your home.
News & Events?
We try to post news and events in our monthly newsletter, and on our website. If you have news, or
would like to publicize an event, please send the info to Ted Meehan, tedmeehan3@gmail.com.
Financial contributions to Prolife Union of Delaware County are welcome.
Send to:
720 N. Eagle Rd.
Havertown PA 19008
Please continue to pray for an end to abortion, and for the Culture of Life to be restored.
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