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Arts&Events MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE PHOTO BY MICHELLE LE ART UNDER THE DOME Local students share their own stories in Cit y Hall exhibit By Casey Weiss A s part of his art assignment, Ray Nelson, a third grader at Bubb Elementary School, had only yello low, black and white permanent markers a a blank sheet of paper to create a and p portrait of his classmate. Nelson mostly forgot about color, p paying special attention instead to the s size and shape of Gaku’s hands and t lines in his eyes while drawing his the p portrait, which is now hanging in the M Mountain View City Hall rotunda with a about 200 other student projects. The artwork is part of a Comm munity School of Music and Arts col- laboration, titled “Tell Me a Story,” in which students from 15 local elementary and middle schools were asked to capture a story in their artwork. The final exhibition includes collages, paintings, sculptures and drawings, all on display at City Hall until March 27. See UNDER THE DOME, page 32 Clockwise from left: 1. Boran (left) and Jared, third graders at Huff, show off their artwork. 2. Spectators view an exhibit by local students during a reception in Mountain View City Hall’s Rotunda. 3. Paige, Andrea and Yesenia, fifth graders at Monta Loma School, show off drawings, which joined dozens on display at City Hall. 4. Art by Ainsley, a first grader at Huff School, is on display as part of CSMA’s “Tell Me a Story” exhibition. The display runs through March 27. MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 29 Palo Alto Weekly Shop local, give local. The economy is challenging for our local independent businesses. There is something simple and pro-active you can do to help: Shop Local. It’s a great time to show your support of our fine, locally-owned stores and restaurants with your shopping and dining dollars being spent right here at home. Where we shop, where we eat and where we have fun — This all helps to ensure that our one-ofa-kind Midpeninsula community businesses will continue to be integral to the distinctive character that is our home. Thank you for shopping and dining locally. Your patronage will make a major difference to our fine area retailers. We are thankful for your ongoing readership, enthusiasm and support of the Mountain View Voice, Mountain View Online, and Express™ our e-daily weekday news digest. ONLINE Daily via e-mail Fridays in print 24/7 7%VELYN!VE0/"OX-OUNTAIN6IEW#!s& ©2008 Embarcadero Publishing Company. 30 Express™ is a trademark of Embarcadero Publishing Company. ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 Arts&Events Low Cost Divorce/Living Trust DOCUMENT PREPARATION SERVICE Ramblin’ man INCLUDES: UÊÛÀViÊfx{ UÊÊÛ}Ê/ÀÕÃÌÃÊf{ UÊÊVÀ«À>ÌÃÉ ÊfÎ UÊ *ÀwÌÊfÎ UÊÊÊ*ÀL>ÌiÊÀiiÊ+ÕÌi®Ê UÊ`ÊÕV ÊÀit BEAT-BOXING CELLO PLAYER ‘CELLO JOE’ CHANG IS ON THE PATH OF DISCOVERY — AND HE’S HEADED YOUR WAY By Ashley Ramirez H e’s no ordinary Joe. Indeed, 28-year-old Joseph “Cello Joe” Chang is an original Joe who sings and beat-boxes while playing the cello. He’s also just generally wacky. As he pulled out a few zucchinis and a bag of shredded lettuce from his backpack, the song “Veggie Maniac,” which he had performed minutes before, suddenly became a reality. Chang’s lyrics claim his passionate love for such vegetables as broccoli and kale. (He has also worked at organic farms.) As he snacked between words, he admitted to sometimes hanging out and people-watching at farmers markets. “I’m really into rare vegetables,” he said assertively. “I don’t care if people think I’m crazy. I like gibberish and being silly.” His original brand of silliness is coming to Dana Street Roasting Co. next Friday, March 27. Chang, a Los Altos native who calls traveling to gigs his home and music his full-time job, packs his songs with humor and satirical lyrics. Although he grew up playing classical music, he now describes his style as funky folk with a little hip-hop, punk and dance. It was in the fifth grade that Chang encountered the cello. The school had a room full of instruments and the kids tried each one out; the cello caught his attention. From that moment on it was years of private lessons, music camps and youth orchestras. “I liked the cello the most. There are hardly any cellists in an orchestra,” he said. Eventually, he toured with Palo Alto’s El Camino Youth Symphony, taking two trips to Europe. He also was awarded a scholarship to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston from 2002-06. When he was 18, Chang discovered performing for the public. He found himself regularly on street corners of University Avenue in Palo Alto. With his case open for change and cello in hand, he would put on a show playing traditional classical tunes for the local shoppers, residents, anyone who would listen. But it wasn’t the desired outcome. “I wanted to perform in front of an audience, but that got old. People weren’t really listening to me,” he said. Ultimately, Chang’s love for hiphop came into play. He met a man Kyle & Koko 230 S. California Ave., #103 Palo Alto, CA 94306 We The People® 650-324-3800 We the People is a registered trademark. Stores are owned/operated by franchisees who are not lawyers, cannot represent customers; select legal forms, or give advice on rights or laws. Services are provided at customers’ request and are not a substitute for advice of a lawyer. Prices do not include court costs. SPEAKING UP SINCE 1992 THE Joe Chang, aka "Cello Joe", combines his classical training with hip hop beats and a socially conscious message. named Steve Foxx the Beat Box at Berklee, who gave him pointers on how to master the not-socommon form of beat-boxing. Chang describes beat-boxing as vocal percussion, and imitating a drum set with your mouth. He practiced everywhere, from walking down the street to standing in line at the supermarket. The good thing about it, he said, is that there are no limitations on when and where you can do it. Chang began to improvise — “freestyle,” he calls it — while he played. Mixing beats and melodies both vocally and through instruments, he improvised lyrics using his interests and location to motivate him. He says he started singing songs to wake people up and turn them on to life. His topics include social and earth justice, consumerism and simply being happy. “I sing about how we can progress [toward] a sustainable future,” he said firmly. “There’s so many ways you can help out in the world. I use music as a way to convey that message.” Chang’s band, Cello Joe and the Midnight Ramblers, often plays at local gigs, venues and festivals. The band typically consists of a rotating cast of musicians with Chang as the sole regular member. He says the easiest thing about playing folk-type music is that any good musician can sit in on the simple songs. “I’m a rhythm kind of guy. I like to be creative. I never do a song the same way twice,” he said. Naturally, the band consists of many musical instruments, including banjos, fiddles and violins. Chang also performs a jaw harp, slide whistle and rhythm bones. Drummer and band mate Evan Bautista has played approximately 100 shows with Chang, he said. Jamming with each other over the last two years, they’re formed a friendship and can call on each other when needed. Bautista also has another band that Chang helps out with, and they back each other up playing gigs. “He’s very unique and a wild one at times,” Bautista said, describing Chang’s performances. “He’s very classically trained, with his own twists.” Chang recently rode in a 5,000-mile bike tour called The Pleasant Revolution with the band Ginger Ninjas. They set off from Northern California and traveled — with a bike trailer for his cello — all the way to Mexico. They would pull up into a town and talk to people at different bars trying to find a gig. As far as he knows, he’s the world’s only long-distance biketouring cellist. Nothing seems to slow Chang down. He has a dream of one day producing a musical theater puppet show that he says is slowly coming true. He plans to include live music and improvisation with the audience. “I want to make it funny and interactive, like having a puppet hit on someone in the audience,” he said, laughing. “If I dream this and want it, my subconscious will activate it and make it happen.” V ■ I N F O R M AT I O N WHAT: Cello Joe and the Midnight Ramblers performing original songs WHERE: Dana Street Roasting Co., 744 W. Dana St., Mountain View WHEN: Friday, March 27, at 8 p.m. COST: Free INFO: Visit or for more information, or call the cafe at (650) 390-9638 MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 31 Arts&Events UNDER THE DOME Continued from page 29 “Students drew inspiration from children’s literature and used their imagination and personal experiences to create their own stories,” CSMA’s visual arts director Linda Covello said in a press release. Through her portrait assignment, teacher Mira Ross hoped Nelson and his peers would get to know their subjects better. They were asked to write facts about the subjects around the border of the paintings, and Nelson wrote “Gaku likes to paint” on his. A reason for the assignment, Ross wrote,, was that “After th three months of sc school, students in th same classroom the .. knew little about ... e each other.” This is the 12th y year students have d displayed their art in a collaborative p project through C SM A . T he M Mountain View n nonprofit serves m more than 7,000 st students each year th through art and m music classes, a and its instructo travel weekly tors to local schools. Above: The left wall is a collection from artist/teacher Mira Ross’ third grade Bubb Elementary School class. Their theme, “I know you,” is a series of portraits of fellow classmates, using the contour drawing method. David Prager, 10 and his sister Jackie, 14, view the artwork. Right: Clay self portrait book covers were created by artist/teacher Patty Owyang’s fourth grade class from Baywood Elementary School in Menlo Park. Their theme is “The story of me,” inspired by the book “The Color of Us” by Karen Katz. PHOTOS BY MICHELLE LE Students from Bubb, Castro, Huff, Landels, Monta Loma, Theuerkauf and Yew Chung Chinese schools in Mountain View all currently have art hanging in City Hall. Instructors also created their own pieces, and Covello said a lot of the projects were inspired by the teachers’ own specialties. Because of this, the exhibits vary widely from class to class. Behind the portraits, Castro first graders displayed the books they painted based on nursery rhymes read in class. Tracy Ogino illustrated a rhyme called “Little Tommy Mouse,” about fishing. She drew the fisherman and his house on the cover, and included a garden with her favorite vegetables. “The man who owned the house has a garden with flowers and carrots,” she said. V E-mail Casey Weiss at ■ I N F O R M AT I O N WHAT: “Tell Me a Story,” an exhibit by dozens of local students WHERE: Mountain View City Hall, 500 Castro Street WHEN: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, through March 27 COST: Free ■ T H E AT E R R E V I E W Good to be blue THEATREWORKS’ ‘IT AIN’T NOTHIN’ BUT THE BLUES’ BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN By Jeanie Forte T he blues can be slow and sultry, or driving with a funky beat, or sad and lonesome, or one of many other forms this uniquely American music has taken over the last couple of centuries. The current offering from TheatreWorks now playing at the Lucie Stern, “It Ain’t Nothin’ but the Blues,” covers the entire gamut of blues styles and types with great energy and verve, rousing the audience to its feet by the end. Three women and four men and a fabulous band bring it all home with tunes both familiar and not in a show that definitely does not give you the blues. This rich collection of more than 40 musical numbers — ranging from African slave chants to Delta blues to Chicago funk to Nashville ballads and more — is really a cleverly disguised history lesson, framing each number in its historical context with 32 minimal narrative and evocative photo projections on large onstage screens. The images capture blues pioneers, such as the great Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith or Ma Rainey, but also depict the ordinary people of American experience: an immigrant family, sharecroppers, men on a chain gang, children of all colors, nightclubs, clapboard churches. All on a walk through decades of the incredible roil of culture, the essence of which lives on in the heartfelt music. Ron Taylor came up with the idea, and co-wrote the show with Randal Myler, Lita Gaithers, “Mississippi” Charles Bevel and Dan Wheetman. Taylor died in 2001, but had lived to see the show blossom from a children’s show into a full-length Tony-winning Broadway hit. Many of the original authors have performed in the show, or continued to be involved with it; in this production, Myler directs as he has from the first, Wheet- ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 man helmed music direction, and Bevel performs with the ensemble. Another longtime participant, Chic Street Man, has traveled to be in this run. Chic and “Sip” are national treasures, terrific performers with charisma and character and an enormous knowledge of their field, often bringing a humorous note into the show. Rounding out the male ensem■ I N F O R M AT I O N WHAT: “It Ain’t Nothin’ but the Blues,” a musical revue presented by TheatreWorks WHERE: Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto WHEN: Through April 11, with shows at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 7 p.m. Sunday COST: Tickets are $27-$65 INFO: Go to or call (650) 903-6000 ble are expert banjo and guitar player Tony Marcus, who delivers bluegrass and other “white” music, revealing its close lineage with the blues; and local favorite James Monroe Iglehart, whose velvet voice gets to play a little wild here with some great standards such as “The Thrill is Gone” and “Hoochie Coochie Man.” The women are equally strong, including C. Kelly Wright, another popular local performer whose voice can go from a tender caress to the power of raw emotion. She also demonstrates her knack for comedy in numbers such as “Someone Else is Steppin’ In.” Michelle Jordan blew us all away in “Crowns,” and here again wows us with her ability to interpret absolutely anything. Her solo turn on “Strange Fruit” is a tour de force not to be missed. Alison Ewing has also graced local stages, using her beautiful Broadway sound to excellent effect on numbers such as “Walking After Midnight” and “Fever.” V UP NEXT: THEATREWORKS PRESENTS ‘DISTRACTED’ TheatreWorks’ final show of the season, “Distracted,” comes to the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts in early April. “Distracted” is a comedic drama about a tired mother and her easily distracted, high-energy son who has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. The first preview is Wednesday, April 1, and the final show is April 26. Child psychologist Janet Dafoe, Ph.D., founder of the ADHD School Success Center in Palo Alto, will hold a discussion on ADD before the April 2 show at 6:30 p.m. Post-show discussions with the artistic staff and cast will be held after the April 8, 15 and 22 shows. For information or tickets, call (650) 903-6000, or visit — Andrea Nott NONPROFIT PROFILE: An Occasional Series Highlighting Local Nonprofit Organizations BREAST CANCER CONNECTIONS Your Community Resource for Information & Support Staff Amy E. Moody, Executive Director Rina Bello, Program Manager Nirshila Chand, Program Assistant Noma Collins, Ph.D., Manager of Medical Information Courtney Istre, Program Associate Susan Kavet, Director of Development Irene Liana, Manager of Volunteer Resources Cheri Livingston, Director of Programs Sophie Messer, Manager of Development Our Mission Breast Cancer Connections provides personalized information and support to people touched by breast cancer in an atmosphere of warmth, sensitivity, and understanding. BCC strives to ensure that anyone in our community who faces breast cancer will not face it alone, and that the needs of all breast cancer patients and survivors, their families and friends will be met. Volunteers Who Help Helpliners: The BCC helpline is answered by individuals with information and support immediately available for those living with breast cancer and their families or friends; weekly 4-hour shifts. Buddies: Breast cancer survivors, their spouses/ partners and children are needed to provide personal support to others touched by breast cancer. Library/Education Volunteers: Volunteers update BCC health information resources and assist with medical information research. Many other opportunities are available; please contact Irene at 650 326-6299, x 16 s 390 Cambridge Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306 Helpline: 650-326-6688 Fax: 650-326-6673 M-F 9-5 Saturday 1-5 Check the web or call for Schedule of evening sessions. s We’re here to Help – When you or a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer, Breast Cancer Connections is here for you. B reast Cancer Connections (BCC) is committed to its mission to provide personalized information and support to people touched by breast cancer in an atmosphere of warmth, sensitivity, and understanding. Our clients and their families and friends benefit from high quality medical information services, a comprehensive Breast Health Library, Helpline (walk in and telephone support), weekly Question and Answer Open Houses with a physician and therapist, a Buddy Program which matches current clients with breast cancer survivors, a support group for individuals with Metastatic Breast Cancer, a Couples Support Group, a support group for those with DCIS, a team of therapists available for crisis counseling, writing and imagery workshops, assistance from our Health Educator to prepare for medical appointments, informational newsletters, and volunteer opportunities for breast cancer survivors and friends. We also have programs especially designed for younger women and programs for those who are "I am post-treatment and seeking renewal and recovery. have All of BCC’s services are free of charge, customized to an individual’s needs, and can range from personalized research on a topic of interest to a conversation with a “Buddy”, who has had a similar experience. Each client receives services personalized to their needs. In addition to providing services for those diagnosed with breast cancer and their loved ones, BCC reaches out to underserved women through its Gabriella Patser Program which offers access to and payment for high quality screening and diag- nostic services for low income, uninsured women under age 40, who are experiencing breast health problems. In an effort to overcome barriers to breast screening for many women, this program provides bilingual and bicultural staff, volunteers, and medical care providers. Participants in the program can further benefit from breast health education, including the importance of early detection, through our information packets, which are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Jill Freidenrich, a breast cancer patient and her surgeon, Dr. Ellen Mahoney, founded BCC as The Community Breast Health Project in 1993 after interviewing over 250 breast cancer survivors, family members, and medical professionals to outline the unmet needs of breast cancer patients and their families. Today, as Breast Cancer Connections, this community organization continues to provide a unique set of services, working collaboratively with over 45 health so glad to organizations, community clinics, doctors and referral partners to conhad BCC nect clients with multiple resources resources this in the community. Generous donations from individuals, corporations past year, as I and foundations allow BCC to offer learned and dealt these much needed services. with my breast cancer. You have been an indispensable part of my recovery." If you are a breast cancer patient, or a person with breast cancer concerns, or someone who would like to volunteer to help others, BCC is an understanding and informative resource for you. Please call our helpline, visit us on Cambridge Avenue, or visit us on our website; Board of Directors Sally Rau, President Judy Marcus, Vice President Karlette Warner, Secretary David Braker, Treasurer Jeff Belkora, Ph.D. Robert Carlson, M.D. Fran Codispoti Lyn Christenson Jill Freidenrich Diana Guthaner, M.D. Phyllis Hall Diane Heditsian Daryl Hoffman, M.D. Marta Nichols Anne Ream Linda Romley-Irvine Maureen Dooher Ryan Beverly H. Smith Hilary Valentine s Medical Advisory Group Jim Badger, M.D. William Buchholz, M.D. Robert Carlson, M.D. Sarah Donaldson, M.D. Jocelyn Dunn, M.D. Don Goffinet, M.D. Diana Guthaner, M.D. Daryl Hoffman, M.D. Stefanie Jeffrey, M.D. Juliet Kral, M.D. Frederick Marcus, M.D. Jane Marmor, M.D. Klaus Porzig, M.D. Lynn Smolik, M.D. Susan Sorensen, M.D. Myron (Mike) Turbow, M.D. TTHHI ISS SS PP A C E D DO O NN AATTEEDD AAS S A A C C U INT IYT YS ESREV RI C VE I C BE Y BTYH ET HMEO U PN A TL AO I NA LVTI O OO MM MM UN E WW VE OE IKC LEY MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 33 GoingsOn M O U N TA I N V I E W V O I C E ART GALLERIES ‘Capturing the Light’ Photographs by Tony Coluzzi through April 4. The show features black images using infrared light photography in landscapes taken both locally and in greater California. Tue.-Sat. 11 a.m.-5; Sun.noon-4 p.m. Gallery 9, 143 Main St., Los Altos. 14 Plein Air Artists: A Tribute to Nick White The late Nick White coordinated this group of painters who meet every Monday to paint “plein air.” The artists are coming together in a show to honor Nick White. March 1-31, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Main Street Cafe and Books, 134 Main St., Los Altos. Call 650-941-1654. Rooftops-Watercolors on Canvas “I’m taken by the architecture, shapes, colors, and textures of the different rooftops in the different countries,” says artist Lillian Balliet who recreates her inspirations in watercolor on canvas. Through March 3, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (Sundays until 3 p.m.) Free. Viewpoints Gallery, 315 State St., Los Altos. AUDITIONS ECYS: Membership Auditions The El Camino Youth Symphony is currently accepting audition applications for its 2009-2010 season. Apply online at $25 audition fee. ECYS Office, 4055 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. BENEFITS 100 Celebrity Doodles Exhibit Tom Hanks, Yoko Ono, Gov. Schwarzenegger, Steve Young, Michelle Pfeiffer doodled for Shakti Rising’s trauma-informed services to young women. Only 100 tickets will be sold; each ticket holder takes home a framed doodle. Live music, La Bodeguita del Medio food, Charles Creek and Ravenswood wine. Sat., March 21, 7-9 p.m. $100. Smith Andersen Editions, 440 Pepper Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-722-1552. Annie Duke Celebrity Poker Tournament On March 28, five WSOP (World Series of Poker) champions-- Annie Duke, Howard Lederer, Eric Brooks, Andy Bloch, Erik Seidel -- will host a benefit tournament for the Decision Education Foundation Teacher Scholarship Fund. All level players welcome. Includes buffet dinner, prizes, silent auction. 6-11 p.m. $550/ player. $500 is tax-deductible. Dinah’s Garden Hotel, 4261 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Call 650475-4402. CLASSES/ WORKSHOPS Acrylic Painting Instructor Juliet Lundy will work with each person at their own level. All levels welcome. Materials not provided; pick up materials list at Front Desk at time of registration. Wed. Jan. 7 to Mar. 25, 2009, 3:30-5:30 p.m. $65 members/$75 non-members. Avenidas, 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto. Call 650-2895436. Adventures in East Africa: Kilimanjaro Climb and Safari Ron and Joan Breuch present a slide presentation on their recent adventures in Tanzania. Wed., March 25, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. REI Mountain View, 2450 Charleston Road, Mountain View. Call 650-969-1938. Business Booster Series “Join us in the Business Booster Series, workshops that will help improve some of the most crucial aspects of becoming a successful business professional. The workshops will focus on top strategies to 34 survive in tough economic times,” the Chamber says. Thu., March 26, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $20 member/$30 non-member Business Booster Series, 580 Castro St., Mountain View. Call 650-968-8378. CPR and First Aid Basic CPR and first-aid classes. Healthcare professional/renewal CPR. Call and pre-register. Tuesdays, 5-10:30 p.m. 2 year CPR certification is $50 ($40 for renewal), First Aid alone is $40 ($30). All Care Plus, Inc, 862 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-4240204. ECYS: Master Class with special guest from the NY Philharmonic Assistant concertmaster of the NY Philharmonic Michelle Kim and cellist Sumire Kudo will conduct a master class featuring ECYS violinists and cellists. Cello class begins at 5 p.m.; violin class begins at 7 p.m. Fri., March 27, $5 general / music teachers free. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. Every Garden Should Have Citrus How to grow citrus. Tue., March 24, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road., Los Altos. Call 408-282-3105. First Home Buyers Seminar Seminar on buying a home in Silicon Valley. Sat., March 28, 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Free. Bank of America, 1001 Page Mill, Palo Alto. Call 650-305-1111 . nar_reg.html German Language Conversation, reading, writing, basic grammar, and Germanic culture are all covered. Conversation is emphasized. Tuesdays, March 31-May 26, 7-9 p.m. $108. Palo Alto High School, room 406, Embarcadero Road at El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Call 650329-3752. Growing a Salad Garden “Grow bountiful crops of sweet buttery lettuce, spicy scallions, peppery radishes, and other crispy greens throughout the spring and early summer. A small bed can keep a family of four in bountiful salads that can include: Italian misticanza, arugula, radicchio,” Common Ground says. Sat., March 21, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $28. Common Ground Organic Garden Supply and Education Center, 559 College Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650493-6072. Infant/Child CPR and First Aid Class Infant/child CPR and first-aid class. Child care provided. Sat., March 28, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $80/members; $90/non-members. Cubes and Crayons, 152 E. Dana St., Mountain View. Call 650-209-4846. Intelligent Hope Diane Dennis, author of “The Hourglass: How to Live as Time Flies By” teaches participants how to have “Intelligent Hope.” Sun., March 22, 1-4 p.m. $39. Intelligent Hope, 324 Castro St., Mountain View. Call 800909-6161. It’s Easy Being Green Bring your lunch and questions for panel experts on organic baby products, being “green” in the home, and raising a “green” child. Fri., March 20, 12-1 p.m. Free (child care available for $12). Cubes and Crayons, 152 E. Dana St., Mountain View. Call 650-209-4846. La Leche League at Blossom La Leche League’s lunchtime mother’s circle at Blossom. Bring baby/toddler or bring a pump. Fridays, through March 31. 12:30-2 p.m. Free. Blossom Birth, 299 S. California Ave. Suite 120, Palo Alto. Lip Reading /Managing Hearing Loss These classes help hard of hearing people with or without hearing aids improve lip reading and gain other skills to ease hearing/communication problems. Friends and family members are welcome. Taught by CA licensed audiologist. 3 class times to choose from. Mon. Jan. 5 to Wed. Mar. 25, 2009, 1:30-2:45 p.m. Foothill college tuition and fees. varied sites off campus, Mt. View, Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Call 650-949- ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 ■ HIGHLIGHT MVEF MONTE CARLO NIGHT & AUCTION 2009 The Mountain View Education Foundation’s Monte Carlo Night and Auction. Special guest and Academy Award winner Michael Westmore will be there with his “Oscar”. Proceeds benefit the students. Sat., March 21, 6:30-11 p.m. $30 per person. Computer History Museum, 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View. Call 650-940-9306. CONCERTS Kaweh Kaweh will play a mix of Latin, Brazilian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean sounds on Friday, March 13, 9-11:30 p.m. Free. Cascal, 400 Castro St., Mountain View. www.cascalres 7999 ext.4379. Mastering the Mysteries of Love Twoday workshop on relationship skills sponsored by the California Healthy Marriage Coalition. Learn how to understand each other better and deepen relationships. Instructors Don and Alex Flecky. $40/person covers meals. Materials included. March 28 and April 4, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $40/person. Los Altos United Methodist Church, 655 Magdalena Ave., Los Altos. Call 650-948-1083 x122. Renewable Spring Arrangements “Create your own graceful centerpiece or creative accent that can be revitalized to last for weeks,” Gamble Garden says. Tue., March 24, 9:3011:30 a.m. Fee: $40 members, $50 nonmembers. Gamble Garden, 1431 Waverley St., Palo Alto. Call 650-329-1356 ext. 201. Robert Stallman Flute Master class Flutist Robert Stallman give tips to local flutists in the master class hosted by West Valley Music on Sun., March 22, 2-5 p.m. Participants $60 - auditors $25/$15 students. UUCPA, 505 E. Charleston Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-961-1566 . events.html The One Thing Holding You Back Raphael Cushnir is an author and lecturer with a unique approach to personal and professional development. Sun., March 29, 1-4 p.m. $25 suggested offering. Unity Palo Alto, 3391 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-849-1109. YCIS Preschool Open House Open demonstration of bilingual Mandarin education program. Sat., March 28, 9-11 a.m. Yew Chung International School, 310 Easy St., Mountain View. Call 650-903-0986. Yoga for gardeners Yoga class specially designed for gardeners and stiff people. 10-noon. $30. 248 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-462-1980. CLUBS/MEETINGS Camellias and Azaleas Camellias and azaleas from Tom Nuccio at the March meeting of the De Anza Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. March 25, 7:30 p.m. Free. Hillview Community Center, Room 12, 97 Hillview Ave., Los Altos. Monday Night OUT Lesbian, Gay, bisexual and transgender group with supporters and friends. Discussion, social events, education and spiritual development. Mondays, 7 p.m. Offer- ing accepted. Unity Palo Alto, 3391 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-494-7222. www. Palo Alto Ski Club The Palo Alto Ski Club has owned its lodge in Squaw Valley since 1967. The club meets the first Wednesday of each month, plus special events and parties. Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto. Pregnancy Lunch Lounge Chat with other pregnant and hoping-to-get-pregnant women: share info and resources. Informal and unfacilitated. Wednesdays. noon-1:30 p.m. Free. Blossom Birth, 299 S. California Ave. Suite 120, Palo Alto. SPAUG General Meeting Stanford-Palo Alto User Group (Personal Computer group) meets monthly to discuss problems, solutions, software and hardware. Learn more about computing, meet fellow computer users. Get help and advice from experienced users. More info, including program: www. or SVUGA at www.svuga. org/ Wednesdays, ongoing, 7-9:30 p.m. first meeting free, $35/year. American Legion Post, 347 First St., Los Altos. Call 650-4939307. COMMUNITY EVENTS Media That Matters Film compilation of jury-selected shorts at the 8th Annual Media That Matters Festival. Donations requested to cover cost of films and speakers. Seating limited. Fri., March 20, 7:30-9 p.m. World Centric, 2121 Staunton Court, Palo Alto. Call 650-739-0699. film-series MVHS Faculty Play The Mountain View High School Faculty presents “C’mon, Vamanos: a funny story about love, love, and love,” a comedy about Dora The Explorer surviving her sophomore year in high school. March 26-28, 8 p.m. $10 adult/ $5 student, child. Mountain View High School’s Spartan Theatre, 3535 Truman Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-691-2415. Sony Hosts Free Recycling Event Sony’s national Take Back Recycling Program is coming to the Bay Area. Sony Electronics Inc. and event partner Waste Management Recycle America invite the public to drop off any brand of used or outdated electronics for proper, free recycling. Sat., March 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Shoreline Amphitheater, One Amphitheater Way, Mountain View. Call 619-296-0605, ext. 232. A Whole Lotta Noyse Early Music wind band The Whole Noyse and the Choral Artists premiere “Allen Marina;” other works. Magen Solomon, artistic director. Sun., March 29, 4-6 p.m. $12-28. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. Call 415-979-5779 . Allegri Concert at All Saints’ San Francisco Renaissance Voices returns to perform sacred music of the Sistine Chapel by one of the most popular composers of the Late Renaissance, Gregorio Allegri. Sun., March 29, 7:30 p.m. All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 555 Waverley St., Palo Alto. Bay Choral Guild: Gallic Flavor Bay Choral Guild presents French Choral Music with Organ and Piano: “Requiem” (DuruflÈ), “Cantique de Jean Racine” (FaurÈ), “Hymne au Soleil”(Boulanger), “Chansons” (Saint-SaÎns, FaurÈ, Debussy). Featuring organ solos by T. Paul Rosas: Litanies (Alain), Alleluias (Messiaen). Pre-concert lecture 4 p.m. Sun., March 22, 4:30-6:30 p.m. $25 general, $20 seniors, $6 students. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. Foothill Symphonic Winds Winter Concert Features Mazera Cox on piano. “March Op99” by Prokofieff, “Fantasies on a Theme” by Haydn, “Joio Mountain Song” by Sparke, “March” by Hindemith, “Beautiful Oregon” by Barnes, “Psalm 46” by Zdecklik, “Blue Shades” by Ticheli, “ Rhapsody in Blue” by Gershwin, “El Capitan” by Sousa. Sun., March 22, 2:30 p.m. $10 adults, $5 senior and students. Cubberley Theater, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-969-0191. http://windband Peninsula Symphonic Band Winters’ End 2009 Concert Variety of symphonic music, both classical and contemporary. Selections include popular works by Tschaikowsky, Sousa, Williams and more. Norbert Molder, conductor. Sun., March 22, 3-5 p.m. Free. Spangenberg Theatre, 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-873-0671. Schola Cantorum - Songs for the Earth Featuring the poetry of T.S. Eliot, Gerard Manley Hopkins and others, Libby Larsen’s “Missa Gaia” is a celebration of earth and its glory. This work will be paired with Kirke Mechem’s “Earth My Song” in a concert presented by the 100voice Schola Cantorum (Gregory Wait, music director). Sun., March 29, 4-6 p.m. $24/$20 and $12 for students. First Congregational Church, 1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto. Call 650254-1700. Songs with Words The Congregational Oratorio Society, conducted by Gregory Wait, with Joe Guthrie on the LeTourneau organ, will perform a concert of choral works by Felix Mendelssohn, in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Mendelssohn’s birth. Sun., March 22, 4 p.m. $15 general/$10 student and senior. First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, 1985 Louis Road (at Embarcadero), Palo Alto. Call 650856-6662 . Concerts.html Triskela Spring Celebration Concert The Triskela Harp Trip features harps, flute, pennywhistle and percussion, plus threepart vocals. Sat., March 21, 8-10 p.m. $15 in advance, $20 day of event. East West Bookstore, 324 Castro St., Mountain View. Call 1-800-909-6161. Winterfest - Known by the Scars The epic story of Jesus’ journey to the cross in music and narration by an 80 voice choir. Includes children’s choir and full orchestra. Free tickets are available by contacting the event location. Those without tickets will be seated on a space available basis. At 4 .pm. and 6:30 p.m. Sat., March 21, Free. Mountain View Central Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1425 Springer Road, Mountain View. GoingsOn DANCE Ballroom Dancing Salsa will be taught Fri., March 20, 8 p.m. Lessons for beginning and intermediate levels, no experience and no partner necessary. General dance party 9 p.m.-midnight. Singles and couples welcome. Free refreshments. Dressy casual attire. $8. Cubberley Community Center Pavilion, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-8569930. Dances of Universal Peace Dances of Universal Peace (Sufi Dancing) are a spiritual practice for peace. Dancers join hands in a circle, sing sacred phrases from different spiritual traditions and dance simple movements and patterns. No experience is necessary. All are welcome. 2nd and 4th Saturdays. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Free-will donation. Fireside Room, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, 505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-368-6121. ByState.asp?state=CA English Country Dance English Country Dance. Live music, no partner needed, all dances taught, comfortable clothes and shoes. 1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays through June. 8-10 p.m. $9/$7 members/$5 students. Flex-It Studio, 425 Evelyn Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-2245318. mountain_view/ English Country Dance Peninsula English Country Dance welcomes all, from beginners to experienced dancers. No partner needed, all dances taught. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Dance meets 1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays through June 2009. 8-10 p.m. $9/$7 members/$5 students Flex-It Studio, 425 Evelyn Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-493-6012. English Country Dancing English Country Dance. Live music, no partner needed, all dances taught, comfortable clothes and shoes. 1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays through June. 8-10 p.m. $9/$7 members/$5 students. Flex-It Studio, 425 Evelyn Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-2245318. mountain_view/ ENVIRONMENT Canopy Tree Walk Learn more about the trees that create a healthy urban environment. Canopy’s free Tree Walks provide informative guided tours of the trees in Palo Alto neighborhoods on the second Saturday of each month. 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Palo Alto Neighborhoods, See Website Calendar, Palo Alto. Call 650-9646110. Environmental Docent-Led Walks of Shoreline Learn about Shoreline at Mountain View’s: maritime history; landfill legacy; environmental processes; ecosystems; birds, wildlife; and more. Walks depart from Rengstorff House and last about one hour on the 4th Sunday of every month. Bring/Wear: layered clothing, walking shoes, binoculars. No advanced reservations required. 11 a.m.noon. Free. Rengstorff House, Shoreline at Mountain View, 3070 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View. Call 650-903-6073. http:// EXHIBITS Elizabeth Williams The Artist’s work “Perception and Reality” will be available for viewing through April 15 at The Clayman Institute. About her photography Elizabeth states, “While aware that with labels come limitations, my work tends to examine the dynamics of human perception.” 6-8 p.m. Free. Serra House, 589 Capistrano Way, Stanford. Hendrick Goltzius: Promised Gifts from the Kirk Long Collection This exhibition features many of the artist’s most famous and influential images. Including: “Marriage of Psyche and Cupid,” “Hercules and Cacus,” and “The Body of Christ.” 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu. until 8 p.m. Free. Cantor Art Center at Stanford University, 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way, Stanford. museum. Introducing the Cantor Arts Center These docent-led tours feature a sampling of objects from various eras and cultures. Every tour is different. Saturdays and Sundays. Meet in the main lobby. 1-2 p.m. Free. Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way, Stanford. ITP Art Exhibit Trish Hansen creates twodimensional wall art which combines symbols, totems, colors, textures and design motifs, with the intention of expressing universal themes such as sacred interconnection, love, abundance, divinity, creativity, magic, conscious creation and more. Through April 3, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 1069 E. Meadow Circle, Palo Alto. Call 650493-4430 ext. 254. Moffett Field Historical Society Museum Displays of memorabilia, artifacts, photos and aircraft models; tours of museum and view of the exterior of Hangar One. Open Wednesdays through Fridays. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Moffett Federal Airfield, Building 126, off Highway 101, Mountain View. Call 650-961-8860. Mountaineering Photographs by Leigh Ortenburger Mountaineering photographs by Leigh Ortenburger (1929ñ1991), with text paying tribute to him and his work. The exhibition focuses on Ortenburger’s black-and-white photographs of the Cordillera Blanca range in Peru, including a twentyfoot panoramic view of the upper Quebrada Alpamayo. Through April 5 (closed March 22 and 29), Free. Non-Stanford-affiliated visitors must register at the south entrance portal to Green Library. Peterson Gallery, Green Library Bing Wing, Stanford University, Stanford. Call 650-725-1020. spc/exhibits/index.html Notable Campus Canines Exhibit The Stanford campus has long provided a habitat for man’s best friend. This exhibition explores the history of pets on campus through stories of notable dogsóand some of their notable mastersótold through photographs, correspondence, and printed sources from the Stanford University Archive. Through March 29, Free. Non-Stanford-affiliated visitors must register at the south entrance portal to Green Library. Munger Rotunda, Green Library, Stanford University, Stanford. Call 650-725-1020. index.html Pop to Present This exhibition features a selection of works acquired over the past 10 years, chosen for their aesthetic strength, historic significance, and/or rarity. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu. until 8 p.m. Free. Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way, Stanford. Rodin! The Complete Stanford Collection The Cantor Arts Center expands the display of Rodin’s work, with the Center’s entire collection of Rodin’s bronzes, plasters, and waxes on view. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu. until 8 p.m. Free. Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way, Stanford. Shattered Peace: The Road to World War II Marking the seventieth anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, “Shattered Peace,” an exhibition by the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, chronicles the events leading up to the war by drawing on their rich holdings. Through May 27, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Herbert Hoover Memorial Pavilion, Hoover Institution, Stanford. Call 650-7232605. whatsnew/35502899.html Stanford Art Spaces Stanford University Mixed media by Timothy Clare, Photography by Tamara Danoyan, paintings by Priyanka Gupta. Through May 14, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Stanford Art Spaces, 420 Via Palou, Stanford. Call 650-725-3622. http://cis.stanford. edu/~marigros Timbuktu to Cape Town This exhibition celebrates the complexity and variety of African art from across the continent. An array of the most important works acquired over the past 10 years, including objects that adorn the human body, objects related to the home, and those created for ritual use. Through March 22, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Yhu. LIVE MUSIC DJ’s Three DJ’s take turns playing a wide variety of hip hop music on Thursdays. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Free. St. Stephens Green, 223 Castro St., Mountain View. calendar.html James Robinson Flamenco jazz guitarist James Robinson will perform every Saturday evening, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Free. Cascal, 400 Castro St., Mountain View. http://www.cascal ON STAGE Art Exhibition Go Green, an exhibition designed to encourage conservation while celebrating the coming of spring, will be presented by the members of Gallery House from March 10 to April 25. Paintings, sculpture, prints, jewelry, ceramics and photography signifying their interpretations of spring will be shown. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Gallery House, 320 California Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-574-4654. until 8 p.m. Free. Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, 328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way, Stanford. FAMILY AND KIDS “Mirabai: Mystic Poet Princess of India” This is the 17th annual theater production by the students and staff at Ananda’s Living Wisdom School. March 18 & 19 at 10 a.m. and March 20 & 21 at 7 p.m. Ananda, 2171 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Call 650-323-3363. “The Last Unicorn” “The Last Unicorn” (1982) 93 minutes, G, March 22. This animated tale follows a unicorn (Mia Farrow) who believes she’s the last of her species and is searching high and low for someone just like her. Along the way, she’s disregarded and harassed, but finally finds solace in a magician (Alan Arkin). Sun., March 22, 3-5 p.m. Free. Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-329-2366. Above The Rim Tour Fundraiser See former Raiders player Eric Metcalf, Tyrone Peace, former San Jose Sabercat player and their celebrity all stars in a fundraising game as they take on the YouTube Phenomenon TEAM Flight Brothers. Proceeds will benefit MS in the name of Eric Turner & Recreation Plus. March 20, $13 in Advance/ $15 at the door Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills. Call 408879-0393. Deer Hollow Farm Tours Docents lead small groups through working homestead farm March 21, April 18 and May 16. Visit animals in pens, meet farm babies, lambs and goats, a cow, chickens, sheep, rabbits, pigs, ducks. View large vegetable garden and a short Farm film. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $5 adults, $3 kids (under 2free). Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve, Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos,. Call 650-965-3276. Dr Noize & Andy Z Family Concert Dr. Noize and Andy Z present two interactive concerts. Audience members are invited to sing, dance and come on stage to help create music with electronic instruments. Sat., March 28, 10-11 a.m.; noon-1 p.m. $10. Bus Barn Theater, 97 Hillview Ave., Los Altos. Call 650-941-0551. Game Day Game day at the library. For ages 5 and up. Fri., March 20, 2-4 p.m. Free. Children’s Library, 1276 Harriet St., Palo Alto. Call 650-329-2436. Helping Boys Behave: Boys & Discipline Discussion will focus on providing positive guidance to boys ages 3-8. With Jomary Hilliard, PhD. Tue., March 24, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. City of Mountain View Public Library, 585 Franklin St., Mountain View. Call 650-903-6897. Hiking Scavenger Hunt Nature-based scavenger hunt. Ages 7 and up. Meet in the parking lot. Limited space - register online using barcode 59370. Sat., March 21, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Pearson-Arastradero Preserve, 1530 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-329-2506. Messy Art For Kids Four-week class exploring messy art for kids, such as finger painting and clay. Fridays, through June 5. 10:15-10:45 a.m. $15 per class. Cubes & Crayons, 152 E. Dana St., Mountain View. Call 650-209-4846. Parent Observation Open House Parent Observation Preschool/Parent Education Program of the MVLA Adult School will be having an Open House on Saturday, March 21. Parent Observation offers classes for parents and 18-month olds, 2-year olds, and 3-year olds as well as a stroller fitness class. Sat., March 21, 2-4 p.m. Free. Parent Observation, 1299 Bryant Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-968-9950. Paws to Read Practice reading skills by reading to a therapy dog at the library. Sat., March 28, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Children’s Library, 1276 Harriet St., Palo Alto. Call 650-329-2436. The Islands Are Calling Caribbean music and limbo contest. Sponsored by the Friends of the Palo Alto Library. For grades K-5 only. Wed., March 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Children’s Library, 1276 Harriet St., Palo Alto. Call 650329-2436. FILM Finding Faith at the Movies Faith in film series. March 11, “The Visitor”; March 18, “The Lives of Others”; March 25 “WALL-E,” April 1, “Millions.” Film clips will be presented followed by discussion. 6-8 p.m. Donation requested. Grace Lutheran Church, Waverly & Loma Verde, Palo Alto. Call 650-326-3800. Sunday Afternoon Film Festival Film, “The Business of Being Born.” Sun., March 29, 2-4 p.m. $5-25. Blossom Birth, 299 S. California Ave, Suite 120, Palo Alto. HEALTH CPR and First Aid Classes Every Wednesday night, CPR and first-aid classes. CPR basic/ health care professional/renewal and basic first aid class. Please call and pre-register. Can be taken separately or combination. 5-9:30 p.m. $75 for both. 862 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-424-0204. Issues with food? Obsessed with food? Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous is a program for individuals recovering from addictive eating and anorexia based on the 12 steps of AA. No dues/no fees/no weigh-ins. Sundays, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto. Call 415-248-9347. “Bat Boy, The Musical” “Ripped from the headlines of The Weekly World News, ‘Bat Boy’ tells the amazing story of a strange boy with pointy ears and his struggle to find a place in a world that shuns him.” Feb. 27-March 22, 8 p.m. $18-$26. Lohman Theatre, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos. Call 650-949- 7360. “It Ain’t Nothin’ But the Blues” Retrospective of blues classics. March 11-April 5, Tue.-Wed. at 7:30 p.m., Thu.-Sat. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 2 and 7 p.m. $21-64. TheatreWorks at the Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka” Musical presented by the young actors of Los Altos Youth Theatre. March 6-21, 8-9:45 p.m. $15-$10. Bus Barn Theater, 97 Hillview Ave., Los Altos. RELIGION/ SPIRITUALITY Insight Meditation South Bay Shaila Catherine and guest teachers lead a weekly Insight Meditation sitting followed by a talk on Buddhist teachings every Tuesday, 7:30-9 p.m. Free. St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 2094 Grant Road, Mountain View,. Call 650-857-0904. SENIORS Exploring Sense of Place Karen Harwell will discuss the nonprofit project, “exploring a Sense of Place” and show how this group gives people the means to reconnect to the natural world. Thu., March 26, 1 p.m. Free. Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-903-6330. Prescription Eyeglass options for Medical/Medicare Patients Information about covering eye-glass prescriptions, what Medicare and Medical will cover, and for how long they will cover. Fri., March 20, 1 p.m. Free. Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-903-6330. SPECIAL EVENTS Fashion Show Benefit Quota Intl. of Mountain View/Los Altos Fashion Show-Luncheon “Completing the Look”. Held at Michael’s at Shoreline, models wearing “Fashions & Hats” will be escorted by volunteer Mountain View Firefighters. Silent auction and raffle. Fashions variety provided by three local merchants. RSVP by March 18. Event is March 21. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. $40 per person. Completing the Look - Fashions & Hats, 2960 Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View. Call 650-964-4360. TALKS/AUTHORS A Cisco case study: successful product launch using Social Media A Cisco case study on how Social Media and Web 2.0 tactics were used to build community and buzz around the launch of the Cisco ASR 1000 ser. routers. Tue., March 24, 7-9 p.m. $20 online, $30 at the door. Samovar Conference Hall, 1077 Independence Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-941-8464. MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 35 Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE E-MAIL PHONE 650/326-8216 Now you can log on to, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!! The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co. right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice. 36 Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. McCool Piano Studio 566-9391MP 5 min walk from Burgess Gym Bulletin Board 115 Announcements ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Rick at 202-289-8484. (AAN CAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION ?Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (AAN CAN) Artist Reception on March 20th Now accepting new students! Piano, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, and Guitar lessons taught by LindaConservatory Trained, Master in Arts Teaching- Great with Children and Adults. Forever teaching the Art and Love of Music for my students! Opus 1 Music Studio Piano Lessons Taught in your home. Member MTAC & NGPT. Specializing in beginners. All levels welcome. Karen, (650)233-9689 Piano Lessons in Palo Alto 135 Group Activities Art for kids/6507990235 BACK, NECK OR JOINT PAIN? Body Image & Eating Disorders BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP BookSale - Library 3/29 Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Editing/Writing Emerson School Free community Reiki treatments Gallery/Studio Space Gallery/Studio Workspace Ki Flow - new Japanese exercise! - $15 for dr Lecture: Alzheimer’s Resources 201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts Donate Vehicle Receive $1000 Grocery Coupons, Your Choice. Noah’s Arc, No Kill Animal Shelters. Advanced Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, IRS Tax Deduction. Non-Runners. 1-866-912GIVE. (Cal-SCAN) Donate Your Car Children’s Cancer Fund! Help Save A Child’s Life Through Research and Support! Free Vacation Package. Fast, Easy and Tax Deductible. Call 1-800252-0615. (Cal-SCAN) Palo Alto, 451 Chaucer St, 9-2 NATURE/OUTDOORS Events Calendar Parent Observation Car Trailer 1970 Unknown - $600.00 ob QUIT SMOKING, Nicotine Anonymous Chevy 1999 Blazer - $4,499 Quota of MV/LA Fashion Show Ford Mustang 1968 Classic Mustang - $4000. OBO San Carlos: 1101 Orange, 3/20-21, 9-3 x-Brittan. Entry #s, Fri., 8am. Contents of home. 1940s gate leg tables, stands, seating, sec. bkcase, oak cabs; Limoges, Copeland, Ridgeway; colored Depression glass, Swarovski figures; prints, old books, flat screen TV, much more. www. to preview. Honda 2003 Accord LX 5 Speed $7700 Trouble with food? Sunnyvale: 552 S. Murphy Ave., 3/20, 3/21, 9:30-4 The Lace Museum semi-annual Sale. Lace for costuming, craft, and art projects. Vintage table cloths, napkins, and bed spreads. Supplies and Magazines for lace makers and much more! Mindfulness Meditation class Lost Gray/White Cat 650-804-4393 New CoDA Mtg on Redwood Shores Runaway Cat! 215 Collectibles & Antiques 145 Non-Profits Needs Personality Analysis - free Please donate gently used shoes Stanford Psych Studies 150 Volunteers Be a Volunteer Mediator! CHANGE A LIFE THROUGH LITERACY! San Francisco Singles Party Golden Gate Yacht Club Sat. 3/21 Couples Make Great Mentors! Springtime Creativity Friendly Visitors Needed 130 Classes & Instruction help feed alley cats in MV ExChange your World Library Volunteers Needed Literacy Tutors in the Classroom GERMAN Language Class Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/4241940 Jazz & Pop Piano Lessons Learn how to build chords & improvise. Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford. (650)9067529 FOGSTER.COM Used Tires For Sale ————- Great Prices Volvo 1996 850 GLT Wagon Excellent condition, one owner, all records, garage kept, 181K miles, leather, moonroof, heated seats, and a third seat. VOLVO 1998 V90 Wagon - $3,950 Volunteers for Farmers’ Market Horses - Board $500. Feed, individual shelters with 1/16th acre paddocks, across from Spring Down on trail. 24/7 care at pvt. home in Woodside. No riding on site. 650/851-1796 FUN PIANO VIOLIN GUITAR LESSONS Hope Street Studios In Downtown Mountain View Most Instruments, Voice All Ages, All Levels (650) 961-2192 NORMAN ROCKWELL PLATE - $25.00 Stanford Psych Studies Horse Boarding/Woodside Trail riders call (650)851-9008 levels Mercury 1997 GS Sable Wagon $2100 Project LOOK! volunteers needed! A Piano Teacher C h i l d re n & Ema Currier (650)493-4797 Bayanina music studio 90% Silver Half Dollar Rolls - $110/each NASA cats need fosterers 155 Pets Barton-Holding Music Studio Vocal instruction, all levels. 6-week sight singing class starts 7/7. Laura, 650/965-0139 Jeep 1989 Wrangler Sahara YJ 51267 miles ,2 DR WAGON SPORT UTILITY ,Automatic Transmission,4.2L L6 2BL (Mopar Fuel Injected) ,$2700, MALARIA VACCINE STUDY_STANFORD 133 Music Lessons Adults PA: 472 Oak Rd., 3/20, 2-5pm; 3/21, 9-1. Weather permitting, outdoor bargain area opens at 8:30am on Sat. BIG RUMMAGE SALE benefits Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. From Sand Hill Rd., turn on Stock Farm Rd. Go one block to 472 Oak Rd. (at corner). CASH ONLY. 650/497-8591 BMW 1985 524TD - $3200. OBO Found: kid’s play tent Pearl Sofaer PA: 1145 Hamilton Ave., 3/21, 9-2 x St. Lincoln. Estate Sale. Antique Japanese Dolls(hina matsuri) wedding Kimonos, obi’s, and porcelain. Moms Get Fit! 140 Lost & Found Meditation/Buddhist Teachings Guitar and Bass Lessons All styles, ages, skill 25+ years exp. 408/260-1131 For Sale Atherton: 102 Catalpa Dr. , 3/20, 3/21, 10-4 Estate Sale. 5,000 Sq foot home full of Fabulous Furniture and Finds. Commodes, Artwork, Chandeliers, Rugs, Garden Furniture & Statuary, Kitchen, Garage, and Much More! Please, No Early Birds! Issues with food? THE ROCK BAND CLASS Starts 3/3 Jewelers, Glass and Fine Art 210 Garage/Estate Sales 1993 Chevy 4X4 New Engine 2500 Cheyenne long bed - $4900.OBO Spring Fling Singles Dance Homestays needed- get paid INDEX BULLETIN BOARD 100-199 ■ FOR SALE 200-299 ■ KIDS STUFF 330-399 ■ MIND & BODY 400-499 ■ JOBS 500-599 ■ BUSINESS SERVICES 600-699 ■ HOME SERVICES 700-799 ■ FOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 800-899 ■ PUBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and ART Dialogues Docents volunteers ■ No phone number in the ad? GO TO FOGSTER.COM for contact information BOOK SALE 3/14-15 CUBBERLEY CTR - $1 Diecast Scale Models Improve your odds for a job - $15 Maltese Puppy AKC - $1100 Nice pony or foal blanket - $35obo The Winged and Garlanded Nike - $22 Tiger Boom Mower-Rear Boom Flail $1,500 260 Sports & Exercise Equipment Weights & Bench - $35 or BO Canvas tent - $20.00 GOLF EQUIPMENT - $125/Set Kids’ adidas soccer shoes - $12 Ladies Backpack Gregory Acadia as new. Used twice only. Blue and Grey. Nautilus NE2000 elliptical - $1500 rucksack - $10.00 soccer shoes 8/8 1/2 - $varies Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered After school supervision BabySitter Betty’s Day Care itunes $25 gift card - $20 Excellent & Efficient Nanny NEW Sony VAIO, 16.4”, Core 2 Duo - $1100 Experienced Sitter TV Converter Box - 25. Great, FUN, Loving NANNY 230 Freebies HOME DAYCARE AVAILABLE cat door - FREE Little Ages in home childcare electric organ - FREE Multicultural and Bilingual Free Trampoline - FREE nanny available Washing Machine GE - FREE Nanny Available afternoons Contact Coffee Table with Nice Legs!!! - $50 Toddler girls Bike - $80 Auto creeper - $200.00 HDMI CABLE PREMIUM GOLD - $10.00 King headboard or bed 203 Bicycles 2 Altamesa plots, - $5000 ea Denon AVR 2801 - $175 or be VOLVO 98 WAGON V90 Original Owner. V90 station wagon. 6 cylinders. All Leather seats. Silver metallic color exterior. Good appearance. Good running condition. 159,000 miles. air-conditioning, power windows. CD. Back folds down for flatbed use and transportation. Sawmills From only $2,990 - Convert your Logs To Valuable Lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.NorwoodIndustries. com/300N -FREE Information: 1-800578-1363 x300-N. (Cal-SCAN) Amazing Nanny Available Antique dolls 888-2928 DIRECTV Satellite TV Special Offer: Save $21/month for one year, Free HD-DVR, Plus 3 Free months of HBO/ Starz/Showtime! Call Expert Satellite 1-888-246-2215 (credit card required) (AAN CAN) 220 Computers/ Electronics 235 Wanted to Buy V(650) 245 Miscellaneous 240 Furnishings/ Household items 2 Italian Marble Lvg Rm Tables - $350 Bedroom Set Antique-One Owner - $850 Art for kids/classes Great Nanny Available Nanny Jobs Peninsula Occasional Babysitting Offered Our Wonderful Nanny available Responsible Nanny Good experience and references. Call: (650)465-4559 The Traditional Nanny!!! Wonderful P-T Nanny available Craftz & Artz - $450 340 Child Care Wanted Lily Pond Table Lamp - $45 Seeking PT weekend babysitter photgraphy - $999.00 Refrigerator/Freezer, Sanyo, New $450 Tiffany Ceiling Light Fixture - $90 No phone number in the ad? GO TO FOGSTER.COM for contact information To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or visit us at See MARKETPLACE, page 38 GO TO FOGSTER.COM TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 TENNIS TENNIS!! Alan Margot’s International School of the Peninsula SUMMER CAMP tSummerCamp@istp.orgtXXXJTUQPSH Champion Tennis Camps Language Immersion Summer Camp July 27 - August 14 • ages 4-14 @ Atherton Tennis Center 'SFODIt$IJOFTFt4QBOJTI Nursery through 8th HSBEFt5XP1BMP"MUP$BNQVTFTt5ISFFXFFL4FTTJPOT 650-752-0540 Fun with Food June 22- July 3 Mists of the Rain Forest July 6 - July 17 A Splash Adventure July 20 - July 31 3FHJTUFSOPXGPS4VNNFS Spring Down EQUESTRIAN CENTER 2009 HORSEMANSHIP CAMPS June 29 - July 31 Winter Camp: Spring Camp: February 16-20 April 6-10 April 13-17 Summer Camps: Session I: 1 Day Mini Camps: Scheduled every month. Check our website for dates. Summer Camp Intermediate Camp: Sign up today! July 6-July 17 Session III: July 20-31 Session IV: August 3-14 Session V: August 17-28 725 Portola Rd., Portola Valley Put on a whole show in 2 weeks with costumes, sets and much more! (650) 851-1114 (650) 568-3332 June 22-26 Aug. 10-14 June 15-June 26 Session II: (2nd grade-12th) TECH CAMPS 1-888-709-TECH Nature Awareness Summer Camps Ages 6 & up Surf Camp Day Camps Expeditions America’s #1 Tech Camp for ages 7-18 held at: Creative Arts Summer Camps Rock Music Movie Making Sign up today for $30-$50 off Photography Sculpture (8324) (8324) Stanford University Santa Clara University UC Santa Cruz New York University UC Berkeley & more! Comic Art Ages 9 & up (650) 298-3405 3455 Edison Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Sign up today and receive $50 off (650) 298-3419 Game Design 3D Modeling Sports & Tech Web Design Filmmaking Programming Surf & Tech Robotics & more! REGISTER TODAY! Save with Code CA76 3455 Edison Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 To include your school or camp in Summer Fun, please call Irene or David at 650.326.8210 Irene: x213 David: x216 MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 37 MARKETPLACE the printed version of MARKETPLACE Jogging stroller $50 Continued from page 36 Now offering Nannies On-Call! Mention this ad for $50 off Annual Membership 650-462-4580 Serving California families since 1990 425 Health Services ONLINE PHARMACY Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar $71.99/90 $107/180 Quantities, PRICE INCLUDES PRESCRIPTION! Over 200 meds. $25 Coupon Mention Offer: #71A31. 1-888-661-4957. (AAN CAN) 345 Tutoring/ Lessons Chess Lessons for kids and adult French Native Teacher All levels and ages. SAT, AP, conversation for travelers and business professionals. Hessen Camille Ghazal, Ph.D. 650/9659696 French, Spanish for HS students HS Math & Spanish Summer Courses HS Math Tutor (650)494-8946 One-to-One Tutoring Service Reading and Math Tutor K-5th. Exp. teacher. Victoria Burnett, MA.MFC lic. 43868. 650/851-8906; 408/235-0549 Spanish tutoring Tutor- experienced w/ K-8 350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Digital Media for Kids & Teens! Growing Tree Preschool Exploration and learning. Ages 2-6. Small ratio 7:30am-6:00pm (650)857-0655. Horseback Riding Camp Spring Break & Summer Camps www. 355 Items for Sale Great Baby Essentials High Chair, Clothes, Bike Seat - $10-20 To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or visit us at Jobs 500 Help Wanted Restaurant Empire Grill and Tap Room, 651 Emerson St., PA. (650)321-3030. Hiring host/ess, server. 550 Business Opportunities 100% Recession Proof! Be Your Own Boss! Your Own Local Vending Route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy for $9,995. MultiVend LLC, 1-888-625-2405. (Cal-SCAN) Fantastic Income plus a Lifetime of “Free” hotel rooms, and much much more. Free information Booklet at or call 1-877-526-6957 ID# S0505 (Cal-SCAN) Up To $275K+ 1st year Potential Income. We train. Serious, Motivated and Driven Only. Not MLM. Don’t Believe it, Don’t Call. 1-800821-9551. www.CashFlowPowerHouse. com (Cal-SCAN) 560 Employment Information $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Earn Extra income assembling CD cases from Home. CALL OUR LIVE OPERATORS NOW! 1-800-405-7619 ext. 150 (AAN CAN) FOGSTER.COM 500 Help Wanted Palo Alto Weekly seeks Education/Youth/Family beat reporter The CNPA-award-winning, independent Palo Alto Weekly is seeking a reporter for its challenging Education, Youth and Family beat and community reporting. Applicants must be self-starters with an easy flow of story ideas, good analytical skills and an ability to develop a solid understanding of the complex local and statewide education system, challenges and trends. The Weekly pioneered online posting of news stories as early as 1994, and is immersed in the fast-changing interface between print and online journalism. Applicants should have an interest in and excitement for the many possibilities in this area — including use of video and digital photography. $600 WEEKLY POTENTIAL$$$ Helping the Government PT. No Experience, No Selling. Call: 1-888-213-5225 Ad Code L-5. VOID in Maryland and South Dakota. (AAN CAN) Chef Apprentice Get paid to learn. Medical/dental, 30 days vacation/yr, $ for school. No experience needed. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri 1-800-345-6289. (Cal-SCAN) DATA ENTRY PROCESSORS Needed! Earn $3,500-$5,000 Weekly Working from Home! Guaranteed Paychecks! No Experience Necessary! Positions Available Today! Register Online Now! (AAN CAN) Driver - New Hiring Area Driver - West Coast Regional. Newest equipment on the road. Competitive Pay. Run the Western 11 States. On Site - Full Service Maintenance Shop. Reasonable Home Time. Western Express - 22 yrs. old. Good MVR, EOE, CDL-A, 1 yr. OTR. Call Edna Today! 1-866-863-4112. (Cal-SCAN) EARN $75 - $200 HOUR Media Makeup Artist Training. Ads, TV, Film, Fashion. One week class. Stable job in weak economy. Details at 310-364-0665 (AAN CAN) Loan Officers! Experienced. 100% Commission. Work for a Banker/ Broker with competitive rates! Paperless system with full access! Keep current appraiser relationships. Call Annette 415-328-0352. (Cal-SCAN) 601 Accounting/ Bookkeeping Accounting & Bookkeeping Service Affordable prices 408-596-1787 Affordable Tax and Bookkeeping For Individuals and Businesses. CPA/ MST 408/888-2297 604 Adult Care Offered Canyon House and Crescent Villa Since 1987. Menlo Park and Sunnyvale. Assisted living and memory care. Call us for more info or visit www. 650/3222022 Elderly Caregiver Available live in/out with great references. (408)376-1368 or (408)661-0722 624 Financial CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold, Silver, Plat. Get Cash NOW! Highest Payouts - Satisfaction Guaranteed 1-877-548-1550 (AAN CAN) In today's economy most people have credit card debt. Credit Card Rescue has the solution. Get out of debt in months not years - save thousands. Call 866-910-5252 (AAN CAN) New York Shelf Co. 13 year aged New York Shelf Corporation comes with a $1M corporate line of credit, 85 paydex score and personal guarantor. $40k, (480) 553-3265, (Cal-SCAN) Candidates should have at least two years beat-coverage experience, preferably in education, have strong writing and grammar skills and be versatile in covering different types of education and community stories. Dependability and a desire to maintain collegial relationships with editors are essential. Discount Notes Bought 408/720-9146 or 800/595-0235 645 Office/Home Business Services Classified Advertising in 240 Cal-SCAN newspapers for the best reach, coverage, and price. 25-words $550. Reach 6 million Californians!. FREE email brochure. Call (916) 2886019. (Cal-SCAN) Display Advertising In 140 Cal-SDAN newspapers statewide for $1,550! Reach over 3 million Californians! FREE email brochure. Call (916) 288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) FOGSTER.COM 38 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 News Release? Cost-efficient service. The California Press Release Service has 500 current daily, weekly and college newspaper contacts in California. FREE email brochure. Call (916) 288-6010. www. (CalSCAN) 648 HorsesBoarding/Training SANDHAVEN FARM at Portola Farms Dedicated to All of Your Equestrian Specializing in Needs Jumpers/Hunters Rachel Yorke and Sales (650) 400-6836 650 Pet Care/ Grooming/Training All Animals Happy House Pet Sitting Services by Licensed, insured, 650-323-4000 Neat-N-Tidy Cleaning Residential/Commercial Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly Excel. refs. 15 years exp. 650/9492729 * Free Est. 650/906-3156 Orkopina Housecleaning "The BEST Service for You" • Meticulous, Quality Work • Laundry/Ironing/Windows/Blinds • Wax/Wall Washing/Const. Cleanup • Senior/Expectant Mother/Newborn Disc. • Last minute calls (650) 962-1536 Since 1985 737 Fences & Gates Fences - Decks - Retaining Walls Stairs. Reasonable prices. Lic. #786158. Al, 650/269-7113 or 650/853-0824 745 Furniture Repair/Refinish Leather Furniture Repair Expert color matching and re-dyeing We can repair leather, vinyl, fabrics & plastic Even pet damage and burns! Lic. 020624 OUT OF THIS WORLD FREE ESTIMATES • MOBILE SERVICE Residential & Commercial Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Cleaning Specialists Phone: (650) 391-5160 Fibrenew Silicon Valley 408-773-1395 Lic. #054959 - IICRC certified Susan refs. Judy’s Pet Care Experienced pet sitting in your home. Daily visits, exercise, and overnights. (650) 868-2378 Business Services The job requires several stories a week, including daily news briefs posted to the Weekly‘s website, in-depth news stories and a cover story every four to six weeks relating to children, schools or families or other assignments in the community. It is strongly preferred that applicants live in or near Palo Alto. Outof-state applicants with no roots in the area are discouraged. Send resume and three writing clips to Editorial Assistant Karla Kane, Palo Alto Weekly, 703 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94302, or e-mail No phone calls please. THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Sandy’s Cleaning Family owned and operated A Janitorial Service Specializing in Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATE Francisco or Olivia Tel:(408) 732-7765 Cell:(408) 605-0750 WHITE GLOVE HOUSE & CARPET CLEANING • Non-Toxic, Enviro- • Pet Friendly Home Services 703 Architecture/ Design Design/Permits One Stop Place for Your Remodeling Design needs. Complete Plans include Structural Engineering and Energy Compliance (T-24). ADW 650/969-4980 710 Carpentry Cabinetry-Individual Design Precise, 3-D Computer Modeling Mantels, Bookcases, Workplaces Wall Units, Window Seats Ned Hollis 650-856-9475 715 Cleaning Services Housekeeper wanted must speak English, attention to detail in cleaning and laundry. Need to be available for special projects such as parties or holiday events. please call 650-328-9221 2 person team. We do the same service as everyone else - but the difference is: "we love to do it!" Steam spot cleaning avail. Lic. #28276. Call 650/369-7570 www. Affordable Housecleaning and Handyman Service. Call us for all of your home repair needs. Great refs. 408/329-0317. Serving the entire Bay Area. Delfina’s Housecleaning Good refs. 15 yrs exp. Free est. 650/520-9038; 650/364-7210 DINA HOUSE CLEANING DINA HOUSE CLEANING AFFORDABLE House cleaning english speaking Free stimate call Dina 650464-0991 Janes Cleaning Service Housecleaning and Light Gardening, cooking and dog walker. 408/261-0342. 34 years exp. Serving the Peninsula. Jose’s Janitorial Service Professional House Cleaning, Offices * Window Washing * Basic Residential * Husband & Wife References (650)322-0294 Friendly Products • Good References • All TeamsTrained, • Free In-Home Uniformed Estimates • Senior Discount • License #35780 748 Gardening/ Landscaping Beckys Landscape Weekly & Periodic Maint. Annual Rose, Fruit Tree Pruning, Yard Clean-ups, Demolition, Excavation, Irrigation, Sod, Planting, Raised Beds. Driveway, Patio, Deck Installation. Power Washing. 650/493-7060 Cornelius Construction & Landscaping • Tree services • Concrete • Yard clean up • Pavers Masonry, Brick works • New lawns • Sprinkler systems • Fences/Retaining walls, decks Lic #915925 (650) 353-6554 (650) 218-9872 • (650) 207-3141 719 Remodeling/ Additions Domicile Construction, Inc. General Contractor T 415 999-3143 • YARD • LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE • ESTATE SERVICE • NEW LAWNS • SPRINKLER FREE ESTIMATE (650)367-1420 RENOVATION SYSTEMS CYPREX Construction since 1990 lic #627843 Landscapes C-27, B, 701749 728 Drywall/Plaster 650-270-0966 DRYWALL & PLASTERING REPAIR • HANG • TAPE • TEXTURE • SMOOTH WALL Over 35 Years Experience Lic #284952 Call Bill 650-321-1577 Cell: 650-279-7820 harbour light drywall •New •Remodel •Repair Certified Mold Remediation Clean, Considerate Work ..... Lic #711618 650-483-1480 730 Electrical Alex Electric Lic #784136. Free Est. All electrical. Alex, (650)366-6924 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Recessed Lighting, panel, Jacuzzi, A/C. Troubleshooting to code. Lic#874972 CALL CARLOS, 650 576-1991 PBM Electrical Local Licensed Electrician Since 1980. Quality, reasonable, personalized, complete panels, lighting. New Homes & Remodels. Lic#514961 Paul (650)269-7734 Stewart Electric Residential Electric & Lighting Services. Lic #745186 (408)745-7115 or (408)368-6622 Williams Electric 30 years wiring homes. 650/343-5125. Lic. #545936. Call, relax, it’s done! To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or visit usat F&B Landscaping • Maintenance • New Lawns • Irrigation Systems • Tree Trim or Removal • Fences • Pavers (650)215-8601 • Free Est Flores Gardening Service General Clean Up * All Tree Work * Pruning, Trimming, etc. * Sprinkler Systems * Local, 35 Years * Free Est. 650/948-8965 FLORES GARDENING SERVICE • Garden & Lawn Maintenance • Rose Pruning • Tree Trimming • Stump Removal • Sprinkler(repair) • Hauling • Lic#232036 11 years experience Joel (650) 279-9941 Full Landscaping Irrigation, drainage, lighting, hauling, concrete. Cozmo, 408/401-0968; 408/499-1104 Lalo Gaeta's Landscape Complete Garden Maintenance Pavers, flagstone, brick work, BBQs, sprinkler, retaining walls/fences, lighting, Free Estimate! (650) 368-1458 MARKETPLACE the printed version of THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM H AND H GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE Need help with your garden or landscape. monthly maintenance and new landscaping, We can help. Free estimates. Randy 510-455-0215 or Rufino 650-388-8282. J. L. GARDENING SERVICE • Garden & Landscape Care • Full Weekly or Bi-Weekly Service • Cleanups • Free Estimates 25 Years of Experience CELL: (650) 988-8694 (650) 520-9097 Kitchens, Bathrooms, Stucco, Dry Rot & Masonry Lic. #743748 LET BOB DO IT! Japanese Gardener Maintenance * Garden works Clean ups * Pruning (650)327-6283, evenings Custom Lighting s Electrical Upgrades Crown Molding s Paint s Tile Kitchen & Bath Remodels Jesus Garcia Landscaping Maintenance - Sprinklers - New Fences. (650)366-4301 or (650)346-6781 ask for Jesus or Carmen Landa’s Gardening & Landscaping •Yard Maintenance • New Lawns • Clean Ups •Tree Trimming/Pruning • Wood Fencing (650) 576-6242 Ramon M. Sanchez General Landscaping and Design Concrete, patios, driveways, flagstone, lacking pavers, new lawns, planting, irrigation, garden lighting, clean-ups. New installation & repairs. Lic.#860920 (650)444-7072, 342-1392 Maintenance Clean up, trim, pruning, stump removal/tree service, rototilling, aeration, landscaping, drip and sprinkler. Roger, 650/776-8666 Free KEANE CONSTRUCTION Reces s Speciaion Specializing 10% O l FF in Home Repairs (650) 430-3469 www.JLGARDENING.COM Mario’s Gardening Maintenance, clean-ups. 650/365-6955; 995-3822 Domicile Construction Inc. est. Call Bob: (650) 868-2518 LEFT COAST BUILDERS ,ICs#ERTIlED%LECTRICIAN NOTICE TO READERS California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Wanderkauven Construction REMODEL-REPAIR-KITCHENBATHROOM-ELECT-PLUMBING PAINT-FENCE-DECK-CONCRETE Lic#580816 Free Estimate-No job too small (650)369-6812•(415)810-7913 754 Gutters Natural Gardens Landscape Service Lic #793711 Orkopina Concrete/Gardening General landscape, cleanup, trim. New lawns, sprinklers, concrete. 650/9621536 Ray’s Landscaping Lawns, sprinklers, pavers, stone, clean ups, hauling. Since 1980. Lic. 749922. 650/969-4276; 650/793-3939. Roy’s Landscaping & Maintenance Professional Stone work & Water Fountains. Residential/Commercial, with ad 10% off. Excellent References. (650)520-4744 or (650)218-3267 Sam’s Garden Service General Cleanup • Gardening Pruning • Trimming New Lawns • Sprinkler Systems Thatching • Planting (650)969-9894 SANDOVAL GARDENING Complete Jose and Dina 650-464-0991 fre est. 751 General Contracting A B WEST CONSTRUCTION • Remodels • Repairs • Tile • Carpentry • Decks • Elec/Plumbing • Painting Call E. Marchetti for Free Estimate Excellent Local References (650) 347-8359 Lic.#623885 Fax(650)344-6518 FOGSTER.COM A J O H N STO N ✮ HAULING ✮ LARGE TRUCKS Dump Runs • Trees LARGE/small JOBS Free Estimate Insured Frank’s Hauling Commercial, Residential, Garage, Basement & Yard. Clean-up. Fair prices. 650/361-8773 J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, appliances, garage, storage, etc, clean-ups. Old furniture, green waste and yard junk. Licensed & insured. FREE ESTIMATES 650/368-8810 767 Movers SHMOOVER MOOVERS LICENSE CAL. T-118304 22 years serving your area FREE ESTIMATES • REFERENCES Ed Rodriguez Ph/Fax (650) 570-5274 Cell (650) 465-9163 Jeffs Handyman and Repair Free est. 10% SENIOR Discount. “No Job Too Small.” Call Jeff, 650/714-2563 Kensil Service Company The Palo Alto Handyman (650)743-6251 No phone number in the ad? GO TO FOGSTER.COM for contact information Al Peterson Roofing since 1946 Specializing in • Repairs • Reroofing • Maintenance • Gutter cleaning• Moss removal 650-493-9177 Cornelius Construction Roofing • Emerg. roof repair • Re-roofing • Water proofing • Gutter cleaning License #915925 (650) 353-6554 327-5493 792 Pool Services 771 Painting/ Wallpaper Don Pohlman’s Painting * Detailed Craftsmanship * Excel. Restorative Prep * Great Local References 650/799-7403 * Lic. 635027 Gary Rossi PAINTING Residential/Commercial. Wall paper removal. Lic. (#559953) and Bonded. Free est. 650/345-4245 QUALITY PREPARATION & FINISH WORK • Interior/Exterior STYLE PAINTING Commercial and Residential. Interior/ Exterior. Licensed (#903303) and Insured. Complete painting service. 650/388-8577 Electrical • Plumbing • Painting Carpentry • Tile • Wallpapering 790 Roofing Serving the Peninsula since 1975/Owner-Operated! ABLE HANDYMAN FRED HANDY “ED” MAN by Becky’s Landscaping 650.493.7060 Licensed & insured #392875 Al Trujillo Handyman Service Int./Ext. painting* Kit./BA Improv., Dry Rot, Flooring Install, Homes/Apt. Repairs, Auto Sprinkler, Landscapes, Fences. 20yrs. 650-207-1306 POWER WASHING Prompt Service A European Craftsmanship Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. For All Your Repair Needs. Plumbing, Finish Carpentry and More. Licensed. 650/270-7726 • Complete Home Repairs • Maintenance • Remodeling • Professional Painting • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Custom Cabinet Design – 30 Years Experience – 650.529.1662 • 483.4227 787 Pressure Washing New driveway, patio, deck? We can do! Or try a fresh, clean look – Power Wash! BLAKEMORE PAINTING, INC. 757 Handyman/ Repairs He-Man Plumbing Serving Palo Alto & Menlo Park. Lic. #915454. 650/222-7953 650-327-HAUL cell: 415-999-0594 NEAT RELIABLE PAINTING • Residential & Commercial • Estate Service • Indoor & Outdoor • Clean ups (650) 670-4094 (650) 364-9743 759 Hauling FREE ESTIMATES 325-8039 Wallpapering by Trish 24 years of experience Free Estimates 949-1820 Woodside Pool Service In memory of Ed Wirsch. Service, repairs, PG&E certified energy audits. 650/948-8358 795 Tree Care OZZIES TREE SERVICE: Certified arborist, 22 yrs exp. Tree trimming, removals and stump grinding. Free chips and wood. Free est. Lic. and insured. 650/ 368-8065; cell 650/704-5588 PALO ALTO TREE SERVICE • Ornamental & Tree Pruning • Removal & Stump Grinding Emergency Service Lic.#819244 Bonded & Insured Ask for José (650) 380-2297 Real Estate Bayshore Plumbers Service, drains, repairs. 21 years exp., comm’l/res. Insured. Lic. 905661. 650/323-6464; 408/250-0568. www. Housing Wanted - Exchange 803 Duplex Room Wanted -Exchange 820 Home Exchanges 805 Homes for Rent Green Cool Modern East Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $1950.00/m 825 Homes/Condos for Sale East Palo Alto, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $4000 ATH: EXQUISITE ESTATE Belmont, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $1,200,000 "0@!#0/>:CA5C3AB@==;E4C::0/B6 62E2A:/B3B7:34:@A5=C@;3B97BEB=>/>>: "47@3>:1A>==:B=>@/B3A16:A;= "0@"0/E:@5=44713 !/1@3:=B5=C@;3B 97B/;>:31/07<3BA>/13>==:E:@5231962E ;/@0:3B7:34:@A:/A:=;7B/AA16:A Los Altos Hills, $2,695,000 Menlo Park, $2,249,950 Los Altos Hills, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $7500/mo BR/3.5 BA - 5+ BR/4+ BA - Mountain View, 2 BR/2 BA - 50,000.00 Mountain View, 3 BR/2 BA - $875500 Los Altos, 3 BR/2 BA - $2,995 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1.5 BA - $575,000 Los Altos, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $4,500/mon Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $729,000 Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $3850/mont Redwood City, 4 BR/2 BA - $1,000,000 Mountain View, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $2600 BR/2.5 4 Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $769,950 '#;="&"&!$%% 3 Rental Wanted Seeking Quiet Studio/1 BR Apt. Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1700/mo Mountain View, $2900.00 Look No Further... BA - Redwood City, $2999500 5+ BR/4+ BA - San Carlos, 3 BR/2 BA - 899,000 Mtn. View, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $3,150/mo. 830 Commercial/ Income Property LONE WOLF PROPERTIES Leasing and Property Management 650-326-7570 HOMES NEEDED! Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $3,700 mon Furnished offices – all incl Office Space Available Downtown Menlo Park. (650)218-3669 PA: Downtown 120-4355 sf offices for lease. Photos, plans, pricing: 650/776-5390 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA Charming, clean and cheery home. Nr Calif Ave/Stanford. No pets. Lease $2750/mo 650-625-1796 Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $5750/mo. Palo Alto, 3 BR/1.5 BA - $3800 Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $3800/mo. Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $ 3,650 Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - $3800. mon Palo Alto, 4 BR/4+ BA - $6500 Palo Alto, 5+ BR/2 BA $4200 Avail Immed. 650.533.4645 Portola Valley Office Space Free standing building on Portola Road next to the Village Square Shopping Center. Very reasonable rates. Different sizes available. Contact Tom at 650 207-6063. RWC: Office Atherton border. In quiet bldg., 110sf. $280 mo. Yr lease. Incl. carpet, parking, janitorial, utils. 650.208.8624 840 Vacation Rentals/Time Shares Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $2300/mont Bed & Breakfast B&B Hotel Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1395/mo San Carlos, 2 BR/2 BA - $1,800. Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1595/mo Sunnyvale, 2 BR/1 BA - $1850/mont Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $1050/ mon Woodside, 2 BR/2 BA - $5200 Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1550/mo. Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1495/mo. MV-PA Vicinity: Studio & 1BR 2 locations. Flex rent. Prof residence. Unique features. Studios $1150$1350; 1BR $1350-$1550 650/9641146 or 783 Plumbing 815 Rentals Wanted WDSD: 1BR 2 rooms w/deck, kit. Pool, BBQ. $1200 mo., incl. utils. Avail. 4/1. 650/8511078 Redwood City, 2 BR/1 BA - $2300/mo. Alex’s Custom Concrete Decorative pavers, driveways, IPS, stamping, landscaping. Cozmo, 408/401-0968. Alex, 408/592-8291. Organizing Alex Reasonable Rates; Money back guarantee. 650-521-3246; alexaschwanden3701@ Portola Valley, 1 BR/1 BA - $1600 Sunnyvale, 1 BR/1 BA - $1050 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Mountain View, 3 BR/2 BA - $1850 End the Clutter & Get Organized ResidentialOrganizing by Debra Robinson (650)941-5073 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1100/mo Sunnyvale, 1 BR/1 BA - $1100 Beach House Monterey Dunes Beach House on the Water.3bedroom,3 baths, pool, tennis court,no smoking or pets $600.00 per night call 650-598-7047 775 Asphalt/ Concrete 779 Organizing Services Redwood Shores, 2 BR/2 BA - $1975 Redwood City, Studio - $1100 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $2400.00 Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1700/ mont Roe General Engineering Asphalt * Paving * Sealing New Construction and Repairs 30 years exp. No job too small Lic #663703 * 650/814-5572 Redwood Shores, 2 BR/2 BA - $1775 MP: 1BR/1BA Cottage, attached 200 blk Willow Rd. Lr/dr, full k, utilities incl. (650)3267679 Redwood City, 1 BR/1 BA - $1300 Mountain View, Studio - 999.00 MV: 1BR/1BA Downtown. Move in bonus! Pool, laundry, covered parking. $1200 mo. Please call 650/279-7208 Palo Alto, 5+ BR/3 BA Newer,Big,CuDSac/5668038/$7850 Woodside, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $4200/mo Woodside, 4 BR/3.5 BA - $9,000 Woodside: 1BR/1BA ,Guest House Split level w/stairs, garage w/washer & dryer. Pool and tennis court. Utilities paid except comcast & phone. No pets, or smoking. $2250/mo Cliff (650)851-1683 809 Shared Housing/ Rooms ALL AREAS - RENTMATES.COM Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Rentmates. com. (AAN CAN) MV: 1BR/1BA Cute, old-fashioned cabin-like. Oak floors, secluded garden patio. Laundry on premises. Small complex. $1195. N/ P. Avail. now. Manager, 650/938-4496. Menlo Park Near Stanford, 1 BR/1 BA - $895 PA: 1BR/1BA Move in bonus! Patio, pool, laundry, cov. pkg, $1200 mo. Also 2BR/2BA avail. Info, 650/796-7096 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1060.00/m PA: 1BR/1BA Upstairs. Bike to Stanford. Year lease. N/P. Avail. 2/4/09. $1295 mo. 650/493-9576 Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $600/month PA: 2BR/2BA Redecorated, parking, pool, California ave. district. No smoker, no pets. $2200/mo (650)324-8317 Sunnyvale, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $710/month Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1100/mo Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $2000 Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $2400 Molokai Beach House Beach front, 3 bd., 2 ba. 2acres $300/ nt. Pajaro Dunes Condo 2BR/2BA or 1BR/1BA. On beach, ocean view. Cable TV, VCR, CD, tennis, W/D. Pvt. deck, BBQ. Owner, 650/424-1747. Palo Alto, CA Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $650/month Mtn View, 2 BR/1 BA - $850 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1150 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $900.00 Palo, 1 BR/1 BA - $800.00/mo San Mateo To Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA 810 Cottages for Rent Menlo Park, Studio Studio behind main house in downtown. 650-328-4537 Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii Vacation on the “Garden Island” at our 3BR/3BA home. Sleeps 6 adults, 3-4 children. $975/week. 650 493 3927 To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or visit us at MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 39 MARKETPLACE the printed version of 850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage Arizona Land Big Lots. $0 Down, $0 Interest. Best Land, Best Terms Nationwide. Guaranteed Financing. Starting $129/mth. Total $14,995. Pre-Recorded Message 1-800-631-8164 mention code CALPRESS. (Cal-SCAN) Colorado Bank Foreclosure 35 AC $29,900. Enjoy 300 days of sunshine. Rocky mountain views, utilities. Excellent financing. First come, First serve!! Call Today 1-866-696-5263 x4938. (Cal-SCAN) New Mexico Buyer’s Market. Ranch Dispersal. 140 acres - $89,900. River Access. Northern New Mexico. Cool 6,000’ elevation with stunning views. Great tree cover including Ponderosa, rolling grassland and rock outcroppings. Abundant wildlife, great hunting. EZ terms. Call NML&R, Inc. 1-866-360-5263. (Cal-SCAN) Ski Bear Valley!! Stunning 1+acre lots in Sierras. 219K 855 Real Estate Services Foreclosed Home Auction Northern California. 1000 Homes Must Be Sold! REDC / Free Brochure: 1-800653-7072. . (Cal-SCAN) TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD in The Mountain View Voice, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Almanac call 326-8216 or visit us at THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement HELEN VANDERBERG & ASSOCIATES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520218 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Helen Vanderberg & Associates, 65 Gladys Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara County: HELEN VANDERBERG 65 Gladys Ave. Mountain View, CA 94043 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 1998. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 17, 2009. (Voice Feb. 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2009) NIJIYA MARKET FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520075 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Nijiya Market, 143 E. El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County: JINON CORPORATION 2180 W. 190th Street Torrance, CA 90504 This business is owned by a Corporation. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on June, 98. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 12, 2009. (Voice Feb. 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2009) HUNGRY MINDS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520277 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Hungry Minds, 1929 Crisanto Avenue #801, Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County: BROWNING NEDDEAU 1929 Crisanto Avenue #801 Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 18, 2009. (Voice Feb. 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2009) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 520187 The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/ have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): 1.) ADVANCED DENTAL LAB, 2.) SUPERIOR DENTAL, 3.) VISION DENTAL 570 E. El Camino Real #C Sunnyvale, CA 94087 FILED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY ON: 05/28/2008 UNDER FILE NO. 509982 REGISTRANT’S NAME(S): ADVANCED DENTAL LAB., INC. 570 E. El Camino Real #C Sunnyvale, CA 94087 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY a corporation. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 17, 2009. (Voice Feb. 27; March 6, 13, 20, 2009) GREENPOINT COACH FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520286 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, GreenPoint Coach, 188 S. Whisman Rd. Bldg. ‘A’, Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: SUSAN M. DAVIS 257 Mountain View Ave. Mtn. View, CA 94041 ROBERT R. DAVIS 257 Mountain View Ave. Mtn. View, CA 94041 This business is owned by a Trust. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on January 2009. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 18, 2009. (Voice Feb. 27, March 6, 13, 20, 2009) BIODENT DENTAL LAB ADVANCED DENTAL LAB SUPERIOR DENTAL LAB VISION DENTAL LAB FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520188 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, 1.) Biodent Dental Lab, 2.)Advanced Dental Lab, 3.) Superior Dental Lab, 4.) Vision Dental Lab, 570 E. El Camino Real #C, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara County: BIODENT DENTAL LAB, INC. 570 E. El Camino Real #C Sunnyvale, CA 94087 This business is owned by a Corporation. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 17, 2009. (Voice March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2009) MOHAWK AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520588 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Mohawk Authorized Service Center, 922 San Leandro Ave., # A, Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara County: ELEGANT THREAD INCORPORATED 922 San Leandro Ave., # A CA 94043 This business is owned by a Corporation. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 1-1-09. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 25, 2009. (Voice March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2009) Platform D CloudCamp FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 519916 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, 1.) Platform D, 2.) CloudCamp, 1046 Mercy St., Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: DAVID NIELSEN 1046 Mercy St. Mountain View, CA 94041 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 1/1/09. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 9, 2009. (Voice March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2009) ARTISAN WINE DEPOT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520446 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Artisan Wine Depot, 400A Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: TRAN’S WINES INC 144 South Third Street #132 San Jose, CA 95112 This business is owned by a corporation. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 20, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) THE GARAGE GUYS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520972 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, The Garage Guys, 771 Palo Alto Ave., Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: BRUCE NASH 771 Palo Alto Ave. Mountain View, CA 94041 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 5, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) SPRINKLER SOLUTIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520971 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Sprinkler Solutions, 771 Palo Alto, Mountain View, CA Need to publish a fictitious business statement in a Santa Clara County newspaper of general circulation? Call Alicia Santillan 650.326.8210 x239 to assist you with your legal advertising needs. E-mail: 40 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 94041, Santa Clara County: BRUCE NASH 771 Palo Alto, Ave. Mountain View, CA 94041 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 5, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) COGNIQUEST FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520833 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Cogniquest, 1051 S. Bernardo Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara County: ELAINE P. YOUNG 1051 S. Bernardo Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 FUMING YOUNG 1051 S. Bernardo Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 This business is owned by a general partnership. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 03/04/1999. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 3, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) ZYPALONG FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520908 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Zypalong, 1853 Doane Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara County: ZYPALONG, LLC 1853 Doane Ave. Mountain View, CA 94043 This business is owned by a limited liability company. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 4, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) BAY AREA PRO AUTO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 520656 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Bay Area Pro Auto, 3150 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite # 114, Santa Clara, CA 95054, Santa Clara County: RAMIN MOTEIZADEH 1166 Morse Ave. # 202 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 This business is owned by an individual. Registrant/Owner has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 26, 2009. (Voice March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2009) BARK BATHE & BEYOND FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 521367 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as, Bark Bathe & Beyond, 652 Cuesta Dr., Mtn. View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County: TATMAR LLC 652 Cuesta Dr. Mtn. View, CA 94040 This business is owned by a Limited Liability Company. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on March 16, 2009. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on March 16, 2009. (Voice March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 2009) 997 All Other Legals NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: WAYNE GAN TOM, aka WAYNE TOM, aka WAYNE G. TOM Case No. 1-09-PR-164636 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of WAYNE GAN TOM, WAYNE TOM, WAYNE G. TOM. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by: ROSALIE T. FOX in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that ROSALIE T. FOX be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on APRIL 8, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 15 of the Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 9100 of the California Probate Code. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: /s/ Maureen O’Connell 999 W. Taylor Street, Suite B San Jose, CA 95126 (408)297-6004 (Voice March 6, 13, 20, 2009) NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: EDWIN V. KARBOWSKI Case No. 1-08-PR-164132 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of EDWIN V. KARBOWSKI. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by: JOHN M. KARBOWSKI in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that JOHN M. KARBOWSKI be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on April 9, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 15 of the Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 9100 of the California Probate Code. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: /s/ John B. Sines 342 State Street, Suite 1 Los Altos, CA 94022 (650)948-1096 (Voice March 20, 27, April 3, 2009) THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE COMBINING THE REACH OF THE WEB WITH PRINT ADS REACHING OVER 150,000 READERS! THINK GLOBALLY, SHOP LOCALLY Now you can log on to, day or night, and get your ad started immediately (except for employment and business ads) free of charge online. You automatically get a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people! ONLINE E-MAIL PHONE 650/326-8216 MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 41 Royce and the art of Real Estate LD nd SO Fi Yo ur Dr ea m Ho m e! Shown by Appointment t 1523 Tyler Park Way Mountain View Lovely 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome end unit near Cuesta Park Vaulted ceilings throughout Living room w/ corner fireplace, skylight, hardwood floor and sliding glass door to patio Open kitchen with breakfast bar, tile counter top & hardwood floor Separate dining room Master with walk-in closet & sliding glass door to balcony Attached 2 car garage Central A/C Priced at: $748,000 128 THOMPSON AVE, MOUNTAIN VIEW Exceptionally Spacious Eichler Style Home OPEN SAT/SUN 1:30-4:30 Open Sat & Sun 1:30 to 4:30 130 Plum Court Mountain View Bright & airy 4 bedroom, 3 bath home only 9 years old 1st floor bedroom & bath Wood floors in common areas Modern kitchen with granite counter top & slider to backyard Separate family room Elegant baths with granite counter tops & tile floors Master suite with vaulted ceiling Close to downtown Mountain View & Steven’s Creek Trail Attached 2 car garage Central A/C Priced at: $975,000 Shown by Appointment 94 Freedom Way Mountain View ... 913 Camille Lane Mountain View Los Altos schools Dramatic 3 bedroom, 3 bath end unit townhome w/ vaulted ceilings 13 years young! Living room boasts fireplace Separate family & dining rooms Kitchen, dining & family rooms with wood laminate floors Kitchen with door to deck Central A/C Attached 2 car garage 1,421 sq ft per Metroscan 3 Bedroom / 2 Bathroom Offered at: $870,000 Gina O. Gysin 408.596.0006 • Fax: 408.359.1191 THE PLATEAU BUILDING GROUP PRESENTS E: US PM O H 00 EN -5: OP 2:00 T. 1 SA Priced at: $725,000 Shown by Appointment Elegant 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath townhome only 6 years old Dual master suites w/ vaulted ceilings & walk-in closets Living room with fireplace, high ceiling and wood floors Gourmet kitchen w/ granite counter top and maple cabinets Separate dining room Attached 2 car garage Inside full size laundry hook-ups Priced at: $829,000 989 Asilomar Terr. #3 Sunnyvale Sunday OnOpen Sat n 1:30 to 4:30 Updated 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome with 1st floor bedroom Living room with hardwood floor, fireplace, high ceiling, slider to balcony Kitchen with tile floor, breakfast bar and stainless steel appliances Master bedroom with walk-in closet and slider to deck 2 car garage Inside laundry hook-ups Priced at: $618,000 Royce Cablayan #1 Coldwell Banker Agent in Santa Clara County for the last 8 years & The #1 Producing Agent in Mountain View for the last 10 years ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Society of Excellence (650)917-4339 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ REDUCED TO $975,000 Qualifies for California New Home Tax credit 1% of Purchase Price! Great School Huff Elementary - 2008 API 936 & Mountain View High School Nearby Devonshire Park Dave Keefe Realtor ® 408-679-0290 Lic#01352506 PLATEAU BUILDING GROUP BUILDING ON A HIGHER PLANE 2225 Showers Dr., Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94040 408-679-0290 • Fax: 650-949-2955 • 42 26 ANNIE LAURIE. MOUNTAIN VIEW MARCH 20, 2009 General Contractor #915940 966 Blair Court 50 Pine Lane 13010 E. Sunset Drive 364 Monroe Drive PALO ALTO LOS ALTOS LOS ALTOS HILLS PALO ALTO OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm 3-bedroom, 2-bath true Eichler in desirable Green Gables; top-rated Palo Alto schools 5-bedroom, 5.5-bath gorgeous new home just moments to The Village; stunning craftmanship; excellent Los Altos schools 4-bedroom, 3-bath home on approximately 1.59 acres; privately located with beautiful views; highly regarded Los Altos schools 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath custom home on large, park-like lot; close to Monroe Park; Los Altos schools (K-12) Offered at $1,349,000 Offered at $4,498,000 Offered at $2,950,000 Offered at $1,890,000 ■ Certified Residential Specialist ■ Seniors Real Estate Specialist ■ EcoBroker Certified 650.947.4798 496 First Street, Suite 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 All information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. The Buchanan & Bowen Sales Team YOUR MOUNTAIN VIEW RE AL ESTATE E XPERTS 1305 LUBICH AVENUE ■ MOUNTAIIN VIEW F our bedrooms in Mountain View! Waverly park neighborhood. Great home with hardwood, pool, and bright open floorplan. 50yr roof and solar panels. ! LD SO OFFERED AT $999,000 1758 CRANE AVENUE ! LD SO ■ MOUNTAIIN VIEW G reat 3BD/1BA house in a fantastic cul-de-sac neighborhood. Refinished hrwd, fireplace, and spacious yards with. Walk to Cuesta Park. Approx. 998sf lvg/5,616sf lot. Jo Buchanan, GRI 650-947-2219 agents Call Jo and Stuart if you wa nt who know Mountain Vie w!” Stuart Bowen, e-PRO 650-949-8506 OFFERED AT $ 699,000 Virtual Tour at | 161 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022 | Office: (650) 941-7040 | Fax:(650) 947-9416 MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 43 1505 Bonita Avenue, Mountain View OPEN SAT & SUN, 1:30-4:30 OPEN CUPERTINO S AY UND 1:30 –4:3 0 Reduced Price! $899,000 Please call for more information In the heart of the Cuesta Park Neighborhood 7545 RAINBOW DRIVE This home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bright, updated baths, hardwood floors, $949,000 Beautifully Updated Home with Regnart Elementary, Kennedy Middle & Monta Vista High, Updated Kitchen with New Cabinets and Granite Counter Top, Remodeled Bathrooms, Double Pane Windows, Hardwood Floors, New Roof (2006), Approx. 1,410 Sq. Ft. of Living Space, Approx. 6,000 Sq. Ft Lot Size, 2 Car Garage. fireplace in living room, double-pane windows, bonus room offering many possibilities, a built-in loft with pull-down ladder for extra storage in spacious 2 car garage, and landscaped yards. Walking distance to Bubb Elementary School OPEN S U N D AY, 1:30-4:30 and Cuesta Park, and not far from shopping, commute routes, hospital, train MOUNTAIN VIEW 604 EL RANCHITO WAY station, farmers market, and Downtown's many attractions. $829,000 Spacious bungalow style home near downtown Mountain View. Large back yard, 3br/2ba, approximately 1700 sq. ft. of living space. Large family room with fireplace, hardwood floors, freshly painted. LOS ALTOS 1476 FAIRWAY DR $3,798,000 Newly constructed 5 BR home on approximately half AC flat lot. Beautiful gourmet kitchen, open family room, soaring ceilings, crown moldings, hardwood floors, office, 3 car garage. NANCY ADELE STUHR EXPERIENCE DEPENDABILITY 650.575.8300 tel: email: web: 1520 MONTEBELLO OAKS 1397 CUERNAVACA CIRCULO, MOUNTAIN VIEW 3,495,000 Custom designed home w/ exceptional attention to detail. Soaring ceilings, crown moldings, gorgeous stone & hdwd floors. Sep. in-law quarters w/ living rm plumbed for kitchenette, laundry & separate entry. Game rm, wine cellar, sauna, theatre rm. Wonderful yd w/professional landscaping & rm for pool. 1642 PARKHILLS AVENUE $2,195,000 N SU & 21 PM T 00 SA 0-4: N 0 PE 1: Custom built home exceeds all expectations w/ spacious floor plan that has 4BR including master bedrm suite w/ sitting area and 3 full baths. Superbly designed w/approx. 2,841sq.ft., the home features a large living rm, formal dining rm, gourmet kitchen w/ grand center island that opens to the family/great rm and breakfast area. Gorgeous hdwd flrs throughout. #8 FARM ROAD 22 O $939,000 2BR/2BA + den townhouse includes bright kitchen, breakfast nook, living room with vaulted ceilings, dining area and private patio. Complex features spacious patios, 16 acres of grounds, serene setting, recreation room, veggie garden, pool and pool house. Ideal, quiet location with lush landscaping and mature trees, only minutes to shopping and major commute routes. LOS ALTOS HILLS 12011 GREENHILLS COURT $4,395,000 Exceptional gated property on quiet cul-de-sac with tennis court and pool. Five bedrooms and three baths plus office/ study with wet bar. Spacious rooms throughout, newer appliances in kitchen, remodeled master bath, and three car garage. Highly desired street in Los Altos Hills and only minutes to town. 12540 ROBLE LADERA ROAD $1,695,000 Incredible opportunity to remodel or build new your custom home on 1.64 acre lot in Los Altos Hills. Existing home includes four bedrooms, two and half baths, and 3,398 square feet of living space. Located near Fremont Hills Country Club. Los Altos schools; Garner Elementary, Egan Junior high, Los Altos High School. SANTA CLARA 3458 CABRILLO AVENUE $699,000 Completely remodeled (almost 100% new) 3 bedroom 2 bath home with living room and family room. Features include: granite countertops and stainless steel appliances in kitchen, beautiful flooring throughout , new front lawn with automatic sprinklers, and a spacious attached 2 car garage. Great location! 3 BD/2 BTH RARE OPPORTUNITY! BY APPOINTMENT O N LY Popular Single Level LOS ALTOS HILLS EXPANSIVE LOT $2,395,000 A Model Residence in Upscale Community Opposite Greenbelt. Preliminary plans available for European estate with approx. 11,000 SF plus a sep. guest house & 4-car garage. Lot may be purchased separately. MDA: 110,051 / MFA: 8,477 $949,000 MOUNTAIN VIEW NEWLY REMODELED $1,449,000 Waverly Park Beauty features remodeled 4 bedroom, three bath ranch style Adobe home on great lot in premier neighborhood. Chef’s gourmet kitchen opens to family room, separate dining room, spacious living room, vaulted ceilings, and wonderful yard for outdoor entertaining. Worldwide Referral and Global Internet Exposure. Go to for a complete search 195 S. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos • 650.941.4300 44 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 A melia Munro ® GRI* ABR* REALTOR Cell: (650)-793-6967 Fax: (650)-960-2453 A SANTE REAL ESTATE GROUP 100 W El Camino Real Suite 72 • Mountain View, CA, 94041 WE MEASURE QUALITY BY RESULTS Is Quality Important to You? 195 Carmelita Drive, Mountain View Opportunity knocks! f Two! ower o P e h T • Yvonne J. Heyl • Direct (650) 947-4694 Cell (650) 302-4055 • Jeff Gonzalez • Direct (650) 947-4698 Cell (408) 888-7748 e m a i l : t o y vo n n e a n d j e f f @ a o l . c o m w w w. y vo n n e a n d j e f f . c o m 166 Oberg Court, Mountain View t Jus Op en S 1-4 at & p.m Sun . ted Lis Open Sunday 1:30pm - 4:30pm • 3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths • Approximately 1,369 Sq.Ft. • Private Location Facing Green Belt, Trees, Clubhouse & Pool • Property Built in 2006 • Granite Kitchen Counter Tops with Full Backsplash including Island/ Breakfast Bar • Upgraded Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances including a Gas Stove • Tile Floors in Entryway, Coat Closet, Kitchen & Bathrooms • Upgraded Carpet in Living Rm, Family Rm, Dining Rm, Stairs & Bedrooms • Upstairs Bathrooms Include Granite Vanity Tops • Master Bathroom Has Granite Shower Walls • 2 Car Attached Garage Which Includes A Large Storage Area • Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer Included R emodel or rebuild this charming 2bd, 1ba older home that is situated on a large 10890sq.ft. +/- lot. Home features hardwood floors, fireplace in living room, eat-in nook in kitchen, dining “L”, inside utility room and 2-car detached garage. This home is located in a quiet neighborhood and offers easy access to schools, shops, freeways and Cuesta Park! Asking $819,000 Offered at: $649,000 183 Jenkins Lane, Mountain View Op en 1-4 Sund p.m ay . Barb Conkin-Orrock Alain Pinel Realtors 650-209-1539 | LOS ALTOS 167 S. San Antonio Road 650.941.1111 Looking for the perfect place to call home? Consult the Mountain View Voice for all your real estate needs! • 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths • 1,839 Sq. Ft. of Luxurious Living Space • 3,485 Sq. Ft. Premium Lot • New Custom Exterior Paint • New Designer Interior Paint • Remodeled Kitchen with Granite Counter Tops with Full Backsplash & Granite Breakfast Bar • Brand New Stainless Finish Appliances • Maple Engineered Hardwood Floors Downstairs • Remodeled Master Bath with Granite Vanity Top, Travertine Shower Walls and Floors • Remodeled Hall Bath with Granite Vanity Top • Central Heating and A/C • Landscaped Backyard w/ Flagstone Patio • Brand New Light Fixtures • Brand New Carpets on Stairs & in Bedrooms • Oversized 2 Car Garage INTERO Offered at: $915,000 www. HomesForSaleInMountainView .com 25541 W. Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills OPEN SUNDAY, 1:30PM – 4:30PM R E A L E S TAT E S E RV I C E S ® ristine 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath home in the Los Altos Hills, just a stone’s throw to Los Altos Village. Wonderful entry welcomes you to this home with a fabulous floor plan. The charming kitchen opens to the family room, perfect for entertaining. Spacious formals and natural light make this home feel warm and comfortable. Large bedrooms, all upstairs, have their own private baths. Gorgeous Evergreen trees in the backyard offer privacy and tranquility. Superior Los Altos Schools – Walk to Gardner Bullis Elementary. P 496 First St., Suite 200 • Los Altos, CA 94022 EXPLORE OUR NEW WEB SITE • • • • • Interactive maps Homes for sale Open homes Virtual tours Prior sale info and more Offered at $2,000,000 Vivi Chan FIND YOUR NEW HOME Direct Line: 650-917-4211 Cell: 650-400-0012 Email: (650) 964.6300 110 First Street • Los Altos, CA 94022 ATTENTION HOMEBUYERS Get a list of every home currently available… including price, address etc: FREE www. No Obligation. No Fuss. No Worries. Get your news delivered in a new weekday e-news digest! FREE. Stay current on your local weekly ly es news & community activities Sign up today at — g nin win re ear, , whe n a ig y a b etitio be had omp ing to of the go ns has te c am to sta it was doze ip. te m, try on ing nsh oun team now try tea mpio c e ss cha h. K un l cro of th urt s co CS hoo much girls fo l cros the C Sc t igh ding the choo e a ey w H en and igh S ish lin r th Vie nd s ird H afte defin tain ts a in th iew the ks n ttac dia oun 9 poin ame tain V d at M c e d a of In n e ele Th S by 8 team Mou wait -fu eople rs ’ e te C e s th nn C boy t ha ur p ru for taff fo hou s for the year ther wit ss d es tody kicked o ew ing e wa PM) gen big ool’s arg us en n liv blaz :39 of a ch in c and oic sch bee the ay, 8 full wV me are ed s ck nd ave ve cri ople unch t. Vie rce y cho say ay h belie . 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(F e e cil discus future Th and d by un te Co set to ental gas elera P: ) m acc PM G U cil is iron M) :42 MINy coun ’s env 6A O 9, 4 C cit city 0:3 200 e 9, 1 Th to the 12, 200 ary ing 10, bru ) ) e ry F a PM AM :32 day, ebru 11:07 2 F rs 1 u , ) day, (Th day, , 2009 M) PM ’? ues urs 1A :05 17 am t (T (Th ts 11:0 009, 3 ary en ut dre y, ru en p id e a b ) v 2 s d E ys Fe re 5, PM ‘pip urs sta ary cal ay’s :08 day, (Th nio ry ues s lo ebru 009, 1 Tod Anto da ing y, F 2 d (T train ’ hit boun n a , n g d a 3 o 1 •S min hool hurs are nb ary c hc r (T kim ree ebru alt be • ‘S nty: S res g y, F he Lie lo rs rida ou ally ffe exp •C x (F fS lo LA l ta ro oo MV rce ch ree atta • S a MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 45 City/Area—Mountain View, /Area 206 130 Fair Oaks Ave, CA 94040 EN OP T& SA 1629 Crestview Drive, Los Altos 907 PEGGY LN, Menlo Park Detached Single Family Home N SU • 4BR/3.5BA • 3400 sf $2,495,000 *MLS#80906099 listing for more information. Reduced Price: $778,000 3bd/2ba “Plus a Guest House” Price: $798,000 MLS #901742 listing for more text information. Denise Welsh Senior Real Estate Specalist LANA RALSTON R E A L E S TAT E S E RV I C E S ® Los Gatos Virtual Tour at Vicki Geers 161 S. ANTONIO ROAD , LOS ALTOS 650.917.7983 VICKI@VICKIGEERS.COM Dennis Lunder Direct: (650) 947-4721 • Office: (650) 947-4673 E-mail: Website: 3455 Ramona Street, Palo Alto Attention Seniors! Single Family Res 4BR/3BA Offered at $2,195,000 Remodeled home and private vineyard on over an acre nestled in the Alta Vista neighborhood of Los Gatos with unparalleled views of mountains and cityscape. 2-levels with 4BD/3 bathrooms. Multiple decks on both levels. Black granite chef’s kitchen, formal dining room, hardwood, crown molding, 3 fireplaces, and large downstairs family room. The Molitor Lunder Team 496 1st Street, Suite 200, Los Altos, A 94022 Direct: (650) 947-4769 • Cell: (650) 999-0727 Email: Website: Intero Real Estate Services 496 First St, # 200, Los Altos, CA 94022 650-776-9226 450 SANTA ROSA DR, INTERO Single Family Resident • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Bathrooms Approx. 1610 Sq. Ft. • Approx. 5,500 sf Lot Size Offered at: $1,045,000 teve Scheck Steve (650) 947-2265 Helping Seniors BUY & SELL Real Estate In The Bay Area For Over 23+ Years Real Estate Without An Attitude Desirable Midtown Location • 4BR +1Den • 3.5BA • 2400 sf (approx.) $1,938,000 *MLS#80911275 listing for more information. Tsai Law INTERO Julie Intero Real Estate R E A L E S TAT E S E RV I C E S ® 496 First Street, #200, Los Altos, A 94022 Direct: (650) 799-8888 • Fax: (650) 887-3048 Email: ATTENTION BUYERS Now is the Time to Buy Call for Buyers Rebate Financing Available Call Bob anytime at 650.208.5325 EXPLORE OUR NEW WEB SITE • Interactive maps • Homes for sale • Open homes • Virtual tours • Prior sale info and more FIND YOUR NEW HOME R U O Y E S INCREAOSURE EXP Get your name known in the community. Showcase your listings to thousands of potential buyers and sellers. Call Rosemary at the MV Voice 650-964-6300 46 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009 n. Su & t. Sa n e Op MOUNTAIN VIEW 570 FRONT LANE ay und S en Op en Op $898,000 n. Su & t. Sa CAMPBELL 664 REGAS DR. MOUNTAIN VIEW 3 BR | 2.5 BA Fabulous single-family home steps from Castro. Bright, open floor plan, 2 car garage & yard! Open Sat 1:30-4:30 and Sunday 10-4:30 Kim Copher 650.941.7040 $749,950 Fantastic MV home with great floor plan in sought after area. Large, fenced yard & 2 car garage. Tim Trailer 650.325.6161 n. Su & t. Sa LOS ALTOS 4 BR | 2 BA 51 E PORTOLA AVENUE $1,618,888 NORTH LOS ALTOS GEM Elegant 2 story home close to the Village. Vaulted ceiling in LR and 2nd flr Mstr bdrm. Donna Liu 650.941.7040 4 BR | 3 BA 140 MERRITT RD $2,695,000 Striking architectural design & fine quality craftsmanship. Kitchen w/ island. Huge yard! Julie Lau 650.325.6161 en Op LOS ALTOS 4 BR | 3 BA $1,100,000 3 BR | 2.5 BA 1911 SAN RAMON AVE en Op Remodeled Kitchen & Family Room w/ granite, stainless steel appliances Jim Galli 650.941.7040 ay und S en Op n. Su & t. Sa SUNNYVALE 3 BR | 2 BA 1125 LEXINGTON DRIVE $758,000 DESIRABLE AREA Lovely ranch in desirable Cherry Chase. Cherry Chase Elementary & Homestead High! School. Shelly Potvin 650.941.7040 CUPERTINO MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW PALO ALTO SAN JOSE UPDATED TOWNHOME 625,000 2 BR 2 BA Remodeled kitchen w/maple cabinets, granite cnters,bonus rm,dual-pane windows,2-car garage Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 RESORT-LIKE HOME $1,698,000 5 BR 3 BA Top-of-the-line upgrades, heated gazebo, pool. Full wet-bar,bonus loft, outdoor kitchen. Owen Halliday 650.325.6161 LOS ALTOS 892 WINDMILL PARK LN $1,099,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 4 BR 3 BA Yet close to town. Remodeled kitchen. Fresh paint, new carpets. Dining room. Large deck. Joanne Fraser 650.941.7040 648 WILLOWGATE ST. SAT/SUN 12 - 5 $795,000 3 BR 2.5 BA Willowgate Townhomes combining traditional craftsman architecture in a collection of 11. Gil Oraha 650.325.6161 734 CHIMALUS DR SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,980,000 4 BR 3 BA Charming 6 year old Barron traditional home in pristine condition. 2513 sq ft lvng space Alan & Nicki Loveless 650.325.6161 7054 CALCATERRA DRIVE SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $848,000 3 BR 2 BA Lovely home~Central A/C~Dual pane windows~Hardwood floors~Newer carpet~Williams Elem Fran Papapietro 650.948.0456 NEWLY REMODELED $599,000 3 BR 1 BA Cute & Cozy, New Anderson Double Pane Windows, New Stucco exterior, close to schools. Geraldine Asmus 650.325.6161 1444 PITMAN AVE. SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 23 CORONADO AVE, $1,779,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Beautifully remodeled North Lost Altos home near quaint shops and restaurants. Denise Monfette 650.325.6161 MOUNTAIN VIEW OPEN SAT/SUN 412 TYNDALL STREET 881 REBECCA PRIVADA $997,000 $999,000 Resort atmosphere 3BR/2BA. Ambiance, ameSAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 2 BR 2.5 BA Los Altos Village Square town- nities, convenience all in one story. Mint houses. Exquisite brand new construction by condition! Low association fees! Di Mattei. Jim Galli 650-948-0456 Couture/Bohl 650.941.7040 130 PLUM CT 412-426 TYNDALL ST #1 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $975,000 $999,000 4 BR 3 BA Great floor plan w/high ceilings, SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 family rm, recessed lighting & wood floors 2 BR 2.5 BA 650.948.0456 650.948.0456 Royce Cablayan Bohl/Couture NEWLY RENOVATED HOME $949,000 414 TYNDALL STREET $899,000 3 BR 2 BA A beautiful and thoroughly renoSAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 vated home on a lot of more than 9400 sq ft 2 BR 2.5 BA Los Altos Village Square town- near downtown houses. Exquisite brand new construction by Lan L. Bowling 650.328.5211 Di Mattei. 216 VIEW ST Couture/Bohl 650.941.7040 $895,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 1 W EDITH AVENUE #A103 2 BR 2.5 BA Located in Downtown Mt. View, $868,000 nr shops & restaurants. 1 yr old Spanish Revival SUN 1:30 - 4:30 2 BR 2 BA Seniors Community w/secure complex undergrnd park.Lrg mstr bedrm w/lots of Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 closet space $850,000 Joanne Fraser 650.941.7040 295 HANS AVE- CUESTA PARK 3 BR 2 BA Corner lot. DR has built-in cabinets. 5100 EL CAMINO REAL #201 Hrdwd flrs, updated windows. Solar energy $757,000 system. SAT 1:30 - 4:30 650.325.6161 3 BR 2 BA Brand new condo with Los Altos R. Brendan Leary schools. High ceilings, hardwood floors. LUXURY TOWNHOME $829,000 Designer fixtures. 3 BR 3.5 BA FP, hi ceil,sep fam rm ,2-car. Dave Luedtke/Linda Takagi Nrly new w/2 mstr suites. LR w/FP, high ceil, 650.941.7040 wood flrs. MENLO PARK Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 120 DUNSMUIR WAY 654 WILLOWGATE ST OPEN SAT/SUN $1,049,000 SAT/SUN 12 - 5 $815,000 3 BR 2 BA Hdwd flrs, sep.FR, fp. crown mold- 3 BR 2.5 BA Willowgate Townhomes coming & raised 6 panel doors. French drs to lg bining traditional craftsman architecture in a backyard collection of 11. 650.325.6161 Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 Gil Oraha CLOSE TO CUESTA PARK! $298,000 2 BR 1 BA Lovely condo ready to move in condition! In a small complex offering comfortable living! Noemi Ruelas 650.948.0456 PALO ALTO 730 ASHBY DR SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $2,595,000 4 BR 2.5 BA Timeless charm in this Inviting Crescent Park home w/step-down living room Rod Creason 650.325.6161 3081 ROSS RD $2,595,000 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 5 BR 4.5 BA Custom-built 2-year new. Great home plus a library w/ 2-car garage attached. Judy Shen 650.328.5211 515 CENTER DR $2,498,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 4 BR 3 BA Gracious updated home, spacious rooms, open kitchen/family rm w/ french doors to rear yard Leannah Hunt 650.325.6161 STORYBOOK TUDOR $2,350,000 4 BR 3 BA Tree-lined Old Palo Alto. Exceptional character, a feeling of warmth, vintage details Stephanie Hewitt 650.325.6161 3286 SOUTH CT $1,998,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 4 BR 4 BA Open and elegant home – thoughtfully designed & multi-featured. Solar power & central A/C Lan L. Bowling 650.328.5211 SARATOGA $1,975,000 OPEN SUN 4 BR 2.5 BA Exceptional opportunity in the Duveneck elem district. FR w/ beam ceilings & fireplace. Hunt & Robinson 650.325.6161 904 COWPER ST $1,800,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 4 BR 2 BA Beautiful vintage 2-story home in terrific downtown location. Gorgeous woodwork. Taz Fatima 650.325.6161 19874 PARK DR SAT 1:30 - 4:30 $2,495,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Remodeled w/gourmet kitchen; Great room, vaulted ceiling. Bonus room, hdwd flrs. Huge lot. R. Brendan Leary 650.325.6161 STANFORD 715 FRENCHMAN'S SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,895,000 4 BR 3 BA Must be Stanford Faculty and approved Staff! Incredible lrg yd perfect for entertaining. 712 COASTLAND DR $1,395,000 Phyllis Carmichael 650.941.7040 3 BR 2 BA Spacious corner lot. Hrdwd flrs, LR/DR combo. Master Suite w/vaulted ceiling, SUNNYVALE French doors 809 COOLIDGE AVENUE R. Brendan Leary 650.325.6161 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,100,000 629 KINGSLEY AV $1,349,500 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 3 BR 2 BA Reblt & remdled hdcrafted cottage in Prof’ville. Lr/Dr combo w/wdburning fp, kit w/granite Barbara Sawyer 650.325.6161 5 BR 3 BA Lots of light! High ceilings. Hardwd flrs. Granite Chef's cook kit. Beaut yd! 2 car garage Diyar Essaid 650.941.7040 1125 LEXINGTON DRIVE $758,000 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 3 BR 2 BA Lovely ranch in desirable Cherry 4191 BRIARWOOD WAY Chase. Chery Chase Elementary & Homestead $1,325,000 High! SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 650.941.7040 4 BR 2 BA Chefs Kitchen w/Large Island, Lots Shelly Potvin of Cabinets & Family Area. Spacious LR w/ SPACIOUS UPDATED T'HOME $630,000 HW floor 3 BR 2.5 BA Updated kit. Din area w/ custom Greg Stange 650.325.6161 tile flr and slider to patio. Inside lndry. Low HOA dues. 500 FULTON ST #202 Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 $748,000 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 989 ASILOMAR TE #3 2 BR 1.5 BA Top flr condo. Palo Alto shops, $618,000 restaurants. Remodeled ktichen & baths. Inside SUN 1:30 - 4:30 3 BR 2.5 BA Kitchen features stainless applilaundry. Teresa Lin 650.328.5211 ances & breakfast bar. Hi ceilings. 3 levels w/ skylights Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 3152 MIDDLEFIELD RD $548,000 838 SAN MATEO CT. SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $489,000 2 BR 1.5 BA Two story townhouse plus large 3 BR 1 BA Great Starter Opportunity - home rear yd! Away from the road, & almost all dbl improvements recently done on the exterior; pane windows paint & fence Chuck Lane 650.948.0456 Greg Stange 650.325.6161 ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. MARCH 20, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 47 MOUNTAIN VIEW LOS ALTOS SAT EN P O UN &S EN OP 1445 BROOKMILL ROAD Charm Creekside Setting $1,248,000 Joanne Fraser 3BR/2.5BA. Light and bright bdrms, formal entry with lighted skylight. Liv rm w/random plank hdwd flrs. Antique marble fp. Eat in kit. Sep. fam rm/din rm. Pool 650.917.5806 DAY SUN 892 WINDMILL PARK LANE Tucked Away 650.917.5806 4BR/3BA.Yet close to town. Remodeled kitchen. Fresh paint, new carpets. Dining room. 1BR/1BA on 1st floor. Spacious master suite. Indoor laundry. Large deck. SAN JOSE EN OP Joanne Fraser $1,099,000 LOS ALTOS DAY SUN 1592 CHAMBERS DRIVE Elegant Home $685,000 4br/2.5ba.Open kitchen, separate dining rm. Inside laundry! Reed Elementary.825 API. Dual pane windows, Huge family room off kitchen. A/C. Marcie Soderquist 650.948.0456 190 PASA ROBLES A High PotentialProperty 3BR/2BA. Charming 1,722Sqft. rancher on 7936Sqft lot. This 3/2 property in good condition but needs TLC or may be re-built to 2,625Sqft + Basement Margaret Williams 650.941-7040 margaretwilliams2010@gmailcom MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW G DIN PEN 94 FREEDOM WAY ContemporaryTownhome End Unit $ 1,025,000 $725,000 3BR/3BA. In the “Crossings” with attached 2 car garage & Los Altos schools. Front porch, dram. vault ceil. Central A/C, gas fireplace in Living Room. Modern eat in kitchen. Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 DRE# 01062078 E! SAL 500 W. MIDDLEFIELD ROAD #99 Exquisite Condo $350,000 Sara Ahsan 1BR/1BA. Renovated condo in Willow Park. Granite counters in kitchen & baths. New appliances. Pergo floors. Close to Highway 101 & Google. Serene complex. SANTA CLARA MENLO PARK ! LD SO EN OP 974 KIELY BLVD I helped my invester clients find this 2BR/2BA condo at a very competitive price. 956sqft, ample living space for living or renting. Give me a call if you are looking to invest. 650.947.2233 Sara Ahsan 650.947.2233 DAY SUN 2140 SANTA CRUZ AVENUE #B206 Vibrant And Cheerful $479,000 YASEMIN RICHARDSON 2BR/2BA. Vibrant & cheerful gated community for residents 55+yrs w/rec activities all-yr round.Lot’s of amenities including fitness center, pool & more yasemin.richardson@Cbnorcal.Com 650-941-7040 Los Altos • 650.948.0456 • 110 First Street Los Altos • 650.941.7040 • 161 S. San Antonio Road ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. 48 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 20, 2009
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