96th Annual Dipsea Race Application! 2006
96th Annual Dipsea Race Application! 2006
2006 DIPSEA RACE INFORMATION Send your name and check or credit card information for $1,000 today, Dipsea Foundation PO Box 10 Mill Valley, CA 94942 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATIONS INFORMATION: For the latest race information, telephone 415-331-3550, visit Acceptance notifications will be mailed on May 1, 2006. Acceptance notifications will contain pickup times, locations our website, www.dipsea.org or email us at info@dipsea.org Further question and/or concerns may be directed in writand a complete runner’s race information letter. ing to: The Dipsea Race, PO Box 30, Mil Valley, CA 94942 applicants who were not successful in entering the 2006 race PACERS: will be mailed a refund check less a $5.00 processing fee on April 17, 2006. The fee is intended to cover some o the costs of paperwork, handling and postage, not to subsidize the The Dipsea Race has an official pacer rule. PAcers, whether race. We impose the fee by cashing your entry check and intended to prevent getting lost on the trail or simply to run returning the refunds by separate check along with your faster are absolutely forbidden in the Invitational Section. notice. Pacers will be allowed in the Runner’s Section, but only if: (1) the pacer is officially registered in the race, and (2) the REMEMBER: Cancellation of your check DOES NOT mean pacer does not start before his or her assigned starting group. Thus, the pacer and runner must leave the starting you have been accepted in the Race. line in Mill Valley in the later of the two assigned starting groups. As a matter of good sportsmanship, pacers should RACE FORMAT: only be used to prevent a first-time child runner from getThe Dipsea Race is unique in that it is a handicapped race. ting lost or guide a sight-impaired runner. Head start minutes are given to runners based upon age and gender. The Dipsea Race is run in two sections, each with 2007 RACE the same headstart groups. Section assignments are made after we receive all race application forms. The 2006 Applications for next year’s race will be mailed on Handicap tables and start times will be posted on March 15 March 15, 2007 to all 2006 registered runners. Address on the Dipsea Race website, www.dipsea.org changes must be received by The Dipsea Race Committee Do not despair, there are still opportunities for you, or someone special to you, to have your names inscribed on one of the famed Dipsea Stairs for posterity. Thanks to the generosity of many Dipsea runners, volunteers and supporters, we have already raised more than 50% of the the projected budget. We’re pleased to report the stairs are coming along better than expected Eric Ellison has been doing a fine job. He has brought Larry Doyle of MIG on board. There have been a number of meetings and the Draft plans are in progress. Stair Progress Report by March 1, 2007. All other applicants may download an application form online at www.dipsea.org on March 16, 2007 after 4:00 pm. Completed applications must be received by April 1, 2007. THERE WILL BE NO RACE DAY ENTRIES CHEST NUMBERS: 96th Annual Dipsea Race Application! THE “OTHER” RACE Chest numbers will not be mailed to entrants! Entrants will be notified in writing of their acceptance in the The Double Dipsea is sponsored by the DSE Runners, not by Race. The label will indicate your section status, i.e. INVITA- the Dipsea Race Committee. The Double Dipsea will be held TIONAL (INV) or RUNNER (DR), handicap letter, name and Saturday, June 24, 2006. For an entry form contact: address. Chest numbers must bee picked up by entrants on DSE Double Dipsea Race, 153 Lunada Way, San Francisco, Friday June 9, Saturday, June 10 and/or Sunday, June 11, CA 94127 or email: runkenrun@aol.com or call 415-810-3832. race morning. Entrants are required to bring your official notification with Race Label and photo ID to pick up chest number. NO REFUNDS. Chest numbers are not transferrable! Violators may be banned from participation in future Dipsea Races. P. O. Box 30, Mill Valley, CA 94942 www.dipsea.org Katrina Victims: Through a friend’s sister in Louisiana, Alma Jean Firmin, we had an opportunity to help the victims. Fortunately Alma Jean was not affected by Katrina. She and her niece helped at a shelter in Iberia. The people were excited to receive the shirts. The security officer, at right, said it was difficult for the evacuees with no place to go. Some said they will return to New Orleans but many will not. Assistance is still needed. If you are interested please contact Alma Jean, mention the Dipsea, at: ajafirmin@cox.net The Annual Dipsea Race is a USATF sanctioned event. Page 5 Page 6 350 Dipsea “Survivors” shirts donated to the Katrina Survivors! First Class U.S. Postage PAID GMS 96th Annual Dipsea Race - Official Entry Form Race: Sunday, June 11, 2006. Starting at 8:30 AM, under the clock, downtown Mill Valley THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT WITH IMPORTANT CONSEQUENCES - READ IT CAREFULLY Only one entrant per application photocopies are okay, except for qualified Invitational applicants who must use their original application form. Please Print Clearly! Initial Last Name First Name Address City Telephone (Day) ( Fax ( ) Age on race day State ) Birthdate Current High School, if applicable: / ZIP (Evening) ( ) / Gender: M F Email / Club: if applicable Family Trophy Applicant: List name(s) Previous winner Yes/No/Year Most recent Dipsea Race: required for Invitational: Year Preferred Section: (circle one) Invitational Section Explanations, sad stories, pleas & bribes: T-Shirt Size: S M L XL Place: Actual Time: Runner Section ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 1, 2006. Entry Fees: Note Adult Entry Fee! Adults: $40.00 Children, 16 & under $25.00 Includes pin & short-sleeve shirt to all who finish. Mail Entry Fee & Application to: Dipsea Race, P.O. Box 30, Mill Valley, CA 94942 NOTICE: One check per application! ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND LIABILITY I realize and acknowledge that this event is a foot race over rugged, narrow, unpaved, mountainous, rocky, steep and twisting course which is not designed for crowds. I realize that 1,500 entrants are expected and that poison oak and hot weather make the course extremely hazardous. I AM FULLY AWARE THAT RUNNING AND WALKING THIS COURSE IS DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND LIMB EVEN UNDER THE BEST OF WEATHER AND TRAFFIC CONDITIONS. I am aware that crowds of runners, adverse physical conditions and possible adverse weather conditions will result in a hazardous and dangerous condition on the day of the race. I REALIZE AND UNDERSTAND THAT MANY ENTRANTS ARE LIKELY TO BE INJURED, THAT SOME OF THESE INJURIES ARE CERTAIN TO OCCUR AND THAT I MAY SUFFER DEHYDRATION. The costs of any medical/rescue services will be my responsibility. With full knowledge of all the above facts and warnings, I intend to participate in and/or allow my child/children, ward or wards to participate in the 2006 Dipsea Race and that I assume all risks in or related to said participation in the 2006 Dipsea race, including full responsibility for myself, my child/children, ward or wards and all of my and/or their acts or omissions. In consideration of acceptance of my entry and granting of permission to run in the race, I do hereby for myself,, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators release and forever discharge the Dipsea Race, The Dipsea Race Committee, Inc., or any of it’s respective directors, officers, members, representatives, volunteers, employees, successors and assigns and all other persons and associations from any and all claims and causes of actions by reason of any injury or injuries, whatever nature, which have or has been sustained or which may be sustained or which has or have been accrued or which may accrue to me or my chid/children, ward or wards as a result of or in conjunction with the 2006 Dipsea Race, or my travelling to or from the 2006 Dipsea Race or my entry, participation or related travel to any of my children or wards. By acceptance in the Race, I agree to abide by all the rules and decisions of the Dipsea Race Committee. I grant the release and full use of my name(s) and/or images and those of my children, ward or wards by the Dipsea Race. APPLICANTS 18 YEARS AND OLDER: I have read the above release. I understand that this is a legal document and that my signature confirms my full acceptance with the intent to be bound by it’s terms SIGNATURE: PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF APPLICANT UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: I have read the above release. I understand that this is a legal document and that my signature confirms my full acceptance with the intent to be bound by it’s terms and both personally and in relation to my child/children, ward or wards, named who has/have my permission to travel to and rom to enter and run the Dipsea race, Sunday, June 11, 2006. SIGNATURE: THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT, SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR CHECK RN: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Q F A L B Page 2 The 96th Annual Dipsea Race will be run Sunday, June 11, 2006. Each entrant receives headstart minutes based upon age and gender. There are two race sections. The Invitational section starts promptly at 8:30 am. The Runner section starts promptly at 8:55 am. The course is from Lytton Square in downtown Mill Valley. California through Muir Woods, around the slopes of Mt. Tamalpais and down to the finish line at Stinson Beach. The course will be marked, but potential race leaders should familiarize themselves with the route. The distance is approximately 7.1 miles. The course is open except at certain locations. Accepted runners will be mailed pertinent information. RACE: DATE: ©Dipsea Race Committee, Inc2006 2006 ANNUAL DIPSEA DINNER & HALL OF FAME CEREMONY To alleviate crowded conditions on the trail we must limit the fields to 1,500 entrants, 700 Invitational Section ELIGIBILITY: entrants and 800 Runner Section entrants. Unregistered runners will not be permit to start or finish the race. Athletes under 18 years of age must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature on their entry form and must have a parent or guardian at the race. Because the curse is narrow and rugged, responsibility for children lies with the parents or guardians. We recommend first time entrants familiarize themselves with the trail before race day. HOW ENTRANTS ARE ACCEPTED! AUTOMATIC QUALIFICATIONS FOR INVITATIONAL (INV) STATUS Here is how the auction works: A. No separate application is required. B. We will enter into the auction every runner who submits a (APPROXIMATELY 500-600 PLACES) completed application form with an entry fee larger than the You are guaranteed qualification in the 2006 Dipsea Invitational regular entry fee of $40 for adults and $25 for children. No sepSection if you finished the Dipsea Race in 2005 by finishing in the arate application is required, just send money! All auction proceeds above the regular entry fees are donated top 450 places starting from the Invitational Section or the top 750 places starting from the Runner Section. You will not be sub- to the Dipsea Foundation, a 501, C-3, non-profit, which uses jected to the first-come-first-served rule. This will give you ample them for trail maintenance programs, scholarships and other Dipsea Foundation Programs and may be ta deductible subject time to receive and return your application. to the advice of your tax advisor. Application must be received, NOTE: The amount of the money sent has continued to not post marked, by April 1, 2006. increase steadily since this opportunity was added. C. Those applications will be sorted according amount of subFIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED mitted entry fee, with adjustments for children. Runners with (Approximately 500-600 Places) the largest extra fees will be accepted into the Race, without After the automatically qualified runners are entered into the 2006 Dipsea Race, places will be assigned on a first-come-first- preference for Invitational Section or Runner Section status. served basis, up to a total of 600 entrants. This system continues Success in th auction does not guarantee Invitational status. as in previous years. We expect that these places will be filled is a Section assignments will be made by the committee based upon stated qualification. few days. Runners not qualified for Invitational status or who D. Applicants unsuccessful in the Auction will be automatically did not run last year should enter early! This is still the best way entered in the Dipsea Lottery, see below, providing one last for you to gain entry into the race. We fully realize that this rule chance at Race entry. favors local runners. DIPSEA LOTTERY DIPSEA AUCTION The final 300 places in the 2006 Dipsea Race will be filled by In order to create an opportunity to run the Dipsea Race, and for lottery. After the three above scenarios are completed, all highly motivated runners who have been frustrated by the postal remaining applications received, not postmarked, by April 1, system or who don’t like the odds of the Dipsea Lottery System, 2006 are eligible. No special application is required. The drawing will be conducted randomly. We cannot [predict the we will auction off 100 places in the 2006 Dipsea Race. chances of success. The odds will be based upon the total number of applications received. SPONSORS 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm No Host Cocktails 7:00 pm Dinner, Program, Auction (Dinner by reservation only) The Outdoor Art Club 1 W. Blithedale Ave. Mill Valley, CA Share a fun evening full of Dipsea Stories, Legend & Lore Meet some of the Dipsea Hall of Famers Congratulate the 2006 Scholarship Recipients Support the Dipsea Race Foundation at the Auction Two entries into the 2006 Dipsea Race Plus several other exciting items (The Dipsea Race Foundation is a 501, C-3, non-profit providing financial support for young Dipsea Runners and Volunteers through it’s scholarship program for the maintenance of the Dipsea Steps, the Dipsea Trail and the Dipsea Hall of Fame.) Cost for appetizers & dinner with wine • CG ROXANNE ALPINE WATER • MENDOCINO BREWING COMPANY • AMATEUR RADIO SERVICES OF MARIN - COMMUNICATIONS • INNOVATIVE MARKETING Page 3 Dipsea dinner reserva- tion $35 prepaid by May 26, 2006 $40 May 24 - June 2, deadline (300 Places) (100 Places) • CRYSTAL GEYSER WATER COMPANY • THE BUCKEYE ROADHOUSE RESTAURANT - MILL VALLEY • WHITEHALL LANE WINERY • HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - MILL VALLEY June 9, 2006 completely separate from Dipsea Race Application Please make check payable to: The Dipsea Race Foundation and mail to PO Box 10, Mill Valley, CA 94942 The 2006 Dipsea Dinner Name: Address: Phone: City State Number of tickets @ $65 Enclosed $ Number of tickets @ $70 Enclosed $ Page 4 ZIP
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