Dirty Toys Made in China - Institute for Global Labour and Human


Dirty Toys Made in China - Institute for Global Labour and Human
Dir ty Toys M ade in China
The Zhenyang Wanju
Sw eatshop Factor y
60 Boulevard of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
December 2015
Table of Contents
Pr ef ace ..? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Ex ecu t i ve Su m m ar y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? 3
Wor k Hou r s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ............? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...5
Wor k i n g Con di t i on s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .......? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6
Injection Depar tm ent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..7
Spr ay Paint and Pr inting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..8
Assem bly Depar tm ent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .10
Th e Hi r i n g Pr ocess ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .12
Tem p an d St u den t Wor k er s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ? ? ..14
Fact or y Faci l i t i es ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .18
Peak Season an d Sl ack Season w ages an d h ou r s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..26
Toys an d Gl obal War m i n g ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? 29
I n t er v i ew w i t h a Zh en yan g Wor k er ? ? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? ? ? ? ? 30
Adden da ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .......? ? ...............32
Author : Char les Ker naghan
Resear ch: U.S.: Bar bar a Br iggs, Cassie Lignelli,
Shr eya Raghur am an, Cassie Rusnak
Chinese Resear cher s m ust r em ain anonym ous
Repor t Design: Cassie Rusnak
I nstitute for Global L abour and Human Rights
60 Boulevard of the Allies, 6 th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Tel: (412) 562-2406
Email: inbox@glhr.org
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Working Conditions
Work in all of Zhenyang?s production
departments is constant and fast. Pressure to
produce and make quota is enormous. The
workers say that ?Bot h hands must be
const ant l y moving.?
Workers are required to work sitting down in
all departments except for packing. They are
not al l owed t o move f rom t heir work
st at ions or even t o drink wat er. They have
t o get a special pass t o use t he bat hroom,
and each product ion l ine of 35 t o 50 workers
onl y has one pass.
There are many heal t h and saf et y probl ems
at Zhenyang, often specific to the factory?s
various production departments. The factory
has no health and safety committee.
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The Spray Paint Depart ment is l ocat ed on
t he highest f l oor of t he buil ding, and
even wit h t he windows wide open, it is
excessivel y hot .
In the spray paint department, the
workers do not al ways have f ans. Nor do
t hey have masks.
The spray paint and printing workrooms
are full of fumes. Spray paint and printing
workers told our researchers that the
paints they use have harmf ul chemical s,
incl uding al cohol , phenyl enediamine,
and sodium peroxide. Workers just
st art ing in t his depart ment of t en f eel
nauseous, dizzy, and have headaches.
Some can?t t ake it , and appl y t o swit ch t o
a dif f erent depart ment or just quit .
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In t he Assembl y Depart ment , each
product ion l ine is made up of bet ween
35 and 50 peopl e.
The work stations and aisles are very
crowded. There are piles of product in the
fire escape areas? a serious saf et y hazard.
The assembly department and the warehouse
also have l ocks on t heir f ire saf et y doors!
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The Hiring Process
Since there is a high turnover rate,
with many workers quitting the
factory, management is always trying
to hire new workers, especially in
peak season.
Management hires workers at the
main gate between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00
p.m. each day. The factory has also
contracted with a staffing company
for t emp and st udent workers.
During the hiring process, workers also
must have their photos taken, for which
they pay 10 RMB ($1.57 USD). They
are also required to pay 5 RMB (79
cent s US) for a bank card and a 20 RMB
($3.14) deposit for a cafeteria card in
order to eat in the factory cafeteria.
Af t er a short t raining, workers are
given t heir of f icial badges and sent t o
work. They have no idea what t hey are
doing. This is a serious issue f or
workers who are in dangerous
depart ment s. (Workers are assigned
their manufacturing departments.
They are not allowed to choose their
own department.)
Depending on senority, workers can
receive 50 to 100 RMB ($7.85 t o
$15.71) a month for perfect
All workers must undergo a physical
exam. Workers say the exams are
pretty sketchy. They say the clinic
has poor facilities and is located in an
isolated area. They must pay 40 RMB
($6.28 USD) for the exam.
The l abor cont ract is just a sheet of
bl ank paper. There is not hing on it ,
and workers are t ol d t o ?just sign it .?
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Temp & Student Workers
The factory employs about 800 t emp and st udent workers. The workers
are disbursed among the inject ion mol ding, spray paint , print ing and
assembl y depart ment s. Temps must be between 18 and 30 years of age. In
general, the t emps are al l f emal e. A male worker may be accepted if he
brings two female workers with him.
St udent s and t emp workers are not
provided wit h any t raining. They do
not sign any f orms. Like t he regul ar
workers, t hey t oil 12 hour shif t s.
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Temps who do not work a full
three months are required to
pay a management f ee of 300
RMB ($47.13)!
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Test i m on y of a St u d en t
W or k er
"On day tw o, w e star ted w or k . A m ass
of people ar r ived in the w or kshop.
I w as sitting at the w or k station and I
felt ner vous. We w er e m aking a toy
gun. M y w or k involved doing quality
contr ol. Fir st I had to inspect a sm all
piece, and then I had to put on som e
lubr icating oil. By the end of the day, I
w as cover ed in oil.
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After a w hile, I got to know ever yone
w or king on the line. The w or k w as
easier to take after getting to know som e
of the w or ker s, especially som e of the
older m en and w om en. Of this w hole
exper ience of w or king in Dongguan, the
only thing I don?t r egr et is m eeting my
fellow w or ker s. They knew that the
factor y gave us lousy food. So, ever y
w eekend they invited us to their houses
for m eals.
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Factory Facilities
The Zhenyang factory has a total of f ive
manuf act uring buil dings, each of them
with five floors. The first floors of the
manufacturing buildings are for the
inject ion mol ding depart ment s. Assembly
and quality control take up the other floors
of the buildings.
The work areas are very crowded.
The stairwells up to the work rooms are
narrow and get very crowded.
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There are al so six worker dorm
buil dings wit h six f l oors each. The
male and female dorms are in the
same buildings. People can freely
come and go from the dorm
buildings. But t his can af f ect t he
workers?saf et y and privacy.
The top floors are for married
couples and management personnel.
Mostly these floors are reserved for
managers and their families,
not regular workers.
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There are no washing machines in the dorms.
The bathrooms have basins where workers
wash their clothes by hand and then hang
them to dry.
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There is no heat or air condit ioning in the
Zhenyang factory or its dormitories.
Guangdong can get cold in the winter (down
to the 40s Fahrenheit ), especially from
December through March.
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Peak Season Wages and Hour s
Forced and excessive overt ime is t he norm. Workers cannot t ake sick l eave. They are
f orced t o work il l . It is common f or managers t o shout at t he workers. Workers report
that bosses are often wildly aggressive and confrontational.
Peak season runs f rom April t hrough Oct ober. During these seven months, the workers
earn between 2,900 RMB ($455.55) and 3,500 RMB ($549.81) per month? or between
$3,188.85 and $2,848.67 for the entire seven-month period.
During peak season the workers are required to toil 11 hours a day (eight regular hours
plus three hours overtime), six days a week for a work week of 66 hours. (Most workers
receive one day off a week, generally Sundays.)
Slack Season Wages and Hour s
Sl ack Season runs f or f ive mont hs, November t hrough March. During slack season, the
workers earn between 1,800 RMB ($282.76) and 2,500 RMB ($392.72) per month? or
between $1,413.80 and $1,963.60 for the full five months.
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The top floors are for married couples and management personnel. Mostly these
floors are reserved for managers and their families, not regular workers.
One male worker has been at the
Dongguan Zhenyang factory for
two full years. Right now he earns
a l ot of overt ime? up t o 3,000
RMB t o 3,500 RMB ($471.26 t o
$549.81) per month. When
management takes out his
insurance, he is left with about
3,200 RMB ($502.68).
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He volunteers for a lot of overtime,
when he can earn 13.02 RMB ($2.05)
an hour, or double time on weekends
for 17.36 RMB ($2.73) an hour.
?I also have a child,? he told us, ?and I
pay for him? school tuition and more.
I can skip meals, but I don?t want to
deprive my child. At the end of the
month, I don?t have much money left!?
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I n t er v i ew w i t h a W or k er
at Zh en y an g
?Now it?s peak season and it is hard to
take time off.
?If you take sick leave, they will cut
your wages.
??Dark factories?are like this. We long
term workers get 100 RMB [$15.71] a
month in bonuses. But if the boss is
angry, he will cancel the bonuses.
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?People at the top don?t care about
low-level workers. All they care about is
getting the products out the door. They
tell us: ?Why are you complaining? When
you have to work overtime, you don?t want
to. When there is no overtime, you
complain to us again!?
?The managers are mean! They are
insane. They freak out and scream at
workers for the smallest things.
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Dongguan Zhenyang Factory and its International Clients
Chinese Production for Export and Global Warming
Products Photographed in the Zhenyang Factory
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Zhenyang's International Clients
500 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91521
Phone: (818) 560-1000
Fax: (818) 560-1930
Robert A Iger, Chairman and CEO
Jakks Pacif ic
(Licensee for Disney)
2951 28th St
Santa Monica, CA, 90405
Leslie Ferraro, President, Disney
Consumer Products
Phone: (424) 268-9444
Email: DCP@DisneyStore.com
Anne-Marie Feliciano, Corporate
Stephen G. Berman, President and CEO
Disney/Jakks toys produced at Zhenyang:
Disney ?Frozen? Elsa?s Musical Snow
Wand and others.
MGA Ent ert ainment
(Lal al oopsy)
16300 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 150
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818) 894-2525
Hasbro, Inc.
Isaac Larian, CEO
International Distributor:
Headstart International Pty Ltd.
Phone: +61 3 9862 9600
1027 Newport Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02862
Phone: 401-727-5401
Brian Goldner, Chairman and CEO
MGA Lalaloopsy toys produced at
Zhenyang: Lalaloopsy Minis Super Silly
Party Musical Cake Playset, Lalaloopsy
Light Up Pony, Lalaloopsy Potty Surprise.
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Hasbro toys produced at Zhenyang: Nerf
?Super Soaker Scatter Blast,? Nerf ?Vortex
Proton Blaster? squirt guns and Angry
Birds ?Star Wars Han Solo Launcher toy
pellet gun.
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Dirty Toys
Chinese Production for Expor t and Global War ming
China is by far the world?s largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2 ), a powerful
greenhouse gas contributing to global warming and climate change. And,
between a f if t h and one-t hird of CO2 released in China comes from
product ion of export s. In fact, CO2 emissions from China?s exports are often
much great er t han f or t he same product s made in t he U.S. or Europe. This is
largely due to China?s reliance on dirty coal for energy.
Toys made at t he Zhenyang Wanju t oy f act ory in China provide a good
exampl e. Propyl ene is one of the ingredients in the plastic used in many of
the toys made at Zhenyang. Propylene production in China releases 18.4
t imes more gl obal warming COs on average than propylene produced in the
European Union! Production of another common plastic, ABS (acrylonitrile
Butadiene Styrene) in China results in an average of 3.2 t imes the carbon
dioxide emissions into the earth?s atmosphere.
A paper published this w eek in the
jour nal Natur e Clim ate Change
builds on r esear ch into h ow m u ch
of Ch i n a?s car bon di ox i de
pol l u t i on i s cr eat ed by m ak i n g
goods f or ex por t . Th e an sw er i s
a l ot : Abou t a f i f t h t o a t h i r d of
su ch em i ssi on s f r om Ch i n a cam e
f r om m ak i n g ex por t s, accor ding
to ear lier studies. The new paper
adds detail to that r esear ch and
concludes that w h i l e i t m i gh t be
ch eaper t o m ak e t h i n gs i n Ch i n a,
t h e cost i s m or e pol l u t i on t h an i f
t h e goods w er e m ade
el sew h er e.?
? ?China?s expor ts account for a
lar ge am ount of gr eenhouse gases
not just because the countr y
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happens to m ake so m uch for
for eign m ar kets, but also because
so m any of t h ose ex por t s h ave
been m ade by u si n g r el at i vel y
di r t y pr ocesses an d by bu r n i n g
so m u ch coal , the r esear cher s say.?
? ?The author s say China?s expor ts
entail significantly m or e em issions
than if the sam e goods w er e m ade
in Eur ope. M ak i n g a r an ge of
pr odu ct s l i k e st eel , al u m i n u m
an d pr opyl en e i n Ch i n a r esu l t s i n
an aver age of 4.4 t i m es m or e
car bon di ox i de em i ssi on s t h an i f
t h e sam e pr odu ct s w er e m ade i n
t h e Eu r opean Un i on , they say.
- New Yor k Tim es, ?China?s Expor ts
ar e Closely Linked to Its Em issions,?
October 1, 2015
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Products in the Zhenyang Factor y
Hasbro (Nerf)
Ner f Super Soaker
Scatter Blast
Pr oduct Num ber :
M anufactur er :
Hasbr o
Photo from the
Zhenyang factory
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Angr y Bir ds Star War s
Han Solo Launcher
Pr oduct Num ber :
Walmart - $21.99
Amazon - $19.99
M anufactur er :
Hasbr o
Photos from the Zhenyang factory
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Wubble Bubble (by NSI International)
Photos from the packing department
in Zhenyang factory
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L alaloopsy (by MGA Entertainment)
Worker trimming plastic Lalaloopsy cakes
in the Zhenyang factory
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L alaloopsy (by MGA Entertainment)
Light Up Ponies
Pr oduct Num ber :
M anufactur er :
M GA Enter tainm ent
Target - $14.19
Amazon- $14.48
Photo from the Zhenyang factory
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Lil' Woodzeez
Happy Cam per
Pr oduct Num ber :
M anufactur er :
Target - $30.99
Photos from the Zhenyang factory
Amazon - $39.95
Kmart Australia - $39.00
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Smoby (Simba-Dickie Group)
"Car s" WGP
Wor kbench
M anufactur er :
Sm oby
Photos from the Zhenyang factory
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