agenda - City of Emeryville
agenda - City of Emeryville
PLEASE POST Emeryville Parks & Recreation Committee Members Council Liaison Kurt Brinkman School Board Member Joy Kent Member Brian Carver Member Betsy Cooley Member Ray Corona Member Karena Doan Member Gail Donaldson Member John Tann Member Lauren Westreich AGENDA Special Meeting Emeryville Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday, July 17, 2013 – 5:30 PM Emeryville Recreation Center 4300 San Pablo Avenue All Advisory Committee meetings are noticed as Special City Council Meetings so that any or all of the City Council may attend and participate in the Advisory Committee’s deliberations. However, actions taken by Advisory Committees are not official actions of the City Council but must be ratified at a regular City Council. All writings that are public records and relate to an agenda item below which are distributed to a majority of the Park and Recreation Committee (including writings distributed to a majority of the Park and Recreation Committee less than 72 hours prior to the meeting noticed below) will be available at the Information Counter, 1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, California during normal business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays). I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Roll Call Public Comment Approval of Minutes a. June 19, 2013 Action Items a. August 21, 2013 meeting cancellation Information Items a. Dog License Off-Leash Areas (Westreich) b. Park Tour Review (Cooley/Donaldson) c. Community Task Force Report (Cooley) Staff Comments Committee Member Comments Adjournment FURTHER INFORMATION may be obtained by contacting Cindy Montero, Committee Secretary, at (510) 596-3770. DATED: 07/12/2013 Post on : 07/12/2013 Post until: 07/19/2013 __________________________ Karen Hemphill, City Clerk All documents are available in alternative formats, on request. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a person requiring an accommodation, auxiliary aid or service to participate in this program should contact the sponsoring department at (510) 596-3779 as far in advance as possible, but no later than 72 hours before the scheduled event. The best effort to fulfill the request will be made. City of Emeryville,1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608, 510-596-4380 | 510-596-3724 fax | 711 TTY Relay Emeryville Parks & Recreation Committee Members Council Liaison Kurt Brinkman School Board Member Joy Kent Member Brian Carver Member Betsy Cooley Member Ray Corona Member Karena Doan Member Gail Donaldson Member John Tann Member Lauren Westreich Action Minutes Special Meeting Emeryville Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 19, 2013 – 5:30 PM Emeryville Recreation Center 4300 San Pablo Avenue I. Roll Call (5:33 PM) a. Committee Members present: Brinkman, Kent, Cooley, Doan, Tann (late, 5:40 PM), Westreich b. Committee Members Excused: Carver, Donaldson c. Staff/Public Members present: Bryant, Laven II. Public Comment a. None III. Approval of Minutes a. May 15, 2013 i. Motion: Westreich ii. Second: Cooley b. June 5, 2013 i. Motion: Westreich ii. Second: Cooley IV. Action Items a. None V. Information Items a. Dog License Off-Leash Areas i. Westreich shared with the committee about Piedmont’s program for dog license and off-leash license for dog owners. It is beneficial for Emeryville to adopt similar program in order to add clarity in dog off-leash rules and guidelines. A sample application and ordinance of the Piedmont off-leash program will be brought on the next meeting in July. b. Park Impact Fees i. Evans, Community Development Coordinator for the City of Emeryville, shared a status update on the Park Impact Fees study. The committee also discussed about the details of the current and proposed Park Impact Fees. c. Grants i. Laven reported to the committee with an update of alternative funding/grants. He shared with the committee the details of the 3 grants that he actively managed: Alameda County Area Agency on Aging Grant and two (2) of Alameda County Transportation Commission grants. He also informed the committee on some of possible future grants. d. Park Tour Review i. Cooley agreed to assist Donaldson in compiling a summary of park pictures and their possible area of improvements and maintenance. The report will be brought to the next meeting in July. e. Community Task Force Report i. Cooley updated the committee on guiding principles which was discussed at the previous Community Task Force Meeting. The Task Force also discussed the community needs and planning context for the future use of Anna Yates Elementary School yard and Emeryville Recreation Center. f. Committee Meeting Schedule i. Montero reported to the committee members that the City Council will not be meeting in the month of August and have recommended to for Advisory Committees to also take a break during that month. The committee agreed to reconvene in September 2013. VI. Staff Comments a. Montero invited the committee members to attend the Emeryville Summer Concert series. VII. Committee Member Comments a. None VIII. Adjournment (7:05 PM) MEMORANDUM DATE: July 12, 2013 TO: Sabrina Landreth, City Manager FROM: Cindy Montero, Interim Community Services Director SUBJECT: June 2013 Community Services Monthly Progress Report COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION City/School Committee Meeting The City/Schools Committee meeting was held on June 6th. Information items covered at the meeting included a Student Art Engagement ECCL presentation, a Student Engagement next steps discussion, an update from the Emery Ed Foundation, the COC Chair’s Report, the Full Service Community Task Force report, and the new ECAP Board President introduction. Action items were the appointment of a new task force member and the rescheduling of the July 4th meeting to July 11th. For more detailed information, please see the action minutes or watch the entire meeting webcast from this meeting at under the City/School Committee’s webpage. Interim Community Services Director Montero News and Notes June 3, attended the Pedestrian Bike Advisory meeting regarding the ECCL bike path. June 5, co-led the Parks and Recreation Advisory Park tour of parks and public facilities. June 6, staffed the City/School Committee meeting. June 10, met with ECCL Joint Occupancy Agreement Team to finalize draft agreement. June 11, met with staff to discuss the 2013 Fall Activity Guide. Finalized programs and classes. June 12, attended the Community Events Committee meeting to learn about the event permit process. June 13, met with ECCL Joint Occupancy Agreement Team to continue finalizing the draft agreement. June 13, attended the Public Arts Committee meeting to report on an agenda item related to the ECCL. June 18, the ECCL Joint Occupancy Agreement team held a conference call to discuss and make a few minor changes to the agreement. June 19, attended the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. June 20, attended the ECDC Committee meeting. June 25, attended the special Bike Pedestrian meeting at the future site of the ECCL. June 25, met with the new City Manager, Sabrina Landreth, to teach her about the Community Services Department’s services, facilities, and staffing. Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 June 25, met with Mike Biddle, Margret O’Brien, Debra Auker and Sabrina Landreth to discuss the draft Joint Occupancy agreement for ECCL. June 25, met with the new janitorial contractor to discuss expectations of service. June 26, attended the EUSD School Board meeting where there was a presentation on the Joint Occupancy Agreement. June 27, meet with Roy Miller, staff from the planning department and Nexus to discuss the landscape plans for the ECCL. June 28, attended department head meeting with City Manager Sabrina Landreth. June 28, attended the Child Development Center’s Annual Graduation Ceremony. Administrative Analyst Laven’s News and Notes Provided ActiveNet system support to staff at Recreation and Senior Centers as well as NoHo system support to ECDC throughout the month. Held weekly meetings with Roselle Loudon on Events and Rental Programs. Met bi-monthly with Interim Director Montero on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to discuss grants, alternative funding, current projects, and receive overall work direction. Coordinated, edited and laid out the city news articles and overall content submission for the designers to begin producing the Fall 2013 City News and Activity Guide throughout month. Attended the Alameda County Shuttles 101 symposium in Hayward on June 6th to share ideas and discuss current and future shuttle best practices. Attended Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on June 19th to discuss the Analysts’ role in the Department and discuss current/future grant opportunities. Processed Gap Grant #4 reimbursement and related supporting documents on June 25th. Attended CPRS District 3 board meeting via teleconference on June 26th. Coordinator Loudon’s Community Events and Rentals News and Notes Coordinator Roselle Loudon hosted a booth at the Annual Head Over Heels Fundraiser on June 2nd. The City of Emeryville and its Community Services Department supported the Annual Head of Heels Fundraiser by lending 200 chairs, 20 tables and 5 canopies to the event. The Department received 4 community event applications that were submitted to the Community Events Committee for review at its monthly meeting on June 12th. The Bessler HOA rented the Bridgecourt Room for their June HOA meeting. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon continued to meet with volunteer Justin Brown, working on expanding the volunteer program, coordinating volunteers to attend upcoming community events, and secured his participation as a Team Caption for the National Night Out for the Oakwalk Apartments and the greater south east neighborhood of Emeryville. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon met with Sergeant Fredrick Dauer to Discuss National Night out and the partnership between the Police and Community Services Departments on expanding the event. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon met and toured rental facilities with potential renters on three dates. 2 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 Coordinator, Roselle Loudon attended the Park Avenue District Committee meeting to discuss “Off the Grid” Food Truck gathering coming to Haven Street in Emeryville. Coordinator Roselle Loudon met with Ann Webber to discuss National Night Out and becoming a Team Captain for the Park Avenue District (south west side of Emeryville) Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon attended the Transportation Committee Meeting to discuss Off the Grid’s Community Event Application with the Committee. Coordinator Roselle Loudon finalized planning with the Berkeley Half Marathon, as the race route was approved by the City Council in June. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon attended the ECCL playground design meeting to discuss playground structure and equipment at the future center and how it effects rentals and special events. Program Coordinator Loudon met with Analyst Kevin Laven and Stacy Corr from Relay for Life event to discuss the plan for the 2013 Relay for Life. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon processed three Film Permits in June, including a BMX, MTV and FLOMMAX movies/commercials. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon met with the graphic designer to discuss and review the Summer Concert in the Park flyer and poster. Coordinator Roselle Loudon met with the Day on the Bay Committee to discuss the Committee’s proposed Day on the Bay event tentatively planned for Memorial Day weekend Coordinator Roselle Loudon secured three movie dates, the movie screens, and a sponsor for the Fall Movie Series in September. Program Coordinator Loudon met with Bob Canter, Brian Ellis and Tara O’leary to discuss the 3rd Annual Park Avenue Party in September. Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon held her monthly meeting with the Facility Attendants. The Off the Grid Food Truck gathering event successfully launched operations on Haven Street on Wednesday, June 26th. Coordinator Roselle Loudon has been working with Josephine Lee from the Friend of the Golden Gate (Oakland) Library on securing a new location and date for the annual Friends of the Library Jazz Show that typically takes place in Temescal Creek Park (now it will be in Doyle-Hollis Park). Coordinator Roselle Loudon met with Assistant City Attorney Michael Guina to discuss a new film permit process. JUNE RENTALS, EVENTS, AND CLASS STATISTICS SENIOR CENTER # Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use 5 0 3 DESCRIPTION Wedding, Wedding Anniversary, Baptisim, Repast, Graduation Friday Night Club 3 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 CSD Class Sessions 26 Capoeira, Zumba, Yoga, Kung Fu BRIDGECOURT ROOM / REC CENTER / ECDC Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions # 2 4 2 1 20 DESCRIPTION Bessler HOA, Graduation Coming of Age Non-Profit Chamber Meetings Catherine Firpo Capoeria, Yoga MARINA PARK # Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions 10 DESCRIPTION Wedding, Birthday Parties, Family Reunions, Graduation DOYLE HOLLIS PARK Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions # 9 DESCRIPTION Birthday Parties, Picnics, Graduations 8 2 Anna Yates Field Day Youth Summer Camp Programming # 4 DESCRIPTION Off the Grid, Novartis Walk, Block Parties ALL OTHER PARKS AND COMMUNITY EVENT PERMITS Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions TOTAL USE OF CSD MANAGED PUBLIC FACILITIES Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions TOTAL June RENTALS # 30 4 10 6 49 99 EMERYVILLE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 4 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 June 2013 Enrollment at ECDC Classroom Infant Classroom Toddler One Classroom Toddler Two Classroom Pre-K One Classroom Pre-K Two Classroom Pre-K Three Classroom Totals Current Enrollment FTE June 2013 8 Full Time 1MWF 4 T,TH 8 Full Time 3 MWF 1 T,TH 9 Full Time 4 T,TH FTE May 2013 7 Full Time 3 T,TH 8 Full Time 4 MWF 1 T,TH 9 Full Time 4 T,TH 18 Full Time 1 MWF 1 T,TH 19 Full Time 1 T,TH 18 Full Time 2 T,TH 81 Full Time 18 Part Time 18 Full Time 1 MWF 1 T,TH 20 Full Time 1 T,TH 18 Full Time 2 T,TH 80 Full Time 17 Part Time 99 Total Children 97 Total Children Maximum Proposed Enrollment (FTE) Resident (FTE) Work in Emeryville (FTE) 94608 Oakland (FTE) 12 FTE 7 5 1 16 FTE 7 4 1 16 FTE 6 6 1 8 9 3 22 FTE 4 subsidized 2 Subsidized 11 10 22 FTE 3 subsidized 3 subsidized 12 7 1 22 FTE 5 subsidized 5 subsidized 1 subsidized 110 FTE 49 FTE 12 Subsidized 0 41 FTE 7 FTE 10 Subsidized 1 subsidized Tours and Inquiries ECDC gave 13 family tours in June. From these tours, two families decided to join us in June and two other families will be coming in July. Friends of ECDC The “Friends of ECDC” talked about the puppet theatre that they want built for the children. They are thinking of a house structure with a curtain and side storage. The Friends will also put a hold on July classroom expenditures and will start to plan for staff resource room materials at their next meeting. The July meeting was also cancelled. ECDC Diana Garcia-Ortiz, Manager, & Antoinette Edwards, Education Supervisor, Updates All the children graduating from Pre-K Two and Pre-K Three visited Anna Yates and participated in one of the Kindergarten Classrooms. They each had a kinder-buddy, visited the school library, and had lunch in the cafeteria. They had a wonderful experience and are ready to be part of the “big kid’s school” in August. 5 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 On Sunday, June 23rd, several parents volunteered to create a garden in the large playground area. All materials were provided by City Slicker Farms in Oakland. Carrots, baby tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, and pole beans are just a few of the vegetables the children will take care of and eventually eat later this summer. On June 28th, 38 preschoolers graduated from ECDC to Kindergarten. Mayor Kurt Brinkman and new City Manager Sabrina Landreth helped give out diplomas to the proud graduates. Many family members of the graduates gathered in the audience for the popular annual ceremony. Trainings The ECDC Manager is participating in a six-week intensive course on the California Department of Education CSPP (California State Pre-School Program) Contract. The training ends the 4th week of July. All of the ECDC staff also had their first of many trainings throughout 2013 on the Creative Curriculum, Saturday June 15th. Infant Room The infant classroom focused on sign language. They practiced the sign for more, all done, eat and wash hands. They went out for several stroller rides around the neighborhood and met two new friends that joined them this month in the classroom. They have continued to practice their gross motor skills by crawling and walking and their fine motor skills by eating all by themselves (almost)! Toddler One Art seemed to take over this classroom with shape collages, felt collages, water color, and chalk art. For science lessons, the children played with ice, water, bubbles, and made play dough. They also went on several stroller rides to the park. Toddler Two Purple was the color of the month. The children made purple play dough and mixed the colors blue and red to make purple paint. They talked about purple veggies and fruits. They also practiced some sign language words like more, stop, go, water, and please. Pre-K One The children continued learning numbers in Russian, Spanish and Japanese. They were able to recite their full name plus the city that they live in. They were able to finish the whole alphabet and now know the names and their sounds! They are now beginning to sound out three letter words. They experimented with baking soda and have silkworms in their classroom. They feed them mulberry leaves and the worms are getting fatter and fatter every week. Three of them are now in cocoons! Pre-K Two 6 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 Pre-K Two learned to count from 6 to 10 in Korean. For Father’s Day, the children dressed like their dad and took pictures. They practiced their poem for the upcoming graduation and practiced writing numbers 1 to 20 along with the alphabet. Pre-K Three The children practiced writing lower case letters and learned to use the plus sign. The concepts of start and finish were used throughout the month. They discussed summer fruits and made a sun with beads. YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS DIVISION Programs Update This month had been very exciting at the Recreation Center as the children and staff are participating in end of school year activities and began summer camp right away after school was finished for the year. We are in the process of securing and training summer staff, while training a new coordinator for the after school program. We also launched a couple of “New” programs for the children of the community. This year we participated in “National Kids to the Park” day on May 18th, and our very own teen “Drill Team” did an outstanding job while performing at the E.S.S. “Stomp the Yard” Block party. We secured two additional “Kinder Buddies” staff Ashley Warren, and Sonytha Bun and began training them in the Kinder Buddies program. I’m hoping these young ladies will assist Sherrelle Knight in this program in the summer, when the program expands from 3, to 5 days of operation. Completed contracts for all summer “Contract Classes”. It was very hard securing the contract for the “E-Z Stem” program for the summer, but on 5/31/2013, I was alerted that the contractor drove to city hall to secure the business license and complete the contract process. Staff Meetings & Trainings Supervisor Hampton held his 1:00pm P/T staff meeting each Thursday of the month. Supervisor Hampton held regularly scheduled administrative staff meetings with F/T staff. Supervisor Hampton attended two A.S.B. meetings this month Atika prepared the monthly parent fee audit to submit to Supervisor Hampton for follow up calls. Supervisor Hampton made collection calls for delinquent after school care accounts. Supervisor Hampton attended I.E.P. for program participant. Supervisor Hampton attended B.A.P.P.O.A. meeting. Completed remaining fingerprinting and H/R orientations for all new summer staff ADULT/SENIOR PROGRAMS UPDATE “Friends of the Emeryville Senior Center” Senior Center Advisory Council 7 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 The “Friends” met on June 5th. The Friends re-capped the Pancake Breakfast and decided that in future years, it will be called the “Older American’s Month Pancake Breakfast.” Final preparations were made for the Volunteer Recognition event to be held on June 7th and the Berkeley Marina Picnic on June 14th. The “Friends” also decided to continue funding the three classes beyond their previous commitment of funding through June 30th. Commission on Aging (COA) The COA met on June 13th. Commissioner Jim Golden reviewed the Volunteer Recognition event and provided info on the first picnic. Betsy Cooley gave info on the California Telephone Access Program as well as info on a tour the Parks and Recreation Committee took of all Emeryville Parks. She also gave information on the Full Service Community Taskforce, which will determine what to do with surplus properties after the ECCL opens. Trips June 5th, 15 members attended a play called “Arcadia” at the American Conservatory Theater June 6th, 21 Members headed down to Santa Cruz for a train ride and a BBQ Lunch at Roaring Camp Railroad June 11th, 47 members were “tourists for a day” in Carmel and Monterey and enjoyed a scenic view of the 17 Mile Drive Pebble Beach June 12th, 38 members spent the day at Colusa Casino June 13th, 21 members headed over to San Francisco to dine around at Original Joe’s for lunch June 16th, 22 members got a chance to see Michael McDonald and Boz Scaggs at the Stern Grove festival June 18th, 21 members spent a day getting senior discounts at the Paragon Outlets in Livermore June 20th, 22 members spent a day at Coit Tower followed by shopping on their own in North Beach June 22nd, 22 members hopped on Go Van Go and headed to Sonoma for the Lavender Festival June 23rd, 22 members attended the Stern Grove Concert Series to see Ramsey Lewis June 24th, 6 members attended a play at the Janet Pomeroy Center called “The Royal Pauper” June 26th, 21 member attended an Oakland A’s game against the Cincinnati Reds and the A’s were victorious! 8 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 June 27th, 19 Members spent a day in Pleasanton at the Alameda County Fair June 29th, 21 members hopped on Go Van Go to do some shopping at the Treasure Island Flea Market Other Events and Activities John Semien held another iPad class in June. John is a Senior Center member and volunteer who does an excellent job making technology easy for anyone to learn. The class was held on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the month of June. The “Konscious Kuisine” class resumed on June 8th. The class is instructed by Njeri Wills, a Senior Center member and volunteer. The class shows people how to create healthy and delicious raw foods. The Annual Volunteer Recognition event was held on June 7th. About 150 people were in attendance. The event was very well received with many of our volunteers telling staff that it was the best volunteer recognition we have ever had. A new Tai Chi class began on June 7th. The class will be held each Friday at 9am and instructed by Ann Koo, a Senior Center member and volunteer. The first summer picnic was held at the Berkeley Marina on June 14th. Over 100 people attended amidst the beautiful weather. A new class called “Dance for Wellness” started on June 18th. The class is instructed by Isabelita Papa, a Senior Center member and volunteer. An AARP Safe Driver full course was offered on June 25th and 27th. About 20 seniors participated in the class. June 27th was Diane Newton’s last day as an instructor at the Emeryville Senior Center. Diane was teaching five classes per week and will be greatly missed at the Center. In fact, it will take three new instructors to take over her classes. Additional Info Supervisor Helfenberger attended a workshop on low income housing applications for a housing facility in Emeryville called Ambassador on July 10th. Supervisor Helfenberger and Director Cindy Montero conducted final interviews for the Adult Services Program Coordinator position on June 11th and 12th. Supervisor Helfenberger conducted a CPR/First Aid Training for part time staff at the Recreation Center on June 17th. 9 of 10 Community Services Department Progress Report June 2013 On June 25th, Supervisor Helfenberger did a walkthrough of the Child Development Center, Recreation Center, and Senior Center with Rachel Hanson with Integrity Construction and Maintenance, who will now be handling our custodial services. Supervisor Helfenberger met with a potential fee class ballroom dance instructor on June 28th. The first draft of the Fall 2013 City News and Activity Guide was submitted to our publisher on June 28th. Case Management Two calls for Meals on Wheels were received in June. MOW Totals: o 12 residents received meals M-F o 5 residents received meals on weekends A total of 110 Congregate Meals and 285 Meals on Wheels were served in June. 8 To Go: o 244 One-Way rides were provided to seniors and people with disabilities in the 94608 area during the month of June. Other Information 16 new members joined the Senior Center in May 4 Emeryville residents 0 94608 Oakland residents 12 Non-Residents Total number of members residing in Emeryville Residing in Oakland 94608 Additional Members 374 170 1,011 Activity Hours for June 348 hours 10 of 10
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4300 San Pablo Avenue
All Advisory Committee meetings are noticed as Special City Council Meetings so that any or all of the City Council may
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