FMA Informative Newspaper Vol2 No8


FMA Informative Newspaper Vol2 No8
Vol 2 No 8 - 2013
Propagating the Filipino Martial Arts and the Culture of the Philippines
Fighting Geometry
By Marc Lawrence
First I will warn the reader that this is
advanced methods article aimed at the Advanced Filipino Martial Artists and other types
of Advanced Martial Artists. If you do not
understand it, please get with your teacher
and have them explain and demonstrate it.
When we fight as humans do, there is
a study of it and it is called Hoplology. This
study of how humans fight, it was coined
by Sir Richard Burton in his travels around
the world as explorer from England in the
19th century. In the 1970s Donald Draeger
started a Hoplology Society for the study
of how humans fight. I believe that Filipino
martial artists are Hoplologist, ones who
study how humans fight. This was because
they have had to face so many types of raiders that it requires a different type of thinking. This comes from not just the island adaptation but also the influences upon it;
partially strong is the Spanish Influence..
When people fight, they are meeting
and performing a type of communication.
This I learned from training with Sifu Leo
Fong and he talks about it extensively in his
book.(1) This type of communication is done
without words. Remember that 80% of communication is body language. This type of
communication has its own set of rules just
like spoken communication. Failure to follow
these rules will lead to defeat when fighting.
All hand to hand fighting and weapon on weapon fighting is based upon what
is observed to be the geometry of fighting.
This geometry shifts as the fighters shift and
move on their approach, in their body positions and in their engagement when fighting.
Let me start with the beginning, humans being are built to move and work on
certain mechanical principles. When you understand how the body works and moves
you can understand how it fights. I will try to
explain this as simply as I can. First remember
we are bipedal creatures, which is 10 dollar
ten for meaning we walk on two legs. To do
this we points of contact and those points
make our base up.
New and Improved
“Empty Your Cup”
The Base
The frame we use for our base is based
upon a triangle. This triangle can have its
base widen and its apex lowered by simply
opening the stance and bending the knees.(2)
if the chin is
tucked and
the hands
are brought
in, the stability
But is the
same note
if the base
is too far
apart then
the mobility
goes away.
width for mobility I have found is about the
width of your shoulders. If you wear heavy
gear like soldier, police or firefighter does or
then you will have to walk with a low semisquat walk because your center of gravity
is off. One style of fighting is all about getting you to the group so their solution is be
nothing but base but it does lack in mobility and requires very dangerous close contact especially with weapons involved. It
is a terrible method if there is more than
one attacker because of its lack of mobility.
Your base can be affected by the
weapon you are using. So if you swing a long
weapon like a staff or spear you are dealing
with torque and leverage issues, the leverage is caused by the weapon’s length and the
torque is due to the force caused by the mass
times the acceleration. (F= MxA)= (F.M.A.).
To compensate for this you must step as you
strike to reset your base. Picture#7
The Body Zones & Reach
The body is made up of zones that you
can reach when fighting, there are in simple
terms three zones to the main part of the
body. These are simple as follows High line,
Mid-line and Low line areas (3) Just because
you defend one area well does not mean you
defend all of them well with the same method.
By Mustafa Gatdula
Six Life Lessons
I Learned from the
Filipino Martial Arts
By Joy Lim
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2 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 3
When someone stands
in front of you they have reach
and range of motion which is
extended with the length of
their weapon, in this case a
stick, but it could be a knife,
sword, a whip, or a spear, staff,
etc. Remember that reach of
the range is shortened without a weapon. This concept
was well noted by the Spanish in the 1500 as well as by
the Italian masters as well.(5)
when you are in their range
to be got by them! This arc
moves with you and your opponent and can collapse or
expand as you both move in
your ranges. These ranges
are simply put long range,
medium range, close range,
and ground wrestling range.
Now to continue in
this line of thinking you have
two arcs each arc makes up
one room, there is a hall that
The arms and legs are divided in to five sections based
upon their range of motion.
There are in simple terms from
right to left: right outside,
right inside, center line, left inside and left outside. If you are
student of De Cadenas or Wing
Chung you understand this
and practice these concepts. It
is the same zones for the arms
as it is the legs. +The body
(See Map)
This good example of reach in relation to foot work and body angles!
zones are affected by reach.
Reach or your arms and legs,
your opponent’s arms and
legs as well as the reach of the
weapons they are holding. An
example if you are holding a 4
inch knife and your opponent
has a 29 inch bolo as long as
all things being equal your opponent will be able to get you
first if you stay lined up. This
is commonly seen in boxing.
Being directly lined up is the
most dangerous place to stay.
This is due to the body and its
weapons. We have built into us
10 weapons plus whatever we
are holding. A quick refresher
on ten weapons are as follows: The head,2 hands, 2 elbows, hips, 2 knees, and 2 feet.
in your position to defend.
When you are facing
each other you have two arcs,
but when one person advances just one step the arcs now
touch, this means that by just
shifting you body you can
move in and out of range without being stuck! This is seen
with the use of Elastiko methods.
Angles of
Attack and Defense
The Spanish influence is
shown in the stances, terms,
footwork and tactics. One of
the greatest influences came
from the sword fighting system called La Destreza aka the
Spanish circle.
This good example
of reach in relation to foot
work and body angles!
To simply understand
this concept as with all striking
arts you have an arc, a half circle that is in front of you and to
your sides, this arc shift as you
do that is how it becomes the
circle. This arc is made by reach
of your hands and feet. This arc
is shorted if stand with your
feet side by side. The longest
width is done with you feet
at the lowest target point like
kicking someone in the ankle.
arc will allow you to understand when you are in range
to get your opponent or
This was a very complicated item but was later simplified as explained by Frederico
Ghisliero who borrowed from
Caranza. Typically in Filipino
martial arts we talk in terms
of an X or in Vs. I explained
this concept is my book The
connects the two
rooms and there is
a door in middle.
This door can be
closed and locked,
but the door can
be broken open
as well. This door
only exists in concept and action but
Fighting Geometry Concepts
anyone who has
ever fought knows
what I am saying. When you Basics of the Filipino marfight on the offensive you go tial arts by Marc Lawrence. (7)
down this hall open the door As you look at
walk around their room, then the diagram in the picture,
you close the door and if you you will see the Xs and the
are smart you lock the door. V used in the Filipino martial
They will come after you but arts. You will also see two blue
now it is on your terms and half circles these represent
the area in which each fighter
can protect either side and in
front without moving or making contact (stick, knife or kick
and punch) with each other.
The small blue line represents
where each fighter puts their
lead foot. (What cannot be
drawn in the air but does exits
are the circles of area that each
fight protects in front as well as
to the side of their bodies). As
the fact that we lead with our
weapon side forward this is
the same as the Spanish did in
1500 as described in the De La
Filosofia de las Armes 1583 by
Jeronimo de Caranza(4). (You
can find translations of this
complete with diagrams on
the web). This comes directly
from the Destreza as you are
offering the smallest profile.
The two peach colored
parallel lines represent the zone
or hallway that exits when two
fighter face each other. This is
zone in which you can be hit
and in which you can hit back.
The two peach-colored circle
represent where two fights
clash weapons and or strike
each other by just advancing
by sliding your foot forward
one-foot length on leaning forward on deep forward stance.
The blue lines that cross in the
middle what I can only call
what my student names the
kill zone. This is place where
every weapon you have in
now facing every weapon that
you opponent has. This is the
most dangerous place to be!
The blue diamond represents the stepping/angling off
that is done in the Filipino martial arts to hit someone but not
get hit. This allows for you to
remove yourself from the line
of attack. The two points of the
diamond are your pivot points,
where you pivot and turn to
reset as they go by. Down
this enter diagram now shifts
each time you and you opponent face each other again.
The same geometry happens
every time. As you repeatedly
do this you are actually traversing the edges of a much larger circle that exits all around
you and the other fighter.
The body itself is divided
into zones or as some people
call it angles of attack and
defense, I think of it like basketball that there are on the
court zones of attack and defense. These zones are based
upon targets that make up the
weakness of the body. Manong
Dan Inosanto explained this
in his book back in the 70s.(6)
As Filipino martial artist study their art the find that
there are things that are the
same and things that are not as
the Spanish as well as others.
This article is meant to have
the reader stop and see what
really is happening in fight. I
firmly believe that any fighter
with a good skill set and the
full understanding of what I
have written could hold his or
her own against anyone.
1) Beyond Kung Fu by Leo T. Fong -chapter 5 pgs 79-80
2) Bartitsu Compendium Volume II Alignment pgs 38-41
3) Bowie and Big Knife Fighting System by Dwight C. McLemore pge 65
4) De La Filosofia de las Armes 1583 by Jeronimo de Caranza
5) The manual of Frederico Ghisliero, Regole do Molti Cavagliereschi Esserciti (1587)
6) The Filipino Martial Arts by Dan Inosanto pg 38 & 82
7) The Basics of Filipino Martial Arts by Marc Lawrence pgs 13-15
New and Improved “Empty Your Cup”
By Mustafa Gatdula
have a different take on
the martial arts saying,
“Empty Your Cup”, and I’d
like to share it with you.
As the parable goes, a
teacher has a student with
previous martial arts experience. He is skilled but frustrating to teach, as each time
his teacher offers a lesson
the student replies, “I already
know that” or “In my other
style, we do it like this”, or
something similar. Frustrated,
the teacher suggests they
take a break and have tea.
After filling up the student’s cup with tea, the student
takes a sip and then the master begins to pour again. “Wait!
Sifu! My cup is already full!”
The Master replies,
“Exactly, how can you take
more tea when you have
not yet emptied your cup?”
Or something like that.
So, here’s my take. The
student has one type of tea.
The teacher suggests another
type of tea, and the student
affirms that yes, he’d like to
try it. But before the student
could drink the tea, the Master is already pouring more.
Then–blah, blah, blah.
And this is what I mean:
Although “empty your cup
usually refers to pouring out
the old before re-filling with
the new, I think it is better to
do more than finish what you
have in your cup… but to enjoy it, savor it, and then absorb
it, before taking more tea. Too
many martial artists will drink
a few sips of this, a few sips of
that, and just hop from tea to
juice to water to coffee. And
what do you think is in his belly
after all that? Nothing but piss.
What happens when
you eat a plate of good food
and then you get a second
helping? Is the second helping as good as the first? How
about if you got a third helping? Don’t forget about dessert! Food is more satisfying
when you are hungry and you
take the time to chew it, savor
the flavor, and then swallow,
and then digest it. Am I right?
If you just went from
restaurant to restaurant back
to back in the first day, you
never truly enjoy the food.
You never really absorb it
and digest it. In fact, all you
do is regurgitate what you’ve
had. So when it’s all over the
sidewalk, passers-by can say,
“Okay, it looks like he’s had
chicken, and corn, and some
green stuff (that’s the Eskrima LOL), and some rice…”
A martial artists who
trains and learns this way is
not a well-rounded martial artist - he is a martial arts glutton.
He’s had this and that,
but has not absorbed anything well enough to have
mastered his art, and rather
than let all that learning become a part of his skill, he just
regurgitates the pieces he can
hold on to so that when you
look at the side walk in front
of him all you see is a little of
this and a little of that. His art
should blend with everything
he has learned so well that all
the studying he has done becomes a seamless set of fighting skills that can be isolated
at will or blended into a whole
new art. And I must emphasize
the importance of this choice
being “at will”. So a martial artist who has truly cross trained
can box just as good as a
boxer, fence just as good as
a fencer, stick fight just good
as a stick fighter, kickbox just
as good as a kickboxer. This is
not a quick process, and you
cannot reach this level of pro-
4 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
ficiency attending part time
seminars and studying from
guys who really don’t specialize in the stuff they are showing you. The martial arts concept of “cross training” is like
the Navy retiree who can say
“hello” and “thank you” and
“you so pretty” in 6 different
languages, but he can’t order
dinner in any language but
English. He just knows bits
and pieces and all he can impress are the guys at the barber shop who only speak one
So, you want the Master’s tea? Then don’t drink it
on the run. Don’t try tasting
that tea when you still have
a tummy full of beer. It won’t
mix well. And when you learn
his lessons, learn those techniques as if you knew no other
fighting style. Don’t look like a
Wing Chun guy trying to box.
Because not only won’t it work,
but you will only impress nonmartial artists and other Wing
Chun guys. And while you’re at
it, don’t learn how to box from
another Wing Chun guy. Learn
it from a real boxer. Just like I
wouldn’t learn to speak Thai
from a retired guy who only
docked in Thailand for a week
at a time and all he remembers
was the food and the price of
a Thai whore… what’s he going to teach me about that
language? Now, a guy married
to a Thai woman? Who speaks
fluently? He even thinks in
Thai? That’s the guy you learn
from. Because he isn’t just regurgitating a few phrases he’s
learned–he is speaking a language he knows because it’s
a part of his linguistic skills.
The martial artist who
wants to learn another style
must act as if he knows no
other style while he is learning. He must learn that art as
if he were a brand new martial arts student with a true
“empty cup”; otherwise he
is just adding Kool Aid to his
water and that’s not tasty.
This is not to say you
must discount your previous
master’s art. But you should
not cheapen either man’s art
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 5
trying to add one to the other
without knowing or doing either of them well.
The path of the martial
arts Master does not generally
begin with a declaration that
one intends to be a Master.
Such a path, in my
opinion, is a foolish one if everything you do is to get you
closer to becoming a “Master”.
I’m sure that’s confusing, because isn’t that
the goal for all martial artists? To become a Master?
Not at all. The goal for
the martial artist should (yes,
and I’m saying should) be to
Master the art - not to be a
Master. There is a big difference. Just as the saying that
the best leaders never start out
looking to become leaders,
they just “become” leaders–
the martial artist has a hard
enough time just learning the
art, becoming proficient at it,
and then striving to become
the best at it. To add the egodriven goal of being a master just takes away from this
uphill climb. If you focus too
far away from where you are,
you won’t see the next step.
Ultimately, you will believe that you shouldn’t take
the next step because it will
take far too long to get where
you want to go… once you
realize that the destination is
some hundreds of thousands
of steps away.
Do you follow me?
This is one of the big
reason I am so opposed to
the seminar and video industries: They are not built upon
the premise that students are
coming to forge their skill and
become hardened martial artists. They aren’t there for martial artists to test their knowledge. They aren’t even there
to develop their knowledge.
No, seminars and videos are
there to ADD TO knowledge,
as if their teachers are an insufficient source of knowledge.
Yes, people go to seminars and
videos because they either
1. Feel their teachers don’t
have enough information
2. Feel their teachers aren’t
giving this information out
fast enough
3. Feel their teachers have
incomplete knowledge, or
4. Don’t want to follow a
teacher at all, and would
rather follow their own
whims and tastes… in
other words “create your
own path”.
I call bullshit. So some
beginner who is still wet behind the ears (and 40/50 year
old men can be“wet behind the
ears” if they don’t get enough
floor time with an opponent not “partner”) thinks he is wise
enough to have no mentor, no
Master of his own. He will instead take a hodgepodge of
stuff, purchase this video and
that video, attend this and that
seminar (read: “crash course”)
with no pass/fail risk, avoid
tournaments because he’s
too busy simulating “realistic”
martial arts practice–whatever
that is - and then one day Mr.
Pencildick will have the balls
to call himself “Master”, when
he lacks what it takes to earn
a real 1st degree Black Belt.
My grandpa once said,
fill your brain before you empty your mouth. We have men
who have no fighting experience, almost no closed door
training sessions with a true
master, who have never slept
on floors, never traveled on
pilgrimages in pursuit of his
art, never accepted a challenge nor has he ever issued
one–and they dare call themselves an “expert”. Yet we have
men who have expertise in
nothing they know, who dare
call themselves Master. Sorry,
but a few gray hairs, a long resume of learning “experience”,
and decades of mere involvement in the art do not qualify
one as a Master. Master, my
friends, is not a political term,
it is not a level of promotion
for curricula–Master is a level
of existence in an art that you
have lived more than anything
else in your life. It is knowing something like the back
of your hand where very few
men can match you in skill and
understanding. It is not a place
for the mediocre; there are
too many average and belowaverage skilled men abusing
this hard-earned term. Master
is a term of endearment that
men call you without being introduced this way. I am called
Master by fewer people who
call me by my nicknames, but
there are men who tell others
to refer to themselves as “Master”… or worse: ”Grandmaster”. We won’t be addressing
those other fluffy terms at all.
Spend half a lifetime
learning. Spend the other half
of your lifetime putting your
knowledge on the line of passing or failing. Spend more of a
percentage of your life actually teaching the art, than not
teaching, and maybe you will
be on your way. If your calling
card for mastery is a piece of paper someone bestowed upon
you, rather than what you can
do, then I would like to suggest that you re-evaluate what
kind of master you actually are.
My friends who call
themselves “Master” know this
is not a personal attack on you
Masters. This is simply a philosophy that is embraced by the
old Filipino Masters, none of
whom, by the way, have certificates certifying them a“Master”.
Be a man who is high
on skill and low on words. Be
a man who can mix it up with
those half your age. Be a man
who can do things that other,
um, Masters, can’t do. It isn’t
how many styles you know
or how many teachers you’ve
been to. I have been teaching
in my own school since 1992, I
have been sparring with nondojo mates for more than two
thirds of my life, I have spent
only 12 years of my life actually
in a classroom–I participated
in my last class in 1992. Last
time I saw my teachers, I was
15 (death), 20/20 (emigration
and death), and 22 (death).
More years of my learning have been from opponents
and sparring partners than actually from my teachers. Yeah,
my blog has some 600 articles,
but my training sessions in my
school are low on talk high on
action. Compare that to your
teachers who never make you
go home so sore you can barely drive, with whom you have
never had to go to the emergency room, who talk casually
for more of his classes than
counting out reps. Don’t be the
one who is so eager to empty
his mouth on a dojo/seminar
floor before he has filled his
brain with learning sessions
and memories of fights where
he tried out that knowledge.
Have so many fights under
your belt you can’t remember
how many you’ve had. Spend
so much time with your Masters you can imitate them,
remember their smell, quote
their words and reprimands…
Mastery, people is about the
journey - not the destination.
There should never be a
point in your martial arts path
where you mark yourself as a
Master. It a place you eased
into over a period of years
before you realized you were
there. It is a place where others
tell you that you had arrived,
before you knew it yourself.
“Secrets” of the Filipino Fighting Arts”
Words from a Modern-Day Warrior
Filipino Dirty Boxing
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In Filipino Dirty Boxing,
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Six Life Lessons I Learned From the Filipino Martial Arts
By Joy Lim
Shortly, I will mark my
sixth-month of training in
the Filipino martial arts (FMA
a.k.a. Arnis, Kali, or Eskrima).
Since I started, I have practiced with Master Cris once to
twice a week, watched three
tournaments, read and read,
watched dozens of videos,
and even started this blog.
My decision to go into
it was largely influenced by
my desire to get fit and to try
something new. However,
along the way, I realized numerous other benefits. I found
a new passion. I appreciated
my heritage more. I made a lot
of new friends. And learned
Here then are the six life
lessons I learned from my first
six months in the Filipino martial arts:
1. If you want new friends, find
a new hobby. I have gained an
entirely new group of friends.
People whom I would never
have known if I just stayed in
my comfortable, predictable
world. Hobbies give us a connection with others. They give
us a a venue to communicate,
build relationships, and enrich
each other’s lives.
2. The simplest way is often
the most effective. When the
strikes are clear, the stances
defined, the footwork unadorned, they are more focused and efficient. Each
movement becomes purposeful and effective. There is no
wasted energy. Such is the
same for life, we have to shed
the excess. Remove unnecessary activities. Stop inappropriate relationships. Then our
days will infinitely be more
meaningful and … brilliant.
3. Be careful when choosing a
mentor. Because of its complicated history and many other
factors, the accreditation and
classification systems of the
Filipino martial arts are still
somewhat arbitrary. There
are people who pretend to be
experts but actually are not.
Their integrity are in question
and they just cheat their students. In life, be careful and
choose your mentors well. Understand that they will have
a profound and long-lasting
effect on your knowledge, at-
titudes, skills, and practices, a 5. Mastery takes time. Many
big factor to your success.
say that one can learn a lot
4. Humility makes a leader of Filipino martial arts moves
more persuasive. There are even in just a few weeks. Well,
many Filipino martial arts yes I agree. But for you to be a
instructors but those who force to be reckoned with, as
choose to be humble and re- with almost everything else
spectful are the ones who in life, you need to practice
stand out. Many are attracted diligently for many years. Give
to their quiet self-confidence. yourself time to gain experiTheir disinterest in being loud ence, sharpen your skills, and
and proud makes their skills earn credibility.
and technique shine brighter. 6. The more you put into it,
When they speak, we listen. the more you get out of it. AnWhen they move, we pay at- cient wisdom, still so true totention.
day. Enough said.
The Deadly Dance
Learning, Appreciating, and Promoting
the Filipino Martial Arts
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Grandmaster Remy A. Presas
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6 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 7
About ...
Houston Stick Fighting Association
Founded in 2006 is an association for like-minded martial artists that engage in simulated combat to to test
and improve their skills in the blade-based and stick-based fighting arts.Membership in HSFA is open to martial artists of all styles, all systems, of all ages, from beginner to advanced levels.HSFA is governed by a set of
Principles and Bylaws that are posted on this website. Affiliate organizations and individual HSFA members are
expected to read, understand and comply with the Principles and Bylaws or they will not be able to participate
in our organization.In the HSFA, members choose the rules and level of contact that they will participate in.
Matches are a set time limit (usually 2 minutes) and the match will end when time has expired or when one of
the fighters submits. Divisions include bladed weapons, impact weapons and unmatched weapons. However,
a participant may also fight without any weapon.Members of the HSFA are striving to develop and improve
their skills through simulated combat to see what works and what does not with a resisting opponent. Along
the way, we build friendships and camaraderie with our sparring partners and share our respective arts with
each other.
I. Principles of the Houston Stick Fighting Association (“HSFA”).
1. HSFA is an independent association of martial artists with the motto “Elevate your Martial Arts Skills in a Combative Environment.” Our goal is
to improve our skills, make new friends and learn from our experiences through simulated combat.
2. Membership in our association is open to martial artists from all backgrounds including, but not limited to, Escrima, Arnis, Kali, Kobudo, European Fencing, Western Martial Arts, Renaissance Martial Arts, Kendo, Iaido and Kenjutsu.
3. The purpose of the HSFA is to organize combative tournaments referred to as “gatherings” once per calendar quarter so that HSFA members
can test their skills in a combative environment. There will be no judges, no referees and no trophies. A match will end at the expiration of time
or if a participant submits.
4. All participants in any combative tournaments organized by the HSFA must be first be a member of the Houston Stick Fighting Association
and agree to abide by these Principles and Bylaws in order to participate.
5. All participants must sign a waiver before participating in each gathering releasing the Houston Stick Fighting Association, its founder, and
each of its advisors and members, from any damages, liabilities or physical injuries that may result or occur from participating in any gathering
organized by the HSFA.
6. Each participant must certify that he/she is in good overall health and physical condition in order to participate in any gathering and have the
necessary protective gear and equipment in order to participate.
7. All protective gear (headgear, eye protection, gloves, etc.) and all equipment (rattan or wooden sticks or other weapons, padded sticks, padded knives, rubber knives and shields) must be in good working condition before each and every match.
8. All participants must abide by these Principles and Bylaws of the Houston Stick Fighting Association, without exception. Safety is
9. All members and participants must treat each other in a respective manner and exhibit a friendly attitude towards each other all at all times.
Any deviation from this principle of brotherhood and friendly atmosphere may result in termination of membership in the HSFA.
II. Bylaws of the HSFA
1. Required gear: Headgear, gloves, and groin protection (preferably a Canete helment or Fencing Mask and LAMECO protective gear or equivalent) are required for the impact weapons divisions. Elbow and knee pads are highly recommended for fighting with sticks made of rattan or
wood. Pads on the forearms and shins are also highly recommended.
2. Fighting Area: Unlimited.
3. Weapons: Must be in good working condition, must also be of same length and weight for all but uneven Weapons division.
4. Types of Matches
A. Single Blade: This is a blade-based division where the stick or aluminum blade will be treated as a live blade. Duration: one 2 minute round.
B. Double Blade: This is a blade-based division where the sticks or aluminum blades will be treated as live blades. Duration: one 2 minute
C. Espada y Daga or Sword and Shield: This is a blade-based division where the stick or aluminum blade and dagger will be treated as blades
or where a shield is also used. Duration: one 2 minute round.
D. Single Live Stick: This is an impact-weapon division with grappling. Duration: one 2 minute round or submission.
E. Double Live Stick: This is an impact-weapon division with grappling. Duration: one 2 minute round or submission.
F. Single Knife: one 1.5 minute round. Grappling is allowed, but is generally not a good idea.
G. Double Knife: one 1.5 minute round.
H. Staff v. Staff and Uneven Weapons: Duration : one 2 minute round or submission.
5. Illegal Target Areas: Thrusting to the throat or neck is prohibited. There will be no butt strikes, puno
strikes or pommel strikes to the neck
area. Attacks to the spine including the back of the neck are also not allowed. Grabbing the mask is prohibited. Bad sportsmanship, reckless behavior, fake injury, or illegal contact and techniques may result in forfeiture of membership.“There will be no judges, no referees and no trophies .
. . Our goal is to improve our skills, make new friends and learn from our experiences.” The Houston Stick Fighting Association
Grandmaster John Harvey of Kapatiran Arnis System
In April 2009 Master John Harvey
was promoted to Grandmaster by
instructors in the Philippines. He
is the only 2nd non-Filipino to be
given this award in Great Britain.
Grandmaster John Harvey started
his martial arts journey in Wadoru karate many years ago and
trained up to 3rd Dan black belt.
After karate John began training
with Master Bob Breen and started
training in JKD and Eskrima. John
soon became an instructor in JKD
and Eskrima under Master Bob
In 1993 John and Pat
O’Malley started their own brand
of eskrima called Rapid Arnis. This
was very successful with both of
them doing seminars all around
Great Britain and Europe.
Grandmaster John Harvey
has trained for many years in the
Philippines and in 2001 was encouraged to form his own group
call Kapatiran Arnis System. Weapons taught in this system is single
stick, double stick, long stick, stick
and dagger, knife defence ,palm
stick and empty hands. This is a
full rounded system with locks and
throws, kicks and punches. If you
want a weapons systems to add to
your style look no further
Grandmaster John Harvey
was also 4 times World Champion,
British Champion and European
Champion in the WEKAF stick
fighting. John is still involved with
stick fighting as the coach for
Great Britain Team. He has trained
many World European and British
Champions, far too many to mention.
Alamid Martial Arts
The Alamid martial art or simply Alamid
is purely a Filipino style of self-defense. It
was developed by a Filipino in his youth
but was seldom displayed or seen in actual
demonstrations, for it was continuously
practiced with prudence and secrecy. Now
it is exposed to the world of martial skills
with its distinct styles in approaching an assailant. It uses electrifying twitching strikes
which are not observed in other martial
arts. It also uses Knight’s stick different from
ordinary stick fighters.
Alamid uses long stick entirely different from the stick the Chinese are using.
Alamid also has a series of throws and rolls
differing essentially from conventional
martial arts. Its strikes can paralyze or break
bones. Hits delivered by Alamid are primarily intended to disable its opponent; there-
fore, the opponent has no chance to counter
the strikes.
Let us for instance the application of the
twitching strike. Twitching uses both hands or
arms in applying a sudden pull, push, or twist on
the part of the rival’s body. These cause traumas on the nerves of the stricken part bringing
about abrupt and violent piercing sensation for
a few seconds, therefore, you can deliver a series
of strikes, and it is impossible for the opponent
to make or deliver counter attacks. Another important attribute of the Alamid is the Toe - twisting technique. Toe - twisting increases flexibility,
speed and force of blows. It also enables one
to maintain his body posture to remain undisturbed with the changing rhythm of the opponent’s body.
Alamid wins over his aggressor by means
of efficient foot work and by shrewdness. With
Alamid a student will learn how to defeat an enemy by knowing how, when and where to strike.
Finally! Alamid teaches how to demoralize the
enemy through the use of psychological warfare
and illusion techniques. Tremendous fear afflicted on the enemy distracts his concentration.
Sgt. Edgardo O. Ruperto is the Founder
and President of the Alamid Martial Arts Philippines, Inc. Sgt. Ruperto grew up in Olongapo
City, Philippines and was a martial arts enthusiast during his younger days and as such trained
and disciplined himself to learn the arts.
In 1982, as fully grown man with martial artist skilss, he started developing his own
concept of a martial art independent of foreign
influence - a truly Filipino art, basically motivated by the tradition and temperament of the
Sgt. Edgardo O. Ruperto
His art is patterned after the moves of a
ferocious snake killer - the “Alamid”. The gracefulness of the motions of the Alamid suggests
no strain, and the harmonious curves imply
perfect agreement with Sgt. Ruperto’s art - now
called Alamid Martial Art. In recognition of musteline Tayra or simply Alamid, which through
it Sgt. Ruperto has won several fights, now the
Alamid martial art is precisely developing to the
apex of supremacy.
The formation of the Alamid fighting
theories has not been publicly displayed very
often due to secrecy and prudence. Along this
line, he also formulated the reverse Knight’s
Stick. Everything in Alamid martial art depends
on the knowledge and skillfulness of Sgt. Ruperto.
esgrima, loosely defined as “the
art of fencing”.
We also use Balintawak
style, originated from the Cebu
club headed by the late Grandmaster Teofilo Velez, the late
Grandmaster Atty. Jose Villasin
and the late Great Grandmaster
Venancio Bacon.
Grandmaster Nick Elizar
learned and mastered Balintawak
Eskrima from the original school.
It is also from this club, in which
Grandmaster Nick Elizar headed
the white chapter of Teovels
Nickelstick Eskrima Club
Balintawak Group, that the World
Nickelstick Eskrima Club was
World Nickelstick Eskrima Club,
Balintawak Style, where did it come
Lets start from the beginfrom and what is it?
far as the world goes we
World Nickelstick Eskrima
so far have seven chapters (club
club was established on the 27th of
branches) in different parts of the
April 2003.
world, Philippines, France, Sierra
The term “WORLD” is used
because the Nickelstick Eskrima Club Leone, United Kingdom, a full list
is represented by instructors from the is included at the bottom of this
Philippines, England, United States,
Grandmaster and Founder
and Europe. It is also our hope that
started his involvewe propagate Balintawak Eskrima to
the rest of the World. “NICKEL” is from ment in combat sport from the
age of 13 years, experience in
Nick ELizar’s name. “STICK” signifies
boxing, karate, combat judo and
the single stick style of Balintawak,
kungfu (under Grandmaster Johnwhile “ESKRIMA” represents the filipinized Spanish word which Filipinos ny chiuten) Nick had a wealth
have come to name their martial arts, of techniques, experience and
approach to combat methods to
a term that comes from the Spanish
draw upon. It was then that Nick
met up with an old school friend
he had not seen for years, no
other than Bobby Taboada, after
catching up on old times Bobby
invited Nick to come and have a
look at this Eskrima he was studying.
This was Nick’s exposure
to Teovels Balintawak style Eskrima, such was the impact on
Nick of the styles directness and
simplicity that he signed up for
lessons right away.
Nickelstick Balintawak
style is I suppose a hybrid style,
it retains the core of Balintawak,
direct easy to execute effective
technique with flavouring from
Nicks experience in other systems
and knowledge of what works
and what’s needed in actual combat.
Still essentially a single
stick style Nickelstick uses the
grouping method for its teaching with the emphasis being on
building a good solid defence
before worrying about the offensive. Double stick and knife work
is included in the syllabus as in
most flavours of balintawak but
Nickelstick also has some specific
knife and stick / sword work (
espada y daga ) which is unusual
for balintawak.
The student is encouraged
to explore the ability to interchange techniques and weapons
through drills to increase speed of
reflexes and strikes.
Pulls, pushes, elbows,
knees, kicks, throws, chokes they
are all in there , a result of combining combat Judo, Karate, Boxing and standard Balintawak hand
techniques .
Above, wristlock for takedown, simultaneous block and
counter, grasping and pulling,
every counter has a counter.
Long range technique is
also covered in as much as the
student is taught how to close for
the kill, from long range to short
range where the balintawak combat method is so effective.
In short Nickelstick Balintawak is about practicality, what
works, what will get you out of
trouble and put a finish to it, not
looking cool. No roof blocks no
twirling no dancing around like a
cat on a hot tin roof just combat.
Blog -
8 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 9
Future Events
August 2013
September 2013
FMA Legacy, 60 Years of Balintawak & WMAA Training Camp
Buffalo, New York
August 9 - 11, 2013
Horizon Martial Arts
280 Center Rd.
West Seneca, New York
For more information contact WMAA Headquarters:
[716] 771-1291 or Email:
Genesis Martial Arts International
Presents: Professor Wade Williams and Soke Keith Kugel
September 3 - 5, 2013
Contact: Sifu Hadas Talya Moreno [401]301-4448
FCS Silat / Panantukan Seminar
Lakan Guro Ray Cole with Special Guest Instructor Manong Rich Verdejo
August 11, 2013
Kenpo Karate Evolution
13950 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA.
Contact: Guro Ray [813] 850-8968
East Meets West
Cesar Rezek Alves and Oliver Garduce
August 10, 2013
1992 Yonge St. (North of Davisville subway)
Toronto, Ontario
Contact: Oliver Garduce
[647] 739-5424 Email:
Kada Anan Eskrima Seminar
August 10, 2013
Featuring: Tenio DeCuerdas
With Grandmaster Gilbert Cordoncillo and Guru Michael ButzIron
Sharpened Martial Art & Fitness
409 Old Hwy 50 Suite ABC, Minneola, FL.
Contact: William Valdes [321] 544-9462
The Sky Dragon Internatioal Festival of Integrated Martial Arts
August 16 - 18, 2013
Woodland Hills (Los Angeles Area), California
Further Information: (818) 269-4548
Sanano Arnis de Mano Seminar
August 23 - 24, 2013
Hosted By: Northwest Martial Arts Bushenkai Aikido
3122 W. Seltice Way Suite A.
Post Falls, Idaho
Contact: Tom Collins [208] 371-5601
Cindy Jacobs [208] 704-9990
Australian Stickfighting Association
1st National Multi-Style Tournament
September 7, 2013
Tom Floods Sports Centre, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Information Contact: Tamara Bellinger -
Glen Eden -
2nd FMA Charity Festival
For: Master Tony Diego
September 8, 2013
Trebur, Germany
Trebur is a community in Groß-Gerau district in Hesse, Germany. It is 13 km southeast of Mainz, and 8 km south of Rüsselsheim.
Grandmaster/Datu Dieter Knuettel (National Coach Modern Arnis), Master Philipp Wolf (NickelStick Balintawak Eskrima), Guro Flavio Ruiz Van
Hoof (M.A.R.S.), Guro Tobias Ricker (Cacoy Doce Pares), Guro Jojo Balinado (Balinado Arnis Krusada), Guro Lars Helms (Pekiti Tirsia Kali), Hanjo
Bergmann (Giron Arnis Eskrima), Andreas Hofmann (Filipino Fighting Arts), Joe Brandt (Lightning Scientific Arnis), and Christof Froehlich
(Lameco Eskrima)
Minimum Donation: 25€
you are more than welcome to donate more;-)
All Donations go directly to Master Tony Diego without any commissions!
Lightning Scientific Arnis
Jon Escudero - Lightning Combatives
September 30 - Octover 5, 2013
Sydney, Wagga Wagga, Canberra, Melbourne, Australia
Contact: Bardos [0421] 004-691 Email:
October 2013
Double Trouble in the U.K.
October 12 - 13, 2013
Cris Miole - [0773] 807-2236 Email:
Tom Pena - [0784] 170-4026 Email:
Open Seminar with Grandmaster Rene Latosa
October 19,, 2013
TSZ Velbert, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 196, 42549 Velbert, Germany
Further information: or
or [49700] 9883-5237
Charm City Nationals Martial Arts Championships
Presented By Grandmaster Mustafa Ali Rawlings
October 12, 2013
Baltimore Convention Center, Inner Harbor
1 West Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland
Information Contact: Grandmaster Mustafa Ali Rawlings [443] 540-3672
November 2013
4th Katipunan (1st Katipunan - Hall of Fame)
November 8 - 10, 2013
Contact: Gat Puno Abon [305] 788-4403
Filipino Knife/Panantukan Seminar
November 23 - 24, 2013
Chester le St., Durham, UK
Contact: Bill Lowery - [07834] 465-817
Facebook: SWPanKnife
April 2014
Roiles Gear Ltd., is a leading manufacturer, supplier and wholesaler
of the star quality Filipino martial art equipments/products. Our goal
is to give the best quality products to our valued customers around
the globe. Our rattan and wooden products are carefully picked,
treated for high dense quality and our sparring equipments are hand
made using the best quality materials then monitored for the best
quality control and satisfaction of our customer. Our training daggers
either aluminum or steel are hand forged and made with the special
Filipino Martial Arts Charity Seminar
2 days Mini Camp Training Seminar
Master Jose Isidro\
April 20 - 21, 2014
Marikina Sports Complex [3rd Floor]
Contact: Maestro Melchor Amosco [0947] 360-8969
Master Jose Isidro: Website:
Facebook: Isidro Modern Arnis
Learn More Visit Facebook -
10 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 11
Past Events
Kuntaw Legacy with Grandmaster Lowell “Bud” Cothern
June 21-23, 2013
Kuntaw Palace - 122 S. Goldsboro St., Wilson, N.C.
By Bill Kossman
Kuntaw Legacy
Grandmaster Bud Cothern gave a
seminar in Wilson, North Carolina
in June to review the basics, the
lost arts, and advanced techniques
of Kuntaw as it was originally
“It’s always a pleasure
having Grandmaster Cothern
come to our gym as a means of
organizing all our members,” said
Bill Kossmann, head instructor
at Kuntaw Palace, home of the
North Carolina Chapter of Kuntaw
“He always gives one of the
most knowledgeable and handson seminars I’ve ever participated
The seminar covered
Kuntaw Legacy forms, principles of
movement, and defense strategies.
Grandmaster Cothern taught
everything from fundamentals to
advanced breathing techniques.
Participants learned more on
proper stretching techniques and
advanced flowing of techniques
such as shifting. Participants were
also taught on ways to do body
During the sparring portion
of the seminar, colored belts
practiced their fighting skills as
Grandmaster Cothern trained
black belts to effectively judge in
came from near and
far - Wilson and other
North Carolina students
took advantage of the
event. Others traveled in,
including Grandmaster
Cothern who came from
San Diego, California,
Keith Graham and
his son Keith Graham
represented the Metro
D.C. area; Lhod Villaluna
represented the Virginia
Chapter, Paco Barlo was
from the Florida Chapter,
and Leon Simmons, New
York Chapter.
The focus was
on the original art of
Kuntaw, known for its
hard and soft ways.
“It’s always
Front Row (L-R): Luke Barnes, Danielle Barnes, and Janielle Barnes. Second row,
about demonstrating
Keith Graham, Kelly Barnes, and Thomas Barnes. Back Row (L-R): Jason Closson,
by example and actual
Cassandra Kossmann, Leon Simmons, Lhod Villaluna, Alicia Kossmann, Grandmaster
application,” Kossmann
Bud Cothern, Bill Kossmann, Keith Graham, Paco Barlow, and Laura Stair.
said. “Our forms are for
were. For example, the eagle claw
helped all the participants connect
teaching the muscle memory
all the dots so to speak.”
to property move in real-life
someone’s larynx out.”
situations; all of our forms are
Grandmaster Cothern
based on real-life application,
was in Wilson, North Carolina for
and I think that’s what sets apart
a week, during which time he
Kuntaw from most other martial
conducted the seminar but also
The style is “purely for street taught during regular classes, held
group sessions and one-on-one
defense; not show or sport,” he said.
training with various students
Grandmaster Cothern
“reintroduced essential techniques who came to train while he was in
that helped identify Kuntaw in its
Training started in the
early years but were lost along
and ended in the
the way,” Kossmann said. “Some
of them may have been purely
“While the body tired, the
Kuntaw Legacy North Carolina
forgotten by instructors, or some
may have been omitted as a result
of how devastating the techniques “It was constant training, which
building up health and energy level.
On top of the martial arts techniques and physical conditioning, training is
known to improve coordination, balance, focus and confidence to bring the benefits of
training to the student’s everyday life.
Guro Evrard explains that “creating this Master Class and on a bigger scale,
the Instructor Training Academy was a way to share more about the methodology
and structure that we use at Kali Majapahit. Over the years we have had tremendous
feedback on our curriculum and we have put a lot of work to structure it for the benefit
of our instructors and students. The result have been amazing so far and there is a lot
more work to do.”
“With groups in Japan, Germany, the US and various countries in Europe, there
was a strong need for a proper structure that everyone could follow despite seeing me
only about once a year during seminars. Even for my instructors here in Singapore, I
needed to ensure we were teaching the highest standard, every class, every single day.
This is how our structure really started to make a difference.” adds Guro Evrard.
Students who attended the Master Class event and successfully
were certified Apprentice Instructors (Level 1) can now look forward to a
complete range of tools and support to share what they learnt during the
event and eventually, to attend further Master Class events to become full
black belt instructors one day.
More of such events are in the planning process for Europe and
the US and will be back in Singapore in June 2014.
A short video of the event can be found on Youtube: Click Here
For more information on Kali Majapahit
The Path of Instructorship: The Kali Majapahit Instructor Training Academy
June 22 - 24, 2013
Kali Majapahit Headquarters - Singapore
By Ben Boeglin
The Kali Majapahit
Instructor Training Academy
first ever Masterclass just ended
in Singapore last week. Filipino
martial arts enthusiasts from
around the world gathered in the
Asian city-state for 3 days of action
packed training.
Between the 22nd
and 24th of June, nearly 50
participants gathered at the
Kali Majapahit headquarters
academy in Singapore for the
first “Masterclass” event, officially
launching the “Instructors
Training Academy” or ITA,
by the style’s Founder,
Guro Fred Evrard and his
team of senior instructors.
Attendees from
as far as the US, Europe,
New Zealand, Japan and
all over Asia gathered for
a combination of martial
arts training, traditional
healing, personal development
concepts and teaching
methodology that led to the first
ITA Level 1 certification.
Kali Majapahit is a style
that was developed by Guro Fred
Evrard and his wife, Lila Evrard,
putting together the most efficient
systems of Filipino martial arts
with an influence from other forms
of traditional fighting arts from the
ancient Majapahit Empire, similar
to today’s Southeast Asia. Drawing
from more than 30 years of martial
arts experience and 14 Black
belts in various martial arts, Guro
Fred Evrard built Kali Majapahit
with the aim of offering a very
efficient and realistic method of
self-defense for beginners as well
as advanced practitioners. The
philosophy behind Kali Majapahit
is that martial art training not only
is about physical skills, focus and
self-confidence, but also about
Inayan System of Eskrima Flexible Weapons
By Jason Inay
In the Inayan System of Eskrima Flexible Weapons proficiency is a requirement to advance in the system.
This DVD is a presentation of skills and drills to enhance one’s familiarity and skill in the use of a flexible
weapon. Though this DVD specifically presents the use of the bandanna the principles can be adapted
to nearly any flexible weapon. Suro Jason Inay, the head of the Inayan System of Eskrima (I.S.E.), also
illustrates how training the use of flexible weapons is a metaphor for approaching martial arts with a
flexible and adaptable mind
Enjoy learning the use of the bandanna with drills and techniques adapted from the Inayan
Kadena De Mano styles of Eskrima. Inayan Kadena De Mano is one of the core styles within the I.S.E.
that emphasizes empty hand and knife skills. The I.S.E. DVD covers basic defenses to strikes, locks, and
Visit: to find out more about the I.S.E. a complete system of Filipino martial arts
founded by Mangisursuro Mike Inay.
This DVD may be purchased via PayPal: $37 including ground USPS shipping in
the USA
12 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Kapatiran Mandirigma Presents: The 4th Annual Filipino and Indonesian Martial Arts Training Camp 2013
June 28 - 30, 2013
Estes Park, Colorado
Kapatiran Mandirigma
Senior Master Kurt Graham - Kombatan Arnis - New Zealand.
Master Style Nagarajen - Combate Eskrima Orehenal
Guro Daniel Prasetya - Inti Ombak Pencak Silat
Datu Rich Acosta - Kuntaw Kali Kruzada
This year’s camp was a great success! Lots of good food, great teachers and great participants. We had people from New Zealand, Beijing,
NYC, Virginia, San Jose, Kansas City, Wichita, Wyoming, Kentucky and of course, Colorado. Thank you to UTAMA, IOPS and all of the teachers and
participants. I want to give a huge thanks to Kurt Graham for coming all the way from New Zealand and gracing us with his teachings and humor!
Thank you Jhun for the gifts! I will cherish those forever. Thank you Style for Vinnie’s gift! Vinnie is going to have a bigger collection than me some
day! Thank you Vincent and family for making it out to Colorado. Now you see why we moved here. Great job to Cassie and Molly for passing their
tests! Its time to start planning for next year. Can’t wait!
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 13
On June 30, 2013, Edessa Ramos was with the Women Empowerment
Nepal (WEN) at Xavier International School in Kathmandu. This is our
second “self-defense seminar for women and girls” in Nepal, reputedly
the only one of its kind. The seminar-workshop was attended by 30 highschool girls who enthusiastically learned the basic movements in selfdefense, based on the principles and approaches of Filipino Martial Arts.
Edessa was assisted by Nepalese karate instructor Ajay Manandhar. Also
assisting was WEN founder Rashmila Prajapati.
Edessa is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Traditional & Tactical
Combat Arnis (T&T Arnis). Currently based in Nepal as Head of Studies
at the WhiteHouse Graduate School of Management, Edessa uses this
opportunity to spread knowledge in self-defense, promote protection of
the rights of women and girls, and help reduce gender violence.
The first self-defense seminar was held on May 19, 2013 in
Tripureswor, Kathmandu mall. It was attended by around 30 professionals
- working women from the fields of law enforcement, media, education,
public office, and more. Assisting Edessa in this seminar was her husband
and martial arts partner, Robert-Alexander Ramos.
More seminars are planned as the word starts to spread. A new kind
of empowerment for women in Nepal is on the rise. An awareness of selfdefense that is tied to the wider goal of ending all types of gender violence,
domestic abuse, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
World Sikaran Brotherhood of the Philippines
2nd Annual Sikaran Gathering & Workshop
June 29-30, 2013
Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
Sikaran Workshop/Seminar Introduction to Sikaran/History by Mantas Emmanuel Querubin
Sponsored by: WSBP International Executive Council
Hosted by:
WSBP New Jersey State Chapter Mantas Louelle Lledo and WSBP Florida State Chapter Mantas Andy Sanano
Congratulations to the First
Zikdokan Sikaran Amara Arkanis NJ
USA, 3rd Generation Black Belts of
the World Sikaran Brotherhood of
the Philippines.
Thank you very much to
Master Jimmy Geronimo 9thDan
Phils., Maestro Emmy Querubine
9thDan CA., Mantas Elpidio
Seletaria 8th Dan CA., Mantas
Rommel Guiveses 6th Dan NY.,
Mantas Tom Hussein Sulit 9th Dan
Canada, Mantas Andy Sanano 9th
Dan FL., and his first WSBP Black
Belts, Master teachers of the Sword
Stick Society International, Dr.
Chris Viggiano, Shihan/Sifu, Andy Cappuccio, Shihan/Sifu Keith Mazza, Sifu John Lee, Sifu Robert Martin, Grandmaster Steve Languist, Guro and Mrs.
Michael Querubin, and Guro Santiago, Participants, Guest and the Traditional Wing Chun Academy MT . Laurel NJ. For a very successful 2nd WSBP
Gathering and Black Belt Examination in New Jersey USA. Mabuhay World Sikaran, We train hard, WE have fun and We eat Well. Maraming Salamat
and God Bless us all.
Mantas Louelle Lledo Jr. 9th Dan, New Jersey/USA
Lightning Scientific Arnis
Jon Escudero - Lighning Combatives
June 29 - 30, 2013
John Henry Newman Leisure Center
Hitchin Rd., Stevenage, Herts
Awesome two day training in Lightning
Combatives with Master Jon. It was a seminar
not really to be missed. Positioning + Placement
of Weapon + Pressure Response = Lightning
Combatives = Direct & Powerful. Thank you to All
who supported this seminar.
Tom Edison Pena
Arnis/FMA Workshop - On Guard
Maestro Ronaldo Serrano Baxafra
July 1, 2013
LVCC freshmen together with Senior Guro Joems
Laverdad Christian College
Maestro Ronaldo Serrano Baxafra promote
the system of Baxafra Armor the FMA/Kali and
explained that all students should study and learn
the National Identity of their heritage called Kali/
Maestro Baxafra also shared the Arnis manomano and Arnis de mano movements of Defense
(Galaw Tanggulan) learning how to deal with the
situations to defend themselves ....
T&T Combat Arnis
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Absolutely shattered after 3 long hard great days of teaching and training with two other great Masters.
Master Maul Mornie and GuruDev Nidhar. Special thanks to Kamal Dhiman for putting together another
great event, to Mugermach Singh for filming and Chris Kevern for taking great pictures. And a big thank
you to all the students who attended. 27 hours of training in total. It was absolutely awesome and a true
Tuhon Pat O’Malley
Grandmaster Crispulo Atillo Balintawak Workshop
July 3, 2013
Anderson’s Martial Arts Academy, New York, NY.
Official Website:
We were honored to have Grandmaster Atillo teach the weapons class and interact with students on a one-on-one level. We look forward to
having him return in November for a two day Balintawak seminar. Until then keep training!
The Meeting of Masters
July 5-7. 2013
The Doug Ellis Sports Centre
Birmingham City University
City North Campus
150 Wellhead Lane, Perry Barr, Birmingham
The Meeting of Masters was Back!
Three combat arts from different parts of the
globe came together to share knowledge
about the fighting styles of the Philippines,
Brunei and North India.
Tuhon Pat O’Malley, Guru Maul
Mornie, and Gurdev Nidar Singh Nihang
hosted a Masters Seminar where attendees
experienced three days of intensive training
in the styles of Rapid Arnis, Silat Suffian Bela
Diri and Sanatan Shastarvidiya.
The core principles of each art was
expertly taught, first empty hand then with
sticks and edged weapons including machete, tomahawk/axe, sword and knife. Dont worry if you dont have any martial experience it
doesnt matter! This was an intense training camp and as promised even if one was familiar with all 3 arts they will came away with new knowledge!
16 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 17
Brgy. Malingin Tanods Train in Filipino M.A.
July 6, 2013
By James U. Sy Jr.
Featured instructors,
barangay officials, and Barangay
Public Safety Officers (BPSO) pose
for posterity at the conclusion
of the first day of the Malingin
Brgy. Tanod Skills Enhancement
Training “Disarming and Arresting
Methods” last July 6, 2013 at the
Brgy. Malingin Hall, Bago City.
The Brgy. Malingin Council
headed by Hon. Brgy. Captain
Grandmaster Michael Jude T.
Guarra organized a 2-day Skills
Enhancement Training “Disarming
and Arresting Methods” for its 20man strong Barangay Public Safety
Officers (BPSO). The first session
was held last July 6, 2013 at the
Brgy. Malingin Hall, Bago City.
The next session is scheduled this
coming July 13, 2013 at the same
Featured instructors
were P/Sgt. (Ret.) Grandmaster
Estanislao “Eslao” T. Guarra,
Founder of Guarra Style Modern
Arnis and President of the Negros
Occidental Baston Federation
(NOBF), Inc.; Grandmaster Isaac
“Saac” T. Guarra, Founder of Arjuka
and Board Director of NOBF,
and Grandmaster Felipe “Eping”
Hernal; and Master James U. Sy
Jr., Founder of Conceptual Arnis
System (Conceptual Martial Arts
System) and Sec. Gen. of NOBF.
15 of the 20 barangay tanods
attended the first session, along
with 4 students from different
The Atillo Balintawak World Arnis Eskrima Seminar/Award Ceremony
July 6 - 7, 2013
Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
13348-13352 Beach Ave., Marina Del Rey, CA.
At the conclusion of this weekend seminar, Grandmaster Crispulo Atillo and Guro Dan Inosanto will present a plaque to students that have been
chosen as an official Successor and Disciple of the Atillo Balintawak World Arnis Eskima. Selected students were picked based on their character,
dedication, and skills. They will have the responsibility of representing and propagating the art of Atillo Balintawak Original Saveedra style of
Official Masters, Successors and Disciples List of Grandmaster Crispulo Atillo Balintawak
Official Master, Successor & Disciple, and Disciple of ABWAE
Seated from left: Grandmaster Angie Terante (Oido de Caburata), Hon. Brgy. Captain Grandmaster Michael
Jude T. Guarra (Oido de Caburata), P/Sgt. (Ret.) Founder/Grandmaster Estanislao “Eslao” T. Guarra (Guarra Style
Modern Arnis/Negros Occidental Baston Federation Inc.), Founder/Master James U. Sy Jr. (Conceptual Arnis/
Martial Arts System), and Hon. Kagawad Master Jose Dennis Guarra (Arjuka) (James U. sy Jr./CMAS photo).
schools in Bago.
Grandmaster Eslao Guarra
started off the first session with a
review of basic personnel drilling
on the field. He then continued
with a lecture on courtesy and
discipline. The remaider of the
course is hinged upon these
values as tanods have to give
respect to all their suspects and
the necessary discipline to use
only justifiable force under the law.
Grandmaster Isaac
Grandmaster Isaac T. Guarra (right), Founder of Arjukja, and
Grandmaster Felipe “Eping” Hernal demonstrating the 5 basic strike
of the system and their corresponding disarms during the Malingin
Brgy. Tanod Skills Enhancement Training “Disarming and Arresting
Methods” last July 6, 2013 at the Brgy. Malingin Hall, Bago City (James
U. sy Jr./CMAS photo)
Visayan Filipino Martial Arts
Guarra and Grandmaster Hernal
introduced the tanods to the 5
basic strikes of the Arjuka style and
then proceeded to instruct them
on the corresponding disarming
technique for each, both with
sticks and empty handed. Master
Sy taught knife defense using the
Conceptual Arnis open T Block
for the empty handed method
and the baston for thee armed
variant. Locks taught for the empty
handed method include the inside
and outside wrist locks.Master Sy
taught paniil first as a foundation
for these defenses.
Grandmaster Eslao Guarra
and Master Sy, at the ending of the
first session, demonstrated several
come along methods which are
best suited for the job of barangay
tanods. The methods shown afford
the user maximum leverage and
pain for compliance, minimal use
of force, and non-lethal making
them ideal for law enforcement.
Barangay officials who
were present to support the event
include Hon. Kagawad Jose dennis
Guarra, Hon. Kagawad Rosendo
G. Tabol, Hon. Prk. Capayas
Chairman Benjamin de la Cruz, and
Grandmaster Angie Terante.
Grandmaster Eslao Guarra,
once named Most Outstanding
Policeman of Negros Occidental,
is a reserve officer of the AFP. Has
studied under 20 professors of
Arnis and has more than 6 decades
of experience.In his younger days
he has engaged in unpadded
full contact challenge matches
and has taught more than 10,000
policemen, barangay tanods,
security guards, and civilians
during his career as a Professor of
Grandmaster Isaac, like
his brother Grandmaster Eslao,
started his martial arts with their
father, Grandmaster Cornelio
“Kune” Guarra with the Herada
Redoble style. From there he has
developed his own art, arjuka,
which is a synthesis of Arnis,
Judo, and Karate. Grandmaster
Hernal and Master dennis Guarra
learned from Grandmaster Isaac.
Master Sy learned Arnis from
several professors, among them
Grandmasters Viñas, Aguilar, A.
and S. Gubaton, Lobrido, Montoyo,
and E. and I. Guarra, and Master
Gayoles. He synthesized and
integrated all his learning into the
Conceptual Arnis system and has
since then taught it to policemen,
brgy. tanods, security guards,
doctors and nurses, students
and teachers, etc. Grandmaster
Angie Terante and Hon. Brgy.
Captain Grandmaster Michael
Jude T. Guarra are both students
of the famed Gubaton brothers,
Grandmasters Abraham and Sabas,
both of whom can trace their
lineage directly to the Founder of
Oido de Caburata, grandmaster
Antonio “Toñing” Tolosa of Murcia.
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Thank You to everyone who attended the Atillo Balintawak seminar
award/ceremony at Inosanto Academy this past weekend especially
to Guro Dan Inosanto, Adviser & Consultant of the ABWAE (Atillo
Balintawak World Arnis-Eskrima), and a very good friend, who hosted the
event. On the day of the event, the “official” Master, Successor& Disciple,
and Disciple of the ABWAE, Original Saavedra Style, were announced by
Grandmaster Atillo along with Guro Dan Inosanto.
Please note, any names not listed below who have received Masters
prior to this date are null and void – due to NOT having the complete
system, inactivity, and/or questionable character.
Master: “... is awarded the honor and rank of Master having satisfactorily
trained, completed, and fulfilled the requirements for the rank of
Master through the personalized guidance and keen instructions of
Grandmaster Atillo as governed by the standards of the Atillo Balintawak
World Arnis-Eskrima, Original Saavedra Style”.
Derrick Dalan
Dennis Dalan
Successor and Disciple: “... is chosen and awarded the honor of Successor
and Disciple having acquired exceptional knowledge, skills and ability
of an Eskrima practitioner through the personalized guidance and keen
instructions of Grandmaster Atillo as governed by the standards of the
Atillo Balintawak World Arnis-Eskrima.
Your responsibility is to continue learning, to represent, and to
propagate the art of Atillo Balintawak Original Saaverda Style of Eskrima”.
Alex Mancao, Alfredo Parayno, Andrew Do,
Andyz Koh, Butch Sepulveda, Che Navidad,
Dan Anderson, Daniel Lonero, Dennis Dalan
Derrick Dalan, Dieter Roser, Doug Pierre,
Eric Sutz, Geyo Esmas, Glen Boodry,
Greg Sepulveda, Harley Elmore, Helena Cauliffe,
Ike Sepulveda, JD Lopez, Jesse Devera,
Joe Medrano, Joe Navidad, Joel Clark,
Jordan Devera, LaVonne Martin, March Halleck,
Marco Librera, Neil Cauliffe, Nino Pilla,
Peter Shu, Peter Vargas, Quinton Egson,
Ramon Rubia, Ron Goldstein, Salem Assli,
Sam Halim, Tom Bolden, William Torrefeil.
Disciple: “…is chosen and awarded the honor of Disciple having
acquired exceptional knowledge, skills and ability of an Eskrima
practitioner through the personalized guidance and keen instructions of
Grandmaster Atillo as governed by the standards of the Atillo Balintawak
World Arnis-Eskrima. Your responsibility is to continue learning, to
represent, and to propagate the art of Atillo Balintawak Original
Saaverda Style of Eskrima”.
Alfredo Dagatan, Amir Deleon, Brando Haworth,Chris Callahan,
Christopher Bruce, David Murphy, Edwin Williams, Felix Hermocilla,
George Dalan, Gil Gozo, Glen Brooks, Jeff Morris, Ken Lehrer, Michael
Martinez, Ric Lin, Thomas Heinig, Timothy Becherer.
The Kali Majapahit Workshop
Guro Fred Evrard
July 7, 2013
Tokyo, Japan
The Kali Majapahit Japan school welcomed its Founder,
Guro Fred Evrard for its yearly workshop with the style’s Founder.
Headed by John Honeyman, a long time martial arts
practitioner with extensive experience in various styles, the
Kali Majapahit group in Japan was ready and excited for the
The workshop covered such things as double karambit,
stick fighting and empty hands self-defense and more of the
trademarks of Kali Majapahit.
Guro Fred tested Kasama John for his Kadua Guro Black
Belt rank. Congratulations to newly graduated Kadua Guro John
Guro Fred Evrard giving a private conference the day before the workshop on
Health & Wellness to a group of acupuncturists in Tokyo, Japan. Great evening
with great people.
Post workshop media interviews with Guro
Fred and newly certified Kadua Guro John
Had a great time in Japan. Kali Majapahit
seminar went really well, and ended with
2 hours of interview with 2 of the most
popular martial arts magazines in Japan
Guro Fred Evrard
18 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
12th Garimot Arnis Training Annual Summer Retreat
Gat Puno Abon “Garimot” Baet
July 12 - 14, 2013
(954) 432-4433
CB Smith Park, 900 N Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines, Florida
Attended : 53 Gat-Instructor
Day 1 - Knife Fighting - Basic - Advance - Sparring
Day 2 - Buno/Grappling - Basic - Ground-Fighting
Day 3 - Doce Pares - Largo - Corto - Sparring
At the summer retreat: Knife Fighting using, Karambit-Balisong and Daggers Stick and Blades: Siete Colores Solo Baston, Doble Baston and Espada
y Daga. Lots of stick sparring; from one opponent and multiple opponent..
Filipino Sikadtukan - Kickboxing and Buno: Filipino ground fighting..
Another awesome Garimot summer retreat! Thank you to Gat-Puno Baet Abundio, for sharing with us his family art. Thank you to Garimot
Florida, Panama, Texas, Missouri and Chicago for an amazing time. - Sawa Garimot
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 19
Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Fund Raiser
July 14, 2013
House of Champions - 17228 Saticoy St., Van Nuys, California
The three Grandmasters with host Master Mark Parra, owner of th “House of Champions”.
Hosting the event was Mark Parra.
He is an actor, stuntman, and a
fight choreographer in Hollywood.
His soon to be released movie is
“Jet Set”, where his role was that of
a villain limo driver.
Usually during summertime, Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Canete conducts his seminars in the
U.S.A. Unfortunately during the past few years, his doctor forbids him to travel due to his advance age. So
we just want him to relax, enjoy and take it easy in Cebu City, while we do the seminar for him.
Teachers: Anthony Kleeman, Ted Sotelo and Narrie Babao did the seminar presentations. 50 practitioners
attended and $2,000 was raised for the 4 hour seminar. Before the seminar started, the group sang “Happy
Birthday” for Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Canete, who will turn 94 years old next month, August. The
event was videotaped so the Supreme Grandmaster can see it during his birthday.
Grandmaster Anthony Kleeman was a 5 time
WEKAF Heavyweight World Champion. He is
Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy’s favorite uke
while conducting a seminar.
Grandmaster Babao
was one of the presenters
Arnis Defense Silat with Grandmaster Fred Fernandez.
July 13, 2013
Unit 204 CK Sy Diamond Building, 156 Libertad St. Pasay City, Philippines
Ted Sotelo from Las Vegas. He was just promoted
to Grandmaster by Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy.
He is also a 7th degree Grandmaster under Sijo
Adriano Emperado.
It was an awesome and successful Arnis Defense Silat Workshop from Grandmaster Fred
Fernandez. We humble thank you for the people who went and join us in our session, we wish we can
see you again for the next exciting silat sessions. Special thanks to Master Punong Lakan Nicolas who
freely gave us his humble gym to start our day.
DAV Demonstration
July 13, 3013
Dortmund, Germany
The police in Northrhein Westphalia had a day of
the open doors in Dortmund on July 13 2013, where they
demonstrated to the public what they can do and how they
do things. All together there were around 100.000 people
observing or participating at the day event. DAV Modern Arnis
is also trained in some police sports clubs, DAV demonstrated
two times a 10 to 15 minute demonstrations of Modern Arnis.
There was a good crowd watching.
Everybody’s grandma Kyra
Zandberg with Brianna Davidov
Datu Dieter defends himself with an umbrella
DAV - (once on the website choose German or English)
Dieter Knüttel -
Grandmaster Babao center on his right side is his second son Guro
Jack Babao, who started Filipino martial arts when he was 6. In 1982
he won the Pee Wee Weapons Kata Grand Champion in Ed Parker’s
original Long Beach Internationals Karate Competitions, where
Bruce Lee and Ben Largusa were introduced in 1964, on his left is
his other son Guro Narrison Babao
Three of the women who attended: Brianna Davidov,
Spice Williams-Cosby and stunt woman Ace Hatem
20 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 21
Health and Safety
Be Disaster-Ready
Preparedness Starts with You
By Zena Sultana Babao
The Malay Fighting Arts Kuntao Seminar
July 20 - 21, 2013
Jamestown, NY.
The Malay Fighting Arts
Kuntao Seminar was a small but
an intense training event that
not only taught combat skills,
but also put their skills to the
test. Since I was teaching mostly
Reeders Kuntao, and the location
was Jamestown, NY which was
birth place of Reeders Kuntao in
the US. When Willem Reeders first
immigrated and settled in the US,
he lived and taught in Jamestown,
NY. Reeders then took on his first
students like Robert Servideo,
Ed “Tiny” Sealy, Art Sykes, and
many others. Then to have the
local Jamestown Reeders Kuntao
Instructors (Grandmaster Jeff
Evertte, and Grandmaster Paul
Holley) to attend my seminar was
even more exciting. In the end, I
have many more new friends than
I did before and I’m grateful for
Seminar Day 1: The seminar
started off with me teaching
the basic strikes, blocks, and
movements of Kuntao. I then
taught two man drills to develop
these skills. After seeing that they
had the basics that I taught down
pretty good we moved onto
development of power. I then
taught them the basic striking
series of Reeders Kuntao, and how
to combine these striking series to
develop new combinations. I then
focused on the development of
flow and continuously adapting
to change with the drills of this
Seminar Day 2: On the second
L-R: MFA Student Frank Fuller, Guru Jim,
Grandmaster Jeff Everett, and MFA Student
Mark Weaver
day, the training really took
off. It was going to be a day of
dumps and bruises. I taught the
principals of destruction that’s
called the “Thorns”, if it attacks
you, it must be destroyed. I then
taught the students how to move
from destruction, into strikes, and
then into finishing tactics. After
everyone was all bruised and sore,
a test and challenge of their skills
began. They must use their new
found skills to break boards to
show they not only have speed,
but power as well. The students
arose to this challenge and went
through the boards as if they
weren’t even there.
Conclusion: During this seminar
I meet some great martial arts
Students, Instructors, and
Masters of their craft. After
the training I was sore,
sweaty, and wore out, and
this put a smile on all of
our faces. The training was
hard, realistic, and fun.
Sharing the art of Reeders
Kuntao where Willem
Reeders first taught this
system was an exciting
and humbling experience.
I thank everyone that
attended and the
Instructors that stopped in
to say Hi. I now have more
Brothers, and Sisters in the
art of Kuntao..
God Bless You All.
Guru James Hogue is available for seminars by contacting him at: GuruJim@Pukulan.Net, or
calling (913) 626-4372. Visit Guru Hogue’s website for more information:
Disaster comes with or without
warning, happens in an unexpected
manner in the most inopportune
time, and leave at its wake untold
devastation and loss of lives. The past
few years seem to be filled with all kinds of disasters, both natural
and man-made. These disasters remind us that the next emergency is
coming – we just don’t know when, where, or what kind it will be.
It’s best to be ready, and preparedness starts with you and me!
Hurricane Irene, for example, was one of the most deadly
and most destructive. It pummeled the Eastern Seaboard and left
behind it at least 39 dead, 5-million people without power from North
Carolina on up to Maine, damages at $2-billion and growing, and rising
floodwater from upstate New York into New England.
The amount of preparedness varied – some were prepared,
some were not. Many just took what happened in stride – and took it
with a grain of salt and a dash of humor. One homeowner boarded his
home, and on the board wrote “Goodnight, Irene” – alluding to a song
of the same title.
Here in San Diego there are no storms of Irene’s magnitude,
but there is one disaster that California is famous for: earthquakes.
The Golden State is situated between two of the earth’s tectonic
plates, one of which is the infamous San Andreas Fault. These plates
are constantly shifting and causing friction that result in earthquakes,
tremors and aftershocks. There have been thousands of recorded
earthquakes in California for many years, most of which didn’t do any
damage and were hardly felt.
The 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, with a magnitude of 7.8,
was one of the worst earthquakes in California history. This earthquake
killed over 3,000 people and caused $524-million in property loss.
An earthquake dubbed “the Big One” has been predicted to happen
any time, and would reportedly pack such a magnitude that “part of
California will crack off into the ocean.”
More than 82 percent of U.S. residents know that emergency
preparedness is necessary. However, most people have made little,
if any, preparations. My family is guilty of this. Only one of my three
sons, Narrison, has done some preparation for disaster and has spent
considerably doing so.
Disaster prevention should include: developing a family plan;
creating a disaster supply kit; having a place to go; securing the home;
and having a pet plan. One of the most important decisions to make is
to evacuate or not. It’s advisable that if asked to evacuate, we should
do so without delay.
Here’s a handy checklist of items we may need when a disaster hits:
( ) Water: one gallon per person per day for at least three days
( ) Food: at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food, plus a
manually-operated can opener
( ) Extra water and food for your pets, plus extra leashes, treats, and
( ) Warm blankets, extra set of clothes, and sturdy shoes for each
member of the family
( ) Baby items, such as extra formula and diapers
( ) Special items for seniors or people with disabilities
( ) Prescription medication and supplements
( ) List of allergies to any drug (especially antibiotics) or food
( ) Small hygiene kits for the family with toothbrushes and
( ) Personal sanitation items, such as moist disinfecting wipes, and
garbage bags with plastic ties
( ) Mess kits, paper cups, plates, plastic utensils, and paper towels
( ) Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio
( ) Flashlights and extra batteries
( ) First-aid kit
( ) A whistle to signal for help
( ) Dust masks
( ) Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
( ) Local map or GPS device
( ) Cell phones with chargers
( ) Pocket knife
( ) Extra keys to your house or vehicles
( ) Emergency cash in small denominations and coins
( ) Copies of important documents – such as birth certificates,
insurance policies, and passports – in a waterproof container
( ) Permanent markers, paper, and tape
( ) Photos of family members and pets for identification purposes
( ) List of emergency point-of-contact phone numbers
Our local government is prepared for everyday emergencies.
However, during a disaster, the number and scope of incidents can
overwhelm conventional emergency services. The Community
Emergency Response Team (CERT) program has a valuable course
designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and
your neighborhood in an emergency situation.
CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and
disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and
their actions can make a difference. While people will respond to
others in need without the training, one goal of the CERT program is to
help them do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves
in unnecessary danger.
In the CERT training, citizens learn to:
• Manage utilities and put out small fires
• How to open airways, control bleeding, treating for shock, and
providing medical aid
}• Search for and rescue victims safely
• Organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective
• Collect disaster intelligence to support first responder effort
Get you and your family prepared today … for tomorrow!
Sonny Umpad’s Eskrima: The Life and Teachings of a Filipino Martial Arts Master
By George M. Yore
Born with the soul of a warrior, the intellect of a scholar, and a zealot’s devotion to his art,
Maestro Santiago “Sonny” Umpad forged an enduring contribution to the rich and colorful
history of Filipino martial culture. In 1976, after immigrating to the United States, Sonny founded
the school of Visayan Style Corto Kadena & Larga Mano Eskrima—rooted in his training in the
Philippines and tested by a hard and dangerous life on the streets, Sonny’s system was above all
else practical. As Sonny’s reputation as a talented fighter became well-known, he began to crosstrain with masters of other martial arts, including Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee’s first student) and Wally
Jay (founder of Small Circle Jujitsu). One of the most innovative and visionary exponents of the
Filipino arts, Sonny pioneered the concept of “mixed martial arts” long before the term was in use.
Sonny Umpad’s Visayan Eskrima provides an insightful portrayal of Sonny Umpad’s life,
philosophy, and teaching methods, as well as the structural underpinnings of his system.
Instructor George Yore has assembled the writings of six of Sonny’s students (including Wade
Williams, 2012 nominee for the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame) to create a biographic homage
to this remarkable martial artist; basic techniques and applications are also demonstrated,
accompanied by 130 step-by-step photos. Practitioners of Filipino martial arts—as well as
mixed martial artists and security specialists—will find valuable instruction in techniques and
applications, while the thousands of people touched by Sonny’s teachings will gain a new
understanding of this notoriously reclusive master’s life—and how his experiences informed
the development of his system.
Paperback: $12.89
Kindle Edition: $10.48
To Order Throught Amazon - Click Here
22 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 23
Street Smarts
By: Mike Melchor
STREET SMARTS was designed by
Michael P. Melchor, CSP, as a selfdefense & personal safety program
that focuses on the dangers posed
street crime. It details the various
levels of threat that exist in public
places and what you can do to
avoid being a victim of theft or
violence. It is primarily designed
for students, call center workers,
the elderly or any commuter who
might be exposed to risks when in
public places.
It shows the direct links of
poverty and drugs to violent street
crime. Street Smarts singles out
bladed weapons as the preferred
choice of street criminals and prioritizes knife defense as an important skill to have in our
predatory society. Mike Melchor places emphasis on knife defense skills and techniques that
can be effectively used by women against larger or more powerful assailants. He also exposes
the dangerous myths about knife defense and the mistaken belief that a gun is superior to the
knife at close quarters.
Mike Melchor shows how these myths & misconceptions can be very dangerous and
could get you into trouble out on the street. He also shows how you can use simple objects
as defensive tools and shows the proper mind set that one should have to survive it today’s
troubled times. Mike emphasizes on self-defense techniques for women because, more often
than not, they are seen by criminals as easy targets. Furthermore, he explains that the crimes
against them might not be limited to robbery, but might also include assault, rape or murder.
Mike Melchor will be teaching Street Smarts on Saturday, July 20, 2013 at Megatrade
Hall 3, 5th Floor SM Megamall, at the Defense & Sporting Arms Show.
Street Smarts teaches 3 levels of escalation in street crime. The danger increases in each level.
You have to be aware of the counter measures in each level & the protocols for getting out of
harms way. It is always best to get out of trouble early on, if you have the awareness or radar
to spot the problem. Many of us have been grown numb to critical survival signals that we
need to
be safe out on the streets. God has given these instincts to all living creatures. Man does not
seem to appreciate this valuable gift that gives him the ability to predict and survive. In modern society, he has instead chosen to believe politicians,
misguided media & put faith in feeble laws that do not protect society. It is better to trust your instincts or gut feel, these are God given. They are
superior to “logic,” which is a fabrication of the ego & may get you into trouble.
The block or parry, as shown here, is done in a manner that does not expose
the vital arteries in your forearm to the dangers posed by the blade. It is very
important to keep this in mind for your personal safety --- do not expose the
other side of your forearm.
Let the danger pass you by. Dont worry about the weapon, but focus now on
the arm that holds and controls the weapon --- that is the safest approach.
Aseus Villola explaining a defensive technique against the low thrust.
Notice the part of his arm that he is using to block and the attitude of his
body as he evades the thrust. This was followed by a sweeping motion,
similar to a backhand stroke in tennis, that clears the weapon away.
Explaining the dynamics of what to do if someone puts a gun to your head.
Explaining the dynamics of the blade, there is a certain fight
geometry involved that must be understood for proper selfdefense.
The most typical strike out on the street is a thrust to the heart.
This is because most people are right handed and a deep,
powerful thrust can be delivered to a vital area. You must know
the proper techniques to defend against this. That being said,
you must know how to defend against south paws as well
Range: The length of the blade, plus the length of the arm and
the arc of motion that may be traversed by the blade once
deployed in an assault. If you are outside of that arc, the blade
will not touch you. If you are inside of it - things can get deadly.
Getting Off the X: You must understand the linear geometry of this type of
a punch or knife thrust. The most important thing to keep in mind? DON’T
inbound threat, much like you see a boxer slip out of the way of a punch
--- let is pass. Get out of harms way.
“Getting Off the X” when at gun point.
The first control point we usually access during a strike is the wrist.
Take what you can get. Leverage this point to put some pain and
control on the assailant.
Using a natural reflex action in re-directing an inbound strike. We
are all hard wired to flinch and raise our hands up to protect our
heads when things get dangerous. The key is to build on this and
follow up with a control technique and a counter strike of your own.
24 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 25
Tid-Bits (Fact, Fiction, Fantasy or Gossip?)
Exotic Custom Knives and Tools
FMA Informative talks with Nino Lopez of X.O. “Exotic Custom Knives and Tools”
you will just get a tourist souvenir.
Most of my knives come
from the United States, why
the USA you might ask? Well
customers think they are better.
It is a mentality thing, can’t really
explain it.
Now I am asked if we can
refurbish bolo’s, swords, etc and
yes no problem, unless you are in
a rush then most likely no for we
here at X.O. believe in quality and
want to do things professional.
So if a customer wants quick and
The 2nd Control Point: Once I have checked the forearm and
controlled it, I will focus on a point just past the elbow of the
assailant while re-directing his momentum and rotating to
maximize force on his soon to be hyper-extended elbow joint. You
can now control the assailant’s body and turn the tables on him from
this point on.
As you rotate inwards towards your assailant, you bend your
knees to load up like a spring. As you pull with your right
hand, making the assailant tilt towards you and extend his
elbow - you unload on him from the ground up. The power
will start from your feet, your knees will straighten out, the
toes of your leading foot will plant firmly into the ground and
your hip will rotate in an upward and clockwise motion - all
unloading on that now very vulnerable elbow joint. With
proper training & technique, even a girl can defend against
a large male assailant. That is the goal of Street Smarts, to
empower good people against violent street criminals.
SheepDogs: Arvino Wong Logarta, Martin T. Aguda Jr. and Mike Melchor
Street Smarts Klaws
Fresh from the oven, my first batch of Street Smarts Klaws --- an impact defensive tool /
trainer that we have been working on for a while now. This is pretty much in sync with
the first batch X.o. Knives has been cranking out with Bûttê Mêttz. I’d like to thank my
good friend Marino Rico Dizon for making my thoughts become things.
The SSK (Street Smarts Klaw) comes in a variety of colors. We experimented with
a couple of them. I hope to give them to a few visual artists & let them loose on the
SSKs for some creative paint jobs. Some of these are already reserved.
Evolution of a design. Of course our defensive tool is not bladed so it is
technically not a knife, but the picture clearly shows its origins. We have been working
on this for a while. We had to do something that would work for the ladies and I think
this will do.
In discussing some aspects
of knives with Mr. Lopez here is
what the FMA Informative found.
Basically it has become
difficult for customs to get
authentic blades from the
Philippines; this is due on a large
part that some blade makers are
having difficulties in shipping their
merchandise. This is due to the
law here on deadly weapons, also
sometimes it is a problem with the
country the merchandise is being
shipped to.
Another problem is it is
really getting difficult to find good
blades especially the balisong,
for a lot of the balisong makers
are either retiring or finding
more lucrative employment. Yes
balisong’s are still being made,
however they are not of high
quality, more of a tourist souvenir
and that is also including knives,
bolos, etc, they are cheap yes but
cheap then this is not the place to
come to.
Here at X.O. we also make
custom handles for blades and
guns, and holsters. We can do this
also for customers outside of the
Philippines. Now of course you
cannot send a gun here to have a
holster made, however if we have
the model type and we can get the
same model here for fitting; we
can do it. You would have to email
us at ( ) for
more information.
also not sturdy.
The best blades at the
moment come from Bohol, of
course you must realize that in the
old days the quality of the metal
was better, when the military
was present, using spring steel,
but now the quality is less and
becoming less and less as time
goes on since a lot of the metal
has been used over and over,
which makes the quality go down
of course.
One can still purchase
knives, bolo’s etc, but it is most
likely the tourist stuff, to really get
authentic blades it is expensive.
Also through the years even the
good blades back in the villages
have already been bought. Now
watch out for the peddler that
comes up and offers to sale you a
blade saying it has been in their
family for years, truth? Lie? You
better know the blade otherwise
Tagum Sacred Warriors Tops Minda Arnis Tourney
Sun Star Davao - June 26, 2013
The leading destination for Filipino Martial Arts discussion.
Established September 2005
The Tagum Sacred Warriors
harvested a total of eight gold
medals, six silvers and six bronzes
to rule the 2nd Mindanao Open
Invitational Arnis Tournament held
recently at SM City Davao.
Team BTAD of General
Santos City hauled five golds and
one bronze to place second while
Davao City-based KDO Central
Gym came third with three golds,
three silvers and one bronze.
EJM Panabo, which had
a 2-2-5 medal count, was fourth
followed by 2-0-2 Armed Forces
of the Philippines Learning Center
(AFPLC), 1-3-3 A. L. Navarro
National High School (ALNHS),
1-2-1 F. Bustamante National High
School, 1-1-1 Davao City National
High School, 0-2-3 Barangay
Mintal Arnis Club and 0-2-2
TSW’s gold medalists were
Mary Gwyneth Lim (elementary
girls category 2), Rafih Sagsagat
(elementary boys category 1),
Harrison Cerillo (elem. Boys
category 2), George Neri (elem.
boys category 4), Jay Mabanag
(elem. Boys category 6), Graciano
Joy Alisan (secondary girls
pinweight), Denise Lagumbay (sec.
girls bantamweight), Rofel Angelo
Pendon (sec. boys pinweight)
and Carlo Borja (sec. boys extra
The two-day event was
organized by Arnis Philippines
Davao head Mario Palazuelo.
This is the Filipino Martial Arts Database service, provided to the
FMA community in support of its growth and advancement.
26 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 27
New Arnis Club Branch - Armado FMA DEFTAC Burgos Branch
is a balanced form of system,
teaching both combative and
sports side of Arnis... now actively
open branches are H. Bautista
Arnis Club since November 2012,
Kasiglahan Arnis Club and now
Burgos Arnis Club started on June
29, 2013
The club is now focusing
on the district meet competition
both for anyo and full contact.
They are the Armado FMA DEFTAC
active branches now for public
schools, and the Brgy Capt. of the
Brgy Tumana which would like to
open again the Tumana Arnis Club.
This is the Armado FMA
DEFTAC first community Armado
Branch. The Headquarters of
Armado FMA DEFTAC Hq: 3rd
Floor,Marikina Sports Center, Sta.
DEAAP Arnis Set July 6
Sun Star Davao - June 29, 2013
Maestro Melchor William Amosco
Contact: 63 (947) 360-8969
Facebook: Click Here
Elena, Marikina City, Philippines
which has held so many Filipino
martial arts friendship seminar and
Some 150 players are
expected to see action in the
first Davao City DEAAP Arnis
Competition slated July 6 at the
Davao City National High School.
The event is presented by
the Department of Education Arnis
Association of the Philippines
(DEAAP) and the Department of
Education (Deped)-Davao City.
“The competition aims
to promote camaraderie among
athletes. It will also serve as a
selection process for higher meets
like Davao City Athletic Meet,
Palarong Pambansa and Prisaa,”
organizer Maggie V. Dimaligalig
The event features seniors
men and women (18 years old and
above, novice and advance), junior
Mandaue to Host International Arnis Tourney
Sun Star Cebu - July 4, 2013
men and women (14-17 years old,
novice and advance), elementary
(13 years old and below, novice
and advance), and children’s boys
and girls (10 years old below).
Registration fee is pegged
at P350 for all categories except
the children’s event that requires
P250 entry fee.
Interested participants
may sign up at DCNHS, where the
weigh-in is also set.
Medals are at stake for
the individual and team winners.
Trophies await over-all champion
and runner-up.
Dimaligalig added that
playing dates may extend until
July 7 depending on the turnout
of entries.
A Great Legend Has Passed Away
A great Filipino Martial Art
Legend has passed away today
(July 4, 2013). Manong Ted Buot,
after surviving a stroke in 2005,
passed away this morning. He
was 82 years of age. Manong Ted
was the student of Grandmaster
Anciong Bacon of Balintawak
Eskrima. After 10 years of teaching
Balintawk for Grandmaster
Anciong in Cebu, he moved to the
United States in the 1970’s. I am
saddened by the loss, but honored
to have been his student for 10 +
years. - David Hatch
Respecting the Grandmasters of the Filipino Warrior Arts in the Philippines
By Jay Ignacio
Those who have seen
The Bladed Hand would have
understood that a lot of the
Grandmasters in the Philippines
are not well-off. They live in very
tough conditions, some are
employed for a paltry sum, and
there are others who have no
source of income other than when
they have students to teach.
Please be understanding
when you approach them and
do not ask for discounted rates,
or take advantage of them by
giving them empty promises of
compensation or trips abroad.
The Filipino martial arts
may give some folks abroad a
decent income, or even “street
credit”, but here in the Philippines,
these Masters do not own gyms
or schools or training facilities.
They teach in public parks, or give
private lessons at the students’
Pay them on time
whatever rate you agreed on per
session, and have the decency to
acknowledge them for what they
taught you. Pay, or at the very
least, offer to pay them for their
cab, or bus, or jeepney ride to
meet up with you. Feed them as
well, especially if ask to meet at a
cafe or restaurant.
Be mindful of the fact
that photo ops with the Masters
sometimes have consequences
not favorable to them.
Note: That when you bug them to
give you a certificate (when they
normally don’t because they have
no registered business for their
Filipino martial arts system) for just
a few days or hours of training, you
are taking something away from
There’s just too much of
this going around. A lot of them
complain, but there is no avenue
for them to address any of their
concerns. Sometimes they give in
because they have no choice.
It’s a matter of
understanding, and of respecting
their intellectual property, among
other things.
TRIBAL FIGHT WEAR came about when two martial artists saw
a need to represent the Tribal Culture that is the spirit of Martial
This occurred due to many requests from people asking if one of
the clubs would sell their shirts, which were only available to club
members. The result was the creation of a Logo that would incorporate the company name and reflect the culture of the tribal
spirit & country. The Logo is broken down in three parts, a flag
representing tribal spirit, three weapons of traditional heritage
and the company name which all combine to create the logos
of TRIBAL FIGHT WEAR. The products are made from high quality materials that proudly reflect the heritage and culture of the
tribe or country. The first shirts and hats are reflecting the Pacific
Islands Tribal Spirit.
Sam Buot
Teddy Buot is the oldest
son of Ricaredo Buot and
Remedios Abellana. He was born
on July 1, 1931, at Cebu City.
Although trained as both
a mechanical and electrical
engineer, he too was fascinated
by the deep sophistication of the
art of the Anciong Bacon eskrima.
He, in great probability, has spent
more time in eskrima than in
Today, the proud and
strong man has been relegated
and banished into his wheelchair.
When he was healthy, aside from
eskrima, he kept himself fit playing
basketball with young Filipinos
until his devastating stroke in
Teddy studied under
Anciong Bacon starting in 1959
and was his head instructor until
his departure for the United
brother-in-law Arturo Sanchez
took over as head instructor of
Bacon’s school. Sanchez came
to the US and returned to the
Philippines where he eventually
passed away.
Ted was like an older
brother to the author. Sam
followed in his footsteps in
the art of eskrima. Both were
fascinated by the high bars, both
lifted home made weights from
concrete molded in clay pots
and both graduated from the
foul-smelling boxing gloves that
were available in the deprived
Labangon neighborhood. Ted and
Sam were next door neighbors
and that’s where Sam learned his
rudiments. The writer remembers
him riding his Harley motorcycle
in a slow, confident and proud
rumble down Katipunan Street.
Family disagreements (which
none of the kids remember), age
difference, studies outside the
States in 1974. I know the old man province of Cebu for Sam and
Anciong had a tender spot in his Teddy’s eventual move to the
US, kept them apart. Even being
heart for Teddy. Out of respect
for the Grandmaster, he does not in the US still keeps them apart.
call himself Grandmaster; neither Ted lives in Michigan while Sam
have Villasin, Velez and Anciong’s lives in the greater Phoenix area.
Eskrima is proving to be the bond
original students.
bringing both families together.
His students call him
If there is anyone who can claim
“Manong Ted”. (Manong is a
term used in respect for an older himself as heir to Anciong’s
brother.) Teddy now lives with his style, Teddy can rightfully claim
himself as the standard-bearer
wife the former Denny Sanchez
of the purist Balintawak style
in Southfield, Michigan. After
eskrima. He disapproves of any
his emigration to the US, Ted’s
Hundreds of Filipino
stickfighters will converge in
the much anticipated eskrima
tournament of the year as
Mandaue City Sports Commission
hosts the Doce Pares World
Invitational Championship 2013.
Stickfighters are vying for
the national training pool slots
for the 2014 World Eskrima Kali
Arnis Championships in Debrecen,
Hungary next year.
The Mandaue City
Government-sponsored world
tournament will also see foreign
competitors from perennial
visitors Reunion Island of France,
United States, Saudi Arabia, Oman,
United Kingdom, South Korea and
“We are giving full support
on this sport and martial art since
this is ours. We want Mandaue City,
through the Sports Commission,
to spearhead the revival of local,
national and international arnis
tournaments,” said Engr. Gaga
Mendoza of the Mandaue City
Sports Commission (MCSC).
Teams from the Armed
Forces of the Philippines—Army,
Air Force and Navy--are expected
to compete. Teams from Davao,
General Santos City, Laguna,
Muntinlupa and at least five
teams from around Cebu province
including emerging eskrima
powerhouse Mandaue City have
confirmed participation.
MCSC is still finalizing the
venue of the tournament.
“If the venue we are eyeing
will not materialize then, we will
showcase the Mandaue City Sports
and Cultural Complex, which
also got a facelift recently,” said
Mendoza, who is also the complex
Aside from the fighters,
the MCSC will also invite the
grandmasters and masters who
have stepped out of the limelight.
“It is long overdue that
these great grandmasters and
masters will be honored for they
have helped develop our very own
martial art,” said Mendoza. (PR)
Senkotros Arnis Fundamentals
By Grandmaster Max M. Pallen
For many years
Grandmaster Pallen
has been practiticing
Arnis. He has seen
and read many books
about the martial art
styles of other regions
of the Philippines.
Grandmaster Pallen
has not encountered
a single publication
about the Bicol region,
which prompted this
publication. It is a big
undertaking to let
Philippine martial art
practitioners know
that in Bicol they also
have their own styles,
Grandmaster Pallen
finally discovered and
developed the missing link in his Arnis techniques. He has adopted
the sinawali and espada y daga basec on what he has learned from
other styles of Arnis, Kali, and Eskrima. These styles have also given
him a better foundation and made him culturally complete.
To order the book: Senkotiros Arnis Inc P.O. Box 3124, San Leandro,
CA 94578, $40.00 plus shipping
Order Form: Click Here
teaching different from Anciong’s
teaching, thus he dismisses
Villasin’s “grouping method” as
non-original, apocryphal and a
departure from Bacon’s teachings.
With almost certainty, he is the
longest personally trained survivor
of Anciong Bacon.
Unfortunately, for the art,
Teddy, like Anciong, is not a mass
media hog to promote his name
and the art. One of his students
will have to carry Anciong’s flag
for Teddy. He has been mostly
“reclusive, withdrawn, and
inaccessible” and has accepted
only personalized students strictly by recommendation.
Today, Teddy passed away
joining his life long companion
and wife in eternity. ‘Gaw, pahulay
sa kalinaw.
Eskrimadores FMA
Dedicated to FMA (Filipino Martial Arts)
history, techniques, current events and news.
28 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 29
Arnis For A Cause
By Jayson Vicente
Sun Star Baguio - July 4, 2013
Arnis as a sport could
also be a tool to extend help to
those in need. Like any other fund
raisers, arnis in its humble way
could also do its part through
concerned individuals and groups
who has the capacity to make
things happen.
As an advocate of martial
arts, especially arnis, I would like to
commend the efforts of the NonUniformed Personnel Association,
Incorporated (NUPAI) for coming
up with the “1st PNP-NUPAI Arnis
Tournament” as part of the 18th
Police Community Relations
month long celebration.
In line with their
celebration, NUPAI and Arnis Team
of Police Regional Office-Cordillera
will be conducting the tournament
on July 6-7 at the University of the
Cordilleras Gymnasium, as one of
their major activity for the whole
The event is a fund raising
project of NUPAI in partnership
with the UC Arnis Team and the
Arnis Philippines Inc. Baguio
Chapter with the theme “Sa
Pagkakaisa, May Buhay Na
The undertaking aims to
help augment the needs of Non
Uniformed Personnel (NUP) who
are diagnosed with Cancer and
undergoing chemotherapy.
The organizers, together
with the Provincial Government
of Benguet are joining hands and
doing their part to promote and
recognize the law passed (RA
9850) making arnis the official
National Sports and National
Martial Arts of the Philippines.
Expected participants of
this event will be coming from the
different schools and institutions
not only in the Cordillera but in
nearby provinces as well.
Eskrimadores FMA
Conceptual Modern Arnis
By Bram Frank
This will further encourage
participants in uplifting their own
skills and techniques and develop
their well being thru sports.
Arnis is one of the
combative sports the PROCordillera conducts during their
Athletics day. Their very own arnis
team initiated the event for the
purpose of having a project that
will be of significance and benefit
their ailing comrades at the
same time promoting the sport
and inspiring other personnel
to appreciate and engage in the
Filipino martial arts.
It’s also the group’s
advocacy to stage self-discipline
and raising a sense of positive
reception to the sport as our very
own national sports and martial
The project will not
only support the cause but will
strengthen unity and cooperation
among uniformed and nonuniformed personnel.
It will also forge
partnership, camaraderie and
sportsmanship among players,
schools and institutions.
All interested participants
are welcome to join the
competition. Registration will start
at 7:00 in the morning on July 6 at
the UC Gymnasium.
These are some milestone
of the Filipino martial arts of Arnis
that will be part of a worthy cause.
Kudos to the organizers and those
who will be part of the event in
whatever capacity it may be.
You’re efforts will carry
Arnis not just as a national Filipino
martial arts and sports but as a
noble Filipino cultural heritage.
Show your support! Come
and take part on this momentous
event. See you there!
A seldom seen view of Arnis/Modern Arnis the Filipino fighting art of Professor
Remy Pesas as seen by 1st
Generation student... More
> Bram Frank. Modern Arnis
is seen through the perspective of the family art of the
Bolo and knife,(edged tools)
rather than a stick. Some history of Modern Arnis in the
USA is told.
File Download: $40.00
Paperback: $69.00
Further information and
to Order:Click Here
1st PNP-Nupai Arnis Tourney Opens Today
Sun Star Baguio - July 5, 2013
Camp Dangwa, La Trinidad,
Benguet - The Philippine National
Police (PNP), in celebration of its
18th Police
Community Relations
Month will have its first PNP-Nupai
Arnis Tournament opening today
at the University of Cordilleras (UC)
Organized by the the NonUniformed Personnel Association,
Incorporated (Nupai) and Arnis
Team of the Police Regional
Office–Cordillera, the event is a
fund raising project of NUPAI in
partnership with the UC Arnis
Team and in cooperation with the
Baguio City Arnis Federation with
the theme “Sa Pagkakaisa, May
Buhay Na Masasalba.”
The project aims to help
augment the needs of Non
Uniformed Personnel (NUP) who
are diagnosed with cancer and
undergoing chemotherapy.
Together with the
Baguio City Arnis Federation,
the organizers are promoting
Republic Act No. 9850 making
arnis the official National Sports
and National Martial Arts of the
Expected participants will be
coming from the different schools
and institutions not only in
Cordillera but in nearby provinces
as well in the hopes to further
encourage participants in uplifting
their own skills and techniques
and develop their well-being thru
Arnis is one of the combat
sports the PRO-Cordillera is
conducting during its athletics
The Arnis Team initiated
this project for the purpose of
having a project that is more
significant and beneficial to their
ailing comrades at the same time
promoting the sport and inspiring
other personnel to appreciate and
engage in it.
This is will not only support
the cause but will strengthen
unity and cooperation among
uniformed and non-uniformed
personnel and forge partnership,
camaraderie and sportsmanship
among players, schools and
All interested participants
are welcome to join the
competition with registration
starting at 7:00 in the morning at
the UC gym. (PR)
How Arnis Got It’s Name
Filipino martial arts today
are even more confusing. Arnis
and Escrima are used to refer to
the weapon arts of the Philippines
today. Kali is actually used outside
the Philippines to refer to the
same art. The term Arnis de
mano is especially misleading.
The term Arnis is a varied form
of the word Arnes, which refers
to the decorative harnesses used
by the actors in moro-moro
stage displays. De mano simply
means hands, and so a literal
translation of Arnis de mano
turns into ‘harness of hand’. The
manipulation of these harnesses
during the stage plays impressed
the Spanish who dubbed it Arnes
de mano. The style Arnis, a Spanish
term itself, uses many Spanish
terms to describe its techniques.
Empty Hand FMA:
It’s Not Always About Weapons
One misconception martial
artists not familiar with FMA is
that it is weapons based emphasis
training. This is far from the truth.
As veteran FMA practitioners
know, the weapon form takes on
the empty hand form. The knife,
stick and sword can translate to
the hands as well. In FMA, the
student will learn how to use the
weapon first before adapting it
to the hands. This can actually be
beneficial since using the weapons
places emphasis on the mechanics
of motion. This then translates
to empty hand fighting. In other
words the way you would use a
stick or knife becomes second
nature to you even if you don’t
have it around during a fight.
FMA is a well rounded martial
art discipline the encompasses
weapons and empty hand training
that also include grappling and
disarming techniques. It is not
just using a weapon, but using
your body to it’s most effective
Oldest House in the Philippines
The Yap-Sandiego
Ancestral House is located at
155-Lopez Jaena corner Mabini
Street, Parian District in Cebu,
Philippines. It is just a few
steps away from the Parian
Monument which is also known
as Heritage of Cebu Monument
and meters away from Colon
Street, the oldest street in the
Philippines. Considered to be
one of the oldest residential
houses in the Philippines, the
Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House
was built sometime between
1675 and 1700. It was originally
owned by a Chinese merchant
named Don Juan Yap and his
wife, Doña Maria Florido. They
had 3 children, namely, Maria,
Eleuterio, and Consolacion Yap.
During the 1880’s, the
oldest daughter, Maria Florido
Yap, married a native from
Photo By: Mark Anthony Maranga
Obando, Bulacan, Don Mariano
San Diego, who was Parian’s
“Cabeza de Barangay ” (District
Head) at that time.
Just a few years ago
(2008), the old ancestral home
was turned over to Doña
Maria’s great great grandson,
Val Sandiego. Val himself is
known in Cebu at present times
as an art collector, renowned
choreographer and heritage icon.
Visit Philippines, My Philippines
No Facebook - Click Here
Tambuli Journal
20th Anniversary Edition
Published May 17, 2013
Tambuli Front Cover (sm) 20 Years ago saw the publication
of Tambuli: Journal of the Filipino Warrior Art’s Association.
Although the publication only had three issues, it was a
milestone in the exposure of Filipino martial arts in the West.
It also marked the original research material that Mark V. Wiley
collected and later published in his groundbreaking book,
Filipino Martial Culture.
This 57-page, 20th Anniversary Edition, includes all
three original issues, with a number of the photographs
re-scanned and placed for clarity, in addition to additional
photographs of the diverse collections of masters who made
up the journal’s Advisory and Mentor Boards. These include
such luminaries as Leo Giron, Ramiro Estalilla, Gilbert Tenio,
Toby Tobosa, Dionisio Canete, Herminio Binas and Onofre
Also included are the letters of support mailed to
Mark Wiley, and published from such Masters as the late
Ben Largusa, Florendo Visitacion, Toby Tobosa, Chris Sayoc,
George Brewster and many others. Not to mention original
articles submitted by JC Cabiero, Rey Galang, Halford Jones,
Carlito Lanada, Mat Marinas, Karl Marx, Clement Riedner, Chris
Sayoc, Mark Wiley and Mike Young.
Tambuli Journal includes stories featuring Angel Cabales, Florendo Visitacion, Herminio Binas,
Antonio Diego, Antonio Ilustrisimo, Carlito Landa and Sri Ganshyam Jaynagerker, and the arts of Cabales
Serrada Escrima, Binas Dynamic Arnis, Vee Arnis-Jitsu, Kuntaw-Lima-Lima, Kalis Ilustrisimo, Hagibis,
Pananandata Balisong, and more. So much information, so many styles and so much support packed into
three mere issues. This collection is finally available after 20 years!
Only $9.95 Click Here to Buy
For Bulk Order Discounts, Contact Mark V. Wiley -
Senkotiros Arnis Videos
(Collectors Editions)
Intro to Free Style
Lost Years
The Deadly Style of Filipino Arnis: E-Book $29.95
Shipping and Handling
To obtain full details on Ordering - Click Here
The Basics of Filipino Martial Arts
By Marc Lawrence
Master Marc Lawrence Academy
of Masters Hall of Fame - Life Time
Award, developed this book based
upon information gathered over years
from 37 different Grandmasters, Masters, Guros and Instructors of what
makes up the basics of the Filipino
martial art known as Arnis, Eskrima, or
Kali. The book contains photographs,
diagrams and detailed information
that explains what makes the basics
any of the Filipino Martial Arts styles is
use today. This book serves as companion to any Filipino mattial arts style and this
information will enhance their skill. (92 pages)
To Order: Click Here
Cebuano Eskrima
Beyond the Myth
By Ned R. Nepangue, M.D. and Celestino C. Macachor
Cebuano Eskrima: Beyond the Myth boldly unravels with compelling and provocative hypothesis on the
Hispanic origins of the Filipino Martial Arts known as eskrima, arnis and estokada
The authors present prima facie evidence on the fraud of the supposedly precursor art called kali.
A more plausible theory on the origins of eskrima are presented in startling detail from its early beginnings
as a defense against Moro pirates and slave traders and its later fusion with Spanish fencing through the
Jesuit warrior priests during the pivotal years 1635-1644, the height of Spanish rapier fencing in Europe
during the Renaissance.
It also presents a comprehensive chronology on the development of eskrima in Cebu, a meticulous
commentary of Cebuano pioneers and innovators of eskrima and elucidates the pre-eminence of Visayans in
the art of eskrima / arnis / estokada.
As both authors are practitioners of this martial art, technicalities in eskrima never before detailed in other
materials on the subject are carefully discussed in the book.
To Order Visit -
30 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 31
Download to Own Martial Arts Videos
From Datu Dieter Knüttel and ABANICO, Germany
Philippine Consulate General Attends 27th Anniversary of Old Fort
Macarthur Days 2013
July 16, 2013
Provided By: Philippine Consulate
Los Angeles, 16 July 2013 - The
Philippine Consulate General
in Los Angeles attended the
27th Anniversary of the Old Fort
MacArthur Days held at the Fort
MacArthur Museum and the
Historic Osgood-Farley Battery Site
in San Pedro, Los Angeles County
on 13 July 2013.
The Consulate
representatives were led by
Deputy Consul General Daniel
R. Espiritu and Vice Consul Mary
Joy Ramirez. In a strong show
of support for the FilipinoAmerican participants, they were
accompanied by Cultural Officer
Wilma Bautista, Information
Officer Cesar Angeles and consular
staff officers Carryn Espiritu, Mila
Versosa and Pete de Pacina.
The Old Fort MacArthur
Days is one of the longest running
Living Military History events in all
of Southern California, annually reenacting and simulating a series
of historic battles from the Roman
times through the American
Revolution and Civil War, to the
First and Second World Wars and
the Vietnam War, all in a colorful
two-day long affair full of sound
and fury. The re-enactments are
done complete with accurately
uniformed platoon-size units,
period swords and firearms,
artillery pieces, tanks and halftracks.
The Philippine Scouts
Heritage Society (PSHS), led by Mr.
Gil Mislang and Mr. Donald Plata,
award-winning director of the
military documentary Philippine
Scouts: The Forgotten Soldiers,
participates in the event every
year, usually by re-enacting the
Battle of Bataan.
This year, for the first
time, the Filipino-Americans,
led by Mr. Marc Lawrence of the
PSHS Lt. Nininger Chapter and
formerly of Northrop Grumman,
also re-enacted the PhilippineAmerican War’s Battle of Manila,
which immediately followed the
re-enactment of the SpanishAmerican War’s Charge of San Juan
This year’s event especially
commemorated the 115th
Anniversary of the SpanishAmerican War and the 150th
Anniversary of the Battle of
Gettysburg (July 1863) of the
American Civil War.
Photo Release
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(L-R) Mr. Gil Mislang, Mr. Marc Lawrence, (5th from left) and Deputy Consul
General Daniel Espiritu with members Philippine Heritage Scouts Society.
Front row shows Vice Consul Joy Ramirez, Cultural Officer Wilma Bautista,
Information Officer Cesar Angeles and Ms. Mila Verzosa
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Members of the Philippine Heritage Scouts Society in action
Re-enactment on how the Philippine-American War started due to a “misunderstanding”
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Members of the Philippine Scouts Heritage re-enacting Filipino assaults in
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Mastering Eskrima Disarms
By Mark V. Wiley
Draws on his 20 years of research and 34 years training in the United States and the Philippines under the
world’s most legendary figures in Eskrima. He presents in clear language and detailed photos the essential
components of Filipino disarming techniques.
In this comprehensive book you will learn the disarming techniques of over 30 different styles of Eskrima,
Kali, Arnis and Kabaroan, including 22 Supporting Structures and 9 Essential Principles of Effective Disarms,
the 3 Ranges and 4 Modes of Engagement, 2 Positional Gates, 3 Joint Control Concepts, 5 Footwork Methods,
and 5 Grip Release Concepts most essential to mastering Eskrima disarms.
This masterful text contains 935 photographs illustrating 135 techniques from 33 styles of Filipino martial
arts as demonstrated by dozens of its greatest legends. Some of the styles featured include:
Arnis Lanada | Arnis Tendencia | Babao Arnis | Balintawak Escrima | Biñas Dynamic Arnis | Black Eagle Arnis
Eskrima | D’Katipunan Arnis | DeCuerdas-Diestro Eskrima | Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Arnis | Del Mar Kali-Escrima |
Derobio Escrima | Doce Pares Multi Style Eskrima | Eskabo Daan | Estalilla Kabaroan Eskrima | Garimot Arnis
| Inayan Eskrima | Inosanto Kali | Integrated Eskrima | Kalis Ilustrisimo | Lameco Eskrima | Lapu-Lapu Arnis
| Latosa Escrima | Lightning Scientific Arnis | Modern Arnis | Moro-Moro Orabes Heneral | Pambuan Arnis |
Rapid Arnis | San Miguel Eskrima | Sayas-Lastra Arnis | Serrada Escrima | Siete Palo Arnis | Vee Arnis Jitsu | and
$29.95 on - Click Here
For Bulk Order Discounts, Contact Mark V. Wiley
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Interested? Click here to go directly to the ABANICO Channel
Any questions? Send me an email to:
Enjoy the Videos
Grandmaster / Datu Dieter Knüttel
8th Dan Modern Arnis
32 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
18th anniversary Celebration of MAMFMA
Punong Lakan Garitony Pet Nicolas 45th birthday
Abaya, Das - Defenders Aikido Karate
Abaya, Jonathan - Philippine Jendo Federation
Abenir, Bong - Abenir Kali
Aisworth, Lorraine - England
Aquino, Dennis - Philippine Karate League
Ariola, Rhey - Arnis Mano-Mano Dumog
Balos, Pat - Modern Lightning
Baron, Reginald Carlo - Celebrity Chef from Cook Eat Right
Base, Ronnie - Laraw Kali Pamuok
Baxafra, Ronaldo - Baxafra Armour
Biscarra, Teresita - Philippine Jendo Federation
Caballero, Nicholas - Lightning Scientific Arnis
Caballero, Patty - Lightning Scientific Arnis
Cacatian, Ian - Laraw Kali Pamuok
Carullo, Gilbert - Philippine Boxing Federation
Dalida, Chris - Biagtad Martial Arts
De Jesus, Dindo - Krav Maga Philippines
De Jesus, Jesica - Krav Maga Philippines
Delfino, Rina - Samurai Club
Diaz, Jose Dion - PIGSSAI
Facto, Sunshine - Sinag Institute
Fernandez, Freddie - Arnis Defense Silat
Flores, Noel - Artists GMA and ABS-CBN
Ibrahim, Jimmy - Falcon Consolidated
Librado, Alex - Librando Arnis
Mallari, Perry - Editor Manila Times
Obejas, Joemar - Rapido Realisimo
Orosa, Ramon - ACSAT
Pachong, Reggie - Salaknib Martial Arts (Mt. Province)
Patish, Sevi - Model
Pelino, Bernard - Philippine Boxing Federation
Pimentel, Bruce - Kalis Ilustrisimo
Pusing, Edison - Philippine Boxing Federation
Romano, Jan Carlo - Kalye Capoeira
Romano, Vernon - Kalye Capoeira
Rosales, Teddy - Salaknib QC
Sabalberino, Pepito - Philippine Boxing Federation
Salamangca, El Rev - Martial Artists / Magician
Samson, Rei - Salaknib Martial Arts (Mt. Province)
Samson, Joanne Salaknib Martial Arts (Mt. Province)
Samson, Reinald - Salaknib Martial Arts (Mt. Province)
San Joaquin, Dannie - Samurai Club
Santos, Hedy - Arkado
Santos, Roger - Arkado
Saguin, Peachie - Producer UNTV
Sarmiento, Ronaldo - Salaknib Martial Arts (Mt. Province)
Severino, Howie - GMA Host
Soteco, Armando - School of Arnis Professionals
Tiro, Vic - Kamaido
Tubera, Cecille - Arkado
Tubera, Vhir - Arkado
Turingan, Ceasar - Baldugan Martial Arts
Villagonan, Dante
Washington, Kevin US
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 33
By RJ Rivera
July 20, 2013 - As the whole world
continues with its usual routine,
one man has reached another
milestone in his life, and a group
presses toward the future. On
this day, Punong Lakan Garitony
Pet Nicolas celebrated his 45th
birthday and his group, the
Modern Arnis Mano Mano Filipino
Martial Arts celebrated its 18th
year anniversary.
Indeed, the number of
years that a man has lived will be
in vain if the time was not spent
wisely. This definitely is not the
case for Sir Pet and his MAMFMA
group. And this has been proven
during the celebration in the
Martin`s Cuisine Restaurant,
located in Buendia Avenue, Pasay
City, Philippines. Elders in the
Filipino martial arts community,
instructors, students, friends and
family, have gathered together to
celebrate the said events.
The event was hosted
by incoming MAMFMA Central
Club President Ken Magno.
The celebration started with
a prayer and was followed by
acknowledging the distinguished
guests and visitors, especially the
key figures in the Filipino martial
arts community. After which,
some of these guests were asked
to give their personal remarks
for the event. These guests were
colleagues and personal friends
of Sir Pet whom he has supported
and has been supporting him.
After some remarks, a
special presentation was done by
guests from the entertainment
industry. The magician tandem
of `El Salamangka` and `Malik
Mata` kept the audience at their
feet with their magical antics.
After which, a demonstration dance number was done by the
newly promoted instructors of
MAMFMA headed by outgoing
club president Punong Guro Rey
Senson which left the audience in
After all the presentations,
it was time to hear it from the
birthday celebrant. Sir Pet started
of with presenting the incoming
officers of MAMFMA namely Guro
Ken Magno as club President,
Guro Arnold Ramos as Vice
President, and Maan Vergara as
Secretary General. Loyalty awards
were also given to some of the
instructors namely Punong Guro
Rey Senson, Dayang Ever Quine,
Punong Guro Junar Vidal, Lakan
Rogelio Vasquez, and Lakan
Jaime Francisco. Punong Lakan
also announced his pending
retirement in active teaching
and the turnover of the overall
organizational management to her
daughter, Dayang Mizha Nicolas.
All of which will be happening by
year 2015.
Any celebration will not
be complete without food and
picture taking. Everybody shared
the food catered by Martin`s
Cuisine Restaurant and everybody
lined up for a photo shoot with
Punong Lakan right after.
Alfaro, Jhoy
Amato, Rey
Bencito, Aron
Bolotaolo, Ronnie
Buen, Cecille
Buen, Armando
Chavez, Ana
De Guzman, Anthony
De Guzman, Antonio
De Guzman, Conchita
Enriquez, Flor
Francisco, Vangie
Hernandez, Dindo
Lanada, Ruby Marie
Leongson, Mau
Lusterio, Myrna
Madero, Vic
Magno, Christine
Magno, Christmas
Magno, Kevin
Mendoza, Joey
Nicolas, Gary
Nicolas, Haley
Nicolas, John
Perry, Audrey
Severino, Atty. Ipat
Sugay, James
Tabilin, Ethel
Tenorio, Alma
Tolleno, Aljohn
Valbuena, Zib
Vera, Eric
Vidal, Deborah
Zalzos, Joan
MAMFMA Members
Ainsworth, Dan
Arriola, Dennis
Bautista, Paulo
Chuatoco, Mike
De Guzman, Mizha
Dela Cruz, Roberto
Duterte, Carlo
Escleto, Julius
Francisco, Jayme
Gatchalian, Anthony
Lopez, Mark Christian
Magno, Ken
Morales, James
Nonato, Darrell
Plaza, Brian
Quine, Ever
Ramos, Abi
Ramos, Arnold
Rivera, Rjoy
Santos, Jeano
Senson, Ivy
Senson, Reynaldo
Severino, Alon
Solatorio, Romeo
Valbuena, Richard
Vasquez, Roger
Vergara, Maan
Vidal, Junar
Zalzos, Allan
34 FMA Informative Vol2 No8 2013
Vol2 No8 2013 FMA Informative 35
First of all I would like to greet and
congratulate my Master, my mentor,
and my second father Garitony “Punong
Lakan” Nicolas for his celebration of his
45th Birthday and 18th Anniversary of
MAMFMA at Martin’s Cuisine last July 20,
2013. I hope you never stop to help people
and promoting our very own art. I would
also like to thank him for appointing me
as the new Vice-President of the group
(MAMFMA). I know it’s big responsibilty
but being appointed to such position also
tells you how much person trust you. As
the new appointed Vice-President i will
give my best to help the MAMFMA group
prosper and propagate the Filipino martial
Arnold Ramos
MAMFMA - Vice President
My warmest congratulation to Modern Arnis Mano-Mano Filipino
Martial Arts on its 18th year Anniversary!
18 years have passed and up to now, Modern Arnis ManoMano Filipino Martial Arts (MAMFMA) is still standing, with pride and
dedication by promoting our Arnis-stick fighting, our National Sports
and Martial Arts.
Its been an honor and privilege for me to be a part of this
group and to be appointed as a new officer of MAMFMA. I would
like to take this opportunity to extend my sincerest gratitude to
our Punong Lakan Garitony C. Nicolas, our Founder, for all the trust
and support. I would also like to thank my Lakan’s, Dayang and comembers for their tremendous effort, cooperation, teamwork and
enthusiastic support.
May we all be inspired by the motivation and dedication of
our Punong Lakan, Instructors and co-members,
for the success of MAMFMA, and without God’s blessings, we wouldn’t
be here right now. Let us thank HIM
for giving us what we have and for all the great opportunities and
blessings heading our way.
Congratulations and PUGAY !!!
Mary Ann A. Vergara
MAMFMA - Secretary General
Arnis in Batang Pinoy 2013
The Philippine Sports
Commission (PSC) is launching
the Batang Pinoy 2013, a national
sports competition for children
aged 13 to 15 years old, with
3 regional competitions and
national finals and is expected to
be the biggest youth program of
its kind in the country.
Batang Pinoy 2013 will
feature different disciplines,
mostly Olympic sports. Arnis, our
national martial art and sport is
included due to the efforts of Arnis
Philippines Inc. (ARPI) in explaining
the fact that our country should
bid for its inclusion. The whole
project will be assisted by the
Department of Education (DepEd),
the Department of Interior
and Local Government (DILG),
and the Philippine Olympic
Committee (POC). The PSC
together with the POC and the
Leagues of Provinces, Cities, and
Municipalities and Barangays,
are eyeing discovering potential
athletes for the 2014 Youth
Olympic Games in China.
The Batang Pinoy
tournament will start with the
Mindanao Leg in Tagum City,
Davao Del Norte on August
27 to 31, 2013, Visayas Leg in
Capiz, Roxas City on September
24 to 28, 2013, Luzon Leg in
Iba, Zambales on October 15
to 19, 2013 and the National
Championship which will be held
in Zamboanga City on November
19 to 23, 2013.
Ground Rules: Click Here
Arnis Philippines
(203) 596-9073
The Desangut Fixed Blade Magnum
By TnT Blades
Now available!
PRE-PAY price of €100 good only for orders paid by July 31, 2013.
If you missed the pre-order, from August 2013, regular price
applies (€120). Pay via paypal:, then email us
your delivery address. Includes yak-leather sheath from Nepal.
Ships from Italy at extra cost, depending on your location.
Endlich ist es da! Das PRE-PAY Preis von €100 ist gültig, nur für
Messer die bis zum 31 .Juli bezahlt sind. Via Paypal bezahlen: Dann schick uns Eure Lieferadresse. Inkl. YakLeder Holster aus Nepal. Lieferkosten extra.
Production Information:
This first run is a semi-custom / numbered production.
Only 100 pieces and getting pre-sold fast. Reserve your favorite
number now before someone else gets it.
TnT Combat Arnis has started with the production at
this time and expects delivery at around late June/early July.
The time to fix your pre-order is now. There will only be 100
numbered pieces produced and they are going fast.
Desangut updates, please see complete report: Click Here
To Place your Order Click Here
WHFSC Grandmasters
By Bram Frank
Its finally done. its
645 pages long! Its
Grandmaster book,
a compendium of
the worlds greatest
Grandmasters is ready
for purchase. It’s got
the Grandmasters as
they want to be known
and with old and new
pictures so they can be
seen and remembered.
The timing is perfect:
so buy a copy of the
book and take it to the
WHFSC Hall of fame
and Awards weekend
in Orlando FL. May
31-June 1, 2013 and
like a Yearbook get the
Grandmasters to sign
their pages. Make your edition a part of living martial arts history. you
can attend just the seminar section, attend the award dinner(advance
purchase and reservatuions necessary) or both with induction to Hall of
To Order - Click Here
Defense Survival Tactics for Law Enforcers
By Maaster Oliver F. Garduce
Defense Survival Tactics for Law
Enforcers is an easy to read, step by
step manual on basic and advance
survival techniques, with illustrations
for readers to further understand
each execution. The instances used
are based on daily experiences of
police and public safety officers while
performing their tasks. It includes,
among others, techniques on police
arrest, handcuffing and hostage
Authored by Oliver “Punite” Garduce,
an international martial artist, an
athlete, a teacher of PNP and SWAT
$25Cdn.+shipping and handling..
Payment will be e-money transfer, via
banking online.
For further information contact: Oliver (647) 707-5527
or Claire (647) 739-5424 Email:
Way of the Ancient Healer: Sacred Teachings from the Philippine Ancestral Traditions By Virgil Mayor Apostol
After Hollywood screenwriter and script analyst, the late John Sherlock, took the author’s earlier
manuscript copy back to his home in Ireland and pored over it, he wrote to the author commenting
that he read the pages with “great interest” but thought the book should take the form of a personal
odyssey. Taking Sherlock’s advise, the author interweaved his captivating healing and spiritual experiences, years of historical research and collection of photographs, along with information on the roots
of healing from their cultural, shamanic, and spiritual origins. What manifested was his unique magnum opus, Way of the Ancient Healer, a book that intermeshes esoteric and metaphysical beliefs with
scientific explanations of healing practices, based on an indigenous science and culture.
Way of the Ancient Healer provides an overview of the rich tradition of Filipino healing practices,
discussing their world influences and role in daily life. Enhanced with over 300 photographs and illustrations, the book gives readers a rare look at modern-day Filipino healing rituals, including personal
examples from author Virgil Apostol’s own experiences with shamanic healing and dream interpretation.
The book begins with an explanation of Apostol’s Filipino lineage and legacy as a healer. After a brief
history of the Philippine archipelago he describes the roots of traditional Filipino healing and spirituality, and discusses the Indian, Islamic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and American influences that have
impacted the Filipino culture. He presents a thorough description of Filipino shamanic and spiritual
practices that have developed from the concept that everything in nature contains a spirit (animism)
and that living in the presence of spirits demands certain protocols and rituals for interacting with
them. The book’s final chapter thoughtfully explores the spiritual tools used in Filipino healing - talismans, amulets, stones, textiles, and other natural symbols of power.
Published by North Atlantic Books:
Distributed by Random House Distribution Services, to order: or call (800) 733-3000
Filipino Tattoos: Ancient to Modern
By: Lane Wilcken
Tattooing is a very old and spiritually respected art form that has existed in many different cultures around
the world. After many centuries of not being practiced in Europe, tattooing was re-introduced to the
Western world through the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean. Beginnning in the 16th century, European
explorers came across many people who practiced tattooing as an integral part of their cultures. This is the
first serious study of Filipino tattoos, and it considers early accounts from explorers and Spanish-speaking
writers. The text presents Filipino cultural practices connected with ancestral and spiritual aspects of
tattoo markings, and how they relate to the process and tools used to make the marks. In the Philippine
Islands, tatoos were applied to men and women for many different reasons. It became a form of clothing.
Certain designs recognized manhood and personal accomplishments as well as attractiveness, fertility, and
continuity of the family or village. Facial tattoos occurred on the bravest warriors with names that denoted
particular honor. Through the fascinating text and over 200 images, including color photographs and design
drawings, the deep meanings and importance of these markings becomes apparent.
Available at: and
Ready and Custom Made
Barong is actually short for Barong Tagalog, which describes the formal men’s wear of the
Philippines. It is properly referred to as the ‘Baro ng Tagalog’ (dress of the Tagalog). Contracting
the first two words produces ‘Barong,’ which literally means ‘dress of.’ So, if we want to be correct,
we wouldn’t say just ‘Barong.’ But, the slang way of referring to one of the beautiful formal shirts is
simply Barong. Yes, the Barong Tagalog is a dress, a garment, a coat in itself. It is not merely a ‘shirt’. If
it were, then it would need a coat or a jacket over it to qualify as formal wear and would have to be
worn tucked inside the trousers.
FMA Pulse Re-launches Website
It’s been 4 years since first made a presence on the Internet. During that time, we have had the privilege
to serve the international community, meet and build friendships with many known FMA practitioners and establish ourselves
as a credible resource for the Filipino Martial Arts.
We are excited to announce that has relaunched with a new and improved website! Aside from the new
look, most of the improvements were designed for better social features so members can engage with each other, and more
importantly, for us to better engage with the community. We will be the first to admit this was a major weakness of our site. We
have heard the feedback and acted accordingly.
It is our sincere hope that will be used as a venue for all FMA practitioners, enthusiasts & martial artists’
alike to learn and help spread the word about Kali/Eskrima/Arnis around the globe.
Though our website has been upgraded, we are aware it is far from perfect. We welcome you to visit and
would love to hear your feedback to help us better improve. This is your website and community. Your site to share and learn.
School Submission
The schools listed teach Filipino martial arts, either as the main curriculum or an added curriculum.
If you have a school that teaches Filipino martial arts, or you are an instructor that teaches, but does not have a school, list the school or style
so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge have the opportunity.
Be Professional; keep your contact information current. - Click Here
Event Submission
Submit your event whether - Seminar, Workshop, Training Camp, tournament, or Gathering - Click Here
Advertisement Submission
Advertising in the FMA Informative Website is FREE.
An Ad in the FMA Informative can create Business. Your Advertisement for Filipino martial arts forums, blogs etc, can be included in the
FMA Informative. Advertisment is for the Filipino Martial Arts and the Philippines.
To submit Forums Click Here. To submit advertisement for products and/or Services Click Here
Article Submission
Finished manuscripts should be accompanied by color or black and white photographs. Though we take care of materials, we can not be
responsible for manuscripts/photographs and accept no liability for same. Every photograph or graphic must be accompanied by a caption Carefully
key photos to caption information with a letter or number.
We reserve the right to use any photo(s) as cover material or additional compensation. We also reserve the right to edit material and to crop
We reserve the right to use articles or parts of articles that are given and approved from time to time as needed to promote the Filipino martial arts
and the Culture of the Philippines.
Physical manuscripts should be typed in black, double spaced, and set to 1-1/2 margins (right and left).
Emailed manuscripts should be typed in Ariel or Times Roman, on programs such as Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect and
can be sent as an attachment. Photo(s) can be sent as a .jpg, .gif, .bmp, or .tiff - to submit material for either the FMA Informative Newspaper or an
Issue Click Here
We welcome your article, ideas and suggestions, and look forward to working with you in the future.