SisterSeries - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Inc.


SisterSeries - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Inc.
FALL 2014
This summer we gained 7 new Regional Representatives.
Please meet our new collegiate leaders!
Taylor Ashley, Central Regional Representative
Taylor is a Public Relations and Non-Profit Organizational Studies
Major from The University of Oklahoma- Norman, Oklahoma. During
her tenure, Taylor would like to encourage the Sorors in the Central
Region to take an active interest in her new initiative, Health is
W.E.A.L.T.H (Women Everywhere Advocating and Learning Their
Health) in hopes that they can help make women of all ages more aware of their
health status. She also plans to aid in making the transition from the Collegiate
to Alumnae level as smooth as possible to help each Soror fulfill their lifetime
commitment to Delta.
Regional Rep Interviews
Fall Graduate Checklist
CTT Month Highlights
Naya Frazier, Eastern Regional Representative
Naya attends The University of Maryland - College Park and was
initiated in the spring of 2014 into the Kappa Phi Chapter. As a leader
with a servants heart, Naya found pursuing the position of Regional
Representative as the perfect way to use her skills to serve the Sorority.
During her tenure, Naya hopes to create more opportunities for Sorors
to Network across chapters. With this goal in mind, she plans to establish Delta
CAN (Collegiate Alumnae Network) – an on-line resource that connects collegiate
Sorors to alumnae Sorors in their field of interest, therefore engaging meaningful
dialogue and creating lasting relationships.
Mariah M. Kelly, Farwest Regional Representative
Mariah attends San Diego State University and Studies Business
management and Entrepreneurship with minors in English and
Counseling and Social Change. This Soror has a passion for
leadership and serving, which lead her to pursue the office of
Regional Representative. During her term she would like to increase
collegiate involvement and raise Collegiate attendance at events to not only
strengthen bonds across chapters, but also keep Collegiate Sorors knowledgable
of Delta news and business. Soror Kelly plans to increase chapter partnerships
between Alumnae and Collegiate on projects such as social media management
education and chapter programming so that Chapters will engage with each other
on a consistent basis, create relationships, and learn from each others strengths
and weaknessess.
For any Transition questions,
please contact us at:
REGIONAL Representatives, Cont.
Events to Start
Saving For
Shaquira Robinson, Midwest Regional Representative
Shaquira hails from the Zeta Theta chapter of Purdue University and
Studies Occupational and Environmental Health Science. The Spring '14
initiate plans to M.A.G.N.I.F.Y. the Mighty Midwest with a strategic plan
that enables Sorors to reach their full potential both on their campuses
and within their Delta chapters. M.A.G.N.I.F.Y. aims to Make sure that
academic excellence is first, Acknowledge the moratorium and ways to continue
development, Gain resources for collegiate chapters, Network between alumnae
and collegiate Sorors, Inform collegiate about Social Action and their voice, Fulfill
our founder’s tradition, and Yearn for a more genuine sisterhood. With Shaquira's
leadership and strategic planning skills, the Midwest region is sure to thrive.
February 27 March 3, 2015
(see your regional
website for more
July 2015
Deandrea Newsome, South Atlantic Regional Representative
Deandrea attends North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
University and studies Political Science with a minor in Philosophy.
She was inspired to accept the Call For Nominations after hearing
encouragement from Immediate Past Regional Representative,
ShaVon Johnson, and was confident in her ability to serve as the
collegiate voice in the South Atlantic Region. During her tenure, Deandrea would
like to increase the collaboration of collegiate and alumnae members. The Soror
recognizes that collegiate and alumnae chapters have common initiatives, and through
working together we can provide a greater impact in our communities. To supplement
this goal, she is planning an initiative named “Be Like our 22,” that consists of
mentorship between collegiate and alumnae chapters. As the Sorors says, "with
one you can only accomplish a little, with some you can achieve more than you ever
Brittany Stephenson, Southern Regional Representative
Brittany hails from the University of Miami and studies Human and
Social Development. Her platform for the biennium is Raising the
Standard, with a vision to continue to foster the founding principles set
forth by our 22 founders. The Soror explained, "as Delta Women, we
strive to achieve the highest, therefore we must raise the standard in our social action,
raise the standard in fostering the relationships in our sisterhood, and continue to raise
the standard in our uncompromising commitment to communities". Additionally, she
will be implementing a program called, "Pearls of Wisdom," in which Alumnae Sorors
are invited to share their experiences within Delta with collegiate Sorors. It is a way to
utilize the connections we have in our sisterhood, foster relationships, and network for
professional development within our respective careers fields.
Kristen Wells-Lewis, Southwest Regional Representative
Kristen attends Prairie View A&M University and majors in Chemistry.
The Spring '12 initiate has a passion for the work of Delta and the
ideals within the Five Point Programmatic Thrust, which inspired
her to serve her our sisterhood on a greater level. Kristen truly
believes in the constructive development of each member and
hopes to increase proactivity and engagement among collegiate by developing
programming that is germane to today's collegiate woman. During her tenure,
Kristen will create more leadership positions that allow collegiate and alumnae
members to work side-by-side, to consequently strengthen bonds within the
region, bridge gaps and establish local support.
The Road To
By Natice Locke
Graduation marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, countless hours of homework, and
many sleepless nights. The collegiates of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are faced with responsibilities
that transcend the traditional college experience. While balancing school, work, social activities, and
Delta responsibilities, wrapping up school year can be overwhelming and may leave little time to think
about transitioning into an alumnae chapter.
CTT has put together these transition steps to ease that worry.
Narrow post graduate plans
Narrow post graduate plans
July- August
Finalize possible post graduate cites and being
research alumnae chapters in each area
Finalize possible post graduate cites and being
research alumnae chapters in each area
Make contact with prospective chapters and
obtain meeting information, programming,
dues, and chapter demo graphics. Sit in on a
chapter meeting if possible.
Make contact with prospective chapters and
obtain meeting information, programming, dues,
and chapter demo graphics. Sit in on chapter
meeting if possible.
Prepare for final exams and graduation
Make a final decision of which alumnae chapter
to attend and pay local dues to desired chapter if applicalble. Pay National dues.
Prepare for Final Exams and Graduation
Congrats you graduated! Make a final
decision of which alumnae chapter to
attend and work with your coll egiate
advisors to transfer your dues, if applicable.
Congrats you graduated!
Become full engaged/integrated in your new
Sign-up for committees, attend meetings as
planned, and become full engaged/integrated in
your new chapter!
The Annual Bridging
the Gap Celebration
This past april, chapters around
the country celebrated CTT month
in hopes to continue to bridge
the gap between collegiate and
alumnae members and increase
transition education. Check out this Sorors of all ages enjoying the Colombia Alumnae Chapter's Fit For Life
awesome event from the Columbia Activity this past spring during CTT Month
(SC) Alumnae Chapter.
By Patience Canty
There was fun and excitement on
Sunday, April 13, 2014 when the
Columbia (SC) Alumnae Chapter
hosted their 17th annual Bridging
the Gap Ceremony at the Delta Life
Development Center.
The event was planned in an effort
to build a stronger bond between
the alumnae and collegiate sorors,
and to encourage active alumnae
participation beyond graduation.
The theme “Delta 101-Basic
Training” was selected to highlight
101 years of delta’s existence and
the programmatic thrust area of
Educational Development.
Several informative activities
took place throughout the day to
ensure those in attendance were
aware of and familiar with Delta
Sigma Theta’s history, significant
events, policies and practices,
and local and national Delta
news. The sorors’ knowledge was
tested in an interactive fun-filled
session of “Do you remember...”.
Another programmatic thrust
area highlighted during the event
Collegiate and alumnae members of Colombia, SC pose for a group picture
was Physical and Mental Health. Sorors participated in energetic fitness
activities to strengthen their health and wellness from inside out.
Other program activities included an icebreaker, motivational games, and
roll call/party hopping which enhanced the Delta fellowship and building
of relationships. The participants thought the event was a success and a
very worthwhile initiative for bridging the gap between the alumnae and
collegiate sorors. The committee is gearing up for next year’s event!!!
The Collegiate Transition Taskforce would like to thank each and every
chapter that participated in CTT Month. It is only through your hard work
that CTT can continue to be successful in "Bridging the Gap" and raising
transitioning rates. Stay tuned for this Sororal year's CTT Month!