Volume 1 COZAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH January 2016 “What a Year – Past and Future!” What a great month and year we just completed. It was a whirlwind of activity around the church this last month. We started out with a Christmas Open House that brought in people from the congregation and community to share a meal and view our church all decked out for Christmas. Then we opened our doors to 350+ for the Kids of the Kingdom Christmas Program. Tammy Paulsen, Cheryl Nemeth and crew organized 94 school-age and 12 pre-school children into a wonderful program of story and song. When you throw in our parsonage open house, a Christmas Party (just for fun), the UMW Christmas program and you have daily activities keeping us very busy. Our Christmas Eve Candlelight services found 400+ gathered in our sanctuary at two services to hear the Christmas Story once again and singing those familiar Christmas songs. We also welcomed new members to our congregation and baptized four children. Your response to our Christmas letter to help us finish the year strong financially was amazing. At this time it appears we will be able to pay all of our local bills including payroll and pay all (or close to all) of our mission shares. I want to thank you for your support of our programs. This very strong finish to 2015 will allow us to start 2016 with a running start. We have the teams and committees organized to have a blockbuster year in 2016. A proposal was brought to the Administrative Council meeting in December that would change the way we look at our mission shares. Because this is a very important step for the church and since our attendance at the meeting was low, it was decided to bring the proposal to the January 11th Administrative Council meeting and open the discussion to the membership. The proposal was to help with our year-end push to pay our mission shares (known for years as apportionments). For those of you not familiar with mission shares, this is the giving that is used by the world-wide United Methodist Church to work in all corners of the world. It includes UMCOR helping where disasters occur, supporting missionary work in Africa and other areas of the world, providing scholarships for college students both for undergraduate studies and those going to seminary. It allows us as a small church in Nebraska make a difference around the world. The proposal is to designate our mission share giving as a priority payment to be paid by the 10th of each month. The amount would be determined – it might be 50% of the monthly amount requested by the conference or another percentage that the council agrees with. The 2016 mission shares for Cozad UMC are dramatically less than last year. Which has prompted me to recommend adding some additional mission giving to local missions such as CLOTH’EM, Cozad Emergency Action/Food Pantry, or other missions to our budget. Please join at our Administrative Council meeting on Monday, January 11th at 7:00 pm as we have an open discussion about this proposal. We also have copies of the 2016 budget approved at the December meeting available for everyone to review. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministry of the Cozad UNITED Methodist Church in the coming year. With your continued financial support and sharing of your talents and time, we can “Make Disciples That Transform the World.” I thank you for all your support and look forward to fantastic year ahead of us. Together we can achieve wonderful things for our loving and all-powerful God. Pastor Doug Two New Studies for 2016 Two new studies are being considered beginning in January. On January 17th we will show the movie “War Room” for the congregation and then follow that with a 5-week study based on the movie. Each Sunday evening we will watch clips from the movie and discuss the various topics brought up. War Room is a powerful movie about the power of prayer and it has several good lessons that can lead us to new discoveries as individuals and as a church. Watch for details in the bulletin or contact the church office for more information. The Chancel Choir will be starting to practice for the Cantata on Palm Sunday. We would like you to join us. Practice is on Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Thank you Patty Fenstermacher Kids of the Kingdom and Church School will resume on Wednesday, January 13 The second study will be a Lenten study from Adam Hamilton. I have led several of Adam’s studies in the past during Lent and this one is another excellent study. The study is titled John: The Gospel of Light and Life. It is a six-week study based on the Gospel of John. This study will begin on March 6th and finish on April 17th with a break in the middle for Easter. This is what Cokesbury is saying about the study: The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four Gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the Gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” With this study you will follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-know verses in the New Testament. If you would like to participate in either (or both) of these studies, please contact the church office or fill out one of the forms available in the bulletin beginning January 3rd. Both of these studies provide guidance in our quest to become better disciples for Jesus Christ and help our church get better. Men’s Breakfast Sunday, Jan. 17 9:30 a.m. Breakfast will be provided by Jerry Zook. We will be having a Taking of the Greens Down on Sunday, January 10. Lunch will be provided for those wanting to help. Congratulations to Curt & Holly Rickertsen on the birth of a daughter, Harlow Ivy Rickertsen. She was born November 24, 2015. She has three sisters, Greta, Lorelei and Alexandra. Maternal grandma is Judy Cumming, great grandpa is Fran Hunt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations to Justin & Karen Morris on the birth of a daughter, Lillian Ella Morris. She was born December 11, 2015. She has one brother Dillon. Paternal grandparents are Todd Morris and Jeanette Marshall, great grandma is Marge Reed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome Brynlee Ann Lindstedt into the Body of Christ through Baptism on Dec. 13, 2015. She is the daughter of Brandon & Whitney Lindstedt who also joined the church on Dec. 13, 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Betty Matz who departed from this life on December 22, 2015. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome Holden Tyler Zook into the Body of Christ through Baptism. He is the son of Mitch & Nickole Zook. He has one brother Weston. Grandparents Jerry & Kem Zook and Keith & Kathy Farber. Great grandma is Elizabeth Griffith. United Methodist Women News UMW Circle meeting in January Leah Circle - Monday, Jan. 18 7:00 p.m. @ the church Mary Circle - Thursday, Jan. 21 2:00 p.m. @ the church The PURPOSE of United Methodist Women The Purpose is adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church as the official mission statement of United Methodist Women. United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome Adley Mae Love into the Body of Christ through Baptism. She is the daughter of Eric & Gretchen Love. Grandparents are Alan & Cecily Clark and Rick & Anngie Love. Great grandparents are Gary & Carol Morrow, Linda Love, Martha Smith and Frances Clark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome Summit Harold Crow into the Body of Christ through Baptism. He is the son of Brandon & Misti Crow. He has one sister Harbour. Grandparents are Doug & Carolyn Smith and Dave & Berni Crow. Great grandma is ReNelda Wenburg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations to Brandon Buckley & Leann Morris on the birth of a son, Ryker James Buckley. He was born December 30, 2015. Maternal grandparents are Todd Morris and Jeanette Marshall, great grandma is Marge Reed. Cozad UNITED Methodist Church MISSION STATEMENT The Cozad UNITED Methodist Church is united to make disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching out to all people, strengthening their relationship with God, nurturing their Christian faith and sending them out to serve others, both locally and globally, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Cozad UNITED Methodist Church January Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Happy New Year 2 3 6 6:45 Chancel Choir 7 3:30 D.I. 4:00 D.I. 6:00 PEO 8 5:30 D.I. @ PV 9 14 3:30 D.I. 4:00 D.I. 15 5:30 D.I. @ PV 16 3 8:30 Contemporary Worship NO Adult Sunday School 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 9:30 Sunday School 3yrs– 12th grade 10:30 Traditional Worship 4 3:30 D.I. 7:00 Board of Trustee meeting 10 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:30 11 12 9:00 WIC @ 3:30 D.I. PV 5:00 Weight 3:30 D.I. Watchers @ 7:00 PV Adminis5:00 Jr Girl trative Scouts @ PV Council 5:30 Daisys @ meeting PV 6:30 Brownies @ PV 13 3:30 dom 5:00 6:00 6:45 17 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 Adult Sunday School 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 9:15 Men’s Breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 3yrs– 12th grade 10:30 Traditional Worship 4:00 War Rooms movie 6:30 War Room Study 6:30 PAWS @ PV 18 3:30 D.I. 7:00 Leah Circle @ the church 19 3:30 D.I. 5:00 Weight Watchers@ PVB 20 3:30 Kids of the Kingdom 5:00 Church School 6:45 Chancel Choir 21 2:00 Mary Circle 3:30 D.I. 4:00 D.I. 22 5:30 D.I. @ PV 23 26 3:30 D.I. 5:00 Weight Watchers @ PV 5:00 Jr Girl Scouts @ PV 5:30 Daisys @ PV 6:30 Brownies @ PV 27 3:30 dom 5:00 6:00 6:45 28 3:30 D.I. 4:00 D.I. 29 5:30 D.I. @ PV 30 Contemporary Worship Adult Sunday School Mom’s Bible Study Sunday School 3yrs– 12th grade 10:30 Traditional Worship 11:30 Lunch/Taking the Greens Down 24 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:30 25 Contemporary Worship 3:30 D.I. Adult Sunday School Mom’s Bible Study Sunday School 3yrs– 12th grade 10:30 Traditional Worship 6:30 War Room Study 24 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 Adult Sunday School 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 9:30 Sunday School 3yrs– 12th grade 10:30 Traditional Worship 6:30 War Room Study 5 3:30 D.I. 5:00 Weight Watchers @ PV 5:00 Weight Watchers @ PV WEDNESDAY Worship Kids of the KingChurch School Youth Chancel Choir Kids of the KingChurch School Youth Chancel Choir 8:30 10:30 Total Attendance Actual Offering Dec. 6, 2015 35 156 191 $7,304 Dec. 13, 2015 42 90 132 $2,539 Dec. 20, 2015 47 115 162 $15,711 Dec. 24, 2015 5/350 9/50 400+ $25,005 Dec. 27, 2015 84 67 151 $3,527 Cozad UNITED Methodist January Birthday’s & Anniversaries SUNDAY 3 Wes Shoop Trevor Schneider Ben Hanna Wes & Betty Shoop (63) MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Eileen Geiger Robin Etherton Crista Lee 2 Dan Wright Melissa Crick Tony & Ann Smith 5 Ryan Schneider Gunnar Armagost 6 Tabitha Haskell Nicole Ackman Bryce Nemeth Bayleigh Nemeth Everest Droge 7 Colt Paulsen Jake Paulsen 8 Bill Graham Alesis Healy Kolton Anderson 9 Loy Kyle Mary Ingram Chris Cole Kaydence Ackman Jack & Thea Cole (22) 10 11 Amber Morse Larry & Laurie Landercasper (30) 12 Mike Henry Tracy Lindstedt 13 14 15 Dean Buller 16 Karen Morris Emily Chrisinger 17 18 Lani Christopherson 19 Dick Hansen 20 Hattie Skala 21 Kathy Hosick 22 Maude Darling 23 Deb Worthman Clint Snider Kael Hammerlun 24 Gary Morrow 25 Shirley Harkness Roger Maack 26 Ethan Garcia 27 Ruby Bartlett Eric Beisner Matt Franson Will Geiger Cadence Lee Jerry & Joan Rush (54) Bobby & Teresa Cumming (4) 28 Ardyce Dickey Lea Neil Tara Armagost Reagan Armagost Calvin & Joan Hockley (69) 29 30 Eldon Cawthra Amanda Ogden Sheena Kinnan 31 Ike Davenport 4 Jim & Gayle Brownfield (44) TUESDAY Administrative Council Minutes November10, 2015 Electric will be giving us an estimate on soffit lights. Those present: Pastor Doug Smith, Kurt McBride, Cozad UMC Endowment Committee: No report. Kem Zook, Larry Harvill, Jan Boerkircher, Wendy Memorial Committee: No report. Hammerlun, and Luann McBride. UMW: Written report from Marilyn Peterson. Pastor Doug opened with a prayer. The November 15th worship service was an hisAgenda: Approved torical day to honor Pastor Doug Smith, celebratKem made the motion to approve the minutes of ing his 25 years in the ministry. The annual UMW Guest Christmas Luncheon was the last meeting. 2nd by Larry. Minutes apheld on December 3. Jane Berreckman gave the proved. devotions. Tom Gosinski presented the proReports of Ministry Teams: gram, with Mary Louise Atchison providing special music. She returned her honorarium to be Discipleship/Education Team: Kem reported that 94 Kids of the Kingdom and 12 nursery chil- used to tune the piano in the Fellowship Hall. dren sang in the Christmas program LOVE. There Several money gifts have been given during the were a total of 440 people in the building for the Christmas season with additional funding provided for the Clothe’Em Project and the Food event. It was a wonderful evening. Sunday school on Sunday mornings has grown a little in Pantry. $500 donated to Toys for Tots and $500 numbers; we are blessed by the addition of new for the Cozad Young Christian Group. teachers and children. Interiors: Hanging of the greens worked well Missions/Outreach Team: $632.50 of Mission Money was used for the Kids of the Kingdom tshirts. Evangelism/Witness Team: See Nurture team report. Membership Nurture Team: Kem read report that the Witness and Nurture teams had volunteers serve hot chocolate and coffee at the Winter Wonderland parade. We also had a parade float titled “Christmas begins with Christ”. The Soup & Pie Lunch and Open House had a great turn out. Served around 140 people and enjoyed all the Christmas spirit and fellowship. The Men’s breakfast had a great 1st meeting. Pastor Doug served pancakes and had devotions. 21 were in attendance. Will start meeting in January on a monthly basis. Worship Team: No report. Youth: No Report. Committee Reports: Finance/Stewardship-Finance report: Pastor Doug reviewed the Statement of Funds. The 2016 Budget was reviewed and discussed. Larry made the motion that we accept the 2016 Budget. 2nd by Kem. Motion approved. Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee: No report. Committee on Lay Leadership & Nominations: Pastor Doug reported no change. Trustees report. Pastor Doug reported Flash and will do a similar thing to take out Christmas. Pastors Report: Christmas Activities: December 24- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 5:00 & 9:00 Financial Concerns were discussed at length with recommendations and a plan for next year to be determined at the next Administrative Board meeting on January 11, 2016. Call to Service Prayer Concerns and Joys Adjournment Next meeting: January 11, 2016 7:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Luann McBride You are invited to Administrative Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 11, 7:00 p.m. A proposal was brought to the Administrative Council meeting in December that would change the way we look at our mission shares. Because this is a very important step for the church and since our attendance at the meeting was low, it was decided to bring the proposal to the January 11th Administrative Council meeting and open the discussion to the membership. Dear UMW, A huge thank you to the UMW ladies for the generous donation to CLOTHE’EM. It’s folks like you that make such a difference. Some children will have new clothes for Christmas because of your donation. I made a promise to Carol Bauer to keep her dream happening. Carol’s legacy lives on! Love, Carolyn Smith, Chairman Dear Cozad United Methodist Women, Thank you so much for the donation to our group. We are so grateful that you thought of us. Our group has been continually growing and we pray that our opportunities to help make a difference within our community continue to grow also. We have such an amazing God! Thank you for helping us to be able to share His love. God Bless! The Cozad Young Christians Group Thank you to everyone who provided poinsettias for the sanctuary. United Methodist Women, Thank you for preparing the lunch for Hut’s service. The Fingerhut family Thank you all so much for the prayers and thoughts, phone calls and texts after my surgery. Love to you all! Heather Garcia There are baskets in the church office and by the south door for Food Pantry donations. These baskets are there all year around. Dear Cozad United Methodist Women, Thank you so much for the gifts presented to us at the Cozad Community Hospital following the birth of our daughter, Harlow. She has already been wearing the cute sleepier and enjoying the warm quilt and hat. Thank you also for the cute onesie. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and support as we welcome Harlow into our family. Sincerely, Curt & Holly Rickertsen Dear Ladies, Thank you so much for sending Bonnie to visit me and Titus in the hospital! Thank you for the bear & blanket, wipes, hat, warm jammies and farm quilt! He’s all set to be warm this winter1 Thanks you again, Allen & Anastasia Kluck Cozad United Methodist Women, Thank you so much for all the wonderful baby presents for our sweet Maddy. It was so nice to have a friendly face at the hospital and so nice to have our newborn greeted with such love! You have a very nice program that you are doing. Thank you for letting our family be a part of it! Mike, Sara, Lyndsay, Jenna, Kadie and Maddie Anderson Dear UMW Ladies, Thank you for the yummy soup. It was so good. I ate two bowls! That was nice of you to think of me. Thank you for your prayers too. Joseph Ratkovec A hundred thank you’s go to my church family! A new magnet on my refrigerator reads “Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.” The soup delivered by the ladies was delicious, and it brought me faith in knowing others care. And my benefit was amazing! I think the rafters shook that night from all of the love and support that came through the door. I appreciate the efforts of the church ladies that make and deliver the soup, and many thanks for allowing my benefit to be at our church! My family and I will be forever grateful! Carolyn Griese Cozad UNITED Methodist Church Newsletter x 1515 B Street Cozad, NE 69130-0187 308-784-2887 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Adult Sunday School Coordinator Valerie Geiger Bell Choir Director Gayle Brownfield Chancel Choir Director Patty Fenstermacher Kids of the Kingdom Coordinator Tammy Paulsen United Methodist Women Marilyn Peterson Education Team Leader Kem Zook Worship Leader Ellen Adkisson Nurture Team Leader Wendy Waller Witness Team Leader Sheena Kinnan Mission Team Leader Shelli Gill/Wendy Hammerlun Organists Patty Fenstermacher, Ray Jackson Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cozad, NE Permit No.24 x
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There are baskets in the church office and by the south door for Food
Pantry donations. These baskets
are there all year around.