
Transcription to
Serving Businesses Since 1934
December 2012
Upcoming Events
Shop Cozad for Holiday Savings
Now through December!
Purchase this $5 Taste of Cozad bag and take
advantage of Holiday Savings at 22 different
Cozad businesses plus register for prizes at all
22 businesses! (Limited Supply of Bags)
Visit all 22 businesses and register at the
Chamber Office for one of three $100 Cozad
Cash Buck Giveaways sponsored by
Homestead Bank, Security First Bank, First
Bank & Trust and Cozad Chamber!
New Chamber Members
Wireless World
Downtown Cozad
Manager: Vallerie McDaniel
Open Monday-Friday from
9 am to 8 pm
Saturday from 10 am - 6 pm!
They offer everything wireless and
they have a section in the store with an
iPad and different type of cell phones
to try out! Great selection of
accessories also!
House of
Downtown Cozad
Owner Manager
Sandra Coble
Spotlight Business of
the Month
See page 10-11
Holiday at the Henri Museum &
Tour of Homes
Friday, November 30
Tour of Homes from 6-8 pm
Holiday at Henri Wine & Hors d’ Oeuvres from
7-9 pm (Tickets $12)
Saturday, December 1
Tour of Homes from 10 am - 4 pm (Tickets $8)
Tickets now available at Cozad Gift Shops,
Cozad Chamber & Henri Museum evening and
day of event.
Taste of Cozad
Downtown Cozad
December 1 from 10 am-3 pm
Cozad High School Wrestling Invite
Saturday, December 1 at 9:30 am at
Cozad High School
Kristie Bartlett Benefit
Saturday December 1 from 11 am.- 2 pm
304 West 10th Street
Winter Wonderland Parade
December 3rd at 6:30 pm
Bring kids to Service Drug to see Santa
following the parade!
Cozad Fire & Rescue Annual Winter
Wonderland Soup & Dessert Supper
December 3rd from 5-8 pm at Chipper Hall
First Bank & Trust
Christmas Open House
Friday December 7th, from 9 am - 4 pm
Security First Bank
Christmas Open House
Friday, December 7th from 8 am - 4 pm
Sloppy Joe Feed
Benefit for Karl Kraft
December 7 from 5-7 pm at American
Lutheran Church
Grand Generation Evening Meal
December 13 at 5:30 pm
Meet & Greet Senator Mike Flood
December 12 from 11:30 am - 1 pm at 100th
Meridian Museum
Homestead Bank Christmas Open House
Thursday, December 13th from 9 am - 3 pm
Taking nominations for 2013
Chamber Board positions,
and for 2012 Distinguished Service
and Community Service Awards!
Holiday at the Henri Museum
Moms of Cozad Holiday Shop
& Tour of Homes
Grand Generation Center
Friday, November 30
December 1
Tour of Homes from 6-8 pm
Holiday Cash Giveaway - Win
Holiday at Henri Wine & Hors d’
$500 in Cozad Cash
Oeuvres from 7-9 pm (Tickets $12)
Sponsored by Security First Bank
Saturday, December 1
in Cozad.
Rolls and coffee cake at Henri from
No purchase necessary. Pick up
10 am to Noon and desserts from
your Holiday Cash Giveaway card
Noon to 4 pm at the Henri.
at Security First Bank or Cozad
Tour of Homes from 10 am - 4 pm
Chamber. Get it signed by 15
(Tickets $8)
different Cozad businesses
Tickets now available at Cozad
between now and December 6th,
Gift Shops, Cozad Chamber &
2012. Return completed card to
Henri Museum evening and day of
Security First Bank by December 6
at 5 pm. Winner to be announced
2013 Robert Henri Calendars
on December 7.
Featuring Cozad City School
Church of Christ
Christmas Caroling on Dec 12,
followed by hot chocolate
Christmas Eve Service on Dec 24 TBA
Central NE Pony Express
Christmas Card Ride
Let the Pony Express deliver your
Christmas cards! Address your
cards to friends or family anywhere
in the world, affix the appropriate
postage, seal & deposit cards at the
Wilson Public Library by
December 7. The Nebraska
Division Riders will hand stamp
our envelope with the Pony
Express stamp & carry it by
horseback from Gothenburg to
Cozad on Saturday, December 8.
Artists On Sale Now!
Cost is $16 with all proceeds going Homestead Bank Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is on display in our
to the Robert Henri Museum.
lobby. Please help to make this a
Calendars are available for sale at
Sloppy Joe Feed
“Christmas to Remember” for
Cozad Chamber, Service Drug,
Benefit for Karl Kraft
someone in your community.
Drive-In Video and any member of
7 from 5-7 pm at
Please pick an “Angel” from our
the Henri Museum.
American Lutheran Church
tree, purchase a gift and return the
wrapped gift to Homestead Bank
Taste of Cozad
Wilson Public Library will be
by December 14.
December 1
hosting an Intro to Publisher
Downtown Cozad
First Bank & Trust Holiday
newsletter class in time for
10 am - 3 pm
Christmas cards:
November 15-December 15
Tuesday, December 4 3:30-4:30 pm
Shop Cozad Holiday Savings Event
in the Wilson Public Library
See Pages 5 & 6
be granting some wishes around
Conference Room
will be shown how to put
Sweets & More
wish for yourself, another and the
together an amazing Christmas
Will be open on Saturday,
or newsletter. Bring a flash
December 1 for Taste of Cozad!
& Trust, PO Box 7, Cozad or
drive to save your work. Photos
Soup & Sandwich Special
email them at (t@( can be used if they are saved to a
Please include your name and
flash drive or on either email or
Kristi Bartlett Benefit
phone number.
Facebook. Sign up at the front
Saturday December 1st from
desk. Limit of 5 persons who
11 am- 2 pm.
Cozad Area Alzheimer’s
need to use a laptop; open to more
Soups, dessert, and a free will
Dementia Support Group
if patron brings in own laptop
donation bake sale. Donations may
1st Thursday of every month
(must have Publisher on it!).
also be given to Cozad Bible
at 1 pm
Church. Cozad Bible Church/ God
Wilson Public Library
Rock Building. 304 W 10th St.
Call Central Plains Home Health &
This benefit is being held to help
Hospice for additional information.
with her medical expenses.
Merry Christmas!
Shop at Chamber Businesses for your chance
to win $25 Weekly in Cozad Cash Dollars
$1,450,000.00 Spent In Cozad!!
Based solely on the number of cards turned into the Chamber office.
Preferred Shopper Winners
Jean Ryker
Debbie Tvrdy
Sandy Keiswetter
Church of Christ
Dick Kurshenisky
Pastor Mike Dennis
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Thanks for Shopping Cozad!
(Limited number of bags
Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides
Dear Shopper,
This Holiday season, our focus is in providing our shoppers with the best Holiday savings and relaxed shopping
experience while showcasing our hometown’s own unique stores filled with gifts for everyone on your shopping
list! With the purchase of your $5 official Taste of Cozad bag, you will receive special Holiday savings from 22
Cozad businesses now through December 21st, plus your bag purchase entitles you to register for Holiday
giveaways at each of the 22 participating businesses!
To get the most out of your official Taste of Cozad bag, follow these simple instructions:
1. Visit all 23 businesses listed on the official Taste of Cozad Bag.
No purchase is necessary, however, don’t miss this opportunity to browse through each store to see all of
the unique gift items that each business has to offer, as well as, take advantage of their coupon or special
savings on display in their store!
2. Present your official Taste of Cozad bag to be stamped or signed by all 23 businesses.
NOTE: To protect against misuse of Taste of Cozad Bag Special Offers, please have your official Taste of
Cozad bag stamped at time of purchase unless you are not planning to take advantage of the Taste of Cozad
Special Offers.
3. Present your official Taste of Cozad bag to each business and register for their Holiday Giveaway. (All
drawings will take place on December 21st.)
4. Bring your official Taste of Cozad bag into the Cozad Chamber of Commerce Office (135 West 8th Street)
and register for that week’s $100 Cozad Cash Giveaway sponsored by the following businesses:
December 7 - Homestead Bank.
December 14 - Security First Bank
December 21 - First Bank & Trust / Cozad Chamber
Note: Only one $100 Cozad Cash Giveaway registration is allowed per official Taste of Cozad bag holder.
Taste of Cozad bags are now available at Strawberry Patch, Kelly's Hardware, Alco, Seriously Good Coffee, All About Hair & The Bag Lady, B's BoDles, Cozad Floral, Good Life Cycles, JM's GiHs, Prairie Point JuncIon, R&S Graphics, Sweets & More, and the Chamber!
We wish all of you the best shopping experience this Holiday season!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Sandy Bappe
Cozad Chamber of Commerce, Director
Phone: 308-784-3930
Cozad Chamber of Commerce
2013 Community/Distinguished Service Award
Nomination Form
________Community Service Award ________Distinguished Service Award
NAME OF NOMINEE:_______________________________________________________
ORGANIZATION IF APPLICABLE:___________________________________________
DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: Friday, December 14, 2012
Thank you for submitting your nomination for these awards.
Email to or mail to Cozad Chamber of Commerce, 135 West 8th
Street, Cozad, NE 69130.
The Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce is inviting nominations for our
The Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce is inviting nominations for our
2013 Board of Directors.
2011 Board of Directors.
All members in good standing and appearing on the records of the Cozad Area
Chamber of Commerce are eligible for nomination.
The term of office of those elected to the Board of Directors shall commence on
the first day of January following their election and shall continue for a period of
three years.
The Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis on the third Wednesday of
each month at 5:15
5:30 PM at the Chamber Office.
o Board members are expected to attend all meetings of the Board of
Directors and to assist with special Chamber projects and events.
o Each member of the Board of Directors also serves on one of the five
committees. (See Cozad Chamber Committees)
If you are seeking a leadership role in the innovation and growth of the Cozad
business community, consider being a part of our team.
by Friday,October
at Noon.
are due
2011 2012
at 12:00
NAME OF PERSON NOMINATED: ___________________________________
Address - Work:
Telephone # - Work:
Other Organization Involvement: ___________________________________
Name of Organization:
Name of person who is nominating
this person to the Board of Directors: ________________________________
Please send nomination form to :
135 West 8th Street
Cozad, Nebraska 69130
Or Fax
to: 308-784-3026
Fax: 308-784-3026
Moms of Cozad
Grand Generation
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Winter Wonderland Santa at the Wilson Santa at the Wilson
Parade 6:30
Public Library
Public Library
5-7 p.m.
10 a.m.- Noon
Santa at Service
Drug After the
5-7 p.m.
Santa at the
Wilson Public
5-7 p.m.
Santa at the Wilson Santa at the Wilson Santa at the Wilson Santa at the Wilson
Public Library
Public Library
Public Library
Public Library
5-7 p.m.
5-7 p.m.
5-7 p.m.
5-7 p.m.
Santa at the
Wilson Public
10:30 a.m.12:30p.m.
Santa at the
Wilson Public
10:30 a.m.12:30p.m.
Santa Schedule
Spotlight Business of the Month
House of Treasures LLC
Owner/Manager Sandra Coble
736 Meridian
Phone: 308-784-2345
We are proud to introduce a new Cozad Chamber Member, House of Treasures LLC, as our Spotlight
Business of the Month! House of Treasures LLC is owned and managed by Sandra Coble. Sandra,
originally from the Brady area, moved to the Cozad area five years ago.
A year ago, Sandra had her eye on an acreage in
the Cozad area to purchase, but felt the Lord
moving her to purchase the Ranch store instead.
She followed His direction and purchased the
Ranch on February 1, 2012, turning it into a
Consignment store. She began her venture with
Dianne Pflaster, Terry Anderson and Betty
Schmidt committing to consign with her while
she attended auctions to fill the empty spaces.
Sandra built her business quickly by encouraging
others to consign with her and now has a well
organized store full of merchandise of all kinds!
Today she has 2 to 3 people a day consigning with her! Items go out of
the store as fast as they come in and at times the item is sold as soon as
she sets it down! If an item doesn’t sell, she only has to change it’s
location in the store for someone to see it and purchase it.
Sandra is the facilitator for budding small businesses and those
consigning with her. House of Treasures is a store for people to bring
things of value that they no longer have room for and a place for those
seeking one of kind items, collectibles, antiques or affordable home
House of Treasures is also a
destination store bringing people
from 20 different states
including Alaska, Texas,
California, and all across the
state of Nebraska, as well as, Canada to shop at this unique Cozad
store. Sandra has set up a map in the back of the store with map
pins to show how far her shoppers have traveled!
House of Treasures contains all kinds of fishing equipment and lures,
tools, speakers, tires, golf bags/clubs for adults and children, knives
and swords for the collectors. Women enjoy browsing the store for
jewelry, appliances, knick knacks, dishes, cookie jars, books, and
furniture. House of Treasures also carries bassinets, baby carriers and
bouncers, swings, homemade toy boxes, Nintendo, Playstation with
games, plants and much more! Sandra currently has a nice selection
of Christmas trees including pre-lit and fiber optic trees, as well as,
lots of Christmas decorations for your tree and home or office.
One of House of Treasures more unique items is a magnifier capable of enlarging the
smallest print on a page or magazine onto a monitor for easy reading!
House of Treasures is also beginning to rent out equipment and currently has a new
3,000 psi power sprayer for rent.
At the beginning of her business, Sandra’s
goal was to promote local talent and
budding businesses who couldn’t afford a
store of their own. She currently has a few
budding businesses taking advantage of this
One such business is Sew Y’ Know owned by Candi Mercer
Hasbrouck. Candi rents space in the back of the store for her
sewing shop. Candi shares her love for sewing by giving sewing
classes to children 7-12 years of age. She also does alterations, personalized gifts, Job’s Daughter robes,
bridesmaid dresses, and much more! However, sewing is not Candi’s only talent, she also offers cleaning
services and has 5 years of experience as an adult daycare provider with experience helping those suffering
from Parkinson’s Disease. Candi can be contacted at 308-529-2716, or
Sandra Coble and House of Treasures has brought to Cozad
affordable opportunities for budding businesses, a local place
to consign valuable and usable goods, and a place to find a
great bargain whether you’re a collector, just starting out, or
looking for unique gift or decor for your home or office! We
are proud to have this rare jewel of a store as a Cozad
business, as well as a Cozad Chamber Member!
No one likes to think about death and dying,
but it’s something everyone has to face
eventually. There is a wonderful resource in
our community that provides comfort, dignity
and respect to individuals who are coping
with a serious or life-limiting illness. It is
Central Plains Hospice.
One of the most important messages to help people
understand is that hospice care is not “giving up” or
discontinuing medical care. Rather, hospice care
allows patients and family members to focus on
quality and living.
The hospice team provides expert medical care to
keep patients comfortable and able to enjoy time
with loved ones. The hospice team answers
questions, offers advice on what to expect, and
helps families with the duties of being caregivers.
The team also provides emotional and spiritual
support for the entire family.
Hospice care can be provided in the home,
nursing facilities, or assisted living facilities
and is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and by
most insurance plans. Hospice care is available
to people of all ages, with any terminal illness.
If you or a loved one is facing a serious or lifelimiting illness, the time to learn more about
hospice care is now.
Wendy Thome, Director
Central Plains Hospice
Central Plains Hospice Volunteers
Many thanks to these angels of mercy for their caring hearts for our community members from the time they are born
to the end of our lives. How fortunate we are to have such excellent and loving healthcare providers! In every sense of
the word, we are blessed!
Sandy Bappe
Cozad Area Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group
1st Thursday of every month @ 1:00 p.m.
Wilson Public Library – Cozad
Sara Droge - Parkinson’s Support Group Dream
Sarah Droge, Doctor of Physical Therapy, has received her training and passed all requirements as a Certi<ied Clinician in the <ield of Parkinson's disease and neurological disorders. “I had the opportunity to travel to Chicago to study and to be trained as a rehabilitation therapist,” Sarah said. “It is an excellent program.” “I have always had a passion for knowledge in the understanding of Parkinson's. What is known is that the brain stops making a chemical that is required for movement in the body.”
“The result is shaking, tremors, rigidity and a tendency to shuf<le. We know that there is no cure, at this time; however, there are speci<ic steps that help the patient.”
The LSVT BIG Program shows that one must “Keep Your Movement Alive!” The requirement is exercise, which provides for blood <low. In this specialized program, the patient is involved in a “standardized treatment protocol, which consists of the following: • 16 sessions: four consecutive days a week for four weeks.
• Individual one hour sessions
• Daily homework practice
• Daily carryover exercises”
The LSVT BIG will help establish a “LIFE-­‐LONG HABIT of BIG PRACTICE.” “When one of my patients began the program, he said that the requirements were dif<icult. When we <inished the second week, we noted a positive change. We saw the difference in what he could do. He was much better!”
“What I have found with patients is that the personality come back, and then life comes back,” Sarah said.
“We want the public to know that there is help. My dream is to establish a Parkinson’s Support Group in Cozad, an organization where people can come together to learn about the opportunities available.”
“I have a patient that drives over a hundred miles one way to be a part of the offering here in Cozad. It is a long drive, but what has happened is what I call an ‘ah-­‐ha’ moment -­‐-­‐ that is, the accomplishments that seemed impossible are now a reality.”
For families wishing additional information, Sarah may be contacted at the Cozad Community Physical Therapy Complex, 308-­‐784-­‐2231. The web is: The LSVT BIG program: “ It gave me my life back!” 15
Cozad Hospital Foundation Healthcare Hall of Fame Inductees
by Marilyn Peterson
Mary Morse
Mary Morse, CNA, 2012 Healthcare Hall of Fame inductee, was honored
at the Fall Ball, hosted by the Cozad Hospital Foundation, Saturday,
November 3.
To meet Mary is to be greeted with a genuine smile and eyes that twinkle,
when she relates a humorous event, perhaps at work, perhaps with family.
Mary’s story begins in New York State, where she was born in Buffalo. Her
parents are Joan and Bernard Zablotny, and they raised seven children.
“Yes, there were seven of us,” Mary said, “all girls. You can imagine what
it was like at our home. My Dad was a plumber, with his business in the
basement of our house and Mother was busy raising our family.”
“In those days, when I was a child during the Great Depression, things
were tough. People stood in bread lines to get food, and I remember that
during World War II, we had little red tokens and ration stamps for such
things as sugar, flour, and gas.”
“What I really remember were the winters. They were harsh. We lived in a
two-story house, and snow was as high as the eves on our house.”
Mary reflected on her interest in caring for others. One of her sisters, Theresa, had polio. “ She was in a wheel chair,
and she needed extra help at home,” Mary said.
While Mary was in high school, she participated in the chorus. She also worked in a department store, along with
helping her Mom. “ My sister Rose Ann and I are twins and the youngest children.”
After high school graduation, Mary continued to work at the department store and then one summer she came to
Arnold, Nebraska to visit her sister Irene and brother-in-law.
“I worked in the restaurant in Arnold. One day, at church, I met one of the local guys, Kenneth Morse. I believe it was
‘love at first sight,’ and we were married on February 14th 1954, a special way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
Mary and Kenneth farmed with his parents. Days were busy with the demands on the home place. Mary would drive to
the field, and their first born son Bernard traveled along. Often, the day involved picking up Mary’s mother-in-law,
taking her to club.
Eventually, Kenneth decided to quit farming and began commuting to Cozad, working at Monroe. In 1968, the family
moved to Cozad.
“Our family had increased, with our having four boys and one girl. They are Bernard, William, Tammy, Mark, and Kent.
Today, we have 11 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren,” Mary said.
In 1978, Mary began her career at Southview Manor. She worked the night shift which provided for time with the family
during the day.
“ I worked with Mary,” Cindy Schneider said. “We had busy schedules and we enjoyed working together. It seemed
that our thinking complemented each other.”
“We would make our rounds, and then think of what we could do to help the daytime staff,when they came to work.
We would do the laundry and have it ready for the morning. We would re-stock the areas. I learned from
Mary, particularly how to be caring, how to focus on the worked to be done and then, how to always be thinking of
others and their needs.”
Mary said, “I was honored to work with Cindy. She was so thoughtful and professional.”
Mary went back to school and became a Certified Nursing Assistant. “I took classes in North Platte and it was
important to complete the training,” Mary said.
At Southview, now Golden Living, Mary is known for her love of parties. At one gathering, she made hats for all the
ladies and gave prizes for the person with the most grandchildren, as an example. One winner was so happy. She
won the Teddy Bear, something that she had always wanted as a child.
For the men, Mary created a Hobo lunch, complete with a can of pork and beans in a red handkerchief tied to a
The dedication for which Mary is known is reflected in the citations and awards.
In 1993, Mary received the Nebraska Health Care Association award for “Outstanding Service,” as the Certified
Nursing Assistant, Southwest District, Category I.
“A Symbol of Strength,” was the award received in 2004. The citation was Mary’s “clock-in” number imprinted on the
Brick, as a part of the “Walk of Fame.” The brick symbolized those bricks used at the Fort Smith Corporate Center.
On April 12, 2011, Mary was presented the Living Association Award, in recognition in Nebraska. “Your commitment,
dedication and skill are an inspiration to us all.” The award was presented by President Helen Crunk, with the
theme, “Navigating the Rivers of Change.” The plaque reads: Leading by Example.
Other awards are the pins marking the years of service, beginning with five years, with the current pin of 30 years.
“When I began my work in 1978, I received $2.50 per hour,” Mary said. “The rewards of my work cannot be
measured by money, nor the various awards. The best part is being with the residents, making friends and enjoying
the people I work with every day.”
In her home, Mary is surrounded by photographs. Those in black and white include her Mom, Mary, and her twin
sister. Many others photos dot the walls and encircle the television. These are all pictures of the five children, the
grandchildren and the great grands.
“All Hearts Come Home” is the plaque near the photographs. Those four words reflect Mary Morse, representing
home in Buffalo, New York; home in Arnold; home in Cozad.
The home for the residents at Golden Living is a place with hearts, hearts of love, exemplified by Mary Morse, 2012
Healthcare Hall of Fame, honoring her commitment, dedication and loyalty.
John Wallace Neslund
“Hello, Operator? I would like number 309, the Cozad Exchange.”
“Good Morning. This is the office of Dr. John Neslund. I am his
daughter June, his office assistant and secretary. How may I help
These words would be typical of the medical services provided by
Dr. John Neslund for over 48 years in Cozad, beginning June 1,
Dr. John is the son of Swedish immigrants, Andrew and Carrie
Neslund of Galva, Illinois. After graduation from high school, John
received his Bachelor of Arts Degree at Mendota, College,
Mendota, Illinois.
He married Grace Dickinson in Davenport, Iowa in 1907. He
believed he was called to go into the ministry, being ordained in the
Christian Church, Davenport, Iowa, in 1909. He served the Church
of Christ in Cozad in 1912. That same year their daughter June was born.
The directions changed for his career and he chose the medical profession, studying medicine at
Cotner University, Lincoln, graduating valedictorian of his class.
He returned to Cozad to begin his medical practice as a physician and surgeon in the office above what
is now the Berreckman-Davis Law Office, the former Cozad State Bank.
The fees were: Office Call- $3.00; House call- $5.00; OB--$35.00. The date 1920.
In 1925, he moved his office to 9th and H, a lovely house built by Mitt Brown. History shows that this
four-story house had 27 rooms: four bedrooms in the attic, bedrooms on the second floor, four large
rooms on the main floor and four finished rooms in the basement.
With such a large home, often patients stayed because they needed daily care. One of the doctors that
assisted Dr. Neslund was Dr. Redfield from North Platte. He would come with his wife to Cozad to
perform surgery, such as the tonsillectomy. The kitchen table was the operating table.
Grace worked along side her husband setting broken bones and taking care of patients. Quarantines
were often required, such as the Scarlet Fever epidemic in 1928. Grace would go stay with the family
until they were well.
According to the historical records, “most of the baby deliveries were at home. If there were
emergencies or a premature baby, Dr. Neslund used a grocery box lined with cotton and put hot water
bottles in the box for warmth.” Sometimes, he would warm a brick, wrap it with a cloth and place it in
the box. In all of his years of practice he “never lost a mother or a baby.”
Dr. Neslund had his office in the basement of his home. Ted Thomas said, “I remember going
downstairs to see Dr. Neslund for an eye exam. It was determined that I needed glasses and Dr.
Neslund fitted them for me.”
Dr. Neslund’s wife, Grace, died due to a fire. In 1925, Dr. Neslund remarried, again to a woman by the
name of Grace -- Grace Wolford from Burwell. They had one daughter, Dolye Jo, born in 1929.
As a man of Swedish descent, Dr. Neslund spoke “with the accent and inflection typical of a Swede.
Many of his patients came from Gothenburg and he enjoyed the Swedish services at the the Free
As one describes Dr. Neslund, “he was a very good looking young man -- tall and well-dressed --and
he had a confident bearing. Friends enjoyed his wit and challenged him to a game of checkers, which
he usually won, based on his intense thirst for knowledge.
“He taught himself to play the piano and he purchased an accordion at the Munson Jewelry Store.”
That accordion was considered one of his prized possessions. When he wasn’t enjoying music, he
was in his shop behind the house doing wood working.
Dr. Neslund was a good friend of Sam Schooley, one of the early settlers in Cozad. The two men are
given the “honor” of brining squirrels to Cozad. Sam had his pig pen which is now where the Veteran’s
Park is located. That land provided an excellent setting for squirrels.
As a love of beauty, Dr. Neslund commissioned a picture of Christ to be painted for the Church of
Christ. The young artist was Art Ballmer.
Dr. Neslund served as municipal judge in Cozad from 1919- 1924. He was a member of the national,
state and local medical association, plus the Modern Woodmen of America and the Nebraskan
Society. In 1940, he was listed in WHO’S WHO.
The legacy recorded in the annals of history is that his daughter June married Carl Roberts who was
in the medical field. Their children are Tonya, who is a bacteriologist and John, who is a physician.
To tell the Dr. Neslund story is to end on a note that has been written by many authors.
In 1964, the next patient was waiting to be seen. Before Dr. Neslund walked into the room, he had a
stroke. He died at the age of 82.
Writers would say that he died doing what he loved, caring for others. And he died “with his boots
on”-- those same boots that trod the soil at Veteran's Park, where he fed the squirrels and the soil at
his home where he fed birds and his pet raccoon.
Dr. John Wallace Neslund is honored by being inducted into the 2012 Cozad Healthcare Hall of
Fame. He is being recognized for his commitment, dedication, and loyalty.
Regarding the call to the Operator: “The phone number has been changed.”
Shirley Harkness
On October 27, 2012, millions of American came together to mark a
very special day, “Make a Difference.” The amazing events, in caring
and sharing, reflect on a nation of people who come together to provide
for others.
In Cozad, there is a very special lady who exemplifies what it means to
“Make a Difference.” That person is Shirley Harkness who was inducted
into the Cozad Healthcare Hall of Fame on Saturday, November 3.
One can walk into the Blood Mobile setting and Shirley will be at the
door. In the early days, Shirley was there, with her typewriter,
completing registration forms. Today, the format is different, with the
computer and a card swipe. “I enjoy meeting the people,” Shirley said. “I
have worked with the Red Cross and the Blood Mobile for more than 40
years. One of my early friends who assisted was LaVerda Kring.
In 1981, the United Way was initiated in Cozad with Shirley serving as a
charter member on the Board. The United Way has made an impact on the community with Shirley providing
support and working at the various fundraising events. The results are evident throughout the city, impacting
youth and adult needs.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary was started in Cozad in 1946 with Shirley as a charter member. She
has served as President for three terms plus holding various other offices. “One of the things for which I am
proud, is that I started the Avenue of Flags in November, 1984. It had always been the dream of my husband
Leo to have the flags in the park across from our home. With the memorials given in honor of Leo, I was able to
begin the tradition with the placing of 12 flags,” Shirley said.
One can walk into the Cozad Entertainment Series Concert at the Cozad High School Auditorium. As a
member of the Board for over 25 years, Shirley will welcome everyone to the grand program. She has been
Membership Chairperson for over 20 years.
The United Methodist Women have been honored with her leadership as President for three years, plus
serving as Chairperson for Mary Circle, serving on a variety of committees and boards and providing counsel
on the UMW Executive Board. When asked to provide the program or devotions, the presentations are
inspiring and often tugging at the heart strings.
One will find Shirley sharing time and talents serving on the 100th Meridian Museum Board, the Cozad High
School Foundation Board, working as a docent at the Robert Henri Museum and providing leadership for
P.E.O., Chapter CO, where she has been Recording Secretary and Chaplain.
There is much more to be said but one must turn the pages back to earlier days. “My Mom and Dad, Fern and
Holger Boisen, farmed southwest of Minden. I went to a rural school and my most memorable event was that a
tornado hit our school house. And it was totally destroyed. I was in the 6th grade. The district built a new school
for which all of us students were happy,” Shirley said.
“I passed the eighth grade exams and I missed only one question. As a student at Minden High School, I
enjoyed the classroom work and assignments. For extra-curricular activities I was in the Declamatory Contest
and was involved in dramatics, including Junior and Senior Class Plays.”
Nebraska State Teachers College, Kearney, was the next step in education. Shirley said, “My Dad said that
he would see to it that I had an education. That was something that no one could take away.”
At the College, Shirley majored in Commercial, Mathematics and English. She was inducted into Phi Omega
Phi, the Commercial Honorary and Xi Phi, the Scholastic Honorary, currently named Mortar Board.
“I worked in the Registrar’s Office typing transcripts and I also ran the switchboard,” Shirley said. “I graduated
in 1941 and began my teaching career at Bertrand High School. I had quite a schedule: bookkeeping,
geometry, typing and shorthand, plus I coached all the plays and sponsored Pep Club. My salary was $75 per
“I had come to Cozad to visit friends and Gerald Zook introduced me to a young man by the name of Leo
Harkness. We began dating and then, we were engaged to be married.
When one looks at the history of the world in 1941, it was a time of war. Leo enlisted in the Army serving as
an engineer. “It was really scary,” Shirley said, “because Leo was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. Leo
had been sent there to build a railroad.
“It was several days before I heard from him and we were all worried. He was safe and came home, being
discharged in 1945. We were married on April 15, 1945, and eventually came to Cozad to own Cozad
“I enjoyed working at the store. We had an exceptional line of products, often items that were not available at
other sites. I put in a gift shop and I was always thinking about bridal showers or Christmas.”
Today, the Harkness family celebrates the two children, Gwen and Alan. Gwen, who lives in Port Huron,
Michigan, is a retired speech and hearing pathologist. Her husband is Lowell Spiess.
Alan and his wife Linda live in Boise, Idaho. Alan is retired from the Department of Agriculture as a Soil
Scientist, working for the USDA for over 35 years. Shirley has two grandchildren, Scott and Bridget and one
great grandson Gabriel.
“I also have two more people in my life that are just like my daughters. They are Judy Hunt Cumming and
Judy Kauffman Eggleston. Judy Eggleston spent lots of time at our house because she and Gwen were best
of friends. Leo and I were good friends of Fran and Jo Hung and today, Judy Cumming is so thoughtful and
caring, often including me in the family celebrations, such as Christmas,” Shirley said.
So, the celebration of the nation-wide “Make a Difference Day” has been documented by the various media. It
is amazing what the various communities have accomplished.
However, in Cozad, “Make a Difference Day” expands to 365 days each year, for many years, volunteering,
remembering someone who needs a ride, delivering homemade cinnamon rolls to a grieving family and then,
enjoying the afternoon bridge club, bringing home her first prize. Of course, the deeds are referencing Shirley
This “extraordinary” woman is honored as the inductee into the 2012 Healthcare Hall of Fame. She is
recognized for her commitment, dedication and loyalty.
Sara Jane White DuDon
“I could see the team of horses and spring wagon coming across the
field to my house. I knew that I was needed immediately to help a
neighbor. I tied on my sunbonnet.”
“I guess I should have brought a shawl, but I won’t go back for one.
‘He who putteth his hand to the plow and turneth back is not worthy of
the kingdom of heaven.’ These words are from Proverbs,” Sara June
White Dutton said.
“It was in the spirit of this Proverb that the Dawson County pioneers
were turning the prairies into communities of homes and productive
So, who is this woman?
She is Sara June Dutton, lovingly called Grandma Dutton, known as
the midwife to many of the Cozad Southsiders.
In a 1915 photograph of Children’s Day at the Fairfield Church, there were many. many youth dressed
in white. Great Grandson Ted Thomas said, “My mother told me that she is in the photograph and that
Grandma Dutton delivered most of the people in the picture and she knew their families.”
Sara Jane was born in Merriville, Indiana, June 22, 1857. She married Byron Henry Dutton on
December 11, 1877, and they came to Juniata, Nebraska in 1878. They moved to the farm south of
Cozad in the early 1880’s, the area known as Ringgold. History shows that “Ringgold was a small
farming community, seven miles south of Cozad. It had a post office and school house, where the
Sunday School was organized in 1912. The church was built on land donated by Les Zook, grandfather
of Gerald, and served the area until the 1920’s.”
The family were good friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atchison, grandparents of Wendell and Bob.
Grandmother Atchison remembers as a young girl, age 10, that she was asked to bring Grandma
Dutton quickly. Mother was very ill.
As an interesting historical note, Robert Atchison had filed for the homestead and timber claim and
broke all of the land with a walking plow. Robert was a good friend of Grandma and Grandpa Dutton
and lived with them in the early days.
Sara Jane and Byron had four children: Earl, Myrtle, Hazel, and Ora. Earl married Martha Frew; Myrtle
married Blaine Kinnan; Hazel married Charlie Swarm, and Ora married Plume Walker.
“Earl Dutton was my Grandfather,” Ted said. “Their children were Opal, James, Kent and Ethyl. Ethyl is
my Mother and she married Glenn Thomas, known as ‘Woody’. My Dad and Mom farmed north of
Cozad and later on a site south of Cozad. Woody became the manager of The Alfalfa-Orchard
Irrigation System and then went back to farming.”
“I was born in 1934 and named Theodore Alvin. I am a graduate of Cozad High School and I spent 20
years serving in the United States Coast Guard. When I retired, I returned to Cozad to farm with my
“I married Phyllis Adams in 1954, and we have three daughters: Tamela Maye, Karen Kay, and Lisa
Ann,” Ted said.
When the story of Sara Jane Dutton is told, there are families tied to Cozad, particularly related to the
Duttons: Myrtle Dutton married Blaine Kinnan. Their children are Ward and Orval. The name of
Woodside, the Grandmother of Ted, records: La Vern Rinehart, Virgie Arnold; Theodore Mckelvey and
sons Donald and Keith.
Grandma Dutton has lineage that reflects a history in the medical profession, i.e., Great Grandfather
Thomas was a doctor, in England; Dr. Lillian Smith, Practicing in Los Angeles, California; and
Dr. O. M. Dutton of Clarks Bay, Alaska.
Today, there are several family members involved in various fields of health care.
So, how does one remember Grandma Dutton? “I was young, when my Great Grandmother died, but I
do remember the wonderful times, particularly Christmas,” Ted said. “We had the parties at the Dutton
home, which is on the Darr Road. Today, Doug Gruber lives in the house and I remember that some of
the original structure is still there, including the porch.”
“My Mother told me that Grandma was a very caring woman, a strong woman. And as others have said,
‘her motherly heart extended, not only to her own family, but to the neighbors as well’.”
“Grandma was a complement to my Grandpa. He was described by Frank Johnson as “an early resident
of the south side, who was colorful because of his friendly approach and personal mannerisms. In
general appearance, he was statesmanlike and he was a good friend of Col. John B. Henderson,
Midway Ranch’,” Ted said.
When Grandpa died, this was stated: “Thus, another chair is empty in the large circle of friends and
neighbors of this good man. He has been a generous and hospitable friend and neighbor to many.”
After serving the Cozad Community for more than 50 years as the mid-wife bringing new lives into
Dawson County for the southsiders, Grandma Dutton moved to Torrington, Wyoming, to live with her
daughter Hazel. Grandma Dutton died in 1941.
The following words tell the story of Sara Jane White Dutton: “God keep you, dearest mother.” Four little
words, not lightly said. Each one a blessing on your head; A wish that not a day be drear
-- I love you so-- “God keep you, dear.” I’ll miss your hand from out my own. The paths we’ve trod I’ll
walk alone. But as each day to night draws near, I’ll softly say --”God keep you, dear.”
And the citizens of Cozad, Nebraska, Dawson County, and your family, extending beyond the shores of
he Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, will say, “Welcome into 2012 Cozad Healthcare Hall of Fame.” You are
honored for your commitment, dedication and loyalty.
Read All About It!
Wilson Public Library, Cozad, NE
Check us out!
Is your computer giving you fits? Is
your e-reader getting you down? Are you
puzzled by Microsoft Office and its applications? Worry no more, patrons of the
Wilson Public Library! Check out a librarian! We have skilled staff members
who are available to help you with your
issues and get you on the road to enlightenment! Ask at the front desk for details
and to set up your one-on-one consultation session.
Christmas Letter
Class Available
Do you have your Christmas letter
written and ready to go out? If you are a
procrastinator or maybe you just want to
do something fun and different this year,
sign up and plan to attend the Christmas
Letter Workshop being offered at the
library on Dec. 4th from 3:30-4:30pm in
the Conference Room. You will be instructed on how to make a newsletter or
fancy Christmas letter using Microsoft
Publisher. Interested parties should come
with a flash drive to save work. If you
would like to add photos to your work,
you should bring them already saved on
the flash drive or you may save them to
Facebook or email them to yourself.
Come with an open mind and an adventurous spirit! Sign up sheet can be found
at the front desk.
Volume 1, Issue 5
December 2012
Changes for Check Out
Due to recent staff changes
and beginning January of 2013,
patrons will be asked to show
card for you. If you have a
family card, please ask the
front desk about giving you
their library cards or current
identification in order to check
out library materials. If you do
not know where your library
card is, now is the perfect
additional cards for your family members. They will be
required to present a card
when they check out, too.
Thank you for your coopera-
time for us to update your
information and type a new
tion !
New For You at
Wilson Public Library
What Happens at
By Victoria Alexander
The Giving Quilt
by Jennifer Chiaverini
A Winter Dream
by Richard Paul Evans
A Christmas Home
Cather Selected
The Library will be closed
the following days
in December :
Dec. 24th Christmas Eve
At press, closing at 4:00
Dec. 25th Christmas
Jan. 1 New Year’s Day
Open New Year’s Eve
Book Club News
This month the Book Club
will be reading Major Pettigrew’s
Last Stand by Helen Simonson.
Patrons are invited to become
members of the book club.
Check the front desk for sign
up. The book club meets at two
different times Dec. 10 from 67pm or Dec. 13 from 9:3010:30am. You choose the time
that best fits with your schedule.
The One Book One Nebraska
is a group that selects and
promotes a title for Nebraska
by Gregory Kincaid
by Karen Marie Moning
The Perfect Hope
citizens to read to celebrate
the literary richness of our
state. Nebraska libraries and
other literary and cultural
organizations statewide plan
activities and events to encourage all Nebraskans to
read and discuss the same
book. The book selected for
2013 is O Pioneers! by Willa
by Nora Roberts
Important Events
Happening at the
Library This Month
Cather. The book written by
Cather , a native of Nebraska,
times (see back)
Bergsons, a family
of Swedish immigrants in
the Nebraska farm country
where in the world that an internet
connection is available.
On December 10 and December 18,
from 6:30-7:30, Director Laurie Yocom will be offering free classes in the
conference room to patrons who
would like to use their own password
protected Destiny accounts to access
additional features of our system.
at the turn of the 20th century. Check it out today!
With a user name and password,
patrons are able to place holds on
books, renew items, check outstanding
fines, as well as recommend items to
other patrons.
If you are unable to attend either class,
packets will be available as a tutorial
starting December 19. Patrons will
need to obtain user names and passwords from the front desk.
Dec. 10 & 18
Destiny classes
Dec. 13
Family Movie Night
Arthur Christmas
7-9pm Tickets
Destiny Program Available at Library
Earlier this spring, Wilson Public Library moved to a check-out system
called Follett Destiny. Our system
allows patrons to look up books as a
guest from our online catalog any-
Santa Visits
Various dates &
available Dec. 10-12.
Dec. 24 Closing at
4:00 (at press time)
Dec. 25 Closed for
Jan. 1 Closed for
New Year’s Day
T he Book Nook
Wilson Public Library News for Youth
December 1, 2012
11:00am - 12:00pm
Wilson Public Librarian
a Published Author!
Did you know that our
Children’s Librarian, Ann
Matzke, is a published author? Mrs. Matzke is the
publisher of eight children’s
books! Her books educate
young children on math
concepts and social studies.
Not only does she write the
books, she also selects the
pictures for her publications.
To Mrs. Matzke,
writing a book is a long
process where she has to
write and rewrite her stories. But in the end she gets
a wonderful and educational
book. So next time your
teacher asks you to rewrite
your paper, remember that
even published authors have
to do it too! Look for Mrs.
Matzke’s books in the Children’s section of our library.
K-6 preregistration required.
Adults must be with children!
In 2013 we will be hosting a special mini book club at Wilson Public
Library for young ladies in grades 4-8
and their mothers. Participants will
meet and discuss three different titles
in January, February, and March.
Interested mothers and daughters
should plan to attend the informational meeting on Tuesday, December 13 from 5:30-6:30pm. We will
be discussing what books we will
read and setting up a time for all to
meet. It would be a great opportunity for mother and daughter to share
quality time over a good book!
Please plan to attend and come with
your book ideas and your calendar!
What’s Happening
is coming!
at the Wilson this
month for Youth?
Old St. Nick is checking his list but could use a
little help from the children of Wilson Public Library. Stop by the library and see him with your
ideas of what goodies you might like for Christmas
this year. But remember - be good for goodness
sake! Santa will be here on Dec. 5 from 10am12pm for the children of Story Time. He will be at
the library for everyone else on Dec. 8 & 15 from
10:30am - 12:30pm and then December 4-6th and
10-13th from 5:00-7:00pm. He will be sitting by
the fireplace waiting for all the good girls and boys!
Ho - ho - hope to see you there!
Come Join Us!
Students in 4 - 6 Grade - what are you doing
with your Early Out Wednesdays? Every second
Wednesday of the month why not join us here at
the library for the Golden Sowers Clubs. We
meet in the library every second Wed. of the
month from 2:45-4:00pm. We are reading the
books listed below. A couple of projects have
been to make PowerPoint presentations on the
books and their authors. Look for these presentations on the Wilson Public Library Web Site soon!
2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 G o l d e n S o w e r
B o o k s fo r G r a d e s 4 - 6 Season’s Greetings
From the Staff of
Santa Claus
December 4-6,
Santa Visit, 5:007:00pm
December 5,
Golden Sowers for
Grades 1-3, 2:454:30
December 8 and
15, Santa Visit,
December 10-13,
Santa Visit, 5:007:00pm
December 12,
Golden Sowers for
Grades 4-6, 2:454:00
December 12, Jr.
Advisory Board
Mtg., 4:00-5:00
December 13,
Book Club
Informational Mtg
STORM MOUNTAIN by Tom Birdseye
OUT OF MY MIND by Sharon M. Draper
Movie Nite, Arthur
THE FAMILIARS by Adam Jay Epstein
WILDFIRE RUN by Dee Garretson
LOVE, AUBREY by Suzanne LaFleur
Christmas, 7:00pm.
Tickets available
Dec. 10-13
December 13th
JESTER by Barbara O’Connor
WALLS WITHIN WALLS by Maureen Sherry
Wilson Public Library
Family Movie
Free tickets available Dec. 10-12
Limit of 4 tickets/person
due to small theater size.
December 13,
December 19,
Golden Sowers,
Grades 7-12, 2:454:00
SUMMER EVER by Wes Tooke
Cozad Grand Generation Center
Warm Wishes this Holiday Season
Please Help us help our community
by donating mittens, hats, gloves, scarves and blankets
All donations will be hung on the Mitten Tree
at the Grand Generation Center
and will be donated within the community
Donations accepted till December 14th
Bobbie Jo Messersmith
Messersmith Hay Co.
Sheri Hladky
First Bank & Trust Co.
Pam Wright
Homestead Insurance
Jeff Beisner
The Feed Store, Inc.
Jared Jacob
Nebraska Plastics, Inc.
BJ Malcom
Malcom & Nelson Law Office, L.L.C.
Jane German
Paulsen, Inc.
Eric Ide
Homestead Bank
Sandra Bappe
Chamber Director
Cozad Area Chamber of Commerce
135 West 8th Street
Cozad, Nebraska 69130
(308) 784-3930
FAX: (308) 784-3026