Stylus Magazine Indesign Template


Stylus Magazine Indesign Template
District News
Edition 28/2 -Winter 2013
In this issue:
Confirmation 2013
Women’s Conference in NZ
NSW Sunday School camp
WA Project Choir
From the Desk of District
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Pentecost Service on 19 May 2013 was conducted
by Chief Apostle Leber in the historic Borgfelde church in
Hamburg, Germany and was transmitted to numerous
receiving points throughout the world. By using a
mixture of satellite technology and web streaming,
millions of Brothers and Sisters were able to view the
service live. Although this technology is not yet available
to the majority of New Apostolic members due to where
they live, the reach is increasing rapidly.
Chief Apostle Leber into retirement in the presence of
all the District Apostles. Chief Apostle Leber had served
in this ministry since Pentecost 2005 and had reached
the retiring age of 65. During his term as Chief Apostle
he visited numerous New Apostolic communities on all
continents including making 2 visits to our district. He
also introduced many advances in the understanding
of our faith and these are now included in the newly
completed Catechism of the New Apostolic Church.
This was the last service to be conducted by Chief Apostle
Leber. During the service he ordained Chief Apostle
Helper Schneider as Chief Apostle and he in turn placed
The text of this is available on our website www. and will be made available in hard
copy in due course.
2 Australia District News
Apostle Andersen
Chief Apostle Schneider was born in France and was
ordained as District Apostle for the French District
in 2004. He has extensive knowledge of the varying
circumstances under which the Work of God operates in
this time period, having cared for congregations in both
Europe and in Africa as well as in some of the Pacific
Islands. At 53 years of age, he comes to the Chief Apostle
ministry with a youthful vibrance, a mature spiritual
outlook and supported by a great deal of management
experience gained in both his profession and his
responsibilities as a leader of a large church district.
September this year when he will visit Adelaide and
Brisbane. The Brisbane service will be transmitted
to receiving points throughout our district as far as
technology permits. Let us continue our preparations
both inwardly and outwardly for this historic visit.
We can now look forward to his visit to our district in
Andrew H. Andersen
With loving greetings
Australia District News 3
An insight
So that we can “get to know” our new Chief Apostle, the
following are a few details of interest.
for France, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (southeastern part), Tahiti and New Caledonia.
Jean-Luc Schneider was born into a New Apostolic family
on 18 September, 1959 in Strasbourg, France as the eldest
of three children.
Jean-Luc Schneider becomes the ninth Chief Apostle of
the New Apostolic Church. In the history of our Church,
there has never been an active Chief Apostle as well as two
retired Chief Apostles at the same time.
As a young man, the Chief Apostle studied at a management
school and was employed by a French gas company
after the completion of his military service in 1982. After
working in various capacities within the company he was
later assigned as manager in the Strategy and Finance
In 1983 he married his wife Pascale and they have two adult
daughters. He and his wife live in Souffelweyersheim, part
of metropolitan Strasbourg, North-Eastern France.
In 2001 as District Elder he was placed in charge of youth
care for France. As District Apostle he was responsible
4 Australia District News
Ministerial timeline:
Sub-deacon - 10 January 1980
Priest - 24 November 1985
Evangelist - 17 September 1989
Shepherd - 1 January 1993
District Elder - 14 November 1993
Apostle and District Apostle Helper - 22 June 2003
District Apostle - 26 September 2004
Chief Apostle Helper - 27 May 2012
Chief Apostle - 19 May 2013
District Apostle Andersen
visits Germany
All District Apostles of the world
gathered together in Stuttgart, Germany
for the first District Apostles’ Meeting
of 2013. This was a very moving two
day gathering as it was the last District
Apostle Meeting that Chief Apostle
Leber conducted prior to his retirement.
On Wednesday evening 6 March, the
day before the meeting commenced,
all District Apostles were assigned to
various congregations in the South
German District.
District Apostle Andersen was sent to
the congregation of Backnung. He was
greeted by a Sunday School choir who
he said sang ”as angels” in both German
and English whilst each held a combined
Australian/German flag; enough to melt
the heart of the District Apostle!
A warm and joyful congregation filled the
large church and again proved the words
of a past Chief Apostle ”everywhere (in
God’s work) it is the same”.
After the divine service the District
Apostle took the opportunity to greet the
members and also took great delight in
renewing the special bonds he has with
those present who had visited various
parts of the Australia District in the past.
He had met many of these during their
The District Apostle brought many
wonderful impressions home with him
and is delighted to have a continuing
bond with such faithful congregations
and members around the world.
6 Australia District News
District Apostle Andersen visits Papua New Guinea
The congregation of Kerowil in the central highlands of PNG had long
waited for the visit of District Apostle Andersen. A planned visit 2 years
prior had to be postponed but the members had never given up hope ......
Together with members from neighbouring congregations (mostly within
a day’s walk), they had held regular choir practices over the 2 year period.
The brethren had also cleared a large piece of land and built a beautiful
church building. On this occasion, the building was not large enough to
house the 500 members who gathered for the combined service, so the
front of the building served as an elevated stage for the altar whilst the
members sat on the ground in the open air for the service.
The District Apostle was accompanied by Apostles Pouru and Wasimbai
and Bishop Yasi. During the service a number of souls were sealed and
a faithful Deacon was retired. Joyful hours were spent with the members
after the divine service before all had to find their way home again.
Apostle Lodewick visits Guam & Solomon Islands
Apostle Lodewick recently travelled to Guam, the largest island in the
Pacific region known as Micronesia. He also travelled to the Solomon
Islands. He reports on the work being done in these regions....
I arrived in Guam where I have contact with a sister originally from
American Samoa. On Sunday morning, our Sister arrived with her
daughter, and a friend with her two children and a divine service was
conducted in the hotel room.
We have also learnt that a family originally from Pohnpei is now living
in Guam, and we have since made contact with them.
In the Solomon Islands, I travelled to the island of Malaita and after a
5 hour truck drive we arrived in Lu-Ma Alu village. Here a new church
building was dedicated and 13 souls were sealed. The Sunday School
children and youth both presented a musical program. We then
continued to Aekafo village where 6 souls were sealed and a Priest
ordained for the congregation.
Our journey then took us in the opposite direction to Small Malaita.
After a 7 hr boat ride and a walk up a very steep and slippery mountain,
we reached WaiKouKou village. During the divine service 60 souls
were sealed, and two Priests and a Deacon were ordained.
Australia District News 7
Women’s Conference New Zealand
After nine months of planning, the inaugural “EmpowHERed
Women of Faith” Women’s Conference took place in the
congregation of New Lynn, NZ.
Ninety ladies, both members and guests, enjoyed a day
of fellowship and spiritual enrichment. The aim of the
conference was to provide an opportunity for women to share
experiences of faith, receive spiritual nourishment and to take
a day out from their busy lives to celebrate being women. The
theme of the day was “Arise and Shine” taken from Isaiah
The day started with registration and the receipt of goodie
bags. A special letter to the ladies, from our Chief Apostle, was
shared with everyone after the opening prayer. The women
were treated to uplifting and motivational messages from
a range of speakers covering topics such as the importance
of prayer, how we can rely on our faith to help us through
difficult journeys, work-life balance and seeking inspiration
8 Australia District News
from female biblical figures. Others included: nutrition and
exercise for women, encouraging families to talk about their
faith and domestic abuse awareness. A donation drive
was set up to collect toiletry items to support ”Shine”, an
organisation dealing with domestic abuse against women.
There was an overwhelming response to this request.
The talks were interspersed with a number of exercises,
to encourage the women to interact and get to know each
other. Lunch and tea breaks provided great opportunities
for the women to enjoy healthy and nutritious food, while
reconnecting with one another in a relaxed and positive
environment. The day was closed with a few pertinent remarks
and a prayer, by an Evangelist from a local congregation.
The women felt truly inspired and empowered after a
wonderful day together and cannot wait until the next
Western Australia Project Choir
Jesusnever fails
Performed by the Western Australian Project Choir
ed b
y New
r fa
ox 5
Apostolic Church (PO B
| al
l wo
rks u
sed with permission - 20
from July
18 Faith-inspiring Hymns
The choir was formed by volunteer members of the Western Australia
district with the aim of producing the first ever audio Choir CD in Western
Australia. In order to attend the practices, some of the Brothers and
Sisters travelled nearly 350 km each fortnight.
The overall goal for the Project Choir is to help in the development of
music across Western Australia and into each local congregation. There
are no auditions or scrutiny of members or voices. The only requirement
is a high level of commitment to the task ahead.
On the day of recording there was a mix of
emotions, however the
plus $5.50 postage
(if not sent via congregation)
professional approach of the Music Producer calmed everyone’s nerves.
In total, three sessions of five hours each were required to record the
The WA Project Choir members proved their dedication to this venture
and the final product is something they can be proud of. The CD, aptly
titled ”Jesus never Fails”, will be available for purchase soon from Head
1 what a friend we have in Jesus 2 glorify Thy name 3 Lord, how can i ever praise You?
4 praise, i will praise You, Lord 5 His love 6 schmucke dich, o liebe seele
7 Saviour, lead me lest i stray 8 Jesus through apostles leads us 9 a mighty fortress is our God
10 when i'm with Him 11 as water to the thirsty 12 let the children to Me gather
13 prelude in c 14 Holy Spirit, heal my soul 15 trust and obey
16 Jesus never fails 17 as the deer 18 take my life and let it be
Place your order at
NSW Sunday
School Camp
26 Sunday school children together with parents, teachers
and ministers from Sydney congregations spent a weekend
at Merroo Christian Camp in Kurrajong. Torrential rain during
most of Friday evening and Saturday didn’t stop us from
having loads of fun.
A convoy of 15 cars and over 50 adventurers drove to the
nearby dam to.... 1) Get Wet? 2) Have Fun? 3) Go for a swim?
For Aiden & Nicholas who capsized their canoe it was all
Saturday’s indoor activities included choir practice, creating
a church anniversary poster, face painting, games, craft,
Celebrity heads, charades and a talent show at our own Mini
On Sunday Bishop Green conducted a Children’s Service at the
Sydney, NSW
Hope Valley, SA
Croydon, Vic
Ashmore, Qld
Silkstone, Qld
Kingston, Qld
Newcastle, NSW
Howick, NZ
10 Australia District News
Drury, NZ
Braybrook / Hallam, Vic
from our
Chief Apostle
I greet you warmly at this important
moment in your lives. You stand before
the congregation and are about to give
your confirmation vow. You thereby
make a promise to our great God. May it
always remain sacred to you!
May the Lord, for His part, also grant
you His blessing! The Bible text for your
confirmation also refers to this blessing.
Perth, WA
It is recorded in Deuteronomy 28:2
where we read:
”And all these blessings shall come
upon you and overtake you, because you
obey the voice of the Lord your God.”
In this text you receive a special key
which will guarantee your access to the
blessing of God. This key is obedience of
faith. May the blessing of the Lord be
with you
Redcliffe / Caloundra, Qld
in school and at your job,
in the circle of your family and
in the congregation and in your
interactions with your brothers and
In the confirmation vow you will give
the promise: ”I .... surrender myself to
You...” To surrender oneself to the Lord
means to entrust oneself completely
to His leadership. Please trust Him
every moment of your lives! This also
includes maintaining a solid connection
with Him - by absorbing His word and
through prayer.
Let me emphasise once again: allow
yourselves to be led by the Lord!
And now I wish you all the best, as well
as a richly blessed future. I greet you
and your parents in love and in heartfelt
unity with all the Apostles around the
Yours truly,
Mackay, Qld
Australia District News 11
12 Australia District News
Around the
1. Rectors & wives from NZ enjoyed an
afternoon with the District Apostle
2. Bishop Green visited Townsville (Qld)
3. NSW Youth participated in Kayak for Kids
to raise money for charity
4. Priests from Ashmore (Qld) shaved
their heads to raise funds for Leukemia
5. Seniors from Auckland (NZ) went on a trip
to Waiheke Island
6. Sunday School in Mandurah (WA)
7. A Ministers & Wives Conference was held
in Sydney (NSW)
8. Apostle Lodewick enjoyed lunch with the
congregation in Hackham West (SA)
9. The combined choir of Mackay and
Townsville (Qld)
10. Sunday School children from Mackay and
Townsville (Qld)
11. Canberra (ACT) congregation on Palm
12. The Victorian Concert Choir performed in
Croydon (Vic)
Australia District News 13
1. Dcn Tyrone & Sis Nicolette Frost received
Silver Wedding blessings in Karratha (WA)
2. Dcn Daniel & Sis Nadia Schmidt of Ascot Park
(SA) received Wedding blessings
3. Br Jacob Sickinger & Sis Debra Schmal
received Engagement blessings in Braybrook
4. Ev Dion & Sis Arlene Viljoen of Silkstone (Qld)
received Silver Wedding blessings
5. Br Norman Davids of New Lynn (NZ)
celebrated his 70th birthday
6. Pr Oliver & Sis Sherna Hammacher received
Silver Wedding blessings in Croydon (Vic)
7. Pr Martin & Sis Colleen Geach received Silver
Wedding blessings in Silkstone (Qld)
8. Sis Thelma Higgins of Windsor (Qld)
celebrated her 85th birthday
9. Sis Ena Morris of Ascot Park (SA) celebrated
her 90th birthday
10. D/Ev (ret) Ivan & Sis Brenda Barendse of
Gosford (NSW) received Ruby Wedding
11. Br David & Sis Jenny Heynes of Croydon (Vic)
received Golden Wedding blessings
12. Pr (ret) Jeffrey Fish of Springvale (Vic)
celebrated his 80th birthday
13. Holy Baptism of Sienna Phillips of Croydon
14. Bishop John & Sis Karen Green of Lane Cove
(NSW) received Ruby Wedding blessings
15. Sis Erika Hammacher of Beverly Hills (NSW)
celebrated her 70th birthday
16. Sis Helene Gerber of Canberra (ACT) celebrated
her 85th birthday
17. Sis Jean Davids of New Lynn (NZ) celebrated
her 70th birthday
18. Holy Baptism of Flynn Hearns in Geelong (Vic)
19. Holy Sealing of Leisl Timmins in Croydon (Vic)
20. Holy Baptism of Cienna Nagel in Beckenham
21. Holy Baptism of Kaiser Evans in Hahndorf (SA)
22. Sis Dolly Dietz of North Ipswich (Qld)
celebrated her 99th birthday
23. Dcn Shanly O’Connor & Sis Kim Petersen
received Engagement blessings in Beckenham
24. Dcn Stephen & Sis Kate Kogler of Croydon
(Vic) received Wedding blessings
25. Br Reinhold Schaefer of Hahndorf (SA)
celebrated his 70th birthday
26. Pr Renato & Sis Wendy Franz received Silver
Wedding blessings in Rockingham (WA)
27. Holy Sealing of Ezekiel Henry-Helluer in
Paihia (NZ)
28. Sis Irene Kirchner of Newcastle (NSW)
celebrated her 70th birthday
29. Br Udo Martens of Redcliffe (Qld) celebrated
his 88th birthday.
30. Holy Baptism of Liam February in Werribee
31. Holy Sealing of Harlem Wells in Paihia (NZ)
32. Sis Helena Katterns of Caloundra (Qld)
celebrated her 80th birthday
33. Sis Lillian Ludecke of Windsor (Qld) celebrated
her 80th birthday
34. Holy Sealing of Xander Kidston in Toowoomba
35. Adoption of Br Don Robertson, Sis Zara
Bucknell & Br Geoff Bucknell in Croydon (Vic)
Australia District News 15
For your
Our Chief Apostle is scheduled to conduct the following Services:
July 2013
Aug 2013
Sept 2013
7: London, United
18: Chisinau, Moldova
1: PforzheimBayernstrasse,
14: Kampala, Uganda
25: Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia
8: Berlin-Weissensee,
15: Metz, France
22: Nan, Thailand
29: Brisbane, Australia
Our District Apostle’s visiting schedule:
July 2013
Aug 2013
Sept 2013
7: Papua New Guinea
4: Marshall Islands
1: Tonga
14: Townsville, Qld
11: Beenleigh, Qld
8: Kingston, Qld
21: Toowoomba, Qld
18: Bundaberg, Qld
22: Nan, Thailand
28: Ashmore, Qld
25: Canberra, ACT
29: Brisbane, Qld
Upcoming Events:
July 2013
7: Service for the
Aug 2013
18: 50th Anniversary of
Bundaberg church
Sept 2013
1: Father’s Day
28/29: District Youth
Contact Details:
New Apostolic Church
Office address
1A 3 Deakin Street, Brendale, Qld. AUSTRALIA
Postal address
PO Box 5903,
Brendale BC. Qld 4500, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +617 3480 0400
Fax: +617 3480 0444
Ordinations / Retirements:
Dcn Nixon Martin ordained as Priest in Pohnpei, Miconesia
Pr Brian Bester commissioned as Rector for Rockhampton, QLD
Pr Leon Trosky (Rector) of Highton, Vic placed into retirement
D/Ev Trevor Hearns commissioned as Rector for Highton, Vic
Pr Sydney Muller ordained Evangelist for Fairfield.
Pr Leonard Jackson (Rector) of Rivervale, WA placed into retirement
Ev Ryan Labuschange commissioned as Rector of Rivervale, WA
Pr Charles Kaluwasha commissioned as Rector for Wellington, NZ
Br David Oldham ordained Deacon for Wellington, NZ
Br Keith Pretorius ordained Deacon for Wellington, NZ
Pr Neville Sleigh of Box Hill, Vic placed into retirement
Br Shaun Lewis confirmed as Deacon for St Marys, NSW
Br Thomas Arpin confirmed as Evangelist for St Marys, NSW
Br Leonard Viviers confirmed as Priest for St Marys, NSW
Dcn Andre Fredericks ordained as Priest for Elizabeth, SA
Br Peter Mwale confirmed as Priest for Braybrook, Vic
Br Wade Henry ordained as Deacon for Braybrook, Vic
In Memoriam:
Br Erwin Sauerwein of Box Hill (Vic) Sis Hilda Thorne of Caloundra(WA)
Br Johann (Chris) Wider of Hobart (Tas)
Sis Kathy Hoffmann of Windsor (Qld) Br Edward Kenzler of Bundaberg (Qld)
Sis Conradine (Gracie) Probst of Riverleigh (Qld)
13 March 2013
27 March 2013
15 April 2013
17 April 2013
26 April 2013
28 April 2013