

MAY 8, 2016
Zeigler and DeHaven Families...................................................................Andrew & Clare Zeigler
Estelle Carter .................................................................................................. Eileen & Dale Galley
In Thanksgiving ............................................................................................ Linda & Jim Wilharm
Special Intention.....................................................................................................Michael Desprez
Bart Eason ................................................................................................... Eileen & Buck Tillman
Archie Kennedy (anniversary) ....................................................................... David & Sheila Lowe
Bubba Fitzgerald ...........................................................................George & Terri Henry & Family
Robert Gildersleeve, Jr. ..........................................Tommy & Theresa Abernathy & Carol Harper
Stella Lamas.................................................................................................. Linda & Jim Wilharm
Eleanor Best Tippins...........................................................................................The Daniel Family
God our Creator, we pray:
for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility ;
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for those who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for those who have children they do not want;
for those who raise children on their own;
for those who have lost a child;
for those who care for the children of others;
for those whose children have left home;
and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled.
Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.
Monsignor Costigan, Fr. Paul, and the Parish
Staff wish all Mothers, Grandmothers, and
StepStep-Mothers a very blessed and
The Islands Council
K of C invites everyone to come
over to the parish center this
Sunday immediately following the
7:30 a.m. AND the 9:00 a.m.
Masses for a delicious allinclusive breakfast. Give Mom a
break and take her out for
breakfast on Mother’s Day!
Anyone who is
planning to have a
child baptized at St.
Peter the Apostle
Church is required to
first attend a Baptism Class. The
class is this Monday at 6:30 p.m.
in the parish office conference
room. Please call the parish
office at 897-5156 with any
questions or to R.S.V.P.
Please stop the narthex after Mass to meet and speak to representatives from St. Peter
the Apostle School who will tell you about school volunteer opportunities. Next
weekend, there will be representatives from Sunday Scripture Study, Monday Bible
Study, Women’s Wednesday Scripture Study and Women’s Discussion Group.
Get involved, you will find it very rewarding!!
place during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The children come to
Mass with their family and then before the readings will
be taken to the Youth Center by their teachers for age
appropriate lessons. Children are to be picked up at the
Youth Center after Mass. May 15th will be the last
Sunday School.
LIFETEEN AND EDGE will not meet this Sunday.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY Have begun a new study, “The
Bible and the Virgin Mary”. Contact Richard DeBorde at or 596-4928 for instructions. No
materials needed. This study is provided by the parish at
no charge to you and you may download everything you
will need at If you haven’t signed on to
FORMED yet, please go to and use the
parish code: VXR23M to log on.
THE MEN OF ST. JOSEPH meet every Wednesday at
6:30 a.m. in the parish center room #2 for prayer and
discussion of Sunday’s gospel. All men of the parish are
DINNER will be held this Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Carole
Arpin’s house, 8 Marsh Harbor Drive. All members are
invited to attend this end of the year celebration.
THE ROSARY is recited every weekday at 7:00 a.m.,
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Daily Chapel and 5:00
p.m. on Saturdays in the church.
will be taking place this month.
Please take a few minutes to view the bios on the
posters in the narthex to familiarize yourselves
with the candidates.
This Friday,Debi Burk Scott,
cabaret singer, will come and
entertain the group. Admission is
by ticket only and tickets may be
purchased by calling Janet Hubbs at 898-0806 no
later than this Wednesday. The cost is $10 per
person and includes entertainment and refreshments.
SECOND COLLECTION Next weekend at all
Masses, there will be a Second Collection for the
Catholic Communication Campaign. Last year your
generosity brought: Live stream of the Cathedral of
St. John the Baptist, 7 new websites to parishes in
our diocese, radio equipment for a new Catholic
station in Albany and Pope Francis to your Facebook
surrounding his visit to the U.S. Please respond
generously to this appeal.
Join us NEXT Sunday, May
15th at 5:00 p.m. for Mass
with liturgy and music
geared towards the Youth
and the Young at Heart sponsored by LIFETEEN
and St. Peter the Apostle Parish. All are welcome
and encouraged to attend!
Next weekend at all
Masses, the Youth Choir
will have a bake sale to
raise funds for their end of the year trip. Please
take some baked goods home next weekend and
support our Youth Choir!
2016 Vacation Bible School
Theme: Cave Quest Totally Catholic VBS
Date: July 11th – 15th
We are so excited about this year’s VBS! VBS is for students 3 years
old (by September 1, 2015) through 6th grade. Your child will be in
the grade he/she will have just COMPLETED. We are in the planning
stages and could use volunteers! We need students who have completed grade 7 and up and
adults (who will need VIRTUS). The more volunteers we have the better and bigger we can
make it. Please contact Paula Hubert in the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer or
donate items for the week of crafts & events. EMAIL: Registration
forms will be available soon online and in the Parish Office. The cost is $25/child.
Sign Up for Summer Camps!
St. Peter the Apostle is offering two great summer camps! You don’t have to be
a SPA student to attend. Sign up today! More information and registration
forms are available on the school website.
We are happy to watch our
enrollment at St. Peter the
Apostle School steadily
increase for the 2016-2017
school year. Several
grades are completely full with a
waiting list, and some of our other
grades have very limited openings.
Please call the school office at 8975224 for information or to register.
Get on board the St. Peter the
Apostle School train for a
CATHOLIC”? A person must be registered in
the parish, attend Mass on Sundays and Holy days of
the year, participate in the sacraments, go to
confession at least once a year, take part in the
activities of the parish, and contribute to the offertory
in a recognizable way (envelope or check) as a means
of verification of attendance. Parish subsidy
(Catholic tuition rate) for Catholic Schools will not be
granted unless you are an “active, participating,
registered Catholic.” Any family who is registered in
St. Peter the Apostle Parish who chooses to send their
child to another Catholic school in Savannah will be
charged an additional $1,000 by that school.
May 1, 2016:
April 24, 2016:
Catholic Home Missions:
$ 2,737.50
April 17, 2016:
April 10, 2016:
Weekly Goal:
Fiscal YTD:
Fiscal YTD +/-:
-$ 2,376.37
(Fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30)
Thank you for your most generous gifts to the
Stewardship of Treasure. The offertory is the
primary means of support for the parish and
provides programs and services to our parishioners
and community.
Principal - Mr. Joe Thomas
Curriculum Coordinator - Helena Russell -
Secretary - Michelle Carbo -
Communication Coordinator -Ana
For information, tours or to
shadow at St. Peter the Apostle
School, call 897-5224.
St. Peter the Apostle
School Calendar
Saturday, May 7, 2016
-First Holy Communion 9:30am
ABOVE: Congratulations to Maddie
R.; she won Second Place in the Savannah
Children's Book Festival Poster Contest
sponsored by Live Oak Public Libraries.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
-Happy Mother’s Day
May Crowning at the 9:00am Mass
8th grade & 2nd grade girls
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
-Rosary in the Daily Chapel
-Byrd Cookie Company fieldtrip
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
-Yearbook Staff lunch @ Cancun
-Rocky Times Meeting 3:00
-Rosary Club 3:00
-Equestrian Club
-School Board Meeting
ABOVE: Congratulations to Gabe T.;
he was a finalist in the 6th Annual
Creative Writing Challenge sponsored by
Leopold's Ice Cream and Live Oak Public
The Faculty and Staff
St. Peter the Apostle School
Cordially invite you to attend
Thursday, May 12, 2016
- 8th Grade Class Night
-Early dismissal
Friday, May 13, 2016
-8th Grade Class Trip To
-Out-of-Uniform for Relay for Life
8th Grade
Mass and Exercises
St. Peter the Apostle Church
May 19,
19, 2016
Six O’clock in the evening
Class of 2016
LEFT: Everyone was entertained
and amazed with the acts in this
year’s Talent and Variety Show.
TOGETHER we live, pray, learn and serve, TOGETHER we make a difference.
P.O. Box 30460
7020 Concord Road
Savannah, Georgia 31410
p. 912.897.5224
f. 912.897.0801
Saint Peter the Apostle School exists to provide a quality Catholic education based on Gospel values and the
teachings of the Catholic Church. Following the traditions of the Sisters of Mercy, the school educates through a
strong academic program and instills in its students a spirit of mercy, justice, and loving concern.
Congratulations to the 2016
First Communion Class
Joana Isabel Carvalho
Henry Gavin Cetti
Dane McCormick Chadwell, II
Alexandra Figueroa Connelly
Madelyn Grace Deisher
Clare Anne Ebberwein
Mary Elizabeth Ebberwein
Ailin Erape
Sophia Diane Facchini
Joseph Warner Fobes, IV
Mary Edith Fobes
Logan Michael Gibson
Ella Grace Hall
McKenzie Elizabeth Horner
Natalie Claire Lehto
Samantha Vivian Lehto
Juliet Ann Manica
Ella Dorothy McLaughlin
Tyler Brandon Morris
Sebastian Nanez
Jake Walker Nelson
Miley Addison Nguyen
Aeson Thomas Pence
Austin Tyler Prakongsheep-Bletran
Wilder James Killian Pratt
Abigail Elizabeth Quick
Kian Daniel Ramsey
Olive Lucia Roberts
Thomas Aloysius Robertson, Jr.
Zenon Sammy Sanchez, III
Kiley Scarlett Schaaf
Jeffrey Joseph Stein
Katherine Amy Swezey
Luke Adam Thompson
Abigale Grace Tvrdy
Nathaniel Francis Van Brimmer
If you haven’t yet made your pledge to the
BAA, please consider doing it this week. St.
Peter the Apostle’s target goal is $90,840 and
we are confident with your generous support
we will be able to reach that goal. As of
April 28th, our parish has pledged 56% of
our goal from 23.9% of all registered
parishioners. Any donation, no matter the
amount, is most appreciated. There are extra
pledge cards in the narthex.
INVITES YOU to celebrate
the anniversaries of priestly
ordination of Fr. Douglas Clark (40th), Fr. Tom
Nellis (50th) and Fr. Mike Smith (50th) on
Sunday, May 29th with Mass at 6:00 p.m.
Reception to follow in the parish center.
R.S.V.P. to
or 681-6726 by May 15th.
ABUSE HOTLINE NUMBER: To report sexual abuse
of a minor by a Diocese of Savannah employee or
volunteer, call the abuse hotline number at 888-357-5330
or the Office for the Protection of Children and Young
People, 201-4073/4. To read diocesan policy on sexual
abuse of minors, go to the diocesan site at
+++Pray for the Recently Deceased+++
Elena Miller (great-grandmother of Kayla Wilharm),
Sara Nell Davis (grandmother of Joe Cetti)
+++ Pray for the Sick +++
HOSPITALS: Candler - Charles Lamotte
AT HOME SICK: Janice Johnson, Harris Orsini, Ann Carter, Mike Sievers, Jay Maney, Patsy Chan, Ted Migchelbrink, Linda
Migchelbrink, Edward Fitzgerald, III, Julia Dyer Strickland, John Delorme, Gilbert McMahon, Susan Doyle, Mary Ann King,
Claire Cramer, Jim Cone, David Lowe, Fitz Clarke, Jean Nixon, Johnette & Gene Kennedy, Doyle Kelley, Bob Behrens
NURSING HOMES & ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES: Summer Breeze - Frances McBride, Sebastian Orsini, Patricia
Gunderson, Margaret Murray, Mary Kelley, Joe DeVita, John Snedeker Kindred Transitional Care - Charlie Parker
Habersham House - Rosemary Sanders Oceanside - Ellen Snedeker Signature Health Care - Delores Dobbertin
Hospice - Elvera Bakstran, Rose Carter
OUT OF TOWN SICK: Barbara Miller (cousin of Carol Mesaros), Chris Gilmore (nephew of Hugh Gilmore), James Deere
(cousin of Rose Larkin), Karen Simon-Poland (sister of Monica Dodd), Ellie DeLucia (granddaughter of Carmella DeLucia), John
Pyrtle (friend of the Willis family), Joe Harty (brother of Veva Shuman), Anna O’Brien, Devon Bushey (nephew of Peter
Preston), Harold & Myra Young (parents of John Young), Kyley Cornwell (friend of Helen Counihan), Abby Pruitt, Jake Morgan
(son of Dave & Kim Morgan), Leonard Ledford (brother of Connie Baran), Margaret Forrest (grandmother of John Povanda),
Rachel Elliott (grand-daughter of Mary Boniface), Arra Hayden (grandmother of Melissa DeLong), Charlotte & Pete Eggink
(sister & brother-in-law of John O’Neil), Peter Burns, Brandon Kennedy, Elizabeth Gabriel (niece of Cindy Kindred), Eddie
Solomon (brother of Gloria Stettler), Erin Fountain (grand-daughter of Peggy Fountain), Michael Dillon (brother-in-law of
Monsignor Costigan), Jack Olivier (brother of Marceline Preston), Nicole O’Neil Payne (daughter of John & Betsy O’Neil),
Donna Griggs (mother of Shandra Peecksen), Arnold Boyd (father of Bobby Boyd and Christina Norman), Mark Povec (son of
Mike & Joy Povec), Joe Lancaster (brother of Cate Fahey), Terri Lane and Robert Capparell (daughter & son of Ed & Janet
St. Peter the Apostle Parish and School
Upcoming Events
May 8
K of C Second Sunday
Breakfast after 7:30 and
9am Masses
May Crowning at 9am
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Men of St. Joseph
6:30 am PC rm#2
8th grade
class night
8th grade
class trip
Adult Bible
Study 6-8pm
parish center
Adult Choir Practice
7:30 pm church
May 14
Forever Young
Debi Burk Scott
11:30 am
parish center
Sunday School 4-6 year
olds 9am Mass
Edge 5-6:15pm
Lifeteen 6:30 - 8pm
Eucharistic Adoration 8am Monday-11pm Wednesday
May 15
Sunday School 4-6 year
olds 9am Mass
Lifeteen Mass 5pm
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Rosary 7am
Adult Bible
Study 6-8pm
parish center
Men of St. Joseph
6:30 am PC rm#2
Adult Choir Practice
7:30 pm church
Lifeteen 6:30 - 8pm
Youth Center
Eucharistic Adoration 8am Monday-11pm Wednesday
8th grade
May 21

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