June 29, 2014 - St. Peter`s Church


June 29, 2014 - St. Peter`s Church
A Catholic community
devoted to deep and
abiding friendship
with Jesus Christ
Established 1700
3320 St. Peter’s Drive
Waldorf Maryland 20601
Mission Statement
Saint Peter’s Church is a Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding
friendship with Jesus Christ. We strive to build upon the legacy of faith entrusted
to us by the Catholic pioneers who courageously established Saint Peter’s – an
ethnically and economically diverse community unified through the power of
the Holy Spirit in the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Mindful of this legacy as well
as our need for ongoing conversion amidst new challenges, today, in our fourth
century, we seek friendship with Jesus through our commitments to:
• Understand and proclaim His saving truth revealed in the
Bible in union with the official teaching authority of the
Catholic Church.
• Worship joyfully His living presence in the sacraments,
especially the Eucharist.
• Recognize His face in those we are privileged to serve and
protect, particularly the poor and vulnerable.
• Welcome Him in each other through our fellowship and
unity amidst the rich diversity of our parish community.
• Encounter Him and the beauty of His creation by preserving
our parish as a peaceful and prayerful sanctuary.
• Hear His personal call to holiness and help families embrace it
in all vocations, especially to priesthood or consecrated life.
• Imitate His generous self-giving as a way of life that expresses
our gratitude to Him and our love for God and neighbor.
Mass Schedule/Misa
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, en Español 1:30 pm
7:00 pm
3:30 pm
Parish Office
Hours: M – F, 8:30 – 4:30
301-843-8916 Fax: 301-843-3163
St. Peter’s School 301-843-1955
Office for Christian Formation
Rev. Zygmunt Kurzawinski
Parochial Vicar
Msgr. J. Wilfrid Parent
Deacon Robert Martin
Tom Abell, Parish Facilities Manager
Alice Culbreth, Director of Christian Formation
Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM, Coordinator of Ministry
to the Sick and Homebound
Marianna Hamilton, Coordinator of Christian Formation
Alicia Moore, Parish Secretary
Msgr. Oliver McGready
Msgr. Andrew Cassin
Fran O’Neill, Parish Accountant
Pastor Emeritus
Cara Tiffin-Johnson, Music Director
J.R. West, Principal, St. Peter’s School
Parish Pastoral Council • pastoralcouncil@stpeterswaldorf.org
John Baden, Chairman
Jim Johnson, Co-Chairman
Mary DiMuro, Secretary • 301-645-4596
RoseMary Buzzeo
Kevin Kane
Bobbie Vaira
Kathy Carrigan
Mark Leslie
Ron Wade
Linda Cogburn
Stephanie Nolan
Marsha Forson, Youth Rep. Liliana Perez, Hispanic Rep. Allan Wibbenmeyer, Finance Council Rep.
Parish Finance Council • Don Palchak, Chairperson • 301-934-1281
Stacie Burch
Allan Wibbenmeyer
Richard Buschman
William Young
Beth Watson
Parish Life & Service
For information concerning registration,
baptism, marriage, funerals, and other
sacraments, please contact the parish office.
Christian Formation
To report repairs and other matters concerning
church buildings and grounds, please contact the
parish facilities manager on 301-843-8916, ext. 35.
Farewell, Father Zygmunt – God Be With You!
(He’s Truly on a Mission!)
…What’s different about a
Redemptoris Mater Seminary?
So we were warned!
When Fr. Zygmunt Kurzawinski came to St. Peters in
2011, he told us he was called to be a missionary. After
all, he was formed in the Neocatechumenal Way,
attended the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in New
Jersey, and had just returned from missionary work in
Fairbanks, Alaska. He had also served two years of
missionary work in Estonia. So some felt he probably
wouldn’t stay long.
But we were fortunate because Fr. Zygmunt was at
St. Peter’s for almost three years – just long enough for
us to love him. We’ll remember his dedication and
service to the Latino Community and the Cenacle
Prayer Group. And no one will forget his outstretched arms and warm smile, with every enthusiastic
greeting of “the peace of Christ be with you!” at all of his
What is the Neocatechumenal Way? …
The Neocatechumenal Way is a community in the
Catholic Church dedicated to the Christian formation
and mature faith of adults. Tracing its mission from
the Second Vatican Council, it began in Madrid in
1964, gradually spread to other dioceses in Spain, and
to Rome by 1968. Since then it has spread to dioceses
and mission countries around the world. In 2008 the
Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way received final
approval from the Vatican and are implemented in
dioceses under the jurisdiction of the bishops. The
Way is an active supporter of World Youth Day
sending thousands of young men and women to the
event. At a vocation call in Sydney, about 1,500 men
answered the call for the priesthood and 850 young
women to the consecrated life. Most priestly vocations
go to a Redemptoris Mater seminary.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Among the many inspiring fruits
of the Neocatechumenal Way to
the Church are the Redemptoris
Mater Seminaries that aid in the
call for a new evangelization. They do
not belong to the Neocatechumenal Way. They are
diocesan seminaries whose seminarians have discerned
their vocation from their Neocatechumenal
experience. They are called “international” and
“missionary” because the seminarian vocations come
from all parts of the world. Once formed and
ordained, and having served for a period of years in
their Archdiocese, Redemptoris Mater priests are ready
to travel to serve the Church wherever necessary.
With the opening of seven new seminaries in 2013,
there are 100 Redemptoris Mater Seminaries
Now, Back to Father Zygmunt
One of those new seminaries is in Cape Town, South
Africa, where Fr. Zygmunt will begin serving in July.
Born in Warsaw, Poland, Fr. Zygmunt discovered the
Neocatechumenal Way in his home parish. After high
school and his discernment to be a missionary priest,
he was sent to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in
Newark, New Jersey. In formation he spent 2 years in
Estonia, and in 2001, was asked to transfer to the
Archdiocese of Washington where he was ordained in
2003. It’s easy to see that his life has been a continuous
preparation for each new experience in evangelizing
for Christ. So when the Archbishop of Cape Town
asked Cardinal Wuerl for Father Zygmunt’s help at
their new seminary, he said, “I happily agreed to
receive this assignment.”
Fr. Zygmunt will be in the small town of Belhair which
is about 25 miles and a 30 minute ride from downtown
Cape Town. He will live with seminarians in a small
residential building. Right now he’s not sure what his
day will be like. “That’s hard to say,” he responds,
“everything will be revolving around the schedule of
the seminarians’ classes and other numerous formation
activities.” But he’s sure of one thing: Asked how he
feels about being so far away, he quickly says, “Great!
I am convinced it is God’s calling.”
June 29, 2014
Sunday, June 29, Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
5:00 p.m.
Michael Middleton
8:00 a.m.
Lou-Li Meow
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Lawrence Noble
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
Monday, June 30, The First Martyrs of the
Holy Roman Church
8:00 a.m.
Cynthia Sah Kin Saiki
Tuesday, July 1, Blessed Junipero Serra
8:00 a.m.
David Hogge
Wednesday, July 2
8:00 a.m.
David Hogge
Thursday, July 3, St. Thomas
8:00 a.m.
David Hogge
Friday, July 4, Independence Day
10:00 a.m.
Theresa Burch
Saturday, July 5, St. Anthony Zaccaria,
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
8:00 a.m.
James H. Hawkins
5:00 p.m. Vigil
Della Janssen
Sunday, July 6, Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m.
Deceased members of the Hawkins,
Chapman and Brooks families
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Joseph Matts
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
The sanctuary light will burn this week in
loving memory of John K. Dodson.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Saint Peter, the first disciple chosen by
Jesus, was the leader of the twelve
apostles. Originally named Simon, he
was a native of Bethsaida, near the Sea
of Galilee. The son of Jonah, he was
introduced to Jesus by his brother
Peter was married and
apparently traveled with his wife.
Regarded as an “uneducated common
man” (Acts 4:13), he enjoyed a special
status and role within the company of
Jesus’ disciples. Saint Paul, the most
prominent early Christian missionary,
is known as the “apostle to the
Gentiles.” Born in Tarsus and raised
as a Pharisee, Paul was originally
named Saul. After his conversion
experience on the way to Damascus,
he was baptized and given the name
Paul. He was first introduced to Peter
by Barnabas in Jerusalem.
movements after his three missionary
journeys are uncertain but he ended
up in Rome, was detained, and kept
under house arrest for two years.
Arrested again later, he was executed
in Rome sometime in the 60s and was
buried on the site of the present-day
basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls.
(Excerpted from Lives of the Saints by
Fr. Richard P. McBrien)
June 29, 2014
If someone you know is seriously ill and asks to be included in the prayers for the sick, please call
the parish office. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. At that time if you wish to
have the name put back on the prayer list, please call the parish office.
Our Parish Prayer Requests
For those who are ill, especially:
John David Yamnicky
Tina Wagner
Doris Ann Bradburn
Margaret Faasen
Alaina Powers-Hebert
Tim Lawson
Eva Sermons
Abraham N. Stewart
Jane Duckworth
Angela Vaira Souder
Ursula Marrero
Lloyd Janssen
Kathy Breckenridge
Belinda Windsor
Rose Wilkinson
The Lee Family
Msgr. John Pennington
Maj. John Dyer
Dean Guido
Kathy Carrigan
Emily Peruso
•For LCDR Don Manning, U.S. Navy, serving in Afghanistan
•For Evelyn Johnson and Katherine and Finnegan Blansett
who were baptized on June 15
•For newly ordained parish priests who were ordained on June 21
•For John Frankman, our summer seminarian
•For an increase in vocations, especially in our parish and
•For our parish priests
On this Independence Day, I am reminded of all those who
have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son,
Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual,
for granted. May I always remember that my freedom was purchased
with a very high price. My freedom cost others their very lives.
Just a reminder that Mass on Friday, July 4,
Independence Day, will be at 10:00 a.m.
Going on vacation? Don’t forget Mass!
To find a church anywhere in the world, go to www.masstimes.org. Mass Times is
a nonprofit website that allows traveling Catholics to locate Mass times and
information for Catholic churches around the world.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
June 29, 2014
Farewell Father Zygmunt, Priest, Missionary, & Friend
You for
Years &
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
June 29, 2014
Now it’s on to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary House of Formation in Cape Town!
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
June 29, 2014
Peter's Pence Collection (Collection for the Holy Father)
The Peter’s Pence Collection (Collection for the Holy Father) will be taken up in the
Archdiocese of Washington this weekend. This collection provides the Holy Father with
the funds he needs to carry out charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit
the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join with Pope Francis
as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. Please be generous according to your
means. Please put your envelope in the regular collection basket.
Designated Charity: FOCUS
This week the Designated Charity is Focus, the Fellowship of Catholic
University Students, a national collegiate outreach ministry that meets college
students where they are and invites them to examine the meaning and purpose of
their lives. Katrina Oteyza, one of our parishioners, is serving this ministry at the
University of Mary Washington. They will receive at least 1% of the regular Sunday offering. You may
use the envelopes available at the entrances to Church. Please put your envelope in the regular collection
basket. The Designated Charity next weekend will be the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
St. Peter’s School
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
In July 2013, a St. Peter’s parishioner provided thousands of dollars of robotic equipment to create a
STEM program for St. Peter’s students. A dedicated group of 6 th grade students worked almost all the
way until the beginning of school in September learning about the design of robots. We became part of
the Southern Maryland Region Vex League. The league is part of VEX Robotics which is a nationwide
program to interest students in occupations in science, technology, engineering and math. There were
two teams created in October. The teams competed in six tournaments, won three major trophies and 2
minor trophies. Both teams were invited to the Maryland State Championship. Finally, one of the teams
from St. Peter’s was invited to compete at the World Championship in Anaheim, California. Our STEM
Teams had a commitment at the Washington Convention Center as part of the USA Science &
Engineering Festival on the same weekend so we were not able to go to the World Championship.
In the coming academic year, our STEM program will expand to another VEX Team. In addition, we
will offer new robots called VEX – IQ. St. Peter’s will field 3 VEX Teams and 4 VEX IQ Teams. Classes
will be held during the day and will be graded. Our teams will compete one Saturday during November
and December and two Saturdays in January. The Maryland State Championship will be in February.
The STEM competition program is open to all St. Peter’s rising 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who
achieved Honor Roll for the fourth quarter of this year. Students are required to attend all of the
scheduled competitions
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
June 29, 2014
Catholic Fundamentals: Scripture, Salvation,
and Growth in Holiness
If you haven’t had a chance to attend the first of three lectures given by
John Frankman, our summer seminarian, please take a look at the
remaining lectures. Each lecture will be taught twice for your convenience.
Further, the lectures are not a series, but cover individual topics, so you can
attend whichever talks you find interesting that work with your schedule.
July 13th and 14th: From Sinner to Saved
How does God bring me, a sinner on earth, into His heavenly kingdom?
What is grace and am I saved? What is the relationship between faith and
works? It is not difficult to find sin and evil in this world and a need for
redemption. This class will serve to explain the Catholic process of
salvation. Here we will explore what happened at the fall, what graces Jesus
won at the cross, and what role we have in cooperating with that grace in order to achieve eternal rest in
God’s heavenly Kingdom.
July 20th and 21st Growth in Holiness
How do I pray? Other than going to Church on Sunday what can I do? What is it to follow the universal
call to holiness given in Vatican II? This course will offer practical teachings on prayer and other
practices that bring about growth in holiness, Christlikeness, and a greater friendship with God.
*All Sunday lectures will take place from 11:00AM-12:00pm in Sank auditorium.
**All Monday lectures will take place from 6:30-7:30pm in Sank auditorium.
Support Group at St. Peter's
St. Peter's is a local host site for Al-Anon meetings on Thursdays in
the PE room from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Please call the Office for Christian
Formation at 301-843-9583 if you have any questions.
Great Photos Jim!
If you’re enjoying the photos you see in the bulletin, thank Jim Roddy! Jim is
responsible for almost all of the photos that are used each week. He is never too busy
to record our parish life in action whenever we ask. Thanks, Jim, for sharing your
Parish news and information in our weekly bulletin can also be
found in color on the Parish website at www.stpeterswaldorf.org.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
June 29, 2014
Adiós, Padre Zygmunt - Dios Esté Con Usted!
(Es Verdad en una Misión!)
… ¿Qué es diferente acerca de un
Seminario Redemptoris Mater?
Así que fuimos advertidos!
Cuando el Padre Zygmunt Kurzawinski llegó a St. Peters
en 2011, nos dijo que él fue llamado a ser un misionero.
Después de todo, él se formó en el Camino
Neocatecumenal, al que asistieron el Seminario Redemptoris Mater, en Nueva Jersey, y acababa de regresar de su
trabajo misionero en Fairbanks, Alaska. También había
cumplido dos años de trabajo misionero en Estonia. Así
que algunos consideraron que probablemente no se
quedaría mucho tiempo.
Pero tuvimos la suerte porque el Padre Zygmunt estuvo
en San Pedro durante casi tres años - el tiempo suficiente
para que nosotros lo amaramos. Recordaremos su
dedicación y servicio a la comunidad latina y el Grupo de
Oración Cenáculo. Y nadie olvidará sus brazos estirados
hacia fuera y cálida sonrisa, con cada entusiasta saludo de
"la paz de Cristo esté con ustedes!" en todas sus Misas.
¿Qué es el Camino Neocatecumenal? ...
El Camino Neocatecumenal es una comunidad en la
Iglesia Católica dedicada a la formación cristiana y la fe
madura de adultos. Rastreando su misión desde el Concilio
Vaticano II, que comenzó en Madrid en 1964, se extendió
gradualmente a otras diócesis de España, y a Roma en
1968. Desde entonces se ha extendido a las diócesis de los
países de misión en todo el mundo. En 2008 los Estatutos
del Camino Neocatecumenal recibió la aprobación final del
Vaticano y se implementan en las diócesis bajo la
jurisdicción de los obispos. El Camino es un partidario
activo de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud de enviar a
miles de hombres y mujeres jóvenes para el evento. En una
llamada de la vocación en Sydney, a unos 1.500 hombres
respondieron al llamado para el sacerdocio y 850 mujeres
jóvenes a la vida consagrada. La mayoría de las vocaciones
sacerdotales van a un seminario Redemptoris Mater.
Solemnidad de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apóstoles
Entre los muchos frutos inspiradores del Camino Neocatecumenal
a la Iglesia son los Seminarios
Redemptoris Mater que ayuda en la
convocatoria de una nueva evangelización. No pertenecen al Camino
Neocatecumenal. Son seminarios diocesanos cuyo
seminaristas han discernido su vocación de su experiencia
Neocatecumenal. Se les llama "internacional" y "missionero" porque las vocaciones seminaristas provienen de
todas partes del mundo. Una vez formado y ordenado, y
después de haber trabajado durante un período de años en
su Arquidiócesis, sacerdotes Redemptoris Mater están
dispuestos a viajar a servir a la Iglesia allí donde sea
necesario. Con la apertura de siete nuevos seminarios en
2013, hay 100 Seminarios Redemptoris Mater en todo el
Ahora, de Vuelta al Padre Zygmunt
Uno de esos nuevos seminarios se encuentra en Ciudad de
El Cabo, África del Sur, donde el P. Zygmunt comenzará
sirviendo en julio. Nacido en Varsovia, Polonia, el P.
Zygmunt descubrió el Camino Neocatecumenal en su
parroquia natal. Después de la secundaria y su
discernimiento para ser un sacerdote misionero, fue
enviado al Seminario Redemptoris Mater en Newark,
Nueva Jersey. En la formación que pasó 2 años en
Estonia, y en 2001, se le pidió a transferir a la
Arquidiócesis de Washington, donde fue ordenado
sacerdote en 2003. Es fácil ver que su vida ha sido una
preparación continua para cada nueva experiencia en la
evangelización de Cristo. Así que cuando el Arzobispo de
Ciudad del Cabo preguntó el Cardenal Wuerl ayuda del
Padre Zygmunt a su nuevo seminario, dice: "Con mucho
gusto acepté recibir esta asignación."
Padre Zygmunt estará en la pequeña ciudad de Belhair que
está a unos 40 kilómetros y un paseo de 30 minutos del
centro de Ciudad del Cabo. Vivirá con los seminaristas en
un pequeño edificio residencial. En este momento él no
está seguro de lo que su día será. "Eso es difícil de decir",
responde, "todo se gira alrededor del horario de clases los
seminaristas y otras numerosas actividades de formación."
Pero él está seguro de una cosa: la pregunta de cómo se
siente acerca de estar tan lejos, dice rapidamente "Great!
Estoy convencido de que es el llamado de Dios."
29 de junio 2014