January 24, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
January 24, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 ● FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org ● Web site: sptacc.org Rev. Romy Seleccion, MS, Pastor Rev. Michael Sturn, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph Pilotin, MS, Parochial Vicar Deacon Paul Von Ins, Pastoral Associate Deacon Pat Martinez, Deacon Tony Moralez Tacie Adams, Parish Business Manager Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week Saturday, January 23 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3, 5-7; Mk 3:20-21 St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope; Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 p.m. †Efren Santos, †Amanda Cruickshank, †Pablo Castro, †Cristino Portea 7:00 p.m. Jose Macias, Jesus Regalado, Gonzalo Jurado, †Eloisa Muñoz Sunday, January 24 Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Schools Week 7:30 a.m. Maria Luevano, Howard & Lucy Chrisman, Mark Osea, †Priscila Reyes 9:00 a.m. Shawn Travers, †Enrico Collosi, †Wilfredo & Juliana Ancheta, . †David Valdez 11:00 a.m Philamer Bitanga, †Carmen Macasaet, †Escolastico & Loreto Cruz, †Henry Lopez 1:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish 5:00 p.m. †John Bisaha, †Theresa Urgo, †Chuihei Lee, †Stephanie Wisaksanna 7:00 p.m. Robert Eagan, Ricardo Fajardo, Jr., †Victor Inocencio, †Ireneo Dulalia Monday, January 25 Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle; Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ends 8:00 a.m. Helen Milan, Mark Osea, †Antonio Del Rosario, †Dionisio Sarandi Tuesday, January 26 2 Tm 1:1-18 or 9:1-22; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35 Ss. Timothy and Titus 8:00 a.m. Koji Takemura, Huong Ta, For the People of the Parish, †Jack Gamel † Deceased 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday, January 27 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20 St. Angela Merici 8:00 a.m. Raquel Cavazos, †Barbara McCluskey, †Edita Cambe, †Eliza Siacunco Thursday, January 28 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:21-25 St. Thomas Aquinas 8:00 a.m. Steve Tretreault, Phil Siacunco, Chloe & Stella Cavazos, †Benjamin Marcial Friday, January 29 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34 8:00 a.m. Lloyd Edens, Paulline Siacunco, Marta & Denes Kassai, †Francisco Del Rosario Saturday, January 30 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 p.m. Ner Family, †Ernesto Gonzales, †Efren Santos, †Virgilio Matias 7:00 p.m. Beatriz Garcia, †Veronica Jimenez, †Josefina Lopez, †Antonio Lopez Sunday, January 31 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Anie Maluto, †Robert M. Tait, †Frances Rizzo, †Dr. Carlomagno Crucillo 9:00 a.m. Gerald Santos, Mark Osea, †Franco Grimaldi, †Laura Mendoza 11:00 a.m. Philamer Bitanga, Michael Moore, †Agustina Sulit, †James Bradshaw 1:00 p.m. Infante Family, †Beatriz Galicia, †Rodrigo Sibal, †Crispina Nocon 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish 7:00 p.m. Christina Porretta, Ofelia Cabrera, †Felipe Medina, †Julio Saavedra PLEASE PRAY FOR: Dominique Abcede, Evelyn & Roland Adeva, Fortino Aguilera, Ermelo Alcantara, Tony Alvarado, Thomas Ardizzone, Dora Aragon, Pat Arkfeld, Yolanda Arteaga, Romeo Balinas, Bertha Barajas, Carlos Barron, Lavinia Basilio, Russell and Audrey Basse, Julia Bartsch, Amelia Bautista, Andrea Beltran, Irza Benavides, Yolanda Bueno, Edgar Calvillo, Teresa Cano, Mary Carcich, Ana Carlos, Tessa dela Cerna, Catherine Cherhoniak, Nikole Clesceri, Geovannie Corral, Fr. Peadar Cronin, Ramon Curameng, Gus Davila, Stephen Demeo, Rosa Díaz, Thomas Ebbitt, Virginia Ehlert, Carmen Feinelli, Colleen Field-Weis, Charlie & June Field, Julie Galarize, Noah Galvan, Thomas Galvan, Jr., Vanessa Garcia, Raymund Houle, Ramona Huizar, David Issaac, Tessa Johnson, Gonzalo Jurado, Michel Kashou, Dave King, Kirtchner Family, Gerald Krick, Cuni De Leon, Marlene Lombardo, Alice Lourenco, Nora Lovato, Jose Macias, France Mason, Adai Manzanarez, Mary McKenzie, Ryan McLeod, Linda Medina, Steve Michalaski, Victoria Miranda, Michael Monahan, Octavio Perez, Susie Pinter, Corazon Regala, Yolanda Reyes, Mauricio Reynoso, Raul Robles, Alyssa Salas, Michael Sales, Shirley Siao, Delia Smallwood, Ruth Snelgrove, Gary Throgmorton, Regina Villa, Andrea Van Walleghem, James & Mary Watson, Bob Williams, Jacqueline Williams, Sheila Williams, Fortman Yan and Lourdes Zari. FOR THE DECEASED: Laureano Lastimosa, Marciana Rara and John Villa. January August 2,24, 2015 2016 Page 3 Second Collection THIS WEEKEND there will be a Second Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Please prayerfully consider your donation. 2016 DDF Annual Appeal Campaign By this week, you should have received information about the 2016 DDF Annual Appeal. Once a year, our bishop invites each of us to make a commitment to support the work of our diocesan programs and ministries that enhance our church by helping all of God’s children build deeper and more meaningful relationships with Him. This effort is a means by which we can all work together to care for the church by sharing the gifts God has granted us. Our parish goal is 100% participation. We welcome you to join us in joyfully supporting the DDF Annual Appeal. Please take time this week to reflect and pray about the blessings you are called to share with your Catholic family. PLEASE PRAY FOR: For the pregnant women of our Parish: Sara Amesquita, Annalisa Buyson, Suzette Belca, Raquel Cavazos, April Escomiendo Cruz, Dolores Franco, Gallo, Latricia Hunter, Lori Inarda, Alicia Larios, Lea Liban, Nancy Locurto, Danielle McLeod, Jena Muhr, Julie Martinez, Lycne Paayou, Christine Pajuyo, Sarah Silveira, Jennifer Shenk, Rosette Solidum and Catherine Tran. If you would like prayers, support, meals and a gift after your baby is born, contact Sarah Silveira at 606-2055, Elizabeth Ministry. • VOCATION CROSS PROGRAM - Today, Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. Mass a family, couple or individual will come forward after the closing prayer of the Liturgy to receive the Vocation Cross. Interested families and parishioners contact Primo or Sonia Pacis at 762-3426 to sign up or for more information. “Rediscover Catholicism" by Matthew Kelly Parish Meeting in the Church on Wednesday, January 27th at 7:00 p.m. for anyone who wishes to explore Parish opportunities to grow your Faith through this book study. Refreshments and Fellowship to follow. NOTE: Matthew Kelly March 5th Event Tickets will be on sale after Masses this weekend until they are sold out!! 2015 Tax Letter If you would like to obtain your 2015 Contribution Tax Letter and your donations are less than $250, contact the Parish Office at 465-5503 and leave your name and telephone number. If you donated over $250, there is NO need to contact the Parish Office. Contribution Tax Letters will be generated automatically. Thank you for your support through the year!! 3rd SUNDAY IN ordinary time The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. — Luke 4:18a January 24, 2016 Morning Women’s Fellowship Our 2016 Spring Session meets every Wednesday from 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Maher Hall. To start the “Year of Mercy”, we will first be studying, Mercy, A Bible Study for Catholics, by Mitch Pacwa. The second part of the session we will be studying the next Symbolon Series: Living Your Faith. This Series, accessed on-line, explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform our minds and inspire our hearts. Total cost for both studies is $17.00. Come to grow in your faith, share your life, make friends and pray together! Look forward to seeing you! Questions? Call Beth Beckman at 597-7531. ~Sponsored by Women’s Fellowship Ministry “HOOP CRAZY” BASKETBALL CLINIC AND FREE THROW CONTEST SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Basketball Courts - St. Paul the Apostle Church Parking Lot *Open to boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (as of January 1, 2016). No preregistration required. *Shooting clinic from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. *Free Throw Contest and supervised free play from 10:00 a.m. to noon. *Certificates to all participants. Bracket winners move on to regional competition. *“It’s fun and it’s free!!!” For more information, contact Bill Shannon at (909) 465-1434. ~Sponsored by St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus Council #10234 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. THEY MAKE OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE!! Page 4 Thank you!! St. Paul the Apostle and the Knights of Columbus would like to thank everyone who participated during the Blood Drive last Sunday. ~Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus BEREAVEMENT “SEASONS OF HOPE” Are you grieving the loss of a loved one and it seems as if the pain will never end? Come and experience God's comfort and love with our Grief Share Support Group. We will be meeting January 25th, February 1st and February 22nd in the Damien Center, Rm 4 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. We’ll have information and materials to help you through this difficult time. We are available for private sessions over the telephone or at the Church for those who are most in need. For assistance and information, contact Randa Smith at 393-9848. ~Bereavement Grief Share Ministry GRUPO DE ORACION Únete a nosotros en oración, adoración y alabanza. Ven y siente la presencia y la paz del Señor. Todos los Martes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Annex. Comunícate con Salvador Castellanos al 218-9201 para más información. Todos son bienvenidos! SPANISH PRAYER GROUP Join us in prayer, worship and singing. Come and feel the presence and the peace of the Lord. Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Annex. Contact Salvador Castellanos at 218-9201 for more information. January August 2,24, 2015 2016 Page 5 Please remember St. Paul the Apostle in your Will. The Parish will not forget you. Food Donations for the Month We have depleted all the food that we had in our pantry, so we are now accepting the following items to prepare for our Easter Baskets in March: Salt & pepper, mayonnaise, Stove Top Stuffing, packaged spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and jelly. canned meals like Progresso, Chef Boyardee or any type of cans food that has a full meal in a can. We are also collecting canned beans, corn, green beans and tuna. Please drop off your donations in the designated bins located in the Church. If you are aware of a family experiencing hardship, have them contact David & Maria Nuñez at 714-746-5137. Thank You and God Bless!!! ~ St. Paul the Apostle Food Ministry Rosary Workshop for Confirmation Teens We are inviting all Confirmation Teens and their parent(s) to join us for a Rosary Workshop on Sunday, February 21st from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Maher Hall. We will be making pony bead rosaries that will be given as a gift to all our First Communion Students. We will also be learning a little more about Mary and the power of the Rosary. This workshop counts for 3 Parish Hours. Any Confirmation Teen that wishes to attend must sign up in the Catechetical Office as soon as possible. Questions? Call Arlene Zonni at 626-926-4261 (call or text) or az4hope@yahoo.com ~Knot Just a Prayer Rosary Making Ministry ITEM OF THE MONTH The Item-of-the-Month for January is Winter Coats, Jackets, Blankets and Bedding. We have families in the community who would be happy to have them. Please make sure they are not torn and are in good condition. As always, if you have any other items you would like to donate; we will take them as well. Please leave your donated items in our designated donation bins located in Maher Hall. Thank you for your donations and continued support! ~St. Paul the Apostle Clothing Ministry Marriage Enrichment Weekend Treat your spouse to a special weekend here at St. Paul the Apostle on February 26th, 27th and 28th. Take a time out from your busy schedule to recharge that spark that you felt on your wedding day. The Marriage Enrichment Weekend Program begins on Friday, February 26th at 6:30 p.m. with a dinner. The weekend ends on Sunday, February 28th with a family Mass, which includes a blessing for your marriage. Couples will return home each evening. All meals and snacks from Friday evening through Sunday’s lunch will be provided. Registration fee for this amazing weekend is $35 per couple. For more information, refer to our website www.sptame.org or call James and Rachel Shogren at 909-643-5506. Space is limited! ~Sponsored by Marriage Enrichment January August 2,24, 2015 2016 Rebecca Alisca Clarice Alba Andre Aldrete Trevor Androus Keith Anson Joseph T. Arvizu Anthony Ayala Emmanuel Barrientos Christopher Bailey Danielle Bailey Kristopher C. Beck Daniel Beckman Derek Benavides Ryan A. Bonfadini Guillermo L. Bonilla, III Eric Bonnin Jesse Briggs Matthew S. Briggs Richard Caballero Joseph Calderon Elaine K. Chacon Nicholas J. Chacon Bradley C. Chase Joseph Cendejas Kimberly Corpus Dakota David Cesar A. Delgadillo Tom Delperdang Dennis Doan Brendan Dougherty Page 6 Damian Duarte Nicole Duron Dylan J. Dunkelman J. Cory Dyer Cameron Enriquez Riggie Escomiendo Troy Escominendo Eric Fonseca Melissa Frontino Galvin S. Fueconcillo Jonathan Gallego Darlito Gacuya Marvin E. Garcia Christopher Goble Noel Gravina Ciara Guerrero Nicholas Guerrero Jose Anthony Gutierrez Stephen Huipp Andres Hernandez Richard Hernandez Cory Hess Bobby Hunter Renee Hutchison Trever Hutchison Robert Izquierdo Valentino Izquierdo Stephan Jayawardana Curtis Johnson Christina Kivler Jason Krumrie Christian Lalama Christian Lara Christian Liar Chris Lohan Benjamin LoSchiavo Steven Mafla Chaz Patrick Mancino Steven T. Martinez Jesse McAlister Bryan McKinney Sean McKenzie Daniel Monahan Rafael Mora Rachel Morales Bob Mose J. Spencer Northington Sara L. Northington Robert Oliver Marco Orozco Juan Ortiz Jackson Ottaway Kirk Pagenkopp Rafael Palisoc Michael Renolayan Nicholas Resendez John Brady Rice Nicole Rice Barbie Rincon-Gallardo Eric Rincon-Gallardo Timothy Robles Mathew Rodgers Abrahom Romero Daniel E. Ruiz Stanley Santos Steven Segura Kenny Serafinko Noe Soltero Alejando SotAelo Joshua Stringer Joshua Tafoya Abel Teferi Randy Thornton Jayson Tongco James A. Trotter Eric Vega Alexis Vergara Jordan Victoria Gilbert Villalobos John Paul Yuasensi Paul Walski Mary Victoria Wells Daniel Yoder Brandon Young Daniel Zamora Cristina Zamora Eric Zavala Joshua Zavala Our Lady, Queen of Peace, intercede for us Almighty and eternal God, protect these troops as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home safely. Amen. If your family member has returned home, please contact the Parish Office and have his/her name removed from the Praying Military List. RCIA IS OPEN “YEAR ROUND” The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) process is designed for adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation that include Baptism, Season. We meet Sunday mornings from 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. RCIA is a “ year round” process meaning that you can enter RCIA anytime during the year. All candidates must experience a full liturgical year, therefore, it’s good to enter the journey as soon as possible. For more information, contact Jerry Watson at 951-264-9790 or e-mail dynojerry@yahoo.com RCIA begins as soon as you show up! January 24, 2016 Page 7 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Faith Community, Baptized into Jesus Christ, formed by Word and Sacrament, and Empowered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Seek to be a visible sign of God’s love. We seek to build the Kingdom of God by: Using our unique gifts to minister to one another, Welcoming all and caring for those in need, Teaching our faith to others, and Uniting in worship as a family with the Body of Christ. April 15, 2016 They’ve moved Tax Day, so come on out to the Knights of Columbus - Charity Golf Tournament & Casino Night!!! 18 holes of Golf, includes Golf Cart Driving Range, Dinner, Casino Night $200 in Chips Awards, Raffle Prizes Goodie Bags, Putting and Hole-In-One Contest and Much, Much More... Tournament Entry Fee: $95 Casino Night Only: $35 (Includes Dinner, Raffle & $200 in Chips) Proceeds will go to support our active Military through the USO, our injured and disable Veterans through the Wounded Warrior Project, St. Paul’s World Youth Day Pilgrims and other worthy Charities. For more information on this event, contact: Fred Sunio - (909) 731-9528 Jim Dunkelman - (909) 489-8656 AUDIO VISUAL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! St. Paul’s AV Ministry is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help out once or twice a month running the Power Point slide shows during Mass. If you are coming to Mass and want to help out, join our awesome AV Team! Must be at least 16 years old. No experience necessary, we will train you if you are willing to learn. If interested, call AV Director, Michael Palacios at 614-6330 or e-mail, mpalacios@sptacc.org Articles for the Bulletin may be brought to the Parish Office or e-mailed to: info@sptacc.org by THURSDAY Attention: Bulletin Editor Knight’s Corner Knights of Columbus Chino Valley Council #10234 CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Become part of a world-class organization founded on the principles of Charity, Unity Fraternity and Patriotism. Joining the Knights of Columbus Will enrich your life, as well as the lives of your family, your parish and your community. For more information on joining the Knights of Columbus, contact: Jim Dunkelman (909) 489-8656 Mail@JDRealEstateTeam.com Casino Bus Trip The Knights of Columbus once again are sponsoring a Casino Bus Trip to Harrah’s Rincon Casino. The cost is $15 per person (adults only please). It will include a Continental Breakfast, refreshments and bingo on board. The date is Saturday, March 12th. Bus will leave from St. Paul at 8:00 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m. For more information, contact Manuel Padilla at 331-2656 or Jim Dunkelman at 489-8656. Catechetical Ministry Jan 25-30 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 12-14 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 16 Page 8 Protecting God’s Children Lessons 9 & 10 in classrooms Eucharist CATECHIST meeting 7:30 pm in Church Talent Show 6:30 pm in Maher Hall Reconciliation Ceremonies at 8:30 am and 11 am in Church Spanish First Communion Parent Meeting 6 pm in Church Spanish Adult Faith Formation 7 pm in Church 1st Communion Parent Meeting 7 pm in Church ASH WEDNESDAY—LENTEN JOURNEY BEGINS! Adult Faith Formation 7 pm in Church Reconciliation Ceremony for TEENS 7 pm in Church Con 1 Retreat Check-in 7:30 pm at Ministry Center First Communion Parent Meeting 9 am in Maher Hall President’s Day—no classes-Office Closed Makeup Session for Protecting God’s Children—all levels 6pm Feb 17 UNITY NIGHT!! ALL CON 1 & 2 STUDENTS 7pm in Maher Hall—doors at 6:30pm—no late Calendars! admittance Reconciliation Ceremony Datesopen Reminder: Mark Your Dear Parents: Don’t forget that your “parent project” needs to be turned in to the catechist ONE WEEK before the ceremony! To change your child’s ceremony date, please contact the office on Ext 6370. Saturday, February 6th at 8:30 am Villanueva/Kramer Isabel Muniz-Olivero Victoria Lat Maria Rubio Moreno/Holling Adrian Velasco Rebeca Del Real Saturday, February 6th at 11:00 am Loretta Castaneda Jessica Rivera Teresita Capilla Lardieri/Chiotti Natalie Avila Friday, February 19th at 7:00 pm In the Chapel-Bilingual Spanish Leticia & Kate Katsuhiro Saturday, February 20th at 8:30 am Yolanda Martinez Emily Baldizon Efleda Nisperos Flory Contreras Ruben Sanchez Teresa Hussain Monica Gonzalez Friday, February 12th at 7:00 pm Gerry Castaneda Joe Rubert Saturday, February 20th at 11:00 am Claudia Fernandes (4 pm Class) Claudia Fernandes (6 pm Class) Dress Attire Claudia Lopez As with all liturgical celebrations dress in proper Donna Negrete clothing for Church. No jeans, no shorts, flip John & Lilly Carrillo flops, nothing strapless. No baseball caps, Monica Ramirez sports uniforms, tank tops, etc. Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Sat. 8:30 am - 12:30 pm www.twitter.com/StPaulCatechism Director of Catechetical Ministry: Jeanie Kiefer E-Mail Address: religioused@sptacc.org Phone: 909-465-5503 X 6370 FAX: 909-465-1593 YOUh Ministry @ The Pope John Paul II Youth Center Page 9 -The Jubilee Year of MercyLet us thank God who is merciful and ever at our side -Pope Francis Misericordiae Vultus VI YOUTH NIGHT correction Youth Night will be today, Sunday, January 24th After the 5:00 p.m. Youth Mass Food X Message X worship Edge Ministry Thanks to all who came to our first EDGE Night! Had fun? Well, we have another one in the works just for you! Friday, January 29th 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Open to all 7th and 8th graders Saint John Paul II Youth Center Monday-Thursday 12:00-9:00 Friday 12:00-7:00 Steven Tetreault, Coordinator Ambar Mejia Elmer Itchon Carlo Singh Edward Greenwald x6345 x6341 x6342 x6340 x6340 LA YOUTH DAY 2016! Come join YM and a day off of school as we go to Anaheim for a day of fun, fellowship and prayer with thousands of Catholic teens from around the USA! Thursday, February 25th 6:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. See a Youth Minister for more information! “Dare to Ask” Middle School Youth Day Calling all 7th and 8th Graders! Ready to have some fun and grow closer to Christ all together? Then join EDGE Ministry at Knott’s Berry Farm! Saturday, February 6th. 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Drivers are needed! See Elmer or Eddy for more information! Follow us to see our upcoming events! Facebook.com/St.PaulYouthCenter @spyouthministry @spYOUthministry Young Adults Ministry: ConnectYA.org Connecting you to what matters most Page 10 YA General Meetings Join us this Tuesday, January 26th for our General Meeting! We go through everything from new ways of praying to incorporating our faith into our daily lives! We meet in the Rear of the Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a friend and see YA there! Bible Study Come by the YAM Office (The Dungeon located in the Rear of Maher Hall) tomorrow, Monday, January 25th to expand your knowledge of the written word, as well as to learn what the Holy Spirit is trying to teach you! See YA at 7:30 p.m.! Want to get updates sent to you each week about all the Young Adult events happening around the area? Email us at sptaccyam@gmail.com and ask to be subscribed to our Weekly YA Emails! Young Adults Ministry is for Catholics from ages 18-39. Whatever you may be going through and wherever you may be in life, you are welcome! Check out Your YA Ministry! Join us and see how you can be fed! If you’re not already on our email list, Contact us to be added for updates on upcoming events! (909) 465-5503 ext. 6350 sptaccyam@gmail.com facebook.com/yadungeon @stpaulyoungadults Connectya.org January August 2,24, 2015 2016 Healing Broken Hearts-One Weekend at a Time Pope Francis has designated this year as the Holy Year of Mercy and to, “Be merciful as your Father is merciful,” as Jesus told his disciples in Luke 6:36. This year 2016 is an opportunity for spiritual conversion, recognizing how much God loves and cares for us. It is also a time to be merciful towards ourselves, reorienting our hearts to God so that we can be our best selves as we move forward in life. If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion, consider attending our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat February 5th through February 7th These retreats are therapy of the soul, with Christ as our loving physician. It is an opportunity for women and men to experience the graces of this merciful, holy year and renew and rebuild hearts broken by abortion and life’s circumstances. Participation is strictly confidential. For more information, contact Mary Huber at 909-475-5353 or MHuber@sbdiocese.org or visit the Website Rachelsvineyard.org CARITAS COUNSELING Of CATHOLIC CHARITIES Caritas Counseling provides a range of immediate and preventive services that strengthen individuals and families. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Individual Counseling Anger Management Programs Family/Couple Counseling Group Counseling Parent Education Programs Drinking/Drug Awareness Course For more information about services or to make an appointment for counseling, call 388-1239. Page 11 St. Paul the Apostle Pilgrimages • Italy, france, spain & portugal Pilgrimage with Fr. Pat O’Hagan from May 9 - May 22, 2016. • poland, Czech republic, Austria swtzerland & italy Pilgrimage from June 22 - July 7, 2016. • Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - Pilgrimage from September 14 - September 26, 2016. • Holy Land and Italy - Pilgrimage from November 5 - November 17, 2016. • Guadalajara, Mexico & Acapulco - Pilgrimage from December 7 - December 15, 2016. For more information, contact Faye Wong at 720-1167or e-mail faye.arbgift@yahoo.com. Pilgrimage flyers available at the foyer of the Church. LA VIDA DEL CUERPO DE CRISTO Algunas de las imágenes más conocidas y queridas de san Pablo se encuentran en los pasajes de la primera carta a los corintios que hemos escuchado la semana pasada y hoy: los muchos dones de un mismo Espíritu y los muchos miembros que componen el Cuerpo de Cristo. Pocos pasajes de la Sagrada Escritura resumen con mayor claridad cómo las vocaciones cristianas trabajan en colaboración. A diferencia de otros escritos de san Pablo, producto de las convenciones sociales y religiosas de su época, estos nos permiten mirar nuestra propia vida y la vida de los que están a nuestro alrededor para discernir los dones, la vocación que el Espíritu Santo nos ha dado para el bien de todos. Así también podemos conocer las alegrías y las penas de los otros miembros del Cuerpo y compartirlos para así fortalecer todo el Cuerpo de Cristo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Around the Community Page 12 Ash Wednesday retreat St. Margaret Mary School will be holding a registration meeting for Kindergarten on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. School is located at 12664 Central Avenue in Chino. Documents needed at the time of the meeting will be: 1. Letter of recommendation from the Pastor of your parish. 2. Baptism Certificate-copy 3. Birth Certificate (county copy) CHILD MUST BE 5YRS OLD BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 4. Immunization Record (all 3 Hepatitis B shots must be received and VaricellaChickenpox) copy 5. Recent Photo 6. $25.00 Non-Refundable Testing Fee If there are any questions, please contact the School Office at (909) 591-8419. Women’s Silent Retreat All women of our parish are invited to a Women’s Silent Weekend Retreat the weekend of February 19 through February 21, 2016 at El Carmelo Retreat House in Redlands. For further details, contact Anne Fine at 597-3036. PARDON QUICKLY If you have anything to pardon, pardon quickly. Slow forgiveness is little better than no forgiveness. —Sir Arthur Pinero LIFELINES Post-Abortion Healing & Reconciliation, call Rachel Hope & Healing at 1-888-467-3790 or 1-909-520-3867 (Spanish) Adoption needs, call Family Services: 1-800-464-2367. Natural Family Planning, call 909-475-5351 CATHOLIC CHARITIES Rancho Cucamonga: 481-7196, 9375 Archibald Ave., #302 St. Lucy's Benedictine Guild invites all women of the community to spend a spiritually rewarding day at our Annual Ash Wednesday Retreat on February 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at St. Lucy's Priory, 19045 E. Sierra Madre Ave, Glendora, CA 91741. No reservations are needed. Bring a sack lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. A donation is requested to assist with the expenses of the day. For additional information, contact Ellen Carlson at 624-2058. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION As Roman Catholics, our marriage practices have their pedigree in ancient Rome. One of the major players in shaping our practices was the warfare involved in building an empire. Soldiers vanished and sometimes never returned. Women began to manage their lives and to make decisions. The old family values were replaced by patriotic ones, and religion was more attuned to the gore and glory of battle, a religion of the state, not of the family. Weddings were still family celebrations, but had a public face. The bride wore a white toga and a red veil and walked to her new home. There, she and her husband joined their right hands and gave consent to each other, not relying on her father to give consent for her. Religion was optional: a pagan priest might be invited or not, and even without the ceremony, society agreed by common law that a year of living together equaled marriage consent. By the same token, marriage by consent also meant divorce was on the same legal footing, and did not require the courts or civil declarations. This is the world-view the first Christians inherited, and it was up to them to determine what was good and to hold marriage up to the light of the gospel. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. 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I May Be Able To Alleviate Your Health Issues! For a FREE Personal Consultation Call Dr. Evelyn Catuira for an appointment Chino Tire & Muffler Wheel Alignment - Tires Loma Linda University Graduate (909) 396-5111 Find Us On Yelp, Facebook, Brighter.com (91765 Zip Code) Disc Brake Specialists Foreign & Domestic 13552 Central #C, Chino —628-7115— 966 N. Diamond Bar Blvd., Diamond Bar Is this film suitable for my children? Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: Check It Out Today! The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes WHY IS IT http://www.usccb.org/movies/ This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! ✔Ambulance 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Police ng Solutions FREE Shippi ion ✔Fire ✔Friends/Family FREE Activatrm Contracts as Low as Te NO Long $1a Day! 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Mountain Ave., Ste. 108 • Upland, CA 91786 ADVERTISING FINANCIAL SERVICES LIFE INSURANCE From Primerica Life Insurance Company LOCKSMITH SERVICE Locks Rekeyed/Installed • Lock Outs Bonded • Parishioner Serving Chino Hills Since 2006 909-662-2156 LONG TERM CARE FREE PERSONAL CONSULTATION & FINANCIAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Securities Offered Through PFS Investments, Inc. 1 Primerica Parkway Duluth, GA 30199-0001 He who has a thing to sell and INVESTMENTS goes and whispers in a well, is (770) 381-1000 Lic. # OJ20963 not so apt to get the dollars as CHRIS BARTON (909) 641-7161 CBarton@Primerica.com he who climbs a tree and hollers. 255 E. Rincon St., Ste. 110, Corona, CA 92879-1367 chinohillslock.com The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-231-0805 Vinjon’s Kennel EST. 1971 “For those who care” 909-627-2212 www.vinjonskennel.com Boarding - Grooming - Training 3890 Walnut Ave. Chino - Chino Hills, CA 91710 TITA de GUZMAN Insurance Agent Go Green Home Remodeling Auto, Home, Life, Business www.ddcontractors.com (909) 348-0444 D & D You dream it, we build it! Specializing in, Contractors Inc. David Gonzalez Parishioner 909-933-3745 1200 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. # 212 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 • Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades • Home Maintenance 513934 St Paul the Apostle Church (A) State License B# 966076 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 St. Church St.Paul Paulthe the Apostle Apostle Catholic Catholic Church Pastor Parochial Vicar: Pastoral Associate Business Manager Audio Visual Catechetical Min. Dir Music Coordinator Preschool Director Liturgy & Youth Coor Young Adult Ministry Fr. Romy Seleccion, MS Fr. Michael Sturn Fr. Joseph Pilotin, MS Deacon Paul Von Ins Deacon Pat Martinez Deacon Tony Moralez Tacie Adams (ext. 6305) Michael Palacios (ext. 6330) Jeanie Kiefer (ext. 6376) Samantha Ibay (ext. 6335 Chrissy Stutzman (ext. 6365) Steven Tetreault (ext. 6345) Carlo Singh (ext. 6340) Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed Weekend Masses: • • Saturday: 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. (Youth Mass) & 7:00 p.m. Weekday Masses: • Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Day Masses: Check the bulletin for the schedule. MINISTRY Community Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Edzel Fuertez David Ballard 909-519-4958 714-334-0365 Filipino Catholics Finance Council Girl Scouts Grupo Hispano Harvest Festival Marriage Enrichment Pastoral Council Vincent Enverga Sandy Gage Raquel Tellez Nery Parada Paul & Joanna Diaz Alain & Nerissa Valdellon Gloria Livingston 909-527-5734 909-597-2488 562-239-7171 909-973-5736 909-591-2411 714-887-6924 909-465-5928 Special Needs Families Faith Formation Evangelization Men's Fellowship RCIA Sacred Hearts Secular Branch Small Faith Communities Social Justice Women's Fellowship AM Women's Fellowship PM Kareem & Amy Zoque 909-597-1507 Tom & Beth Beckman Tim Robles Jerry Watson Niela Chavez Faye Wong Chris & Phyllis Floersch Beth Beckman Karla Ybarra 909-597-7531 909-606-9348 951-264-9790 951-258-4475 909-720-1167 424-337-2299 909-597-7531 714-403-0835 Linda Kramer Teresa Fahrenhorst Salvador Castellanos Nini Pangindian Dolly Dalusong Primo & Sonia Pacis 909-627-8287 714-996-9067 909-218-9201 909-957-7331 909-539-8111 909-627-0897 Randa Smith Angela DePass Albers Randy Candelaria Pat & Kathleen Hamamoto Sarah Silveira Shawn Travers Arlene Zonni John & Tessie Duffy Pablo Alvarez Arlene Zonni David & Maria Nunez Esther Guerrero 909-393-9848 714-996-5044 310-691-9853 909-217-4051 909-606-2055 909-993-3736 626-926-4261 909-993-7324 909-606-1317 626-926-4261 714-746-5137 909-292-8831 Ramiro & Carol Caro Parish Office Raoul & Melinda Raymundo Jose & Mary Lopez Elmer Itchon Dennis Balich Brenda Dunkelman Jason Brayshaw Bill & Anne Youngberg 909-606-5811 909-465-5503 909-590-7339 909-591-6811 Ext 6342 909-591-1542 909-437-0284 Ext 6340 626-422-0417 Prayer Divine Mercy Eucharistic Holy Hour Grupo de Oración Legion of Mary Rosary Group Vocations Committee Christian Service Bereavement First Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Bereavement Grief Share All other Fridays: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cancer Support Coffee and Donuts Reconciliation: Elizabeth Ministry Saturday: 3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. (In the Church) Tuesday & Thursday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass Knights of Columbus OR by appointment with a priest. Knot Just a Prayer Ministry to the Sick Baptisms: Restorative Justice Baptism are held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the St. Paul's Clothing Ministry month. Parents and Godparents must attend a St. Paul's Food Ministry Pre-Baptism Class. Parents please stop by the Parish Office to register. Your child’s County Birth Certificate Warm up St. Paul Liturgical is required at the time of registration. Altar Servers Marriages: Baptism Six months advance notice. Contact Julie Espinosa Environment to make arrangements. Eucharistic Ministry Hospitality - Youth Sick Calls: Hospitality (Ushers/Greeters) Call the Parish Office to schedule. Lectors Funerals: Lectors - Youth Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Sacristans Eucharistic Adoration: CONTACT PHONE
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