Merry Christmas - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Merry Christmas - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Merry Christmas
December 25, 2014
May the peace of Christmas be with you!
With great joy the clergy and staff of Sacred Heart welcome you to this celebration of the Lord’s Nativity. We
are pleased that you are here to worship at Sacred Heart Catholic Church and to join in giving thanks and
praise to God for the tremendous gift of his own divine Son.
Christmas is a gift to us from God. We are the recipients of this tremendous gift. We must be not only recipients,
but we also must give that gift of Christmas to others, in our love, compassion, care, and concern for our brothers
and sisters in the human family. We also accomplish this by our growing in greater intimacy with the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. This occurs in our ever deepening prayer life, study of the scriptures, the teachings of the
church, and sharing in the life and public worship of our church family.
Sacred Heart Church is thankful for your presence this Christmas season, and invites your continued presence
each week for the Sunday liturgy. The winter schedule is 4:00 on Saturday afternoon and 9:00 Sunday morning.
Please review other articles in this special Christmas bulletin and consider how you might join your brothers and
sisters in the Lord here at Sacred Heart in praising God and growing in his grace.
May God richly bless your new year.
Very Rev. William E. Reynolds
Sacred Heart Church
Page 2
The Clergy of
Sacred Heart
Rev. William E. Reynolds
has served as pastor of
Sacred heart Church since
July 1, 2008. This is the
third Sacred Heart Church
he has shepherded, having
served at Sacred Heart Church in Lost Nation and
at Sacred Heart Church in Oxford Junction. Deacon Daniel Goetz joined the parish staff in October of 2008. He was ordained a deacon for the
Diocese of Rockford in 2001.
Deacon Dan follows in a
wonderful tradition; his late
father was also a permanent
deacon of the Catholic
Church. Deacon Dan resides
in Newton with his wife
Lydia. He is the publisher of
the Newton Daily News.
Both Father Reynolds and
Deacon Dan are available to
assist you with marriage
preparation and wedding liturgies, annulment procedures, counseling, spiritual direction, or other
matters of a religious nature.
Deacon Dan Goetz and the parish
staff join me in wishing you a most
blessed and Merry Christmas, with
the additional hope that the joy of this
day and season will permeate every
moment of 2015.
— Fr. William Reynolds
2015 Calendars
Everyone is welcome to take a 2015
Catholic Liturgical calendars. They are
available in the Gathering Space. Special thanks to our sponsors for providing them for us: Clemon-Maki Insurance, Edward
Jones, The Floor Store, and Maxim Advertising.
December 25, 2014
Solemnity of Mary
On Thursday, January 1, the
Church honors the Blessed
Mother under the title of Mary,
Mother of God. It is fitting of
the church to so honor the
Blessed Virgin Mary, and fitting
for us to gather as a community of faith to thank God
for the gift of the Virgin Mary. This is also a great way
to begin the new year of grace and hope, by attending
holy Mass in honor of Mary, the Mother of God. Holy
Day Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 PM on Wednesday
evening, December 31st at Immaculate Conception
Church in Colfax and at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning,
January 1st at Sacred Heart in Newton.
Need Help?
People who need assistance for shoveling their walk, or
mowing of grass, or for doing odd jobs around the
house, the Knights of Columbus would like to help.
Please contact the parish office at 641-792-2050. The
parish will handle all requests with privacy.
Are You Ill or Homebound?
Anyone who is ill or homebound please let
me know so I can schedule a visit. Contact
Lori Ward at 792-4242.
On the weekend of March 7-8, 2015, we will welcome
Fr. Gene Robertson, a priest of the Archdiocese of St.
Louis, who will be speak at all the Masses, and then will
lead us in a Parish Mission: “Walking in the Footsteps
of Jesus”, Sunday thru Thursday, March 8 – 12, 2015 at
7 p.m. in the Church. Please mark your calendars now
and plan to make every effort to attend. A Parish Mission is a preaching event, using the Bible, the teachings
of the Church, and the life, learning, and personal experiences of the preacher. Spend an hour of your time to
answer the call of Jesus: ‘Come to a quiet place and rest
a while’ (Mark 6:31). All are welcome! Bring family and
friends. You won’t be disappointed.
Sacred Heart on FaceBook
We are doing more and more with our presence on
FaceBook, and invite all parishioners to find us and like
us at: “Sacredheart Church.”
December 25, 2014
Thanks to Tom
Netzel and the
dedicated choir
members and cantors who serve us
so well in the celebration of the
Eucharist. Sacred Heart
Church appreciates the hours
of practice and service they
offer the parish community.
The parish is additionally grateful for the special music and
musicians of these seasons of
Advent and Christmas. Music
is the universal language, and it
is so nice when we can speak it
December 24
4:00 PM, 6:30 PM
December 25
9:00 AM
Entrance Chant:
O Come All Ye Faithful
Preparation of Gifts:
Away in a Manager
Communion Chants:
Child of the Poor
What Child is This
Hymn of Praise:
Silent Night
Sending Forth:
Joy to the World
Page 3
Do you know someone who has left the Church?
Most of us do not have to look very far to find non-practicing Catholics
in our circle of family and friends. Many of us are concerned about
these loved ones, but we don’t know how to help them. Obviously,
most of them are searching, but how can we help them find their way
As baptized, practicing Catholics, we have a precious gift of faith and
love from the Lord that needs to be shared with our non-practicing
brothers and sisters. First we need to pray for them. Next, we need to
extend a personal invitation to them to come home to the Catholic
Church. Most non-practicing Catholics are waiting for an invitation to
return. Many think they are excommunicated and are not welcome for a
variety of reasons.
Many non-practicing Catholics carry with them a tremendous amount
of guilt and misinformation about the Church and are afraid of approaching the Church for fear of being rejected. You can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life by simply reaching out to them
and telling them that we miss them and would like them to come back
home to our Church family.
“Catholics Returning Home” is a program to help non-practicing
Catholics return to the Church. We will begin a new session on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:00pm in the McCann Center. Please pass this
information to anyone who might be interested. For more information,
contact Deacon Dan Goetz at 641-521-9929,
Infant Baptism Preparation
The first step for parents wishing to have an
infant child baptized at Sacred Heart is to
attend a Baptism prep session. At the session parents discuss the responsibility involved in having a child baptized and share
ideas on living out their commitment to raise
their children in the Catholic faith. The
Next Baptism Preparation Session will be on Sunday, January 25th at 5
p.m. in the Gathering Space of the Church. For more information, or
to register, please contact Joe Fey, our Director of Lifelong Faith Formation in the Faith Formation office.
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Check Out
Sacred Heart’s
Features :
 Bulletin available as a pdf download
 Calendar of Events
 Ministry Schedule
 Mass Schedule for the week
 Latest News
 Upcoming Music available
 Photo Gallery
 Daily Readings & Inspirations
 Blogs for all Commissions
 Links to other Catholic sites
Please visit the site and bookmark it or
include it among your favorites.
December 25, 2014
Poinsettias in
Loving Memory of . . .
Scan this with your smart phone
to see the new website!
(You will need to use or download
a bar code scanner app.)
Ave Maria Book Club
Ave Maria Book Club meets from September to May on the first Thursday of each
month at 7:00 PM in McCann Center. Books
and/ or DVDs are selected in May for the
following year. Each participant reads or
views the selection with one person leading
the discussion. Books can be purchased at
Tom Erwin from Irene Erwin
Ed Wegner from Liz Wegner
Leon Welp from Gloria Welp
Mary Babinat from her family
Bonnie Baker from Dean Baker
Joanne Kielly from Gearold Kielly
Dick Haning from Helen Schmelzer
Jason Green from Bill & Jean Green
Clarence Yoch from Cheryl O’Roake
Scott Strike from Burt & Marlis Strike
Scott Strike from Joni & Reagan Strike
Leonard Marnell from Leonard Marnell
Mary Wadzinski from Robert Wadzinski
Don & Margaret Humke from their family
Tammi Herdiun from Jan DePenning
Susanne Phipps Johnson from Jan DePenning
Agnes Cravor & Annabell Burg from Barb Burg
James & Adeline Haycock from Marsha Haycock
Conrad Horstman from Mary Horstman & family
Dorothy Castonguay from Tom & Joanna Wagner
Dorothy Castonguay & Bryan Laffoon from Jeryl Laffoon
Kenny Crook, Bernard Crook, Dave Crook, and Ben Crook
from Myrna Crook Hill
Michael Jerome Beary & Kelley Anne Beary from Betty Beary
George & Beatrice Allen, William & Betty Storey, and Estella
& Steve Birkenholtz from Mark & Emily Allen
Frank LaRosa, Marian & Earl Daly, and Marian & Angelo
LaRosa from Mary LaRosa
Joe & Velva Becker and Brian Becker from Susan Becker
Tom & Sue Pelzer from Larry & Abbe Pelzer
Francis & Fern McDermott from Bill & Sheila Clair
Francis & Fern McDermott from Joan & Scott Power Family
Marilou McGinn from Paul McGinn & Jeanne Birkenholz
Gene Flattery from Mary Flattery & Marcia Graber
Harry Peterson from Joanna Peterson
Ralph Cathlina & Vicki Cathlina from Ella Mae Cathlina
Phyllis McClenathan and Joe & Millie Pavlicek from Veronica
Russell Green from Marilyn Lamb & Dorothy Green
Larry Lamb from Jim Anderson & Jon Lamb
Jim & Betty Clarke from Jeff, Eileen, Re3agan & Riley Maple
Edward O’Neill Family, Chester Stratton Family, & Amie
Metzger from Keith & Cecelia Stratton
Lincoln Hammerly from Ike & Liz Hammerly
Ed & Rowena Pierce Family from Galen & Kathy Hammerly
James Kelly & Family from Galen & Kathy Hammerly
Robert V. Anderson from John Anderson
Orval & Frieda Teed and Kenneth McKinney from Tom &
Mary McKinney
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It’s Time for a
New Directory
We are excited for our
new picture directory and are hopeful that everyone will be part of this endeavor. Church Life
Commission members will be available after
Masses to assist anyone with the sign up.
December 25, 2014
St. Monica’s Book Club
St. Monica’s Book Club meets every second and fourth
Thursday at 1:00 p.m. at Kay Fisher’s, 1102 S.12th Ave
W. 641-792-2863. The participants select Catholic books
on various topics. They read and discuss about 2 chapters each time. Watch the bulletin for the name of the
book selection.
Dates for Photography
Friday – Saturday, January 2 & 3
Tuesday – Saturday, January 20 – 24
Tuesday – Saturday, January 27 – 31
Saturday Evening Mass Schedule
For the months of December, January, & February:
Saturday evening Mass at 4:00 PM
Confessions from 3:00—3:30 PM
Times for Photography
10 AM to 4 PM
Tuesday – Friday 2 PM to 9 PM
For the months of March through November
Saturday evening Mass at 5:30 PM
Confessions from 4:30—5:00 PM
Member Sign-up Site
Photography for Our Snowbirds
If you will be enjoying the winter where it is
much warmer, Lifetouch has photography appointments available and you will be able to
choose a place closest to you. Please call (800)
521-4611 to schedule your appointment. Be sure
to provide our account number so your photo
will be placed in our new picture directory.
190989 (Your Church Account Number)
Community Meals
The Newton area churches host a Community
Meal every Wednesday evening from 5:30—
6:30 PM at the First United Methodist
Church. The menu and the church sponsoring the meal
is posted in the bulletin each week. There will not be a
Community Meal Wednesday, Christmas Eve, December
24th, or Wednesday, New Year’s Eve, December 31st.
Meals will resume on Wednesday, January 7th.
Bring your sweetheart to Mardi Gras!
February 14th
This year new ‘Mix and Mingle Hors d’oeuvre Hour’
Entertainment to be announced soon!
Check bulletin for further details.
Proceeds to benefit the VBS and the Youth Group.
As the end of the year approaches, if you are behind
in your church support, this
is the time to catch-up in
your financial contributions.
Donations must be received
in the parish no later than
the end of the day on December 31 in order to be
eligible for the year 2014
charitable donation for income tax purposes. The parish is grateful for your support!
December 25,2014
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy of the word is held on Sunday during Mass. The
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a way for children to participate
in the liturgy that is more appropriate to their level of understanding. All children preschool through 2nd grade are welcome. The
children listen to the Liturgy of the Word and return to the assembly after the homily.
Food Pantry Sunday
Are you ready to fight hunger right here in our
community? The first Sunday of each month has
been designated as Food Pantry Sunday. Members of our parish are invited to bring nonperishable food items or monetary gifts on the first
Sunday of each month to donate to the food
pantry. Place your donations in the wooden box in the vestibule of
the church.
Wedding Anniversary
Sacred Heart Church wishes to honor couples of
the parish who are celebrating wedding anniversary milestones (every 5 years— 5 years, 10 years,
15 years, and so on). Please complete the form available at the
church office. The deadline to be included in the bulletin is the
15th of the month before your anniversary.
K-6 Faith Formation
The K-6 small group sessions will begin again after the holidays on
Wednesday, January 14, 2015. During the small group sessions the
children learn about Jesus, the Bible and stories in the Bible, and
about the Catholic Church and our beliefs. There is a monthly K-6
Music Service held during the small group sessions. We use a variety of activities to teach the children using prayer, skits, crafts,
games, projects, and activity pages. The K-6 small group sessions
meet on Wednesdays at 4:15pm – 5:30pm. It is not too late to join
in the fun!
Parish Potluck
A parish potluck is generally held the second
Wednesday of each month right after the 11:30 AM
Mass. The next potluck will be Wednesday, February
11th at noon. Everyone is welcome. This is always a terrific
lunch and a nice time to spend with fellow parishioners.
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Bible Study Group
Bible study is
Thursday evenings at 7 p.m.
in the McCann
Center and sessions will resume on Thursday, January 8th! The current topic is using a Lectio Divina Bible
Study on The Mass in Scripture. All are
welcome and encouraged to attend, even if
you have not been involved before. For
more information, or to register, please
contact Joe Fey, our Director of Lifelong
Faith Formation in the Faith Formation
Are you or someone
you know interested
in learning more
about our Catholic
faith? The Rite of
Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA) program exists to help
those adults who are interested in learning
more about or joining the Catholic
Church. The RCIA process is a period of
reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment,
and formation. Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the McCann Center. The next session will be on January 6,
2015! If you or someone you know may
be interested, and even if Tuesday evenings
will not work for you, please contact Joe
Fey in the Faith Formation Office for
more information.
Jr. High Faith Formation
The Jr. High Small Group Session after the
holidays on Wednesday, January 14th from
7:00—8:30 p.m. Youth group sessions
include prayer, community building activities, learning about our faith, discussion,
and how to go forth in the wider community.
December 25, 2014
Discipleship Sharing Groups
Good News People discipleship groups will
resume their sessions in
the New Year, before
and/or during Lent!
Watch the bulletin and
the website for more
details and dates for the
gatherings. All are welcome to attend, even if you have not been involved before.
Groups meet on Sunday or Monday evenings, Thursday
afternoons, or on Friday mornings. Good News People
encourages us to put our faith, hope and love into action.
For more information, or to register, please contact Joe
Fey, our Director of Lifelong Faith Formation in the Faith
Formation office.
Sr. High Youth Group
Faith Formation sessions for youth in grades 9-12 are
held on Sunday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Youth
group sessions include prayer, community building activities, learning about our faith, discussion, and how to go
forth in the wider community. We do a variety of community building activities mixed in with faith and learning
experiences. Our next gathering is on January 11th.
Prayer Chain
To have someone added to the Sacred Heart
Prayer Chain, contact Marilyn Lamb at 2750020 or Mary Pritchard at 792-3518. If neither
one can be reached, you may call Margaret Dimon at 7929819.
grade students are continuing
their preparation for Confirmation
on May 2, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Sessions
are held on Sunday evenings, with
the next session for parents only on
Sunday, January 11th at 7 p.m. in the
McCann Center. The next session for students will be on
Sunday, January 25th at 7 p.m. in the McCann Center.
Page 7
SHARE Preschool
Sacred Heart Church houses SHARE Preschool
and is located in the lower level of the building.
The preschool is directed by Cindy Pollastrini
and assisted by Ann Buch, Chris Dunham, and
Lisa Marston.
Class Times:
3-4 year old students: Wednesday and Friday
8:45—11:15 a.m.
Cost is $85 per month.
4-5 year old students: Monday, Tuesday,
and Thursday mornings
8:30—11:15 am
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons
12:00—2:45 pm.
The cost is $110 per month.
Sacred Heart Nursery
Open every Sunday morning
during the 9:00 am Mass. The
Nursery is open to children
ages 1-4. Two trained volunteers will be present at that
First Communion
Our 2nd grade students are continuing their preparation
for First Communion on
April 25, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
Family Sessions are held
monthly. The next session
will be on Sunday, January 18th at
10:00—12:30 in the McCann Center. Contact
Renny Crawford for more information.
Please let us know if
you are hospitalized.
Also, if you are living at
home and unable to
come to church, please contact us so we can
make a home visit and consider your spiritual
needs. Call the church at 792-2050.
Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, as a caring Christian community, help
one another to live, to nurture, and to celebrate God’s gifts.
We encourage others on their faith journeys to join us in giving witness to our Catholic faith
and to grow as disciples.
We celebrate the sacraments and receive the gift of grace to strengthen our faith and to enrich
our relationships with Christ and his Church.
We gather together to pray, to worship, to give thanks, to petition, to seek comfort, to share joys
and sorrows, and to experience God’s love, joy, and peace.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
1115 S. 8th Ave E.
PO Box 1478
Newton, IA 50208
Parish Office: 641-792-2050
FAX: 641-792-8639
SHARE Preschool: 641-792-8639
Very Rev. William E. Reynolds — Ext #227
Rectory: 641-792-4625
Web Pages:
Deacon Dan Goetz —
Facebook Page:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Ann Ratliff, Administrative Assistant
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 PM—Dec. thru Feb.
5:30 PM—Mar. thru Nov.
9:00 AM
Kathy Hammerly, Stewardship Coordinator
Ext. #222
Joe Fey, Director of Lifelong Faith Formation,
Ext #224
Renny Crawford, K-12 Faith Formation
Coordinator, Ext. #230
5:30 -6:00 PM
Saturdays 3:00 PM—Dec. thru Feb.
4:30 PM—Mar. thru Nov.
Business Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM