The Influence of Geometry on Free Convection in Roman Hypocaust
The Influence of Geometry on Free Convection in Roman Hypocaust
The Influence of Geometry on Free Convection in Roman Hypocaust Systems Group 3 Mike Brown Eric Konicki Laura Wong Abstract The natural convective flow of the Roman hypocaust system has been subjected to many qualitative studies but few quantitative examinations. There are claims from ancient Roman authors implying the temperature distribution within the walls of public baths and other hypocaust heated structures was remarkably even. By constructing a model of a semicircular tubuli wall, we were able to examine the affects of geometry, tubuli connection holes, exhaust method, and chimney placement on these claims. From the resulting temperature data and visual observations, we can conclude that the claims of the ancient authors are unfounded and the temperature does, in fact, rely heavily on position and tubuli configuration. Introduction Though dozens of Roman baths and other hypocaust heated structures have been remarkably well preserved, little is known about the airflow and subsequent heat flow within these buildings. Archaeological studies have provided an understanding of the geometry and construction of the tubuli within the walls of these structures. However, these examinations have not provided a quantitative understanding of the efficiency and operation of this system.1 The remains of ancient Roman buildings and scale modeling of these structures show that the use of tubuli, in addition to hypocaust flooring, greatly improved the effectiveness of the heating system.2 Contemporary Roman authors commented on the uniformity of the heat throughout the walls and room interior achieved by the use of tubuli.1 Our examination of the Roman hypocaust system focuses on the free convective fluid flow within the tubuli of a semicircular wall. We are primarily concerned with the temperature gradient within the wall and the validity of the ancient authors’ claims of uniformity.2 The purpose of the connecting tubuli holes has never been fully established and is, therefore, also of great interest to this examination. By placing the heat source at one end of the wall, we are able to examine the flow between the individual channels resulting from the holes connecting the ducts. This configuration allows for the formation of dramatic temperature differences between the tubuli and the subsequent exploration of the heat flow within the structure. In addition to the exploration of geometric effects we have chosen to study the secondary influence of both exhaust methods and chimney placement. It is known that many tubuli were capped with only a single chimney present, while others were connected at the top by an open channel that ran the entire length of the wall.3 We will look at the effective change in heat transfer when open tubuli are used and the chimney position is changed with respect to the heat source. Formulation & Procedure The primary experimental procedure for the analysis of heat flow through the semicircular wall is similar for a variety of configurations. The construction of the scaled wall allows for the use of interchangeable components that could be altered to create a new set of test parameters. The experimental apparatus, seen in Figure 1, was designed and built based upon an analysis of scaled Roman structures. It is easy to use and manipulate the apparatus for the necessary tests because of the versatility of the design. 2 Figure 1: Scaled Semi-Circular Tubuli Wall The model is approximately 4 feet tall with a 2 foot inner radius. The wall houses 13 tubuli constructed from 1/8” polycarbonate sheets and ½” plywood. The tubuli are wedge-shaped to produce the curve of the wall.4 Instead of making separate blocks, each tubuli runs the entire height of the wall. Circular holes are placed every 12” to simulate individual blocks of this height.5 At the base of each duct, large holes are cut to simulate an open channel through which heat is supplied to the system. A 1500 W radiant space heater is used to model the praefrunium, or furnace, and supply the necessary heat and temperature gradient to the wall. The costs incurred in producing this experimental apparatus are tabulated in Appendix A. The general layout of the apparatus can be seen below in Figure 2. Figure 2: Schematic of System 3 The exhaust system allows us to simulate both a closed cap tubuli and an open channel with a single chimney (Figures 3 and 4). By changing the location of the chimney, we can alter the relative position of the heat source.5 The exhaust system has been constructed with interchangeable plywood components to allow for several different configurations to be tested. Figure 3: “Closed Cap” Exhaust System Figure 4: “Open Channel” Exhaust System To acquire data for our experiment, we rely extensively on thermocouples and visual observations. We utilize 18 thermocouples in conjunction with 2 data acquisition boxes (DAQ). The thermocouples are placed systematically throughout the wall and can easily be moved to accommodate different areas of interest. This allows us to acquire temperature readings throughout the structure. By using a light mist of talcum powder sprayed into the tubuli system, we are able to visually observe the fluid motion throughout the apparatus. This provides us with the necessary data to better understand the free convection-driven fluid flow. For this experiment, it is not crucial that the thermal resistance of our model be equivalent to Roman materials. We are primarily concerned with the flow within the wall. However, the scaled wall, seen in Figure 1, is constructed with further experimentation in mind. For this reason, the thermal resistivity of the wall is matched, as closely as was practical, to that of ancient Roman terracotta. Therefore, the inner wall of our model is acrylic plastic, which allows us to visualize the airflow, while the rest of the structure is made of plywood. The terracotta originally used to construct the tubuli has an approximate thermal conductivity 4 k = 0.90 W and approximate thickness of 2.5 cm. m⋅ K conductivity k = 0.19 The acrylic plastic has a thermal W and the approximate thickness, L, is found by matching the thermal m⋅ K resistance, r: r= Lacry Lterr Lacry 0.025m = ⇒ = ⇒ Lacry = 0.0053m = 0.2087in W W kterr k acry 0.90 0.19 m⋅ K m⋅ K (1) The heat flow on the plywood-side of the model is negligible due to further insulation. To obtain a better understanding of the performance of the thermocouple array, a simple “mini experiment” is performed to determine the limit of the thermal boundary layer that is present in our model. The limiting boundary layer is produced by the forced convection’s high fluid velocity, which leads to a larger temperature gradient. Under these conditions, convection occurs much more rapidly.6 We are able to observe the limiting boundary layer by monitoring the fluid flow, created by a fan-forced heater impinging on a flat plank imbedded with type-E thermocouples. The general setup of this mini experiment can be seen in Figure 5. The boundary layer produced in our main experiment differs because our fluid flow is driven solely by natural convection and is for internal, rather than external, flow. Despite these differences the thermal boundary layer experiment provides invaluable insight into the performance of the thermocouple array. Figure 5: Boundary Layer Mini Experiment Configuration 5 At the completion of the “mini experiment,” we turn to the main experimental apparatus and begin testing the heat and airflow throughout the semicircular wall. Once the thermocouples are attached to the structure, and the 1500 W radiation heater is connected to the inlet channel, LabView is set to compile temperature data from the 16 thermocouples every 5 seconds for approximately one hour. By placing the heater in an enclosure, we can ensure that most of the heat is focused into the tubuli and not dissipated to the room. Each unique test run relies on the same experimental procedure. The position of the chimney and exhaust system can be altered to accommodate the various configurations. The temperature data is saved as an Excel file for future analysis and manipulation. Results From the “mini experiment,” we obtained a plethora of useful information. By using the model of a fluid impinging on a flat plate propelled by a fan-driven space heater, we are able to determine a limiting thermal boundary layer. The results from the test can be seen in Figure 6. Figure 6: Boundary Layer Test Results The results obtained match those described for the given configuration.7 In Figure 6, channels 5 and 6 are given a zero-value because they are in the direct flow of the heater. This makes it impossible to obtain accurate boundary layer thicknesses at these points. 6 Natural convection occurs at a much slower rate than forced convection. Therefore, the forced convective case produces the upper limit for heat transfer within our experiment. The maximum velocity, from the “mini experiment,” is 2 m/s. Much lower speeds are present under the natural convection conditions. The results of this experiment give us a fundamental understanding of the convective heating process. The boundary layer obtained in the “mini experiment” provides a benchmark with which to compare the free convective data. The main experimental data requires more time to obtain than the “mini experiment” because it relied solely on free convective forces to move the heat through the wall. We are unable to determine the maximum velocity for this configuration, as it would not register on any available experimental equipment. However, we did obtain an abundance of data related to the temperature distribution in the wall under several different configurations. Much of the resulting data is repetitive and shows the same general relationship between temperature, position, and time. While the magnitudes of these quantities vary, the correlation between them remains consistent across the tests. We therefore believe that the included graphs (Appendix B) provide a representative sample of our work. The bulk of our data comes from extensive tests of the closed cap exhaust system with the chimney in several different locations. Our first set of data, Appendix B-1, shows the variation of temperature within an individual tubuli. An examination of the data set shows that the system quickly approaches steady state. In fact, it takes approximately 10 minutes of the 60 minute test length to reach the condition. By recording the temperature at four points within each tubuli it is apparent that the heat collects at the top of the wall due to buoyancy differences. The upper portion of the wall reaches the highest temperatures because the closed cap exhaust system retards flow between the tubuli in this region. The most drastic example of the non-uniform temperature distribution can be seen in Appendix B-2: Temperature at Top of Wall vs. Temperature at Bottom. Under the closed cap exhaust configuration, the heat is forced into adjacent channels rather than immediately escaping through the top. This causes a build up of heat that propagates through the upper portion of the wall. Conversely, the bottom of the wall sees very little change in temperature. While the temperature at the top of the tubuli increases by an average 20 °C, the bottoms are raised a paltry 3 °C. This suggests that most heat and airflow occurs through the uppermost portions of the tubuli. 7 While the previous temperature assessments can be accomplished with data from a single experiment, some information requires comparisons across several different tests. By adjusting the chimney position with respect to the heat source, we can vary the temperature distribution within the tubuli. The resulting data can be seen in Appendix B-3. When the chimney is placed at tubuli 1, there is a relatively even temperature within the channel. When the chimney is moved to tubuli 4, the temperature within tubuli 1 becomes much more position-dependent. It is interesting to note that the chimney position has very little effect on the temperature at the bottom of the tubuli. This sample data is representative of the behavior of the other tubuli and summarizes the influence of chimney placement on temperature distribution in individual tubuli. As in the comparison of temperature variation with chimney placement, the analysis of “capped” vs. “uncapped” exhaust method requires colleting data from different testing configurations. Appendix B-4: Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation shows the effect of exhaust method on the uniformity of temperature within the wall. It suggests that the closed cap method produces a build up of heat at the top of the tubuli, while the open channel method produced a more even heat flow throughout the structure. This is the expected result, due to the increased flow area available to the open channel design. The closed cap configuration produces the maximum temperature increase of the tests preformed, while the open channel creates a much shallower temperature gradient in the entire wall. The effects of the open channel exhaust system can be seen further in Appendix B-5: Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation Across Top of Tubuli. The open channel exhaust prevents the build up of heat at the top of tubuli by facilitating flow across the wall. This reduces the maximum temperature achieved by this configuration. Conversely, the closed cap configuration creates a heat reservoir at the top of the wall, forcing hot air to flow through the structure after reaching a higher temperature. Discussion and Conclusions Due to the complexity of the flow within the structure, it is impractical, at this point, to attempt to ascertain quantitative results regarding heat transfer within the tubuli. We are able, however, to obtain qualitative data concerning the temperature variation within the wall. This 8 information will allow us to address the fundamental questions set forth at the beginning of the experiment. We remain primarily concerned with heat flow within the wall and the claim of ancient Roman authors that the temperature would remain roughly uniform throughout. Our data and resulting analysis refute this claim. Under all configurations that we tested, we observed a definitive variation of temperature throughout the wall. Regardless of chimney placement or exhaust method, the upper portion of the wall is consistently at a higher temperature than the bottom section. This can be attributed to buoyancy differences and the rapid rise of the warmer air within the tubuli. The discrepancy between the ancient Roman claims and our findings may be attributed to the experiment’s run time. The Roman hypocaust system was heated continuously, our test were very short by comparison. The relatively low output of our heat source thwarted our efforts to examine the influence on the semicircular wall geometry. Since we are only able to obtain data in the first four tubuli, we can not fully develop the effect of the curved surfaces on the airflow within the structure. Also, there is little available data for a flat wall with which to compare our results. Our project configuration lends itself to a concerted examination of the heat flow through the connecting holes between the tubuli. The uneven temperature distribution, produced by buoyancy differences, creates an elevated temperature state in the upper portion of the wall. This causes most of the heat to flow through the connecting holes in the top half of the wall. There was very little flow through the bottom connections. This suggests that airflow occurs closest to the chimney with the warmest air moving most rapidly throughout the structure. Without the holes, there would have been very little, if any air movement in the wall. This shows the crucial role the connecting holes played in the efficiency of the tubuli system. By moving the chimney to several different positions on the wall, it is possible to see how crucial chimney placement is. If the chimney is placed close to the heat source, the majority of the heat escapes from the wall immediately. The further the chimney is placed from the heat source, the more heat is available to be transferred throughout the structure. This indicates that for maximum efficiency, the chimney should be placed at the opposite end of the room from the furnace inlet. Furthermore we found that the exhaust method also plays a substantial role in regulating the heat flow throughout the tubuli. The closed cap configuration produces the most significant 9 temperature gradient and, therefore, the highest overall temperatures. The open channel setup, on the other hand, allows heat to flow more evenly throughout the wall. This method is therefore the more efficient means of heat transfer and convection. The graphs in Appendix B-5 indicate that the temperatures for the open channel configuration are lower than those for the closed cap method. This occurs because the open channel configuration transfers more heat along the wall and more evenly raises the temperature in the entire structure. This would seem to suggest that the most effective means for obtaining elevated temperatures across a large structure would be to have an open, interconnected channel at the termination of the tubuli, in order to facilitate airflow. At the end of our testing, we visualized the flow through the wall by using a fan driven space heater and a fine spray of talcum powder. Since we are not concerned with the heat transfer in this experiment, the effects of the forced convection allow us to speed up the notoriously slow process of natural convection. The talcum powder left streaks on the polycarbonate front panels in the heaviest flow areas. Several of these “streaks” can be seen in Figure 7. The flow was most easily seen as it exited the chimney. A substantial plume is visible for the duration of the experiment, suggesting that the chimney quickly sucked air through the entire structure. Figure 7: Flow Visualization Since so little was previously known about the tubuli walls of Roman hypocaust systems we experienced many obstacles in attempting to formulate an accurate representation. Our current design, with the space heater placed at one end of the wall, allows us to observe the 10 maximum influence of the connecting tubuli holes because the heat was forced to flow only through these openings. While this was a desirable result, it also minimized the temperature increase at the far end of the wall, forcing a limited examination of the heat flow. Additionally, there are several outside circumstances, over which we have no control that influence the accuracy of our data. For instance, the room temperature constantly varies, which caused fluctuation of the base temperature for each individual test. The largest obstacle we encountered was the automatic shutoff feature of the space heater. This safety feature turned the heater off while it was being used to perform an experiment. We purchased a second identical heater in an attempt to override or disable the temperature sensors in the heater. This is done by removing the exterior casing and pulling the sensors outside of the heater box to keep them cooler than the rest of the heater. Despite our best efforts, we could not get the heater to remain on indefinitely. In fact, while testing the heaters, both died in the same day. We have not been able to ascertain what is wrong with them. We went as far as to completely dismantle one of the heaters but still can not find and open connection within the circuit. Due to the breadth of this experiment and the scarcity of quantitative information on the subject, we are unable to examine all aspects of heating through the use of tubuli wall systems. Therefore, we hope that another group will continue our experiment next year and expand upon our design. The primary design alteration that needs to be made is the procurement of a more powerful and reliable heat source. One suggestion is to use an oven with an exhaust vent to pipe the heat into the apparatus. By adding a raised hypocaust floor, the model would more accurately represent the inlet flow into the tubuli of a Roman structure and presumably distribute the heat more evenly. Additionally, obtaining more DAQ boxes would allow for the use of more thermocouples and better data resolution throughout the experiment. 11 References 1. Bansal, N.K. & Shail “Characteristic Parameters of a Hypocaust Construction” Building and Environment 34 305-318 (1999) 2. Perucchio, R. personal communication 3. Yegül. “Baths and Bathing in Classic Antiquity” The Architectural History Foundation 356389 (1992) 4. Brodribb, G. “A Survey of Tile from the Roman Bath House at Beauport Park, Battle, E. Sussex” Britannia 10 139-156 (1979) 5. Basaran, T. & Ilken, Z. “Thermal Analysis of the Heating System of the Small Bath in Ancient Phaselis” Energy and Buildings 27 1-11 (1998) 6. Çengel, Yunus A. Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach, Third Edition chapter 6 McGraw-Hill: New York, NY (2007) 7. Young, Donald F., Munson, Bruce R., Okiishi, Theodore H. A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Third Edition chapter 9 Wiley: Hoboken, NJ (2004) 12 Appendices Appendix A: Costs and Expenditures Appendix B: Main Experimental Results B-1 Individual Tubuli Temperature Variation B-2 Temperature at Top of Wall vs. Temperature at Bottom B-3 Effects of Chimney Placement on Temperature Variation B-4 Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation B-5 Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation Across Top of Tubuli 13 Appendix A Project Expenditures Vendor Materials Cost Home Depot Lumber, Screws, Caulk, Weatherstripping $87.77 Compact Appliance 1500 W Space Heater (2) $120.20 U of R Machine Shop Polycarbonate Panels Estimated $200.00 14 Appendix B-1 Individual Tubuli Temperature Variation Temperature Variation in Tubuli 3 for Closed Cap Exhaust Method By observing the temperature at four points in an individual tubuli, it is apparent that the heat collects at the top of the wall. The upper portion reaches the highest temperature because the closed cap inhibits flow there. 15 Appendix B-2 Temperature at Top of Wall vs. Temperature at Bottom Temperature Variation Across Bottom of First Four Tubuli Temperature Variation Across Bottom of First Four Tubuli Density differences cause rapid rise of heat. Therefore, more heat is available to flow between the tubuli at the top of the wall. 16 Appendix B-3 Effects of Chimney Placement on Temperature Variation Closed Cap Chimney Placed at Tubuli 1 Closed Cap Chimney Placed at Tubuli 4 The further from the heater, the greater the temperature variation within each tubuli. 17 Appendix B-4 Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation Open Channel Exhaust Method Temperature Variation within Tubuli 2 Closed Cap Exhaust Method Temperature Variation within Tubuli 2 The open-channel top produces a more even heat flow throughout the wall, while the closed top provides a higher maximum temperature. 18 Appendix B-5 Effects of Capped vs. Uncapped Tubuli Termination on Temperature Variation Across Top of Tubuli Open Channel Exhaust Method Temperature Variation Across Top of Tubuli Closed Cap Exhaust Method Temperature Variation Across Top of Tubuli The Open Channel exhaust prevents the buildup of heat at the top of tubuli and facilitates flow across the wall. Conversely, the closed cap configuration creates a heat reservoir at the top of the wall. 19