2015 Children.indd - Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
2015 Children.indd - Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
PRESCHOOL +CHILDREN sbtexas.com A A 2015 PRESCHOOL + CHILDREN EVENT CALENDAR JANUARY 16-17 27 29 29 31 LifeWay VBS Preview Travis Avenue BC, Fort Worth Family Ministry Networking Lunch SBTC, Grapevine PC Network Southcrest BC, Lubbock MEGA Southcrest BC, Lubbock TODAY Conference FBC Childress FEBRUARY 22-25 26 26 Empower Conference First Euless Houston MEGA Champion Forest BC, Houston PC Network Champion Forest BC, Houston MARCH 1-8 7 7 26 28 28 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering VBS Convention Spring Baptist Church, Spring VBS Convention Church at Quail Creek, Amarillo Webinar Family Ministry VBS Convention Friendly BC, Tyler VBS Convention University BC, San Antonio APRIL 10-11 12 17-18 17-18 21-23 23-24 24-25 Regional Bible Drill FBC, Euless Cooperative Program Sunday Regional Bible Drill Redbud BC, Lubbock Regional Bible Drill Spring Baptist Church, Spring Texas Mega Retreat Great Hills BC, Austin PC/Family Conference Bannockburn BC, Austin Marriage & Parent Conference Bannockburn BC, Austin 1 8 14-15 20 20 22 Children’s Music Leadership Conference Ft. Worth Children’s Music Leadership Conference Austin EQUIP Mega Conference Fallbrook Church, Houston East Texas MEGA Harmony Hill BC, Lufkin PC Network Harmony Hill BC, Lufkin East Texas Christian Leaders Conference Lufkin SEPTEMBER MAY 2 7 28 20-27 Bible Drill State Finals SBTC, Grapevine National Day of Prayer Webinar Children's Ministry JUNE 14-17 JULY See sbtexas.com for a full calendar of events B AUGUST SBC Annual Meeting Columbus, OH Reach Texas Week of Prayer OCTOBER 1 1 25 DFW MEGA MacArthur Blvd BC, Irving PC Network MacArthur Blvd BC, Irving SBTC Day of Prayer for Annual Meeting NOVEMBER 8-9 9-10 29- Dec. 6 SBTC Bible Conference Champion Forest BC, Houston SBTC Annual Meeting Champion Forest BC, Houston Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Questions? 1.877.953.SBTC (7282) B PRESCHOOL +CHILDREN 1 Preschool /Children Network 17 SBACS 2 Preschool /Children Minister's Conference 18 Empower Conference 3 Texas One Day 19 2016 Heart of the Child 4 Marriage + Parent Conference 20 Annual Meeting 6 Family Ministry 7 Family App 8 EQUIP Conference 10 Vacation Bible School 11 Bible Drill + Speakers Tournament 12 Children's Music Leadership Conference 13 Texas Missions for Kids 14 Online Training 15 Webinars 16 Apps sbtexas.com C C Children Preschool Children NETWORK Designed for preschool and children’s ministers seeking to expand their ministries. This network will provide you with access to recognized leaders in the field of childhood and family ministries. January 29 10 am – 3 pm August 20 10 am – 3 pm February 26 10 am – 3 pm October 1 10 am – 3 pm Southcrest Baptist Church, Lubbock Champion Forest Baptist Church, Houston Harmony Hill Baptist Church, Lufkin MacArthur Blvd Baptist Church, Irving sbtexas.com/children 1 1 Children Preschool Children M I N I ST E R ’ S CO N F E R E N C E April 23-24 Bannockburn Baptist Church, Austin Cost: $49 or $59 after April 1 Bonus This is a two-day professional development training conference designed for preschool and children’s ministers/directors. Come hear from recognized leaders in the field of childhood and family ministries. Includes a free registration to the @home Family Game Changers Conference April 24-25th For more information visit 2 Featured Speakers Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller National Center for Biblical Parenting sbtexas.com/children 2 Saturday, January 31 9:00 am-3:00 pm First Baptist Church, Childress Saturday, August 15 9:00 am-3:00 pm Fallbrook Church, Houston Saturday, August 22 8:30 am-3:00pm East Texas Christian Leaders Conference Denman Ave Baptist, Lufkin Cost: $10 sbtexas.com/today 3 Texas One Day is designed to: Texas One Day Sunday School Conferences EQUIP you to serve effectively in all areas of Sunday School/Small Group ministry DELIVER practical tools useful in all aspects of your ministry. FACILITATE opportunities to network with others from churches similar to yours BUILD team cohesiveness among your church’s leaders. Offers training for: Preschool Sunday School Leaders • Children Sunday School Leaders Youth Sunday School Leaders • Young Adult Sunday School Leaders Sr. Adult Sunday School Leaders • Discipleship 3 Family Conference What if a strategic weekend in Austin could change the spiritual path of families in your church? 4 4 Bannockburn Baptist Church, Austin $15 individual – $25 couple Keynotes: Family Conference April 24-25 Scott Turansky + Joanne Miller National Center for Biblical Parenting Game Changers 2015 Marriage + Parent Conference Steve + Debbie Wilson Marriage Matters Now sbtexas.com/family 5 5 Family FAMILY MINISTRY NETWORKING LUNCH DATE: January 27 Homes are in spiritual chaos! How is your church helping families? What tools/resources can the church provide? COST: FREE TIME: 11am - 2pm LOCATION: SBTC Offices, Grapevine sbtexas.com/family 6 6 FR EE Family 7 7 Equip LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR ALL ASPECTS OF MINISTRY SATURDAY 8 sbtexas.com/equip + Administration/Stewardship + Preschool/Children + Men 9am-3pm + Children’s Music + Family Training opportunities for staff, volunteers & lay leaders in these areas of ministry: + Preteen + Discipleship + Library + Pastoral + Adult Home Groups + Facilities + Spanish + Missions + Adult Sunday School + Communication Technology + Students + Women + Worship + Black Equipping Churches 8 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE DINNER DANTE WRIGHT Pastor Sweet Home Baptist Church, Round Rock See separate registration on Equip website August 14-15 Fallbrook church houston 9 SATURDAY AUG. 15 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Equip FRIDAY AUG. 14 6PM-8:30PM ALLAN TAYLOR Allan Taylor is Minister of Education at First Baptist Church Woodstock, Georgia. Under his leadership, the Sunday School attendance has grown from 2,500 to 5,000. Allan is the author of three books, “The Six Core Values of Sunday School,” “Disciplining and Restoring the Fallen,” and “Sunday School in HD.” He and his wife, Linda, have three children and three grandchildren. For more information or to register, visit sbtexas.com/equip 9 Vacation Bible School Take the journey! LifeWay’s VBS takes your kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. So toss the map, stick close to your guide and prepare to listen for God’s direction in this journey that is unknown to us, but known by him. January 16-17 LifeWay VBS Preview Travis Avenue Baptist Church, Ft. Worth March 7 Spring Baptist Church, Spring The Church at Quail Creek, Amarillo March 28 Friendly Baptist Church, Tyler University Baptist Church, San Antonio VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SBTC State VBS Training, Conferences & Conventions 10 NEW tracks offered: Advanced Director’s Training and Hispanic Track. Check the website for complete list of tracks offered at each location. sbtexas.com/vbs 10 Bible Drill CHILDREN’S BIBLE DRILL Designed for children in grades 4-6. Churches use Lifeway’s Bible Drill Curriculum: Bible Skills, Drills and Thrills (Red Cycle for 2015). Children are taught through games, music, Bible stories and Scripture memory. YOUTH BIBLE DRILL Designed for students in grades 7-9. For 2015, churches will use the Red cycle. Youth Bible Drill curriculum is provided free from the SBTC or downloadable on our website. Bible Drill is a Southern Baptist Convention program involving older children, youth and high school students in systematic memorization and location of selected scriptures. April 10-11 Regional First Baptist Church, Euless April 17-18 Regional Spring Baptist Church, Spring Redbud Baptist Church, Lubbock May 2 State Finals 11 SBTC office, Grapevine HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE DRILL Designed for students in grades 10-12. For 2015, students will use Cycle One. High School curriculum is provided free from the SBTC or downloadable on our website. YOUTH SPEAKERS’ TOURNAMENT Provides 10th-12th grade students the opportunity to improve overall communication skills and orally present a four-to-six minute speech which expresses their biblical convictions. Speaker topics, National Speakers’ Tournament guidelines and an SBTC “how to” instructional guide are downloadable on our website. sbtexas.com/bibledrill 11 Children’s Music children Children’s Music L EADERSHIP CO NF E R E N C E August 1 Fort Worth August 8 Austin August 15 Houston 12 Children’s Music Leadership is a training conference for those who work in the children’s music ministry. It is important to train children in the areas of music and worship so they can participate fully in one of the most important activities of the church, worship. There are three regional training opportunities during the year to help you grow as a leader, music educator and in the knowledge of available curriculum for your ministry. For more information visit sbtexas.com/worship 12 • A new resource for educating kids on missions happening in Texas! • Features videos and stories that highlight missions in Texas. Texas Missions for Kids Resource for Educating Kids on Missions in Texas • Great component for summer VBS, mission moments, Wednesday night or Sunday programs. Download the curriculum and videos at 13 sbtexas.com/missions4kids 13 Online Training ONLINE TRAINING & RESOURCES “Almost 100 percent of pastors agree that their role is to train and equip members. But almost three-fourths of these pastors have no plans on how they will train them” -Thom Rainer • 350+ ministry training videos • New content added monthly • Cost: All FREE! Who is this for? Volunteers, church staff and pastors. 14 Stop by for a look sbtexas.com/online To get on our monthly mailing email OnlineConnect@sbtexas.com 14 January 22 – Pastor to Pastor February 26 – Worship Ministry March 26 – Family Ministry April 23 – Game Plan for Churches (Evangelism Tool) May 28 – Children’s Ministry June 25 – Church Planting July 23 – Sunday School August 27 – Revitalization September 24 – Leadership October 22 – Women’s Ministry November 19 – Discipleship 15 Webinars In what area does your leadership need help? NEW! 2015 WEBINARS WILL BE A Q&A FORMAT. Give us your questions. We might be able to answer them during the webinar. Each session is archived so if you can’t catch it live, you can watch it later. COST: FREE TIME: 11:00 AM If you want a reminder on each month’s topic, info on a particular webinar or to submit a question go to... sbtexas.com/webinars 15 Apps SBTC APPS FREE DOWNLOADS SBTC SBTC events calendar, live streaming of events/ previously recorded events, TEXAN Digital/TEXAN Online, staff directory iLEAD Providing educational resources and training • Previous and live leadership webinars, leadership conversations, events videos, leadership tips, leadership events calendar COLLEGIATE MINISTRY Events calendar, webinars/training videos STUDENT MINISTRY Events calendar, blog, artist/speaker info from events DISASTER RELIEF (DR) Calendar of DR trainings, updates from disaster relief, video testimonials/updates 1CROSS ● Share the gospel in multiple languages (3-minute video for each language) ● Resources for sharing your faith @ home FAMILY MINISTRY To find include “SBTC” in the search. 16 Helping churches and families minister @ home Weekly marriage + family devotionals, age graded life applications, along with other resources and tools. 16 SBACS SBACS is a national alliance of schools from preschool through university and includes churches, foundations, corporations, educators and families who want to advance a nationwide system of Christian schools to reach and disciple America’s children for Christ. The SBTC supports and encourages Christian schooling and homeschool families by partnering with SBACS to: • Help pastors and congregations start new Christian schools • Strengthen existing Christian schools by providing information, training, consulting services and resources SOUTHERN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Workshops & Seminars Check out www.sbacs.org for more dates and locations or call (407) 808-9100. • Promote kingdom education and Christian schooling as a powerful emerging model for reaching and discipling lost children and families, equipping them for service in the body of Christ • Advance a biblical worldview and understanding of education • Assist Christian colleges and universities in finding and recruiting Christian school and homeschool students sbacs.org 17 17 Empower Conference sbtexas.com/ec15 18 18 April 22-23, 2016 19 Heart of the Child Save the Date 19 Annual Meeting SOUTHERN BAPTISTS OF TEXAS CONVENTION 2015 BIBLE CONFERENCE & ANNUAL MEETING NOVEMBER 8-10 CHAMPION FOREST BC, HOUSTON 20 20 SOUTHERN BAPTISTS OF TEXAS CONVENTION 2015 EVENT + RESOURCE GUIDES MISSIONS + EVANGELISM STUDENT + COLLEGIATE SENT Regionals Empower Conference Confident Christianity + more M3 Camps Student Evangelism Conference Lead Camp Surrender Retreat + more HISPANIC Spanish Rallies Men’s Conference Women’s Conference Regional Conferences Student Camp + more ADULT LEADERSHIP CHILDREN Collegiate Men Women Senior Adults + more Worship Online Training (Webinars) Discipleship Equip Mega Conference Church Revitalization + more Bible Drill Vacation Bible School Conferences Training + more To order more of these resources visit sbtexas.com or call 1.877.953.SBTC (7282) 21 21 With 7 billion people worldwide, sharing the gospel can be an intimidating mission. By working together, the possibilities are endless. SOUTHERN BAPTISTS OF TEXAS CONVENTION Toll free 877.953.SBTC (7282) ● www.sbtexas.com 22 22
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student - Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
students will use Cycle Two. High School curriculum is provided free