October 2015 - Sheboygan Falls
October 2015 - Sheboygan Falls
CMS Newsletter October 2015 Business is Blooming in S heboygan F alls to take care of all your Automotive needs! story inside... CMS Automotive Members! Recognizing Our Automotive Members! ...from front cover We LOVE our automobiles and most of us don’t know what we’d do without them. The automobile is a source of independence and freedom, we collect them and cherish them and they remind us of days gone by. Our CMS members are able to sell us new and used cars, keep them operating properly to get us safely where we want to go. They can even make a sad looking shell of a car come to life in a total restoration. Kennedy Ford has certainly seen its share of changes in the automobile industry over the last 50 years. 2015 marks their 50th anniversary as a Ford dealership. Mike Kennedy, the current owner/ manager, marks the third generation of this successful family owned and operated business. All of these businesses understand the importance of good, old-fashioned customer service and that approach has served them well with generations of returning customers and long-tenured employees. When considering where to go for your next new or used car purchase or for a reliable and good quality repair shop, look no further than your fellow CMS members right here in Sheboygan Falls. And Remember to Shop Falls First for all of your automotive needs. Brian’s Auto Service & Repair LLC Brian Bates 1060 Fond du Lac Ave 920-918-4323 Corvette Sports Dick & Gail Huibregtse 720 Forest Ave 920-467-2833 Dave Specht Motor Company Dave & Maggie Specht 295 North Main St 920-467-9009 Kennedy Ford Mike Kennedy 348 Monroe 920-467-4662 Ladies Nite Out ~A Chocolate Affaire Planning is underway for the 10th annual LADIES NITE OUT on October 15 inviting women to a grand evening of pampering and special events. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are offering many different opportunities to support this life changing challenge that so many women experience. Beginning at 5 p.m. Historic Sheboygan Falls transforms into an inviting evening of Spa Services, Sweets & Treats, The Pink Raffle for the Sheboygan County Cancer Care Fund and Shopping Galore! We welcome the Pink Heals crew and fire truck which will be on hand for this year’s event. The $6 registration fee provides you with a tote bag, a pink carnation and Passport. Raffle proceeds will benefit the Sheboygan County Cancer Care Fund. A Special Thank You to all our Sponsors. Tote Bag Sponsors: Dan Abts Agency, Inc., Bemis Bath Shoppe, Blattner’s Piggly Wiggly, Buehler Furniture, Burkart-Heisdorf Insurance, Corner Studio Jewelers, Depke Shoe Store, Designs by Dieter, Falls Salon & Spa, Kennedy Ford, Meadowlark Storage, Meeting Planner Supplies, Richardson Hospice Resale Store and So Big Preschool and Children’s House, Inc., Carnation Sponsors: Curves, Falls Firehouse Pizza, Richardson Kitchen & Bath, Salon 511, Sewing Machine Shop and Dr. Christine Tempas DDS. Special Thank You to Stardust Limousine LLC for sponsoring the limo service for the evening. In The News nM ersberger Financial Group is pleased to announce that Associate Advisor Michelle Murray has recently passed her Wisconsin Life and Health Insurance licensing. Murray is currently registered holding Series 7 and Series 66 licenses and obtaining the Wisconsin Life and Health Insurance license allows her to promote any life and health insurance for Mersberger Financial Group clientele. Murray has been employed with Mersberger Financial Group since January 2014. Congratulations! Main Street Memories It is not too early to start thinking about the Holidays and Main Street Memories and the “Timeless Christmas Movies” Holiday Parade which will take place on Saturday, December 5 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. with the parade starting at 4:30 p.m. Start making plans now for how your business will participate. Sponsorship opportunities are available for many different activities. The Parade Entry Form and Waiver Form are available on the CMS website and sponsorship and participation info will be emailed soon. Help us make this the best Holiday Season Ever!!! Remember to Shop Falls First! Yankee Garden Overhaul Over the last two years, the Yankee Garden has seen a lot of change. New crushed stone was laid down in the garden path and a new bench was donated which allows passersby to relax and enjoy the garden. A new free library was donated and installed and additional stepping stones were put in place to allow garden viewing from several vantage points. Most recently, the dedicated volunteer Yankee Garden team came together to overhaul the back portion of the garden, as it had become overgrown. “It was a lot of work to take out nearly all the plants, dig out the roots and till the soil, but we are now ready to start planting for next year”, said Marie Pecquex, one of the volunteers that works at the garden. Next year the back portion of the garden will be replanted and it will begin to look fresh and new. By Jim Pecquex, Master Gardener, Yankee Garden Project Manager BUSINESS ‘N BAGELS Pine Haven Christian Communities Haven Drive Campus will host the November 4 Business ‘N Bagels. Watch your email for invitation coming soon! Moonlight Madness Savings Extended hours and special bargains attracted shoppers to participating businesses, Bemis Bath Shoppe, Broadway Popcorn, Depke Shoe Store, Eccentricities, EVANS, Designs by Dieter, Magpie’s Cottage and Uncle Ira’s Attic. Shoppers found discounts and many good deals during the Moonlight Madness event. Enjoying the transition of summer to fall The cornstalks and scarecrows have returned and provide a cheery welcome to all. Thank you to Stefanie Trakel Promotions Committee and Jim and Shirl Breunig. Celebrate Falls - A taste of falls Lively music by “Deadwood Chop” filled The Heritage House at The Bull for Celebrate Falls-A Taste of Falls on September 17. Delicious food selections were provided by many of our local restaurants including: Broadway Popcorn, Bread & Bean Eatery, Catalunya, Falls Firehouse Pizza, Day Dream Café, The Point Drive-In, Twisted Restaurant & Bar, The Bull and Majestic Crossing Dairy along with wine, beer, seasonal liqueur and moonshine from Blattner’s Piggly Wiggly and Three Sheeps Brewing. New this year was the bucket raffle and our thanks to raffle donors Bemis Bath Shoppe, Curves, Depke Shoe Store, Falls Ace Hardware, Rick’s House of Flowers, Corner Studio Jewelers, Kennedy Ford, Eccentricities and Day Dream Café. Special thanks to our sponsoring businesses, Dr. Christine Tempas DDS, Blattner’s Piggly Wiggly, Falls Salon & Spa, Richardson Kitchen & Bath and Salon 511. It was a great night of Celebrating Falls! Planning for next year has already begun. Gannett Wisconsin Media Digital U Digital Marketing Seminar a Free member-benefit program presented by CMS member Gannett Wisconsin Media on October 6 at the Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice (lower level conference room) beginning at 7:30 a.m. with light breakfast. See insert for details and registration. Calendar Of Events October Board of Directors President: Mike Kennedy Past President: Mark McCabe Vice President: Dick Fotsch Secretary/Treasurer: Troy Rudebeck John Blattner Melissa Geisthardt Mike Gustafson David Horner Sam Kohlhagen Darryl Ottman Laura Townsend Stefanie Trakel Foundation Board november 6 Free Media Seminar by The Press Media Group – 7:30 a.m at Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice Conference Room 8 Feed My Starving Children BOD Pack – 5:15 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church 13 Marketing Boot Camp hosted by Elkhart Lake Chamber – 7:30 a.m. 15 Ladies Nite Out ~ A Chocolate Affaire – 5-9 p.m. 22 Board of Directors Meeting – 8 a.m. 22 Richardson Hospice Resale Store, After Hours Event – 5-7 p.m. with the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce 29 Main Street Assessment Visit with Board of Directors at CMS Office – 8 a.m. 31 Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat Hours – 4-7 p.m. 4 Business ‘N Bagels, Pine Haven Christian Communities at Haven Drive Campus – 7:30 a.m. 5 Promotions Committee Meeting – 8 a.m. 19 Board of Directors Meeting – 8 a.m. 26-27 Happy Thanksgiving – Office Closed Business Opportunities President: Terry Strittmater Vice President: Jim Fasse Secretary/Treasurer: Jane Klettke John Blattner Mark McCabe Dorothy Schueffner Jeff Selk BID Board President: Jim Fasse Ed Evanoff Mayor Randy Meyer Melissa Geisthardt Joe Richardson III Staff Executive Director Shirl Breunig Program Assistant Kim Strysick 1017 Fond du Lac Avenue Visit sheboyganfalls.org or call Shirl Breunig at 920-467-6206 for more information on these and other vacancies or let us know if you have a BUSINESS property available for sale or lease. (Office Space Available) Downtown • 500 Water St., Building for Sale, Office and Residential, contact Linda Buchmann, Century 21, 920-698-0660 • 334 Broadway St. (former Stern Tannery Property) zoned C-1 Commercial. Contact MLG Commercial, Milwaukee Curt Pitzen, 414-395-4688 or Travis Tiede, 414-395-4682 • 414 Broadway (Building for Sale), 800 sq. ft. contact Rich Roelse, 920-467-1313 • 505-507 Broadway Building for Sale, Re/Max Universal Realty, Gary Beaudoin, 920-980-8889 • 511 Broadway Two offices from 400 to 600 sq. ft., contact Joe Richardson III 920-918-1382 • 608 Broadway Former Day Dream Café location. Approximately 600 sq. ft. – partial utilities included. Contact Jerry Selk at 920-467-3192 or 920-467-4436 • 641 Monroe Street (Office Space) various offices and suites available, call 467-4685 or 467-7850 Other Locations • 904 Monroe, former Richardson Lumber, contact Steve Mech, CSA Commercial, 414-333-1936 • 1017 Fond du Lac Avenue, Office space for lease call 414-573-6164 for more information • Vision Business Park Located on Cty. Trk. C and TT Offering generous incentives. Contact Al Mayer, 920-889-8159 for more information • HWY 32 Land Development by Sheboygan Falls Properties, call 414-273-1775 • 851 Forest Ave. (former Fasse Paint Industrial). Contact Gottsacker Commercial, Paul Gottsacker, 920-453-9600 • 120 Balsam, Manufacturing or Warehousing, 14,000 sq. ft. with office space and loading dock. Contact Ed Gregorie 920-698-0802 • 1000 Willow Dr., Office space available, contact Hillcrest Realty, 920-526-3600 504 Broadway, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 • (920) 467-6206 www.SheboyganFalls.org • chambermnst@sheboyganfalls.org facebook.com/ChamberMainStreet Gannett Wisconsin Media Digital U DIGITAL MARKETING SEMINAR Tuesday, October 6th | 7:30 a.m. Breakfast and Presentation Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice (Lower Level Conference Room) W2850 State Road 28, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Have you been planning your digital marketing using your rear view mirror or are your eyes on the road ahead of you? With the rapid growth in mobile and tablet use, mapping out your strategies for 2016 that appeal to digitally savvy, on-the-go consumers is vital. Join Gannett Wisconsin Media for a digital marketing seminar and get a jumpstart on your marketing strategies to reach new customers. Don’t miss your chance to: • Get the latest trends for mobile advertising • Learn how to leverage your digital investment to better target new customers • Incorporate more digital strategies into your marketing plan REGISTER NOW: http://seminar-she.eventbrite.com As an added bonus, you’ll be able to enter to win some great prizes at the seminar. Must be present to win. GANNETTWISCONSINMEDIA .COM DIGITAL DISPLAY | MARKETING | PPC | EMAIL | SOCIAL MEDIA | SEO | PRINT Camp Y-Koda Fall Festival Saturday, October 10th 11:00am—5:00pm Free Activities for the Whole Family: Archery Arts and Crafts BB Gun Climbing Wall Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rowboats Fishing Trail Hikes Food and Refreshments Available for Purchase: Pork Sandwiches Hot Dogs (cook your own over the campfire) Smores Soda Chips Baked Goods and More Sponsored by Bank First National “Timeless Christmas Movies” Holiday Parade Entry Form Saturday, December 5, 2015 ~ 4:30pm Historic Sheboygan Falls *Prizes & Traveling Trophy Awarded *All Entries Must Be Decorated *Music with Entry Highly Recommended Name of Organization/Group Address Contact Person Phone In Case of Cancellation Emergency Phone Number Brief Description of Float or Parade Entry: No Entry May Have Mr. or Mrs. Santa Claus As They Will Be In The Parade. We Do Not Want To Confuse The Children. Check Those That Apply: Adult Group Youth Group Lights on Float People Walking Music (if Yes, Please Continue) Vocal __ Instrumental Mixed Ages ____ Motorized Vehicle Recorded I understand that for the safety of children and others watching the parade we are NOT ALLOWED to throw candy or other items from our parade entry. Walking to the sidelines and handing out candy or other items IS ALLOWED. Signature (If Parade Must Be Cancelled It Will Not Be Rescheduled) Line-Up at 3:30pm in the Bemis Manufacturing Parking Lot at 300 Mill Street Return This Form by Fri., Nov. 20, 2015 to: Shirl Breunig Sheboygan Falls Chamber-Main Street 504 Broadway, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Or Fax 920-467-9571 Phone: 920-467-6206 Email: chambermnst@sheboyganfalls.org WAIVER FORM A Parade Waiver Form Must Be Signed by Each Organization/Group. The Waiver Form is Printed on the Back Side of Entry Form and Must Be Signed and Returned Before Your Entry Will Be Accepted in the Parade. PRINTED ON BACK Name of Organization/Group __________________________ I, the undersigned, hereby release Sheboygan Falls Chamber-Main Street, Inc., and all participating festival and event sponsors together with all officers, members, agents, employees and any other organizations, entities and individuals who are serving Main Street Memories, including all volunteers assisting with all events from any liability or claims for injury, illness or property damage sustained by my participation or that of myself or any other person from my group. I also acknowledge that this release is being relied upon by Main Street Memories and Sheboygan Falls ChamberMain Street, Inc. as permission to use any photographs, video tapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. Signature of Organization’s Representative Phone 09-29-15 Date
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