26 February 2016 - Kingswood College


26 February 2016 - Kingswood College
Dear Parents
Mr Derek Braans
Friday 26 February
I trust you enjoyed a wonderful half term with your families and were all able to
enjoy some quality family time during the past weekend. Of course the return
from half term signals that we are fast approaching the end of what is a very
short first term. We, disappointingly, had a number of early departures before half
term and I remind you all that the end of term Travel Day has been set aside for
Wednesday 23 March. We will have a full school day, including the afternoon Assembly, the day before.
We recently received our final placings as a school for the Conquesta Olympiads written by our 2015 Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes in Life Skills and Grade 5 and 6
classes in Afrikaans, and they were very pleasing indeed. We have, again, been
placed as a ‘top 20’ school which is an exceptional achievement considering
the high number of well-resourced schools participating in these national Olympiads. The actual breakdown of results for the various Grades was: Grade 1 Life
Skills (13th), Grade 2 Life Skills (10th), Grade 3 Life Skills (8th), Grade 5 Afrikaans
(12th) and Grade 6 Afrikaans (14th). Congratulations to all pupils as well as the
staff. What a wonderful achievement, again, for our school.
Therapy S.M.A.R.T. will, again, this year
be hosting the Onesie Run/Walk in aid of
Autism South africa. This is a 5km run/walk
in support of World Autism Awareness week
and takes place on Wednesday 16th March
2016 at 17h30. The start and finish will be from
the Kingswood Dold Fields. Dress in a Onesie,
PJs or anything Blue and entrance is R10 for
adults and R5 for children under 12. There are
loads of lucky draw prizes to be won and all
proceeds to go towards Autism South Africa.
Banner photograph : The Grade 4s dressed up as Settlers while on their Settler Outing earlier
this week.
Burton Street, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139 Phone: 046 - 603 6602
Email: headmaster@kingswoodcollege.com
Students Win International Science Award
Towards the end of last year, the Grade 6s were tasked with making a video for Science which would
teach others about the 5 main sources of energy. The children had to script, design, shoot and edit the
video which was to be no longer than the prescribed 90 seconds. These videos were then entered into an
International competition run by Next Vista for Learning under Rushton Hurley who was the guest speaker
from the USA for the Grahamstown Teach! Conference in 2014. According to Mr Hurley, there was strong
competition from all quarters but, after much debate, the group with Callum Sholto-Douglas, Daniel Reid,
Colby Cockcroft and Matt Bouwer ended up receiving an Honourable Mention, whilst a second group
with Sarah Albers, Tamlyn Yates, Linda Musa, Emma Makungu and Teagan Repinz were judged the overall contest winners! The winners will each receive a certificate, a little prize money and international fame!
The video can be viewed under http://bit.ly/1XPivUk
Teagan Repinz, Linda Musa, Emma Makungu and Tamyln
Yates - winners of the Next Vista for Learning Video
Daniel Reid, Callum Sholto-Douglas, Matt Bouwer and
Colby Cockcroft - all received an Honourable Mention
Boarding News
Intermediate: Our much anticipated half term has come and gone but the girls all loved connecting with
their families and enjoying time away from the routines of school. We encouraged the girls to relax and
enjoy being with their families, but equally, to catch up any outstanding school assignments in order to
arrive for the latter part of the term confident for the exam week that lies ahead for the senior grades. We
trust that they put their time to good use. We have been doing longer prep sessions in the evenings and
will make time each day over the weekend to ensure the girls have ample opportunity to prepare thoroughly for their tests next week.
In this lovely warm weather the girls enjoyed some ice lollies as a treat. The Grade 4s certainly enjoyed
parading around the dorm in their attire from two centuries ago as they dressed up for their Settler’s
Day Outing and our Water Polo girls have gone off with much excitement to Cape Town on their tour.
Our Stars for the Week before half term were Isca Nel for co-operation, Courtney Meikle for her ready
smile and willingness to assist others and Linda Musa and Emma Makungu for their neat cubes and good
manners. This week we have Malkia Manyara and Megan Sheard in the junior dorm for contributing to a
happy and caring environment, and Emke Klopper and Michelle Brown in the senior dorm for their friendly
ways and considerate actions.
This weekend the girls will enjoy KWAM this evening. Those in boarding will enjoy a morning in town tomorrow and in the afternoon there will be some baking fun when the girls make biscuits and decorate
them. On Sunday, in between the all important prep sessions, the girls will join with VVV boys for some
fun games at the Botanical Gardens and, if the boys are lucky, the girls will share their baked biscuits with
Boys’ Village: The Van Vuuren Village boys and Student Assistants are very excited about the Super
Rugby season which kicks off today. The opening of the season will be celebrated in true South African
style and includes a boerewors braai, listening to rugby songs, the practicing of war cries and the viewing of
the Cheetah’s game at 7pm.
Tomorrow many of the boys will be involved in cricket matches against Muir, while others will be allowed
town out, a visit to the pool and an opportunity to support their friends on the cricket field. The late afternoon is set aside for more rugby on TV and the day will end with a movie. On Sunday our boys and the
Intermediate girls will walk to the Botanical Gardens to enjoy a picnic and games. On the way back they
will be treated to Steers ice-creams and a swim.
With Test Week looming next week various prep sessions have been planned. We hope that with the study
skills programme they followed, together with some diligent studying and determination, the boys will
achieve their academic goals.
Stars of the Week leading up to Half Term were Bill Francis, Elsdon Mujemula, Ben Armstrong and Nicky Qeja.
Prep Department Stars of the Week
Stars for the week before half term were:
Grade 1VH - Kate Wilson
Grade 1KC - Emma Pruissen / Kwakho Ngqola
Grade 2M - Thurston Marthinus
Grade 2S - Reagan Bowles
Grade 3K - Mercedes Adriaan
Grade 3V - Duncan MacQuilkan / Mahalia Martin
Well done to all of you!
Pre-Primary News
Last week we attended a Puppet Show at the Junior School which had the children enthralled. All our
new children were screened by the Audiologist and next week we will have the last of our screenings
done by Davies and White Optometrists.
This week we had a visit from two teachers from Yellowwoods who came to observe in our classrooms.
We are also hosting 2 students from Rhodes, who are currently doing their PGCE, for the next 3 Thursdays.
We hope that they will find their time with us to be beneficial.
There was great excitement in the playground when our new sensory trays arrived which we purchased
with our fundraising money. Whilst the weather is still so hot we will be using them to extend our outside
water play, but will also be using them in our classrooms.
Prep Department Open Time
Please note: Open Time for the Prep Department will be from 12h30 - 13h00 on Friday 4 March. This is an opportunity to have a look at your children’s books and art and to see what they have been working on since
the beginning of the year.
Prep Department Puppet Show
On Monday Heather Tomlinson and her helper Pearl from Puppet World, presented the Pre-Primary and
the Grade 1 and 2 children a most delightful puppet show. This show centred around the animals from
the African Bushveld and taught the children many valuable life lessons. They learnt about how to be a
good friend and how we can all be champions by being the best friend that we can be by helping others, working together and always doing the right thing. They also learnt about never giving up and being
a good example to others. Heather’s puppets are delightful characters and her shows are always interactive, involving the children as much as possible.
Prep Department Story Time
Disappointed as we were that our guest story-teller fell ill, our Prep Department staff, parents and children
made the most of the perfect weather and spent the evening chatting, eating and playing in our beautiful school grounds. Despite being in the middle of another activity pulling cannons up a hill, the legendary
Basil Mills, kindly came by with some enormous snakes to show the eager picnic goers. We also enjoyed the
animated African tale which he told. Thank you, Basil and Uncle Boom. Maybe next time we will all come
prepared with a story to tell - just in case!
Grade 4 Settler’s Outing
The Grade 4 classes had their 1820 Settler outing at Fairewood this week. They were accompanied by
Basil Mills and the staff from NELM. They all dressed like Settlers and had a very informative, fun day. The
pupils learned about the hardships of life in South Africa in 1820 and about the weapons used in the day.
They also got to march like soldiers and even tried their hand at throwing spears! It was a very worthwhile
Music School News
Well done to Lauren Maddocks, Amber van der Riet
and Panashe Makoni who collected stars for diligent
practising this week.
The programme for tonight's Concert in the Dark is
varied and will feature music for bassoon, flute, clarinet, French horn, violin, piano and organ by composers from the Baroque to the Modern era. The concert
commences at 19h30 and entry is by donation. Funds
will go to the St John's Eye Clinic.
There is a Sundowner concert next Thursday 3 March
at 17h00 in the Music School. Please check with your
children to see if they are playing.
Please book your tickets for next Friday's Hospice
Cheese and Wine Concert as soon as possible in
order for us to facilitate catering. Note that the concert begins at 19h00 and not at 19h30 as stated in the
term calendar. See the poster for details. Thank you to
Carara Processing for sponsoring this annual event this
We congratulate JF Viljoen on passing his Master of
Music (Performing Arts) Degree with Cum Laude from
NMMU. His thesis was entitled "Brain based learning
and music education".
Cheese & Wine Concert
by the
Friday 4 March 19h00
High Performance Centre
Kingswood College
R100 per person /R1000 per table of 10
Contact: Alke Bradfield on 046 603 6670
Join us for a relaxing evening and good
music while supporting a very worthy
All proceeds in aid of Grahamstown Hospice.
Junior School pupils on Choir Camp just before half term
We hosted our annual Championship Gala in perfect conditions on Wednesday afternoon. Five school
records were broken and the winning house was Slater, followed by Tarr, Rich and then Dacam. More
details, as well as the Victor and Victrix Ludorum winners, will be published next week.
Three of our tennis players Luke Kelly U12 no 1, Matt Gadd U12 no 3 and Morgan Baxter U10 no 3, went
through to Midlands to play tennis for the Albany team on 15 February. They did extremely well with Morgan winning all his matches. Unfortunately Jenna Gadd was unable to play due to an injury.
Best wishes to Jessica Gleaves and Emke Klopper who are currently participating in the Thiart Tennis
Academy Tournament.
Matches before half term were against Woodridge. Results were as follows:
U11A vs Woodridge
Woodridge 109 all out - Luke Lucas 4/31
Matthew Knott 2/19
Kingswood 110/6 - Christopher Painting 25 n.o.
Matthew Knott 21 not out
Morgan Baxter 22
Kingswood won by 4 wickets
U11B vs Woodridge
Woodridge 107 all out - Kungawo Hambaze 4/21
Zakariya Nagdee 3/12
Kingswood 108/4 - Sinengomso Brawen 44 not out
Kingswood won by 6 wickets
U13A vs Woodridge
Woodridge 104 all out - Blyth Hobson 3/21
Callum Sholto-Douglas 3/16
Kingswood 105/4 - Callum McGregor 32 not out
Luke Kelly 31 not out
Kingswood won by 6 wickets
U13B vs Woodridge
Woodridge 134 all out - Lisakhanya Nxati 4/35
Kingswood 135/4 - Jordan Mildenhall 41 not out
Kingswood won by 6 wickets
Our U13A cricketers participated in the annual Prep Schools’ Festival hosted by Clifton in Durban during half
term. Unfortunately, two of the four scheduled matches were rained out. My thanks to the large group of
parents who travelled up to support their sons. Results of matches played were:
Kingswood vs Thomas More
Thomas More 33/2 after 8 overs
Match abandoned due to rain
Kingswood vs Clifton
Match abandoned due to rain
Kingswood vs Cordwalles
Cordwalles 138 all out - Luke Kelly 4/21
Kingswood 139/6 - Darius Govender 64 not out
Kingswood won by 4 wickets
Kingswood vs Western Province Prep
WPP 158/9 - Cole v d Merwe 4/23
Blyth Hobson 3/20
Kingswood 80 all out
Kingswood lost by 78 runs
This weekend’s cricket matches will be against Muir. The U13Bs will play in Port Elizabeth, the U13As and
U11As on Dold Field and U11Bs on Cohen. Matches start at 09h00.
Birthdays for this past week and the week ahead are: Phinda Sibanda
(23rd), Morgan Herring (25th), Daniel Reid (25th). MARCH - Simbarashe
Chaparira (1st), Mabogoame Gabaraane (2nd), Mrs Long (2nd), Sinengomso Brawen (3rd) and Kano Mafongosi (4th). We wish you all a happy
Thought for the week
“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people say. I just watch what they do”
- Andrew Carnegie
Sha Louis Dance School
Instructors, Professional Performers and Choreographers
Ballroom & Latin American, Hip Hop, Contemporary
Dance News!
A big hello from Sha-Loui Dance School! Our first dance classes kicked off with a
bang on Thursday and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Our Grade 1 - 3 dancers
are performing a hip hop routine to “Dancing in the dark” the theme song to the
animation Home.
Our Grade 4 – 7 dancers are performing a hip hop routine to “Turn down for 5
More Hours”.
We are delighted to see the talent and dedication after just one class. It is an
honour and privilege for us to be teaching your little ones.
So…. Don’t miss the BEAT, it’s never too late to join the classes:
Grade 1 – 3’s Thursdays 15:30 – 16:00
Grade 4 – 7’s Thursdays 16:30 – 17:15
Kyle and Twan Badenhorst
My School Card
MySchool Card
Click here for an online application form if you do not have a
MySchool Card linked to Kingswood. EVERY SWIPE COUNTS!
All the MySchool revenue goes towards equipment
in the High Performance Centre.
THANK YOU to all the parents, grandparents and supporters of Kingswood
who remember to swipe their MySchool cards on our behalf when shopping!
Please remember to swipe your MySchool cards when you do your shopping!
Upcoming Events
3 & 4 MARCH 2016
8km walk/run
DATE: Wednesday 2 March 2016
TIMES: Start 5.30pm (Registration from 4.30pm)
ENTRY FEE: R20 for adults and R10 for scholars
START & FINISH: Somerset Field, Graeme College
(072) 953-7996 OR (011)760-3086
Earth Hour
This year, the Earth Hour campaign will focus on food, energy, water and waste – challenging individuals,
communities, schools, businesses and municipalities to take the lead on climate action. We are throwing down the gauntlet to you to take small actions that collectively translate into a big impact on climate
change. Big or small, every change you commit to making is invaluable and inspires others. It could be as
simple as taking shorter showers to save water, getting waste-wise by recycling, committing to meat-free
Mondays and greening your diet or saving energy by switching off appliances when not in use. Getting involved is easy and the impacts are invaluable. Shine a light on climate action by switching off for one hour,
from 8:30-9:30pm, on Saturday, 19 March. Host Earth Hour events on the night and let your supporters know
that you will be going dark for one hour as a sign of your commitment to take climate action.
East London Marketing Function
Kingswood College
- top co-educational, independent boarding and day
school in Grahamstown invites you and your
children to attend a presentation on the
opportunities that await parents and pupils
who join the Kingswood family.
Come and meet our College Head and hear about
enrolment options for your children.
Date: Wednesday 2 March 2016
Time: 18h30
Venue: Lord Selborne Guest House
4 Salisbury Road, Selborne
Children are welcome to attend with their parents
RSVP : Andrew Long
Phone 046-603 6627 or email
Johannesburg musician Jann Cheyne (OK 1984)
12 March 2016
Wyvern Club
Dress : Red and Black
OKs/Senior School: Dee Hobson
Junior School: Lyn Hobson
You are invited to join us for this celebration and please book early
to avoid disappointment due to limited availability of tickets