- Lower Kingswood
- Lower Kingswood
Lower Kingswood Residents Association Chairman: David Patel Secretary: Robert Brown Treasurer: Faye Miles VILLAGE NEWS www.lowerkingswood.co.uk Autumn Edition 2013 Chairman's Report to Residents September 2013 Inside this issue: County Council report; Banstead Commons survey 2 Residents’ Association Committee 3 Surrey Police report 4 Kingswood Primary School 5 Wisdom of God Church; Church Hall 6 Evangelical Church; CAMEO Club; Strollers 7 Ibis Bookshop; Thirteen Society; Kingswood Parish Events Committee 9 Scout Group; Fidelity meeting; Girlguiding 11 Village Fête; Crumbs; Yummy Mummy Coffee Morning 12 Parent & Toddler Group; Kingswood W.I. 13 Fidelity Worldwide Investments; Brownies 15 Old Pheasantry Children’s Trust; Love Food Surrey 16 Welcome to our Autumn 2013 issue of Village News and we would like to extend a warm welcome to all those new residents who have moved into the village over the past few months - including the new Tealby Close development. Please remember that all residents of Lower Kingswood are members of the Residents’ Association, if you have any concerns about the Village, the Residents’ Association Committee is here to try and help you and represent your interests. Unlike most other local Residents’ Associations there is no annual subscription payable – our running costs are met from the revenue of advertisements in our newsletter. So please help support our local businesses and advertisers. YOUR RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION NEEDS At the same time we would like to remind those residents out walking their dogs should ensure that any mess that may be left – particularly in the Recreation Ground – is cleared up at the time; there are several special bins located in the Recreation Ground. We have also received reports of some inconsiderate owners letting their dogs off their leashes and allowing them to leave their mess on pavements and verges. YOU REWARDING RECYCLING We are pleased to be able to report that 2 (or 3) residents - from areas of Lower Kingswood not currently represented - have recently contacted us expressing interest in joining the Committee. Each year our Borough Council spends £3 million on domestic rubbish/waste collection. However, do you know how much it earned from the rubbish that is recycled? - 25%? - 50%? No, we have just learnt from our Borough Councillors that 90% or £2.7 million is earned and their target is 100% - or more! COUNCILLORS’ SURGERY We very much appreciate the support of our advertisers but their appearance in our newsletter and/or our website does not constitute a recommendation. people (hopefully not residents of the village) periodically use the Stubbs Lane site for “flytipping”. If you see evidence of this - anywhere in Lower Kingswood - please initially notify the Borough Council (on 01737-276000) or report it online via their website so that the waste can be removed. Our thanks to Councillors Bob Gardner, Ros Mill & Simon Parnall along with PC Kelly Houghton, who attended the Councillors’ & Police Surgery held towards the end of June. YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES NEED YOU It is very important that Lower Kingswood residents continue to support OUR local businesses and services (both established and new ventures) otherwise we could find that the remaining ones will struggle to survive. Since only a small number of residents attended this event the Committee will be investigating possible alternative options for residents to have “face to face” Residents with young children will be interested to discussions with their local representatives. learn that a new local pre-school playgroup has In the meantime, residents can of course contact their opened (from September) and is located in The Old representatives via telephone or email; contact details Pheasantry, Merrywood Grove, Mogador. appear elsewhere in this issue. VILLAGE NEWS FIDELITY TRAFFIC ISSUES Once again thank you to all who have contributed At the open meeting at the beginning of June chaired articles and helped with both the production and by Councillors Bob Gardner & Michael Gosling along distribution of this newsletter. Village News is with residents from Chipstead Lane, Green Lane & distributed free to all households in (and around) Smithy Lane; delegates from each of the 3 roads were Lower Kingswood, and this is only possible because nominated and several further meetings then took of the assistance given by volunteers in its place to co-ordinate the concerns prior to a meeting at production and distribution. If you can help with Fidelity’s offices in Kingswood Fields. distribution please contact our Chairman. A brief summary of that meeting, which took place on Don’t forget - if you use the services of one of 14th August, is included in this issue. our advertisers, please mention that you saw their advertisement in Village News. KEEP LOWER KINGSWOOD TIDY Although we still have the benefit of our local “recycling centre” in Stubbs Lane - along with kerbside recycling collections, it is clear that some We would also like to acknowledge the continuing support of Fidelity Worldwide Investments. Banstead Commons survey Surrey County Council report Banstead Commons Conservators (BCC) manage (under statute) the four Banstead Commons: Banstead Downs, Park Downs, Burgh Heath and Banstead Heath, almost 800ha (1400 acres). Dear Residents All are owned by Reigate & Banstead Council (R&BBC) and the As I said at the very start of my appointment in representing you BCC receive a management grant from R&BBC for work on the and the District, I would be relentless in representing the views Commons. However, ten years ago we became eligible for external funding that together with more recent financial stringenof you all going forward. cies means the Council have gradually reduced our grant by ROADS SO FAR more than 40% in real terms over that period. Well I can confirm it’s been a busy time with getting the road The external funding is under review and we may no longer be lines in Buckland Road reinstated, preserving our verges that eligible for this. In discussions with the Council they have encurrently get worn down from vehicles being parked on them couraged us to seek alternative local funding, the implication with the installation of protective bollards. This and we have being that it would be highly unlikely that the erosion of our resurfaced a small part of the A217, is just a start and have many grant from them over the past ten years would be restored. This more road projects ahead to fulfill our road programme. would have a huge effect on our ability to maintain the ComI would encourage anyone spotting a fault on roads, lines, signs or trees to report them on line via the County Council website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/do-it-online/report-it-online It’s quick and productive plus you can track the subject that you reported FLY TIPPING This is now becoming a real issue, Also of late Fly tipping has become an issue with six illegal tips in just one week, it costs us all money to remove, so if you see a vehicle leaving this mess please could you report it, so we can keep our countryside free of rubbish. mons In particular they have suggested the idea of a “Friends of the Commons” group to act as local fundraisers for the BCC. Informal consultations with locals have yielded widely differing reactions to this suggestion. To help with our future plans and discussions with R&BBC, we have decided to obtain a wider view from users of the Commons using an online survey. Therefore, if you use or have any interest in the Commons we would be grateful if you could spare five minute to fill in the survey that you can access by clicking on this link (or copy this link into your browser address line: www.bansteadcommonsconservators.org.uk/survey.html . The results will be analysed anonymously but we would appreciate it if everyone could provide at least their postcode (even if it is only the first half). If you have any comments or queries you I am pleased to say that we are on target for everyone to have that service by the end of 2014 if not before. I have been moni- will need to leave some form of contact details. All comments toring the rollout and we are ahead of plan; you can log onto the will be dealt with individually. web site: www.superfastsurrey.org.uk and this will give more If you have friends who are interested in the Commons please road specific details of the rollout. forward this email or link to the survey to them, the larger the SUPERFAST BROADBAND LOCAL ORGANISATIONS number of responses, the more use they are. I am involved with the Lower Kingswood Fête, and we could do with more volunteers. It’s not that time consuming but has a tremendous value for the village in supporting 10 of the main associations who each benefit financially, so please come and join us. For more details of the BCC please go to our web site: www.bansteadcommonsconservators.org or email us at: bansteadcommonsconservators@gmail.com To quote the R&BBC following the award of last years grant: “….more needs to be done to make people understand that without the support of everyone who uses the commons, Banstead Commons Conservators will not be able to maintain the current levels of stewardship that they have come to expect and that BCC will not be in a position to achieve their aspirations.” Councillor Bob Gardner Editor’s note: Council Member for Merstham & Banstead South The above article has been forwarded to us via the Banstead Federation of Residents’ Associations and we thought that it might be of interest to our own residents. Email: bob.gardner@surreycc.gov.uk Telephone: 0845-643-1112 Autumn 2013 Page 2 Lower Kingswood Village News Residents’ Association Committee report A Meeting of the Committee took place on Tuesday, 14th May 2013. In addition to Committee members, Councillors Bob Gardner, Michael Gosling & Simon Parnall were in attendance. Although Police representatives were unable to attend the meeting, they had provided the Secretary with an update, which was given to the meeting on their behalf: Crime over the past few months had been quite low, but there had been several thefts from motor vehicles. They had stressed the importance of keeping vehicles safe and secure with belongings out of sight – preferably indoors. He would welcome the opportunity to attend future Committee meetings whenever possible and he also requested that copies of the Minutes should continue to be forwarded to him. Councillor Parnall reported on: The proceedings at the recent Public Inquiry into the planning application made in respect of ‘Highlands’. He added that, given that certain issues had arisen, it was likely that the results of the Inquiry would not be known for several months. The Borough Council’s “village plan” and highlighted the work being undertaken by other Residents’ Associations in his constituency. It was agreed that initial contact should be made with Kingswood RA. The recent success of the Councillors’ Surgery held by Kingswood RA. It was agreed that the Secretary would determine a mutually convenient date both in terms of booking the Church Hall and the availability of Councillors and Police representatives. Issues from previous Minutes were highlighted to Cllr. Parnall as still being outstanding; these included the poor condition of road markings at the junction of Stubbs Lane & Buckland Road and subsidence of the bank adjoining the southbound A217 approach to Green Lane. Councillor Gardner reported on: Outstanding issues in relation to trees etc. where he had spoken to the Officer in charge. Problems with potholes and other road issues and noted that the Council had negotiated a new road maintenance contract, which involved a 10-year guarantee on road repairs. He added that road issues and defects could be reported on-line via the County Council’s website. The rollout of “superfast” broadband throughout Surrey, which was on track to be completed by the end of 2014. He added that a dedicated website, which residents could access, gave details of installation dates by area/post code. Councillor Gosling reported on: Traffic issues in relation to the Fidelity site and that he proposed holding a separate public meeting for residents of Chipstead Lane, Green Lane & Smithy Lane to allow their concerns to be shared. As well as identifying the issues, he proposed that this meeting should also be used to identify those residents willing to act as “delegates” for their particular roads in a subsequent meeting with Fidelity. It was agreed that the Secretary would determine the availability of the Church Hall and that the Association would then arrange for a mailshot (drafted by Cllr. Gosling) to be circulated to residents in the three roads. Work to “tidy up” the A217 would now extend up to the northern County boundary at Belmont. The transfer of relevant documentation to Cllr. Gardner and added that he would continue to be involved on long standing issues, as well as representing residents on the north side of Chipstead Lane. Lower Kingswood Village News The current round of NHS changes, which were focussed on centralising the more acute treatments at specialist hospitals. He added that this might mean changes for Epsom Hospital but at present, discussions were still continuing. Page 3 Autumn 2013 Surrey Police report If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour please let you local safer neighbourhood team aware. We are here to help! Dear All We hope you have all had a lovely summer and made the most of the glorious weather we’ve had! We are pleased to say that crime in Lower Kingswood has significantly reduced, so please continue to do what you are doing! Remember to keep your property and vehicle(s) secure and keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour. If you see any such instances then call in on either 101 or, in an emergency, 999! If you think of anything that would be beneficial to your community then please don’t hesitate to bring it to our attention. We would love to hear from you! For those that have an interest in social media, why not check out the Surrey Police Facebook page or find us on Twitter. Editor’s note There is a new mechanism for viewing crime statistics, which can be accessed from the national police website www.police.uk/crime and this shows that, for the month of July 2013, there were a total of 12 instances of crime & anti social behaviour within a one mile radius of Lower Kingswood. These were made up of: anti social behaviour 1, burglary 2, other theft 5, vehicle crime 1 and violence & sexual offences 3. This website also allows these instances to be viewed street by street! However, comments from our local police officers have previously indicated that Lower Kingswood itself continues to have relatively low levels of reported crime. Nevertheless you should notify Surrey Police immediately of any suspicious callers or people loitering in your area, any unfamiliar vehicles, or any suspicious activity at neighbouring properties. Kind regards PC 40040 Kelly Houghton Houghton40040@surrey.pnn.police.uk SUMMER TIME UPDATE (from the Surrey Police website) It is great that we are finally enjoying some hot weather, but with warmer weather comes opportunities for crime. Recently we have had a number of thefts from motor vehicles. We want to encourage all residents to remember to close windows and leave vehicles secure when unattended. Typical items taken are Satellite navigation systems, sunglasses, mobile phones and loose change left on display. Do not make it easy for criminals… Lock the door and take out your valuables! If you seen anyone acting suspi- PCSO 14847 Hayley Keegan ciously please call us on 101. 14847@surrey.pnn.police.uk Whilst we encourage youths to enjoy the summer holidays and to be active outdoors, we would like to remind all parents to ensure their children are playing in appropriate places and to remind them to be respectful of other residents. We have received reports of youths on scooters in roads and playing football against cars. The local neighbourhood team will not tolerate anti-social behaviour, and appropriate action will be taken Autumn 2013 Page 4 Lower Kingswood Village News Kingswood Primary School On the last day of last term the school was awarded the ‘Gold Bike It’ award, which demonstrates the school’s commitment to promoting cycling in school. We are only one of ten schools in the country to have received this award. On the sporting front, we performed superbly in two district sports’ competitions in the summer term. At the North Downs Schools’ District Sports, held at the David Weir stadium in Sutton, the school finished first; and against the Redhill and Reigate schools the girls came first and the boys came second. All the practice in the new long jump pit certainly helped! Year 6 children had their last residential trip when they went camping for two nights at a local outdoor I would firstly like to welcome the new Reception children and centre. They had a fantastic time rock climbing, participating on any new families to the school who have started in September. I a high ropes challenge, singing around the campfire and toasting would also like to welcome back Mrs Peppiat (formerly Miss marshmallows! I hope they have now settled well into life at Hayward) who has returned following her maternity leave. their new secondary schools. At the end of a very busy summer term all the children in the school took part in the production of ‘Beauty and The Beast’, which was performed in the Church Hall. The children were superb, despite performing on the hottest days of the year, with wonderful singing and acting and you could really see the genuine enjoyment and sense of achievement the children gained from this musical. It was also a wonderful way for the Year 6 children to finish at the school, hopefully taking with them many happy memories. Lower Kingswood Village News As I have written in other issues, the school is always looking at ways to work alongside the community. If the school could benefit the community more, I would welcome any ideas. Just come and see me! Duncan Steele Head-teacher Page 5 Autumn 2013 The Wisdom of God Church As many of you know the Reverend Gath Barber has retired from being Vicar of Kingswood. We are now in an interregnum. The situation during this period is that the responsibility for the administration of the Parish including legal matters rests with the Area Dean - the Reverend Andrew Cunnington, together with our two Church Wardens - Mrs Jane Hollington and Mr Graeme Knibbs. They, together with elected representatives of the Parish and with the Bishop, will be involved with the process leading up to the selection of a new Vicar they may benefit from it. I am aware of the need for pastoral care of People and I would very much like to know of anyone who is unwell in any way and who might wish for a visit. We do have a team of people who can help with this. I strongly believe in Clergy Visiting and so if anyone would like a visit, especially newcomers please let me know and I will do my best to respond. With my Prayerful Blessings Arthur Bowyer Honorary Curate - Parish of Kingswood Church Hall The Hall continues to be busy and popular with bookings. It has played host to many a charity quiz night and cream tea over the past few months. In fact, the only regular evening spot now I continue in my role as Honorary Curate. As such I shall be available is on Tuesdays after 7:30pm. However, despite the greatly involved with our Church services at both ends of the Hall’s popularity, it has become increasingly hard for the Hall’s Parish. Our two Readers - Mrs Stella Gritten and Mrs Barbara finances to remain “in the black” due to the escalating costs of Smith will assist me. There will be some help from visiting Cler- heating, electricity, insurance etc. Therefore, with this in mind, gy but I hope that I shall be able to provide a sense of continui- the Committee have been looking into the possibility of gaining ty. grants for insulating the roof and walls, which should help in I shall be the point of contact for baptisms, weddings and funer- cutting heating bills. als the bulk of which (but perhaps not all) I hope I shall be able We have also acquired a new range cooker in the kitchen which to conduct myself. should be a great benefit when hiring the Hall for an occasion where catering for large numbers are required – whether it be a The Church of England ministry is there for any one who feels sit-down formal meal or heating a pile of pizzas for the kids! Other recent work on the Hall includes cleaning up internal notice boards and the improvement of the main outside notice board, polishing the wooden floor in the main Hall, a spring clean of the kitchen and the usual maintenance of the surrounding gardens. We would like to thank everyone who uses the Hall on a regular basis and please consider using the Hall when you are next planning a function. Please contact Laurie & Marianne Kaye for booking information and prices on 01737-832848. Quality & reliability at a competitive price Netherne Printing Services Unit 12/13 Havenbury Industrial Estate Dorking Surrey RH4 1ES Tel: 01306-875150 Fax: 01306-875152 email: info@netherneprint.co.uk website: www.netherneprint.co.uk Autumn 2013 Page 6 Lower Kingswood Village News Lower Kingswood Evangelical Church I have recently been reading a biography about Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, who died in 2011 from cancer. It’s a fantastic book about an incredibly driven, creative and visionary man. Towards the end of his life, when he knew he was dying, Jobs remarked: “I like to think that something survives after you die. It’s strange to think that you accumulate all this experience, and maybe a little wisdom, and it just goes away. So I really want to believe that something survives, that maybe your consciousness endures”. I find that fascinating. Although many people in our world today suggest that all that exists is what we can see with our eyes and so dismiss any idea of ‘life after death’; the reflections of this man led him to a different wish and desire. But that’s precisely the problem. He was wishing and desiring. How can any of us know what happens after death and whether some part of us lives on afterwards? Can we find any firmer ground on which to stand other than our speculations and guess work? The Bible suggests answers to those good questions. It points us back to a real, historical person; to Jesus Christ. To someone who really did live, who really did die and who the Bible claims came back to life again. This means that Jesus is uniquely able to tell us about life after death. Now that’s quite a claim. But despite 2000 years of trying, no one has been able to disprove the claim that Jesus came back to life or suggest a more compelling explanation of the events of Easter Sunday. So, maybe it makes sense to take another look at Jesus and to read the eyewitness evidence about his life, his death and his return to life for your- self with an open mind and honest questioning? This is something that as a Church we would love to help you with. If you would like to find out more you can also find us on the internet at www.lkec.org.uk or you can e-mail me at pastor@lkec.org.uk. We meet at our Church premises at 47 Smithy Lane every Sunday at 10:30am. We look forward to welcoming you! Jim Murkett CAMEO Club - ‘Come And Meet Each Other’ With changes all around us, at CAMEO we seek to ensure that the meeting each month brings something that is both fresh and consistent. June saw the 60th anniversary of the Coronation, which we celebrated with an afternoon of early 1950s music presented by Bob Eagle. Memories were stirred as many folk joined in with favourite songs from past days. We are so used to forgetting things that we are often surprised at how much we do remember! illusionist who gave us a fascinating glimpse of the history of what might be called “performance magic”. “How did he do that?” was a question frequently on our lips as the afternoon was illustrated by modern versions of classic magical tricks, complete with members of the audience being asked to risk their valuables. Everything was back where it should have been by the end of the afternoon, but we were still bemused by the fact that we did not understand what we had seen. “How did July brought our Summer Celebration – he do it?” indeed – but that is what complete with strawberries and various “performance magic” is all about. Fascicomments about how good they were this nating. year; though somehow they do not taste as once they did! Our visiting speaker was an As we move into the autumn term, we have a varied programme to anticipate, including flying adventures where airport facilities are non-existent and delving into the past of a hidden local landmark – no more clues at this stage! If you would like to sample a CAMEO afternoon, you would be very welcome to join us on the second Monday each month at 2:00pm at the Evangelical Church in Smithy Lane. If you would like further information simply come to a CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other) and meet us. Lower Kingswood Strollers The hopes expressed in the summer issue of Village News un- Church in Smithy Lane at 1:30pm. Over 30 of the 55 locations fortunately failed to materialise and Strollers has been somewhat we have visited in the past eleven years have yet to be revisited, dormant this summer for various reasons. However, dormant is so there is plenty of scope! not dead! If you would like to join us in our explorations, you would be We are resuming operations with an outing on 30th September more than welcome. and thereafter aiming as usual for the 4th Monday in October and November. We are bringing the time forward by 30 minutes, so that we will now be meeting at the Evangelical Lower Kingswood Village News Page 7 Autumn 2013 Autumn 2013 Page 8 Lower Kingswood Village News Ibis Bookshop - Banstead The Thirteen Society You may, or may not, have read in the local press that the Ibis Bookshop is likely to close within the next few months. Linda Jones the owner is fighting against the combined forces of Waterstones in Epsom and Sutton, Amazon, e-books and the local supermarkets to retain a foothold as an independent bookseller. With business rates and rent and other costs, her outgoings are such that there is little or no profit in keeping the shop open. Our society begins its new season in Kingswood Village Hall, Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood at 8:00pm on Monday 14th October. We look forward very much to meeting members – both old and new. For those of you new to the Thirteen Society, we meet for a series of six talks or illustrated lectures from October to March, always on the second Monday of the month. The evening begins at 8:00pm and generally ends between 9:30 and 9:45pm includThe Ibis has been an asset to Banstead for 75 years and has ing a 15 minute refreshment break. We currently have around served not only Banstead but also the surrounding local commu- 100 members but would really welcome newcomers, whether for nity. Not everyone has the means to order books on-line or to the season (£15) or for individual lectures when the fee is £4 at travel to Epsom or Sutton to shop at Waterstones. Linda offers the door; with coffee, tea and biscuits included. a useful service in that if a book is ordered from the shop before Our first talk on 14th October is entitled ‘Kings and Queens of 5:00pm then she will have it ready for collection the following Clubs’ and will particularly interest all our golfers. The speaker day. This is a service that not even Amazon can match without Bob Gowland - had a working career in Fine Arts with both the payment of a delivery premium. Shopping in Sutton and Phillips and Bonhams, but was always a passionate golfer. He Epsom entails car parking charges. If you time your trip into played for Middlesex and is a member of the Royal and Ancient. Banstead to collect your telephonically pre-ordered book you He is an expert on the history of the game and recently pubwon't even have to pay to park as the village still has an hour's lished a book entitled ‘The Earliest Clubs 1650-1850’. free parking on the High Street. Waitrose are across the road and would be delighted to let you use their car park (free parking On 11th November a British Airways pilot - David Henderson for one and a half hours for shoppers) in return for some exwill give us a view from the front seat with his talk ‘Come Fly penditure in the store. with Me’. Last February David was very gracious when we had to cancel his talk due to snow. Many people asked that he The news of the imminent closure, which has brought many should return so we are very pleased that he has agreed to do so. people into the shop to express their sadness at the news, has produced a very novel approach to keeping the shop open, Christmas is strongly associated with the Victorians and especialwhich is to purchase the freehold, which would eliminate imme- ly Dickens. On 9th December 9th, Ron and Jane Searle along diately the need to pay rent. So, if 4000 people were prepared to with their daughter Elizabeth, are presenting an evening of fespay £100 each the freehold could be purchased. To date certain- tive readings and music as the theatrical family featured in Nichly 400 names are on the list and rumour has it that the figure is olas Nickleby ‘The Crummles’. The Searles are a local family, nearer 700 which means that potentially between £40,000 and known to many of you. Ron is a local head teacher and Jane is £70,000 is already promised. At this moment all Linda is asking both a professional singer and music teacher. Coffee and bisis that you add your name to the list as a potential investor. cuits will be replaced by mince pies and wine or fruit juice! If you feel that you can support the Ibis, please get in touch with For the rest of our programme, keep an eye out for us in the Linda Jones directly by telephone: 01737-353260 or email: December edition of Village News . info@ibisbookshop.co.uk Editor’s note: The above article has been forwarded to us via the Banstead Federation of Residents’ Associations and we thought that it might be of interest to our own residents. Kingswood Parish Events Committee We have managed to secure tickets for the much-acclaimed new musical ‘The Bodyguard’ at the Adelphi Theatre in London for Thursday 28th November in the evening. ‘The Bodyguard’ is a romantic thriller featuring a whole host of Whitney Houston's greatest hits, including I Will Always Love You. A new cast is scheduled to take over in September, when the main part will be played by Beverley Knight, MBE, described as the “Queen of British Soul”. The price is £38 per person and includes a top-price ticket for the show and coach transport. The coach will be leaving from the car park at St. Andrew's Church in Kingswood at 16:45pm with a pick-up from the bus stop outside the Wisdom of God Church in Lower Kingswood shortly afterwards. All are welcome on this outing. Lower Kingswood Village News Page 9 Autumn 2013 Autumn 2013 Page 10 Lower Kingswood Village News 9th Reigate Scout Group Lower Kingswood The 9th Reigate (Lower Kingswood) Scout Group held its annual social/BBQ and general meeting immediately before breaking up for the summer holidays. There was an excellent attendance and a jolly atmosphere amongst parents as they heard of the Scout Group’s activities during the past year and plans for the future. Grateful thanks were expressed to those parents who had supported the group and especially the members of the committee. Several new adults were welcomed to become executive members for the coming year. The team of leaders who look after the children on a weekly basis plus occasional other events, donate a great deal of their time, effort and skill to provide young people with new life-skills and experiences. The numbers of children have increased modestly over the past year but there are significant changes in the detail. We have moved from being one of only a couple of groups in Reigate District with places readily available for young people to having a waiting list for 6 year olds. The BEAVER colony is full as of June 2013, with new leadership and 17 excited little children attending and 7 on the waiting Fidelity meeting - August Attendees at a meeting held on 14th August at Kingswood Fields: County Councillors: Bob Gardner & Michael Gosling Fidelity: Peter Yandle (Head of Communications & Brand), Sue Parker (Head of Corporate Service & Security) & Andy Baier (Kingswood Site Manager) list. The CUBS are very active with about 18 Cubs, 3 adults and 1 young leader. The SCOUTS section had reduced to very low numbers at the beginning of the year, but is now enjoying a renaissance since 2 new leaders joined and started running a joint invigorated programme with Chipstead (15th Reigate) that has seen some brilliant sharing of skills and increased adult support. All sections have worked hard with weekly activities either in our local scout hut or out on various location to gain a series of structured badges. Some of the programme items have included, Burns’ Night, "Pets 4 homes", a visit by a rescue dog, an Australia night, visiting a B&Q workshop, making pizzas, fire lighting and backwoods cooking, push kart racing (which we won), swimming gala, St George’s Day celebrations and football competition (which we again won!). To find out more about us check out our group website: www.9thReigate.co.uk or contact our Group Scout Leader on 0844-414-2215 or email: GSL@9thReigate.co.uk To all girls who are 10 years old!! Have you thought about becoming a guide? Guides are a movement that has been Residents’ Association: David Patel (Chairman) & Robert Brown going strong for over 100 years. It aims to give girls between the ages of 10 and (Secretary) 14, the chance to develop their individuality, grow their life skills, Residents’ representatives: Rod Ashford (Green Lane), Nigel while making new friends and getting involved in the communiHawkins (Smithy Lane) & Steve Walker (Chipstead Lane) ty. Cllr. Gosling opened the meeting and gave a brief outline of the What have we in 1st Lower Kingswood Guides to look forward background and need for the meeting and also introduced Cllr. to? Gardner. In June 2014 we are going to Scoutabout, it’s a huge weekend Mr Patel thanked the representatives from Fidelity for hosting camp for 5,000 guides, scouts and leaders in Surrey. It’s a the meeting and acknowledged the support given to the commu- packed two days full of fun and excitement, including caving, nity in terms of Fidelity’s donations towards the Village Fête etc. bungee slides, paragliding, zorbing, quad biking, climbing, fire He added that the intention was to have a much closer relation- crafts and lots more! It’s an event done every three years, defiship with Fidelity so that any issues can be mutually resolved. nitely not one to be missed! Mr Ashford provided an overview of general issues and noted In July 2014 we are holding a unit camp, it will be 4 days of fire that a number of suggested “traffic calming” measures were the cooking, sleeping in tents and doing onsite activities including; responsibility of the County Council.. He then went on to high- crate stacking, raft building, canoeing, archery, at Foxlease guidlight particular traffic issues of concern to Green Lane residents. ing centre in the New Forest. Mr Hawkins highlighted particular traffic issues of concern to Smithy Lane residents; in turn Mr Walker then highlighted particular traffic issues of concern to Chipstead Lane residents. It the general discussion that followed all attendees recognised the open and neighbourly nature of the meeting. They also agreed that it was important to build on the co-operative nature of this first meeting and that, having established lines of communication; it would be beneficial to hold periodic future meetings. Lower Kingswood Village News Do you like the sound of this? We would love to have you come along and meet us and discover what we do and help our unit grow. We are happy to welcome you to any evening meeting, at 7:00pm on Fridays (term time) at the Church Hall, Buckland Road, Lower Kingswood. Page 11 Autumn 2013 Lower Kingswood Village Fête - 2014 DO YOU REMEMBER THIS YEAR’S SUMMER FETE? Would you like to help with the next fete? There are lots of ways in which you can take part and help. Come along to the Lounge at the Evangelical Church in Smithy Lane, Lower Kingswood on TUESDAY, 24TH SEPTEMBER 2013 AT 7.30 PM. If you are involved with a local group and would like to take part do come along as well. Yummy Mummy Coffee Morning Lower Kingswood Evangelical Church Parent & Toddler Group We continue to enjoy meeting Mums, Grandmas, Child-minders and children to have fun together on Friday mornings during term-time between 9:15am and 11:00am. We’ve got a range of toys to play with indoors and outside, and we try to provide a craft activity every week too. At about 10:20am we all stop for Story Time, where we listen to a true story from the Bible being retold. While we’re all sat down together, we enjoy singing some of our favourite songs and rhymes, sometimes getting out instruments too. The smell and taste of fresh coffee is usually accompanied by cake, and often one or more of us have had chance to bake something to bring and share, which we all enjoy! After nearly two years of wonderful Wednesdays, The Yummy Mummy Coffee Morning, closed its doors for the last time in July. We will sadly not be re-opening in September, due to the fact that our children are all starting school and we are moving on to new ventures. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lovely people who have supported us by coming each week and the 9th Reigate Beavers, Cubs & Scouts, who have allowed us to use their premises every Wednesday. Do give us a call or pop along if you’d like to join us on Friday mornings at Lower Kingswood Evangelical Church on Smithy Lane. Gulliver’s deckchair in Lilliput? Autumn 2013 Page 12 Lower Kingswood Village News I hope you have all enjoyed your summer break! We would welcome even more new Mums, Dads, Grandparents and children - the more the merrier! So if you would welcome I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as some company on Thursday mornings while your children play the new ladies to take over the running of the toddlers on a please do come along and join us. Thursday morning. Most of you already know us but for those that don't the 3 ladies you will see helping serve up tea and cof- We run every Thursday morning from 10:00am to 12:00 noon fee and on hand to ensure the hall is set up with a wide variety of (term time only). The charge is just £2 for you and your child toys and activities are Amanda, Michelle and Iona. and 50p for every additional child. This price includes unlimited tea, coffee, juice & biscuits and of course chat. We have been going to the Toddler Group for many years now and am sure you will all agree that Thursday mornings would not We look forward to see you all. be the same without numerous cups of tea and a good old gossip!!! Kingswood W.I. Members of the Kingswood W.I. (who meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 2:15pm in the Church Hall, Buckland Road) have been very busy enjoying themselves over the last few months. phone only a bicycle for catching criminals, and having to carry all her gear in a hand bag!! In July we had a talk on the South Downs Project, local information on the Downs and new walks for members to explore. Our August meeting was held in Marjorie Knight’s garden where members much enjoyed a sandwich lunch, good weather and a wonderful exhibition of Marjorie's artwork. All this from one small but very active W.I.; it would be lovely to You may well ask why see new faces, to join in not only our local activities, but also all Marjorie Knight is dancing that Surrey W.I. has to offer. the light fantastic with ‘Brucie’ in a bed of sedum, well we entered the scare- crow exhibition at Wisley Garden, the title being “Strictly” we thought instantly of ‘Brucie’. Marjorie organised nine of us to create him. Marjorie’s pièce de résistance was the moulding of the fantastic likeness of Bruce Forsyth, from papier-mâché. The rest of us sat in Elizabeth Lemon’s barn and stuffed the body to produce the scarecrow. All agreed it was a lot of fun making him, even the little field mice Marjorie made from wool, so our highly commended certificate from Wisley Garden was much appreciated. Our meetings themselves have given much interest to members, with talks ranging from Handbags to Handcuffs when an ex- policewoman recounted many an amusing tale of her life on the beat with no mobile Lower Kingswood Village News Page 13 Autumn 2013 Autumn 2013 Page 14 Lower Kingswood Village News News from Fidelity Worldwide Investment Fidelity Worldwide Investment is one of the UK’s largest fund managers. We offer investors access to a wide range of equity, fixed income, property and multi-asset funds. We specialise in tax-efficient investment vehicles, including ISAs, Junior ISAs and Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs). Fidelity also offers a Wealth Management Service for customers with over ₤100,000 actively invested. In addition, our fund supermarket offers investors the choice of over 1,200 funds from more than 70 investment providers. Fidelity Worldwide Investment employs approximately 6,000 staff, with 3,000 staff based across our 3 UK sites in London, Lower Kingswood and Tonbridge. The summer period is always a busy time in the Fidelity Corporate Citizenship calendar and this summer we were again delighted to support the Lower Kingswood Village Fête. This is a fantastic family community event and our support of this is on going. We were also pleased to support the Children’s Trust Fun Day, with such glorious weather the Trust realised their best visitor numbers in recent years and have raised in excess of £11,000. Fidelity Worldwide Investment, through its Corporate Citizenship programme is committed to making a difference to communities local to our offices and where our employees live. Fidelity actively encourages charitable giving and supports organisations where we believe we can add lasting value. Over the years, Fidelity and our employees have helped raise money for many worthy causes, at both a local and national level. We encourage our employees to take part in charitable events and offer matching grants, which can significantly increase the sums they raise. At Fidelity, our commitment to charity is an important part of being a responsible corporate citizen. personally though our grant-matching programme. Many Fidelity employees based at our Lower Kingswood site have also been busy fundraising over the summer period, including John Bristow who completed a 36 mile Reigate to London Walk to raise funds for a new community centre at St Mary’s Church in Reigate and Georgina Woods participated in the London to Brighton 100km Trek in aid of the British Heart Foundation. Fidelity was able to match the funds that these employees raised To find out more about Fidelity, please visit: www.fidelity.co.uk. 1st Lower Kingswood Brownies The Brownies had a fantastic summer term, from hunting for treasure on Colley Hill to hiking to Walton on the Hill. At the latter the girls enjoyed resting their legs, eating fish and chips and sitting by the pond, it was a lovely warm evening and was part of their ‘Out and About’ badge. celebrating Bonfire Night and will be getting ready for the festive season. We are currently running a full unit, so would welcome any willing adult volunteers to come and give Brownies a go. Also this term we played many games outside on the Recreation Ground. The girls worked towards their ‘Brownie Traditions’ badge and we also went to The Old Pheasantry for our end of term activities and promise ceremony. We always have lots of fun and meet on Monday evenings in the Church Hall, Buckland Road. We are looking forward to the autumn term when we will have our annual swimming gala, where we can race against other Brownie units in the Division to win the trophy! We will also be Lower Kingswood Village News Page 15 Autumn 2013 The Old Pheasantry Love Food Surrey campaign Children’s Trust Every day in Surrey we throw away two shed loads of bananas and every week in Surrey we throw away enough strawberries to cover a tennis court. These alarming statistics form part of Surrey County Council’s Love Food Surrey campaign, which encourages people to think about how much food they are throwing away. Through shopping smarter and using leftovers, it’s estimated the average family could save up to £50 on their monthly shopping bill. John Furey, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment said: “It’s startling to discover exactly how much food is thrown away, much of which is avoidable. For example, this summer people in Surrey will throw away enough cake to cover a five-mile bike ride. The Old Pheasantry Children’s Trust is having a busy 2013. It has been able to receive and accommodate groups of young people from London and surrounding areas closer to home and offer them a break in the countryside. The funding needed to offer a short holiday to the visiting children is raised by the Old Pheasantry Children’s Trust by directly approaching London Boroughs, other Out-of-School care services which offer funding for children, its own fund-raising activities and, of course, kind donations. The Old Pheasantry has become a much-loved venue by local groups wishing to have a short break away, even if only just a few miles up the road. Recently, following a Leaving Day disco, the children from Kingswood Primary School stayed for one night at the Old Pheasantry. In November the Lower Kingswood Guides will be joining with the Tadworth Guides to enjoy an evening around a campfire. “Our Love Food Surrey campaign shows that by doing some easy practical everyday things in the home we can all waste less food, which will help save money and benefit the environment too.” Each year, households in the UK throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food and drink. In Surrey alone, more than 75,000 tonnes of food is thrown away each year and even though a third is collected and recycled, it costs taxpayers £6 million a year to deal with. John Furey added: “That’s the same amount of money it takes for Surrey County Council to fund 630 primary school places, buy a million library books or fix 108,000 potholes.” For the food waste that can’t be avoided (like cooked food scraps and meat bones), people can use their kerbside food waste collection service. By collecting food separately from general waste it can be processed in a more environmentally friendly way, producing energy and being turned into fertiliser for use on farms. For more information on the Love Food Surrey campaign visit www.lovefoodsurrey.com. It is this level of local support and interest that has proved a winning formula and helped to enable the small charity to continue for over 25 years. During 2013 work will be carried out on the building to repair the roof and chimneystack. The Trustees would like to thank the Kingswood Village Hall Trust for its kind interest and donation of £1,000 which will help pay for the work needed to repair the roof and chimney. The Trustees would also like to thank the roofing company, Tresan, for agreeing to undertake this work. Improvements to wheelchair access will start in September. Funding for this project has been raised throughout the year and together with a recent donation from the Reigate Hill Probus Club of £60 this project is well on the way to completion. The Trust is happy to report that as well as established groups, a small local pre-school will be using the house. This will operate in accordance with additional and existing restrictions and requirements to enable it to function alongside the work that is already carried out by the Trust. The Old Pheasantry Children’s Trust is owned and managed by The Land & City Families Trust, registered Charity Number 2921740. Autumn 2013 Page 16 Lower Kingswood Village News Business Directory LANDSEER HOME MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENTS A P S GAS & HEATING Central heating, other household gas work & plumbing (including kitchens & bathrooms); Gas Safe registered engineer. Telephone: 01737-245798 or 07956-232485 or email: apsgasandheating@hotmail.co.uk Local company with expertise in painting and decorating, plastering, tiling, building works, and repairs. Member of the Federation of Master Builders for 15 years. "We do it all, big or small". Call Phil Twiddy on 01737-831172 LIL DRAGONS – for children 3-5 years old A WOMAN’S TOUCH Improve your child’s confidence and social skills while having fun and exercising at the same time. Telephone: 0800-298-7096 or see our website: www.eackd.com Exceptional lady decorator – attention to detail we all crave. Telephone 07814013077 or email: a.womanstouch@live.co.uk LITTLEYEARS CHILD DAY CARE SERVICES MIKE BAKER – electrician Your local electrician can provide appliance testing (PAT) of equipment used in the work place or let property. Be safe; be compliant! Telephone: 01737-830508 for details – also see main advert in Village News BARR CO – solicitors Specialist solicitors in all areas of employment law – for both employers & employees. Green Lane, Lower Kingswood, KT20 6YB. Telephone: 01737-833850 or email: m.trench@barrco.org.uk or see our website: www.barrco.org.uk OFSTED registered childminder with full and part time vacancies, ages 1-8 years. First Aid & CRB accredited. Committed to providing a safe, happy, fun & stimulating home from home environment for your child. Telephone: 07787-548477 or email: littleyears@btinternet.com MALBY PHOTOGRAPHY - children and pet photography Creating memories that will last a lifetime; local photographer, based in Lower Kingswood. Telephone: 07831-173773 or email: info@malbyphotography.co.uk or see our website: www.malbyphotography.co.uk ORCHARD COTTAGE RIDING STABLES BUTTERCUP & DAISY CHILDMINDERS A warm, safe and friendly environment; where children will experience lots of activities & enjoyment and you have peace of mind. Telephone: 07761-808272 or 01737833087or email: webb.c2@sky.com B.H.S. & A.B.R.S. approved – established 1926. Babylon Lane, Lower Kingswood, KT20 6XA. Telephone: 01737-241311 or see our website: www.ocrs.co.uk – also see main advert in Village News CHOI KWANG DO PHOENIX TRADING - beautiful cards & stationery Full time martial arts centre in Redhill, offering classes for children & adults from 5 to 101 years old! Get fit and learn to defend yourself. Telephone: 0800-298-7096 or see our website: www.eackd.com Contact me for a brochure or come and see me at the Lower Kingswood Coffee Morning on Wednesday mornings or at the Toddler Group on Thursday mornings. Telephone: 07515-632090 or email: rochelle.phoenix@gmail.com CHRIS – 1st CLASS DRIVING SCHOOL POOCH PARLOUR – dog grooming Free first lesson for all, fully qualified, patient, high pass rate, competitive prices. Telephone: 01737-223034 or see our website: www.chris-1stclassdriving.co.uk Over 30 years experience; we groom / bath / clip. Telephone: 01737-841010 or 07831-621227 DECORATING SERVICES PRIORY PROPERTY SERVICES – for a quality finish and a reliable service every time Interior/exterior decorating, fencing/garden work/handyman services etc. Telephone: Tony Richards on 07717-008693 For a complete range of interior & exterior property services including painting & decoration, fitted kitchens, wooden floors, carpentry, fencing and garden maintenance. Telephone: 07831-525459 or 01737-240611 – also see main advert in Village News DEXTER CONTRACT SERVICES Ltd Surrey’s painting specialists. Telephone Wayne Freeman (projects director) on 01737-233513 or 07590-106375 RED CARPET ENTERTAINMENTS We provide entertainment acts for parties, weddings etc. and can also provide discos, live bands and tribute acts. Telephone: Susie Homes 07958-478620 or Ray Lowe Free, no obligation initial consultation in your home. Quality soft furnishings made in 07852-351620 or email: info@redcarpetentertainments.co.uk or see our website: fabric of your choice. Telephone: 07939 028670, email: www.redcarpetentertainments.co.uk (follow us on Twitter @redcarpetents) diana@dianamurrayinteriors.co.uk or see our website: www.dianamurrayinteriors.co.uk DIANA MURRAY INTERIORS – bespoke curtains & blinds S.D. SERVICING Mobile mechanic. Telephone: 07877-107246 DISCOTRONICS – computer sales, upgrades & repairs We also advise on and can install wiring for computers, networking, telephone, CCTV, digital TV & satellite. Telephone: 01737-833254 or email: sales@discotronics.co.uk – also see main advert in Village News SEETHRU WINDOW CLEANING Residential & business. Telephone: 07877-107246 DOG COMMUNICATION - adult dog socialisation classes STONEMAN FUNERAL SERVICE – 5th generation family funeral director Socialise your dog in a secure controlled environment with teaching dogs - dogs that help other dogs to learn social skills. Telephone: 07831-173773 or email: penel@dogcommunication.co.uk or see our website: www.dogcommunication.co.uk THE STRAND - hairdressers for ladies & gents HAIR BY EMMA Mobile Hairdresser: 07984-497690 Local offices at Redhill (01737-763456), Reigate (01737-243164) & Tadworth (01737814406) – also see main advert in Village News Colours - highlights, wash, cut & blow-drying, perms – shampoo & sets. Telephone: 01737-832835. SURREY & SUSSEX CARPENTER Excellent experienced quality craftsmen. Telephone: Paul on: 07946-628601 HYPNOBIRTHING® - local antenatal classes Classes with a difference for couples, a time to suit you; HypnoBirthing® the mongon THOMAS PLUMBING & HEATING method allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, Boiler & central heating installation, servicing & breakdown and plumbing work from more comfortable birthing. Telephone: Leila Gardiner 07775-425301 or email: tap washers to bathroom installation. Gas safe registered. Telephone: 01737-832836 leila.gardiner@gmail.com or see our website: www.inspiringbirths.com or 07834-607082. See our website: www.thomasplumbing.co.uk or email: info@thomasplumbing.co.uk KINGSWOOD PLASTERING & CONSTRUCTION Plastering, screeding, extensions, loft conversions, kitchens, bathrooms - the best quality work at competitive prices. Telephone: 07930-647040 or email: kingswoodconstruction@live.com WINTECH COMPUTERS Ltd KINGSWOOD VILLAGE CLUB Friendly village social club offering entertainment (snooker, pool & darts) with draught beers & drinks well below pub prices. New members welcome and two halls with bars available for hire. Telephone: 01737-832082 or 01737-832880 Sales of computers, laptops and peripherals. We also offer a repair and upgrade service, networking and broadband. Contact us on 01737-225520 or email: sales@wintechcomputers.com or see our website: www.wintechcomputers.com – also see main advert in Village News LADY GARDENER Reliable & friendly local gardening service. General garden maintenance & tidying up: mowing, pruning, planting, flowerbed edging & weeding. For garden care with a woman’s touch, please telephone: Lid Arthur 01737-830598 Lower Kingswood Village News WHY NOT FEATURE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS IN THIS SPACE? Page 17 Please contact our Chairman for further information Autumn 2013
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