Family Vocation Day - The Fathers of Mercy
Family Vocation Day - The Fathers of Mercy
The Fathers of Mercy Present: a Family Vocation Day entitled: Late Have ILoved Thee S A FAMILY ENRICHMENT CONFERENCE S Bring the Whole Family! Saturday, August 18, 2012 Fathers of Mercy 806 Shaker Museum Rd • Auburn, KY 42206 See reverse for full schedule. Clergy & Religious in Attendance Breakdancing Beatboxing Free Lunch s, Mass, Confession n io at or Ad Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy, Auburn, KY Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, Irondale, AL Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Nashville, TN Sisters Servants of the Eternal Word, Irondale, AL Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker, Walton, KY Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Owensboro, KY See reverse for . more information SPONSORED & ORGANIZED BY FAMILY VOCATION MINISTRIES • WWW.FAMILYVOCATIONS.ORG Family Vocation Day Schedule • Saturday, August 18, 2012 This FREE event is open to all ages! Lunch and entertainment are included! Registration is required to ensure adequate food: please register by August 15, 2012. Questions? For parish-related questions or to register by phone, please call (800) 818-0584. For questions regarding this event (speakers, booth information, etc.) please visit or e-mail 9:00 AM – Arrival and Registration (Front Doors of Chapel of Divine Mercy) 2) Fathers of Mercy: Preaching Christ Crucified Young Women [Rauzan Hall] 1) Sister Servants of the Eternal Word: Being a Bride of Christ 2) Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker: Perfect Love: The Love of God 3) Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville Dominicans): Holy Desire: A Heavenly Spouse Group 3: Children – Boys & Girls age 5-12 1) Activity and Games with the Religious Brothers, Sisters, and Seminarians [Outside} 10:50 -11:05 AM – Break: Booth and Vendor Visiting Group 2: Young Adults – Teens & College-Age Students (Men & Women) [Rauzan Hall] 15 minutes each talk 5) Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word: The Eucharist, Source of our Vocation 6) Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus: The Priority of Prayer 7) The Fathers of Mercy: Our Universal Call: Sanctity! Group 3: Children – Boys & Girls Ages 5-12 2) Activities and Games with the Religious Sisters, Brothers, and Seminarians [Outside] 2:45 PM – Family Holy Hour [Chapel of Divine Mercy] 1) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 2)Homily 3) Confessions (will be heard throughout Adoration) 4) Meditative Silence 5) Communal Rosary 6) Litany to St. Joseph 7) Benediction 9:30 AM – Prayer, Introductions, Outline of Day (Chapel of Divine Mercy) 11:10 AM – The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass [Chapel of Divine Mercy] 9:45 AM – Vocation Talks to the Young Adults, Spiritual Conferences to Adults/Parents and Activities and Games for the Children (Separate into groups) 12:00 PM – Lunch (provided) and Talent Show concluding with Question and Answer Session: all are welcome to ask questions to the Religious and Priests [Outside] Talent Show Features: • Breakdancing by Fr. Joseph Aytona, CPM, Fr. Jewel 3:45 PM – Dismissal Aytona, CPM and Deacon Ricardo Pineda, CPM – Booths will be open for the Religious Communities • Beatboxing (Mouthdrumming) by Fr. Jewel, and Family Vocation Ministries Deacon Ricardo, and Br. Adrian Duran, CPM • Talent by other Priests and Religious Depending on the amount of people that register, the • Open Display of Talent for the Laity! schedule may change. Speakers are subject to change. Group 1: Adults/Parents Men [Assumption Hall] 20 minutes each talk 1) Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word: Fatherhood and Vocations 2) Fathers of Mercy: Christ Crucified: The Model of Manhood Women [Chapel of Divine Mercy] 20 minutes each talk 1) Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville Dominicans): The Irreplaceable Love of a Mother 2) Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus: The Dignity of Motherhood and Womanhood 3) Sister Servants of the Eternal Word: Motherhood and the “Ordinary Life” Group 2: Young Adults (Teens & College Age Students) 20 minutes each talk Young Men [Immaculata Hall Basement] 1) Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word: Preach the Gospel; If Necessary, use Words 1:30 PM – Vocation Talks to the Youth, Spiritual Conferences to Parents and activities and games for the children (Separate into groups) Group 1: Adults/Parents (Husbands & Wives) [Chapel of Divine Mercy] 20 minutes each talk 4) Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker: Children: The Crown of Marriage 5) Fathers of Mercy: Christ and His Church: The Model of a Holy Marriage Special Thanks to Our Generous Patrons Register by August 15, 2012! Register online at, call the parish at (800) 818-0584, or complete and return the form below to: Fathers of Mercy • ATTN: Family Vocation Day • 806 Shaker Museum Road • Auburn, KY 42206 The Vocation Reflections will be organized into three groups according to age (see schedule). Please indicate the group number of each individual registering to ensure inclusion in the appropriate group. NAME____________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIST OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS THAT WILL ATTEND (USE AN ADDITIONAL SHEET OF PAPER IF NECESSARY): GROUP #__________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ STATE____________________________________________________________ ZIP ____________________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ TELEPHONE______________________________________________________________________________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________ E-MAIL___________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME_________________________________________________________________GROUP # ___________________
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