Room Five`s Poems - Good Shepherd School


Room Five`s Poems - Good Shepherd School
* Hello * Kia Ora * Malo e Lelei * Namaste * Cead M ile Failte * Talofa Lava *
* Kia Orana * Zdravo * Dzien Dobry * Apa Kabar * Guten Tag * An Nyung Ha Se Yo *
* Privet * Kw aziw ai * Mabuhay Kayo * Kon Nichi Wa * Hola * Ola * Salaam * Fakalofa Atu
Update Notice 25 February 2016
Parish News
Easter Sunday will be celebrated as a Family
Good Shepherd Parish is setting up a youth
group for 10 to 15 year olds – under the
Bonus Pastor banner. The first meeting will
be Saturday 2 April: 1.00 – 5.00 pm.
Meetings will occur twice a month.
Good Shepherd Awards
This week we congratulate Eva Fala from Room 9 and
Sienna McLeod from Room 4 for winning the
Good Shepherd Awards. Eva and Sienna are great role
models for our values of care, respect and honesty.
First Holy Communion and Confirmation Date
We have had confirmation from the parish that the
date is set for the First Holy Communion and
Confirmation this year:
Sunday 18 September at 2pm
More information will follow.
Thank You
We are very grateful to the ‘old boys’ and current St
Peter’s College students who looked after the
children in the grounds while their parents attended
the parent information evening last week. Thank you
Harrison and Cameron Gregan, and Joaquin and
Corum DeLacey! This act of kindness, I am sure you
will agree, was helpful to parents attending the
Senior Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all swimmers from the senior
school who took part in the Swimming Carnival
yesterday. A special congratulation goes to those
who were placed in their events. A team has been
selected to represent Good Shepherd at the
interschool swimming competition next week and we
wish them well as they compete at this level. These
special events could not take place without the
wonderful support we get from parents helping out,
or without the extra work put into organizing them
by Mrs McLeod and Mr Sharma. Thank you all!
We extend a very warm welcome to the following
new students who have started with us recently:
Oscar McKelvie
Srishika Tarun
GSS PTA - Friday Sushi
Our suppliers have increased the cost of sushi, so we
have had to change the prices.
Pricing is now: 4 pieces sushi $5.00
6 pieces sushi $6.00
8 pieces sushi $7.00
Teriyaki Chicken on Rice $6.00
Please refer to the attached flyer with flavour, size
options and the updated prices.
Thank you for supporting this PTA activity.
Netball 2016: Years 1 – 6
Good Shepherd Garden Club
The local netball competition is run by Auckland
Netball and is held at Windmill Road courts in Mt
Eden. The competition is open to both boys and girls,
years 1 – 6.
A coach and a manager is required for every team.
If your child is interested in playing netball please
complete the attached registration form and return it
to the school office by Friday 4th March 2016.
Joan Oxspring
Mobile: 021 626 277
The kids and parent helpers of the Garden Club have
been meeting once a week for the past 5 - 6 years to
care for the school gardens, orchard, undertake
garden projects and to grow their own produce in the
vege beds.
Remembering Lent
Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of the Season
of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and
fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on
Easter Sunday. Lent is a special time when you can
share the concepts of prayer and giving with your
children. Take family time each day to offer
devotional prayers. Consider as a family how you
might help others in need by giving of your time or
resources. Even very young children can understand
and will enjoy participating in the process.
For this to continue we need some new parent
helpers to keep the Garden Club running for this
year. If you are a keen gardener or even new to
gardening and can help on a few lunchtimes during
each term this is a great opportunity to be involved
with your children’s learning. We are looking at the
possibility of Tuesday lunchtime.
This may also suit some grandparents or parents with
older pre schoolers. Please contact Lisa Paniora on
021 274 4644, Kate Saunders - 021 815 959
or Emma Smoldon - 0274 1550206
Chess in the Library-Monday Lunchtime
If you are interested in playing chess come along and
challenge someone to a game. All ability levels
Staffing Update
Fran Taylor will be on leave for the rest of this term.
During her absence, Heather McLeod will take on the
role of acting team leader of the Sheridan team and
Marguerite Butcher will assume the Special Education
Needs Coordinator (SENCO) duties. Please contact
Mrs McLeod or Mrs Butcher if you have any concerns
or questions in these areas of school life.
Class Masses this term
Once a term each class attends the 9.00am Mass with
the parish. Class Masses for the rest of the term:
Thursday 3 March
Rooms 1/2
Thursday 10 March
Room 6
Thursday 17 March
Room 3
Thursday 24 March
Room 5
Thursday 31 March
Room 4
Thursday 7 April
Room 7
You are warmly invited to join the classes at these
Whole school prayer
You are all welcome to join us in our whole school
prayer every Monday at 8.55am in the hall. The
timetable for the rest of the term is:
Monday 29 February
Room 1
Monday 7 March
Room 9
Monday 14 March
Room 4
Monday 21 March
Room 5
Wednesday 30 March
Room 7
Monday 4 April
Room 3
Monday 11 April
Room 6
PTA Corner
Congratulations to Mishael Bacus who won the Room
4 cake raffle which raised $130.30. Thank you for
your support.
Parents’ Morning Tea
Each term the P.T.A. hosts a morning tea for parents
and caregivers in the school community. Please join
us in the staffroom on Friday 4th March at 9:30 for
the first morning tea of the year. Everyone is
welcome, especially families new to the school.
Come and have a friendly chat, meet other parents in
our school and have a catch up over a cup of tea and
some home baking. Please bring your preschoolers
so they can have a play together too. Hope to see you
The next PTA meeting is being held on Tuesday
March 15th at 7:30pm in the school staff room.
Please join us - it is a fantastic way to find out what is
going on at the school. Everyone welcome.
PTA Minutes
If you would like to receive the minutes of the PTA
meetings please contact Francesca Liscombe, PTA
secretary, at
Alternatively if you would like to be removed from
the list please let us know.
Charity Fundraising for Felix Taito
As you may or may not be aware, our family is
currently on a fundraising campaign to raise
$120,000NZD to be able to take Xavier Taito's (Rm 4)
younger brother Felix to the US for ear reconstruction
surgery before he starts school in 2020.
We have done a number of fundraisers since October
last year to help raise funds. In March we will have a
stall at the Pasifika Festival at Western Springs and in
April, we have put together a very exciting event, a
Dine & Dance Charity Event with some very special
We are selling tickets for $55 each/$550 a table of 10
people which includes a meal and entertainment.
All profits go towards Felix's future surgery fund.
Please find attached Felix’s Bio.
Thank you for your support.
Seleta Taito 0220212872 or
St Peter’s College:
Tuesday 1st March, 9.30am-1.00pm
Baradene College:
Thursday 10th March, 6.30pm
Marcellin College:
Thursday 10th March
Tours at 11.00am, 1.30pm and 6.30pm
Marist College:
Wednesday 16th March, 3.00pm -6.00pm
St Mary’s College:
Wednesday 16th March, 6.30pm
St Mary’s College is looking for a Communications and Marketing person. We need a self-starter with
experience in public relations, copywriting, completing grant applications, social media, and developing
creative and innovative marketing initiatives. Ideally with a background that includes working in a PR or
advertising agency, and/or in-house communications or marketing experience.
The role is 12 hours a week, reporting directly to the Principal, with work that may be done remotely. If
you, or someone you know, is interested in this role, please send your C.V. and a covering letter to: Linda
McKinney -PA to the Principal -
Bernadette Stockman, Principal
Our much loved cafeteria ladies are planning to explore some other opportunities and so we are looking for
expressions of interest from enterprising parties with a genuine interest in providing top quality food for
our students.
My preference is that we follow the model we have had for the past few years, (rather than engaging a large
company) so I am wanting to hear from you if you think you can run a successful cafeteria for St Mary’s.
Please send in, as soon as possible, a proposal to Linda McKinney - PA to the Principal
Bernadette Stockman, Principal