IIT physics colloquium - Illinois Institute of Technology
IIT physics colloquium - Illinois Institute of Technology
Antimatter Gravity MICE-U.S. Plans with Muons? Daniel M. Kaplan US Spokesperson, MICE Collaboration Dan Kaplan Physics Colloquium IIT Review MuTAC Fermilab 29 August 2013 16–17 March, 2006 Outline • Dramatis Personae • A Bit of History - antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... • The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities • Required R&D • Conclusions Our story’s a bit complicated, so please bear with me! ...and stop me if you have a question! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 2 /43 Matter & Energy Dramatis Personae • After many decades of experimentation with subatomic particles, we now know what everything is made of... Baryons & antibaryons : p = uud & p = uud Λ = uds & Λ = uds ... Mesons : K 0 = ds & K 0 = ds B0 = db & B 0 = db B+ = ub & B− = ub ... Leptons : e∓, µ∓, τ∓, ν’s D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 3 /43 Matter & Energy Dramatis Personae “Imperfect mirror” • After many decades of experimentation with subatomic particles, we now know what everything is made of... Baryons & antibaryons : Anti Anti p = uud & p = uud Λ = uds & Λ = uds ... Mesons : Anti K 0 = ds & K 0 = ds B0 = db & B 0 = db B+ = ub & B− = ub ... ∓, ν’s Leptons : e∓, µ∓, τAntimatte • And, don’t forget: antimatter and matter annihilate on contact D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 3 /43 Outline • Dramatis Personae • A Bit of History - antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... • The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities • Muonium Gravity Experiment • Required R&D • Conclusions D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 4 /43 Outline • Dramatis Personae ➡ • A Bit of History - antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... • The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities • Muonium Gravity Experiment • Required R&D • Conclusions D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 4 /43 Our story begins with... D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 5 /43 Antimatter! [photo credits: Nobelprize.org] • Introduced by Dirac in 1928 - Dirac equation (QM + relativity) described positrons in addition to electrons - positron discovered by Anderson in 1932 - now well established that Paul A. M. Dirac Carl Anderson antiproton discovered by Chamberlain & Segrè in 1955 o all charged particles (and many types of neutrals) Owen Chamberlain have antiparticles, of opposite electric charge o Big Bang produced exactly equal amounts of matter and antimatter D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT Emilio Segrè IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 6 /43 Baryon Asymmetry o Big Bang produced exactly equal amounts of matter and antimatter – a puzzle! • Already in 1956, M. Goldhaber noted the baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU) [M. Goldhaber, “Speculations on Cosmogeny,” Science 124 (1956) 218] - universe seems to contain lots of mass in the form of baryons – protons and neutrons – but almost no antimatter! How could this be consistent with the BB? - now generally believed BAU arose through CP violation (discovered in 1964) - but, pre-1964, more plausible to postulate gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter – “antigravity”! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 7 /43 Am. J. Phys. 26 (1958) 358 . . . [...] [...] [...] • Note: Eqivalence Principle is fundamental to General Relativity ‣ if it doesn’t apply to antimatter, at the very least, our understanding of GR must be modified D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 8 /43 Baryon Asymmetry o Big Bang produced exactly equal amounts of matter and antimatter – a puzzle! • Already in 1956, M. Goldhaber noted the baryon asymmetry of the universe (BAU) [M. Goldhaber, “Speculations on Cosmogeny,” Science 124 (1956) 218] - universe seems to contain lots of mass in the form of baryons – protons and neutrons – but almost no antimatter! How could this be consistent with the BB? - now generally believed BAU arose through CP violation (discovered in 1964) - but, pre-1964, more plausible to postulate gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter – “antigravity”! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 9 /43 The Nobel P Baryon Asymmetry The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 - now generally believed BAU arose through CP violation (discovered in 1964) The Nobel Prize in Phy The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 James Cronin, Val Fitch • But – where’s the needed CP violation? - CPV discovery [Cronin, Fitch, et al., PRL 13 (1964) 138]: ~10–3 asymmetry in decays of K0 vs K̄0 meson ‣ - James Watson Cronin allows distinguishing matter from antimatter in an absolute sense (“annihilating an alien”) James Watson Cronin [photo credits: Nobelprize.org] The Nobel Prize in Physics 1 the discovery of violations of Photos: Copyright © The Nobel Fou but too weak by orders of magnitude to account for observed ~1-in-108 BAU ‣ Val Logsdon Fitch To cite this page MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Phys /nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/198 more CP violation to be discovered?? • Val Logsdon Fitch The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 was awarded jointly to hot particle-physics topic (LHCb/Belle/LBNE...) – but, so far, no experimental evidence for it D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 the discovery of 1violations of fundamental symmetry pr of 2 Photos: Copyright © The Nobel Foundation To cite this page 10 /43 MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980". Nobelprize.org. Nobel /nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1980/> CPV and Alien Annihilation • Imagine you’re an alien from another galaxy approaching Earth in a spaceship. • Is it safe to land or will you be annihilated on contact??? • Just radio Earth and ask: the decay of the long-lived neutral kaon, is ‣ “In the more common lepton matter or antimatter?” ‣ If you agree with their answer, it’s safe to land! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 11 /43 The Nobel P Baryon Asymmetry The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 - now generally believed BAU arose through CP violation (discovered in 1964) The Nobel Prize in Phy The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 James Cronin, Val Fitch • But – where’s the needed CP violation? - CPV discovery [Cronin, Fitch, et al., PRL 13 (1964) 138]: ~10–3 asymmetry in decays of K0 vs K̄0 meson ‣ - James Watson Cronin allows distinguishing matter from antimatter in an absolute sense (“annihilating an alien”) James Watson Cronin [photo credits: Nobelprize.org] but too weak by orders of magnitude to account for observed ~1-in-108 BAU! ‣ Val Logsdon Fitch The Nobel Prize in Physics 1 the discovery of violations of Photos: Copyright © The Nobel Fou To cite this page MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Phys /nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/198 more CP violation to be discovered?? Val Logsdon Fitch hot particle-physics topic (LHCb/Belle/LBNE...) – but, so far, no experimental evidence for it The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980 was awarded jointly to the discovery of 1violations of fundamental symmetry pr of 2 Photos: Copyright © The Nobel Foundation LHCb D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 To cite this page 12 /43 MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1980". Nobelprize.org. Nobel /nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1980/> But there’s more... D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 13 /43 Outline • Dramatis Personae • A Bit of History - ➡• antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities • Muonium Gravity Experiment • Required R&D • Conclusions D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 14 /43 Three Cosmological Puzzles 1. Baryon asymmetry ‣ as we’ve seen, believed to be due to CPV, but insufficient CPV seen experimentally to support this Dark Matter? 2. Expansion of universe appears to be accelerating ‣ Evidence for Dark comes from believed to beMatter due to “dark energy,”http://www.astro.umd.edu/~ssm/mond/fit_compare.html comprising 70% motion large scales: not enough gravity of at total – but no direct observational as to its nature or existence fromevidence visible matter. http://astroweb.case.edu/ssm/mond/ fit_compare.html 3. Galactic rotation curves ‣ suggest existence of large amounts of “dark matter” (5 x normal matter) NASA – but dark matter particles have yet to be found Alternative is to modify gravity: Might there be a simpler explanation??? D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT Newtonian IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 Modified Dynamics (MOND). 15 /43 Antigravity? • What if matter and antimatter repel gravitationally? - leads to universe with separated matter and antimatter regions, and makes gravitational dipoles possible BAU is local, not global for new sources of CPV - no need repulsion changes the expansion rate of the universe possible explanation for apparent acceleration – without dark energy - [A. Benoit-Lévy and G. Chardin, “Introducing the Dirac-Milne universe,” Astron. & Astrophys. 537 (2012) A78] [D. Hajdukovic, “Quantum vacuum and virtual gravitational dipoles: the solution to the dark energy problem?,” Astrophys. Space Sci. 339 (2012) 1] virtual gravitational dipoles can modify gravity at long distances possible explanation for rotation curves – without dark matter D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT [L. Blanchet, “Gravitational polarization and the phenomenology of MOND,” Class. Quant. Grav. 24, 3529 (2007); L. Blanchet & A.L. Tiec, “Model of dark matter and dark energy based on gravitational polarization,” PRD 78, 024031 (2008)] IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 16 /43 Studying Antimatter Gravity D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 17 /43 Whitteborn & Fairbanks Expt to address the question! • First attemptWhitteborn & Fairbanks Expt intended to • Famous experiment, Famous experiment attempted [F. C. Witteborn & W. M. Fairbank, “Experimental Comparison of the Gravitational Force on Freely Falling Electrons and Metallic Electrons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 19,1049 (1967)] measure gravitational force on positrons • • to measure gravitational force Started with in copper drift onelectrons positrons. tube; measured maximum timedrift of flight ➢electrons in copper tube ➢measured Managed only to set anmaximum upper TOF limit: Only mg managed to setlevitation? a limit on F < 0.09 electrical electrons: F < 0.09mg difficulty of a (never published) • Indicated Never published (made?) measurement with positrons measurement with positrons PRL 19,1049 (1967) D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT Friday, October 26, 2012 IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 17 /43 Thomas Phillips 25 Next Attempt • Los Alamos-led team proposed (1986) to measure gravitational force on antiprotons at the CERN Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) • Similar approach to Witteborn & Fairbank, but with 2000x greater m/q ratio • Project ended inconclusively ‣ Generally taken as evidence that gravitational measurements on charged antimatter are hopeless ➡ need to work with neutral antimatter D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 18 /43 • Experimentally, still unknown even whether g = 0 or ε antimatter falls up or down! Or whether g – — - in principle a simple interferometric measurement with slow antihydrogen beam [T. Phillips, Hyp. Int. 109 (1997) 357]: Mask grating de Broglie waves interfere H̅ !"=# v ~ 103 m/s e+ p — - ~1m ~1m if —g = – g, antigravity as discussed above Thomas Phillips Duke University Time-of-Flight Detector raft Studying Antimatter Gravity ½ gt2 = 5 µm e, ciple s a c Prin r e ith ence ified! e d In ival o m Equ st be mu 5 if g = g ± ε, need to modify theory of gravity (scalar + vector + tensor), or add “5th force” to the known 4 — D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 19 /43 Studying Antimatter Gravity • But that’s not how anybody’s doing it! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 20 /43 Studying Antimatter Gravity NATURE PHYSICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2025 NATURE PHYSICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2025 • World leader: ALPHA* at a e+ CERN Antiproton Decelerator e+ _ p They make antihydrogen from p and e+ in a AntihydrogenPenning and mirror-trapped antiproton 3 trap anddiscrimination trap it with an octupole winding, zˆ xˆ b 60 e 0 ¬60 ¬200 ¬200 ¬100 ¬100 0 z (mm) • " # B (T) B (T) 0 z (mm) 100 100 200 200 2 1 ¬ 2 2 1 1 ¬200 ¬100 0 z (mm) 100 FT ! *+&&'&,-'+") 3 [G. B. Andresen et al., “Confinement of antihydrogen for 1,000 seconds,” Nature Phys. 7 (2011) 558] c c ¬ 0 ¬60 !"#$%&'(#) e 60 y (mm) 122+3+"4%+'2 5#%#$%'& ¬40 3-layer Si detector b y (mm) .$%/0'"# _ p 3-layer Si detector B (T) • yˆ ˆ z— yˆ xˆ Aarhus Univ, Simon Fraser Univ, Berkeley, Swansea Electrodes d Mirror coils Univ, CERN, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Univ of40 Vacuum wall Calgary, TRIUMF, Electrodes Univ of British Columbia, Univ of Tokyo, Stockholm Univ, YorkVacuum Univ, wall UnivCryostat of Liverpool, wall Univ of Victoria, Auburn Univ, NRCN-Nuclear Research Center Negev, RIKENCryostat wall 0 y (mm) a * Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus d Mirror coils ¬200 ¬100 0 z (mm) 100 200 200 Figure 1 | The ALPHA antihydrogen trap and its magnetic-field configuration. a, A schematic view Figureantihydrogen 1 | The ALPHA antihydrogen trap its magnetic-field configuration. A schematic view of the A atoms is provided by and an octupole magnet (not shown) anda,mirror magnets, respective Figure 1. Figure A schematic, cut-away diagram ofof theALPHA antihydrogen production and 1: (left) 3D schematic trap [7]; (right) on-axis magnetic field vs z [5]. antihydrogen atoms is provided by an octupole magnet (not shown) and mirror magnets, respectively. inner diameter of 44.5positions mm. A three-layer the c trapping region of the ALPHA apparatus,anshowing the relative of the silicon vertex detector surrounds the magnets andPenni an inner diameter of 44.5 mm. A three-layer silicon vertex detector surrounds the magnets and the cryostat solenoid (not shown). An antiproton beam is introduced from the right, whereas positrons from an a cryogenically cooled Penning-Malmberg trap electrodes, the minimum-B trap solenoid (not shown). An beam is introduced from the right, whereas positrons from an accumula magnetic-field in the y–z plane (z along the trap axis, with z =application 0 at the centre magn magnets and the annihilation detector. The trap wallstrength is antiproton on the inner radius [C. Amole et isal., “Description and first of of the magnetic-field y–zinner plane (z isinof along the trap axis,c,with zaxial = 0 field at theprofile, centrewith of the magnetic trap of the electrodes. Not shown is the solenoid, which makesinathe field ẑ. depict thestrength locations ofuniform the walls the electrodes. The an effective tra a new technique to measure the gravitational mass The components are not drawn to scale. depictplane. the locations of the inner walls of the electrodes. c, The axial field profile, with an effective trap length e, The field-strength profile along the x axis. of antihydrogen,” Nature Comm. 4 (2013) 1785] plane. e, The field-strength profile along the x axis. then shut off the magnet currents & see whether more H̅ annihilate on the top or on the bottom D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT 1. Introduction efficient injection of antiprotons into the positrons with very to our previous 21 /43 IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 16 efficient injection of antiprotons into the positrons with very to ouralso previous work low kinetic energies. provides sens low kinetic energies. also provides sensitivity About 6 ⇥ 103 antihydrogen atoms are produced by enabling as we shall show. the equivalence principle. As can be seen in Fig. 2, there is a tendency for the anti-atoms to annihilate in the bottom half (yo0) of the trap. This tendency is pronounced for anti-atoms annihilating at later times. This is because, as shown in Fig. 3 and in Table 1, the confining potential well associated with the magnetic and gravitational forces in equation 1 is most skewed by Studying Antimatter Gravity inert. -65 ≤ F ≤ 110 @ 90% C.L. [ALPHA Collaboration, 2013] • They propose improving sensitivity to ∆F ~ 0.5 • May take 5 years...? D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT – – data avg 10 0 −10 F=100 grav. – sim avg 20 Annihilation y (mm) • The first published limit: • Let F = m /m of H̅ • Then • simulation o data Mo Fig qu giv yi of pse −20 0 5 10 15 Time (ms) 20 25 30 Figure 2 | Annihilation locations. The times and vertical (y) annihilation locations (green dots) of 10,000 simulated antihydrogen atoms in the decaying magnetic fields, as found by simulations of equation 1 with F ¼ 100. Because F ¼ 100 in this simulation, there is a tendency for the antiatoms to annihilate in the bottom half (yo0) of the trap, as shown by the black solid line, which plots the average annihilation locations binned in 1 ms intervals. The average was taken by simulating approximately 900,000 anti-atoms; the green points are the annihilation locations of a sub-sample of these simulated anti-atoms. The blue dotted line includes the effects of detector azimuthal smearing on the average; the smearing reduces the effect of gravity observed in the data. The red circles are the annihilation times and locations for 434 real anti-atoms, as measured by our particle detector. Also shown (black dashed line) is the average annihilation location for B840,000 simulated anti-atoms for F ¼ 1. Fig tim res dep NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1785 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2787 | www.nature.com/natureco [C. Amole et al., “Description and first application of & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Lim a new technique to measure the gravitational mass of antihydrogen,” Nature Comm. 4 (2013) 1785] IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 22 /43 Studying Antimatter Gravity • How else might it be done? H̅ efforts in progress at CERN AD • Many (ALPHA, ATRAP, ASACUSA, AEgIS, GBAR) • • - too various to describe here... All require antiprotons, so possible only at AD BUT – another approach may also be feasible... D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 23 /43 Studying Antimatter Gravity • Besides antihydrogen, only one other antimatter system conceivably amenable to gravitational measurement: • Muonium (M or Mu) – hydrogenic atom with a positive (anti)muon ‣ areplacing the proton (an object of study for more than 50 years) • Measuring muonium gravity – if feasible – would be the first gravitational measurement of a lepton, and of a 2nd-generation particle D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 24 /43 Muonium • Much is known about muonium... - a purely leptonic atom, discovered in 1960 [V. W. Hughes et al., “Formation of Muonium and Observation of its Larmor Precession,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 5, 63 (1960)] τM = τµ = 2.2 µs - February 4, 2008 14:21 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in hughes˙mem˙KJ˙mu 2 readily produced when µ+ stop in matter 2 2 P3/2 2 2 S1/2 chemically, almost identical to hydrogen F=1 558 MHz 10922 MHz 1047 MHz F=0 atomic spectroscopy well studied F=1 187 MHz 22P1/2 λ= 244nm F=2 F=1 74 MHz F=0 2 455 THz λ= 244nm forms certain compounds (MuCl, NaMu,...) F=1 2 1 S1/2 4463 MHz F=0 “ideal testbed” for QED, the search for new forces, precision measurement of muon properties, etc. Figure 1. Energy levels of the hydrogen-like muonium atom for states with pr quantum numbers n=1 and n=2. The indicated transitions could be induced to d microwave or laser spectroscopy. High accuracy has been achieved for the tran which involve the ground state. The atoms can be produced most efficiently for n D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 charge and spin carrying constituents inside the proton are not know sufficient accuracy. High energy scattering have shown for leptons no stru 25experiments /43 down to dimensions of 10−18 m. They may therefore be considered ”p like”. As a consequence, complications as those arising from the stru of the nucleus in natural atoms and such artificial systems that co Outline • Dramatis Personae • A Bit of History - antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... • The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities ➡ • Muonium Gravity Experiment • Required R&D • Conclusions D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 26 /43 Studying Muonium Gravity arXiv:physics/0702143v1 [physics.atom-ph] Testing Gravity with Muonium K. Kirch∗ Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland (Dated: February 2, 2008) Recently a new technique for the production of muon (µ+ ) and muonium (µ+ e− ) beams of unprecedented brightness has been proposed. As one consequence and using a highly stable MachZehnder type interferometer, a measurement of the gravitational acceleration ḡ of muonium atoms at the few percent level of precision appears feasible within 100 days of running time. The inertial mass of muonium is dominated by the mass of the positively charged - antimatter - muon. The measurement of ḡ would be the first test of the gravitational interaction of antimatter, of a purely 2 leptonic system, and of particles of the second generation. x ment, then there would be no telling what exPACS numbers: sics could follow.” L ~ 1.4 cm onium experiment appears feasible now bewo recent inventions: (i) a new technique to ~ 43 mrad compress a high acceleration intensity beam of posΘ ect and gravitational of antimatter has not M atoms comes from the fact that the inertial ma s, to reaccelerate the muons to 10 keV and fow<100 µm measured soof far. experiment with antiprotons the muon is some 207 times larger than the one o nto a beam spot 100 µmAn diameter or even d~100 nm and a new technique totherein) efficiently convert [1] (ii) and references did not succeed because electron, thus, muonium is almost completey, to 9 to M atoms in superfluid helium at or below e extreme difficulty sufficiently shield theInterferometer interantimatter. An interesting feature is that M atom hich they thermalize and fromto which they get Source Detection yn270 K perpendicular the surface when they fields. For a simiregion from toelectromagnetic almost exclusively produced at thermal energies by vacuum [15]. +M beam comes 1: Scheme of[2] the experimental setup: µ the eason, results of muon measurements withFIG. electrons are ping in matter which they often leave again as ng an existing surface beam of highest + from the cryogenic µ beam target on the left hand side, as input,very see e.g. [16], D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT it should be possible ssed controversial and the plan M atom. However, up to un 27 /43 IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 enters to and eventually partially traverses the malized, interferometerhydrogen-like, and reaches an almost monochromatic beam of M atoms the detection on the right hand side. The dimensions pare with positrons was never realized. Notregion affected cently, a gravitational experiment with muonium w 0.5/270) with a velocity of about 6300 m/s are not to scale and the diffraction angle θ is in reality smaller Studying Muonium Gravity • Adaptation of Phillips’ interferometry idea to an antiatom with a 2.2 µs lifetime! ment, then there would be no telling what exsics could follow.” onium experiment appears feasible now bewo recent inventions: (i) a new technique to ct and compress a high intensity beam of poss, to reaccelerate the muons to 10 keV and fonto a beam spot of 100 µm diameter or even and (ii) a new technique to efficiently convert to M atoms in superfluid helium at or below hich they thermalize and from which they get y 270 K perpendicular to the surface when they vacuum [15]. ng an existing surface muon beam of highest as input, see e.g. [16], it should be possible an almost monochromatic beam of M atoms 0.5/270) with a velocity of about 6300 m/s ding to 270 K or a wavelength λ ≈ 5.6Å) and ! sional divergence of ∆E/E ≈ 43 mrad at a ut 105 s−1 M atoms [15]. This is a many orders ude brighter beam than available up to now. g the approach of [5, 6, 8, 9] a Mach-Zehnder erometer should be used in the muonium exThe principle with the source, the three gratrometer and the detection region is sketched We assume here three identical gratings and st two for setting up the interference pattern D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT anned by moving the third grating. The setup hort, because the decay length of the M atoms v ~ 6300 m/s L ~ 1.4 cm x 2 ~ 43 mrad ½ gt2 = 25 pm! Θ w<100 µm d~100 nm Source Interferometer Smaller than an atom! Detection • “Same experiment” as Phillips proposed – FIG. 1: Scheme of the experimental setup: the M beam comes from the cryogenic µ+ beam target on the left hand side, enters and partially traverses the interferometer and reaches the detection region on the right hand side. The dimensions are not to scale and the diffraction angle θ is in reality smaller than the divergence. only harder! • How might it be done? ferometer. The gravitational phase shift to be observed is (using the notation of [9]) Φg = 2π g τ 2 ≈ 0.003. d (3) This is rather small but still an order of magnitude larger than the phase shift due to the acceleration induced IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 by the rotation of the earth (Sagnac effect: 4πτ 2 v/d × ωearth ≈ 3 × 10−4 ). Other accelerations of the system 28 /43 Studying Muonium Gravity • Part of the challenge is the M production method: - need monoenergetic M so as to have uniform flight time otherwise the interference patterns of different atoms will have differing relative phases, and the signal will be washed out D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 29 /43 Monoenergetic Muonium? • Proposal by D. Taqqu of Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland): [D. Taqqu, “Ultraslow Muonium for a Muon beam of ultra high quality,” Phys. Procedia 17 (2011) 216] - stop slow muons in µm-thick layer of superfluid He (SFHe) - chemical potential of hydrogen in SFHe will eject M atoms at 6,300 m/s, perpendicular to SFHe surface o makes ~ “monochromatic” beam (in the beamphysics jargon): ∆E/E ≈ 0.2% D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 30 /43 ing another length L each, for distances of the s the detector to the nearest interferometer grati in 4 decay Decay and transmission lo Figure' 1:' ' Principle! of! Mach! Zehnder! three2grating! atom! interferometer.! ! The! de!lenghts. Broglie! waves! due! to! each! incident!atom!all!contribute!to!the!same!interference!pattern!over!a!range!of!incident!beam!angles!and!positions.!! three ratio gratings reduces the init Each! diffraction! grating! is! a! 50%! open! structure! with! a! slit! pitch! of! 100!50% nm.! ! The!open assumed! grating! separation! −3 −1 corresponds!to!one!muon!lifetime.! by a factor 2 × 10 , yielding N = 200 s de 0 ! Because only the indicated first order diffracti ! the desired Cryostat information but essentially all trans 1.4 “ship in apattern bottle!” are detected, theAinterference has a red cm trast of somewhat below 4/9. Assuming a c M detector C = 0.3 and using eqn. (3) estimate of [9] yields the Sensitivity sensitivity of the experiment: Muonium Gravity Experiment • One can then imagine the following apparatus: @ 100 kHz: SFHe (Not to scale) Incoming surface-muon beam 1 d 1 √ C N0 2π τ 2 ! ≈ 0.3 g per #days S = ! • Well known property of SFHe to coat surface Figure' 2:' ' Concept!sketch!of!muonium!interferometer!setup!(many!details!omitted).!!A!≈micron2thick!layer!of! SFHe!(possibly!with!a!small!3He!admixture)!stops!the!muon!beam!and!forms!muonium!(M)!which!exits!vertically! and!is!reflected!into!the!horizontal!off!of!the!thin!SFHe!film!coating!the!cryostat!interior.' of its container • which means that the sign of ḡ is fixed after on 3% accuracy can be achieved after 100 days of With the quite satisfactory statistics, the ne tant issues are the alignment and stability of ! 45° section of cryostat thus serves as reflector to turn vertical M beam emerging from SFHe surface into the horizontal 3 D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 31 /43 ing another length L each, for distances of the s the detector to the nearest interferometer grati in 4 decay Decay and transmission lo Figure' 1:' ' Principle! of! Mach! Zehnder! three2grating! atom! interferometer.! ! The! de!lenghts. Broglie! waves! due! to! each! incident!atom!all!contribute!to!the!same!interference!pattern!over!a!range!of!incident!beam!angles!and!positions.!! three ratio gratings reduces the init Each! diffraction! grating! is! a! 50%! open! structure! with! a! slit! pitch! of! 100!50% nm.! ! The!open assumed! grating! separation! −3 −1 corresponds!to!one!muon!lifetime.! by a factor 2 × 10 , yielding N = 200 s de 0 ! Because only the indicated first order diffracti ! the desired Cryostat information but essentially all trans 1.4 “ship in apattern bottle!” are detected, theAinterference has a red cm trast of somewhat below 4/9. Assuming a c M detector C = 0.3 and using eqn. (3) estimate of [9] yields the Sensitivity sensitivity of the experiment: Muonium Gravity Experiment • One can then imagine the following apparatus: @ 100 kHz: SFHe (Not to scale) Incoming surface-muon beam 1 d 1 √ C N0 2π τ 2 ! ≈ 0.3 g per #days S = ! Figure' 2:' ' Concept!sketch!of!muonium!interferometer!setup!(many!details!omitted).!!A!≈micron2thick!layer!of! SFHe!(possibly!with!a!small!3He!admixture)!stops!the!muon!beam!and!forms!muonium!(M)!which!exits!vertically! and!is!reflected!into!the!horizontal!off!of!the!thin!SFHe!film!coating!the!cryostat!interior.' ! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT 3 where which means that the sign of ḡ is fixed after on 3% accuracy canCbe 100 days of = achieved 0.3 (est. after contrast) With the quiteNsatisfactory statistics, the ne 0 = # of events tant issues are the and stability d =alignment 100 nm (grating pitch)of IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 τ = M lifetime 31 /43 Muonium Gravity Experiment • Figure' 1:' ' Principle! of! Mach! Zehnder! three2grating! atom! interferometer.! ! The! de! Broglie! waves! due! to! each! incident!atom!all!contribute!to!the!same!interference!pattern!over!a!range!of!incident!beam!angles!and!positions.!! Each! diffraction! grating! is! a! 50%! open! structure! with! a! slit! pitch! of! 100! nm.! ! The! assumed! grating! separation! corresponds!to!one!muon!lifetime.! ! Some important questions: ! Cryostat 1.4 cm A “ship in a bottle!” M detector SFHe Incoming surface-muon beam (Not to scale) ! Concept!sketch!of!muonium!interferometer!setup!(many!details!omitted).!!A!≈micron2thick!layer!of! 1. Figure' Can2:' 'sufficiently precise diffraction gratings be fabricated? SFHe!(possibly!with!a!small! He!admixture)!stops!the!muon!beam!and!forms!muonium!(M)!which!exits!vertically! 3 and!is!reflected!into!the!horizontal!off!of!the!thin!SFHe!film!coating!the!cryostat!interior.' 2. Can interferometer and detector be aligned to a few pm and stabilized against vibration? 3. !Can interferometer and detector be operated at cryogenic 3 temperature? 4. How determine zero-degree line? 5. Does Taqqu’s scheme work? D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 32 /43 Outline • Dramatis Personae • A Bit of History - antimatter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe, and all that... • The Ideas, The Issues, The Opportunities • Muonium Gravity Experiment ➡ • Required R&D • Conclusions D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 33 /43 Answering the Questions: 1. Can sufficiently precise diffraction gratings be fabricated? - our collaborator, Derrick Mancini of the ANL Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) thinks so – proposal submitted to CNM to try it 2. Can interferometer and detector be aligned to a few pm and stabilized against vibration? - needs R&D, but LIGO does much better than we need 3. Can interferometer and detector be operated at cryogenic temperature? - needs R&D; work at IPN Orsay implies at least piezos OK 4. How determine zero-degree line? - use cotemporal x-ray beam (can M detector detect x-rays?) 5. Does Taqqu’s scheme work? - needs R&D; PSI working on it D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 34 /43 Interferometer Alignment • Could use 2 Michelson interferometers per grating - ! ! laser detector Cryost send laser beams in through cryostat lid o - mirror Figure' 1:' ' Principle! of! Mach! Zehnder! three2grating! atom! interferometer.! ! The beam incident!atom!all!contribute!to!the!same!interference!pattern!over!a!range!of!incid splitter Each! diffraction! grating! is! a! 50%! open! structure! with! a! slit! pitch! of! 100! nm.! ! T photocorresponds!to!one!muon!lifetime.! M/x-ray detector keeps instrumentation & heat external to cryostat & M detection path open SFHe “natural” sensitivity ~ λ/2 ~ 300 nm; need ~ 3 pm (Not to scale) 10–5 enhancement Incoming surface-muon beam Figure' 2:' ' Concept!sketch!of!muonium!interferometer!setup!(many!details!omi SFHe!(possibly!with!a!small!3He!admixture)!stops!the!muon!beam!and!forms!muo and!is!reflected!into!the!horizontal!off!of!the!thin!SFHe!film!coating!the!cryostat!in o enhance by sitting at a zero of the intensity, using SAW modulation, etc. o still lots of details to work out! ! D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 3 35 /43 Additional Considerations • What’s the optimal muonium pathlength? - say muonium interferometer baseline doubled: costs e–2 = 1/7.4 in event rate, but gains x 4 in deflection - ‣ a net win by 4 e–1 ≈ 1.5 tripling → x 1.2 improvement – diminishing returns ‣ but 9 x bigger signal & stabilization easier calibration, alignment, • Need simulation study to identify optimum, taking all effects into account D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 36 /43 Additional Considerations • Alternate solutions: - different M production scheme? o - “monochromate” the beam by chopping? laser interferometry instead of gratings? D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 37 /43 Alternate Solutions • Different M production scheme? - muonium production often employs SiO2 powder or silica aerogel - thermal energy spectrum, not monochromatic can monochromate using choppers drawbacks: M o flux reduction o rotating shaft & bearings in vacuum D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 38 /43 ments of local gravity [2], the gravity gradient [3], the calculated to be !!& ¼ 8n2 ð@k2 Sagnac effect [4], Newton’s gravitational constant [5], the sum of a recoil-induced term the fine structure constant [6], and tests of fundamental gravity-induced one, nkgTðT þ T laws of physics [7–9]. Recent progress in increased moeration of free fall and & correspo mentum transfer led to larger areas enclosed between the interferometer, respectively (Fig. interferometer arms [10–12] and, combined with commonBecause of Earth’s rotation, ho mode noise rejection between simultaneous interferomedoes not close precisely. We adop ters [13,14], to strongly increased sensitivity. With these an inertial frame, one that does n for a Viewpoint in Physics advances, what used toSelected be a minuscule systematic effect take the x axis horizontal pointing week ending P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 2 MARCH 2012the PRL 108, 090402 (2012) now impacts interferometer performance: The Coriolis south, and the z axis such that force caused by Earth’s rotation has long been known to upwards, coincides with it at t1 , s cause systematic effects [2]. In this Letter, we not only and t4 , the laser is rotated relati Influence of the Coriolis Force in Atom Interferometry demonstrate that it causes severe loss of contrast in large changing the direction of the m space-time interferometers, but also use Haslinger, a tip-tilt2 andresult, wave 1 1,3 packet’s relativ Pei-Chen Kuan,1 Brian Estey, Shau-Yu Lan,1,*atom Philipp Holgerthe Müller mirror [15] to ofcompensate for it,ofimproving contrastCalifornia (by intervals 1 Department Physics, University California, Berkeley, 94720, USA[t1 , t2 ], [t2 , t3 ], [t3 , t4 ], 2up to 350%), pulse separation time, and sensitivity, and inAustria "' , VCQ, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090order Vienna, 3 characterize the configuration space wave packets. In ad- California 94720, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, (Received October 2011; published 27 from February dition, we remove the31systematic shift arising the2012) v12 ¼ 2nvr ð0; 0; 1Þ; v23 ¼ [16]. This leads the largest In a Sagnac light-pulseeffect atom interferometer, we use to a tip-tilt mirror to space-time remove the influence of the Coriolis force v34 ¼ 2nvr ð" þ T 0 Þ cos# from Earth’s rotation and to characterize configurationyet space wave packets. For interferometers with' ð2T a area enclosed in any atom interferometer demonstrated, large momentum and largetransfer pulse separation time, we improve given by transfer a momentum of 10@k, where @k is the thecontrast by up to 350% and suppress systematic effects. also reach is to our knowledgetime the largest momentum of oneWe photon, andwhat a pulse separation of space-time area enclosed in any 250 atomms. interferometer to date. We discuss implications for future high-performance instruments. Figure 1 shows the atom’s trajectories in our apparatus. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.090402 PACS numbers: 03.75.Dg, 06.30.Gv, 37.25.+k, 67.85.!d –9 We first consider the upper two paths: At a time t0 , an atom of mass m in free fall is illuminated by a laser pulse of wave number k.useAtom-photon interactions coherently a particular output of the interferometer is given by Light-pulse atom interferometers atom-photon intransfer theguide, momentum of a number of2photons the !! is the phase difference accumuteractions to coherently split, and recombine freely 2ncos ð!!=2Þ, to where falling matter-waves [1].with Theyabout are important in measurelated the matter atom 50% probability, placing thebyatom into awave between the two paths. It can be ments of local D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT gravity [2], superposition the gravity gradient [3], the calculated be !!& ¼ 8n2 ð@k2 =2mÞT & nkgTðT þ T 0 Þ, coherent of two quantum states that to separate 39 /43 IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 Sagnac effect [4],with Newton’s gravitational sum of a isrecoil-induced term 8n2 ð@k2 =2mÞT, and a a relative velocity constant of 2nvr , [5], where the vr ¼ @k=m the FIG. 1 (color online). Simultaneou 0 Alternate Solutions • Atomic-beam laser interferometry: gravimetry “gold standard” - technique good to ∆g/g ~ 10 timed laser pulses make superposition of atomic hyperfine states, which interfere the fine structure constant [6], and tests of fundamental gravity-induced one, nkgTðT þ T Þ, where g is the accel- Alternate Solutions • Atomic-beam laser interferometry: gravimetry “gold standard” • Evaluating feasibility for muonium will take some effort - many variables to consider, e.g.: use ground-state muonium? o requires difficult “Lyman-alpha” VUV laser o likely impractical to get laser beams into cryostat without windows or n = 2 muonium? o what fraction are produced in that state? D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 40 /43 R&D Status • Still early days... • Seeking funding, students, and collaborators - IIT-CAPP-13-6 arXiv:1308.0878 [physics.ins-det] Measuring Antimatter Gravity with Muonium Daniel M. Kaplan,* Derrick C. Mancini,† Thomas J. Phillips, Thomas J. Roberts,‡ Jeffrey Terry Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA Richard Gustafson University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI!48109 USA collaboration so far: • Seeking venue at Fermilab - e.g., proposed new low-energy muon beam at AP0 A0 Target & C Dipoles for 300 MeV/c π’s Klaus Kirch Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zürich, Switzerland M. Popovic presentation at NuFact 2013 ABSTRACT 300MeV/c pions! We consider a measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antimatter, g̅ , using muonium. A monoenergetic, low-velocity, horizontal muonium beam will be formed from a surface-muon beam using a novel technique and directed at an atom interferometer. The measurement requires a precision three-grating interferometer: the first grating pair creates an interference pattern which is analyzed by scanning the third 3100MeV/c for grating vertically using piezo actuators. State-of-the-art nanofabrication can pions produce the needed membrane grating structure in silicon nitride or ultrananoscrystalline diamond. With 100 nm grating pitch, a 10% measurement of g̅ can be made using some months of surface-muon beam time. This will be the first gravitational measurement of leptonic matter, of 2nd-generation matter and, possibly, the first measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antimatter. g-2! INTRODUCTION D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT The gravitational acceleration of antimatter has never been directly measured.1 A measurement could IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 bear importantly on the formulation of a quantum theory41 /43 of gravity and on our understanding of the early history and current configuration of the universe. It may be viewed as a test of General Relativity, or as a search for new, as-yet-unseen, forces, and is of great interest 5 R&D Status • Still early days... • Seeking funding, students, and collaborators - IIT-CAPP-13-6 arXiv:1308.0878 [physics.ins-det] Measuring Antimatter Gravity with Muonium Daniel M. Kaplan,* Derrick C. Mancini,† Thomas J. Phillips, Thomas J. Roberts,‡ Jeffrey Terry Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA Richard Gustafson University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI!48109 USA collaboration so far: • Seeking venue at Fermilab - e.g., proposed new low-energy muon beam at AP0 Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zürich, Switzerland M. Popovic presentation at NuFact 2013 300MeV/c pions! ABSTRACT The Project X Accelerator: Concept and Capabilities measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antimatter, g̅ , We consider a using muonium. A monoenergetic, low-velocity, horizontal muonium beam will be formed from a surface-muon beam using a novel technique and directed at an atom interferometer. The measurement requires a precision three-grating interferometer: the first grating pair creates an interference pattern which is analyzed by scanning the third 3100MeV/c for grating vertically using piezo actuators. State-of-the-art nanofabrication can pions produce the needed membrane grating structure in silicon nitride or ultrananoscrystalline diamond. With 100 nm grating pitch, a 10% measurement of g̅ can be made using some months of surface-muon beam time. This will be the first gravitational measurement of leptonic matter, of 2nd-generation matter and, possibly, the first measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antimatter. ultimately, Project X D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT A0 Target & C Dipoles for 300 MeV/c π’s Klaus Kirch g-2! Steve Holmes DPF Community Summer Study July 30, 2013 INTRODUCTION The gravitational acceleration of antimatter has never been directly measured.1 A measurement could IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 bear importantly on the formulation of a quantum theory41 /43 of gravity and on our understanding of the early history and current configuration of the universe. It may be viewed as a test of General Relativity, or as a search for new, as-yet-unseen, forces, and is of great interest 5 Conclusions • Antigravity hypothesis might neatly solve several vexing problems in physics and cosmology • In principle, testable with antihydrogen or muonium - if possible, both should be measured ➡First measurement of muonium gravity would be a milestone! • But first we must determine feasibility D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 42 /43 Final Remarks • These measurements are an obligatory homework assignment from Mother Nature! • Whether — g = – g or not, if they are successfully carried out, the results will certainly appear in future textbooks. D.#M.#Kaplan,#IIT IIT#Physics#Colloquium######8/29/13 43 /43