Newsletter 05 September 2014


Newsletter 05 September 2014
KA I KO RA I VA L L E Y C O L L E G E Newsletter
Sports News
KVC Senior A Netball team competes in the South Island
Secondary Schools’ Netball Tournament
Table Tennis Report
Mariza Antonopolou (9Tc) and Sarah
Ramsay (10Wm) represented The Otago
Under 15 team at the recent National
Championships in Palmerston North.
Otago was in the A Grade and both girls found the going tough
against more experienced players. Mariza in the individual
singles had a match point against a highly rated Auckland girls
before losing in the deciding set.
Mariza also attended the South Island Championships in
Invercargill on August 23-24 where she took sets off the NZ
Under 13 champion and also another highly rated Canterbury
player. Well done girls! The Year 7 and 8 school competition is
due to start on Thursday 16 October (Week 1 Term 4).
Club Cricket - Registrations
Kaikorai Junior Cricket Club registration sessions
are: Sat 13 Sept 10.00am-12.30pm, and Tues 16
Sept from 6.00pm-7.30pm. Both days at Kaikorai
Rugby Club, Lynn St. Girls and boys in school Years
1-8 welcome. See
or contact Andrew Taggart at
Year 9-13 students please see Mr Scott.
We would like to acknowledge
and thank the very generous
support of our sponsors, Larson’s
Pharmacy Green Island and
Workplace Support Dunedin. A
full report will be in next week’s
Sassenachs’ Rugby Tournament
On Wednesday 27 August the KVC Year 7 and 8 Rugby Team
played in a Rugby tournament at Bishopscourt. We played
four games against Tahuna, Taieri, Balmacewen and Brockville.
We lost to Tahuna and Balmacewen but managed good wins
against Brockville and Taieri. We all played really well as a team
especially as it was our first time playing together. Although
the games were tough at times we all enjoyed ourselves. A big
thanks to Mr Cook and Ms Nafatali for helping out and making
the day happen.
By Tearne Pearson 8NK
Theresa Johnson
Sports Coordinator
c: 027 543 4251
Our Senior A team celebrating their magnificent 2-goal win over
Kavanagh College
If you can’t wait for the
newsletter to find out about
our sports results, then head
to the following website.
kaikoraivalley - Team captains are in charge of entering results
to the website.
Opportunity and Success for All
500 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, New Zealand Telephone: 453 6035 Fax: 453 1602 Email: Website:
No. 27 - 05 September 2014
Deputy Principal’s Comment
At this time of year, with Year 7 to 10 reports having been
completed recently, and senior reports being issued over the
next couple of weeks, it as an appropriate time to reflect on
the business of schooling. As educators, we expect students to
develop understandings of subject content and then apply this
to a range of problems and situations. Many of our students
juggle co-curricular activities and academic studies alongside
their family relationships, work commitments and friendships.
Staff always give helpful feedback in the reports and I urge
parents/caregivers and students to read these carefully,
especially seniors with their external NCEA exams looming.
Now is the time to put the feedback and advice into practice
and really make the most of the rest of the year. For many, it
is a case of setting priorities, being well organised and making
the best use of time available to ensure that all challenges, both
inside and outside the classroom, are met.
In my role as deputy principal and as someone who is still
passionate about classroom teaching, I am fortunate enough to
not only mark my own students’ work but I also get the chance
to see examples of other work when I visit classes and when
teachers proudly show me excellent assignments completed. I
am in no doubt that our best student work is the equal of other
schools throughout the country and I make no apologies for
promoting this frequently. Well done to those students across
all levels who continue to produce work of outstanding quality
and who are prepared to challenge themselves to achieve at the
highest levels.
On Wednesday, I was privileged to drive down to Invercargill and
watch our Senior A Netball team compete in the South Island
Secondary Schools’ Netball Tournament at Southland Stadium.
To cap off a most enjoyable day, despite my very early start,
our girls won both of their games in close, exciting encounters
against Kaiapoi High School and Kavanagh College. These were
most impressive performances, especially against these larger
schools, and I wish to congratulate all members of the squad,
their coach, Karina Nafatali and manager, Theresa Johnson, for
their commitment, hard work and amazing team spirit. We look
forward to seeing a full account of results overall in next week’s
Also on Wednesday we were proud hosts of 15 principals from
Australia who came to see our Sport in Education programme
in action. Special thanks to all those staff and students who
made this a most successful visit. The students who spoke to
the group about their experiences with this programme were
fine ambassadors for the school.
Student enrolments for 2015 are coming in steadily. Everyone
is guaranteed a place in Year 7 or Year 9 (and at other levels as
well). If there are families that present parents and students
know who have students intending to enrol for next year, please
encourage them to do so. An early indication of how many
new students we can expect really helps us with our planning
for next year.
At today’s full assembly we acknowledge the achievements of
staff member and ex KV student, Ray Fitiao (currently on study
leave) who has been awarded a Distinguished Service Award
by NZ Rugby League. We are delighted that Steve Martin (also
an ex KV student), General Manager of Southern Zone Rugby
League, and John Brimble, Chief Executive of Sport Otago, will
be attending to make the presentation to Ray. Nathaniel Morris,
our very accomplished student representative on the Board of
Trustees, will also be speaking about his experiences on the
Board and encouraging students to put forward nominations
for this position for 2015.
Nga mihi
John Downes
Deputy Principal
Kaikorai Valley College Dates To Note
KVC Talent Quest (evening)
Extra Quiz
Senior Summative Reports issued
Year 11 History Quiz (Balmacewen Golf Club)
Otago/Southland Get2Go
Brathwaite Centre Production (7pm in the hall)
Board of Trustees Meeting
Sports and Cultural Prizegiving
Year 13 Hospitality Luncheon
KVC Trip to Japan
Year 12/13 History Quiz (Balmacewen Golf Club)
Senior Parent Interviews
SS Pétanque Tournament
Public Health Consultation (7pm in the hall foyer)
Last day of Term 3
Term 4 begins
Year 8 Girls’ HPV Vaccinations
Careers Expo at EOHS
LABOUR DAY (no school)
Board of Trustees Meeting
Senior Prizegiving
Year 7-10 English asTTle
Kaikorai Valley College
are still being accepted for 2015
K A I K O R A I V A L L E Y C O L L E G E Opportunity and Success for All
... Curious Notions ...
An Olympic gold medal must contain 92.5 percent silver.
Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in the
correct order, as does arsenious, meaning containing
 There are 240 dots on an arcade Pac-Man
 Butterflies cannot fly if their body
temperature is less than 86 degrees.
When sharks take a bite, their eyes roll back
and their teeth jut out.
It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of
There is a city in Norway called “Hell”.
Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. President to be born in a
 According to Genesis 1:20-22, in the Bible,
the chicken came before the egg.
 40% of all people who come to a party
in your home snoop in your medicine
In the last 4000 years no new animals have been
A jumbo jet uses 15,000 litres of fuel to
take off.
160 cars can drive side by side on the
Monumental Axis in Brazil, the world’s widest road.
Brathwaite Centre Production
17 September at 11am, 1pm and
7pm in the School Hall
Come and see this fantastic
production! No charge!
Prizes. Pick a Bag. Fun. Prizes.
Raffles. Lucky Door. Prizes. Laughter.
Prizes. Vouchers. Biggest Year Yet.
Quiz Night
Monday ~ Sept 22 ~ 7pm
Cableways Bar & Bistro ~ Kaikorai
Teams of 6 ~ $5 each person
(entry includes first raffle ticket FREE!)
Space for 25 teams only
Text your team name to
Ruth Harrison on 022 139 1574
to secure your table!
Kaikorai Valley College: 453 6035
Brathwaite Centre News
Student of the week: Marlisa
Kareroa - For being a model
student at the Centre.
It’s Spring time and all of our
students took advantage of the first
few days of Spring. On Wednesday
students dusted the cobwebs off
the summer sports equipment and
enjoyed playing many different
games outside.
Jump rope,
Badminton, hula hoops and
the rocket launcher were
very popular.
This week we celebrated
birthday, so
a big happy
from us all at the Centre.
Australian Principals Visit KVC
On Wednesday we hosted a group of School Sport Australia
scholarship recipients, School Principals and the Head of
School Sport, Victoria. They are in NZ for a week looking at
the NZ School Sport System and the Sport in Education Project
that Kaikorai Valley is a part of. After a presentation about the
impact of Sport in Education at KV the group observed 9St in
Social Studies (using map grid references) and 9Wd in Maths
(looking at Usain Bolt’s sprinting).
Then Jordan Harrison,
Rebekah Thomas and
Ellen Stewart talked about
the Growing Coaches
Programme followed by
Caleb Vuli, Sarah Findlay and
Nga Cruden talking about
their classroom experiences
with Sport in Education.
All of the students spoke
extremely well and our Australian guests were very impressed
with what they had to say. All the students were presented
with a small gift of appreciation and the visitors also presented
the school with a plaque from School Sport Victoria.
9 Letter Puzzlegram
Words must be 4 letters or more and
contain the letter C. Your list must
have one 9-letter word. Proper names
and foreign language words are not
allowed. Answers will be in next week’s
newsletter. 28 words = good; 35 words
= great; 49 words = excellent; 62 words
= outstanding!
9 Letter Puzzlegram Answers
ewes, ewts, hewn, hews, howe, hows, news, newt, nowt, owes,
owns, sewn, show, snow, sown, stew, stow, swot, thew, town,
tows, twee, twos, ween, wees, weet, wens, went, west, wets,
whee, when, whet, woes, wont, wots, ewest, newts, nowts,
shown, sweet, thews, towns, tween, tweet, weens, weets,
whens, whets, whose, wonts, newest, tweets, WHETSTONE
K A I K O R A I V A L L E Y C O L L E G E Opportunity and Success for All
New App for NZQA
NZQA launched a new free app in
May called the NCEA Guide. In the
lead up to national NCEA exams,
where possible, we encourage all
parents, whanau and employers to download the App.
The App provides quick and easy access to key information
about NCEA and makes practical information about NCEA more
easily accessible. Parents and whanau are able to access simple
content about how NCEA works and how they can support family
members studying in NCEA (no individual student results or
progress information are available).
The app also supports employers seeking to understand and
evaluate NCEA graduates and their qualification. Content can be
viewed in English and Te Reo Māori.
The NCEA Guide App is free to download from the Apple App
store and Google Play Store.
Another NCEA App...
There is a new free app called ‘NCEA Pal’ in the
App Store, where students can easily keep track
of their credits in each subject. It is available for
NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 and is easy to use. Simply
download it for free, create a username and
password, and you are good to go! This is a new,
hassle-free system to help you make sure you are
well on your way to achieving your NCEA goals, so check it out.
Bandquest 2014
Congratulations to Instant Crush for their excellent performance
at the Bandquest
on Wednesday
extremely hard
together in the
last couple of
weeks and did us
accolades go to
Hamish King who
received the best
drummer award for the second year running. Amanda Fiveash,
Edward Bernhardt, Hamish King, and Lynley Durham performed
“True” (an original song) and “Steal My Kisses” by Ben Harper.
Career Moves
Check this website for students who want
to work in agriculture at all levels including
science/marketing - www.landyourdreamjob. It includes 100 job profiles of real young
people in these jobs making great money and enjoying the
challenges and opportunities in NZ’s largest export industries.
Kaikorai Valley Community Sustainable Living FREE Course
This inspiring FREE 8 week course will help you:
• Support your chosen actions toward waste-free
sustainable living.
• Meet like-minded people in your community.
• Learn and share planet-friendly tips specific to
Dunedin. Tues | 7pm-9pm | 14 Oct at the Kaikorai Presbyterian
Church room, 127 Taieri Road. Max 14 people per course. Contact
Maureen Howard on 473 9967,
Music Notes
Otago Secondary Schools’ Music Festival will be
held at 6.30pm on Tuesday 23 September at the
Dunedin Town Hall. Tickets can be purchased at
rehearsals. Door sales are also available.
The Dunedin Schools’ Rehearsal day for this event
is on Monday 8 September. Times and transport
information has been given to the 15 students involved.
The KVC Talent Quest will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 9
September (next week). We have a great line-up of talent from
the Junior College up to Year 13s. $3 entry at the door.
“Ucando” Inspiring Young Minds - Skills’ Seminar
Bayfield High School is pleased to be
able to offer our students and families
the opportunity to attend a study skills’
seminar on Tuesday 9 September at 7pm in
their school hall. The cost is $25 per family.
Guest speaker, Stuart Wright, has worked in
education for 25 years as a teacher, head of
department, careers advisor and assistant
principal. He has been running workshops for over eight years.
The fast paced, stimulating and interactive workshop focuses
on motivation, study skills, goal setting, how your brain works,
and how to improve learning.
Check out what others have to say about this amazing
opportunity. For bookings or
further information to
Health Consultation Meeting
There will be a Health Consultation meeting for all parents /
whānau on Thursday September 25 at 7pm in the school hall
foyer. If you would like to comment on Health at KVC prior to
the consultation, then please use the following link to have
your say:, or
contact Jeremy Scott, HOD Health, via the main office.
Ngā Kupu o te Wiki
The kupu for next week is NIHO. This is our word for “tooth”.
Eg ”Don’t forget to brush your niho before you go to school.”
Previous kupu o te wiki are: āpōpō, heihei, poitarawhiti, nau
mai, engari, waea and rangi.
Free Student Exchange Information Evening
Hear from returned students, find out more about discounts
and scholarships available and ask
questions. The evening will be
held on Wednesday 17 September
at 7.00pm at the Dunedin Chinese
Garden, the Tower Room. Visit www. or call 0800
440 079 for more information.
Quote of the Week
“Today is a brand new day - a fresh start.
Replace any negativity with positivity. Think
happy thoughts… exercise... drink lots of
water... fill your body with fuel. Healthy is
happy… inspire yourself. Create - laugh - play - love - learn.
Give someone a compliment. Make a new friend. Do a
random act of kindness. It creates good karma. Take chances
and live life to its fullest. Remember, no matter what’s thrown
at you today, smile - tomorrow’s always a fresh new start.”
Opportunity and Success for All